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Home Explore Aaron_Yeung Design and Fine Arts Portfolio - USC-compressed02

Aaron_Yeung Design and Fine Arts Portfolio - USC-compressed02

Published by angela.k.h, 2017-11-01 08:47:58

Description: Aaron_Yeung Design and Fine Arts Portfolio - USC-compressed02


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Creative Sketch < STEEL > Constant dripping wears away a stone. DATE FINISHED I 2.08.2017 PAPER I white sketch paper SIZE I 19″ X 11″ TOOL I charcoal & pencil TIME I 24 hours TYPE I creative sketch84 CREATIVE SKETCH


Creative Sketch < INDISCERNIBLE > The nature of all the tangible things are actually invisible. DATE FINISHED I 5.14.2017 PAPER I black sketch paper SIZE I 19″ X 11″ TOOL I white charcoal & white pencil TIME I 5 hours TYPE I creative sketch86 CREATIVE SKETCH


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THANK YOU FOR WATCHING AARON YEUNG DESIGN AND FINE ARTS PORTFOLIO 2014-2017p: +1 (626) 616 - 2629 a: Arcadia, (Los Angeles County), CA e: a a r o n . y e u n g @ y e u n g i p l a w . c o m

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