Renting with Realmark.
RReeanltminagrwk.ith Congratulations on your tenancy approval. You have been approved because we are confident that, like all our tenants, we believe you will be able to pay the rent on time, keep the property clean and maintain the lawns and gardens. We have created this guide to assist you with being prepared for your tenancy induction, and also to assist you with having the right expectations during your tenancy with us. We believe that a harmonious relationship can only occur, when we all have the right expectations and work diligently to ensure tenancy obligations are fulfilled.
Contents.Renting with Realmark 3Getting started 5During your tenancy 10Taking care of your property 14Taking care outside your property 19Routine inspection guide 23Your obligation 24Vacating the property 26After hours contacts and instructions 30Additional information 32
The basics to get you started.Your tenancy induction and overviewAppointment time allocation Legislative Information for TenantsAs we need to explain all your tenancy details What you must know about your tenancy,thoroughly, please allocate up to 30 minutes for FORM 1AC – Residential Tenancies Act 1987 –your tenancy induction. Section 27B.Keeping your appointment time Bonds administration informationThe time you have been allocated for your Realmark are now using an online bondstenancy induction has been specifically transactions system known as e Transactions.scheduled to provide you with, all the relevant This allows security bonds to be lodged, variedinformation to enable us to grant you with and disbursed, without the need for paper formspossession of the property. It is essential that you and signatures. Bond is to be paid in full at theare on time for your appointment because if you sign up. Your bond will be lodged through theare late the time allocated to you may need to be Department of Commerce ‘BondsOnline’.rescheduled to the next available time slot. Payment of rentTo avoid being inconvenienced, if you How we would like you to pay your rent.believe you will be delayed, even by 10 minutes,please call us ahead so we can confirm if another Zero tolerance late rent policyappointment time will need to be made to We will explain our zero tolerance policy for lateaccommodate your change in appointment rent payments.circumstances. Property Condition ReportPayment information We will explain what you need to do with yourUpon confirmation of acceptance of your Property Condition Report.tenancy, you will be contacted by your PropertyManager via email, to advise you of your BPAY Repairs and emergency repairsdetails including your unique reference number. Process to follow see page 10.Once payment has been made, simply send Monies receiptedconfirmation of payment to enable our trust At this appointment we will issue you with aaccount team to process your payment in receipt for your payment of any rent/bond,preparation for your tenancy induction meeting. unless already receipted previously.No cash policy. Realmark has a strict no cash Property keyspolicy. If you are successful you will be required It is important to note we are unable to issueto pay the first two weeks rent plus bond and keys early, or grant access to the property anyPet Bond (if applicable). All monies must be earlier than the allocated tenancy start date forpaid prior to or at the time of signing the lease legal and security reasons.agreement. Bank Cheques/Money Orders to bemade out to Realmark Trust Account. At the conclusion of your induction and confirmation of payments, you will be givenTenancy agreement access to the property and provided with theThe specific details of your tenancy. property keys.
Moving into yourrental property.Utility connections.It is a tenant responsibility to ensure your power, gas, phone, internet, etc have beenconnected in your name. If you have already indicated what connections you require,arrangements for connection of utility services can be completed by Direct Connect.Direct Connect offers a free, no obligation service designed to take the stress out of movingand save you time on the phone. You can call on 1300 664 715 to arrange your move, or useour online service Quick Connect at to get your home connectedin minutes. Direct Connect have also partnered with Moving Tracker to allow you to plan andmanage your move in a new and exciting way, receive reminders about moving tasks andalso arrange connections.Should you wish to arrange connections for yourself, here are sometelephone numbers that may assist you:Synergy 13 13 53Alinta Energy 9486 3000Telstra 13 22 00Optus 1300 131 221iinet 13 19 17Water Corporation 13 13 85Changing address & mail re-direction.When you are moving house there is a range of people and organisations that you need tonotify. For example you may be required to complete forms and submit your new addressdetails for changes to your Driver’s Licence, Medicare, Tax office, Car registration and AustraliaPost. The Department of Transport provide detailed information on their website on how, and the forms required for you to complete.Please ensure you change your mailing details from your previous residence or alternativelyorganise a redirection with Australian Post.Inventory Report.If you are leasing a furnished property, an Inventory Report will be completed additionalto the Property Condition Report. The Inventory Report provides list of the items that areincluded in the lease and of their condition. This report is put together with the PropertyCondition Report and is also to be returned to us within 7 days of receiving the report.Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
Keys and locks.Locks during the tenancy cannot be changed without written consent; it is a provision of theResidential Tenancies Act that you seek permission from the Owner/Agent and a duplicatekey is to be provided to the office once changed.Should you wish to copy keys, it is important to note all keys given to you at start of yourtenancy must be returned together with extra copies created during your tenancy period.Please note, the owner is only required to provide one remote or fob for the premises. Shouldyou require additional remotes or fobs, we are able to arrange this on your behalf, at the costissued by the Strata Company. Please let us know as soon as possible if you would like us toarrange any additional remotes and fobs (these will need to be returned at the end of yourtenancy) as it can take 7 – 14 days for these to be issued by the Strata Company.Insurance.As a tenant it is very important for you to have your own tenant’s contents insurance toprotect your personal possessions.While your landlord may have insurance coverage on the building where you are renting, thatinsurance is in place to protect the structure and the landlord’s own personal liability in casesomeone is injured on the property – not your possessions.It is important to note that should your goods be damaged or destroyed by circumstancesaffecting the owner’s property (i.e. fire, storm damage, power outages etc) then your goodsand possessions are not insured by the owner.For example if a storm blows a tree onto the house and in the process, your belongings aredamaged. The owners insurance will not cover your possessions. The owner/agent will not beliable for damaged or destroyed tenant possessions.Property Condition Report.The Property Condition Report establishes the condition of the property at thecommencement of your tenancy. Digital images form part of this Property Condition Report,providing a more comprehensive report on the condition of the premises. Please ensure thatyou return your signed/amended copy of your Property Condition Report to us within 7 daysof receiving the report. If this is not returned please be aware that the original inspectionwill be used for end of tenancy comparison, regardless of whether you agree to the originalreport or not.
