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Home Explore Parish Magazine May 2021

Parish Magazine May 2021

Published by miketooley, 2021-05-08 12:49:13

Description: Parish Magazine May 2021


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Hartlebury WI On Friday 19 March 2021, the NFWI called on all WI members to show their support and solidarity with all women who have experienced abuse and harassment. The invitation was for all WI members to safely join the ‘WI Walk with Women’, in accordance with the social- distancing rules in force at the time. Together with members of individual households, in support bubbles or with a fellow WI members within the local area, WI members were asked to “walk down the street” using candles, lanterns or a phone’s flashlight, to show support. Violence against women is endemic in the UK and across the world. Recent tragic events must be the beginning of the conversation about women’s safety and the right to live in a world free from the fear of violence, harassment, and abuse. We have seen women courageously share their harrowing stories of abuse, harassment, and countless microaggressions. It is wrong that women are told to protect themselves from the threat of violence from a young age, as well as the ‘invisible safety work’ women do in their daily lives. Tackling violence against women has been a longstanding concern for the WI, and whilst work has already started though national WI campaigns “Not in My Name” and “No More Violence” it is acknowledged that more needs to be done to eradicate all forms of violence, harassment, and abuse against women. Today and every day, the WI stands in solidarity with all women. Lorraine Purcell 49


Happy News... the community cafe will re-start on 18th May at 10 a.m. After a long absence the team of cafe volunteers is getting prepared to start the Tuesday morning cafe again. We will return to serving you home-made cakes, bacon sandwiches and good coffee. We can accommodate 30 folk at a time for the first month, and hope very much to have more after June 21st. In due course the patio should be repaired and available for outside seating during that lovely sunny summer weather we’re going to get! Do put the date in your diaries. Don’t forget to save us your used stamps for our two charities - Hedgehog Help and Dogs for the Deaf. As ever, any profits from cafe will be given to a charity in need. Parish Hall Notice As current restrictions recede we welcome the booking of parties and community events. We have two wedding bookings during the summer. We are hoping to start up a 500 club...more details to follow. Our regular bookings - yoga classes, WI, History Society and Garden club, and more - will gradually be able to use the premises safely again. Also, don’t forget the hall will be your polling station on May 6th for the local elections. See you soon! Cath Holden 51


HARTLEBURY ART GROUP We are a small group of amateur artists who meet weekly on Wednesday afternoons in Hartlebury. We are of mixed ability, with two of our members having been teachers in the past – we are essentially a “self-help” group. We are generally retired people but have some younger members, too. We work in a variety of mediums – each choosing the medium we prefer to use. If you would be interested in joining us, you are invited to come along and see for yourself. Please contact either Di Maughan on 01299 250821 or by email on [email protected] or Maggie Herbert on 01299 250598 or by email on [email protected] We look forward to welcoming new members! Don’t Delay Book Today Or at least as soon as possible! 53

This space now available Call John Hellens on 01299 251657 for details (92mm by 60 mm) Jasmine Tooley Booking Secretary 07563 674622 54

Transcript of a Presentation Made to Hartlebury Parish Council During Public Question Time Hartlebury Parish Council Meeting 6th April 2021 – Proposal for Parish Hall and Carpark Management Hi, I am john Hellens Before retiring I worked for 20 years as a management consultant with small and medium enterprises both commercial and not for profit including community centres and other charities As you know I am leading the group reviewing the Parish Magazine I have also recently stepped back into the role of magazine editor In planning future editions, one thing that has been concerning the review group is the opportunity for the community to celebrate coming out of lockdown and hopefully the end of the pandemic. You will know that I have been attending council meetings for some time. So I have been very aware of the issues concerning the parish hall and its car park From what I have seen and heard I believe there could be a way forward that could resolve this issue relatively quickly so that the hall can be fully operational as the community centre in time for celebrating coming out of lockdown and the end of the pandemic Firstly, let me establish a few facts. The hall has been under the management of the Hartlebury Village Hall charity since 1962. The charity concluded a 99 year lease with the parish council in 2006. This made the charity fully responsible for the upkeep and repair of the hall which it has done. Indeed much effort has been undertaken by the charity to improve the facilities and the hall is now an excellent centre for community activity. However, the charity is not responsible for the car park. To me this seems wrong. The car park has little purpose apart from parking for those using the hall and the hall is inefficient without the car park. I maintain that the 2006 lease should have included the car park as well as the hall so that the total facility would be under one management. Currently, the PC is responsible for the car park. Problems have been identified with the structure which need to be remedied. Quite rightly, the PC want to ensure that the residents of Hartlebury do not end up footing the bill for any corrective work required. Tis has already cost the Council over £1,100. The team responsible for the planning and implementation of the community project have no opportunity to take remedial action as they are not involved in the management of the car park The management committee of the charity face the bleak prospect of leading celebration of the end of the pandemic without a fully functioning facility I would like the opportunity to set up a negotiation between the PC and the charity on the basis that the PC signs over the car park to the charity to be added to the current lease. They would hand it over in its current state. The charity would accept the car park in its current state. It would sign an agreement stating that they would make no future claim on the PC for any expenditure that may be required. The benefit to the PC would be to end any risk of future liability for the car park The charity would be in position to pursue rectification of the identified faults working with the original planning and implementation team. The charity is able to generate income to pay for the required works. It has also proved itself successful at raising grants when necessary. Indeed it has proved itself a competent and reliable custodian of community assets for many years I intend to put the points made tonight into a more formal proposal for the PC and the Parish Hall Management Committee to consider. It would be helpful at this point if the council would raise any difficulties that I should address in my proposal. 55

