HOME WHO WE ARE OUR SERVICES SPECIALTIES OUR PARTNERS CONTACT US FAQ PUBLICATIONS WHATAPP US EVENTS BLOG SCIENCE AND ART IN EVOLUTIONVibart Dental Clinic Find us on social media: Visit us at: Do you have questions?Database management youtube Calle7 # 39-107 [email protected] Consultorio 202 - 205 Call us at: Edificio Medical +57 (4) 4 44 57 28 Medellin - Colombia
WHO WE ARE Commented [KC1]: What are the four units? Commented [KC2]: And comfortable?• OUR SPECIALISTS• Vibart Dental Clinic is the result of a dream that began in 1995, as a dental practice which become a clinic in 2014.• We are not just another dental clinic, at Vibart Dental Clinic, we care about you and your family.• Led by Dr. Carlos Villegas Bateman, we at the Vibart Dental Clinic have created four units of care. Our qualified professionals analyze your case, however complex, and provide the most comprehensive solution, always focused on both the prevention of dental deterioration and treatment of oral health, for our patients.Dr. David Ramírez Marín Dra. Ángela Sierra Ángel Dra. Mónica María Espinosa Dra. Maria Isabel Vélez Henao Graduate of CES University in Dentistry, Odonatologist and graduate of CES Odonatologist and graduate of CES Odonatologist, graduate of CESSpecialist in Maxillofacial Surgery from CES University University University University Specialist in Orthodontics from CES Diploma in Contemporary Aesthetic Specialist in Periodontics at CES University. Currently teaching postgraduate Dentistry, oral rehabilitation and University orthodontics at CES University implants from the Colombian Dental Federation Member of the Colombian Society of Oral Member of the Colombian Society of 28 years of experience in the practice of Certified in periodontal treatments and Maxillofacial Surgery (ACCOMF). Orthodontics - SCO. aesthetic dentistry and oral using nitrous oxide. rehabilitation. Private practice with an educational and Certified in Orthodontic Techniques Lingual Private consultation with emphasis service sense in the interdisciplinary Harmony, 2D and self-ligation techniques. on individual and multidisciplinary Certified in CLEAR ALIGNER ORTO LITE and treatment in conjunction with oralmanagement of the different treatments ofImplantology, oral and Maxillofacial Surgery ESSIX systems. rehabilitation. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Implantology with bone regeneration and periodontal dental sciences at CES University. surgery; besides the treatment for the aesthetic improvement of the gums.
WHO WE ARE Dra. Luz Beatriz Vera Uribe Dra. María del Pilar Eguilior• OUR SPECIALISTS Dra. Martha Cecilia Sanín Odonatologist from CES University Odonatologist of the Cooperative Odonatologist from CES University University of Colombia Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry and22 years of experience in the practice ofDental Aesthetics Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry and Preventive Orthodontics at CES Preventive Orthodontics of the CES University. University. Member of the Colombian Academy of Member of the Colombian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry ACOP. Pediatric Dentistry ACOP. Trained in treatment for special patients, Trained for the management of patients baby clinic, and sedation with nitrous oxide. with disabilities. Management of pediatric emergencies. Management of pediatric emergencies, sedation with nitrous oxide, baby clinic, and maxillary orthopedics.
OUR PARTNERS▪ INTERSURGERY ROOMS Pharmaceutical Units We give each of our patients personalized attention, dignity, and the best quality.
• CALMING SEDATION Sedation in the hands of Specialists Odontology without Odontology without For many of us, our greatest fear is going to the dentist, for fear of pain once the anesthesia wears off or because of unpleasant memories ofpain stress trips to the dentist; or even just the sound of the equipment causes anxiety that something might happen to our precious teeth. But this is no longer an excuse to go to the dentist, because now, through new technologies, we offer sedation, a technique that insures that our patients do not feel pain, fear, or anxiety during dental procedures. Sedation is administered via the application of medication (sedatives), that are introduced through a peripheral vein catheter. All, in an effort to achieve painless dentistry.
Dental Implants Dental implants in MedellinThe best esthetics, natural teeth, and a healthy smile in just 1 day. Advantages of dental implants: They prevent deterioration of the rest of healthy teeth that is caused by the constant use of removable prostheses. They provide excellent health and stability in the mouth. They help in the chewing of a broad variety of foods, that with other dental replacement systems would make impossible for you to consume. They feel more natural. Your self-esteem, your appearance, and your speech improves considerably.
