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e-Newsletter fromRigLtd e-cargo ht Logistics Pvt Newsletter February 2018 Volume-3 • Issue 2 •

e-cargo Air FreightnewsletterA Monthly e-Newsletter from Right LogisticsEmirates transports Ethiopian Airlines wins firstfirst UAE-manufactured Award in Chinaspace satellite Ethiopian Airlines CargoEmirates SkyCargo & Logistics Services, has transported Africa’s largest cargo KhalifaSat, the operator, has received the first satellite developed Export & Import Cargo and built by Emirati Transportation award at engineers in the UAE. a Customers Symposium As the first step in organised by Guangzhou Bayiun International Airport in its journey to space, KhalifaSat was flown from Dubai China on February 7, 2018. to Incheon International Airport in South Korea on a chartered Emirates SkyCargo Boeing 777 freighter. Top 10 international cargo carriers, Domestic Cargo Carriers Emirates SkyCargo also unveiled a special branded truck and Cargo Agents took part in the symposium. Ethiopian to mark the event. has the major share of 13 per cent of the total international cargo transportation at Bayiun International Airport.Turkish Cargo adds newLiege freighter call SriLankan Airlines expands footprint Turkish Airlines Cargo is in India the latest cargo carrier to launch a freighter SriLankan Airlines has been service to Liege Airport. The focusing on the Indian market new weekly service utilises to strategically expand its operations in the country. an Airbus A330-200F and operates between Istanbul During the past years, the airline has established a strong and Liege. It landed in the Belgian airport for the first market presence and lasting relationship with the travel time on February 13. partners and industry stakeholders of India. Turkish Airlines Cargo will primarily transport perishable India has been a vital partner in SriLankan Airlines’ route goods for the European market, essentially France, network from the early days. The airline holds the widest Germany and Belgium, on the service with cargo handled coverage in India, which is Sri Lanka’s primary source of by Aviapartner. inbound tourist traffic. Today, it directly operates to 14 Indian destinations with a total of 135 flights a week. RIGHT When you have cargo that needs a constant temperature above or below freezing,COLD you need a dependable and experiencedCHAIN freight forwarder who can provide you with refrigeratedfreight transportation services to and from virtually any location in the world. Let the experts at Right work with you to determine the most efficient and appropriate method to move your temperature-sensitive cargo and experience the difference only a knowledgeable freight forwarder can make. RIGHT LOGISTICS ed ISO 9001 : 2015 Certifie-cargo Newsletter 2 February 2018

e-cargo Air FreightnewsletterA Monthly e-Newsletter from Right LogisticsAir India looks at SFO Turkish Cargo launcheson weekends and to New Services for LiegeAustralia thrice a week Liege Airport has welcomed a new cargo airline. OnSoon-to-be-privatised Air India is looking at majorly Tuesday February 13, Turkish Cargo, a subsidiary increasing the frequency of its popular nonstops to of Turkish Airlines, launched once a week services San Francisco (SFO) and Australia. The Delhi-SFO between Istanbul and Liege. This carrier will be principallyflight is currently six days a week and the Maharaja is transporting perishable goods for the European marketplanning a 50% increase by making it nine times a week. (essentially France, Germany and Belgium). The freightAnd the daily Delhi-Australia nonstop may be raised to 10 handling is being provided by weekly. AI is the only airline that flies nonstop fromIndia to Australia and to the west coast of US. Steven Verhasselt, Commercial Vice-President of Liege“We are witnessing lot of rush on the SFO nonstop during Airport, commented: “Our strategy is very clear: priority isweekends. So we are looking at having a double daily on given to companies specialising in cargo. We transportedFridays and Sundays. As of now there are two options, to 717,000 tonnes in 2017, which was a record for us, andmake it a daily or have 9 a week.We are more keen on nine we aim to exceed 800,000 tonnes in 2018. The Turkishflights,” said a senior AI official. market is very important and is ideally situated at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa”. ?DLDKSoiffeeioofnlrerkidvvriaienecorngefyt We can provide complete Door to Door solution for your shipmentsDD by Air, Ocean or Sea/Air –Air Sea worldwide. Our strength is quality And professional worldwide network. No matter what your field of expertise or size of business, at Right Logistics You will find people who understand your business realities. RIGHT LOGISTICS ed ISO 9001 : 2015 Certifie-cargo Newsletter 3 February 2018

