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Home Explore Nursery Prospectus 2016-17

Nursery Prospectus 2016-17

Published by andy, 2016-08-09 04:18:34

Description: St Dominics Priory School Nursery Prospectus


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“All children are happy, extremely “The quality of provision for children “Staff work closely with parents P2NR0UO1R6SSP-EE1RC7YTUSconfident and eager to learn. Children’s of all abilities is outstanding” who appreciate the loving familybehaviour is exemplary throughout the ISI INSPECTION atmosphere and the way staff treat Educating our Baby Doms, Cygnets & Swanssetting.” ISI INSPECTION each child as a valued individual.” to become Little Doms… ISI INSPECTION We would love to show you around our Nursery so you can see for yourselves what a wonderful setting this could be for your child.Call 01785 814181 ♦ ♦ 21 Station Road, Stone ST15 8EN

At St. Dominic’s Priory School Nursery playground that backs onto the canal. independent school education. Children OPENING TIMES CHILDCARE VOUCHER SCHEME welfare and development. We alwaysin Stone, your child will experience The children enjoy watching the barges who move on to our Reception Class Our Nursery is open from Some parents may wish to partake in the strive to educate our children to showthe very best possible start to their and feeding the ducks! find the transition from Nursery to 7.30am to 6pm, Monday - Friday, Childcare Voucher Scheme (sometimes care and consideration for those whoeducation. school life much easier, as they already 51 weeks of the year. called ‘Salary Sacrifice Scheme’) through have needs that are different from their STAFF know their friends, teachers and their place of work. All childcare vouchers own.These early years are critical as Members of staff are very experienced surroundings FEES - FROM SEPTEMBER 2016 are accepted. Please talk to our Financechildren develop rapidly during this and well qualified in nursery education. We offer different fees for those parents Manager. TESTIMONIALStime - physically, intellectually, Staff are qualified to NVQ Level 3 or CURRICULUM wanting a full year’s Nursery or term- The Care and education our Nurseryemotionally and socially. above. The day to day running of the Staff interact and support all children time only. THINK2 PLACES provides is reflected through testimonials Nursery is the responsibility of the which enhances their positive attitude We accept children on this scheme we receive from parents. Below are aThe Nursery follows the Early Years’ Nursery Manager, while our reception to learning. We encourage them to 51 WEEKS PER YEAR if approved by Staffordshire County couple of recent ones we have received:Foundation Stage Curriculum but teacher oversees the Nursery curriculum be independent and make their own • 7.30am - 1pm (morning session) Council.offers so much more. and works closely with staff. choices. • 1pm – 6pm (afternoon session) “St. Dominic’s provides a place where • £19.47 per session Whole Day £36.71 FREE FUNDED PLACES children can explore and learn in the mostFACILITIES The Nursery is part of the Prep School We follow the Early Years’ Foundation • Full week (10 sessions) £166.90 (NURSERY VOUCHERS) positive way. It is well resourced, andThe Nursery is a modern, purpose- and the Nursery staff liaise closely with Stage Curriculum (EYFS), which is We provide free funded places under the staff ensure the activities are organisedbuilt unit which is attractive, spacious the teachers and Learning Support carefully structured to provide rich 38 WEEKS PER YEAR Nursery Education Funding allocated by to excite and expand the learningand bright. The Early Years’ building is Assistants. The Headteacher has the and stimulating experiences, which • 7.30am - 1pm (morning session) the government to three and four year experience. A warm welcome greets thedivided into five key rooms. Children overview of the Nursery and is a are relevant, imaginative, motivating, • 1pm - 6pm (afternoon session) olds to assist or pay for their Nursery children helping them to settle into amove between rooms according to their frequent visitor. We have an excellent enjoyable and challenging. • £22.26 per session education. Children are eligible for this very happy and safe environment whereindividual needs, age and development. staff to pupil ratio. • Whole Day £42.27 funding from the term after their third the children grow in so many ways. MyThe family atmosphere of St. Dominic’s Equipment and materials are made • Full week (10 sessions) £200.27 birthday. All children are eligible for son benefited from this nursery, andPriory School shines through, as the MEALS available to support all seven areas of free child places, regardless of income. now our daughter is enjoying the samenursery children are encouraged to feel Meals and snacks are available according learning and development. Activities or School sessions 38 weeks per year Allocation of hours to these places experience.”part of the main school. to your child’s session time. A healthy are well organised to help extend their • 8.45am - 12.15pm (morning session) is subject to available space on each diet is provided, and individual dietary knowledge, skills and understanding. • 12.30pm - 4pm (afternoon session) morning or afternoon session and is at “Since our son has been in NurseryOUTSIDE LEARNING requirements are catered for. Good table • 8.45am - 3.15pm (daily session) the Head Teacher’s discretion. we have noticed a huge difference inThe outdoor environment provides rich, manners are encouraged. Please visit our website • £18.21 per session his development. His social skills havedynamic and natural space for learning for more • Whole Day £36.41 SPECIAL NEEDS developed threefold and his confidenceand development in children of all ages ST. DOMINIC’S PRIORY SCHOOL detailed information on our Curriculum. • Full week (10 daily sessions) £182.05 Any EYFS children with special needs will and speech have also improvedand is an essential learning resource. There is no obligation for your child be included, valued and supported. They overnight. We would have no hesitationEarly Years’ pupils have access to the to continue at the school for the rest will have access, alongside their peers, in recommending parents to place theirbeautiful grounds of St. Dominic’s of their education, but our Nursery to the facilities and activities, wherever child in the safe hands of the staff at StPriory School. Our Nursery has its own is an opportunity to get a taste of reasonable, in order to promote their Dominic’s.”

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