Annual Report 2015/2016
The University of California at Santa Barbara Read on to see (UCSB) is as beautiful as you’d imagine: blue how God is skies, palm trees, buildings that literally sit on the moving at beach, and light everywhere. The spiritual climate the University is less predictable than the year-round perfect of California, weather, however. Though InterVarsity has existed Santa Barbara, on campus since 1947, the chapter has swelled and throughout and shrunk as culture has changed through the the country. decades. In the 2015/2016 year, two staff members and six student leaders faithfully 2 prayed, invited friends to study Scripture, and grew as disciples themselves in order to reach more of their campus with God’s love. Every InterVarsity chapter—all 1,011 of them— must navigate their unique campus culture, broader cultural and global shifts, and changing student and faculty populations. Ministry looks different on different campuses. But shared strategies and values—particularly a commitment to Bible study, prayer, and evangelism—continue to constitute the life of InterVarsity chapters. And our great God who is present on every campus in every generation continues to move in hearts and draw students and faculty to himself. May his name be lifted up and spread in mighty ways in the years to come. For God’s glory, Tom Lin Chief Executive Officer, PresidentInterVarsity marked 75 years of campusministry in 2016, and welcomed Tom Linas our eighth president on August 10, 2016.
God’s work at UCSB in 2015/2016 provides aglimpse into the ways he is transforming studentsand faculty through InterVarsity, from Maine to Texasto Alaska. As staff members like Matt Rogers andMelissa Nguyen disciple students, as studentleaders like those pictured in the following pagestake risks for Jesus, and as ministry partners providemuch-needed resources, campuses like UCSB arebeing renewed.The gospel is going forth. The Light of the World ismoving in hearts. And it is truly beautiful. The present campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara, sits on the Pacific coast in a former military base that was acquired by the school in 1949. Today more than 23,000 students are enrolled.3 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
MEET THELEADERSHIP TEAM OF INTERVARSITYAT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,SANTA BARBARAChristian Theodossy Dejanae Allen Jairo Mendina Michelle Kim freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, small group leader small group leader small group leader large group leader5 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
Blake Heffner François Bekker Matt Rogers Melissa Nguyen senior, sophomore, InterVarsity staff InterVarsity staffsmall group leader small group leader InterVarsity has 1,011 chapters with 41,007 core participants. 6
27,289 students metin InterVarsity smallgroups to studyScripture together.“There was so much more than just sitting togetherreading the Bible. It’s community. They’re growing. I’mgrowing. I’m teaching them as well as they’re teachingme. And then there was so much laughter and joy andlove, and it was great. I don’t know what’s exactly goingto happen in heaven, but if we happen to study the Biblein heaven, I have an idea of what it’s going to look likeand how fun it’s going to be.”—Dejanae Allen, small group leader, on the BlackCampus Ministries small group she led7 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016 Dejanae is planting a Black Campus Ministries Bible study in the Black Scholars Hall at UCSB.
DEPENDINGON GODINPRAYER9 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
12,690 InterVarsity students were involved in regular corporate prayer, up 12 percent from 5 years ago. “I would always go to the events that InterVarsity had but I had no idea how much went into it. They pray consistently, and sometimes they fast for the event, and it required so much more than I expected. . . . But now that I’m [a leader], it’s like, we start planning, preparing, doing this, doing that, praying about it.” —Jairo Mendina, small group leader, on what he has learned about leadershipAll InterVarsity chapters hold prayer 10meetings. The chapter leaders at UCSBhold their prayer meeting at noon eachTuesday in the middle of campus.
