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Home Explore Major-ZachGarcia (1)

Major-ZachGarcia (1)

Published by zachary.garcia.570, 2016-11-03 12:55:29

Description: Major-ZachGarcia (1)


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Zach GarciaBody systems

Table of Contents Integumentary Musculoskeletal Nervous Special senses Cardiovascular Respiratory Digestive Urinary Reproductive

FunctionIntegumentary: this system protects the body from outside disturbances, along with eliminatingwaste, and regulating body temperature.Termsderm/o, dermat/o- skinkerat/o- hard tissuexer/o- dryxantho/- yellowerythr/o- redpedicu/o- louseonych/o- finger/toe nailmyc/o- mushroom, funguspil/o- hairlip/o- fat,lipidrhytid/o- wrinklealbin/o- whiteNail- the hard covering on the tip of the fingers and toesSweat- moisture exuded to reduce heatDermis- thick layer of tissue below the epidermis that consists of blood capillaries, nerveendings, sweat glands, and hair folliclesEpidermis- The outer layer of cells covering an organismCuticle- the dead skin at the base of a fingernail or toenailKeratin- a fibrous protein that are the main structural component in hair and nailsPore- an opening in the skin in which gases, liquids, and microscopic particles can passHair follicle- sac that holds the root of hair fibersHypodermis- a layer comprised of primarily lipids that is located beneath the dermisHidrosis- the production of sweatDiseases ● Eczema is a disease that causes irritated, itchy, flaky skin. It can either just occur or be transmitted by poison ivy. ● Acna is a disorder of the hair and oil glands that causes many red bumps and pimples to form in clusters ● Vitiligo is when the skin’s melanocytes no longer function correctly. A person with vitiligo can have a patch, or multiple patches of white skin ● Psoriasis is a condition in which itchy, red bumps form on the elbow or knees.

Careers ● A dermatologist aids in both the diagnostic and treatment processes of the skin, hair, and nails. ● Plastic surgeons perform reconstructive surgeries on a person’s face, as well as appearance changing cosmetic surgeries.

FunctionMusculoskeletal: this system allows for movement to occur and provides the support andframework for our body.Termsmy/o- musclemyel/o- bone marrowoste/o- bonecost/o- ribcrani/o- skull-pexy- surgical fixationchondr/o- cartilagearthr/o- joint-plegia- paralysiskinesi/o- movementBone marrow- A soft fatty substance located in the cavities of bones in which white blood cellsare producedCartilage- flexible connective tissueBone- hard tissue that makes up the skeletonJoint- a structure at which to parts of the skeleton are fitted togetherTendon- a flexible tissue that connects a muscle to a boneLigament- a flexible band of tissues that connects two bonesMuscle- a band of fibrous tissue that has the ability to contractPeriosteum- a dense layer of connective tissues that envelop the bones except at the surfacesof the jointsOsteocyte- is a bone cell that is formed when an osteoblast becomes embedded in the matrix itsecretesTrabecula- a series or group of partitions of connective tissueDiseases ● Arthritis is the chronic inflammation of a joint or joints that causes loss of mobility. ● Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones lose density due to lack of calcium. ● Osteomalacia is a condition in which bones become flexible, and rubber like due to lack of calcium at an early age. ● Tendonitis occurs when a tendon is repeatedly strained becomes inflamed causing lack of mobility to a particular muscle.Careers ● An orthopedic surgeon performs diagnosis, treatment, and surgery when necessary on the skeletal system. ● A physical therapist helps to treat people that are having difficulty with movement.

FunctionNervous: this system is a complex network of neurons and other specialized cells that transmitsignals to parts of the body.Termsneur/o- nerveencephal/o- brainmyel/o- spinal cordambul/o- walking-esthesia- feeling; sensibilitymening/o- meningespsych/o- mindconcuss/o- shaken togetherNeuron- a specialized cell that transmits nerve impulsesSpinal cord- the cylindrical bundle of nerve fibers and associated tissue that is enclosed in thespineOccipital lobe- the occipital lobe is the visual processing center of the brainParietal lobe- it is the part of the brain that processes sensory information and aids inprocessing language and mathematicsFrontal lobe- it is involved in motor function, problem solving, and memoryCerebellum- the cerebellum receives sensory information from the spinal cord and othersensory systems to regulate motor movements as well as coordinate voluntary movementsGray matter- darker tissue in the brain that consists of nerve cell bodies and branchingdendritesSynapse- the junction between two nerve cellsDendrite- a short branched extension of a nerve cell in which impulses are received fromsynapsesGlial cells- they surround neurons to hold them in pace, and supply them with oxygen andnutrientsDiseases ● Multiple sclerosis is a disease that manifests as many hard plaques in the insulating layers of the nerve fibers and causes degeneration. ● Epilepsy is a condition in which convulsions are triggered by certain environments. The damage of the after effects from the seizures can vary. ● Aphasia is a condition in which speech is lost, this occurs usually when someone suffers from a stroke. ● Alzheimer’s disease is a disease that destroys memory and many other importants brain functions.Careers ● A neurologist is a medical doctor that specializes in treating the diseases/disorders of the nervous system.