For 99% of patients who do not have teeth, or who use removable prostheses, this solution makes it possible to place four to six implants. Frequently asked questions - What are dental implants Implants are cylindrical titanium structures, made of a biocompatible material of oral tissues and high strength, which are implanted into the patient's bone, where there is loss of one or more teeth, in order to return both function and the aesthetics. When one or more teeth are lost and not replaced, the neighboring teeth lose balance and move into the space of the missing tooth, producing an imbalance in the bite and alignment of the other teeth. Additionally, the bone where the missing tooth was, begins to wear, making it impossible to insert an implant, under optimal conditions. This is why the best option, when there is a missing tooth, is to replace it immediately with a dental implant.
- What does it mean “never failing” mean?Frequent questions include:What are dental implants?Do they never fail?The success rate of the implants is between 95% and 100%, which meansthat the implants work perfectly. The main reasons for a very smallpercentage of failure are because: the patient's bone is of very poorquality, because of dental hygiene, or because nutritional habits are notadequate. It is very important to do an analysis of each individual case, inorder to determine these factors of each particular case.
Frequent questions include:What are dental implants?Is true that when the natural teeth are lost, the bone is slowly lost?It is sometimes true that there is bone loss and must be regeneratedor rebuilt, but this can be done, in most cases, with bone substitutes inan effort to avoid taking bone matter from the patient.When the patient has no teeth and wears dentures, in 99% of cases, itis possible to place between 4 to 6 implants, and replace theremovable prosthesis, with a fixed prosthesis, which improves theirquality of life and self-esteem incredibly, talk and smile with greaterconfidence and confidence. Doctor Villegas will advise you what is bestfor you!NO MORE REMOVEABLE PROSTHESIS You can enjoy a nice smile and feel the benefits of a more comfortable and natural.
- WHAT IS “ALL-ON-FOUR” It is a technique in which with only 4 implants a removable total denture (tooth box) or very damaged teeth can be replaced by a fixed prosthesis. That is, a prosthesis that does not have to be removed. The best thing about this treatment is that the implants are placed and the patient leaves the office that same day with fixed teeth. This is done with local anesthesia in our clinic; sedation techniques are used for very nervous patients. It is a very simple procedure and the patient has minimal inflammation during recovery. Everything is handled in a private environment with the utmost discretion so that the patient does not feel uncomfortable during the process.
- WHAT ARE ZIGOMATIC IMPLANTSZygomatic implants are used when the patient has no bone in the upper jaw.These implants are placed into the malar or zygomatic bone. This the bonebehind the cheekbone and along the ridge of the alveolar ridge, inside themouth. This is not visible to others. The implant is a prosthesis upon which,all of the teeth are fixed, and which does not need to be removed for anyreason. In other words, the implant remains fixed, like natural teeth.These implants can be placed into 100% of patients, with normal malar bone.Dr. Villegas will make recommendations for the best option, at a personalconsultation with him.Improve your quality of life, by replacing the removable prosthesis, with afixed one!
- what are the advantages?If Dr. Villegas determines that you are a candidate for implants, a temporary crowncan be placed on the same day as your consultation. Again, this is provided thatthe quality of the bone allows for the implant to have a very good initial fixation. Itis important to note that this crown should not be used to chew or receive anytype of force or load upon it. When multiple implants are placed, such as in the“All on 4” technique, the patient can have a soft diet. We will advise the patient onhow much time to wait, if any, the day that the implants are placed.In the case of a temporary tooth being placed, the patient will not be able to putpressure on the implant.
Maxillofacial Surgery We correct and improve the facial appearance of our patients, using state-of-the- art technology and reducing treatment time. Dr. Carlos Villegas is a pioneer in the technique of “Surgery First” and in the virtual planning of surgery, in Colombia.
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is corrective maxillary surgery? Will my face change a lot with surgery?Is it alwMayasxnielclaesrsyarSyutorghaevreybirsacaesp? rocedure to correct the discrepancieHsoiwnmthuceh gtimroewwtilhl I boefotuhteofjtahwe ooffircec?hin. It is performed when a person presents a lack of harmony in the size or shape of the jaws, whichWhat ifwI ihlalvceoamlrepadryohmadisberabceos?th masticatory function and facial aestheWthicast .can I eat during the recuperation time?Can yosuehvaeverathletseucrghenryiqbeufeorse aharveinugsberadceisn? order to relocate the bones toArae tnheerwe apnyoaslitteironanti,veins two hhaivcinhg tshuregefray?cial appearance will be greatly improved and bite problems corrected.Do I haTvheetophraovecmedy tuereethstiaerdeinpweirrefsoarftmerethdeisnusrgiedrey?the mouth to avoidingCvanisIisbeleehsocwamrsy.face will change after surgery? Maxillofacial surgery can be performed from the age of 13. At Vibart Dental Clinic we recommend what is nest for each particular case. The purpose of mandibular, maxillary surgery, or both is to improve your facial appearance and chewing functions, and to prevent functional problems, later on.
