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science Magzine

Published by amitkumar62003, 2022-07-29 06:43:17

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‘All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents’ -A P J Abdul Kalam




EDITORIAL TEAM Dr. D Manjunath CHIEF PATRON Deputy Commissioner, KVS RO JAMMU Sh GS MEHTA PATRON Assistant Commissioner, KVS RO JAMMU Sh. Suraj Prasad Regional science Co-ordinator (Principal Kendriya Vidyalaya GC CRPF Bantalab) Sh. Rakesh Dubey Chief Editor (Hindi) (I/C Principal Ke4ndriya Vidyalaya , Sunjwan) Mrs.Minakshi Talwar Editor (English) PGT English(Kendriya Vidyalaya GC CRPF Bantalab) Mr. Amit Kumar Dogra Member PGT Computer Science (KV GC CRPF Bantalab) Mrs. Alka Sharma Member PGT Chemistry (KV GC CRPF Bantalab)

Contents DC MESSAGE ............................................................................................................... 6 AC MESSAGE .............................................................................................................. 7 EDITOR MESSAGE ....................................................................................................... 8 EDITOR TEAM.............................................................................................................. 9 INSPIRE................................................................................................................... 12 INSPIRE ACHIEVERS................................................................................................ 13 INSPIRE EXHIBITS ................................................................................................... 17 NCSC ...................................................................................................................... 18 JNNSMEE................................................................................................................ 22 NTSE....................................................................................................................... 23 YUVIKA ................................................................................................................... 24 CREATIVE CORNER................................................................................................. 37

‘I am the master of my failure… If I never fail how will I ever learn -C. V. Raman

Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research' (INSPIRE) scheme is one of the flagship programmes of Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India. The INSPIRE Awards - MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge), being executed by DST with National Innovation Foundation – India (NIF), an autonomous body of DST, aims to motivate students in the age group of 10-15 years and studying in classes 6 to 10. In the year 2020-21, 32 projects out of 835 projects of KVS state were selected under Jammu Region for DLEPC. These students were honoured withRs10,000/- for further upgradation of projects for next level. Out of 835 projects of KVS State, only 75 projects were shortlisted for SLEPC conducted in the month of Feb, 2022. Out of 75 selected projects of KVS State 2 projects are selected from Jammu Region for State Level Exhibition and Project Competition (SLEPC). Miss Vanshika Lochan, a student of class IX from Kendriya Vidyalaya Bantalab and Miss Kashif Sidiqi a student of Class X Kendriya Vidyalaya, Uri. Miss Vanshika Lochan had presented project titled “LANDSLIDE EARLY WARNING SYSTEM “Miss Kashif Sidiqi had presented project titled “COLLECTION OF FLOATING GARBAGE THROUGH PONTOON BRIDGE”.

Inspire Achievers Figure 1: LANDSLIDE EARLY WARNING SYSTEM Miss Vanshika Lochan, a student of class IX from Kendriya Vidyalaya Bantalab and had presented project titled “LANDSLIDE EARLY WARNING SYSTEM”This whole project is based on the principle of moisture under the soil. If the moisture is high, then there are more chances of landslide. The circuit diagram of early landslide warning system, includes Arduino which will act like commander for the whole circuit diagram, a buzzer which will produce sound as alarm, a LED light which will blink to warn the drivers driving on the road, and humidity sensor which will detect the moisture under the soil. 3 circuit diagrams have connected like this to make a series combination and produce a big alarm. This is a very good innovation for people who are living in hilly areas.

Figure 2: collection of floating garbage through pontoon bridge Miss Kashif Sidiqi, a student of Class X Kendriya Vidyalaya Uri had presented project titled “COLLECTION OF FLOATING GARBAGE THROUGH PONTOON BRIDGE”. We need a pontoon bridge with a wire mesh attached it vertically downwards. The wire mesh should be approximately 1-1.5m long. With above mentioned structure we can collect all the floating garbage in the rivers which is not very easy to be removed. The rivers have lots of garbage and plastic drained into them making the water contaminated. To make the purification process easier this structure can help us through. It is environment friendly without any additional investment plus it can be a good source of employment generator. With respect to Indian geography our main rivers like Ganga and Brahmaputra already have pontoon bridges over them, we can use small scaled pontoon bridges on smaller rivers, that make up the bigger rivers, and clean the garbage that is being transferred to the bigger rivers. It is a suitable idea for the cleaning of rivers in India and other countries. Rushil Sharma, Aditya Mahajan, Sparsh Anshika, KV No. 1 Udhampur KV No. 1 Udhampur KV No. 1 Udhampur KV Bantalab

