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Monthly Current Affairs June 2020

Published by aspireiasmainskunji, 2020-07-11 07:40:11

Description: Monthly Current Affairs June 2020

Keywords: Monthly Current Affairs June 2020


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Easy to PICK387 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Malathion insecticide  HIL (India) Limited, a PSU under Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers and one of the leading manufacturer of insecticides in the country has supplied 25MT Malathion 95% ULV to Iran under Government-to- Government initiative for Locust Control Programme.  As per the reports of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the hopper stage population of locust is building up in Sistan-Baluchistan Region of Iran, which shall migrate to India in coming months leading to further crop devastation.  Government of India has taken an initiative to counter the locust menace at its breeding ground itself and approached Iran for coordinated efforts.  Desert Locust after severe crop devastation in Horn of Africa, East Africa and Arabian Peninsula has entered into India in March/April 2020 and it has affected the field crop, horticulture crops and other plantation in the State of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.  The country is experiencing worst locust invasion, which was last observed more than 25 years back.

Easy to PICK388 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 MLCR The Marginal Cost of Funds-based Lending Rate (MCLR) refers to the minimum interest rate of a bank below which it cannot lend. The MCLR was introduced in April 2016, replacing the existing base rate system. Reserve Bank of India will link the base rate with the Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rates (MCLR). RBI decided to shift from base rate to MCLR because the rates based on marginal cost of funds are more sensitive to changes in the policy rates. Railway development Authority Rail Development Authority will help the Indian Railways take decisions on pricing of services, consumer interests, generating revenue and competition. Government has approved formation of a Rail Development Authority (RDA) comprising Chairman and three Members. The objective underlying RDA is to get expert advice/make informed decision on  Pricing of services commensurate with costs.  Suggest measures for enhancement of Non-Fare Revenue.  Protection of consumer interests, by ensuring quality of service and cost optimization.  Promoting competition, efficiency and economy. Other than the above-mentioned objectives the authority also deals with resource allocation, setting service benchmark etc.,

Easy to PICK389 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Minmata Convention on mercury The Union Cabinet approved the proposal for ratification of Minamata Convention on Mercury in 2018. The Convention protects the most vulnerable from the harmful effects of mercury and also protects the developmental space of developing countries. The objective of the convention’s implementation to protect human health and environment from the anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds. The Convention is named after the Japanese city Minamata, as the city went through a devastating incident of mercury poisoning. Falcon Heavy Falcon Heavy is a reusable super heavy-lift launch vehicle designed and manufactured by SpaceX, a private American aerospace manufacturer. Its first test flight carrying a red sports car was successfully launched from florida pad used by NASA. It is the most powerful operational rocket in the world. It can lift about twice the payload at one third of the cost by Delta 4 rocket which was the most powerful rocket till now. This lift capacity allows to launch heavier satellites into low Earth orbit, or reach higher geostationary orbits to keep station over the same part of Earth. Its three first-stage boosters are designed to be reusable.

Easy to PICK390 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Prime Minister’s Research fellow scheme ‘Prime Minister’s Research Fellows (PMRF)’ scheme aims to improve the quality of research by attracting the best talents across the country. Under this scheme, the best students who have completed or are in the final year of B.Tech or integrated M.Tech or M.Sc in science and technology streams in the IISc/IITs/NITs/IISERs/IIITs will be offered direct admission in the PhD programme in the IITs/IISc. The fellowship scheme will be implemented for a period of seven years from 2018-19. A maximum of 3,000 fellows will be selected over first three-year period, beginning 2018-19. The students who get shorlisted through the selection process would be offered a fellowship of Rs. 70,000 per month for the first two years, Rs. 75,000 per month for the third year and Rs. 80,000 per month in the fourth and fifth years. Apart from this, a research grant of Rs.2.00 lakh will be provided to each of the fellows for a period of 5 years to cover their foreign travel expenses for presenting research papers in international conferences and seminars. It will help in tapping the talent pool of the country for carrying out research indigenously in cutting edge science and technology domains. Pradhan Mantri Innovative Learning Programme- DHRUV Recently, the Union Human Resource achievements and light a path for others to Development Minister has launched the Pradhan follow. Mantri Innovative Learning Programme  The programme will cover two areas named ‘DHRUV’. namely, Science and Performing Arts.  The objective of the Pradhan Mantri o Overall 60 students will be selected Innovative Learning Programme is to (30 from each area) from across the encourage talented students to realize their country. full potential and henceforth, contribute to o The students will be broadly from society. classes 9 to 12 from all schools including government and private.  The programme is named DHRUV after the Pole Star with the same name. Every student selected under this programme will be called as ‘Dhruv Tara’. The students will thus both shine through their

Easy to PICK391 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Goliath grouper It is extremely rare fish species, recently discovered by a team of experienced divers and diving instructors near vizag. It is recognised as a critically endangered species by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). It is considered to be the keystone species of an ecosystem and is entirely protected from harvest in the U.S. It is usually found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It is regionally abundant near Vishakapatnam in the Bay of Bengal region. It is found from inshore to about 100 m in reef, mangrove, seagrass, and estuarine habitats.

Easy to PICK392 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 India State of Forest Report State of Forest Report (SFR 2017) under the Ministry of Environment Forest  SFR is a biennial report published by & Climate Change. Forest Survey of India (FSI), which is  The ISFR assesses the forest and tree under the Ministry of Environment. cover, bamboo resources, carbon stock and  The latest report states that, India posted a forest fires. marginal 0.21% rise in the area under  The 2019 report for the first time has forest between 2015 and 2017. assessed the qualitative nature of the forest  The document says that India has about 7, cover, including listing its biodiversity and 08,273 square km of forest, which the type of plants and trees found. is 21.53% of the geographic area of the  It also created a national forest inventory country. for the first time on produce from forests.  The top five States where maximum forest cover has increased are Andhra Pradesh, Imp Points Karnataka, Kerala, Odisha and Telangana.  India’s northeast showed a decrease in the  Forest Cover forest cover.  The five States where forest cover has o Forest Cover (Area-wise) decreased most are Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura and : Madhya Pradesh> Arunachal Meghalaya.  The main reasons for the decrease are Pradesh> Chhattisgarh> Odisha> shifting cultivation, other biotic pressures, rotational felling, diversion of forest lands Maharashtra. for developmental activities, submergence of forest cover, agriculture expansion and o Forest Cover natural disasters  Madhya Pradesh has the largest forest (Percentage): Mizoram (85.4%)> cover in the country in terms of area, followed by Arunachal Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh (79.63%)> Chhattisgarh.  In terms of percentage of forest cover Meghalaya (76.33%) with respect to the total geographical area, Lakshadweep has the highest forest  Increase in Forest Cover cover, followed by Mizoram and Andaman o The country’s forest cover includes and Nicobar Island.  The survey, which has for the first time all patches of land with a tree assessed water bodies, said that during last decade, the area under water bodies is canopy density of more than 10% increased by 2647 and more than 1 hectare in area, India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2019 The Ministry for Environment, Forests and irrespective of land use, ownership Climate Change has released the India State of Forest Report (ISFR), 2019. and species of trees.  ISFR is a biennial publication of Forest o The total forest cover of the Survey of India (FSI), an organization country is 7,12,249 sq km which is 21.67% of the geographical area of the country. o The top five states to have shown an increase in forest cover include Karnataka (1,025 sq km) > Andhra Pradesh (990 sq km) > Kerala (823 sq km) > J&K (371 sq km) > Himachal Pradesh (334 sq km).  Decline of Forest Cover in North Eastern Region o Total forest cover in the North Eastern region is 1,70,541 sq km, which is 65.05% of its geographical area.

Easy to PICK393 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 o There has been a decrease of forest o The nation’s tree and forest cover cover to the extent of 765 sq km has largely hovered from 21-25% (0.45%) in the region. Except and is short of the National Forest Assam and Tripura, all the Policy, 1988, which envisages States in the region 33% to be under such cover. show decrease in forest cover. Mangrove cover in the country has increased by  Forest Cover in Tribal Districts 54 sq km (1.10%) as compared to the previous o The total forest cover in the tribal assessment. districts is 4,22,351 sq km, which is 37.54% of the geographical area  Carbon Stock of these districts. The total carbon stock of the country was o There has been a decrease of 741 estimated at 7124 million tons, which is sq km of forest cover within the an increase of 42.6 million tons from the last Recorded Forest Area/ Green assessment. It implies that India is on the right Wash (RFA/GW) in the tribal track to achieve its Paris Agreement commitment districts and an increase of 1,922 sq of 2.5 -3 billion carbon sinks. km outside. o There has been a decline in tree  Wetlands cover inside forests due to tribal The total number of wetlands located within the populations getting “land titles” RFA/GW is 8.13%. Amongst the (patta) and there has been a rise in States, Gujarat has the largest area of wetlands trees outside the forest area due to within RFA in the country followed by West an increase in tree plantation and Bengal. afforestation activities.  Forest Produce Note: Recorded Forest Area: The area recorded Dependence of fuelwood on forests is the highest as forest in the Government records. Green in the State of Maharashtra, whereas, for fodder, Wash: The extent of wooded areas generally small timber and bamboo, dependence is highest shown in light green colour on the Survey of India in Madhya Pradesh. The analysis reveals that toposheets. 21.40% of the forest cover of the country is highly to extremely fire prone.  Increase in the tree cover o Tree cover comprises of tree National Forest Policy, 1988 patches of size less than 1 hectare  The policy aims at maintaining of occurring outside the recorded environmental stability. forest area.  It looks at conserving the natural heritage o The tree cover of the country is of the country by preserving the remaining estimated as 95,027 sq km which is natural forests. 2.89% of the geographical area.  Increasing forest/tree cover in the country o Maharashtra has had the highest through massive afforestation and social increase in tree cover and a large forestry programmes. part of that is due to horticulture.  Creating a massive people’s movement for achieving these objectives and to minimise  In comparison to 2017 pressure on existing forests. o The 2019 survey has found an increase of 5,188 sq km in total forest and tree cover in the country. o Tree and forest cover together made up 24.56% (8,07,276 sq km) of India's area. In the last assessment it was 24.39%.