HARTLEBURY PARISH COUNCIL Draft MINUTES OF THE VIRTUAL EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF HARTLEBURY PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON THURSDAY 11TH MARCH 2021, 7.00PM PRESENT: Cllr. Ingham - Chairman, Cllr. Mrs Meredith, Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson, Cllr. Buck, Cllr. Mrs Humphreys, Cllr. Pratt, Cllr. Evans and Cllr. Tranter ALSO, PRESENT: District Cllr. Bateman, Clerk Lesley Cleaver, Locum Clerk Ruth Mullett and 6 members of the public 1. APOLOGIES None 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 3. ADJOURNMENT OF THE MEETING The meeting was adjourned to hear questions from members of the public. This does not form part of the formal council meeting. District Cllr. Bateman • Informed the parish council that a breach of the condition notice with regards the reopening of the car park holds a maximum fine of £2,500.00. • County Council have offered to repair the potholes free of charge to comply with the breach of the condition notice. • Does not feel this meeting needs to be in closed session. 4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING It was proposed by Cllr. Mrs Meredith seconded by Cllr. Tranter and unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 2nd February 2021 be signed as a correct record with one typo in 17.3 rope to be changed to road. 5. ALLOTMENTS 1. Overview of the situation – The parish council received notification that the Church Commissioners for England wished to sell the Hartlebury Allotment ground. We have been advised they wished to advertise the allotment land on the open market relatively soon but gave the parish council an opportunity to discuss first. The parish council have therefore formally accepted this opportunity. Following a briefing to the parish council on 3rd March 2021, the parish council have now been summoned to an Extraordinary Meeting to progress discussions around the purchase. The parish council would like to thank all those who have emailed for your kind support, rest assured we know how important the allotment land is to the parish of Hartlebury. 2. Discussion with agents for the purchase of the land under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the public and press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following business as publicly would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the agenda item – it was proposed by Cllr. Mrs Meredith seconded by Cllr. Buck and unanimously RESOLVED to enter into negotiations with the land agent Savills to purchase the allotment land through using reserves and applying for borrowing through a Public Works Loan with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. It was agreed for Cllr. Ingham, Cllr. Pratt and Cllr. Mrs Meredith to negotiate on behalf of the council. 3. COMMUNITY PROJECT/VILLAGE HALL LITIGATION 1. Overview of the situation - The community project (including works to the car park) a joint partnership between the Parish Hall Management Committee and parish council had a project cost of over £450,000.00. After completion of works to the car park the parish council found issues relating to potholes to the rear and bald patches to the front disabled area. The Parish Hall Management Committee also raised concerns sighting the potholes as a possible health and safety issues. A surveyor and gravel specialist visited the area. Their findings indicated a serious construction problem with the car park and therefore a structural survey was undertaken. Findings from this survey highlighted not only concerns relating to the car park but problems with the terrace/patio area which has now been taped off and therefore cannot be used at this time. Water may also sit against the Village Hall itself thus causing damp within its structure. The location of the recycling pods will have to be removed as the gravel laid does not allow for the emptying of these pods by HGV’s. The parish council have not received any sort of positive reply from the people responsible for the project. Costs are estimated in the region of £10,000.00 just for additional drainage and legal advice is well underway. 56