10,727 InterVarsitystudents were trainedto share their faithand invite others tofollow Jesus, and46,155 non-Christiansattended InterVarsityevangelistic events.“Every student leader knows that one week during thequarter they’ll be asked to make a call to faith—whetherthat’s in a one-on-one type of relationship, a small grouprelationship or Bible study, or even at a large group.We train them in how to make calls to faith and how tobetter disciple new believers. . . . I’ve seen my studentscome through with flying colors in the ability to take a riskand share the invitation to follow Jesus.”—Matt Rogers, InterVarsity staff member,on developing students as evangelists InterVarsity staff member Matt (far left) and chapter leaders engage UCSB students in spiritual conversations using the Hope Proxe, an interactive display that invites discussion about justice and reconciliation.11 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
DEVELOPINGLEADERSTO OBEYGOD’S CALL13 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
8,016 InterVarsity student leaders were developed through training events around the country. “They wanted me since my freshman year to be on the leadership team, but I wasn’t ready. It wasn’t until this year where I felt like God was telling me, ‘No, go do it.’” —Jairo Mendina, small group leader, on obedience to GodInterVarsity staff member Matt givesstudent leaders contact cards after anoutreach event so they can follow upwith those they met and invite them tolarge group later that night. 14
Each week 20,849 studentsattended InterVarsity largegroup gatherings ontheir campus.“Coming into college I never thought of myself as aleader, because I kind of viewed it as having really goodleadership skills and being very extroverted and beingreally good at public speaking. I definitely was not that.But after learning more about Jesus’ character andseeing that he takes you as you are, I really questionedwhat leadership is. It was just inspiring to know thatI could be a leader, but not in the way that I initiallythought, but more with the skills that I have.”—Michelle Kim, large group leader, on hergrowth as a leader in InterVarsity Matt and Michelle prepare for their large group gathering, a weekly event where their entire chapter and their friends can worship and hear God’s Word.15 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
LOVINGANDSERVINGOTHERS17 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
7,301 InterVarsity students have at least one cross-cultural friendship with the hope of sharing Christ. “We really urge our students to displace themselves for Christ, whether that’s on a summer missions program where they can grow in discipleship and their cross-cultural witnessing skills, or going to a multicultural center event, or making a friend of a different ethnicity. There are lots of opportunities during the school year for students to take a risk and step out of their comfort zones, especially when they’re looking at their spheres of influence. We want them to really be intentional about seeking after people who are different from themselves and having intentional conversations about what it might mean to be a different ethnicity at UCSB.” —Matt Rogers, InterVarsity staff member, on multiethnicity as one of his top prioritiesChristian and his Bible study group make 18pancakes for their dormmates duringfinals week.
That’s InterVarsityat UCSB. Multiply thisstory by 1,000.Who makes it possiblefor InterVarsityto minister to over100,000 studentsand faculty each year?YOU DO.19 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
4,072 3,134 1,670Students and faculty made a first-time Students in fraternities and sororities Artists are pursuing seriouscommitment to Jesus. are connecting with Jesus. art and serious faith.1,632 2,370 6,884Nursing students are involved Athletes are actively participating Students and faculty attended an in a a chapter. InterVarsity retreat and training center.3,873 4,795 1,837Students participated in a domestic or Graduate students are integrating Faculty are being encouraged andinternational missions program. equipped (up 5 percent from last year). faith, learning, and practice.21 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
INTERVARSITY BY THE NUMBERS: 2015/2016InterVarsity Students and Facultyby Ethnicity Native American: 142 (up 15% from last year) Middle Eastern American: 233 (up 29% from last year) Multiracial American: 1,615 (up 49% from 5 years ago) Latino American: 2,622 (up 59% from 5 years ago) International: 4,875** (up 40% from 5 years ago) African American: 5,317 (up 50% from 5 years ago) Asian American: 6,729 (up 25% from 5 years ago) White: 18,423 **We count international students as one category. 22