Easy to PICK394 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 ICMR RECOMMENDS THE USE OF RAPID ANTIGEN TEST KIT Indian Council of Medical Research, ICMR has recommended the use of rapid antigen test kits for diagnosis of COVID-19 in containment zones and healthcare settings in combination with the RT-PCR test. The kits will allow faster diagnosis without laboratory examination. Rapid antigen test kit is a rapid chromatographic immuno assay for qualitative detection of specific antigens to SARS- CoV-2. It has been developed by a South Korea based company. ICMR said in an advisory that suspected individuals who test negative for COVID-19 by rapid antigen test should be tested sequentially by RT-PCR to rule out infection, whereas a positive test should be considered as a true positive and does not need reconfirmation by RT-PCR test. The Standard Q COVID-19 Ag detection can be interpreted as positive or negative after 15 minutes of putting the sample into the well by appearance of test and control lines, which can be read with a naked eye, requiring no specialized equipment. The maximum duration for interpreting a positive or negative test is 30 minutes. After that the test strip should be discarded.

Easy to PICK395 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Dexamethasone Dexamethasone The researchers shared initial insights about the  The World Health Organization (WHO) results of the trial with WHO, and we are looking welcomes the initial clinical trial forward to the full data analysis in the coming results from the United Kingdom (UK) days. WHO will coordinate a meta-analysis to that show dexamethasone, increase our overall understanding of this a corticosteroid, can be lifesaving for intervention. patients who are critically ill with COVID-19.  For patients on ventilators, the treatment was shown to reduce mortality by about one third, and for patients requiring only oxygen, mortality was cut by about one fifth, according to preliminary findings shared with WHO. Corticosteroids Corticosteroids (cortisone-like medicines) are used to provide relief for inflamed areas of the body. They lessen swelling, redness, itching, and allergic reactions. They are often used as part of the treatment for a number of different diseases, such as severe allergies or skin problems, asthma, or arthritis.  The benefit was only seen in patients seriously ill with COVID-19, and was not observed in patients with milder disease.  “This is the first treatment to be shown to reduce mortality in patients with COVID-19 requiring oxygen or ventilator support,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. Dexamethasone is a steroid that has been used since the 1960s to reduce inflammation in a range of conditions, including inflammatory disorders and certain cancers. It has been listed on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines since 1977 in multiple formulations, and is currently off-patent and affordably available in most countries.

Easy to PICK396 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 National Productivity Day The National Productivity Council is observed 12th February as National Productivity Day, and till 18th February National Productivity Week. \"Industry 4.0 Leapfrog Opportunity for India” is the theme of the National Productivity Week -2018. Industry 4.0 is characterized by the increasing digitization and interconnection of products, value chains and business models. National Productivity Council (NPC) NPC is a mission oriented apex, autonomous and not for profit organization. It is established by the Ministry of Industry, Govt. of India in 1958. Its objective is to promote the cause of productivity in all sectors of the Indian economy. NPC is a constituent of the Tokyo-based Asian Productivity Organization (APO), an Inter Governmental Body, of which the Government of India is a founder member. INS Chakra Russian authorities have demanded over $20 million for rectifying the damage suffered by nuclear submarine INS Chakra. INS Chakra is a Russia-made, nuclear-propelled, hunter- killer akula class submarine. INS Chakra is one of the quietest nuclear submarines around, with noise levels next to zero. INS Chakra has been taken on lease from Russia for 10 years and would provide the Navy the opportunity to train personnel and operate such nuclear-powered vessels. The INS Chakra joined the Eastern Naval Command at Visakhapatnam in 2012.

Easy to PICK397 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 India Health Fund The India Health Fund (IHF) is an initiative by Tata Trusts, in collaboration with the Global Fund. It is to financially support innovations and technologies designed to combat tuberculosis and malaria. The IHF aims to support new products and strategies that impact the entire lifecycle of TB and malaria, from prevention to post-cure recovery. The funds will support the long-term exercise aligned with the country’s goal of eliminating TB by 2025 and malaria by 2030. The two diseases account for over 4.23 lakhs deaths and around 15 million lab-confirmed cases every year. Human Egg grown to maturity in lab Scientists have succeeded for the first time in growing human eggs in a laboratory from the earliest stages in ovarian tissue all the way to full maturity. It is the first-time human egg was developed outside the human body. If the success rate and safety measures are improved, the process may help in preserving the fertility of cancer patients, improving fertility treatments, and deepening scientific understanding of the biology of the earliest stages of human life. Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into specialized cells and can divide to produce more stem cells. There are two broad types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells, which are isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts, and adult stem cells, which are found in various tissues.

Easy to PICK398 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Changing the definition of MSME The government is changing the criteria to define micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), to make these in sync with the goods and services tax (GST) regime. The earlier classification was based on the investment in plant and machinery in case of goods companies and in equipment in the case of service companies.  The new classification is based on annual turnover. Old Definition New Definition Enterprises (In million Rs.) (In Million Rs.) 50 MICRO Goods Services Firm 50-750 SMALL Companies 750-2500 1 MEDIUM 2.5 20-Jan 25-50 20-50 50-100 The change would be effective when the proposed amendments to the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, comes into effect.

Easy to PICK399 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Panel on Crypto currency The panel on cryptocurreny, headed by Economic Affairs Secretary Subhash Garg, is expected to submit its report. The panel was set up in 2017 to study the impact of crypto currencies and come up with recommendations to regulate them. In his budget speech Finance minister said that crypto currencies are not legal tender. However, the Centre will explore the uses of block chain technology, the encrypted data structure on which crypto currencies are built. Microsoft HoloLens-Augmented Reality Augmented reality headsets -HoloLens can help doctors ‘see through’ organs and tissues in the operating theatre. The advancement improves the outcome of reconstructive surgery for patients. The approach can help surgeons locate and reconnect key blood vessels during reconstructive surgery, which could improve outcomes for patients . Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are \"augmented\" by computer-generated perceptual information. Other Fields of applications are: Archaeology, Architecture, Education, commerce.

Easy to PICK400 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Standing Deposit Facility Scheme RBI uses array of instruments such as Cash The inconvenience with this arrangement is that Reserve Ratio, Open Market Operation, the RBI has to provide securities every time when Market Stabilisation Scheme to absorb excess banks provides funds. liquidity in the economy. These measures are As per the stand of the RBI, when the central bank considered as Liquidity Adjustment Facility has to absorb tremendous amount of money from (LAF) to bring the liquidity gap under the banking system through the reverse repo control. However, these tools were not proven to window, it will become difficult for the RBI to be useful when the money market liquidity is in provide such volume of government securities in excess to deal with. Eg. Post demonetization return. This situation was occurred during the time scenario. of demonetisation. During post demonetization, RBI ran out of In this sense, the Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) government securities to offer as collateral and is a collateral free arrangement meaning that RBI had to temporarily hike its CRR. Now, there is a need not give collateral for liquidity absorption. proposal to introduce Standing Deposit Facility The SDF will allow the RBI to suck out liquidity Scheme (SDFS) which was already without offering government securities as recommended by Urjit Patel Committee in collateral. 2014. It is to empower RBI with an additional instrument for liquidity management. Significance of Standing Deposit Facility SDFS is a toolkit of monetary policy for Importance of the SDF is that it is designed to absorption of surplus liquidity from the system enable the Reserve Bank to deal with but without the need for providing collateral in extraordinary situations in which it has to absorb exchange. massive amounts of liquidity. In the past situations like global financial crisis and demonetisation Elaboration caused liquidity absorption problems for the RBI. The Standing Deposit Facility, proposed to be Under the existing liquidity framework, liquidity introduced by the RBI, is a collateral free liquidity absorption through reverse repos, open market absorption mechanism that aims to absorb operations and the cash reserve ratio (CRR) are at liquidity from the commercial banking system into the discretion of the Reserve Bank. But SDF will the RBI. Government in the Budget’s (2018) enable banks to park excess liquidity with the Finance Act included a provision for the Reserve Bank at their discretion. introduction of the Standing Deposit Facility As a standing facility, the SDF supplements (SDF). Marginal Standing Facility or the MSF (SDF for liquidity absorption whereas MSF for liquidity What is Standing Deposit Facility (SDF)? injection). Standing Deposit Facility allows the RBI to absorb liquidity (deposit) from commercial banks without Difference between Standing Deposit Facility, giving government securities in return to the Reverse Repo and MSF banks. In the present situation, the main Within the existing liquidity management arrangement for the RBI to absorb excess money framework, liquidity absorption through reverse with the banking system is the famous reverse repos, open market operations and the cash reserve repo mechanism. Under reverse repo (which is a ratio (CRR) are at the discretion of the Reserve part of the Liquidity Adjustment Facility), banks Bank. On the other hand, the use of standing will get government securities in return when they facilities (MSF, SDF) would be at the discretion of give excess cash to the RBI. An interest rate of banks. reverse repo rate is also provided to banks. The difference between the Standing Deposit Facility and Reverse Repo is that there is no need

Easy to PICK401 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 for collateral under the SDF. According to the Finance Act that made the launch of SDF, a separate clause shall be inserted in the RBI Act: “The accepting of money as deposits, repayable with interest, from banks or any other person under the Standing Deposit Facility Scheme, as approved by the Central Board, from time to time, for the purposes of liquidity management…” The proposal was first suggested by the Urjit Patel Committee in its recommendation of the Monetary Policy Framework in 2014.