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is corrective maxillary surgery? Will my face change a lot with surgery?Is it always necessary to have braces? How much time will I be out of the office?What if I have already had braces? What can I eat during the recuperation time?Can you hIanvemthoessturcgaesryebse,foitreishanveincgebsrascaers?y to wear braces, because the pAorestihteiorenanoyfatltheernatteiveetshto, hmavuinsgtsaurlgseoryb?e corrected. After surgery, the braces are used to finalize the fit of the bite.Do I have to have my teeth tied in wires after the surgery? Can I see how my face will change after surgery? The purpose of mandibular, maxillary surgery, or bothis to improve your facial appearance and chewing functions, and to prevent functional problems, later on.
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is corrective maxillary surgery? Will my face change a lot with surgery?Is it always necessary to have braces? How much time will I be out of the office?What if I have already had braces? What can I eat during the recuperation time?Can you have the surgery before having braces? already had braces, the orthAroedthoenretiacnytraelteartnmatievensttoishvaveinrgysluirkgeelryy?to In the case where the patient has be very short, but can only be determined by the Doctor, on a case by case basis.Do I have to have my teeth tied in wires after the surgery? Can I see how my face will change after surgery? The purpose of mandibular, maxillary surgery, or both is to improve your facial appearance and chewing functions, and to prevent functional problems, later on.
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is corrective maxillary surgery? Will my face change a lot with surgery?Is it always necessary to have braces? How much time will I be out of the office?What if I have already had braces? What can I eat during the recuperation time?Can you have the surgery before having braces? Are there any alternatives to having surgery?Do I have to have my teeth tied in wires after the surgery? Can I see how my face will change after surgery?In some cases, surgery is done first and then orthodontics are applied. This is called \"SurgeryFirst\" and works faster than only having braces. In many cases, the orthodontic treatment canbe done in less tThhanehpaulfrtphoesteimoef. mandibular, maxillary surgery, or bothis to improve your facial appearance and chewing functions, and to prevent functional problems, later on.
In the past, teFertehqwueernettlieydAuspkwedithQwuireesst.iTohnosse practices are no longer used. For theimmobilization of the jaw, plates and screws are used, which in most cases do not need to beremoved. Dr. Carlos Villegas is a pioneer in Medellín, in the use of a technique called rigidfixation.What is corrective maxillary suFrgoerryt?he first week, the patient will uise onlyWsilol mmyefaecelachsatnicgse athloat twaithresunrgoertyr?emoveable and help tomake stabilize the bite, as well as helping to immobilize the lower jaw, thus causing lessIs it always necessary to have bdriascceos?mfort. How much time will I be out of the office?What if I have already had braIcfest?here is any indication, the elastics may bWehcatuctanoIreraet mduroinvgetdhe, rtehceupDeroatciotnotrimwei?ll explain how that can be done.Can you have the surgery before having braces? Are there any alternatives to having surgery?Do I have to have my teeth tied in wires after the surgery? Can I see how my face will change after surgery? The purpose of mandibular, maxillary surgery, or bothis to improve your facial appearance and chewing functions, and to prevent functional problems, later on.