e-cargo Air FreightnewsletterA Monthly e-Newsletter from Right LogisticsEthiopian Cargo to use Etihad Cargo ships 51DoKaSch’s Opticooler horses from Belgium tofor temperature- the show jumping eventsensitive shipments in Hong Kong Ethiopian Cargo & Etihad Cargo Logistics Services is recently the latest client for transported 51 DoKaSch Temperature elite show jumping Solutions, the provider horses using Boeing of climate-controlled 777 freighters from solutions for air cargo. Belgium to Hong Recently, the fastest Kong for the annualgrowing and largest airline in Africa and the German ULD Hong Kong Longines Masters event.provider signed a master agreement for its Opticooler. It’s the second year in a row that Etihad Cargo has“We are very glad to offer our customers a highly reliable transported elite horses from across the globe to thepackaging solution to transport temperature-sensitive annual show jumping event held in Hong Kong. Fifty oneshipments with DoKaSch’s Opticooler,” says Fitsum Abady, horses were accompanied by eight professional grooms,MD Ethiopian Cargo & Logistics Services. “In this fast and a veterinarian as they made the round-trip journeygrowing and strongly competitive market, it is important from Liege Airport to the Hong Kong Internationalthat we offer our customers the best packaging solution Airport.for their sensitive cargo.”LATAM Cargo transports www.rightlogistics.comover 9,500 tonnes of www.rightlogistics.comflowers for Valentine’s Day Right LoGegt itidsetliveirceRdisthgePhrivghttt wLaLoyGt!edgt itidsetliveircedsthePrivghtt waLyt! d Withn 21 days, LATAM Cargo used about 163 ColD CRHIGAHinT RIAGiHrT freighters to transport over 9,500 tonnes of flowers to RsIGeHAT RDDIDG2HDT meet the growing Valentine’s Day demand. ColD CRHIGAHinT RIAGiHrT As per estimates, over two million RsIGeHAT RDDIDG2HDT fresh flowers per aircraft were shipped by LATAM Cargo during the season, which RIGHT LOGISTICS also coincides with Mother’s Day in April and May — the peak season for fresh flower exports worldwide. Between January 17 and February 7, over 163 freighters departed from Ecuador and Colombia, almost tripling the number of regular weekly shipments. ed ISO 9001 : 2015 Certifie-cargo Newsletter 4 February 2018 RIGHT HAz RIGHT

e-cargo Air FreightnewsletterA Monthly e-Newsletter from Right LogisticsCargo Carrier SF Airlines AirBridgeCargocontinues expansion exploring a dual-hub strategy SF Airlines has continued to expand its fleet and add new Russia-based all- services, while details have cargo carrier emerged of its plans to open its AirBridgeCargo own airport. Earlier this month, is seeking to further the express operator took delivery of its 42nd freighter – a Boeing consolidate its757-200 – at Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport. European freighter operations with the establishment ofThe cargo carrier, a division of Chinese parcels giant SFExpress, was launched in 2009 and has steadily grown its a secondary hub in Western or Central Europe that wouldfleet, breaching the 40 aircraft mark last year. complement its existing Moscow Hub. The carrier isFollowing the latest delivery, its fleet now consists of fiveB767s, 20 B757s and 17 B737s. It has also purchased reportedly in the process of evaluating thirteen airportsB747 aircraft through an online auction, although it willtake a while before these aircraft are ready to fly because across Western and Central Europe to determine theirof the amount of time they were out of action. ability to add adequate staff, handling infrastructure, and road-feeder connectivity to the broader region, according to a report in Cargoforwarder Global.Emirates SkyCargo launches newservice to NetherlandsEmirates SkyCargo, the freight division of Emirates, has launched a new scheduled freighter services Amsterdam. to Maastricht in the Netherlands, expanding its footprint in Europe, said a report. Emirates SkyCargo will initially operate two freighter flights a week to Maastricht on Tuesdays andThe European city will join Emirates SkyCargo’s global Thursdays. The aircraft will arrive at 8:10 local time andfreighter network of over 40 cities and will become the depart at 10:10 local time to Dubai World Central airportsecond freighter destination in the Netherlands after on both daysRIGHT Right Art of Services RIGHTAir MoversRIGHT RIGHTSEA HAZRIGHT RIGHTPROJECTS cold chainRIGHT RIGHT LOGISTICS RIGHT DCritical D2D ed ISO 9001 : 2015 Certifi e-cargo Newsletter 5 February 2018