Easy to PICK402 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) Context What Is a Chamber of Commerce? With a view to achieve atmanirbharata in the Coal  A chamber of commerce is an association sector, the Ministry of Coal in association with or network of businesspeople designed to FICCI is launching the process for auction of 41 promote and protect the interests of its coal mines under the provisions of CM (SP) Act members. A chamber of commerce, and MMDR Act. This auction process marks the sometimes known as a \"board of trade,\" is beginning of opening of Indian coal sector for often made up of a group of business commercial mining. It will enable the country owners that share a locale or interests, but achieve self-sufficiency in meeting its energy can also be international in scope. They needs and boost industrial development. The will choose leadership, name commencement of this auction process of coal representatives, and debate which policies mines for sale of coal is part of the series of to espouse and promote. announcements made by the Government of India under the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan. The  Chambers of commerce exist all over the event will take place virtually at 11 AM on 18th world. They do not have a direct role in June, 2020. The event will be open to all to join creating laws or regulations, though they virtually through various networks hosted by NIC, may be effective in influencing regulators NeGD of MEiTY and FICCI. and legislators with their organized lobbying efforts. About FICCI  The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) is an association of business organisations in India.  Established in 1927, on the advice of Mahatma Gandhi by GD Birla and Purshottamdas Thakurdas.  It is the largest, oldest and the apex business organization in India.  It is a non-government, not-for-profit organisation.  FICCI draws its membership from the corporate sector, both private and public, including SMEs and MNCs.  The chamber has an indirect membership of over 250,000 companies from various regional chambers of commerce.  It is involved in sector-specific business building, business promotion and networking.  It is headquartered in the national capital New Delhi and has a presence in 12 states in India and 8 countries across the world.

Easy to PICK403 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Benefits of commercial Mining Benefits of commercial Mining  Upon attainment of Peak Rated Capacity of production of 225 MT, these mines shall contribute about 15% of the country’s projected total coal production in 2025-26.  Employment generation for more than 2.8 lakhs people: Direct employment to approximately 70,000 people and indirect employment to approximately 210,000 people.  Expected to generate approximately Rs 33,000 crore of capital investment in the country over next 5-7 years.  These mines will contribute Rs 20,000 crores revenues annually to the state governments  100 per cent FDI is likely to bring in international practices, latest technologies and mechanisation in mining operations.  Self-reliance with substitution of imports by independent thermal power plants and captive power plants resulting in saving of foreign currency.  Boost to the regulated and non-regulated sector by ensuring sustained coal stocks for industries with greater reliability.  Moving towards a free market structure with implementation of the National Coal Index.  Promoting the practice of efficient use of clean energy and reduce the scourge of environmental pollution with incentive to Coal Gasification & Liquefaction.

Easy to PICK404 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Jan Aushadhi Suvidha Oxo-Biodegradable Sanitary Napkin @Rs.1 Sanitary Napkins available for Rs. 1/- per pad at Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras  It may be stated that menstruation and menstrual practices still face some social, cultural, and religious restrictions which are a big barrier in the path of menstrual hygiene management.  In many parts of the country especially in rural areas girls and women do not have access to sanitary products or they do not opt for them as most of these items available in the market are bit costly.  This step ensured ‘Swachhta, Swasthya and Suvidha’ for the underprivileged Women of India.  This step has been taken by the Union Department of Pharmaceuticals to ensure the achievement of Prime Minister Shri Narendera Modi’s vision of Affordable and Quality Healthcare for All.  Sanitary Napkins are environmental friendly, as these pads are made with Oxo- biodegradable material complying with ASTM D-6954 (biodegradability test) standards.  Under the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana, these pads are being sold at Rs 1/- per pad .  Jan Aushadhi Suvidha sanitary napkins are available across all Kendra's.  On the eve of World Environment Day 4th June 2018, Government of India proudly announced the launch of “Jan Aushadhi Suvidha Oxo-Biodegradable Sanitary Napkin” for women of India.

Easy to PICK405 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Assessment of Climate Change over the Indian Region Recently, the first Assessment of Climate and 2015. Change over the Indian Region has been Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) published by the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES). It is India’s first-ever national forecast  According to Assessment of Climate on the impact of global warming on the Change over the Indian Region, in a subcontinent in the coming century. worst-case scenario, average surface air temperatures over India could rise by  These projections, based on a climate up to 4.4°C by the end of the century as forecasting model developed at the Indian compared to the period between 1976 Institute of Tropical Meteorology and 2005. (IITM), Pune, will be part of the next report of the Intergovernmental Panel  The worst-case scenario is defined by on Climate Change (IPCC), expected to the Representative Concentration be ready in 2022. Pathway (RCP) 8.5 that calculates a radiative forcing of 8.5 watt per square  This is a significant step for climate metre due to the rising greenhouse gas science and policy in India because (GHG) emissions in the atmosphere. existing projections are put in the context of historical trends in land and ocean  Radiative forcing or climate forcing is temperatures, monsoon rainfall, floods, the difference between sunlight energy droughts and Himalayan warming and absorbed by the Earth (including its glacier loss. atmosphere) and the energy that it radiates back into space. The report highlights are as follows  The report indicates a rise in worldwide  Under an intermediate scenario of RCP average surface air temperatures by 4.5, the country’s average temperature 5°C by the end of the century if human could rise by up to 2.4°C. activities keep emitting GHGs at the current rate.  The rise in temperatures will be even  The global average temperature in the more pronounced in the Hindu Kush- last century has gone up by 1.1°C, Himalayan region where the average according to the latest estimates by the could reach 5.2°C. IPCC.  Another significant highlight of the  The region is already highly vulnerable to assessment is the projected variability in climate-related variability in temperatures, the rainfall, especially during the monsoon rainfall and snowfall. season which brings 70% of the rainfall received by India and is one of the primary  By 2100, the frequency of warm days drivers of its rural agrarian economy. and warm nights might also increase by  Monsoon rainfall could change by an 55% and 70% respectively, as average of 14% by 2100 that could go as compared to the period 1976-2005 high as 22.5%. under the RCP 8.5 scenario.  It is not mentioned if this change will be an increase or a decrease but still represents  The incidences of heat waves over the variability. country could also increase by three to four  Overall rainfall during the monsoon times. season has decreased by 6% between 1950  Their duration of occurrence might also increase which was already witnessed by the country in 2019.

Easy to PICK406 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 China and Pangolin Protection Why in news? What makes pangolins the most trafficked China accorded pangolin the highest level of animals in the world? protection and removed its scales from its list of approved traditional medicines.  Eight species of pangolins, the scaly insectivorous creatures, are distributed  The Chinese State Forestry and Grassland across Asia and Africa. Administration had issued a notice upgrading its protection of pangolins.  They have long been hunted for their meat and scales, which indigenous tribes  It has also banned all commercial trade of in central and eastern India are also known the endangered mammal. to have worn as rings.  The move came about after the 2020  Two of these species are found in 15 edition of the “Chinese Pharmacopoeia” states in India, although their numbers are excluded traditional medicines made yet to be completely documented. from four species.  The creatures are strictly nocturnal,  This 2020 edition also listed alternatives repelling predators by curling up into sourced from species which are not scaly spheres upon being alarmed. endangered.  The same defence mechanism however, What does Covid-19 have to do with China’s makes them slow and easy to catch once decision? spotted.  Back in February 2020, the reports  They do not occur in large numbers and linking the transmission of the virus to their shy nature makes encounters with vet markets in Wuhan had emerged. So, humans rare. China banned the consumption of wild animals, including pangolins, in an attempt  Their alleged health benefits in TCM to limit the risk of diseases being prompted a booming illicit export of scales transmitted from animals to humans. from Africa over the past decade.  Before its latest decision, China has  Conservation of pangolins received its removed health insurance cover to first shot in the arm when the 2017 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Convention on International Trade in recipes with pangolin products. Endangered Species (CITES) enforced an international trade ban.  Also, pangolin meat is considered a delicacy in China and Vietnam. Are the animals trafficked from India as well?  Law enforcement authorities in India have  Their scales, which are made of keratin are made seizures of pangolin scales from believed to improve lactation, are 2012 onward. considered to promote blood circulation,  Once the demand for pangolins in China is and remove blood stasis. known, indigenous tribes in India supply it to customers through middlemen in  These so-called health benefits are so far Bhutan and Nepal. unproven.  Once Pangolins are caught, killed and skinned, the exchange of scales typically  The mere suspicion of unproven link takes place at Siliguri (West Bengal) or between pangolins and Covid-19 has Moreh (Manipur). increased public discussion on health risks  Poachers use only trains and buses to avoid from human-wildlife interactions. detection, and carry as much as 30 kg of scales at a time.  These discussions have raised awareness  TRAFFIC study 2018 found that 5,772 of the exploitation of pangolins.

Easy to PICK407 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 pangolins had been detected by law enforcement agencies in India between 2009 and 2017.  The Madhya Pradesh Police’s Special Task Force is the leader in tracking pangolin poachers and traffickers.  It was formed in 2014 specifically to crack down the illicit export of the endangered creatures.  Given the fluctuating demand for scales, the price ranges between Rs 30,000 and Rs 1 crore for a single animal. How will China’s decision impact pangolin trafficking?  Some experts say that the immediate impact would be pangolin scales losing their legitimacy in TCM.  However, some say that the history of the ban of wildlife trade in China is not encouraging.  There is a continued availability of tiger bone wine — believed to have health benefits — despite its ban on tiger products in 1993.  The price of the elephant ivory plummeted by two-thirds after China banned it.  The same trend would apply to pangolin scales.  India, where the trade largely remains local, has been registering a decline from before China’s ban.  This decrease is attributed to the border closures, shifts in law enforcement priorities, or decreased reporting on wildlife seizures.  This decrease may also be credited the decline to the disappearance of public transport due to the national lockdown.