Palak Mehta, S. Vinayak, Parthik Sharma KV Bantalab KV Bantalab KV Bhaderwah Himanshu, Aakarshit Jij, Alabhya Sharma, KV CUJ KV Chenani, Kv Chenani Krish Mahajan Aradhya Mahajan Ghrima Gouria Anmolika Gupta KV Chenani KV Chenani KV Chenani KV Chenani Abhinav Fotedar Khanak Tandon Osheen Bhat Mansoor Mehdi KV Humhuma KV Humhuma KV Humhuma KV Kargil

Avantika Dhruvika Pratham Sharma Titiksha Koushal KV Lakhanpur KV Lakhanpur KV Lakhanpur KV Lakhanpur Jhanvi Sharma Vishesh Gupta Rishi Prakash Dhamandeep kour KV Lakhanpur KV Sunderbani KV NO 1 Jammu KV Nagrota Deepak Gupta Eesha Sharma Shaurya Hirdekar Harshvardan KV Sunderbani KV Sunderbani KV Sunderbani KV Lakhanpur Laksh Bhagat Manojyotish Sugam Krishna Ashima Mehta KV Lakhanpur KV Lakhanpur KV Lakhanpur KV lakhanpur

Inspire Exhibits

National Children’s Science Congress (NCSC) is a programme of National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The objective of National Children’s Science Congress programme is to exhibit creativity and innovativeness, more particularly to solve a societal problem experienced locally using the methods of science by the school children. The focal theme for 28th (2020) and 29th(2021) NCSC was “Science for Sustainable Living“. At Regional level, out of 25 selected projects from 39 Kendriya Vidyalaya of Jammu Region, only 9 under senior category and 6 under junior category were selected for participation at preliminary round 29th KVS NATIONAL CHILDREN SCIENCE CONGRESS (NCSC)that had been conducted from 24-27 November 2021. 3 child scientists from KVS Jammu Region were selected to represent KVS at 29th NCSC, DST. The selected child scientists include Ms. Monika Devi of class VIII from Kendriya Vidyalaya Nagrota under junior category, Master Aryan Bhagat of class IX from Kendriya Vidyalaya Jourian and Ms Zoya of class X from Kendriya Vidyalaya Bantalab under senior category. The selected child scientists participated in 29th NATIONAL CHILDREN SCIENCE CONGRESS (NCSC) conducted by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science and Technology from 15 -18th February, 2022 on virtual platform and hosted by Gujrat Council of Science and technology(GUJCOST).

Figure 3: Zoya Zavi presenting her project, with her mentor Ms. Reema Bhagat, TGT Science KV Bantalab Ms. Zoya Zavi of class X from Kendriya Vidyalaya Bantalab has been selected for international level presentation. Ms. Zoya had presented a project on Wonder of Termites. She is selected among 33 child scientists out of 618 from 28 States/UT,KVS,NVS and Gulf countries. She is one among the 5 child scientists selected from KVS. Ms. Monika had presented a project on Extraction of Fibre from snakeplant. .

Master Aryan Bhagat had presented a project on Foot operated mouse In the year 2020-21, Two students were selected to represent Jammu Region in 28th KVS NCSC 2020 held in virtual mode in January 2021. Ms. Myra Tickoo of class X from Kendriya Vidyalaya Bantalab presented the project titled “Automated Temperature Sensor”. Master S.Vinayak of Class VIII from Kendriya Vidyalaya Bantalab presented the project titled “Digi : The Nursing Robo”. Both the projects were based on the research of providing scientific solution to the problems encountered by mass during Covid-19 period.

Akshita Aryan Pandita Tejasvi Shan Palak Kiran Sharma Soham S. Jagotra Kv Bantalab KV Bantalab KV Bhaderwah KV Miran Sahib KV. No. 1 Jammu Ronak Sharma Vidyuth Raina Mimans Kumar Rahul Kumar KV Bantalab KV Bantalab KV Miran Sahib Chaitanya Kr. Mahajan Vansh Sharma Harshvardhan Sabyasachi Amrita Choudhary KV No. 2 AFS Srinagar (KV Samba) KV Lakhanpur KV No. 1 Udhampur KV No. 1 Udhampur Saumya Samgal Divyanshika Yadav Trishit Guin KV No. 1 Jammu KV No. 2 Jammu