Your rent payments.Payment methods.As previously mentioned Realmark has a no cash policy. Rental payments can be made withease over the internet from your own personal bank via BPAY. Your BPAY information sheetand unique reference number as provided to you at your tenancy induction. Please note itis important to make the payment 3 days prior to the due date to allow time for processing.Please ensure you record and retain the receipt number issued by your bank, as receipts willnot be issued from our office. Alternatively you can pay via money order or bank cheque thatis either posted or taken into the office.Zerotolerancepolicyfor laterentpayments.We pride ourselves in our careful tenant qualification and screening processes. Applicationsare approved on the grounds that we are confident that the rent will be paid on time, everytime. We advise each tenant our Zero Tolerance policy for late rent payments.If your rent is unpaid after the due date we will contact you by either phone, email orsend you an SMS message in the form of a reminder. On the third day, if we have notyet received any communication from you and the rent remains unpaid we will issueyou with a Termination Notice. We will proceed with the termination upon the expiryof the notice by making an application to the local court for possession if the rent isnot paid within this period of time.If you believe you may be late with a rent payment, you must notify us at least 3working days beforehand so we can inform the landlord.Understanding rent in advance.‘Rent in advance’ concept is simple to understand. You purchase the time period in advance,and then consume the time period by dwelling in the property. Once the time periodis finished or consumed, you then pay for the next time period again before using it, bycontinuing in the lease and dwelling in the property. This is the meaning of rent in advance.The following is provided as an example:Trust Account Receipt No: 123456 Recvd: 17/12/2015Received from: Sam Smith T/Ref: ABC01 Owner: AAAA01For the rental of: 123 Newcastle Street, Leederville WA 6007Received: Total $1,860 (direct deposit $1860.00)Being Amount Date from Date to Arrears Credits 04/02/2016 $0.00 $0.00Rent $620.00 22/01/2016ResBond Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
During your tenancy. Communication, roles & responsibilities Please be assured Realmark sincerely value their clients and believe that the success of our client relationships stems from effective, open communication. This can only be done with the cooperation of all parties. It’s the Property Manager’s responsibility to see both parties meet their responsibilities including compliance with all WA building, health and safety laws. The Owners are responsible for any major and minor repairs caused by wear and tear. Plus ensure that any items provided in the house as part of the tenancy agreement (such as the stove or fridge or an air conditioning unit) are kept in good working order. The tenants are responsible for basic household maintenance, like replacing light globes, vacuuming, cleaning windows, dusting and removing cobwebs inside and out and ensuring there is adequate ventilation to help avoid mould problems in winter. Mould or mildew caused by faults in gutters or other fixtures is the responsibility of the landlord. The tenants must also keep the property reasonably clean as they are expected to hand back the property in a similar condition to how it was presented at the start of the tenancy. If any damage to the property does occur, the tenants must notify their Property Manager as soon as possible. It is highly recommended all communication and maintenance requests are in writing to ensure information and dates are recorded and followed through. Tenancy databases. Realmark is a member of the National Tenancy Database (NTD). This database is used by Agents across Australia when assessing tenant applications to establish your rental history and to verify the information provided. Should any defaults occur during your tenancy (eg rent arrears, damage etc) you may be registered on these databases until the matter has been resolved. Records on these databases may cause you inconvenience and hardship for your future accommodation prospects. Should you wish to view your records within these databases, please contact our office in writing. General repairs Under Section 38(1) (b)-(c) of the Residential Tenancies Act 1987, it is a term of every residential tenancy agreement that the tenant shall notify the lessor as soon as practicable after any damage to the premises; and further that the tenant shall not intentionally or negligently cause or permit damage to the premises. In the event of any problems that occur to the property during your tenancy, please contact our office, if you do not, you may be held liable for any consequential costs the Owner may incur.Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
Emergency repairsEmergency repairs are those that are reasonably necessary to supply or restore an essentialservice or to avoid exposing a person to the risk of injury or exposing property to damage andmay include:• Water pipes that have broken or burst• Hot water system failure on a weekend, or public holiday• Blocked or broken toilet (if a second toilet is not available)• Serious roof leak, flooding, rainwater inundation inside the property, or serious flood damage• Failure or breakdown of gas, electricity or water supply to the premises• Gas or sewerage leaks• Dangerous electrical fault, dangerous power point or loose wires• In the event of electrical failure and where it is safe to do so, please check trip switches and fusesFor urgent repairs outside of normal business hours (before 8:00am - after 5:00pm Mondayto Friday as well as Weekends and public holidays) see pages 30-31 of this guide. Foremergencies during business hours, please contact our office. To reduce fees and chargesincurred, please consider if the incident could be attended to by your Property Manager innormal business hours.Rent reviewsRent reviews can occur every 6 months and are adjusted in accordance with marketconditions. These usually occur at lease renewal time and the tenant is given 60 days noticeprior to the increase. Please also note that a rent review may occur during a 12 month fixedterm lease, as long as this is indicated with a clause in the tenancy agreement terms andconditions.Lease renewalsProvided that your rent has been paid on time, and the property has been kept clean andundamaged, the grounds well maintained and the landlord is happy to continue yourtenancy, you can expect to receive an invitation of renewal.Once your invitation is received, it is important that you let us know whether you accept therenewal invitation or you wish to vacate. We need this advice in writing from you as soon aspossible.Landlord mail and contactShould you receive any mail addressed in the landlords name while you are a tenant, pleaseforward this mail to our office as soon as possible.It is important to know that under no circumstances can the landlord be contacted directly.As the duly appointed agent, the landlord can only be contacted through us. We areemployed as the acting landlord of the property. Please email your property manager shouldyou have any queries to bring to the landlord’s attention.
