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Home Explore AACSB International Accreditation

AACSB International Accreditation

Published by m.azlina, 2016-03-30 22:37:07

Description: AACSB Pocket Book


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Peer Review Team to UUM PRT Chair PRT Members

Schools in the scope of AACSB accreditation Department of International Business Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business (OYAGSB) Islamic Business School (IBS) School of Accounting (SoA) School of Business Management (SBM) School of Economics, Finance And Banking (SEFB) School of Technology Management & Logistic (STML)

Why do we need AACSB accreditation? To attract excellent local and international students who want quality education. To attract and maintain distinguished academia to teach at UUM. To provide a world-class learning and teaching environment. To remain relevant, respected and referred in the international education arena. To attain a competitive advantage and to fulfill the country’s objective to become the regional education hub.

Importance and benefits of AACSB accreditation to STUDENTS: Ensure students will get top quality education Help graduates to get better jobs Help graduates ready to perform on day one in working life Graduates from AACSB accredited business schools receive higher and more competitive salaries

The Association to AdvanceCollegiate Schools of Business AACSB provides internationally recognized, specialized accreditation for business and accounting programs at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral level. The AACSB accreditation standards challenge post-secondary educators to pursue excellence and continuous improvement throughout their business programs. AACSB accreditation is known, worldwide, as the longest standing, most recognized form of specialized/ professional accreditation an institution and its business programs can earn.

What is AACSB accreditation? A 90+ year history of recognizing excellence in management education AACSB accreditation is the largest and most recognized specialized accreditation worldwide. The requirements for AACSB accreditation are very stringent. In fact, 86% of AACSB-accredited schools say that the AACSB accreditation standards are the most stringent as compared to other accreditations they hold.

AACSB accreditation in three vital areas: Engagement, Innovation, and Impact Engagement AACSB recognizes that all of its accredited members share a common purpose—the preparation of students for meaningful professional, societal, and personal lives. Effective business education and research can be achieved with different balances of academic and professional engagement. Accreditation should encourage an appropriate intersection of academic and professional engagement that is consistent with quality in the context of a school's mission.

InnovationAACSB accreditation standards focus onthe quality of education and supportingfunctions. The standards set demandingbut realistic thresholds, challengebusiness schools to innovate, and inspireeducators to pursue continuousimprovement in educational programs andother mission-based activities of thebusiness school, foster quality andconsistency, but not at the expense of thecreativity and experimentation necessaryfor innovation.

ImpactIn an environment of increasingaccountability, AACSB accreditation focuson appropriate high-quality inputs(human, financial, physical, etc.) and theoutcomes of those inputs within thecontext of the business school’s missionand supporting strategies. Businessschools must document how they aremaking a difference and having impact.This means that AACSB will continue toemphasize that business schoolsintegrate AoL into their curriculummanagement processes and produceintellectual contributions that make apositive impact on business theory,teaching, or practice. Impact also has abroader meaning in that the businessschool, through the articulation andexecution of its mission, should make adifference in business and society as wellas in the global community of businessschools and management educators.

The World of Management Education

Core values of AACSB Ethical Behaviour Collegiate Environment Commitment to Corporate and Social Responsibility

Core value: Ethical Behaviour“The school must encourage and support ethical behaviour by students, faculty, administrators, and professional staff.” • Systems, policies, and procedures must support ethical behaviour for administrators, faculty, professional staff, and students. • Must address breaches of ethical behaviour.

Core value: Collegiate Environment “The school maintains a collegiateenvironment in which students, faculty, administrators, professional staff andpractitioners interact and collaborate in support of learning, scholarship, and community engagement.” • Focused on scholarship and advanced learning characteristic of higher education. • An environment supporting interaction among students, faculty, administrators, and practitioners. • Faculty involvement in governance.

Core Value: Commitment to Corporate and Social Responsibility “The school must demonstrate a commitmentto address, engage, and respond to current andemerging corporate social responsibility issues (e.g., diversity, sustainable development,environmental sustainability, and globalizationof economic activity across culture) through its policies, procedures, curricula, research, and/or outreach activities.” • School supports diversity in people and ideas appropriate to its culture, historical traditions, and legal/regulatory environment. • Corporate and social responsibility issues require responses from schools and students. • School values understanding of diverse viewpoints among its students and faculty related to social responsibility issues. • School fosters sensitivity and flexibility toward cultural differences and global perspectives.