Jawaharlal Nehru National Science Mathematics and Environment Exhibition (JNNSMEE)is a national level science exhibition is organized every year where children showcase their talents in science and mathematics and the application of these concepts in their everyday life. 5 students were selected from the entire region at the regional level and 2 were selected to represent Jammu Region in 48th KVS JNNSMEE on 28 March 2021 in Ahmedabad on virtual mode. The students named Master Ronak Sharma of class VIII from Kendriya Vidyalaya Bantalab and his project titled “Corona Cap”. Master Ayushman Yadav of class XI from Kendriya Vidyalaya Bantalab and his project titled “Backy: The talking Boat”. Anshuman Ronak Sharma Suvaini Mahajan KV Bantalab KV Bantalab KV Bhaderwah

National Talent Search Exam (NTSE) exam is the National level scholarship program by Govt. of India and most venerated exam of India. It is not only about scholarship but a matter of great pride and honour for every student to be recognised as the nation’s talent. The NTSE (National Talent Search Examination) examination is conducted every year at two levels – Stage I (State level) and Stage II (National Level). NTSE Stage I is conducted by States and NTSE Stage II is conducted by NCERT.7 students have qualified NTSE STAGE 1 IN 2020-21 from Kendriya Vidyalayas of Jammu Region. Khushi Sharma Divyanshika Yadav Trishit Guin KV Sundarbani KV No. 2 Jammu KV No. 2 Jammu

Kushaan Baliya from K. V. No. 1 Gandhi Nagar Jammu has been selected to represent J&K (UT) for two weeks in Prestigious ISRO sponsored young scientist program (Yuvika 2022). He has been selected amongst top 150 students across the country on the basis of his consistent participation in the field of science and the recently held ISRO online quiz competition. During this program Kushan visited space applications centre Ahmedabad, Sriharikota satellite launching centre (AP) and many other space science centre of ISRO.

Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) is an initiative of Vijnana Bharati (VIBHA), in collaboration with Vigyan Prasar, an autonomous organization under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), an institution under the Ministry of Education (earlier known as Ministry of Human Resources and Development). VVM is a national program for popularizing science among school students of standard VI to XI, conceptualised to identify bright minds with a scientific aptitude from the student community. Out of 114 students in 2021-22,44 students were from Kendriya Vidyalayas Jammu Region who cleared the district level examination and appeared for State level Camp. Out of 18, 3 students were from different Kendriya Vidyalayas who qualified State level Camp and were awarded at CSIR IIIM, Jammu. The students are Harshvardhan Patel , a student of class XI from KV Lakhanpur, Trishit Guin a student of class XI from KV no.2 Jammu Cantt., Mahima Koul, a student of KV no.1 Gandhinagar ,Jammu. fff Harshvardhan Trishit Guin Mahima Koul KV Lakhanpur KV No. 2 Jammu KV No 1 jammu

Jiya Goja Sayam Rachel Bhagat Tejasvi Raina Anvreesh Gupta Harshabad Singh Naman KV Bantalab KV Bantalab KV Bantalab KV Bantalab KV No 1 Jammu KV No 1 jammu KV No. 1 Jammu Naveen Gupta Bhumika Mehta Geetika Shruti Kumari Yuvika Anjali Sharma Deepak Gupta KV Lakhanpur KV Lakhanpur KV Sunderbani KV Sunderbani KV No 1 jammu KV Lakhanpur KV Lakhanpur Kavya Bharti Awantika Harshita Sarthak Gargi M V Nirmal Abdus Sahil SK KV Sunderbani KV Sunjwan KV Sunjwan KV Sunjwan KV No1 Udhanpur KV No1 Udhanpur KV No1 Udhanpur Atharv Manik Nitika Rudarakshi Sabyasachi Sankait Sututi KV No1 Udhanpur KV No1 Udhanpur KV No1 Udhanpur KV No1 Udhanpur KV No1 Udhanpur KV No1 Udhanpur KV No1 Udhanpur Taniya vansh Sharma Yuvika Vasu KV No1 Udhanpur KV No1 Udhanpur KV No1 Udhanpur KV No1 Udhanpur

CSIR has launched a student-scientist connect programme “JIGYASA” in collaboration with Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) on 6th July 2017. The sole objective is extending the classroom learning and focusing on a well-planned research laboratory based learning.