Worcestershire County Council have kindly offered to repair the potholes to the car park with no cost to the parish council and having taken legal advice their kind offer can be accepted to make the area safe and will not affect the outcome of litigation. 2. It was proposed by Cllr. Tranter seconded by Cllr. Keenan and unanimously RESOLVED to ask Wychavon District Council to remove the recycling pods from the car park and to instruct Kidwells Solicitors to act on our behalf with regards Breach of Condition Notice (Condition 8). 4. DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Tuesday 6th April 2021 Meeting closed at 9.40pm HARTLEBURY PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Council - L Cleaver Email: [email protected] Website: My Parish Hartlebury. Finance Committee Meeting “Virtual” held Monday 15th February 2021 commencing at 7.00pm.This virtual meeting was due to COVID -19 to ensure council functionality. DRAFT MINUTES Present Cllrs S Tranter (Chair), C Atkinson, A Buck, A Evans with six members of the public and the Parish Clerk. This meeting started later than planned at 19.02pm to allow all to attend. 1. Apologies. Cllr Ingham, work. 2. Declarations of Interest. None:- 3. Dispensations .None 4. Minutes of previous meeting. It was proposed by Cllr Tranter and seconded by Cllr Buck and unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings full and confidential Monday 14th December 2020 be signed as a correct record. 5. Allotments, a) Cllr Atkinson, £2,000 to be considered ( 3 quotes required) for floor matting around new 14 plots. It was agreed to consider funds from alternative sources first and that the Business Liaison Advisory Group to help. Also if it came to it, to reuse the materials from the rear car park. Cllr Evans also made comment on “Grants for Allotment Scheme” which Cllr Atkinson to consider. b ) Cash payments to be received for the Allotments, proposed by Cllr Atkinson and seconded by Cllr Evans. Cllr Atkinson with the Clerk to write up a procedure for cash acceptance, as no cash accepted in the previous year. c) Projected income for 2021/2022 matrix from Cllr Tranter reviewed by all. Cllr Atkinson confirmed the income should be £987.47 and did not take into account any funds from the farmer or Chadwick Bank. The farmer to be contacted as the field area has been reduced and will influence funds received. d) Allotment/ excess funds agreed by all to be reviewed again after April. e) Allotment Security/Smartwater kits discussed by all. Cllr Buck would let the Clerk know if we have any kits left. If not it was agreed by all that the Clerk to purchase 2 x kits to help try to protect allotment holders items. 6. Budget v Actual 2020/21 Reviewed by all to end December 2020 with no further comment or budget changes. 7. Bank Reconciliation a) Reviewed by all to end December 2020. It was agreed that Cllr Buck speak to the school as cheque dated May 2020 for £20 had still not be presented through the bank. 8. Payments approved by all - a) R Mullet, locum Clerk £350.00. b) Clerks Expenses, as circulated £149.31. c) Top Cut January Invoice 8950 £498.00 d) Agreed by all that other invoices to be paid by the Clerk due to bi-monthly council meetings. 9. CIL Levy. a) £1410.00 2018/19 & £808.11 2019/20, noted by all. The Clerk to reserve said amount. If not used would need to be returned. 10. HSBC Bank a)Clerk confirmed that the Primary User had not been amended in the last few years and had become problematic. It was agreed by all that Cllr Tranter become the Primary User as he was (Continued on page 58) 57