Easy to PICK408 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 SEBI eases fund-raising norms for firms SEBI eases fund-raising norms for firms and initial public offerings (IPOs) to make it easier for companies to raise  As part of its attempts to make it easier for funds at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic had made the secondary markets listed companies to raise funds in the increasingly volatile.  The watchdog said any listed entity with current volatile scenario, the Securities a market capitalisation of at least ?100 crore could use the fast- track and Exchange Board of India route for a rights issue.  Earlier, the norm was ?250 crore for such (SEBI) has allowed listed offerings.  Further, any company that had been listed companies to raise funds at shorter for 18 months was permitted to raise funds through a fast- track rights issue. intervals while also giving promoters the The eligibility had earlier been set at three years. go-ahead to increase their stakes by a  Also, the minimum subscription requirement to make an issue successful higher quantum without triggering an open was lowered from the earlier 90% of the offer size to 75%. offer. What Is a Qualified Institutional Placement  As per a gazette notification, the capital (QIP) markets regulator has allowed  A qualified institutional placement (QIP) is, at its core, a way for listed companies companies to make two qualified to raise capital, without having to submit legal paperwork to market regulators. institutional placements (QIPs) with a  It is common in India and other southeast gap of just two weeks between them. Asian countries.  This is a significant move as the earlier  The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) created the rule to avoid the regulations mandated a minimum gap of dependence of companies on foreign capital resources. six months between two such issuances.  QIPs are helpful for a couple of reasons.  In another important amendment, the  Their use saves time as the issuance of regulator has said QIPs and the access to capital is far quicker than through an FPO. that promoters can increase their  The speed is because QIPs have far fewer legal rules and regulations to follow, stakes in their making them much more cost-efficient.  Further, there are fewer legal fees, and companies through preferential there is no cost of listing overseas. allotments by up to 10% without triggering an open offer.  The cap was earlier set at 5%.  The regulator has, however, allowed this relaxation only for the current financial year.  Analysts said the twin moves would help in enhancing liquidity in the market as companies would be able to better time fund-raising while promoters could also acquire shares at a time when valuations were quite low compared with the historic highs. Boosting liquidity  Relaxation from the takeover code could be a good opportunity for promoters who are looking to increase their stakes at attractive valuations, given the current market sentiments.  In April, the capital markets regulator had relaxed certain regulatory requirements related to rights issues

Easy to PICK409 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 RBI to tighten rules for home finance firms  The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Non-housing loans has proposed stringent norms for housing finance companies by  All other loans, including those given mandating 75% of their home loans to individual borrowers by 2024. for furnishing dwelling units, loans given Housing finance company against mortgage of property for any  A housing finance company is considered a non-banking financial purpose other than company (NBFC) under the RBI’s regulations. buying/construction of a new dwelling A company is treated as an NBFC if its unit/s or renovation of the existing financial assets are more than 50% of its total assets and income from financial assets is more dwelling unit/s, will be treated as non- than 50% of the gross income. housing loans.  The RBI proposed the definition of qualifying assets for housing finance  The regulator said that a HFC could either companies (HFCs). undertake an exposure on a group  It said at least 50% of net assets should be in the nature of ‘qualifying assets’ for company in real estate business or lend to HFCs, of which at least 75% should be towards individual housing loans. retail individual homebuyers in the  Such HFCs which do not fulfil the criteria projects of group entities, but could not do will be treated as NBFC – Investment and Credit Companies (NBFC-ICCs) and both. will be required to approach the RBI for conversion of their Certificate of Double financing (Construction companies and Registration from HFC to NBFC-ICC. Individuals)  The NBFC-ICCs which want to continue  “In order to address concerns on double as HFCs would have to follow a roadmap to make 75% of their assets individual financing due to lending to housing loans. construction companies in the group  The target has been set at 60% by March 31, 2022, 70% by March 31, 2023, and and also to individuals purchasing flats 75% by March 31, 2024. from the latter, the HFC concerned may Qualifying assets The RBI defined ‘qualifying assets’ as loans to choose to lend only at one level. individuals or a group of individuals, including co-operative societies, for construction/purchase  Further, the RBI said if the HFC decided of new dwelling units, loans to individuals for renovation of existing dwelling units, lending to take any exposure in its group to builders for construction of residential dwelling units. entities (lending and investment), directly or indirectly, such an exposure could not be more than 15% of owned fund for a single entity in the group and 25% of owned fund for all such group entities.  As regards extending loans to individuals, who choose to buy housing units from entities in the group, the HFC would follow arm’s length principles in letter and spirit.  The central bank also proposed a minimum net-owned fund (NOF) of ?20 crore as compared to ?10 crore now.  Existing HFCs would have to reach ?15 crore within a year and ?20 crore within two years.

Easy to PICK410 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 New START New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty is a nuclear arms reduction treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation with the formal name of Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms. It was signed in 2010 at Prague, and, after ratification entered into force in 2011, it is expected to last at least until 2021. New START replaced the Treaty of Moscow (SORT), which was to expire in December 2012. It follows the START I treaty, which expired in December 2009; the proposed START II treaty, which never entered into force; and the START III treaty, for which negotiations were never concluded. The treaty calls for halving the number of strategic nuclear missile launchers. A new inspection and verification regime will be established, replacing the SORT mechanism. It does not limit the number of operationally inactive nuclear warheads stockpiled by Russia and the United States, a number in the high thousands. The deadlock over the New START and the collapse of the 1987 Soviet–U.S. Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter- Range Missiles (INF Treaty) in 2019 suggest that the era of bilateral nuclear arms control agreements between Russia and the U.S. might be coming to an end.

Easy to PICK411 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Committee to oversee Ownership of Private Banks Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has constituted an internal working group to review the existing guidelines on ownership and corporate structure of private sector banks. The group will be headed by RBI executive director P.K. Mohanty.  The bank licensing rules mandated that a private bank’s promoter will need to pare holding to 40% within three years, 20% in 10 years and to 15% in 15 years.  The rules on promoter holding have changed over the years.  It is, therefore, felt necessary to comprehensively review the extant guidelines on ownership, governance and corporate structure in private sector banks, taking into account key developments which have a bearing on the issue.  The group will examine the existing licensing guidelines and regulations on ownership and control of private sector banks.  It will also suggest appropriate norms, keeping in mind the issue of excessive concentration of ownership and control.  Besides, it will examine and review the eligibility criteria for individuals or entities to apply for a banking licence, and review the promoter shareholding norms at the initial licensing stage.  It will also study the current regulations on holding of financial subsidiaries through a non-operative financial holding company (NOFHC) and suggest steps to migrate all banks to a uniform regulation.

Easy to PICK412 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Guwahati - Urban Jungle Assam State Zoo occupies 30 hectares of the 620- hectare Hengerabari Reserve Forest referred to as the city’s lungs. It has diverse fauna like Chinese pangolin, Nepal cricket frog, Bengal monitor lizard, Assamese cat snake, Eurasian moorhen, Asian elephant, Terai cricket frog and Ganges river dolphin. By this Guwahati redefines the term “urban jungle” with 334 and counting free-ranging faunal species living in the green spaces within concrete structures.  The 328-sq km Guwahati and its outskirts have 18 hills, eight reserve forests, two wildlife sanctuaries and a Ramsar site (Deepor Beel) besides the Brahmaputra river flowing past its northern edge.  This stretch of the river has a few Ganges river dolphin, which has the status of City Animal.  Over the years about 26 species of amphibians, 56 reptiles, 36 mammals and 216 birds has been recorded from the city. And 238 species of mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles besides 610 species of flora in the Hengerabari reserve forest. ( without taking the captive animals in account)  More than 1,100 captive wild animals belonging to 107 species, of which 52 are highly protected under the Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972, has also recorded.

Easy to PICK413 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Mobile Payments Market Report S&P Global Market Intelligence’s has launched 2020 India Mobile Payments Market Report. According to the report mobile payments and card transactions exceeded cash withdrawals from automated teller machines (ATMs) for the first time in 2019, indicating that the country’s push towards digital payments was bearing fruit. The highlights of the report are as follows 1. Mobile payments, initiated by payment apps comprising account-to-account transfers and payments made from stored- value accounts, rose 163% to $287 billion in 2019. 2. By comparison, point-of-sale transactions completed using debit and credit cards, including online and in apps, rose 24% to $204 billion. 3. Card and mobile payments as a percentage of GDP rose to 20% in the quarter ended December 31, 2019. 4. The report estimated that card purchases and Unified Payments Interface (UPI)-led mobile payments represented 21% of the $781 billion in in-store transactions in 2019. 5. Google Pay and PhonePe led the UPI payment space as the two handled more than 7 billion transactions in total, representing more than two-thirds of UPI transactions in 2019.

Easy to PICK414 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Mudumalai Tiger Reserve Mudumalai Tiger Reserve  The Reserve has tall grasses, commonly  Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR) is referred to as “Elephant Grass”, Bamboos situated at the tri-junction of Tamil Nadu, of the giant variety, valuable timber Karnataka and Kerala. species like Teak, Rosewood.  The reserve straddles the Ooty -Mysore interstate national highway.  Fauna found in the region are Tiger,  It is contiguous with Wyanaad Wildlife Elephant, Indian Gaur, Panther, Barking Sanctuary on the west, Bandipur Tiger Deer, Malabar Giant Squirrel and Hyena Reserve on the north. etc.,  Sathayamangalam,Kalakkad Mudunthurai and Anamalai are the other tiger reserves in the state of Tamil Nadu.  The Moyar river flows downstream into the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve and is the natural line of division between Mudumalai and Bandipur Sanctuary.  The MTR also forms part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve

Easy to PICK415 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Wetlands International Wetlands International coordinates the International Water bird census of which Asian Water bird census is an integral part. It is a global not-for-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wetlands. It is one of the International Partner Organizations of the Ramsar Convention. It was formerly known as International Waterfowl & Wetlands Research Bureau (IWRB) and their scope included the protection of wetland areas. Strategic Petroleum Reserves Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) will send ships carrying crude oil to fill half of the 1.5 million tonne strategic oil reserves India has built at Mangaluru. Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserves Ltd has built 5.33 million tonnes of strategic crude oil storage at three locations — Padur (Kerala) and Mangaluru on the western coast and Visakhapatnam on the eastern coast The oil stored in the underground rock caverns at the three locations is to be used in an emergency.