During your tenancy.Your routine inspectionsWe will conduct a routine inspection at the property after the first six weeks of occupancy andthree monthly thereafter. Routine inspections are conducted MON-FRI between 8am-12pmOR 12pm-5pm between 7-14 days’ notice will be provided stating the day and approximatetime. Should you not be home or available during this day, we will use our office set of keysto inspect the interior. Should you wish to be present, please contact your property managerto negotiate a mutually convenient time. The main purpose of the inspection is to provide areport to the owner that you are maintaining the property, and also to check for any repairsand make any recommendations to the owner. Please see a detailed list of what we look outfor below.Please Note: that the inspection will involve taking photos of the property and any repairsthat may be required. We do not take photos of your personal information such as photos ordiplomas.Strata titled Property, Common Property & By-lawsIf you are renting a strata-titled property, including a unit, apartment, townhouse or duplex,there are some extra things that you need to be aware of. These include the by-laws ofthe complex and areas of common property or exclusive use. Schedule 2 By-laws relate tobehaviour or rules for living in a strata complex for example following the directions set bythe Strata Company as to the: • Parking of vehicles • Where you can or can’t hang out your washing • Minimal noise • You cannot use an part of the common area to plant/maintain your own garden or vegetable patch • You must not obstruct any person’s legitimate and lawful use of the common property • No child under you control can be permitted to play in common areas, or in areas that could be dangerous to children (around bin areas etc.)*please refer to the by-laws provided at the commencement of your tenancy with the leaseagreement. Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
Taking care of your property. Lost or misplaced keys Lost or misplaced keys are the responsibility of the tenant. During business hours you may come to our office with photo ID and we will allow you to borrow our office set of keys. These must be returned immediately otherwise you may be charged for replacement keys and/ or remotes. An appointment will need to be made to ensure that there is a team member available to assist you. If you have misplaced your keys after hours, you may call a locksmith to assist you and provide you with a new set of keys. This is at the tenant’s cost. You will also need to notify your Property Manager. Important! Most modern window flyscreens can only be removed from the inside of the property. Attempting to remove them from the outside will result in damage to the flyscreen frame work, and will result in the flyscreen having to be repaired or replaced at your cost. This may cost more than what it would cost to have a locksmith attend the property to allow you access back in. Property damage If property damage has occurred you are obligated to let us know immediately. Property damage All globes should be working when you move into the property. You are responsible for replacing globes throughout the tenancy and for ensuring that all light fittings have a working globe in them when you vacate. Noise disturbance It is important to note that the utmost care must be taken to ensure that you do not infringe or disrupt your neighbours right to peace and the quiet enjoyment of their residence. Loud music parties or other noises can disrupt neighbours. If you are renting a property that is strata titled there are other factors to consider. Strata schemes are effectively small communities where the activities and attitudes of residents can have a significant impact on the satisfaction and enjoyment of others. It is important to be aware of your obligations to ensure that your visitors are not disrupting neighbours when walking to and from your premises. Air conditioners Please regularly clean any filters and intake vents to ensure there is no build up of dirt and dust to ensure that the unit is able to draw in air effectively, not hindering performance, or in the worst case scenario, causing the unit to breakdown resulting in costly repairs and/or replacement. Please also note that if an air conditioner breaks down due to filters and vents not being kept clean, costs to rectify the damage or even replace the unit may be on-charged to tenants.Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
HeatersPlease ensure any combustion heaters are kept clean of ash build up, and also ensure aprotective mat is placed in front of the heater to protect against coals and ash falling out andsingeing/damaging carpets or floors. For other heaters, please ensure that no combustible orflammable material is placed on or near heaters to avoid a fire risk.FireplacesIf the property you are renting has a fireplace, this cannot be used unless you have beengiven permission from us in writing. Sometimes these are ornamental, or the flue/chimneyhas been blocked up. Using them could cause a fire to occur. If this is the case, please ensurea spark catcher is used at all times in front of the fire to protect carpets and flooring from coalburns and ash damage.PotplantsPlease keep pot plants outside the property at all times. Pot plants placed inside on hardsurfaces, tiles and floors like lino, may leave a circular indent, stains and damage. Pot plantsplaced on carpet areas run the risk of carpet rot underneath, should moisture over.AquariumsShould the landlord grant permission to have an aquarium on the property, please bear inmind Like pot plants, aquarium stands can leave rust marks to floors and can cause carpetrot if placed on carpets. Furthermore, if placed on carpets the weight of the aquarium filledwith water may cause permanent indentations and damage in the base of the carpet pile.Strict no smoking policyAll properties have a strict ‘no smoking inside’ policy. If tenants still choose to smoke insidethe property they will be responsible for specialised cleaning and deodorising of the inside ofthe property to, reduce and eliminate unpleasant smoke odours. This can easily run into thehundreds of dollars, and is charged to the tenant.Tenant paintingIt is company policy that tenants do not paint any part of the property themselves. Wehave found in the past that some tenants have not painted the property to a professionalstandard, resulting in a professional painter being called in to rectify work. It is a policy thatany painting can only be carried out by experienced, professional painters with our writtenpermission.Textures and fittingsIf you wish to install or remove any fixtures or fittings, you must request thisbeforehand in writing.