e-cargo Air FreightnewsletterA Monthly e-Newsletter from Right LogisticsPhiladelphia Airport Delta adds GPS linksbuys 135-acre lot for air to its Equation Criticalcargo expansion productAlargely vacant tract of land beside Philadelphia Delta Cargo International Airport could become an active has launched shipping hub under a plan to develop the site a GPS-linkedinto a new air-freight complex, The Inquirer reported. In Equation CriticalJanuary, the airport won the right of access to the 135- international serviceacre Henderson Tract, west of the passenger terminals. for time-sensitiveThe acquisition is a move by the Philadelphia Airport to shipments that must travel on the next available flight –seize a portion of the roughly $50 million in air cargo an international version of its DASH Critical domestic USbusiness generated by airports in Baltimore, Washington, offering.New York and Newark, New Jersey. Expanded East Coast With distinctive pink packaging, Equation Criticalavailability — complete with parking — should appeal to shipments do not require pre-booking and cargo can betransporters finding other locations too crowded. Possible tendered up to 90 minutes before a for the new facility within the supply chain include The service is aimed at legal documents, essentialpharmaceuticals, auto manufacturers and others. machinery parts and aircraft on the ground components. There is a service-level guarantee and Delta’s Cargo ControlUK lifts air cargo ban on Center proactively monitors shipments throughout theDhaka-London route journey. Customers can also track their shipments in real The UK Right government has Movers withdrawn the ban on Dhaka-London Right is unlike most other moving direct air cargo, companies. We provide a complete two years after the door-to-door removals service forauthorities imposed an embargo on it citing poor security moving all your entire householdat Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport. items overseas.The announcement was made this afternoon at a press Quite simply, this means we takeconference jointly organised by the UK High Commission care of every aspect of your movein Dhaka and Bangladesh’s civil aviation ministry. until you have moved in and settledCivil Aviation Minister AKM Shahjahan Kamal and British in to your home.High Commissioner in Bangladesh Alison Blake addressedthe press conference at the Hazrat Shahjalal International RIGHT LOGISTICSAirport’s (HSIA) conference room. www.rightlogistics.come-cargo Newsletter 6 February 2018