(Continued from page 57) already a Bank Signatory. Consideration be given going forward to Lloyds and Unity, this subject to be reviewed again at the next FC meet. b) A £10 bank charge for cancelling Web Solutions cheque (not received) noted by all. c) January 2021, received £1 from HARTL PS HLL, lease rental, noted by all. 11. Meeting Dates 2021. In line with full Council meetings, bi monthly FC meetings were considered. Proposed by Cllr Tranter and seconded by Cllr Buck, it was agreed to hold bi-monthly FC meeting on 1st Tuesday of the month. Clerk to circulate dates. 12. Decline in Waresley Area, as circulated and noted by all. It was agreed to ask the Maintenance Person to quote for painting the bus shelter along A449.Call for a maintenance party to renew the signage. Contact the Gardening Club with regards planters/flowers & also the new maintenance person with regards to making a flower box. Island by the Esso Garage-not possible to consider. Dog poo bin entrance of the estate noted and to be reviewed in line with the precept for the following year. .. 13. CALC Training. a) Considered and agreed by all that after co-options in April, training (The Whistle Stop Tour) £30 each x 5= £150 for all 5 new parish councillors. b) Consider and agreed by all training when available, Chairmanship £30.00 each attendee. Best suited for all Chairs and Vice Chairs and the Clerk. (T Ingham, A Buck, S Tranter & L Meredith L Cleaver) total £150.00 14. Budgets 2022/23 £27,500 & 2023/24 £30,000 a)-Reviewed by all Budget 2022/23, no changes considered at present. b) Reviewed by all Budget 2023/24 no changes considered. 15. Handyman/Maintenance Person no other concerns considered. 16. Safety Tree Survey. Update given by Cllr Tranter, the last survey was undertaken 2018 so no further requirement until 2023. 17. Grass Maintenance Contract 2021/22 considered by all. Proposed by Cllr Tranter and seconded by Cllr Evans the contract be awarded to option 2, an increase of 1.22% on this year. 18. Asset Register Review (Nov 2020),it was agreed by all that due to present restrictions it was not possible to physically review all Council assets, this to be deferred until May/June. 19. Section 137 Spend 2021/22, notification from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government that section 137 for parish councils is £8.41 per elector. Section 137 can be used when no other specific power is available and allows Councils to spend the funds in a way which is in the interest of and directly benefits the area or part of it. 20. Requested by the WI – signage to show where the defib is located. Agreed by all for a double sided sign and clips to be positioned under the sign for the Parish Hall and to allocated funds £50 - £75.00 The Clerk to send to the FC artwork for approval. 21. Local Council Administration by Charles Arnold Baker (yellow 12th Edition) agreed by all to be purchased for the Clerk (Clerks bible) £150.00 22. Events, it was suggested by Cllr Buck to set aside £500 excluding vat to help generate interest in the village with adverting/promotions for events. Proposed by Cllr Tranter and seconded by Cllr Evans, £500 agreed and to ask the Business Liaison Advisory Group to help promote events. 23. Matters for urgent consideration. To pay £16.79 to UK Web Solutions Domain Renewal ( 2 years until 8/3/2023. The Clerk to continue talks with an under 11’s football team to use the football pitch on a Saturday morning, rate to hire the pitch at £25.00 agreed. Memorials- to consider requests by creating a nice garden area behind the chain for local people to remember their loved ones. Notice of Section 106 Contributions Monies Held in the area. £375 Public Art & £4146.00 Off Site Formal Sports. The sums for suitable projects, Business Liaison Advisory Group to further consider. 24. Items for future agendas. - None. 25. Date of next meeting agreed, Tuesday 20th April 2021 26. UNDER THE PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS)ACT 1960, THE PUBLIC AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PRESS AND BROADCAST MEDIA BE EXCLUDED FROM THE MEETING DURING CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLOWING BUSINESS AS PUBLICALLY WOULD BE PREJUDICIAL TO THE PUBLIC INTEREST BECAUSE OF THE CONFIDENTIAL NATURE OF THE AGENDA ITEM – Land at Chadwick Bank. The meeting closed at 20.55pm 58

Village Index 2021 Those numbers without a dialling prefix are Hartlebury numbers, if you dial from outside, please begin with 01299 Church Rev. Stephen Winter 07773 760899 Parish Rector Carolyn Gumbley 251148 Church Wardens James Homer 851637 Magazine Editor/Advertising John Hellens 251657 Magazine Distribution Val Hardwick 250937 Choir Leader Chris Webb 250452 Tower Captain John Webb 250452 Organist Mary Mayo 250871 7 Parishes Office Administrator Nick Wright 01905 622464 Youth Hartlebury C of E Primary School Claire Grand 250312 Cambian New Elizabethan School 250258 Parent & Toddlers Greenwoods Children Centre 01527 861063 Cubs & Scouts, St Michael’s Stourport Julie Goodyear 07977 579971 Guides Kath Walker 01905 797377 Venues Ray Kirby 250416 County Museum Hartlebury Castle Jasmine Tooley 250995 Village Hall Chairman 07563 674622 Village Hall Booking Sec. Clubs & Societies Tony Hardwick 250937 Gardening Club Chair Marion Inman 250175 W I President Carol Priest 253525 History Society Sec. Lorna Pritchard 07903 580716 Cutnall Green Young Farmers Diane Maughan 250821 Hartlebury Art Group Diane Maughan 250821 Hartlebury Poetry Group Michael Howard 07895 078180 Hartlebury Common Local Group Simon Emeny 250675 Hartlebury Allotment Group John Rhymer 250513 Ext. 221 Friends of Bishops Wood John Maughan (Fixtures) 250821 Torton Turds Football Club Representatives Nigel Huddlestone 02072 195814 Member of Parliament Peter Tomlinson 01905 621670 Worcestershire County Council Stephen Bateman 07432 227735 Wychavon District Council Tim Ingham 07713 644461 Parish Council Chair Lesley Cleaver (Acting) 07790 542340 Parish Council Clerk Parish Paths Warden John Denby 250429 Useful Numbers Local Bus Timetables 08712 002233 Rail Enquiries 08457 484950 Citizen Advice Bureau 01562 823953 Local Police 01905 725760 Bromsgrove Mobile Library 01527 575855 Tourist Information 404740 Worcester Regulatory Services 01905 822799 [email protected] Environment Agency 0800 80 70 60 [email protected] 59


