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Home Explore PRIMIA 2017 A4 brochure

PRIMIA 2017 A4 brochure

Published by noel, 2017-07-26 09:29:33

Description: PRIMIA 2017 A4 brochure

Keywords: proposal


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IntroductionLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Ut cursus sapien sit ametmagna commodo faucibus.Ut sit amet sem ac antefacilisis fermentum. Morbifinibus pellentesque sem,vitae condimentum elitplacerat eu. Maecenas utfeugiat nisl. Phasellus vitaeporttitor mi. Praesent iaculisauctor felis at consequat.Vivamus consectetur.

About USDELIVERING VALUE TO YOUR BRANDSignificant. Meaningful. Creative. Our greatest achievements are seeing our clients attain success. Enabling them to inherit loyalty and patronage of their customers—this is our simple pledge for dedication and long-term value. We deliver quality exhibition stands, event management, marketing, advertising, brand communication, media production, media designs, and new media that will make your company standout in a highly competitive market. We are committed to make your brand better.

VisionTOGETHER WE ACHIEVE SUCCESSTeamwork. Innovation. Technical Expertise. We will change the way you think about branding and media. We intend to reshape the Arab Media Market into one that expands human creativity. To provide service excellence by becoming a well recognized and respected media agency in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the gulf region.

Our Process

Core Values INNOVATION DELIVER VALUE “Thinking Big” guides us to Understanding that we shallBUILDING CULTURE OF IDEALS constantly challenge the average.  deliver profit, long-term value,Motivation. Initiative. Inspiration. Creating concepts that are original and relationship to end-users andPASSION and exceptional. to our clients.The desire for growth is what HARD WORK TEAMWORKsets us apart from competition.  We put dedication and precision Appreciation, mutualWe want to produce only the in every project, we value collaboration, and workingbest results in exhibition stands, sustainability and reliability. effectively as a team areevent management, marketing, RESULTS-DRIVEN significant to achieve betteradvertising,brandcommunication, In all that we do, we put our clients project production, media designs, first—prioritizing that every projectand new media. has to deliver expectations and satisfaction to all our clients.

MEET Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturthe adipiscing elit. Ut cursus sapien sit amet magna commodo faucibus.TEAM Ut sit amet sem ac ante facilisis fermentum. Morbi finibus pellentesque sem, vitae condimentum elit placerat eu. Maecenas ut feugiat nisl. Phasellus vitae porttitor mi. Praesent iaculis auctor felis.

ANTHONY WALID RHEY SAMADSenior Manager Project Manager Marketing Manager Operations ManagerProject Management Our EXECS Creative TEAM IAN NOEL MANZOOR RIZWAN3D Graphic Artists 3D Graphic Artists 3D Graphic Artists Video Editor

EVENTSA synergy of ultimate branding experience.We offer superior project management in all our • Event Managementevents. We take charge from creative concept • Conferencesdevelopment and seamless execution of our • Product and trade launchesclient’s vision. Our events team understand every • Production designneeded delivery and positioning of a brand, • Brand Activationidentifying specific and targeted audience, • Road showsefficient logistics, and coordination for all • VVIP eventstechnical requirements. • SeminarsWe provide post-event analysis, ensuring business • Media conferencesdevelopment and return on your investment.

SADARA 5.7.2014MIDAL5.7.2014

SALAYEL 4.11.2015

RIKAZ5.12.2015 PALL 5.26.2015

EXHIBITIONSTANDUniquely bringingyour brand a realityWe have created a name as one ofthe best and reliable exhibition standproviders in the gulf region. With ourtalented designers, we can guaranteedesigns that are creative and original;whether it is a display unit or a customizedstand.Guaranteed we create exhibitionstands that shine and produce lastingimpressions to the crowd.• Exhibition stands• Exhibition designs• Merchandise kiosk• 3D environment designs• Airport displays• In-store promotions• Interactive data collection• Stand management

DhahranInternationalExhibition CenterDammam KSA

DhahranInternationalExhibition CenterDammam KSA Dhahran International Exhibition Center Dammam KSA

Dhahran International Exhibition Center Dammam KSADhahranInternationalExhibition CenterDammam KSA

BRANDCOMMUNICATIONBuild a brand that sells.Your brand is your core—it is unique, hasits own message, and marketplace. Wehave extensive knowledge of traditionaland contemporary marketing techniquescapable of targeting and penetratingeach demographics.We combine the right branding strategies,communication tools, and new mediathat are effective in building brandawareness, impact to the market, andinfluence sales growth.• Brand identity creation• Brand identity refresh• Brand development• Brand design• Brand guidelines• Message development• Copywriting• Media and PR management• Billboards

MEDIA DESIGNBring your brand to lifeWith media design, you convey that initial feel,emotions, and aesthetic values to your brandthat influence your products and services.We have competent creatives team that areproficient in multimedia aspects that brings yourbrand to life.• Creative design• Digital animation• Web design and development• Digital presentation• Social media management• Mobile applications

Selectionof OURCLIENTS

Get in TOUCH +966 (13) 834 0627 / 920002197 PO Box 7595 Dammam - 31472 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [email protected]

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