Smoke alarms Should you believe for any reason the smoke alarm(s) installed are not working or the batteries are not functioning, please let us know immediately. Protect your safety by being vigilant and report to us any issues, to ensure your safety in the case of a fire. Picture hooks If you wish to install any new picture hooks, please let us know in writing what type of hooks you wish to use. Please assess the type of walls that are in the property, and the type of picture hooks that are suitable. We will let you know in writing before you are permitted to install appropriate picture hooks. House cracking and movement Please let us know if you notice any additional cracks to walls, ceilings and movement that differ from when you moved in. please let us know if you notice them worsening or growing larger. You can either report these in writing or point them out to us at the routine inspection. Termites Termites will quickly eat through a property and can cause extensive damage. Signs like wood becoming brittle (doorways, skirting boards, wood roof beams etc). Sounding hollow when tapped or knocked and/or with the presence of mud deposits are the tell-tale signs of termites, other than obvious signs of seeing termites themselves. Another warning sign inside can be blistering/lifting paint to inside walls, as they are known to eat away the paper backing to gyprock walls, allowing the plaster to crumble away allowing the termites to come to the wall surface, staying just under the paint lining. Wood lying around outside and even wooden furniture outside can attract and encourage them. Dripping outdoor taps next to the house can also cause damp and favourable conditions for termites to be attracted. If you see any signs of termites, or termite damage please bring this to our attention immediately. For more information visit General cleaning It is expected that the property be kept reasonably clean, as this is a condition of the tenancy agreement requirement. Carpet cleaning All carpets need to be cleaned on a six to twelve month basis, simply because of general living. The best time is after winter or at the end of a wet period. The carpets must be professionally cleaned as the ‘do-it-yourself’ hire machines lack the ability to adequately withdraw soapy water the machine may have squirted in. On vacating please present a receipt to show the carpets have been professionally cleaned.Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
In your kitchen.Chopping boardsPlease ensure chopping boards are used on bench tops, so that bench tops are preservedfrom unnecessary cut marks and associated damage.Bench top jointsBe on the lookout for joins in the bench-top that have gaps, and the surface laminate hasstarted to bulge or lift at a join. Please let us know if this is starting to occur as this mayindicate moisture has seeped into a join, and is swelling the chipboard wood underneath.Grouting/tiling/tapsBe sure that if you notice grouting or silicone sealing coming off/loose around any tiles nearor around the taps and/or taps dripping/leaking to let us know by repair request. If moistureshould get in between tiles, this can damage the wall behind, and even seep into chipboardthat is usually present in bench tops causing swelling and irreversible damage to the wood.Exhaust fans/vents andrangehoodsPlease ensure any vents and range hood filters are kept clean. Ensure the exhaust fan coveris clean and kept free of grime build up. From time to time these should be taken down andremoved to be soaked in hot soapy water, and then scrubbed clean. Please use extremecaution when removing these.Oven andstovetopsPlease ensure that stove tops, grillers and ovens are kept free of burnt on food. Food, crumbsand spills when left long enough become burnt on, blackened and carbonised, making themvery difficult to remove.Please use care when using scourers as these may scratch and damage enamel surfaces.When, cleaning stoves and ovens use a spray-on oven cleaner. Be sure to read and follow theproduct instructions carefully, as even though these types of products are very effective, theytend to contain harmful caustic fumes and require rubber gloves to be worn at all times whenusing the product. Please also check that the product is suitable to the type of surface youare applying this to, as some surfaces like stainless steel may become permanently marred/stained using an oven cleaner.Cupboards/drawersMost cupboards and drawers are lined with white lining, which is great for easy cleaning.However substances spilled like sauces will in time prove difficult to remove and may leavepermanent stains. Cupboard shelving, doors, doorframes and inside drawers/cutlery tidiesshould be cleaned at least on an annual basis. Also keep food in sealable containers to avoidinsects and vermin gaining access to food and breeding and also creating a disease risk fromgerms, faeces and urine.
Dishwashers Dishwashers provided as part of your tenancy need to be cleaned on a regular basis, and any build up of food remains removed. Please note, If a plumber is employed by us to repair the dishwasher and it is determined that the blockage was caused by something considered foreign; this expense will be billed to the tenant for payment. In your wet areas. Showerscreens, tiles & glass If you notice cracking to glass in shower screens or shower doors please report this to us immediately. Wired shower screen glass can crack under thermal expansion (consistent hot and cold temperatures) where as toughened glass usually only cracks if impacted (hit by something). If the shower screen is cracked due to impact damage, this will in most cases need to be paid by the tenant. To prevent the build up of calcium/hard water stains to interior shower screens and tiling, please ensure a squidgy is used after each use. Should calcium/stains develop, it is the Tenant’s responsibility to remove with the correct products. Blocked sinks/drains Should a sink or basin become blocked, first try a drain cleaning product like Draino. Be sure to follow the product instructions carefully. If the sink or basin is still blocked after treatment, please let us know so we can arrange for a plumber to attend to the problem. Please take care not to allow children to place toys or other items down drains. If your property has a septic tank system, please do not flush foreign objects like sanitary products down the toilet. Septic tank systems are not able to process this type of material. If a plumber is employed by us to clear pipes, drains, basins or sinks and it is determined that the blockage was caused by something considered foreign, this expense will be billed to the tenant for payment. Water damagetowalls Should you notice water damage to a wall adjacent to a shower recess, bathroom basin etc please let us know immediately. This can be identified by bubbling or peeling paint, or even water or mould marks to the flooring/carpet. This usually identifies either loose tiles or a broken/leaking pipe in the wall, and will need attending to immediately to prevent further damage from occurring. Loose tiles Should you notice loose tiles to walls, the shower recess or to tiles over the laundry trough etc, please be sure to let us know.Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
