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Home Explore Maintaining Heavy Construction Equipment

Maintaining Heavy Construction Equipment

Published by Peter Hart, 2021-03-17 10:37:42

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Maintaining Heavy Construction Equipment Created by Peter Hart

Maintain Operational Records • Possibly the most helpful step owners take in performing regular maintenance of heavy equipment concerns keeping complete, accurate records and servicing checklists. By outlining the protocols involved in servicing each piece of machinery used for construction services, and tracking inspections and repairs, companies help preserve the useful working life of vehicles in heavy equipment fleets.

Perform Regular Cleaning • Another important step a company takes to preserve and maintain heavy equipment in good working order involves scheduling a regular cleaning routine. During field operations, heavy construction equipment faces adverse environmental conditions. From pounding rain to muddy terrain to dust storms, the forces of nature will batter machinery.

Record Fluid Levels • Some experts recommend establishing written guidelines for keeping fluids filled. Although not all items of heavy equipment use fluids extensively (antifreeze, windshield wiper fluids, etc.) some do. Documenting periodic refills enable maintenance personnel to detect potential operational problems at an early point, sometimes.

Perform Regular Lubrication • Just as automobile engines benefit from regular greasing and oiling, engines and motors in equipment used for heavy construction projects usually also require periodic maintenance. Following manufacturer guidelines in this area helps to preserve the equipment and will extend their lifetime.

Protect Electrical Wiring • Experts recommend paying particular attention to protecting any electrical wiring on heavy equipment from exposure to the elements. For instance, it may make sense to cover machinery with a secure protective tarp, or to shelter the equipment under a covering to prevent unnecessary wear and tear on the electrical components.

Check Tire And Axle Condition • Usually, manufacturers produce very durable mobility mechanisms for heavy equipment, yet it still makes sense to inspect the parts of the machinery in contact with the ground at periodic intervals. Chunks of debris, such as loose gravel or mud, may lodge in out-of-the-way locations, and removing this material assists the operation of the machinery.

Inspect For Leaks • It makes sense to take a few minutes to check for visible signs of oil leakage during regularly scheduled heavy equipment cleaning sessions. Most sources recommend establishing written protocols for this type of inspection. By paying attention to possibly leaky valves, owners of this expensive equipment can obtain necessary repairs much faster, assisting the operation of the machinery.

Inspect For Misalignment • The rough terrains in which heavy equipment routinely operates may impose burdens on vehicle alignment in some situations. Although this type of machinery withstands adverse conditions much better than many other vehicles, assuring proper alignment in some cases remains essential.

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