9,344 commitmentswere made byparticipants toserve in global orcross-cultural missions. Urbana 15, InterVarsity’s 24th triennial student missions conference held in St. Louis, Missouri, in December 2015, was a landmark week in our year. Around 16,000 participants gathered to dive deeply into Matthew’s Gospel, pray for the persecuted church, enter into truly multiethnic worship, and learn from global leaders like Dr. Patrick Fung, director of OMF International and our expositor for the week. Throughout the conference, the theme “What Story Will You Tell?” continually challenged participants to listen to God’s call on their lives and surrender their gifts, dreams, and fields of study to him, for the sake of his great global mission. To see videos and images from Urbana 15, go to InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
Students pray for the persecuted church during the Gospel in Action night at Urbana 15. MOBILIZING STUDENTS FOR GOD’S MISSION 24
25 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
NOURISHING HEARTS IVP published AND MINDS: 133 titles and shipped 1,979,872 units out THE MINISTRY OF of their warehouse. INTERVARSITY PRESS InterVarsity Press continues to produce excellent resources for the church, the university world, leaders, and laypeople, on topics as broad-ranging as business ethics, diverse worship, rest, modern art, and Scripture and cosmology. IVP also operated the Urbana 15 bookstore, resourcing thousands of participants with tools that are helping them continue to obey God’s call on their life. IVP titles amassed 44 awards. Fool’s Talk: Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion by speaker and social critic Os Guinness was their top seller for the year, with over 23,500 copies sold. 26
27 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
OURMINISTRIESCollegiate Ministries Undergraduate Ministries Graduate & Faculty Ministries Black Scholars and Professionals Emerging Scholars Network Faculty Ministry Graduate Student Ministry Healthcare Ministry MBA Ministry Women in the Academy and Professions Ministry in Digital SpacesMissions Global Programs Global Urban Trek InterVarsity Link Study Abroad Urban Programs Urbana Student Missions ConferenceMultiethnic Ministries Asian American Ministries Black Campus Ministries LaFe Latino Fellowship Native MinistriesRetreat & Training Centers Campus by the Sea Cedar Campus Toah NipiStrategic Ministries Arts Ministry Athletes InterVarsity Evangelism Greek InterVarsity International Student Ministry Nurses Christian Fellowshiptwentyonehundred productions In June 2016 we trained, equipped, and sent out 130 new InterVarsity staff members to serve on campuses across the country. 28
29 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
Board of Trustees - top photo Executive Team - bottom photoRon Williams, Chair Tom LinExecutive Director, Cornerstone Trust Chief Executive Officer, PresidentElizabeth Nielsen, Vice Chair Janet BalajthyStudent/Bible Teacher Interim Director of Collegiate Ministries,Tom Lin Vice PresidentChief Executive Officer, President, InterVarsity/USA Jeff CrosbyJohn Alsdorf Publisher, InterVarsity Press, Vice PresidentRetired Paula FullerKatherine Leary Alsdorf Director of Multiethnic Ministries, Vice PresidentPast Director, Center for Faith & Work Andrew GinsbergKenneth Elzinga Director of Advancement, Vice PresidentProfessor of Economics, University of Virginia Greg JaoWilliam Gates Director of Campus Engagement, Vice PresidentRetired Karon MortonApril Hanson Director of Operations, Vice PresidentHomemaker/Seminary Student Kim PorterRudy Hernandez (not pictured) Director of Learning and Talent, Vice PresidentSelf-employed Paul TokunagaJohn Inazu Director of Strategic Ministries, Vice PresidentAssociate Professor of Law and Political Science, Christina OlsonWashington University Executive Office Director,Larry Langdon Senior Assistant to the PresidentPartner, Mayer Brown LLP Mark Felton (not pictured)Jane Lin Treasurer, InterVarsity/USASenior Manager, Ernst & YoungDennis O’Neal 30Dean, School of Engineering & Computer Science,Baylor UniversitySanta Ono (not pictured)President, University of British ColumbiaBarry RowanExecutive VP/CFO, Cool Planet Energy SystemsBrenda Salter McNeilAssociate Professor, School of Theology,Seattle Pacific UniversityGreg Smith (not pictured)Founder, Seeds on EarthBill StewartVice President, FINCADT. V. Thomas (not pictured)Director, Centre for Evangelism & World Mission
31 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