Easy to PICK416 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Virtual Reality The school children in United States experience exotic field trips through the virtual reality headsets. The definition of ‘virtual’ is near and reality is what we experience as human beings. So the term ‘virtual reality’ basically means ‘near- reality’.

Easy to PICK417 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Baghjan natural gas Blowout Assessment of OIL well blowout impact on Assam. This has resulted in a environment begins total production loss of 6,132 metric tonnes of crude oil and 7.97 million metric  A team of The Energy and Research standard cubic metres of natural gas. Institute (TERI) and an accredited private agency have begun assessing the impact on the environment around the Baghjan natural gas well that caught fire after a blowout, Oil India Limited (OIL) officials said on Wednesday.  The well in eastern Assam’s Tinsukia district adjoins the sensitive Maguri- Motapung wetland and is close to the Dibru-Saikhowa National Park that houses some wild horses.  A preliminary assessment by TERI team is in progress at the site for studying air quality and noise level.  Bioremediation of sludge is being done using a technology developed in-house by our research and development wing.  Bioremediation is the cleaning of polluted sites through naturally occurring or introduced microorganisms for breaking down environmental pollutants.  While a team from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research- North East Institute of Science and Technology has been studying the reported tremors in the area, scientists from Assam Agricultural University assessed the impact on vegetation. Heat shield  Certain steps such as erection of heat shield have been completed while a second set of equipment was awaited from the Rajahmundry operations of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited  Nine truckloads of material from an Army base in north-central Assam for constructing a Bailey bridge across a pond near the affected well were also being awaited.  Local pressure groups have continued to disrupt OIL’s operations across eastern

Easy to PICK418 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 India State of Forest Report, 2019 Volume I The top five States (UT) in terms of increase in  It is the 16th biennial assessment of India’s forest cover: Karnataka>Andhra forests by Forest Survey of India, an organisation under the Ministry of Pradesh>Kerala>Jammu & Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC). Kashmir>Himachal Pradesh.  FSI undertakes National Forest Inventory  Forest cover in the hill districts is 40.30% to assess the growing stock in forests and TOF (Tree Outside Forest), bamboo of the total geographical area of these resource, carbon stock and to assess the dependence of the people living in Forest districts. An increase of 544 sq km (0.19%) Fringe Villages for fuelwood, fodder, small timber and bamboo. in 140 hill districts of the country.  In the current ISFR, a new chapter ‘Forest  The total forest cover in the tribal Types and Biodiversity’ has been added which presents findings of the forest type districts is 37.54% of the geographical mapping based on Champion & Seth classification (1968) and the results of the area of these districts. first ever rapid biodiversity assessment of plant species in the 16 Forest Type Groups.  Total forest cover in the North Eastern Imp points region is 65.05% of its geographical area. The Total Forest and Tree cover is 24.56% of the geographical area of the country. The current assessment shows a decrease  of forest cover to the extent of 765 sq km o The Total Forest cover is (0.45%) in the region. Except Assam and 7,12,249 sq km which is 21.67% of the geographical area Tripura, all the States in the region show of the country. decrease in forest cover. o The Tree cover is 2.89% of the geographical area of the country.  Mangrove cover in the country has As compared to ISFR 2017 the current increased by 1.10% as compared to the assessment shows an increase of previous assessment.   Wetlands cover 3.83% of the area within o 0.65% of forest and tree cover put together, at the national level the RFA/GW of the country. Amongst the o 0.56% of forest cover States, Gujarat has the largest area of o 1.29% of tree cover  Change in Recorded forest Area/Green wetlands within RFA in the country Wash (RFA/GW) as compared to previous assessment of 2017. followed by West Bengal. o Forest cover within the RFA/GW:  Dependence of fuelwood on forests is a slight decrease of 330 sq km (0.05%) highest in the State of Maharashtra, o Forest cover outside the RFA/GW: there is an increase of 4,306 sq km. whereas, for fodder, small timber and bamboo, dependence is highest in Madhya Pradesh.  It has been assessed that the annual removal of the small timber by the people living in forest fringe villages is nearly 7% of the average annual yield of forests in the country. Introduction  Forest Cover: The forest canopy area covered on the ground irrespective of the legal status of land. It includes all tree patches which have canopy density more than 10% and area of 1 ha or more in size.  Canopy Density: It is defined as the proportion of an area in the field/ground, that is covered by the crown of trees.

Easy to PICK419 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020  Recorded Forest Area (RFA): and changes therein. o Forest Area (or recorded forest o to produce forest cover and other area) refers to all the geographic areas recorded as forest in thematic maps derived from it for government records. the whole country. o Recorded forest areas comprises o to provide a primary base layer for Reserved Forests (RF) and assessment of different parameters Protected Forests (PF), which have including growing stock, forest been constituted under the carbon etc. provisions of Indian Forest Act, o to provide information for 1927. international reporting. o Besides RFs and PFs, the recorded  Forest cover: Includes all lands having forest area may include all such trees more than one hectare in area with areas, which have been recorded as tree canopy density of more than 10%, forests under any State Act or local irrespective of ownership, legal status of laws or any revenue records. the land and species composition of trees. o Very Dense Forest: All lands with  TOF (Trees Outside Forest): Trees tree canopy density of 70% and found outside the recorded forest areas. above. The relative composition of TOF refers to all trees growing outside forest cover under this category RFA irrespective of patch size which could is 3.02% also be larger than 1 ha. o Moderately Dense Forest: All lands with tree canopy density of  Tree cover: All patches of trees occurring 40% and more but less than 70%. outside RFA which are of size less than 1 Forest cover under this category ha including the scattered trees. Tree cover is 9.39% forms an important part of the trees outside o Open Forest: All lands with tree forests (TOF). Therefore, tree cover can be canopy density of 10% and more considered as a subset of TOF. but less than 40 %. Forest cover of 9.26% falls under this category.  According to the Global Forest Resource o Scrub Forest: Lands with canopy Assessment (FRA) done by Food and density less than 10%. Agriculture Organisation (FAO) once Geographical area under this every five years, India has 2% of the category is 1.41%. Global forest area, standing at o Non-forest: Lands not included in 10th position among the top ten any of the above classes (includes countries in respect of forest water). Geographical area under area. Russia Federation tops the list with the non-forest category is 76.92%. 20% of the global forest cover.  Largest forest cover in India: Madhya Pradesh > Arunachal Pradesh > Chapter 2- Forest Cover Chhattisgarh > Odisha > Maharashtra  National Forest Policy of India, 1988  Forest cover as percentage of total envisages a goal of achieving 33% of geographical area: Mizoram (85.41%) > geographical area of the country under Arunachal Pradesh (79.63%) > Meghalaya forest and tree cover. (76.33%) > Manipur (75.46%) > Nagaland  The main objectives: (75.31%). o to monitor forest cover and  There is an overall gain of 3,976 sq km of changes therein at the National, forest cover in the country as compared State and District levels. with the ISFR 2017 report. o to generate information on forest cover in different density classes

Easy to PICK420 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020  States/UTs showing significant gain in deposition. Therefore, they act as a forest cover: Karnataka > Andhra Pradesh > Kerala > J&K zone of land accretion due to  States showing loss in forest trapping of fine sediments cover: Manipur > Arunachal Pradesh > Mizoram including heavy metal  There is an overall increase in forest cover contaminants. They also arrest in the tribal districts by 1,181 sq km. coastal erosion and sea water  There are 218 tribal districts in 27 States/UTs as identified by the pollution. Government of India under the Integrated Tribal Development Programme. o They act as a fertile breeding  Gujarat has the largest area of ground for many fish species and the wetlands within RFA/GW in the country followed by West Bengal. other marine fauna. Wetlands within forest areas form important ecosystems. o They act as an important source of  Among the smaller States/UTs, livelihood for the coastal Puducherry followed by A&N Islands have large areas of wetlands within communities dependent on RFA/GW. collection of honey, tannins, wax  In the country as a whole there are 62,466 wetlands covering 3.83% of the area and fishing. within the RFA/GW areas of the country. o Mangroves are important carbon Chapter 3- Mangrove Cover  Mangroves are a diverse group of salt- sink. tolerant plant communities of tropical and subtropical regions of the world which can  About 40% of the world's Mangrove Cover survive the limiting factors imposed by lack of oxygen, high salinity and diurnal is found in South East Asia and South tidal inundation.  According to Champion & Seth Asia. Classification (1968) Mangroves are included in Type Group-4 Littoral &  The mangrove cover in India is 4,975 sq Swamp Forests km, which is 0.15% of the country’s total  IMPORTANCE OF MANGROVES o Mangroves have a complex root geographical area. system which is very efficient in dissipating the sea wave energy  Increase in the mangrove cover as thus protecting the coastal areas from tsunamis, storm surge and compared to 2017 assessment: 54 sq km soil erosion. Their protective role has been widely recognized  Among the states and UTs, West Bengal especially after the devastating Tsunami of 2004. has the highest percentage of area under o Mangrove roots slow down water flows and enhance sediment total Mangrove cover followed by Gujarat and Andaman Nicobar Islands.  Top three states showing Mangrove cover increase: Gujarat > Maharashtra > Odisha Forest Types & Biodiversity (DR Khullar)  A total of 16 types have been identified by Champion and Seth to classify the range of forest o Moist Tropical Forest:  Tropical Wet Evergreen Forest  Tropical Semi-Evergreen Forest  Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest  Littoral and Swamp Forest o Dry Tropical Forest  Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest  Tropical Thorn Forest