BELL'S LEAPGATE BUILDERS FARM SHOP & P.Y.O. Property maintenance ­ landscaping ­ extensions ­ Open Every day 9am–5pm alterations ­ renovations ­ groundworks FRESH FRUIT, VEGETABLES & LOTS MORE Mini digger and driver for hire To Buy & Pick For a free quote phone Simon on Little Black Pig Butchery mobile: 07702 053756 email: [email protected] on A4025 Nr Hartlebury DY13 9SA Shop: 01299 251364 Like us on Facebook for regular updates De Beers Space to Let — Call John Hellens on Garden Centre 01299 251657 Inc. Fuchsiavale Nurseries & The Palm Tree Café Worcester Road, Torton, Nr Kidderminster DY11 7SB 01299 251162 ROBERT DARBY Repairs, restoration & servicing of antique and modern clocks and other mechanical devices Your Local Milkman Telephone: 01562 885080 Daily deliveries of Milk, Organic Milk, Cream, Email: [email protected] Yoghurt, Free Range Eggs, Bread, Fresh Orange Juice and Cranberry Juice Telephone: 01299 879076 Mobile: 07889 059564 Amy's Foot Health Space to Let — Foot Health Practitioner DipCFHP MPSPract Call John Hellens on Special Offer available with this advert 01299 251657 Routine Nail Treatment, Fungal and Thick Nail Treatment Callus and Corn removal, Ingrowing Nail Treatment and many more treatments Call Amy on 07925 236221 2021 Advertising Rates Annual (10 issues) One­Off Inside cover ­ front or back £50 N/A External back cover £55 N/A 1/4 page £95 £20 1/2 page £170 £30 Full page £295 £50 To discuss your advertising needs contact John Hellens on 01299 251657 or email [email protected] NB Only simple type setting can be undertaken by the editorial team – otherwise please ask your designer to supply your advertisement in electronic form Produced by volunteers and sold in aid of the Churches in Hartlebury

The Foot Health Place Hay, Haylage, Straw De Beers Garden Centre and Bedding Supplies Treatment for Corns, Callus, Ingrown Nails, Roger Haughtey Nail Trimming, Fungal Infections. Stoney Lane Farm Crossway Green DY13 8SL Home Visits & Clinic Appointments. 07831 350668 or 01299 250094 07411 001552 Lucy Wilkins MAFHP MCFHP Diploma Foot Health Space to Let — YOUR LOCAL GARDENER Call John Hellens on NO JOB TOO SMALL 01299 251657 LOCAL AND RELIABLE CALL MALCOLM ON 07783 339713 \"Belinda Cares\" G. J. Pugh For all your domiciliary needs. I am a fully qualified carer with Carpentry and General Maintenance over 35 years experience, CRB checked, fully insured and Painting and Decorating trained in First Aid, Alzheimer's, Dementia and Diabetes. Call Interior and Exterior me if you, or someone you know, requires personal care, Local and Reliable shopping, meal preparation, light housework,etc Mobile: 07969 647067 Email: [email protected] Tel Graham: 01905 621147 Home: 01299 250526 Facebook: \"Belinda Cares\" Mobile: 07967 883121 Remember, I will always be there for you SILVER NUTMEG ANTIQUES HARTLEBURY STORES Antiques & Vintage Items for & POST OFFICE Traditional Interiors Bought and Sold at DE BEERS GARDEN CENTRE Full Postal Services Available Including Motor Tax, Free Personal Banking Open 7 days 9.00 to 5.00 and Special Delivery JAN STANTON 01562 741465 07939 570287 Freshly Baked Bread, Newspapers and Periodicals Stationery, Cards, Off Licence and Grocery [email protected] STORE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Donovan Taylor Post Office: 01299 251313 Store: 01299 251224 Tel: 01299 828670 Space to Let — Mob: 07807 837040 Call John Hellens on Email: [email protected] Rose Cottage 01299 251657 Dunley OIL BOILER REPAIR Stourport­on­Severn DY13 0UA & MAINTENANCE Fresh Locally Produced Barbary Duck Available April–May and SERVICES www.greenstar­boiler­ September–December Contact Debbie Bakewell YOGA CLASSES 01299 250206 Wednesday & Friday mornings Order on­line, collect from the farm Hartlebury Parish Hall Lovely, friendly classes for all abilities For more info please call Kate on 07973 400787

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