OUR FINANCES .2%2015/2016 10.7% 14.5%Our income and expenses in thousands of dollars. 74.6%IncomeDonations $78,950 15,297Sales & media 11,300 221Conference fees 105,768Other income Total Income 7.7% 9.4%ExpensesProgram $88,167 9,997Administrative 8,157 82.9%Fundraising & communications 106,321Total Expenses Decrease in net assets* ($553)*Note: The decrease in net assets was covered from prior year increases.InterVarsity’s financial reports were audited by Capin Crouse, LLP, and an unqualified opinion was issued onthese reports. InterVarsity pledges financial accountability through our charter membership in the EvangelicalCouncil for Financial Accountability (ECFA). The ECFA seal assures that gifts always will be used appropriatelyfor InterVarsity ministry. 32
Alabama Colorado Chicago State University McDaniel CollegeAlabama State University Colorado Mesa University College of Lake County Morgan State UniversityJacksonville State University Colorado School of Mines Columbia College Chicago Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins Univ.University of Alabama - Huntsville Colorado State University DePaul University St. Mary’s College of MarylandUniversity of Alabama - Tuscaloosa Ft. Lewis College Eastern Illinois University University of Maryland - Baltimore CountyUniversity of South Alabama Metropolitan State College Illinois Institute of Technology University of Maryland - College ParkAlaska Regis University Illinois State University Washington CollegeUniversity of Alaska - Anchorage University of Colorado - Boulder Illinois Wesleyan University MassachusettsUniversity of Alaska - Fairbanks University of Northern Colorado Joliet Junior College Amherst CollegeArizona Connecticut Knox College Anna Maria CollegeArizona State University-Tempe Central Connecticut State University Lake Forest College Assumption CollegeGrand Canyon University Connecticut College Millikin University Babson CollegeNorthern Arizona University Eastern Connecticut State University Northern Illinois University Berklee College of MusicPima Community College Fairfield University Northwestern University Boston CollegeUniversity of Arizona Quinnipiac University Richland Community College Boston UniversityArkansas Southern Connecticut State University Rock Valley College Brandeis UniversityUniversity of Arkansas - Fayetteville Trinity College - Hartford Rockford University Bridgewater State UniversityCalifornia University of Bridgeport Roosevelt University Clark UniversityAllan Hancock College University of Connecticut School of Art Institute of Chicago College of the Holy CrossAmerican River College University of Hartford Southern Illinois Univ. - Edwardsville Curry CollegeArt Center College of Design Wesleyan University Southern Illinois University - Carbondale Emmanuel College - BostonBakersfield College Western Connecticut State University University of Chicago Endicott CollegeBiola University Yale University University of Illinois - Chicago Framingham State UniversityCal Maritime Academy Delaware University of Illinois - Urbana Harvard UniversityCalifornia State Polytechnic Univ. - Pomona Delaware Tech Community College - Stanton Waubonsee Community College Massachusetts College of ArtCal. Poly. State Univ. - San Luis Obispo University of Delaware Indiana Mass. College of Liberal ArtsCalifornia State Univ. - Bakersfield District of Columbia DePauw University Mass. College of Pharmacy - BostonCalifornia State Univ. - Channel Islands American University Franklin College of Indiana Mass. College of Pharmacy - WorcesterCalifornia State Univ. - Chico George Washington University Indiana State University MITCalifornia State Univ. - East Bay Georgetown University Indiana University - Bloomington Montserrat College of ArtCalifornia State Univ. - Fresno Florida Indiana University at Kokomo Mount Holyoke CollegeCalifornia State Univ. - Fullerton Barry University Indiana U/Purdue University - Ft. Wayne Northeastern UniversityCalifornia State Univ. - Long Beach Broward Community College Indiana U /Purdue University - Indianapolis Pine Manor CollegeCalifornia State Univ. - Los Angeles Daytona State College Indiana Wesleyan University - Marion Regis College of MassachusettsCalifornia State Univ. - Northridge Eastern Florida State College - Melbourne Marian College Salem State UniversityCalifornia State Univ. - Sacramento Eastern Florida State College - Palm Bay Purdue University - Northwest Smith CollegeCalifornia State Univ. - San Marcos Eckerd College Purdue University - West Lafayette Stonehill CollegeCaltech Flagler College Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Tufts UniversityChapman University - Orange, CA Florida Agr and Mech University St. Elizabeth School of Nursing University of Massachusetts - AmherstClaremont Graduate University