Taps leaking Please report any taps leaking either from a tap head or tap handles. This includes washing machine taps. Sometimes washing machine taps will leak only when connected to automatic washing machine hoses as the tap water pressure exposes leakage in the taps. Toilets leaking Water trickling or leaking into the bowl from the cistern usually indicates a worn cistern washer and needs to be fixed by a plumber. Water left to trickle into the bowl continuously may inflate your water bill and therefore needs to be reported to us when noticed. Also leaking may occur to the tap behind the toilet. Hot watersystem leaks Should you notice the hot water service leaking from the valve or from the base of the unit please let us know. The leaking valve is usually fixable by a plumber, however water leaking from the base of a water storage unit usually indicates the unit has rusted through and may need replacement in the near future. Taking care outside. Watering your gardens It is important for you to be aware of what water restrictions are in place for the region. For up to date water restriction information please log onto Watering your lawns and gardens must be done within watering restrictions; however we insist that watering is conducted to the maximum allowed by the restrictions in place. What we do not want is watering not done at all because of a wrong belief that a total watering ban is in place. Watering is still required unless the current water restriction has banned all forms of watering. Watering systems Please ensure that all watering systems are working properly, and are checked regularly throughout the tenancy to ensure they continue to work effectively. Watering systems can only be used should current water restrictions allow. Weedingandshrub trimming Weeding of gardens beds, inside lawns, paths, paving and other outside areas are the responsibility of the tenant. Trimming, of bushes and shrubs, in and around, the garden are also the responsibility of the tenant.Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
Watering daysWatering days are determined by the climatic conditions in the region you live in and whetheror not you use scheme or bore water.A permanent Winter Sprinkler Ban applies to scheme and bore water users in Perth andMandurah from 1 June – 31 August every year. *Source- digit of Scheme users Bore ownersstreet/lot No # 2 day roster additional watering day1 Wednesday and Saturday Tuesday2 Sunday and Thursday Wednesday3 Monday and Friday Thursday4 Tuesday and Saturday Friday5 Sunday and Wednesday Saturday6 Monday and Thursday Sunday7 Tuesday and Friday Monday8 Wednesday and Saturday Tuesday9 Sunday and Thursday Wednesday0 Monday and Friday MondayWhatare mywateringdaysif I live in a villa or apartmentblock?The watering day’s roster is set on your street number, not your personal apartment or villanumber. For example if you live at Unit 1, 22 Newcastle Street, you should use the 22 in thewatering days search. If your property spans multiple street numbers, like 22-24 NewcastleStreet then please use the higher of the numbers to find your rostered watering days, in thisinstance you would use 24 in the watering days search.DoIhave set timesto water?Scheme water users in Perth and Mandurah can use their sprinklers either before 9:00am orafter 6:00pm two days per week based on the last digit of your street number.Bore water users in Perth and Mandurah can continue to use their garden bore either before9:00am or after 6:00pm three days per week based on the last digit of your street number.Lawn maintenancePlease ensure that lawns are regularly mowed and edged, keeping them neat and tidy.Should you wish to have someone regularly mow your lawn, let us know and we would behappy to recommend a service to you. This is at tenant cost.Supplied hoses/fittingsSupplied hoses, fittings and accessories must be kept in good condition and please ensurethat everything is returned and in place upon vacating the property, free of any damage.
Rubbish Please ensure any rubbish is regularly removed from the property. This includes car parts, tyres, lawn clippings, drink bottles as well as other items that can easily be considered rubbish or general junk. Formal household rubbish and waste must only be placed inside rubbish containers (i.e. wheelie bins) and removed weekly from the property, or otherwise as required. This cannot be allowed to accumulate. Please contact your local council for details of bin collection for your area. Oil spills Any cars parked on driveways, under carports and garages must have a drip tray placed underneath. Only if the vehicle does not drip any oil at all is a drip tray not required. Please also note that any visitor’s cars must be parked off the premises if they drip oil. Should oil spills occur at anytime, this must be cleaned up immediately to prevent oil seeping in and permanently staining. Please note any permanent staining will result in compensation being charged to the tenant. Parking on lawns/gardens It is important that at no time can cars or any type of vehicle be parked on any lawns, gardens or any area not created for, or designated as a vehicle parking area. Damage to lawns, landscaping and retic can be costly. Engine oil drippage to gardens and lawns will also create permanent damage to the soil area, being costly to rectify. Any damage of this type will be charged to tenants in full. Swimmingpools andoutdoorspas If the property you are renting has a swimming pool and spa please pay attention to the following. Pool/spa cleaning and maintenance, unless it is agreed that the landlord will be supplying a regular cleaning and maintenance service as per your tenancy agreement, this will be a tenant responsibility. Please note that if regular cleaning does not occur by the tenant, high costs can be incurred to bring it back to its original clean state. If this occurs, this will be at tenant cost. It is also a tenant responsibility to ensure that the pool/spa is kept topped up with water, and must not empty the pool/spa without written approval from us. Supply of pool chemicals Supplying of pool treatment chemicals will be a tenant responsibility, at tenant cost. Pool/spa covers, accessories,equipmentandpool furniture It is the responsibility of the tenant to maintain and keep in good condition any accessories, cleaning and maintenance equipment. This also includes any outdoor/pool furniture supplied. Pool cleaning/equipment must be kept out of the sun and stored responsibly. Supplied pool/spa covers must be neatly rolled or folded up and stored away out of the weather when not in use to preserve its lifespan and usefulness.Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