e-cargo Air FreightnewsletterA Monthly e-Newsletter from Right LogisticsPM lays foundation SIA Cargo inks MOUstone for Navi Mumbai with Japan-basedinternational airport Nippon Cargo Airlines Prime Minister Narendra Singapore Airlines Cargo (SIA Cargo) announced that it Modi on Sunday laid has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) the foundation stone with Nippon Cargo Airines (NCA) to develop a for the Rs 16,700 crore- strategic partnership for an improved customer experience. Navi Mumbai international “The proposed strategic partnership will build on existing airport, which is expected block space arrangements between the two airlines that to ease flight operations at have been progressively expanded over the past five Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport. years,” SIA Cargo said. Starting April this year, NCA and SIA Cargo will introduceUnited Airlines, cargo codeshare services on routes between Tokyo andAll Nippon Airways Singapore, but is still subject to regulatory approval.launched UA-ANA cargo jv At present, NCA operates six cargo flights using Boeing 747F from Tokyo Narita International Airport to SingaporeUnited Airlines and All Changi Airport every week, whilst SIA Cargo connects two Nippon Airways recently flights to Narita International Airport, and three flights to entered into its next Haneda airport every day. phase of the UA-ANA cargo joint venture, which is expected to add westbound transpacific routes to the eastbound transpacific phase of the venture, launched in July 2016. The UA-ANA cargo joint venture network includes weekly 360 nonstop flights to 15 destinations, and several flight and truck connections within the US and Canada.RIGHT MemberCRITICAL In order to provide our customers with the quickest possible transit of their Providing urgent shipments throughout the world, innovative RIGHT offers an extensive range of time transportation critical logistics servicessolutions for time critical cargo is Partnership with our critical expert our business. Network agents RIGHT LOGISTICS ed ISO 9001 : 2015 Certifi e-cargo Newsletter 7 February 2018

e-cargo Air Freight newsletter Happy A Monthly e-Newsletter from Right Logistics Birthday toHawaiian set for Frenil Yogeshfreighter operations Tambein March Branch Manager, MumbaiHawaiian took delivery of its a wonderful person first ATR 72F in Who means late September 2017 so many and since then has been preparing for different things to the start of scheduled our company! operations. “We have been doing some mock operation drills and have begun hands-on training sessions for our front line teams. So far straightforward, without surprises. “We still have a way to go before we are operationally sound though, so we shall see,” says Brad Matheny, managing director of cargo, who took over from Tim Strauss in spring 2017. Strauss had presided over unprecedented growth in Hawaiian’s cargo business and set the wheels in motion for the move into the freighter market. The full operation will involve three ATR 72 freighters – all of them operated by Empire Airlines, which also runs Hawaiian’s three-unit ATR 42 passenger fleet. Scheduled service will start once the second ATR 72 is in place. Matheny expects the plane to be delivered this month (February) and has set his sights on March for the start of the new operation. Air RIGHT RIGHT Freight Air SEA Sea Freight • Door to Door In close partnership with • Consolidation leading Shipping companies • Airport to Airport we can offer you a very • Airport to Door wide range of services. • Door to Airport • FCL • Direct Awb • LCL • Buyer’s Cosolidation RIGHT LOGISTICS edISO 9001 : 2015 Certifi e-cargo Newsletter 8 February 2018

e-cargo Air FreightnewsletterA Monthly e-Newsletter from Right LogisticsDelta expands pharma air Singapore: New airtransport service cargo facility to increase handling capacity to 5.4The cargo operation million tonnes yearly of Delta Air Lines has expanded Anew airfreight facility that will be built as part ofits room-temperature the Changi East project will increase Singapore’s airpharmaceutical cargo handling capacity from 3 million tonnes totransport service, known 5.4 million tonnes per Pharma 4, to eight Named Changi East Industrial Zone (CEIZ), the newadditional destinations, facility will consist of air freighter terminals, air cargoincluding Bogota, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Sydney, express facilities and hangars for maintenance, repair andSao Paolo, Frankfurt and Seoul. operation (MRO) services. With this expansion, Delta Cargo now has 49 pharmastations worldwide, in addition to nine approved facilitiesin Europe that it operates with its partner airlines. Pharma 4, which is one of four temperature-sensitiveshipping options that Delta offers, is for products thatrequire room temperature during shipping, such asprescription drugs and some biotechnology products.Cargolux handles RIGHT HAZperishables for Fruit Right Logistics providing strategic solutions for the safe handling andLogistica exhibition 2018 transportation of dangerous goods. We are able to offer a complete Europe’s leading dangerous goods transportation service all-cargo airline to all industries whilst acknowledging Cargolux Airlines global safety standards, and ensuring International S.A, compliance with all relevant transport has offered a special product tailored to regulations and legislation. the requirement of perishable goods for RIGHT LOGISTICSthe Fruit Logistica exhibition held in Berlin between www.rightlogistics.comFebruary 7 and 9.According to Cargolux, the demand for fast and reliableair transport of fruits and vegetables is booming, and theFruit Logistica expo is the hub where leading players fromthe fresh produce business from across globe congregate.Cargolux is the world’s first GDP-certified airline, andthe first ‘lean & green’ carrier, which operates from theLuxembourg’s Findel Airport, one of Europe’s most moderncenters for temperature-controlled logistics.e-cargo Newsletter 9 February 2018