Florida Atlantic University Valparaiso University University of Massachusetts - BostonClaremont McKenna College Florida Gulf Coast University Iowa University of Massachusetts - DartmouthCollege of San Mateo Florida Institute of Technology Buena Vista University University of Massachusetts - LowellCollege of the Siskiyous Florida International University Central College Wellesley CollegeDe Anza College Florida Int’l. University - Biscayne Bay Coe College Westfield State UniversityDiablo Valley College Florida Southwestern St. Coll. Ft. Myers Des Moines Community College Wheaton College - NortonEast Los Angeles College Florida State College at Jacksonville Drake University Williams CollegeFoothill College Florida State University Ellsworth Community College Worcester Polytechnic InstituteFresno City College Hillsborough Community College Grinnell College Worcester State UniversityFresno Institute for Urban Leadership Indian River State College Hawkeye Community College MichiganFullerton College Johnson & Wales University Iowa Central Community College Albion CollegeGlendale Community College of California Miami-Dade Community College Iowa State University Aquinas College - Grand RapidsHarvey Mudd College North Florida Community College Kirkwood Community College Central Michigan UniversityImperial Valley College Palm Beach Atlantic University Marshalltown Community College Davenport University - Grand RapidsMerced College Polk State College - Lakeland Northwestern College of Iowa Delta CollegeMills College Rollins College Southeastern Community College of Iowa Eastern Michigan UniversityMiraCosta College Santa Fe Community College of Florida St. Ambrose University Grand Rapids Community CollegeNapa Valley College Seminole State College Oviedo University of Dubuque Grand Valley State UniversityOccidental College Seminole State College Sanford/Lake Mary University of Iowa Henry Ford Community CollegeOhlone College Stetson University University of Northern Iowa Hillsdale CollegeOrange Coast College St. Petersburg College William Penn University Hope CollegePalomar College Tallahassee Community College Kansas Lake Superior State UniversityPasadena City College University of Central Florida Baker University College of Arts and Sciences Michigan State UniversityPitzer College University of Florida Haskell Indian Nations University Michigan TechPomona College University of Miami Johnson County Community College Northern Michigan UniversityRio Hondo College University of North Florida Kansas State University Oakland Community CollegeSacramento City College University of South Florida Newman University Oakland UniversitySan Diego Mesa College University of South Florida - St. Pete Pittsburg State University Saginaw Valley State UniversitySan Diego State University University of Tampa University of Kansas - Lawrence University of Michigan - Ann ArborSan Francisco State University University of West Florida Washburn University of Topeka University of Michigan - DearbornSan Joaquin Delta College Valencia Community College - Orlando Wichita State University University of Michigan - FlintSan Jose State University Georgia Kentucky Washtenaw Community CollegeSanta Rosa Junior College Agnes Scott College Berea College Wayne State UniversityScripps College Clark Atlanta University University of Kentucky Western Michigan UniversityShasta College Emory University University of Louisville MinnesotaSierra College Georgia Baptist College of Nursing Louisiana Bemidji State UniversitySkyline College Georgia Perimeter College - Clarkston Southeastern Louisiana University Bethel University - St. PaulSonoma State University Georgia State University Maine College of St. ScholasticaStanford University Georgia Tech Bates College Crown College - St. BonifaciusSt. Mary’s College of California Kennesaw State University Bowdoin College Hamline UniversityUCLA Morehouse College Colby College Macalester CollegeUniversity of California - Berkeley Morehouse School of Medicine Maine College of Art Minnesota State University - MankatoUniversity of California - Davis Savannah College of Art & Design Atlanta Southern Maine Tech College Normandale Community CollegeUniversity of California - Irvine Spelman College University of Maine - Orono St. Cloud State UniversityUniversity of California-Merced University of Georgia University of Maine - Farmington St. Olaf CollegeUniversity of California - Riverside University of North Georgia - Dahlonega University of New England University of Minnesota - DuluthUniversity of California - San Diego Hawaii University of Southern Maine University of Minnesota - MinneapolisUniversity of California - Santa Barbara University of