Launch of CSIR virtual lab platform CSIR Jigyasa Virtual Lab (CJVL) is an extension of CSIR Jigyasa program. The successful launch and abundance interest towards CSIR Jigyasa resulted in setting up the virtual lab. Due to pandemic students could not visit the labs to get value added research exposure by scientists. Hence Honourable Prime Minister encouraged for developing a Virtual Lab so that science can further be taken to all segments of the students from each and every corner of the country. 2 students from region named Miss Rajsi Sangra of class XI from Kendriya Vidyalaya Bantalab and Master S. Vinayak of class IX Kendriya Vidyalaya Bantalab were invited by IIIM for interaction with Dr. Jitender Singh, Hon'ble Minister for Science & Technology, Earth Sciences and Vice President CSIR under JIGYASA program, a flagship program of KVS on 22 November 2021 during Launch of CSIR Virtual Lab Platform under CSIR JIGYSA Initiative. Project Ideas of the students were appreciated by Honourable Minister.

National Science Day National Science Day is celebrated in India on 28 February each year to mark the discovery of the Raman effect by Indian Physicist Sir C. V. Raman on 28 February 1928. For his discovery, Sir C.V. Raman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930. A Quiz competition was conducted by CSIR –IIIM on 28th February 2022 wherein more than 60 schools including KVs, JNVs, State Schools and other Private Schools like Jodhamal,KCs,APS participated . 3 positions out of top 5 were got by KVs. Ms. Shankey Raina and Ms. Ishani Wali of KV Damana secured First position was awarded with cash prize of Rs.5000/-. Ms.Tejasvi Raina And Master S.Vinayak of KV GC CRPF Bantalab secured Third position was awarded with cash prize of Rs.1500/-. Ms. Shambhavi and Ms.Rimi Sinha of KV Kargil got consolation prize and awarded with cash prize of Rs.500/-. Master Naveen Gupta and Master Harshabd Singh of KV no. 1 Jammu got consolation prize and awarded with cash prize of Rs.500/-. Shankey Raina Ishani Wali Tejasvi Raina S. Vinayak KV Damana KV Damana KV Bantalab KV Bantalab Shambhavi Rimi Sinha Naveen Gupta Harshabad Singh KV Kargil KV Kargil KV No. 1 Jammu KV No. 1 Jammu

SAKURA SCIENCE PROGRAM SAKURA Science High School Program (SSHP) started as a part of the Sakura Science Exchange Program to invite youth from 14 countries and regions in 2014. The purpose of the program is to make contributions to the development of global science and technology by supporting the excellent talents overseas whom universities/research institutions and businesses in Japan desire by enhancing high school students’ interest in science and technology of Japan when they visit Japan. Under the 'Sakura Science High School Program', Janvi Sharma class 11th from Kendriya Vidyalaya no. 1 Gandhi Nagar, Jammu attended the \"online University visit to OCHANAMIZU UNIVERSITY in November 2021. She was the only student to be selected for the event from Jammu and Kashmir. It was an enriching and fruitful experience in which scientists and economists from all parts of the world who were now professors at the University were present. It was the forum in which different students from all around the globe participated to seek guidance for career building in scientific fields. Biotechnology and molecular biology inclusive of cultural and economic prospects were discussed in the sessions. The events aimed at creating awareness about artificial intelligence and scientific development there by motivating students for research analysis and study of science

Atal Tinkering Labs Atal Tinkering Lab is the flagship program of Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), Government of India to cultivate an innovative mindset amongst high school students across the country. With a vision to ‘Cultivate one Million children in India as Neoteric Innovators’, Atal Innovation Mission is establishing Atal Tinkering Laboratories (ATLs) in schools across India. ATL is a state-of-the-art space established in a school with a goal to foster curiosity and innovation in young minds, between grade 6th to 12th across the country through 21st century tools and technologies such as Internet of Things, 3D printing, rapid prototyping tools, robotics, miniaturized electronics, do-it-yourself kits and many more. The aim is to stimulate a problem-solving innovative mind-set within the children of the ATL and nearby communities. In KVS Jammu region 15 Atal tinkering labs have been established at following locations: KV GC CRPF Bantalab, KV Hiranagar, KV No.2 Jammu, KV Jindrah, KV Jyotipuram, KV Kargil, KV Kathua, KV Lakhanpur, KV Leh, KV Miransahib, KV Rajouri, KV No. 2 Srinagar, KV Sunjwan, and KV No. 1 Udhampur.