FFrreeqquueennttlylyAAsskkeeddQQuueessttioionnssWhat is corrective maxillary surgery? Will my face change a lot with surgery? What is corrective maxillary surgery? Will my face change a lot with surgery?Is it always necessary to have braces? How much time will I be out of the office? Is it always necessary to have braces? How much time will I be out of the office?vInerpyavtiiesinbtWlseWh.whaItanhtifoicfI ahIhhasavaeevvseealawrclerhoeadaemdyryhpehardatodhbmbrearcaifsecaeesc?sd?efiascniaoltevsetrhyetaifcfse,cttheed,imthperochveamngeenwt willilbl eWbWehhatatcacnanI eat during the recuperation time? I eat during the recuperation time?ivnergyensleigrhaltCCaaanarnneydoyonutuohhhatevadevmerthataheseistnusicurogr,egbaeryjrseybacbetnefoifdvorereethhihasvaeivtnighngogebabrairlmcaiecsesp?sfr?oorvethmeepnattoiefntthteobliotoe.kTnhaetucrhaal.nAAgrereetshtheerereananyyalatleternrnataitvieves stotohhavaivninggsusurgregeryr?y?Do I have to have my teeth tied in wires after the surgery? Can I see how my face will change after surgery? Do I have to have my teeth tied in wires after the surgery? Can I see how my face will change after surgery? TThheeppuurrppoosseeooffmmaannddibibuulalarr,,mmaaxxilillalarryyssuurrggeerryy,,oorrbbootthhisisttooimimpprroovveeyyoouurrffaacciaial laappppeeaarraanncceeaannddcchheewwininggfufunnccttioionnss, , aannddtotopprerevveennttfufunnctcitoionnaal lpprorobblelemms,sllaatteerroonn..
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is corrective maxillary surgery? Will my face change a lot with surgery?Is it always necessary to have braces? How much time will I be out of the office?What if I have already had braces? What can I eat during the recuperation time?Can you have the surgery before having braces? Are there any alternatives to having surgery?Do IThhavee ftoirhsatvwe meyetkeesthhotieudldinswtiareys ainftetrhtheehsuorguesrey?, but when you feel good you can get up, walk and work Can I see how my face will change after surgery? on the computer. The faster you get up, the faster the recovery will be. The second week can already leave, and should even go to review with the doctor, you can do some activities outside the house. If you work freelance you can go to your business and coordinate important activities. In the tThhired pwueerpkoyoseu coafnmleaanvedfiobrulloanrg,emr paexriiloladrsy, ifsuyorguearrye,soturdbyiontghyou can attend classes. Keepiisntmoinimd tphraotvyeouyoshuorufldacnioatl saupnpbeatahreaynocuer afancde wchheilewyionughfauvnecitnifolanms,mation. and to prevent functional problems, later on.
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is corrective maxillary surgery? Will my face change a lot with surgery?Is it always necessary to have braces? How much time will I be out of the office?What if I have already had braces? What can I eat during the recuperation time?Can you have the surgery before having braces? Are there any alternatives to having surgery?The firstDwoeI heakvethtoehapvaetmieyntetecthatniedcoinnwsiurems aeftelirqthueidsusr,gearty?normal temperature. JCuanicIeseseahnowd moythfaecer will change after surgery?beverages may be cold and soups lukewarm. On the second week when the elastics areremoved, the patient can eat soft foods. The idea is not to chew anything with your teeth, buttyooucreuasthofnoloydpaugraeiendstfothoedsp,ablTaehtineegwpciauthrrepyfououlstreotooanvfgomuidea,hntahdredibnfuoswoladarsl,l.omBwya.tFxhoielrlaftohruyisrtsrhueawrsgeoeenrk,y,i,tthoiseripdbaeotaitlehtnhtatcan begin to chew soft foisodtowiitmh pthreovmeolyaorsu. rByfatchieasliaxtphpweeaerka,nthcee paantdiencthsehwouinldgbfeurnecatdiyontos,chew anything. and to prevent functional problems, later on.
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is corrective maxillary surgery? Will my face change a lot with surgery?Is it always necessary to have braces? How much time will I be out of the office?What if I have already had braces? What can I eat during the recuperation time?Can you have the surgery before having braces? Are there any alternatives to having surgery?Do I have to have my teeth tied in wires after the surgery? Can I see how my face will change after surgery?When the dental problem is not very big and there are no problems with the bite, and thepositioning of the teeth can beTchoerrepcuterpdowsitehoofrtmhoadnodnitbicus.laIrn, omthaexrilmlainryorscuarsgees,ray,voerrybsoimthpleapnroteceridourrpeacrat lolefdthmeecnhtionp, lwaiiststhyto,oucatimnmbpoedroipfeyvirenfogyrtomhueerdb.fitaTech.iKiaselpearppoicpneedmauirrnaednintchveaotlavtnehsdemDcohobcetiwloizriinnafggteofrnuwlnyictllthtieoelnl s,you if this option is advisable, after raenvidewtoingpyreouvrecnatsefu. nctional problems, later on.