Hawaii - Hilo Maryland University of Minnesota - MorrisUniversity of California - Santa Cruz University of Hawaii - Manoa Allegany College of Maryland University of Northwestern - St. PaulUniversity of Redlands - Main Campus Idaho Bowie State University Winona State UniversityUniversity of San Diego Boise State University Goucher College MississippiUniversity of San Francisco Illinois Hood College Itawamba Community CollegeUniversity of the Pacific Augustana College of Illinois Johns Hopkins University Jackson State UniversityUSC Aurora University Loyola University of Maryland Jones County Junior CollegeVentura College Bradley University Maryland Inst. College of Art Millsaps College33 InterVarsity | Annual Report 2015/2016
Mississippi College St. John’s University of New York Swarthmore College Lynchburg CollegeUniversity of Mississippi St. Lawrence University Temple University Old Dominion UniversityMissouri SUNY Albany University of Pennsylvania Randolph-Macon CollegeChamberlain College of Nursing - Missouri SUNY Binghamton University of Pittsburgh Roanoke CollegeCollege of the Ozarks SUNY Buffalo Ursinus College Tidewater Comm. Coll. - Virginia BeachColumbia College of Missouri SUNY at Fredonia Villanova University University of Mary WashingtonHannibal-LaGrange University SUNY at Stony Brook Widener University University of RichmondHarris-Stowe State University SUNY College at Buffalo York College of Pennsylvania University of VirginiaLincoln University of Missouri SUNY College at Geneseo Rhode Island Virginia Commonwealth UniversityLindenwood University SUNY College at Old Westbury Brown University Virginia TechLongview Community College SUNY College at Plattsburgh Bryant University Washington and Lee UniversityMissouri Western State University SUNY College at Potsdam Johnson and Wales University WashingtonResearch College of Nursing The Juilliard School Rhode Island College Bellevue Community CollegeRockhurst University Union College of New York Rhode Island School of Design Eastern Washington UniversitySt. Louis Community College - Florissant University of Rochester Roger Williams University Evergreen State CollegeSt. Louis Community College - Forest Park Vassar College University of Rhode Island Gonzaga UniversitySt. Louis Community College - Meramec Wagner College South Carolina Northwest UniversitySt. Louis University North Carolina Clemson University Pacific Lutheran UniversityUniversity of Missouri - Columbia Appalachian State University Coastal Carolina University Pierce College - Ft. SteilacoomUniversity of Missouri - St. Louis Davidson College College of Charleston Seattle Pacific UniversityWashington University in St. Louis Duke University Francis Marion University Seattle UniversityWebster University - St. Louis East Carolina University University of South Carolina - Columbia University of Puget SoundWilliam Jewell College Elon University South Dakota University of WashingtonMontana Guilford College Dakota State University University of Washington - Tacoma BranchMontana State University - Billings Guilford Technical and Community College Northern State University Washington State UniversityMontana State University - Bozeman Lees-Mcrae College South Dakota Sch. of Mines & Technology Whitman CollegeRocky Mountain College Lenoir-Rhyne University South Dakota State University West VirginiaUniversity of Montana - Missoula Meredith College Tennessee Fairmont State UniversityNebraska North Carolina Central University Belmont University Marshall UniversityCreighton University North Carolina State University East Tennessee State University Shepherd University of West VirginiaMetropolitan Tech Comm Coll Salem College Ft Sanders School of Nursing St Marys Hosp Sch of NursingUniversity of Nebraska - Kearney Shaw University Maryville College West Virginia UniversityUniversity of Nebraska - Lincoln St. Augustine’s College Pellissippi St Tech Community College WisconsinUniversity of Nebraska - Omaha Univ. North Carolina - Asheville Tennessee Tech Bellin College of NursingNevada Univ. North Carolina - Chapel Hill Union University Beloit CollegeNevada State College at Henderson Univ. North Carolina - Charlotte University of Memphis Blackhawk Technical CollegeSierra Nevada College Univ. North Carolina - Greensboro University of Tennessee - Chattanooga Carroll University of WisconsinUniversity of Nevada - Las Vegas Univ. North Carolina - Wilmington University of Tennessee - Knoxville Carthage CollegeUniversity of Nevada - Reno Wake Forest University University of Tennessee - Martin Fox Valley Technical CollegeWestern Nevada Community College Watts School of Nursing Vanderbilt University Lakeshore Technical CollegeNew