Pool/spa fences andgatesWe must be notified immediately if fences and gates are not functioning properly, or the gatefails to self-close promptly when opened. State pool/spa regulations must be complied withat all times.These regulations can be found at your local council website. If you are contacted by theCouncil please inform your Property Manager.Your pets at theproperty- rightexpectationsShould the landlord grant permission to have pets on the property, please bear in mind thatthis consent is limited to the pet that you have when you move into the property. If you wishto get another pet, either in addition or in place of the pet you had you will need to requestpermission from the Landlord. A Pet Bond of $260 must be paid in addition to the propertybond.With pets on the property, the following conditions apply for the duration of this tenancy, andany renewal or extension:Yard Kept Clean Temporary PetsKeep the yard clean and free from animal The tenant will not harbour, substitute orfaeces. “pet-sit” any other pet, and will remove any of the pet’s offspring within 45 days of birthRubbish Kept Cleared (should this occur).Clean up any rubbish/items scattered bythe pet. Additional Pets Other than any pet listed above andFlea infestation approved by the owner, not keep any otherIn the event of any fleas or flea eggs being animals of any kind on the rental premises,present as a result of the animal, you will (even on a short-term or temporary basis),need to arrange for flea fumigation of the including dogs, cats, birds, fish, reptiles, orproperty prior to and upon/after vacating any other animals.the premises. This is at tenant cost. A fleatreatment will be required to be completed Disturbance and Noiseat the conclusion of the tenancy. We will The pet shall not cause any sort of nuisancebe able to arrange this on your behalf (cost or disturbance to neighbours. Noise, day orto be debited from the security bond) or night, must not disturb others. You must doyou are able to arrange this yourself and whatever is necessary to keep the pet fromprovide a receipt to our office with return of making noise that would annoy others,your keys and will take steps to immediately rectify complaints made by neighbours or otherFood and Water tenants.Not to leave food or water for the petoutside the premises where it may attract Garden Damageother animals and/or insects. Replace plants or vegetation damaged or destroyed by the pet directly, or indirectlyDamage Rectification (ie. plants died because a garden irrigationRepair any damage to the premises system was damaged by the pet).caused by the animal, and will protect andimmediately rectify any damage caused to By-Laws and Local Councilgarden irrigation systems and fittings. Abide by all local, city or state laws, licensing and health requirements
Routine inspection guide. Whatwe look out for at all inspections.Inside the property Outside the propertyPay particular attention to ensure the Pay particular attention to ensure thefollowing items are clean and free from following items are attended to.dust, marks & dirt. Lawns Walls, switches, power points, skirting, Freshly mowed and edges maintained doors and doorways. and watered as pert the water corporation guidelines referred to in this Cobwebs/dusting guide. Please remove cobwebs to windows, Weeds walls and ceilings. Keep vents dusted. Garden beds & paving are to be weed Light fittings and ceiling fans. free. Rubbish Curtains/blinds Rubbish and lawn clippings removed. (if suitable) these will need to be Car bodies washed or dry cleaned on an annual No unregistered car bodies are to be left basis. on the property. Car Port Windows No oil stains to be present to Car Window sills, window tracks and Port. Garages or driveways please use flyscreens, please note; most modern Protective equipment if required. windows are easily removed from their Swimming pool and outdoor spa tracks by lifting the sliding window up If the property has a swimming pool or at the bottom, and pulling this out for spa, ensure the water is clean and free easy cleaning. from any debris. Floors If you have an approved pet All floors should be regularly swept and mopped, refer to your Dogs Property Manager instructions at the Ensure all/any dogs are properly commencement of your tenancy. restrained for the inspection. Yard kept clean Ventilation Any droppings are picked up and Please ensure that all rooms are removed. kept adequately ventilated to Damages avoid problems associated with Any pet damage or rubbish scattered is condensation, causing mould and repaired and cleaned up. possible health problems. Wet areas Grout tiles and ensure all shower screens, baths and tubs are kept free from grime, soap scum and mould.Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
Your obligations. Bond amendments between tenants. Should permission be granted for tenants to change/transfer during a tenancy agreement, then the outgoing tenant must liaise and arrange with the incoming tenant to be paid their share of the bond lodged. Please ensure that you then liaise with us for any transfer of names required on the original bond lodged with the bond authority. Sub-letting Subletting is not permitted without written approval from us. This includes assigning the tenancy over to a third party, or allowing other occupants to move in without our express permission. Permission usually involves a formal application being completed and submitted by the prospective tenant/occupant. Leasing the property on AirBnB, Facebook or any other sites is strictly prohibited and in Breach of the Local Council regulations. Property for residential use only The property is for residential use and can only be used as a place of dwelling unless otherwise agreed in writing by us. The property cannot be used for commercial, industrial or illegal purposes. The use of the property cannot breach local council zoning regulations and also cannot be in breach of the law. Safety at home The highest priority always must be for your safety, and the safety of your children, occupants and your visitors. Some things to be aware of that should be reported to your Property Manager include: • Exposed wiring • Faulty power points and switches • Gas smell or odour • Damage to paving and pathways that could cause someone to trip • Bee swarms coming onto the property mainly during spring, especially if someone is allergic to bee stings • Loose floorboards that could cause someone to fall through them and cause injury • Loose balcony railings, steps or decking woodwork • Loose or faulty locks, in particular entry doors and screen doors • Broken or cracked windows, and broken/loose window locks For more safety tips at home go to safety-home Parking Only parking bays assigned to you can be used by you and your visitors. In some cases visitors are not permitted to park on the property. You are unable to use parking bays assigned to other residents.Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