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is corrective maxillary surgery? Will my face change a lot with surgery?Is it always necessary to have braces? How much time will I be out of the office?What if I have already had braces? What can I eat during the recuperation time?Can you have the surgery before having braces? Are there any alternatives to having surgery?Do I have to have my teeth tied in wires after the surgery? Can I see how my face will change after surgery?At Vibart Dental Clinic, we use the “Quick Ceph Program” with which, using a photo and x-ray ofthe paTtihenet’psuprrpofoilsee, woef cmananddigibtaulllyapr,romjeacxt ihlloawrythseuprgateieryn,t owrillblooothk after the surgery. This isvery close proximity to the final result, and is very helpful in the patient’s decision making. is to improve your facial appearance and chewing functions,Today, it is possible to plan 3D surgery (three-dimension surgery) through the use of on atomographya.nTdhistompetrheovdeanltlofwusnucstitoonbaelvperoybplrecmisse,ilnaptelarnoninn.g the movement of the jaw,before the surgery. This significantly increases the precision especially in correcting facialasymmetries.
Pediatric Orthodontics Because we know that you child’s dental health is important to you, we want to take care of your child’s teeth from an early age, to insure they become adults with a healthy smiles.
Orthodontics At Vibart Dental Clinic, we use the most advanced techniques, to reduce the time of treatment with more esthetic braces or without braces.
ContactExtraction of wisdom teeth At Vibart Dental Clinic, we use the most advanced techniques to reduce the time of treatment, with more esthetic braces or without braces. - More information When the wisdom teeth lack space to erupt or are producing adverse effects on the adjacent teeth. If this is the case, they need to be extracted to allowed for a correct eruption. Wisdom teeth form their root during adolescence. A panoramic dental x-ray will confirm the number of teeth in the patient’s mouth and allows us to determine, if the wisdom teeth are poorly situated.
Frequently asked questions - FAQ- Why do wisdom teeth have to be removed?When the wisdom teeth lack space to erupt orare producing adverse effects on the adjacentteeth, which does not allow for a correcteruption, they need to be extracted. Thewisdom teeth form roots during adolescence,a panoramic dental x-ray will confirm thenumber of teeth, in the person's mouth andallows us to confirm, if the wisdom are poorlysituated.
Frequently asked questions - FAQ- What happens if I don’t have my wisdom teeth removed?If the wisdom teeth are positioned well andare not causing discomfort, they can be left inthe mouth. A problem is that in most people,not having enough space in the mouth toerupt will cause problems in the future.
Frequently asked questions - FAQ- What problems could this cause?The main problem is pain, especially in thelower wisdom teeth, because frequently,when they erupt, there is not enough space inthe mouth. This causes inflammation of thegums covering the wisdom teeth. This is called\"peritonitis\", which can also lead to infectionand inflammation of the face.
Frequently asked questions - FAQMy wisdom teeth have not come in and they don’t hurt. Whytake them out?Removal of the wisdom teeth isrecommended, in order to avoid anydiscomfort in the future. Most commonly, thewisdom teeth do not have space to erupt andremain on the bone. There, inside the bone,they may press the second molar andoccasionally cause damage to the root. A cystor tumor may also form on the tissue formingthe tooth, and in those cases, major surgery isrequired to control the problem.
Frequently asked questions - FAQ What is the ideal age to extract wisdom teeth?It is advisable to extract the wisdom teethwhen they have part of the root formed butnot completely. This is generally around 16 to17 years old. At that stage, the wisdom teethhave soft tissue that surrounds them, whichmakes their extraction easier, with less traumaand therefore, less inflammation.
Frequently asked questions - FAQ How much time will I be at home and away from work? Healing time depends on the evolution of each patient. It can be said, for that half of the patients, there is no inflammation, and for those patients, they can do most of their daily activities, the next day. However, for those patients that experience inflammation, which generally occurs on the second or third day, after the extraction, at which time, the inflammation will begin to subside, making it essential to apply ice, in the first 48 hours and apply warm compresses with salt, on the third day. Usually if the extraction is done on a Friday, you can return to your regular routine on Monday.
Frequently asked questions - FAQ - Can I be sedated? Extremely nervous patients may require general anesthesia, although there are other alternatives, such as sedation with Nitrous Oxide. This is administered via a mask, using a gas, known as \"laughing gas\", which relaxes our patients, decreasing anxiety. It is completely safe and ensures that our patient feels much calmer. Another option is intravenous sedation. Dr. Villegas explains all of these options, in detail, to his patients.