Astronomy Lab Astronomy lab in Kendriya Vidyalaya No-1, Gandhinagar Jammu has been set up in June 2021 and inaugurated by honourable Deputy Commissioner Dr. D. Manjunath on 2nd October 2021. I am highly thankful to D. C. sir for his guidance and support for the establishment of lab. I am also thankful to Spark Astronomy, Nadar Foundation and Life Lab Foundation for their contribution in establishing the Astronomy Lab. This Lab is beneficial for teachers and students. The models put in the lab are attracting the students towards astronomy. Students and teachers are getting acquainted with heavenly bodies like moon, planets and stars by using Astronomical Telescopes. Amit Walter Principal K.V.No.1, Jammu (Photo: Smt. Anita Karwal, Secretary MOE, GOI, Using Telescope)

Astronomy Lab has been established in K. V. No-1, Gandhinagar Jammu by the efforts of principal Sh. Amit Walter and able guidance of Deputy Commissioner, Dr. D. Manjunath in June 2021. There are about 36 models, one 3 –D projector and 4 astronomical telescopes in the lab. The ceiling of the lab has been given a view of universe by painting solar system, Big Bang Theory and other significant events of universe. Science Teachers, Social Science teachers and students are getting an opportunity to explore this field and found it inspiring. They are learning, how to use astronomical telescopes and view heavenly bodies like stars, moon and planets. Students can easily understand the concept of gravity, black hole, mixing of primary colours and other atmospheric phenomenon like reflection, refraction and dispersion of light. It will also help teachers to teach Planets, Solar System, Lunar eclipse and seasons. It fascinates the students towards the field of Astronomy and will encourage them to opt Astronomy in their higher studies. Babu Ram PGT (Physics) K.V. No.1, Jammu Astronomy Lab in K. V. No-1 Gandhinagar, Jammu (Photo: Smt. Anita Karwal, Secretary MOE, GOI and Smt. Nidhi Pandey, Commissioner KVS Interacting with students)

Visit by Smt. Anita Karwal, Secretary MOE (GOI) & Smt. Nidhi Pandey (commissioner KVS)

Creative Corner THINKING LIKE A SCIENTIST. I want to think like a scientist. Observing animals, Earth, or Sky. I want to ask good questions. Wondering how, what and why. I want to make smart guesses. Hypothesizing what might happen and when. I want to do cool experiments. Testing my thinking again and again. I want to write up all my data Recording pictures, charts, or words. I want to think through all I’ve learnt. Wondering, asking, testing concluding This is what scientists do. If you want to think like a scientist Then you too must do like them! Sututi Sharma KV No. 1 Udhampur

`DO OUR DNA HAVE A PASSWORD? We all need a password for a new device or for many other services. Similarly we also got some tiniest, most complicated set of instructions which play an important role in determining physical traits — how we look —and lots of other stuff about us. These Segments of DNA that contain instructions for building the molecules that make our body work and telling it how to operate is called Gene’s. Genes carry the information and are passed on to you — or inherited — from your parents. Each cell in the human body contains about 25,000 to 35,000 genes. Genome It is the complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or organism. All living things are evolved from a common ancestor. Therefore, humans, animals and other organisms- all have DNA; so do trees, mushrooms and bacteria. Without DNA, life would be impossible. AKANKSHA SHARMA TGT SCIENCE KV KISHTWAR

DNA I am the one with two strands, Who determines an individual’s brand. I give identity, multiplication and replication, Each and every character is in my narration. Can you imagine, how awesome I am, As I am the solution of most of the scam. No one can beat my storage system, Which makes me responsible for your inheritance custom. Sheenam Singh Thakur Class VI Kendriya Vidyalaya Chenani 10 MOST INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT SCIENCE 1) The Eiffel tower can be 15 cm taller during the summer. 2) A teaspoonful of neutron star would weigh 6 billion tons. 3) Hawaii moves 7.5 cm closer to Alaska every year. 4) Sunflowers are known as hyper accumulators and they can be used to clean up radiation. 5) A cockroach can live for up to one week without its head. 6) Our skull is made up of 29 different bones. 7) The earth has over 80,000 species of edible plants. We only eat about 30 varieties. 8) 20% of earth’s oxygen is produced by the amazon river. 9) Your heart pumps about 2,000 gallon of blood in a day. 10) Without your pinky finger you would lose about 50% of your hand's strength. Name = Roshni Bhagat Roll no = 4 Class =7th b