Sea Freight e-cargo newsletter A Monthly e-Newsletter from Right LogisticsHMM sets up consortium PSA officially launchesto run Asia-WCSA service new port terminal in India Hyundai Merchant Marine PSA’s US$1.2 billion Bharat announced on Feb. 8 that Mumbai Container Terminals was it had set up a consortium officially opened at Jawaharlal with Mediterranean Shipping Nehru Port on Feb 18. Co., Hapag-Lloyd, and OceanNetwork Express (ONE) to launch joint services between Indian Prime Minister NarendraAsia and the west coast of South America. Modi officiated BMCT’s opening remotely via live video feed from the site of the future Navi Mumbai InternationalONE, which commences operations in April, is the merged Airport, where he had earlier presided over an event forcontainer operation of Japan’s “big three” shipping lines: the airport.MOL, NYK Line, and “K” Line. HMM has been South Korea’sflagship container carrier since the bankruptcy of Hanjin BMCT - a subsidiary of PSA Bharat Investments - hadShipping in February 2017. signed the concession in May 2014 with Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust to develop the container terminal on a design,Previously, HMM operated three Asia–South America build, operate, finance and transfer basis in Mumbai for 30services with MSC, CMA CGM, Hamburg Süd, Hapag- years. PSA Bharat Investments is, in turn, a subsidiary ofLloyd, APL, and China Shipping Container Lines, which has PSA International.since merged with Cosco. One of the largest foreign direct investments in the IndianGovt Mulls Allowing port sector, BMCT will have an annual container handlingForeign Vessels in Coastal capacity of 4.8 million twenty-foot equivalent unitsWaters to Boost Shipping (TEUs) when Phase 2 of its development is completed at the end of 2022. It is also one of PSA’s largest investmentsThe government is considering a proposal to permit outside Singapore. foreign vessels to operate in Indian coastal waters with a view to reduce logistics cost, enhance port Tan Chong Meng, group chief executive of PSAefficiency and boost domestic shipping industry, an official International, said: “BMCT will consolidate Mumbai’ssaid. The move would facilitate transportation of cargo position as the premier seaport gateway for India andbetween different ports along the country’s coastline. elevate it to be an international hub of call. BMCT is both a milestone in India’s port infrastructure development to support its Vision 2022, and a crucial sea node that will facilitate the movement of global trade and commerce.”Looking for We offer” tailor madea Differant solutions for projectKind of cargoes, employing allDelivery means of transport.?Service RIGHT LOGISTICS www.rightlogistics.comRIGHT edPROJECTS ISO 9001 : 2015 Certifi e-cargo Newsletter 10 January 2018

For feedback / enquiries, please contact : Right Logistics Pvt Ltd Get it delivered the right way ! Email : [email protected] Visit our Website: Disclaimer: The news provided, herein, is a service to the cargo and logistics industry and has been compiled from various sources, deemed reliable and accurate, but could not be confirmed. Readers are advised to independently verify and confirm the authenticity, veracity and validity of the news. Right Logistics will neither accept any responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the same, nor entertain any claim for losses or damages, whatsoever, caused by reliance upon such information or services.DWifwfeaoryenortf kTihnignking To properly assist your business, we offer constant accessibility and expertise. Listen to your needs; respect your deadlines and operational costs. Strive to ensure qualityservices at cost effective rates Thinking & Working differently, is taking care of you

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