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Home Explore Pre-Appraisal


Published by Realmark Central, 2018-02-18 22:43:17

Description: Realmark Central


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Realmark Central.What makes one real estate firmbetter than another? We understandit comes down to the people andculture, reputation and leadership.People & CultureOur culture at Realmark Centralis genuine. We’ve taken care toselect our team, who have workedincredibly hard to build a progressiveand supportive environment whereeveryone has a sense of belongingand a shared commitment tosuccess.ReputationIn terms of reputation, RealmarkCentral has already been recognisedwith industry awards and is regardedas one of Perth’s most progressiveand dynamic offices, particularly inregards to our marketing and clientcommunication.LeadershipWhen it comes to leadership,founding partners Josh Roberts andDoug Shannon, together with theoutstanding leaders within the team,constantly inspire, innovate, reviewand ultimately drive the resultswhich the business is known for.

Realmark Central. The heart of Perth property.Our marketplace includes some of the most specialised residential locations inWA. Success requires industry-leading tools and exposure, along with expertisethat only come with experience in these markets. Residential property is our corebusiness and we’re proud to offer the very best service, advice and results to thosewe work with.

Property Sales.Trusting someone to partner with toachieve the full potential of the saleis a big decision. Our promise to youis that we’ll do whatever we can toachieve the results you desire.With every marketing and salemethod available through us,market expertise, proven resultsand honest feedback throughout,you can be sure we’ll deliver thebest possible result.Leasing.1 week vacant is roughly 2% ofyour yearly rental income. Withthis in mind, we now provide ourlandlords a dedicated sales personwhose sole responsibility is to leaseproperties. Having a specialistsalesperson has meant significantadditional income for owners, withour days on market only 60-70% ofthe market average.

Propertymanagement.We understand achieving thebest return and care for yourinvestment property is what’s mostimportant. Having specialist leasing,administration, inspection and, ofcourse, management staff withinthe team gives you a significantadvantage to ensure you’re notonly making the most from yourproperty, but it’s being well cared forat the same time.Marketing Property.The success we’ve had has largelybeen a result of our marketingexpertise. A lot of resources havegone into producing the industry’sbest collateral and marketingcampaigns, which has in turndelivered tremendous exposure ofour client’s properties to prospectivebuyers and tenants. This continuesto evolve, but we’re thrilled to offerour clients the best marketingoptions available when they chooseto sell or lease.

The Realmark Central team. Doug Shannon Director Doug’s main roles are as General Manager and Licensee of the office. Much of his time is spent developing and connecting the teams, as well as a focus on recruitment and business growth. His people focus sees him meeting and working with some of Perth real estate’s best and brightest sales and property management talent. Josh Roberts Director Josh main roles are as Sales Manager and as an active Sales Agent. Along with being one of the most highly regarded agents across the Perth Metro market, Josh has guided and developed virtually the entire sales team, which has recently become the dominant sales agency in our core market.

David Grace Cassandra Mason CK Huisman Andrew WoodLeasing Officer Property Manager Property Manager PM Assistant0434 943 580 0422 465 358 0404 114 708 6557 5037Julia Hender Stephanie Walsh Brad Triplett Steve ChaplehowPM Assistant PM Assistant Sales Sales6557 5033 6557 5041 0429 636 536 0434 943 580Sean Roberts Dan Sharp Jason Roberts Clinton TurnerSales Sales Sales Sales0477 172 138 0412 832 945 0487 777 627 0409 806 796Ashley Gerick Sarah Kingdon Jessica Scott Anch WensingerOffice Manager Office Administrator Sales Admin Reception6557 5007 6557 5007 6557 5043 6557 5000Courtney Mitchell Maggie ChenExecutive Assistant Finance Coordinator6557 5031 6557 5004

Our Property Management. The Key?Tailored Solutions We make sure your property is considered byOur property management services are fully the widest possible audience. Then, we helptailored to meet your needs. We do this by you choose the most suitable tenant for yourlistening to your property management property. Using multi-media marketing, qualityobjectives, then tailoring service choices and photography, an extensive tenant database anda fee structure that fits you. Whether you need smart copywriting, we showcase your propertycomprehensive portfolio management, or help in a way that appeals to great tenants.finding a great tenant, we can tailor a solution foryou. If you’re not sure what you require, we can Assessing Tenantseven point you in the right direction. Tenants are assessed using thorough in-houseCaring for your Property processes – including reference and databaseWe care for your property as if it was our very checks.own. And we handle the finer details, so you canget on with enjoying life.Finding the Right TenantFinding the right tenant and optimising yourrental return is challenging for even the mostseasoned property owner.What our Landlords say... I especially wanted to thank you for the way our rental payments come through - yourOne thing that really stands out with the team systems are so well thought out that I canat Realmark Central is we are treated as friends, confidently check my account at the end ofrather than income producing clients or numbers. each month and know the money’s in there.On occasion our tenant has had an issue withour apartment, as we live 160km from Perth we - Meghala Nairneeded someone to trust with reviewing thetenant issue, liaising with contractors for quoting Cassandra has been one of the best agentsand repairs, plus ensuring the tenant was fully I’ve had. I just wanted to pass on my feedbackinformed and satisfied. Your team personally for Cassandra as she’s done an excellent jobensured all this occurred without us having to looking after both the tenants and us. She’scome to Perth to oversee any issue ourselves. very attentive and thorough which I appreciate the most. Thanks for looking after our Rivervale- Branda & Ivan Murphy property for the last few years. - Hana Lee

Realmark Central113 Newcastle Street, Perth6557 [email protected]/central

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