Cyber Crime In present time, being posed by a variety of cyber threats, difficulties are arising more and more, in each field associated with technology. Criminals are targeting the public as well as private sector networks that lead to harmful results. Cyber-crime takes different forms as: Hacking: The act of gaining unauthorized access to data in a computer or computer network. Malware: A malicious software, refers to any code designed to interfere with a computer’s normally functioning. Identity Theft: Unlawfully obtaining other individual’s personal information and use it & thus committing a theft or a fraud. Social Engineering: psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. Software Privacy: unauthorized reproduction, distribution and use of software. Cyber Crime in India India is a developing country where internet is too growing very fast in every state with regular increase in cybercrime. Cyber-Crime in India is also notable where lack of awareness of use of technology and recoupment in cyber laws is one of the factors. India reported 2,08,456 Incidents in 2018, 3,94,499 incidents in 2019, 11,58,208 incidents in 2020, 14,02,809 incidents in 2021 and 2,12,485 incidents in first two months of 2022. Preparing Students To Fight Cyber crime Cyber-crimes mutate constantly in our society in present time. To prepare our students to fight cyber-crime, we need to implement dynamic learning techniques to provide a strong foundation in cyber security concepts and leadership skills, as well as multiple concentrations that allow them to develop advanced expertise in key areas of the field. Tezinder Sudan P.G.T Computer Science K.V Sunderbani

PERIODIC TABLE FACTS 1) Francium is the rarest element on earth. 2)The only letter not in the periodic table is the letter J. 3) Most of the element exist in solid state at room temperature. 4) Out of 118 elements 90 are found in nature and 28 are synthesized in laboratory. 5) Mercury and bromine are only which exist in liquid at room temperature. 6) Iron, cobalt and Nickle are the only three elements that produce a magnetic field. 7) Cesium and Rubidium are used to make atomic clock the are considered to be most accurate of all clocks Name –Ridhima(12th)

Micro plastics: A hidden threat Microplastics pose a global problem. However, only 43% of the countries are actively involved in studies on microplastics. Microplastics are plastic particles less than 5mm in diameter. They contribute to over 80% of the ocean debris. The plastic materials discarded by humans traverse through land and are passed to the oceans by wind or rivers. These plastic materials are broken down to smaller particles by exposure to sunlight or wave action. These smaller plastic particles are called microplastics. Marine organisms such as fish, crabs and prawns consume these microplastics by misidentification as food. Humans consume this seafood which leads to several health complications. Thus plastic materials discarded by one man ends up on the plate of another man through seafood and sea salt. On a wider scale, the presence of microplastics particles in the air has the potential to influence the climate by accelerating the melting of snow and ice. Microplastics have been even noted in table salt collected from saltpans of Tamil Nadu and in processed salts purchased from supermarkets. The global problem of plastics will only be solved if all countries and decision- making policies decide to monitor microplastics along with their respective coasts and also implement orders to use only biodegradable plastics. Awareness must be created among the common people regarding impact of microplastics. The complete ban on the use of ‘single-use plastic’ from July 1 by the Central Government is a welcome step in this direction but numerous mutual efforts are required in this direction. Alka Sheoran (PGT Chemistry, KV Bantalab)

Role of Science Teacher in Society We live in a knowledge society. Knowledge – in addition to mineral resources, capital and physical activity – is an increasingly important resource. It contributes to the functioning of democracies and innovation and helps countries to be competitive on a global scale. But science which contributes significantly to knowledge production, is confronted with new challenges. The role of science in an increasingly fragmented and digital society, as well as its significance for politics and civil society, will be redefined. Science can never offer a universal truth or an objective representation of the world. It can, however, offer methodologically verifiable interpretations and can question certainties and trigger reflections. Science has an important social role and at the same time bears great responsibility, precisely, when the situation is not clear. Science thus has an important social role to play. Through science teaching, there will be interaction between science and society. And this will ensure that knowledge is exchanged, tested and reflected in society. In this situation, it is the responsibility of science teacher to make our classroom and our teaching welcoming for all students, regardless of their social identity, gender-identity, cultural background. Kendriya Vidyalayas are constantly chasing the challenges of society through various activities, like: NCSC: It kindles curiosity of the children, provide the opportunity to unfold their creativeness and stretch their imagination. INSPIRE AWARD: The objective of the scheme is to target one million original ideas/innovations rooted in science and societal applications to foster a culture of creativity and innovative thinking among school children. With the help and kind motivation of our Honb’le Deputy Commissioner sir, Dr. D. Manjunath and Worthy Principal sir DR. R. K Srivastava, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sunderbani has achieved many achievements in these activities during last two years. Vishesh Gupta- Awarded with Rs. 10000/- for INSPIRE AWARD in 2020-21. Esha Sharma- Awarded with Rs. 10000/- for INSPIRE AWARD in 2021-22. Shaurya Hirdekar- Awarded with Rs. 10000/- for INSPIRE AWARD in 2021-22. Deepak Gupta- Awarded with Rs. 10000/- for INSPIRE AWARD in 2021-22. Khushi Sharma- Awarded with Gold Medal as Rank-1 in KAMP. Being science teacher, I request all teachers to motivate, students to use their knowledge for making our society innovative with novel concepts. Regards Pgt physics Kv sunderbani