● An anesthesiologist is a physician who is trained in perioperative medicine and anesthesia.

FunctionsSpecial Senses: this system is comprised of special sensory receptor organs that allow for us tohear, see, and taste.Termsirid/o- iris-cusis- hearing-iopia- vision conditionot/o- eartympan/o- eardrumopthalm/o- eye-metry- process of measuringEyes- a pair of globular organs that allow for sightEars- organs that allow hearing and balanceCerumen- a yellowish waxy substance secreted in the ear canal that assists in cleaningIris- the blue or brown area of the eye that overlies the cornea and controls the diameter of thepupilTympanic membrane- the membrane part of the ear that vibrates in response to sound wavesTaste- the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throatMucous membranes- are glands that secrete mucus for lubrication and protectionMucus- a slimy substance used to lubricate and protectNose- an area that projects from the face that is used for breathing and smellingPhotoreceptors- they convert light into electrochemical signals that are processed in the retinaand transmitted to the brainDiseases ● A cataract is an opacity of the crystalline lens of the eye that causes glare and cloudy vision. ● Conjunctivitis is a disease in which the conjunctiva is inflamed, causing the eyes to become irritated. ● Ptosis is a condition in which the eyelid droops and can significantly obscure vision. ● Astigmatism is a non uniform curvature of the cornea that causes the eye to focus images at different distances.Careers ● An ophthalmologist is a physician that specializes in the medical, and surgical care of the eyes and visual system. ● An audiologist is a health care professional that specializes in hearing loss disorders, and balance related disorders and helps rehabilitate suffering patients.

FunctionCardiovascular: this system is responsible for distributing oxygen and nutrients throughout thebody, while utilizing a network of vessels.Termscardi/o- heartangi/o- vesselhem/o, hemat/o- bloodBrady- abnormally slowTachy- abnormally fastthromb/o- thrombus-emia- blood conditionleuk/o- whiteerythr/o- redArteries- muscular walled tubes that circulate oxygenated blood to the rest of the bodyVeins- tubes that carry oxygen depleted blood back to the heartBlood vessel- a tubular structure used to carry blood through tissues and organsAorta- the largest artery in the body that supplies oxygenated blood to most of the bodyVena cava- a large vein supplying the heart with oxygen depleted blood to oxygenateVentricle- a hollow or cavity like part of an organValve- controls the passage of fluidCapillaries- a series of venules that connect arterioles to veinsVenule- a very small one cell wide vein found in capillariesArteriole- a small branch of an artery that leads to capillariesDiseases ● atherosclerosis is the abnormal hardening of the arteries that give the heart oxygen and nutrients. ● Arrhythmia is a condition in which the heart has a change in normal rhythmic sequence. ● Cardiomyopathy is a disease that causes the heart to become abnormally enlarged and thickened. ● Heart failure is a condition in which the heart’s ability to pump is weaker than normal, and blood moves through the heart at a slower rate.Careers ● A cardiologist is a physician that specializes in treating the diseases/disorders of the cardiovascular system. ● A cardiovascular surgeon is someone that performs surgeries when necessary to treat the cardiovascular system.

FunctionRespiratory: this system is responsible for the intake of oxygen, and the expelling of carbondioxide.TermsRespiratory:bronch/o- bronchial tubecyan/o- bluelarying/o- larynx-oxia- oxygenOxy- swiftpleur/o- pleurapneum/o- lung, airpulmon/o- lungthorac/ot- chesttrache/o- tracheaAlveolus- many tiny air sacks in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxidetakes placeTrachea- an extension from the larynx that conveys air to and from the lungs; windpipeBronchus- the two major air passage ways that diverge from the tracheaBronchioles- the many minute branches off of the bronchusLungs- a pair of organs that are responsible for the exchange between oxygen and carbondioxideDiaphragm- a dome shaped muscular partition that when contracts inflates the lungsLarynx- a hollow muscular organ that forms the air passage to the tracheaPharynx- the cavity behind the nose and mouth that connects them to the esophagusEpiglottis- cartilage at the root of the tongue that covers the opening to the trachea duringswallowingPleura- a thin serous membrane that forms the lining of the thoracic cavityMediastinum- the region between the pleural sacsDiseases ● Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchial tubes. ● Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that causes thick mucus to form in the lungs. ● Asthma is a lung disease in which causes breathing difficulties due to constricted airways. ● Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that can develop in the pleura that causes breathing difficulties.Careers

● A pulmonologist is a medical physician that specializes in the treatment of the diseases/disorders of the lungs.● A pulmonary oncologist is someone that specializes in the treatment of lung cancer.