Frequently asked questions - FAQ - Will it be very painful? No. The extraction should not hurt. You will only feel pressure, but not pain. The patient’s experience is the important thing at Vibart Dental Clinic. We want our patients to feel at ease!
- What about the anesthesia?In some cases, anesthesia may cause a bit ofdiscomfort, but we insure to use procedures totake away any discomfort. Using a mask toadminister Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) helpsto alleviate pain. In addition, there are ways toapply local anesthesia, to ensure that thediscomfort is minimal.
- Can I eat afterwards?Our recommendation is to follow a liquid orsoft diet after extraction, but as soon as youare feeling able to, you can enjoy your normaldiet. Cold liquids, ice cream, and gelatin, areadvisable for the first few days of recovery.You may also have warm, during the first fewdays.
Aesthetic orthodontics Give yourself, the gift of a beautiful and healthy smile, with a natural, high-quality design.
Dine: FAQs A “designed” smile is achieved by restoring theChange all thi pronouns to our patients aesthetics of the anterior teeth, by changing their shape, - What is a “designed” smile? size, color, and position. These changes are designed to exists in complete harmony, with the patient's face, resulting in a beautiful and natural smile and a boost to your self-esteem.
How is it done? Smile design may be achieved with different techniques and materials. These are: • A direct technique with resin veneers • An indirect technique with porcelain veneers For us, at Vibart Dental Clinic, the most important thing is to achieve a natural smile design that is high quality, well done and without any additional unnecessary procedures.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE? The treatment time is relative, for “smile design” and depends on the needs of each patient and the necessary procedures. To insure what is needed and the very best solution for our patients, it is important to have a first diagnostic consultation. Generally, a “smile design” is achieve in one or two appointments.
WHEN IS A “SMILE DESIGN” A “smile design” is recommended, when the followingRECOMMENDED? conditions are present in our patients: • Color changes of the teeth cannot be removed with tooth whitening • There is a dental fracture • There is wearing of the teeth • There is closure of the spaces between teeth, (diastemas) or bad tooth positioning • In cases of large gums • There are stains from medication or smoking • There is malformation of the teeth • There is erosion of enamel
SPECIAL SERVICESALL ON FOUR is a technique where only 4 implants can replace a removable denture (tooth box), with a fixed prosthesis, one that does not have to be removed. You can enjoy a smile and enjoy the benefits of a more comfortable and natural denture. ALL ON 4 improves your quality of life!New technology: FAQs: In 99% of cases, even if the bone has been reabsorbed, Have you been told that it is possible to place between 4 and 6 implants, in• Computed Tomography (CT) for planning you have no bone? order to replace all the teeth, without the need for• Shorter implants bone grafting.• Implants anchored to the cheekbone Why is All on four the best option? Most frequently, the bone in the upper jaw is where (zygomatic implant) complete bone loss is found. In these cases, a What are zygomatic technique called zygomatic implants are used. implants? What are the advantages?
ALL ON FOUR is a technique where only 4 implants can replace a removable denture (tooth box), with a fixed prosthesis, one that does not have to be removed. You can enjoy a smile and enjoy the benefits of a more comfortable and natural denture. ALL ON 4 improves your quality of life!New technology: FAQs: Using dentures or a removable bridge is very Have you been told that uncomfortable for everyone. It even can even affect• Computed Tomography (CT) for planning you have no bone? intimacy, specifically kissing, and often greatly reduces• Shorter implants the self-esteem of those who live this problem.• Implants anchored to the cheekbone Why is “All on four” the best option? The “All on Four” is a technique that we have used for (zygomatic implant) years, because it allows us to offer our patients the What are zygomatic possibility of having non-removeable teeth again, ones implants? that do not have to removed and which have astonishingly natural appearance and comfort. There is What are the advantages? no need for bone grafts. As Dr. Branemark, who discovered 50 years ago that titanium dental implants were compatible with the bone, said \"No one should die with their teeth in a glass of water.\" To have fixed teeth again is not only a question of esthetics but of well-being and health!