Some interesting facts about science: - 1. Chicken egg is one giant cell. 2. Human saliva is six times more potent than Morphine. 3. The average person walks the equivalent five times around the world in a lifetime. 4. There are about 7 octillion atoms in human body. 5. Oxygen gas is colorless, but the liquid and solid form of oxygen are blue. 6. Red coloration in watermelon is due to the present of lycopene. 7. A sour taste is caused by the present of hydrogen ions H+. 8. Blue whale calls can reach to 188 decibels while a jet reaches 140 decibels, making it the loudest animal on earth. INTERESTING SCIENCE FACTS 1. It takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for light to travel from the Sun's surface to the Earth. 2. Giraffes often sleep for only 20 minutes in any 24 hours. They may sleep up to 2 hours (in spurts- not all at once). They never lie down. 3. There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. 4. The largest desert in the world, the Sahara, is 3,500,000 square miles. 5. To escape the Earth's gravity, a rocket needs to travel at 7 miles a second. 6. Bananas are radioactive. They contain potassium and because potassium decays, the yellow fruit becomes slightly radioactive. 7. The adult human body has 206 bones while a child’s developing body has 300 bones. 8. Wearing headphones for an hour multiplies the bacteria in our ear by 700. 9. Bar code scanners read the white space between the black lines rather than the black lines themselves. 10. Stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve stainless steel. NAME: - VASUNDHARA CLASS: - 6THC Roll No.: - 30

र दान–जीवनदान ा आप जानते ह ? 1. कोई भी थ जो 18 से 60 वष का हो और िजसका वजन 45 िकलो ाम से अिधक हो, हीमो ोिबन 12.5 िमलीलीटर हो , र दान कर सकता है| 2. एक बार र दान करने के बाद अगला र दान 3 महीने के बाद िकया जा सकता है , और र दान म के वल 15 िमनट का ही समय लगता है | 3. र दाता को िदल का दौरा , उ र चाप, गुद की बीमा रयाँ , मधुमेह, एड्स या कोई अ गंभीर सम ा नहीं होनी चािहए | 4. यिद ने कोिवड का टीका िलया है तो ‘नेशनल टांस ूजन कौिं सल’ के अनुसार र दान करने से पहले 28 िदन तक कना ज री है | 5. एक बार र दान म के वल 300 िमलीलीटर र िलया जाता है , जो कु ल र का के वल 6 ितशत होता है | 6. र दान करने के बाद 5 से 20 िमनट तक आराम कर, उसके उपरा आप अपनी सामा िदनचया जारी रख सकते ह | 7. दान िकया गया र 24 से 36 घंटे म दोबारा बन जाता है , तथा हीमो ोिबन 2-3 स ाह म पूव र पर आ जाता है | 8. र दान का शरीर पर कोई दु भाव नही ं पड़ता है, ब शरीर िफर से र म नयी लाल र कोिशकाएं बनाना शु कर देता है | 9. िनयिमत र दान करने वालों म दय रोग एवं कसर होने की संभावना कम हो जाती है | 10.अतः र दान न के वल दू सरों की जान बचाता है , ब यं को भी सुरि त रखता है | के वी लखनपुर