Vacating your propertyNotice in writingWhen you intend to vacate the property, in all instances we require your notice in writing.Once your Property Manager has been advised of your intention to vacate, you will beprovided with a letter of acknowledgment and a Vacate Check ListThis checklist has been designed to assist our tenants to receive full bond refunds atthe termination of their tenancies. It is prepared in an attempt to “point you in the rightdirection” towards the areas that will be closely inspected during the bond inspection.Please do not be offended at the suggestion that you personally may not have considered allthe areas. Bond inspections are strict but fair and if you follow the guidelines below you willunderstand our standards and enable us to finalise your Bond Disposal.The vacate procedure is as follows:Tenant gives notice in writing of their intent to vacate the premises (either 30 days notice ifvacating at the end of a fixed term contract, or 21 days notice if your Lease Agreement hasalready expired).Tenant confirms by telephone that the Property Manager forwards a copyproperty will be vacated and arranges of the final Bond Inspection to thewith the Property Manager suitable vacating tenant for their records.viewing times for future prospective Property Manager requests for aTenant’s. Notice if required in writing as Special Water Meter Reading to beper legislation and home opens will be done by the Water Corporation.arranged via the leasing agent Property Manager advises tenant ofTenant attends to all cleaning, any items that require further attentiongardening and if applicable any and, if possible may allow the Tenant todamage repaired professionally. return to rectify within 24 hours. PleaseAll carpets are to be professionally note, in certain circumstances this maycleaned when the property is vacant by not be practical, for example, if thea contractor approved by the Owner/ property is immediately re-tenantedManaging Agent. any items that still require attention willTenant delivers all keys, remotes, be organised at the tenant’s expense &passes etc (including any copies made), deducted from the our office address during normal Bond Disposal Statement is preparedbusiness hours. and forwarded to the Tenant forProperty Manager inspects the approval. Once the eTransaction hasproperty as soon as practicable. been approved by all, the tenant’sShould the tenant wish to be present at funds will generally be paid into yourthis inspection, please call our office. nominated Australian Bank Account within 3 business days. This does vary depending on your bank.
Items toattendto Oven & stove Clean oven & all racks and trays with Windows oven cleaner. Clean hotplates and Clean all windows inside and outside. rims around hotplates and drip trays Also clean all window ledges, window underneath if applicable. If the stove is tracks and sliding door tracks. All fly freestanding clean sides of stove and screens and security door screens wash floor behind and under stove. inside and outside. All roller shutters on the inside and outside and clean all Light shades carport/garage doors. Wash all light shades and remove all Blinds and curtains insects from inside the shades. Replace Wash dirty marks off of vinyl vertical all light globes that are not working. blinds. Material style vertical blinds require professional cleaning, please Shelves & drawers contact our office for further assistance. Clean shelves of all built in robes (NB vertical blinds and curtains are not cupboards, pantry, linen press & to be washed in washing machines). laundry trough. Also clean drawers of Hand wash all net curtains, the best drawer units in kitchen inside and the method is to hand wash/soak the fronts. Clean all cupboard doors in curtains from one window at a time kitchen inside and the fronts. in the laundry trough or bath in warm water with Napisan or a similar Paint work product. (Please don’t use bleach as Wash the paint work to all doors & this will change the colour). Vacuum door frames, especially around door all other curtains to remove dust and handles. cobwebs. If you have soiled the curtains they will need to be professionally Light switches & power points cleaned. Please contact our office prior Wash marks off light switches and to having them professionally cleaned power points. so we can get the owners approval in case they shrink or tear. Bathroom Skirting boards Clean bath, shower tiles, grout between Wash dirty marks off the skirting boards the tiles and soap dishes. Also clean and remove dust from the top edge of floor tiles and grout between the tiles all skirting boards (use polish on timber as well as vanity unit – top, inside and skirting boards). cupboard fronts. Clean mirror and any Door frames accessories eg shelves, racks, mug Remove the dust from the top edge of holder, toothbrush holders, shower all door frames. Also remove dirt and screen glass, remove all soap build up. finger marks from all door frames and doors. Toilet Walls Dust top of cistern & pipes. Clean toilet Wash all dirt/scuff marks off the walls. seat, both sides. Also clean & bleach Remove all cobwebs and insects from toilet bowl & rim. Make sure toilet is wall, ceilings and cornices. odour free and stain free Exhaust fans covers Remove and clean exhaust fans covers, then put back in kitchen, bathroom and toilets. Also clean thoroughly cooker range hoods, including the filters.Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
Gardens Outdoor AreasMow and edge all lawns, including in Wash or polish front door, sweep patiofront of all fences. Weed all garden and paths. Remove cobwebs frombeds, prune all plants and fertilize all eaves around the outside of housegarden beds & lawns. Water thoroughlyall lawns for the weeks prior to General vacating if the lawns are not in the Report any damage to the propertysame condition as when you moved and/or any appliances not in goodinto the property, this may mean you working order.need to do extra hand watering if waterrestrictions are in place. Remove weeds Furniture/Appliances from paving, slabs, gravel etc. and Clean and return all furniturereplace broken sprinklers to its original position as at the commencement of the tenancy. AlsoGarage/Carport clean and return all appliances andRemove all oil stains, any weeds in crockery etc. to it’s original position aspaving and cobwebs under eaves. at the commencement of the tenancy. Report any broken on damaged items.If you are unsure of what is required you can discuss your queries with your PropertyManager.We can also assist you by organising the carpet cleaning, window cleaning, general cleaning,gardening, lawn mowing etc on your behalf if you would prefer.We request that you use this list as a checklist. Tick the jobs off as you do them and leave thedocument on the kitchen bench for the Property Manager.Ending a fixed termIf you are leaving at the end of your current fixed term lease, we require at least 30 daysnotice in writing. Please note that this amount of notice needs to commence when we havereceived your notice, not when it was posted.Ending a non-fixed (periodic) termIf you are leaving on a non-fixed term (periodic) lease, we require at least 21 days notice inwriting. Please note that this amount of notice needs to commence when we have receivedyour notice, not when it was posted to us.Breaking a fixed termShould you wish to leave during a fixed term lease, we require your notice in writing. We areunable to accept your intention verbally. The following costs will be incurred when f breakinga fixed term lease• Rent until a tenant approved by the landlord takes possession, or the lease expires(whichever occurs first).• A portion of the re-letting fees and all or part of the advertising costs to relet the premises.The re-letting fees include the Final Inspection Fee and part of the Letting Fee. The letting feeis payable pro rata depending how much of the lease remains when a new tenant is secured.• Should the premises be vacant before a new tenant is secured, it is also your responsibilityto ensure the grounds are watered and maintained for this period.