There are 15 standards in the AACSB 2013 Guidelines (Adopted April 8, 2013: Updated: January 31, 2015) Strategic Management and Innovation (3) 15 Participants (4)standards Learning and Teaching (5) Academic and Professional Engagement (3)

Strategic Management and Innovation Standards Standard 1:Mission, Impact, and InnovationThe school articulates a clear anddistinctive mission, the expectedoutcomes this mission implies, andstrategies outlining how theseoutcomes will be achieved. Theschool has a history of achievementand improvement and specifiesfuture actions for continuousimprovement and innovationconsistent with this mission,expected outcomes, and strategies.

Standard 2: Intellectual Contributions, Impact, and Alignment with MissionThe school produces high-qualityintellectual contributions that areconsistent with its mission,expected outcomes, and strategiesand that impact the theory, practice,and teaching of business andmanagement.

Standard 3: Financial Strategies and Allocation of ResourcesThe school has financial strategiesto provide resources appropriate to,and sufficient for, achieving itsmission and action items.

Participants – Students, Faculty, and Professional Staff Standard 4:Student Admissions, Progression, and Career DevelopmentPolicies and procedures for studentadmissions, as well as those thatensure academic progressiontoward degree completion, andsupporting career development areclear, effective, consistently applied,and aligned with the school'smission, expected outcomes, andstrategies.

Standard 5: Faculty Sufficiency and DeploymentThe school maintains and deploys afaculty sufficient to ensure qualityoutcomes across the range ofdegree programs it offers and toachieve other components of itsmission. Students in all programs,disciplines, locations, and deliverymodes have the opportunity toreceive instruction fromappropriately qualified faculty.

Standard 6: Faculty Management and SupportThe school has well-documentedand well-communicated processesto manage and support facultymembers over the progression oftheir careers that are consistent withthe school’s mission, expectedoutcomes, and strategies.

Standard 7:Professional Staff Sufficiency and DeploymentThe school maintains and deploysprofessional staff and/or servicessufficient to ensure qualityoutcomes across the range ofdegree programs it offers and toachieve other components of itsmission.

Learning and Teaching Standards Standard 8: Curricula Management and Assurance of LearningThe school uses well-documented,systematic processes fordetermining and revising degreeprogram learning goals; designing,delivering, and improving degreeprogram curricula to achievelearning goals; and demonstratingthat degree program learning goalshave been met.

Standard 9: Curriculum ContentCurriculum content is appropriate togeneral expectations for the degreeprogram type and learning goals. Standard 10: Student-Faculty InteractionsCurricula facilitate student-facultyand student-student interactionsappropriate to the program type andachievement of learning goals.

Standard 11: Degree Program Educational Level, Structure, and EquivalenceDegree program structure anddesign, including the normal time-to-degree, are appropriate to thelevel of the degree program andensure achievement of high-qualitylearning outcomes. Programsresulting in the same degreecredential are structured anddesigned to ensure equivalence.

Standard 12: Teaching EffectivenessThe school has policies andprocesses to enhance the teachingeffectiveness of faculty andprofessional staff involved withteaching across the range of itseducational programs and deliverymodes.

Academic and Professional Engagement Standards Standard 13: Student Academic and Professional EngagementCurricula facilitate student academicand professional engagementappropriate to the degree programtype and learning goals.

Standard 14: Executive EducationIf applicable, executive education(activities not leading to a degree)complements teaching and learningin degree programs and intellectualcontributions. The school hasappropriate processes to ensurehigh quality in meeting clientexpectations and continuousimprovement in executive educationprograms.

Standard 15: Faculty Qualifications and EngagementThe school maintains andstrategically deploys participatingand supporting faculty whocollectively and individuallydemonstrate significant academicand professional engagement thatsustains the intellectual capitalnecessary to support high-qualityoutcomes consistent with theschool’s mission and strategies.

AACSB Accreditation Unit, UUM COBTel: 04-928 6524/6523/6522/6507 |

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