Hampshire Western Carolina University Texas Lawrence UniversitySouthern New Hampshire University North Dakota Austin College Marquette UniversityUniversity of New Hampshire - Durham North Dakota State University Austin Community College Round Rock Milwaukee Institute of Art DesignUniversity of New Hampshire - Manchester University of North Dakota Baylor University Milwaukee School of EngineeringNew Jersey Ohio Chamberlain College of Nursing - Texas Northeast Wisconsin Technical CollegeBergen Community College Ashland University Houston Community College University of Wisconsin - Eau ClaireCollege of New Jersey Case Western Reserve University Letourneau University University of Wisconsin - Green BayDrew University Cleveland State University Northwest Vista College University of Wisconsin - LaCrosseEssex County College - Newark College of Wooster Our Lady of the Lake - San Antonio University of Wisconsin - MadisonFairleigh Dickinson University - Teaneck Columbus State Community College Rice University University of Wisconsin - MarshfieldMercer County Community College Lorain County Community College San Antonio College University of Wisconsin - MilwaukeeMonmouth University Malone College Southern Methodist University University of Wisconsin - OshkoshMontclair State University Marietta College St. Edward’s University University of Wisconsin - ParksideNew Jersey Institute of Technology Miami University - Oxford Stephen F Austin State University University of Wisconsin - PlattevillePrinceton University Oberlin College Texas A&M Health Science Center - Bryan University of Wisconsin - Richland CenterRamapo College Ohio State University - Columbus Texas A&M University University of Wisconsin - River FallsRider University University of Akron Texas Southern University University of Wisconsin - Rock CountyRutgers University - New Brunswick University of Cincinnati Texas State University - San Marcos University of Wisconsin - SheboyganRutgers University - Newark Youngstown State University Texas Womans University - Dallas Center University of Wisconsin - Stevens PointWestminster Choir College Oklahoma Texas Womans University - Houston Center University of Wisconsin - StoutWilliam Paterson University Oklahoma City University University of Texas Rio Grande - Edinburg University of Wisconsin - WhitewaterNew Mexico Tulsa Community College Trinity UniversityNew Mexico Tech University of Central Oklahoma University of Houston - Main CampusSan Juan College University of Oklahoma - Norman University of North TexasUniversity of New Mexico - Albuquerque University of Tulsa University of North TX Hlth Sci Ctr FtwNew York Oregon University of Texas - ArlingtonAdelphi University Lewis and Clark College University of Texas - AustinAlfred University Oregon State University University of Texas - DallasClarkson University Portland State University University of Texas - El PasoColgate University Reed College University of Texas - TylerColumbia University University of Oregon University of Texas - San AntonioCooper Union for Adv Sci & Art Willamette University UtahCornell University Pennsylvania Dixie State UniversityCUNY Bernard M. Baruch College Alvernia University Southern Utah UniversityCUNY Brooklyn College Arcadia University University of UtahCUNY City College Bloomsburg University Utah State UniversityCUNY Hunter College Bryn Mawr College Utah State University EasternCUNY John Jay College of Justice Bucknell University Utah Valley UniversityCUNY Lehman College Carnegie Mellon University Weber State UniversityCUNY New York City Tech College Central Susquehanna Intermediate LPN VermontEastman School of Music DeSales University Castleton State UniversityHamilton College - Clinton, NY Dickinson College Champlain CollegeHofstra University Duquesne University Green Mountain CollegeManhattan School of Music Elizabethtown College Johnson State CollegeMonroe Community College Franklin and Marshall College Lyndon State CollegeNassau Community College Grove City College Middlebury CollegeNew York Inst of Tech Main Haverford College University of VermontNew York University Lehigh University VirginiaNyack College Millersville University Christopher Newport UniversityPaul Smiths College of Arts and Science Penn State University - Harrisburg College of William and MaryRensselaer Polytechnic Institute Penn State University - Mont Alto George Mason UniversityRochester Institute of Technology Penn State University - State College J. Sargeant Reynolds Community CollegeRussell Sage College Robert Morris University of Pennsylvania James Madison UniversitySkidmore College Susquehanna University Longwood University 34
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