सुगंध का रासायिनक िव ेषण अ र अपने बगीचे म सैर करते ए, एक हवा के झोकं े के साथ फू लों की खुशबू आती है जो मुझे भीतर तक सुगंध से भर देती है ।मन करता है िक हर चीज उसी मनमोहक सुगंध म नहा कर सुगंिधत हो जाए, म अ र सोचा करता था ा बात है की एक खास िक का फू ल एक खास िक की खुशबू देता है आज के समय म खुशबू के िलए लोग बगीचे म नहीं जाते ह ब इ का योग करते ह। शेषांक जापित वै ािनक इस इ को बनाने के िलए फू लों को नही ं िनचोड़ा करते ह, राजा महाराजा के समय म ऐसा होता था, पर अब रासायिनक ि या ( ातको र रसायन शा ) क ीय िव ालय सुंजुवां, ज ू का इ ेमाल करके कु छ ऐसे आणिवक सरं चना तैयार िकया जाता है जो िकसी भी कार की खुशबू दे सकती है आइए हम इसे थोड़ा बारीकी से समझ। सुगंध एक रासायिनक यौिगक है िजसम गंध होती है। पर ूम श लैिटन पर ूमरे से िनकला है, िजसका अथ है \"धू पान करना\"। इ सुगंिधत आव क तेलों या सुगंध यौिगकों (सुगंध), िफ ेिटव और सॉ ट्स का िम ण है| ाचीन ंथों और पुराता क उ नन से पता चलता है िक कु छ ारं िभक मानव स ताओं म इ का उपयोग िकया गया था। आधुिनक पर ूमरी (PERFUMERY) 19वी ं शता ी के अंत म वैिनिलन या कू मा रन जैसे सुगंिधत यौिगकों के ावसाियक सं ेषण के साथ शु ई, िजसने उन सुगंधों की संरचना की अनुमित दी जो पहले के वल ाकृ ितक सुगंिधत पदाथ से अ ा थी।ं सुगंध के आणिवक आधार को जानने के िलए, आइए इसे कु छ सामा उदाहरणों से समझते ह। मानव ाण ाही थल गैसीय अणुओं के आकार के ित ब त संवेदनशील होते ह। उदाहरण के िलए फू लों की गंध अणुओं के कारण होती है जो एक छोर पर गोलाकार होते ह और दू सरे छोर पर (HEXACHLOROETHANE) (CAMPHOR) ल े होते ह, जबिक पेपरिमंट जैसी गंध हे ा ोरोइथेन कपूर दीघवृ ाकार अणुओं ारा िनिमत होती है (कृ पया इन दोनों आणिवक संरचना को ान से देख और आप देखगे िक आकृ ितयाँ लगभग (V- LIKE) समान ह)। इ के कई घटकों के िलए, आकार रासायिनक संरचना से अिधक मह पूण तीत होते ह: हे ा ोरोइथेन कपूर और साइ ोए ेन म लगभग समान गंध होती है, भले ही उनके

आणिवक सू काफी िभ हो।ं हालांिक, ये सभी अणु मोटे तौर पर CYCLOOCTANE कटोरे के आकार के होते ह जो ाण ाही थल रसे र साइट के साथ उिचत िफट होने की अनुमित देता है| िविभ ाण ाही रसे र साइटों पर अणुओं की छोटी मा ा की उप थित का पता लगाने की मता िभ होती है। वे लोग िजनकी सूंघने की श अ ी होती है, दुिनया भर म पर ूमस (गंध- ) और वाइनरी कं पिनयों ारा अ ी तरह से स ािनत और अ िधक भुगतान िकया जाता है। ी रयो के िम ी (STEREOCHEMISTRY) अणु के आकार को जीरे का पौधा पुदीने का पौधा मह पूण प से भािवत करती है, उदाहरण के िलए, काव न (CARVONE) टेरपेनोइड्स (TERPENOIDS) नामक रसायनों के प रवार का सद है। काव न कई आव क तेलों म ाभािवक प से पाया जाता है, लेिकन जीरा का तेल तथा पुदीना का तेल (SPEARMINT) म सबसे चुर मा ा म होता है। आप िच म जीरे और पुदीने के पौधे को देख सकते ह। मने कै रवे के दोनों ही अणुओं को इस िच म िदखाया (-) CARVONE & (+) CARVONE है और आप देख सकते ह िक इनके बीच म जो एक (पुदीना का तेल) (जीरा का तेल) मोटी सी प ी िदख रही है उसे आप दपण कह सकते ह िजससे साफ पता चलता है िक यह दोनों ही अणु एक दू सरे के ितिबंब ह इस कार के अणुओं को, जो एक दू सरे के ितिबंब होते ह उ हम रासायिनक शा की भाषा म एनिशमस (ENANTIOMERS) कहते ह| तो आपने देखा िक िकस कार से िभ िभ कार के संरचना के कारण िभ िभ कार के सुगंध बनाए जाते ह। शेषांक जापित ( ातको र रसायन शा ) क ीय िव ालय सुंजुवां, ज