Easy to PICK421 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020  Tropical Dry Evergreen Management”at FSI. Forest  A joint study report of MoEF&CC and World Bank titled “Strengthening Forest o Montane Subtropical Forest Fire Management in India” released in  Subtropical Broadleaved Hill Forest June 2018 revealed that in the year 2000, 20 districts, representing 3% of India’s  Subtropical Pine Forest  Subtropical Dry Evergreen land area and 16% of forest cover Forest accounted for 44% of all fire detections. o Montane Temperate Forest  The upgraded version of the Forest Fire  Montane Wet Temperate Alert System version 3.0 (FAST 3.0) was Forest released on16th January, 2019 with a  Himalayan Moist separate activity of monitoring large forest Temperate Forest fires.  Himalayan Dry Temperate  Forest Cover of States & UTs under Forest different fire prone classes: o Subalpine Forest o Extremely Fire Prone: Mizoram  Subalpine Forest > Tripura o Alpine Scrub o Very Highly Fire Prone:  Moist Alpine Scrub Mizoram > Manipur  Dry Alpine Scrub o Highly Fire Prone: Nagaland > States and UTs with maximum species diversity Manipur of; o Moderately Fire Prone: Punjab  > Nagaland o Trees: Karnataka,  It is seen that most of the fire prone forest o Shrubs: Arunachal Pradesh, areas are found in the northeastern region o Herbs: Jammu & Kashmir. and the central part of the country. State with maximum species richness for Tree Cover Maximum richness of species taking all the three  The total tree cover of the country has types of plants: Arunachal Pradesh > Tamil Nadu been estimated to be 95,027 sq km. > Karnataka  There is an increase of 1,212 sq km in the extent of tree cover as compared to Forest Fire & Monitoring the 2017 assessment. National Action Plan on Forest Fires, 2018  State-wise estimates of Tree Cover:  MoEF&CC, has come up with the o Maximum Tree National Action Plan on Forest Fires, 2018 to revamp forest fire management in the Cover: Maharashtra > Madhya country. Pradesh > Rajasthan > J&K  Main objectives o informing, o Maximum Tree Cover as o enabling and o empowering forest fringe percentage of geographical communities and o incentivizing them to work in area: Chandigarh > Delhi > Kerala tandem with the State Forest Departments (SFDs). > Goa  The plan proposes nine strategies to  State-wise estimates of Tree Outside address the issue, including establishment of a “Centre of Excellence on Forest Fire Forest (TOF) o Maximum extent of TOF: Maharashtra > Odisha > Karnataka o Maximum extent of TOF as percentage of geographical area: Kerala > Goa > Nagaland.

Easy to PICK422 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 National Forest Inventory (NFI) forest carbon followed by Above Ground  It is a major forest resource assessment Biomass (AGB), Below Ground Biomass activity carried out by FSI. (BGB), Litter and dead wood.  The primary objective is to assess growing stock of trees, number of trees, bamboo, Chapter 10- People & Forests soil carbon, occurrence of NTFP (Non-  As per the Census 2011 nearly 1,70,000 Timber Forest Products) and invasive villages are located in the proximity of species and other parameters depicting forest areas and are termed Forest Fringe growth & health of forest. Villages (FFVs).  The NFI has three components, Forest  The study conducted by FSI assessed the Inventory, TOF (Rural) Inventory and dependence of the people living in TOF (Urban) Inventory. proximity to forests in terms of removal of: o Quantity of fuelwood Chapter 8- Bamboo Resources of the Country o Quantity of fodder  In India, bamboo grows naturally o Quantity of small Timber throughout the country except in Kashmir o Quantity of bamboo region. India is home to about 125  Top 3 states in dependence on forests for indigenous and 11 exotic species of o Fuelwood: Maharashtra > Odisha bamboo from 23 genera. > Rajasthan  Bamboo contributes significantly to the o Fodder: Madhya Pradesh > social, economic & ecological Maharashtra > Gujarat development of any region. o Small Timber: Madhya Pradesh >  Bamboo bearing area of the Gujarat > Maharashtra country: 16.00 million hectare. o Bamboo: Madhya Pradesh >  Increase in bamboo bearing area: 0.32 Chhattisgarh > Gujarat million hectare, as compared ISFR 2017.  States with maximum bamboo bearing Volume II area: Madhya Pradesh > Maharashtra > Arunachal Pradesh > Odisha. Chapter 1- Forest and tree resources in States  Maximum occurrence of pure and UTs bamboo: Maharashtra > Madhya Pradesh Andhra Pradesh: > Chhattisgarh.  The state has the second largest coastline Chapter 9- Carbon Stock in India’s Forest after Gujarat.  Total carbon stock in the country's forest:  Main rivers that drain Andhra Pradesh are the Godavari, Krishna and Penna. estimated to be 7,124.6 million tonnes.  The forests in the State can broadly be  There is an increase of 42.6 million tonnes divided into four major groups: Deccan Plateau, Central Plateau, Eastern Highland in the carbon stock of the country as and the East Coastal Plains. compared to the last assessment of 2017.  Red Sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus) is endemic to Andhra Pradesh and is highly  State-wise Maximum carbon valued for its rich red colour and grain pattern. stock: Arunachal Pradesh >  Forest Cover in the State is 17.88 % of the MadhyaPradesh > Chhattisgarh > State's geographical area. Maharashtra  Solanum nigrum is the largest NTFP species found in the state with a relative  State-wise Maximum per hectare abundance of 98.98%. carbon stock: Sikkim > Andaman & Arunachal Pradesh: Nicobar Islands > Jammu & Kashmir > Himachal Pradesh > Arunachal Pradesh  Soil organic carbon is the largest pool of

Easy to PICK423 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020  Major rivers viz Kameng, Subansiri, of Mahanadi) and Indravati. Siang, Lohit and Tirap, these divide the State into five major valleys.  Major Forest Types: Tropical Dry  Cane and bamboo are found in abundance. Deciduous and Tropical moist deciduous.  The population density of the State is 17  Major tree species: Sal (Shorea persons per sq km, lowest in the country.  Protected Area network of the State: 2 robusta) and Teak (Tectona grandis). National Parks (Mouling and Namdapha)  Other Major species: Bija (Pterocarpus and 11 Wildlife Sanctuaries covering 11.68% of its geographical area. marsupium), Saja (Terminalia tomentosa),  Total Forest cover: 79.63% Assam: Dhavdha (Anogeissus latifolia),  Situated along the Brahmaputra and Barak river valleys. Mahua (Madhuca indica),  The State can be divided into 3 physiographic domains: Brahmaputra Tendu (Diospyros melanoxylon) and valley, Central Assam Hills (Mikir Hills in Karbi Anglong and North Cachar Hill bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) districts) and Barak valley.  Kaziranga National Park is home to ? of  The pressure on forests is high as the state the world's population of one-horned Rhinoceros. is mostly inhabited by tribal people or non-  Endangered and Rare species: pygmy hog, hispid hare, and great Indian hornbill tribal landless people. etc.  Total Forest cover: 36.11%  Protected Area network of the State: 3  Protected Area: 5 National Parks (Dibru- Saikhowa, Kaziranga, Manas, Nameri and National Parks (Guru Ghasidas, Indravati, Orang) and 18 Wildlife Sanctuaries covering 4.87% of its geographical area. Kanger Valley) and 11 Wildlife Bihar:  Ganga is the main river which flows from Sanctuaries west to east through the State.  Bihar is a forest deficient State with Total Delhi: Forest cover: 7.76%  Sal (Shorea robusta) forests are found  The landscape of Delhi can geographically throughout the state.  Major Forest Types: Tropical Dry be divided into three major regions: the Deciduous and Tropical moist deciduous.  Mangifera indica and Litchi sinensis are low-lying Yamuna flood plains, the the major tree species in numbers found in TOF(rural) and TOF(urban) respectively. Aravalli Ridge and the great Gangetic Chhattisgarh:  The State can be divided into three agro- plains that cover most part of the city. climatic zones: the Chhattisgarh Plains, the Northern Hills of Chhattisgarh and the  Major Forest Types: Tropical Dry Bastar Plateau.  Major rivers: Rihand, Hasdo (a tributary Deciduous Forest and Tropical Thorn Forests.  Total Forest cover: 13.18%.  The Protected Area network: 1 Wildlife Sanctuary (Asola Bhatti) which covers 1.96% of the geographical area of the State.  Prosopis juliflora, an invasive species, is the most abundant tree species found in Delhi. Goa:  The State has two distinct physiographic regions, namely Western Ghats and coastal plains.  Major rivers: Mandovi and Zuari.  The Tribal population is 10.23% of the total population.  Goa has 16 mangrove species including Rhizophora spp, Bruguiera spp, Ceriops tagal, Kandelia spp, Avicennia spp, Sonneratia spp, etc  Total Forest cover: 60.44%  Various schemes implemented by Goa

Easy to PICK424 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Forest Department: Rehabilitation of  Total forest cover is very low: 3.62% Degraded Forests, Western Ghats  Major agroforestry species: Poplar and Development Programme, Development of Gardens, Parks and Fountains, Social Eucalyptus trees and Urban Forestry etc.  Protected Area network of the State: 2  Protected Area network: 1 National Park (Mollem) and 6 Wildlife National Parks (Kalesar and Sultanpur), 8 Sanctuaries. Wildlife Sanctuaries and 2 Conservation Gujarat: Reserves.  The unique features of the State of Gujarat: Himachal Pradesh:  The State has three distinct regions: o largest coastline in the country o the saline deserts of Rann o Grasslands o Wetlands Physiographically the State can be divided into three distinct regions:  o The peninsula (Saurashtra): hilly tract with low hills o Kachchh on the north-west: it is barren and contains the famous Rann of Kachchh o The mainland: from the Rann of Kachchh and the Aravalli hills to the river Damanganga, consists of plains with alluvial soil.  Gujarat has the last reserve of the Asiatic lion in the forests of Gir and Wild Ass in the Little Rann of Kachchh.  Total Forest cover: 7.57%  Wetland area inside RFA/GW: 39.88%, largest in the country  Protected Area network of the State: 4 National Parks (Vansda, Velavadar, Gir, Marine- Gulf of Kachchh) o 23 Wildlife Sanctuaries and 1 Conservation Reserve  Dominant tree species in the state is neem (Azadirachta indica) Haryana:  Major rivers of the state: Yamuna and the Ghaggar  Over 500 bird species recorded in the State i.e. 40% of total bird species in the country.  Major Forest Type Groups: Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest, Tropical Thorn Forest and Subtropical Pine Forests.