ALL ON FOUR is a technique where only 4 implants can replace a removable denture (tooth box), with a fixed prosthesis, one that does not have to be removed. You can enjoy a smile and enjoy the benefits of a more comfortable and natural denture. ALL ON 4 improves your quality of life!New technology: FAQs: Zygomatic implants are used when the patient has no Have you been told that bone in the upper jaw. These implants are placed into• Computed Tomography (CT) for planning you have no bone? the malar or zygomatic bone. This the bone behind the• Shorter implants cheekbone and along the ridge of the alveolar ridge,• Implants anchored to the cheekbone Why is All on four the best inside the mouth. This is not visible to others. The option? implant is a prosthesis upon which all of the teeth are (zygomatic implant) fixed and which does not need to be removed for any What are zygomatic reason. In other words, the implant remains fixed, like implants? natural teeth. What are the advantages? These implants can be placed into 100% of patients, with normal malar bone. Dr. Villegas will make recommendations for the best option, at a personal consultation with him. Improve your quality of life, by replacing the removable prosthesis, with a fixed one!
ALL ON FOUR is a technique where only 4 implants can replace a removable denture (tooth box), with a fixed prosthesis, one that does not have to be removed. You can enjoy a smile and enjoy the benefits of a more comfortable and natural denture. ALL ON 4 improves your quality of life!New technology: FAQs: The “All on Four” technique (all in 4) is done with local anesthesia at our clinic. Sedation techniques are• Computed Tomography (CT) for planning Have you been told that administered for very nervous patients.• Shorter implants you have no bone?• Implants anchored to the cheekbone The best thing about this treatment is that the implants Why is All on four the best are placed, and our patient leaves the office that same (zygomatic implant) option? day with perfect teeth and a perfect smile. What are zygomatic implants? What are the advantages? This is a very simple procedure and the patient has minimal inflammation, during recovery. Everything is handled in a private environment, with the utmost discretion, so that the patient feels no discomfort, during this process.
Change your idea of your well-being, SURGERY FIRST has changed the way of seeing Maxillofacial Surgery for the benefit of the patients.Dr. Carlos Villegas, Maxillofacial What is “Surgery First”?Surgeon and Orthodontist is apioneer in Colombia in: Surgery First is a concept based on performing surgery first, followed by the use of orthodontics, which reduces the treatment time, to almost• Surgery First Technique half.• Computerized planning in 3D, to To date we have performed more than 150 surgeries using this technique, achieve a high precision in the with a 100% success rate. We have managed to decrease the time that surgery patients wear braces to only 10 months, on average. Conventional• Surgery for growing patients treatment of orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery takes upto 2 to 3 years. Another advantage, of surgery first, is it is not necessary to do an initial phase of orthodontic treatment, which can affect our patient's dental and facial appearance.
Invisible orthodontics Now, it's much easier to smile without noticing your braces. Enjoy our Invisible Orthodontics
FAQs: Orthodontics without braces, or invisible Advantages: orthodontics, is a treatment in which acetate What is “invisible plates (transparent plastic) are used for the • They are very orthodontics”? alignment of the teeth. Without using braces, and comfortable to use through the use of, alternative techniques toHow to easily align the move and align of the teeth, we can give our • They do not hinder dentalinferior teeth, when you patients a great smile, without the discomfort of hygienehave had braces? the braces. • They do not look likeTransparent braces braces(Ceramic): • They can be removed when eating (the patient can eat any type of food)
FAQs: Frequently, in cases where the patient does Advantages: not use the retainers after having What is “invisible orthodontic treatment, the teeth may shift • They are very orthodontics”? again, mainly the inferior ones. comfortable to useHow to can the inferior To avoid the teeth shifting for the rest of • They do not hinder dentalteeth be aligned, when your life and future orthodontics, the use of hygieneyou have already had correction to not have to be the rest of thebraces? life with very simple systems called aligners, • They do not look likeLingual orthodontics: which are practically invisible and can be braces used in people of any age.Transparent braces • They can be removed(Ceramic): when eating (the patient can eat any type of food)
FAQs: Lingual orthodontics is a technique in which Advantages: the braces are placed on the inner side ofWhat is “invisible the tooth in order for them to not been. This • They are veryorthodontics”? is an option for patients with high aesthetic comfortable to use demands such as public figure, models, orHow to easily align the actors. • They do not hinder dentalinferior teeth, when you hygienehave had braces? The disadvantages of the lingual technique are: higher cost, longer treatment, and not is • They do not look likeLingual orthodontics: not an option for complex cases. bracesTransparent braces Orthodontics is the specialty of dentistry • They can be removed(Ceramic): dedicated to the correction of poor dental when eating (the patient placement, improvement of function, and can eat any type of food) dental and facial aesthetics.