Function Digestive: this system is responsible for the absorption of nutrients, and the breaking down/removal of waste products. Termsolecyst/o- gall bladderenter/o- intestines (small)col/o, colon/o- colonhepat/o- livergastr/o- stomachor/o- mouth-pepsia- digestionchol/e- bileproct/o- rectum, anusGallbladder- an organ in which bile is stored after it is secreted by the liverLiver- a large glandular organ that is involved in many metabolic processesStomach- an organ that has a major role in digesting foodSmall intestine- the part of the intestine that runs between the stomach and the large intestineLarge intestine- the cecum, colon and rectum collectivelyBile- an alkaline fluid that aids in digestionRectum- the final section of the large intestine terminating in the anusIleum- the portion of the small intestine between the jejunum and the large intestineColon- the main portion of the large intestine that absorbs water and electrolytes from the foodAnus- the opening which solid waste leaves the bodyDiseases ● Gallstones are hard deposits that form in the gallbladder that are shaped like small stones. ● Celiac disease is a disease in which there is serious sensitivity to the protein gluten. ● Crohn’s Disease is a disease in which the ileum becomes extremely inflamed. ● Ulcerative Colitis is a disease in which the colon becomes extremely inflamed.Careers ● A gastroenterologist is a medical physician that specializes in the treatment of the digestive system. ● A proctologist specializes in the diseases of the anus/rectum.

Function Urinary: this system is responsible for the excretion of waste that is located in the blood stream. Terms-cele- hernia-lysis- abnormal looseningcyst/o- bladdernephr/o- kidneyren/o- anus-uria- urine-pexy- surgical fixation-ectasis- dilationpyel/o- renal pelvisKidney- a pair of organs that help filter the blood and excrete urineNephron- a specialized cell in the kidney that helps filtrate urineBladder- a membranous sac that collects urineUreter- the duct that transports urine to the bladderUrethra- the duct by which urine is conveyed out of the bodyHernia- a bulging organ or tissue through an abnormal openingRenal pelvis- the broadened part of the kidney in which urine drains to the ureterRenal artery- supplies the kidneys with bloodRenal veins- they connect the kidneys to the inferior vena cavaDiseases ● Nephrolithiasis is a disease in which mineral deposits form in the kidneys. ● A urinary tract infection is any infection that takes place in the kidneys, bladder, or urethra that causes pain in the lower abdomen. ● Interstitial cystitis is a condition in which there is extreme pressure in the bladder. ● Urethritis is the inflammation of the urethra.Careers

● A gastroenterologist is a medical physician that specializes in the treatment of the digestive system.● A proctologist specializes in the diseases of the anus/rectum.

Function Reproductive: this system is responsible for the reproduction of humans. TermsReproductive:cervic/o- cervixsalping/o- uterusov/o- ovariesorchid/o- testesoophor/o- ovummen/o- menstruationmamm/o- mammariesgynec/o- womencolp/o- vaginaprostat/o prostateTestes- organs that produce spermOvaries- organs that produce ovumOvum- a mature female reproductive cellOvulation- the discharge of the ova from the ovaryMenstruation- the process in which blood and the uterus lining are dischargedFallopian tube- a tube along which eggs travel to the uterusVas deferens- tubes in which sperm travels to the urethraUterus- the wombUrethra- a duct used to convey semenMammary gland- the milk producing gland Diseases ● Gallstones are hard deposits that form in the gallbladder that are shaped like small stones. ● Celiac disease is a disease in which there is serious sensitivity to the protein gluten.

● Crohn’s Disease is a disease in which the ileum becomes extremely inflamed. ● Ulcerative Colitis is a disease in which the colon becomes extremely inflamed.Careers ● A gynecologist is a medical physician that specializes in the treatment of the female reproductive system. ● An andrologist is a medical physician that specializes in the treatment of the male reproductive system.

I deserve 10 extra points because i was punctual and my presentation is phenomenal.

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