Easy to PICK425 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 India to be the manufacturing hub for E-vehicles in next 5 years  Union Minister for Road Transport& Highways and MSMEs Shri Nitin Gadkari has expressed confidence that in the next five years, India will become a manufacturing hub for electric vehicles.  He said, the Government is trying to extend best possible concessions to this sector, and has lowered the GST on electrical vehicles to 12 per cent.  Addressing a webinar on ‘India's Electric Vehicle Roadmap post-COVID- 19’ today, the Minister said, he was aware of the issues facing the EV sector, but was also sure of the things to change as the sales volumes increase.  The world is no more interested in doing business with China, which is a very good opportunity for Indian industry to pick up the shift in business.  With petroleum fuel being available in limited quantity, the world has to look for alternate and cheap sources of power.  Electric and bio fuels stand a good chance for adoption.  He also indicated towards the ensuing vehicle scrapping policy, and commented that it will give a fillip to auto manufacturing sector.  The Minister recalled the London model of public transport, where private and public investment is working well.  He said, adopting similar approach will be beneficial for both the poor commuters and the civic administration.  He indicated towards working on a pilot project for developing an electric highway on the upcoming Delhi-Mumbai Green Corridor.

Easy to PICK426 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Carbon emissions sharply rebound as countries lift coronavirus restrictions Key Points estimate of 7% if some restrictions remain  Carbon emissions are now surging back until the end of 2020. to prepandemic levels as states and  Scientists say the estimated 4% to 7% countries reopen, a grim reminder that the decline in emissions for 2020 isn’t nearly world is still grappling with accelerating enough to combat global warming. climate change.  The only way to actually reduce emissions  By mid-June, global emissions rebounded long term is if countries implement clean to roughly 5% below 2019 levels and in energy policy to bring global emissions emissions in China returned to pre- to almost zero. pandemic levels, according to an update Changing attitude of the world countries to in a May study published in the control climate change journal Nature Climate Change.  The Trump administration is reversing  During lockdowns, vehicle traffic was cut more than 100 environmental in half in the U.S. and Europe, but more regulations after three years in office people are getting back on the road and and China continues to build more coal taking cars over public transportation. plants.  Most changes observed in 2020 are likely NEWS to be temporary as they do not reflect  Worldwide coronavirus lockdowns structural changes in the economic, caused carbon emissions to plummet this transport or energy systems. spring, as people stayed inside their  In fact, the economic fallout from homes, factories shut down, airlines the virus will likely hinder long-term grounded their planes and traffic climate change action by compromising subsided on major highways. global investments in clean energy and  But emissions are now surging back to pre- weakening industry environmental pandemic levels as states and countries goals to reduce emissions. reopen, a rebound scientists  Many governments have failed to offer have warned about since the start of the economic stimulus packages that invest lockdowns and a grim reminder that the in low carbon infrastructure. world is still grappling with accelerating Way ahead climate change.  Activities like walking and cycling,  In early January, global emissions were at which allow people to socially distance, roughly 2019 levels. could help to cut back carbon emissions  By early April, emissions fell by about and air pollution as states and countries 17% during the peak lockdowns. reopen.  But by mid-June, when countries began  Some cities are looking to address the lifting restrictions, emissions increased to surge in vehicle use amid reopening, about 5% below the 2019 levels including Bogota, Colombia, New York,  The impact the pandemic will have Paris and Berlin, which have added more on 2020 emissions depends on how long it street space for walkers and cyclists. takes for all lockdown measures to be lifted and how swiftly business and consumer activity returns to normal levels.  Scientists estimate a potential reduction of 4% for the year if pre-pandemic conditions return by mid-June and a high

Easy to PICK427 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 SEBI’s Measure to Increase Market Liquidity In April, SEBI had relaxed certain regulatory investment schemes were brought under requirements related to rights issues and initial SEBI except Nidhis, chit funds and public offerings (IPOs) to help companies to cooperatives. raise funds during this pandemic. It allowed any The SEBI is managed by its members, which listed entity with a market capitalization of at consists of the following: least Rs.100 crore could use the fast- track route  The chairman is nominated by the Union for a rights issue. Earlier, the norm was ?250 crore Government of India. for such offerings.  Two members, i.e., Officers from the Further, any company that had been listed for 18 Union Finance Ministry. months was permitted to raise funds through a  One member from the Reserve Bank of fast- track rights issue. Earlier it was 3 years. India. Also, the minimum subscription requirement  The remaining five members are to make an issue successful was lowered from nominated by the Union Government of the earlier 90% of the offer size to 75%. India, out of them at least three shall be whole-time members.  Recently, SEBI has allowed companies to make 2 qualified institutional placements (QIPs) with a gap of just 2 weeks between them.  This is a significant move as the earlier regulations mandated a minimum gap of 6 months between two such issuances.  It also permitted promoters to increase their stakes in their companies through preferential allotments by up to 10% without triggering an open offer, the cap was earlier set at 5%.  SEBI allowed the above relaxation only for the current financial year.  These moves would help in enhancing liquidity in the market as companies would be able to better time fund-raising while promoters could also acquire shares at a time when valuations were quite low compared with the historic highs. SEBI  It was first established in 1988 (originally formed in 1992) as a non- statutory body for regulating the securities market.  It was given Statutory Powers through the SEBI Act, 1992.  It was constituted as the regulator of capital markets in India under a resolution of the Government of India.  After the amendment of 1999, collective

Easy to PICK428 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 RBI Norms for NBFC’s A housing finance company is considered a non-  Existing HFCs would have to reach ?15 banking financial company (NBFC) under the crore within a year and ?20 crore within RBI’s regulations. A company is treated as an two years. NBFC if its financial assets are more than 50% of its total assets and income from financial assets is more than 50% of the gross income.  RBI has proposed stringent norms for housing finance companies by mandating 75% of their home loans to individual borrowers by 2024.  Recently, RBI has proposed the definition of qualifying assets for housing finance companies (HFCs).  It defined ‘qualifying assets’ as loans to individuals or a group of individuals, including co-operative societies, for construction/purchase of new dwelling units, loans to individuals for renovation of existing dwelling units, lending to builders for construction of residential dwelling units.  Non-Housing loans - All other loans, including those given for furnishing dwelling units, loans given against mortgage of property for any purpose other than buying/construction of a new dwelling units or renovation of the existing dwelling units.  Under new definition at least 50% of net assets should be in the nature of ‘qualifying assets’ for HFCs, of which at least 75% should be towards individual housing loans.(PT)  Such HFCs which do not fulfil the criteria will be treated as NBFC – Investment and Credit Companies (NBFC-ICCs).  They will be required to approach the RBI for conversion of their Certificate of Registration from HFC to NBFC-ICC.  The NBFC-ICCs which want to continue as HFCs would have to follow a roadmap to make 75% of their assets individual housing loans.  The central bank also proposed a minimum net-owned fund (NOF) of ?20 crore as compared to ?10 crore now.

Easy to PICK429 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 I-Lab  The Minister for Science & Technology, team with the support of DBT under the National Biopharma Mission being Earth Sciences and Health & Family implemented by the Public Sector BIRAC. Welfare Dr Harsh Vardhan inaugurated  She highlighted that the unit has biosafety and flagged off India’s first I-Lab facility and is capable of performing RT- PCR as well as ELISA tests. (Infectious disease diagnostic lab) for Covid testing in rural and inaccessible areas of India.  Expressing his happiness to launch the I- Lab, infectious disease diagnostic laboratory- a mobile testing facility, Dr. Harsh Vardhan dedicated this facility to provide Covid testing access to rural India.  This mobile testing facility will be deployed through the DBT testing hubs to remote regions of the country for Covid testing.  DBT is scaling-up testing for Covid by reorienting premiere laboratories as Covid DBT-AMTZ COMManD testing centers in a hub and spoke model.  The Department of  There are now over 20 hubs in the Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of country with 100 testing Science & Technology along with Andhra laboratories and these have tested more Pradesh Med-tech than 2,60,000 samples. Zone (AMTZ) has initiated the DBT-  This has been possible through the DBT- AMTZ COMManD [COVID Medtech AMTZ COVID Command Manufacturing Development] Consortia to Consortia (COVID Medtech address the shortage of critical healthcare Manufacturing Development] Consortia) technologies in India and move to cope-up with the current situation in the progressively towards a stage of self- country and move progressively towards a sufficiency.  Under this Consortia, India’s first I- lab stage of self-sufficiency.  The I-lab will be deployed through these (infectious disease diagnostic lab) has hubs into remote and interior place. been built at AMTZ in record time of 8  Today there are 953 testing laboratories in days from the date of receipt all corners of the country . of Automotive Chassis, from Bharat  Dr. Renu Swarup said on the occasion that Benz. through the concerted efforts Indian  This is a mobile diagnostic scientists, the country has achieved a unit with biosafety facility. capacity of producing nearly 5 lakh  The I- lab is a BSL-2 facility with on-site testing kits per day, exceeding the target ELISA, RT-PCR, Bio chemistry of having one lakh test kits by May 31, analysers. 2020.  It can run 50 RT-PCR reactions and  She pointed out that this I-Lab has been about 200 ELISA in a day. created in a record time of 8 days by  Double set of Machines can help increase the Andhra Pradesh Med-tech Zone the capacity to about 500 per day in 8 hours

Easy to PICK430 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 shift  It can be deployed in remote areas and can be lifted from Automotive Chassis and can be put on goods train for sending to any location in the country.  The BSL -2 Lab is as per NABL specifications and is being attached to DBT’s certified Testing centres. The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), under the Ministry of Science & Technology, promotes and accelerates the development of biotechnology in India, including growth and application of biotechnology in the areas of agriculture, healthcare, animal sciences, environment and industry.  AMTZ is Asia's first medical equipment manufacturing ecosystem, uniquely dedicated for Medtech and supported by various Ministries. INFECTIOUS DISEASE DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY (I-LAB)  To promote last mile access of testing to rural India, DBT under the Covid- Command strategy has supported building of mobile testing labs through AMTZ.  The unique feature of these mobile testing labs is their utility in diagnosing other infectious diseases beyond the Covid period Specifications  Automotive Chassis, Diagnostic Equipment, Clean Room, BSL-2 lab, bio- safety cabinets  25 Tests (RT-PCR) per I-Lab per Day  300 ELISA tests/day  Additional test for other diseases for TB, HIV etc. tol be costed as per CGHS rates.

Easy to PICK431 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 PBC Complex SERB supported study shows that collapse of  PreBötzinger complex functions as respiratory center in the brain may cause the primary respiratory oscillator and it breakdown of COVID-19 patients has been proposed as a center of respiration.  The team of researchers at CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology  It has been earlier shown that disruption (IICB), Kolkata has explored the neuro- of PBC causes lethality due to invasive potential of SARS-CoV-2 and respiratory failure, suggesting its central suggested that the virus may infect role in respiratory rhythm generation. respiratory centre of the brain and attention should be focused on  It is possible that SARS-CoV-2 may shut the respiratory centre of the central down respiratory center, and in turn nervous system to search for mortality breathing by infecting and destroying the due to COVID 19. PBC of the brainstem.  The paper published in ACS Chemical  Although this underline hypothesis needs Neuroscience and supported by Science to be validated for SARS-CoV-2, another & Engineering Research Board (SERB), recent study from a group of scientists at a Statutory Body of the Department of King’s College London, UK highlighting Science & Technology (DST), implies loss of smell was one of main symptoms that SARS-CoV-2 virus might enter the of COVID-19 patients, hinting at the human brain through the nose and involvement of the same route through reaches the olfactory bulb of the brain. which SARS-CoV-2 may enter the brain.  From there, SARS-CoV-2 virus might  SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV not only infect PreBötzinger complex (PBC), the share high levels of DNA sequence primary center of the brain that controls similarity, both of them exploit the the respiratory rhythm generation. same angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, through which the  This explains that collapse of the virus enters in target cells. respiratory center in the brain may be responsible for breakdown of COVID-19  Due to this, it was anticipated that the patients. mechanism through which SARS-CoV infected the host cell could also be the  Although, lung is one of the most infected same for SARS-CoV-2. organs, several other organs, including the brain, are also affected. Way ahead  The study highlights that it is important to  This is the first report that highlights the not only screen the COVID-19 patients for SARS-CoV-2 may target the PBC of the brainstem that controls respiration and causes respiratory collapse of COVID- 19 patients.  The scientists have suggested that cerebrospinal fluid of COVID-19 patients and postmortem brain of deceased patients should be assessed to better understand the route of SARS-CoV- 2 entry and its spread to respiratory center of brain.

Easy to PICK432 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 neurological symptoms but also further segregate when the symptom appears.  The researchers have pointed out that while at present, the brain is not considered as the site of primary or secondary reason for death of COVID-19, attention need to be focused towards the respiratory center of CNS.  Postmortem of brain of COVID-19 patients could be assessed to know the route of entry and affected areas including detailed assessment of respiratory center of the brain.

Easy to PICK433 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Umifenovir CSIR-CDRI’s candidate drug Umifenovir secures DCGI approval for Phase III Clinical Trial against COVID-19 Context  CSIR constituent lab CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute(CDRI) Lucknow, has received permission for carrying out Phase III randomised, Double blind, Placebo controlled trial of efficacy, safety and tolerability of antiviral drug Umifenovir. Umifenovir  This drug has a good safety profile and acts by preventing entry of virus into human cells and also by priming the immune system.  Umifenovir is mainly used for treatment of influenza and is available in China and Russia, and has recently come into prominence due to its potential use for Covid19 patients.  To evaluate its efficacy in Indian patients, CSIR-CDRI has taken up the clinical trial.  Further it has developed the process technology for Umifenovir in record time and licensed the economical process technology for manufacturing and marketing the drug to M/s. Medizest Pharmaceuticals Private Ltd. Goa, who have already received test license from DCGI.  All the raw materials for the drug are indigenously available and if the clinical trial is successful, Umifenovir can be a safe, efficacious, affordable drug against COVID-19 and can be part of National Program against COVID- 19.  Prof. Kundu also added that this drug has the potential for prophylactic use(intended to prevent disease.)

Easy to PICK434 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 NavRakshak An enterprise of DSIR, Ministry of Science and and moisture from the skin of the user. Technology, Govt. of India, NRDC Licenses  It gives protection but does not NavRakshak PPE Suit Manufacturing Know- how to Five MSMEs Developed by Indian Navy compromise on comfort.  This uniqueness of the PPE makes it way  National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) has licensed the different from the existing PPEs which are manufacturing know-how of a PPE Suit being used during the ongoing COVID being named as NavRakshak to five pandemic. MSME to meet the ongoing country wide  The PPE suit is available in single-ply as demand of quality PPE kits. well as double-ply versions as per the need of the end use conditions.  These five manufacturers put together are  It also comes with a head gear; face planning to mass produce more than 10 mask and shoe cover up to the mid-thigh million PPEs per year. level.  NavRakshak has been designed by a Naval  The manufacturing know-how of doctor incorporating personal experience NavRakshak PPE has been developed in using the PPE for the comfort and at the Innovation Cell of the Institute of protection of the doctors. Naval Medicine, INHS Asvini Hospital  The enhanced breathability factor in the (Mumbai) of the Indian Navy from where PPE suit makes it an attractive proposition the name ‘NavRakshak’ is derived. to be used by the frontline health workers who are required to wear these suits for  The PPE has been tested and certified at long hours and face extreme discomfort the INMAS, DRDO which is one of the while working. nine NABL accredited labs authorised  Since the concept of using uncoated, by Ministry of Textile currently in India unlaminated or untapped PPE has been for PPE prototype sample testing as per provided for the first time, and using such the prevailing ISO standards and PPE was not practised at all, there was a Ministry of Health & Family need to protect the IP rights of this Welfare/Ministry of Textile guidelines and innovation. has been found to meet the synthetic  A patent application has been filed for the blood penetration resistance criteria for NavRakshak PPE by the inventors through both the fabric, suit, and seam. NRDC.  This technology can resolve many issues at Advantages of NavRakshak one go.  It is cost effective as it does not require  It makes manufacturing easy without any major capital investment and can be requiring big capital investment. adopted even by gown  It does not require coating and taping manufacturing units using basic stitching related equipment. expertise.  Therefore, foreign import and costly  The technology and quality of fabric is so machines are not required. superior that there is no need of  It gives protection as well as comfort to the sealing around the seam of the PPE suit, user. thus eliminating the need of importing  Above all, it gives self-sustainability to costly sealing machines and tapes. the country.  The PPE fabric even does not require any lamination with polymer or plastic- like film.  This enables the PPE to permeate heat

Easy to PICK435 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET) Context holds a premier position. Union Minister of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Shri  The primary objective of CIPET has been D. V. Sadananda Gowda reviewed the activities of Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering contributing towards the growth of the & Technology (CIPET) through Video plastics industry through a combined Conferencing today. program of education and research.  The Institute has evolved through the About Central Institute of Plastics Engineering years, creating closer ties with & Technology (CIPET) industries with the intent to create innovative plastic based  Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & solutions which are resource efficient Technology (CIPET) was established in and marketable. 1968 by Government of India with  CIPET has an enviable interface with its the assistance of United Nations business and industry partners. We Development Programme (UNDP) at provide technical / consultancy services in Chennai. design, tooling, plastics processing & testing for the benefit of plastics & allied  The main objective of setting up of this industry. specialized institute was to develop manpower in different disciplines of Plastics Engineering & Technology as no similar institute was in existence in the country.  International Labour Organization (ILO) served as the executing agency.  During the initial project period between 1968 and 1973, the institute achieved the targets envisaged and was rated as one of the most successful UNDP projects implemented worldwide.  Today CIPET is a premier Academic institution for higher & technical education under the Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India fully devoted in all the domains of plastics . A PREMIER GOVT. OF INDIA INSTITUTE FOR HIGHER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN THE FIELD OF POLYMER SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY  Post-independence, it became a matter of concern that Plastic Engineering & Technology was a growing science and yet there was not enough human resource to meet the demand.  Imperative need was felt to establish CIPET -- the unique institute of its kind in the country and even today the institute

Easy to PICK436 – “UPSC Monthly Magazine\" June - 2020 Ban on export of HCQ lifted Ban on export of HCQ lifted  Government has lifted ban on export of anti-malerial drug Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) API and formulation.with immediate effect.  An Inter-ministerial High-Level Empowered Committee meets regularly on fortnightly basis for assessing the availability of drugs in the country and will continue to meet to monitor the situation.  In the meeting it was noted that during March-May, 2020 period (COVID-19 period) numbers of manufacturing units of Hydroxychloroquine have increased from 2 to 12 and the country’s production capacity of Hydroxychloroquine have increased three times i.e. from 10 Crore (Approx) tablets per month to 30 Crore (Approx) tablets per month.  Currently, India is having surplus of Hydroxychloroquine tablets over and above its domestic requirements.  Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) conducts survey regarding availability of Hydroxychloroquine and other drugs in domestic market from time to time.

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