Getting yourbondbackquickly At the end of your tenancy you will no doubt want your bond refunded quickly after you vacate. For your full bond to be paid quickly, you will need to ensure the following: • Outstanding Accounts, ensure that any outstanding rent, break lease fees, water and other utilities, break lease fees and any damages are paid promptly. • Cleaning, ensure that carpets are professionally cleaned and exterior of the property is returned to the same condition as the start of the tenancy. Please follow the final vacating guide at the end of this handbook. The property must also pass the final inspection conducted by this agency. • Keys, ensure that all keys (including any new copies made), remote controls etc have been returned to the office. Failure to return all property keys may result in the locks being changed at the tenant’s expense or rent being charged until they are returned. Once these criteria have been met we can then refund your bond. Delays to this in all cases relates to one or more of these criteria not being met. Outstanding monies/damages Please note that it is against the tenancy legislation to withhold rent at the end of your tenancy with the intention for this to be deducted from the bond. Your rent must be paid in full, leaving your bond intact. It is important to note that if you vacate with outstanding monies and damages, your details will be lodged on the National Tenancy Database. Even if your monies are eventually paid, this doesn’t mean your details will be withdrawn from the database. Cleaning Is important to make sure that your property is clean before the final inspection to maximise your bond refund. Should the cleaning process not be completed thoroughly, this could result in extra costs associated to rectify any cleaning issues and will also delay the return of the bond. To help you know what is expected when vacating the premises we provide a detailed cleaning checklist to assist you in preparing the property. Your finalinspection Only once the property has been fully vacated, cleaned and grounds made ready with keys returned can we commence our final inspection. It is important to note that if a final inspection time has been made and you are aware that you will not be fully ready for the inspection, please call us as soon as possible. Please talk to your property manager if you wish to be present.Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
After hourscontacts&instructions for tenants ofRealmark Central.In the event of a serious problem or emergency situation regarding your property managedby our team and when Realmark offices are closed, please note the following information,emergency contact details and instructions below.An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, orenvironment. In an emergency a tenant should contact the appropriate emergency serviceson the number listed below.Emergencycontact detailsPolice, Fire, Ambulance in a life threatening emergency call triple zero 000SES assistance 13 25 00Alinta Gas 13 13 52Synergy 13 13 51Water Corporation 13 13 75Police – not life threatening 13 13 44For urgent repairs outside of normal business hours (before 8:00am - after 5:00pm Mondayto Friday as well as Weekends and public holidays) see details below. For emergenciesduring business hours, please contact our office. To reduce fees and charges incurred, pleaseconsider if the incident could be attended to by your Property Manager in normal businesshours.Urgent repairs are those that are reasonably necessary to supply or restore an essentialservice, or to avoid exposing a person to the risk of injury or exposing property to damage.For example flooding, a burst water service, broken hot water system, gas leaks, sewerageleaks or dangerous electrical faults. In the event of electrical failure and where it is safe to doso, please check trip switches and fuses.Some urgent repairs will also require you to contact emergency service providers dependingon the circumstances.
Lost keys or keys locked inside Please note - The tenant is responsible for all costs associated withcalling a locksmith if keys have been lost or locked inside.Sas Locksmith 08 9227 7727PlumbingFor burst water pipes within the property contact Benger Plumbing and Gas 0408 872 608For no water supply contact Water Corporation 13 13 75ElectricalDamage to power lines/loss of electricity contact Synergy 13 13 51Other severe electrical ICheckIT 0406 920 021problems within the (Available only on a Saturday between 9am-2pm)property contact thefollowing providerBreak in & damage to glassContact the Police and obtain a police report number on 13 13 44 (this is required for insurance claims). 13 13 44Impact to Building by Vehicle/Severe Storm Damage to PropertyIn any of these circumstances your action will depend on the severity of the problemIf severe injury to you or other persons call an Ambulance and Police 000Repairs during normal business hoursPlease call your Property Manager directly on the numbers as listed belowCassandra Mason - Senior Property Manager 08 6557 5034 0422 465 358 0404 114 708CK Huisman - Senior Property Manager 08 6557 5022Andrew Wood - Property Management Assistant 08 6557 5037Julia Hender - Property Management Assistant 08 6557 5033Other contactsDoug Shannon - Licensee / Director 0416 557 780These numbers should only be used in an emergency. In the event the problem is notdeemed an emergency or where the fault is as a result of damage or something that is notthe responsibility of your landlord, you may incur a charge for any callout. Before calling anemergency contractor, please check any manuals you've been supplied with.For matters related to Strata Management undertaken by Realmark Strata please refer to itsAfter Hours Contacts.Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
Additional information to help you prepare the property for vacatingTo ensure you have a stress free and a smooth transition to complete a vacate clean. Wesuggest engaging some help to return the rental property and grounds to its original state atthe start of your tenancy. This will help you avoid any delays with the refund of your bond.Our preferred contractors are:Carpet Cleaning Ultra Clean 0412 848 302Vacate Cleaning CFK 0416 662 071 Fast Track Cleaning 0429 432 585Electrician ICheckIt 0406 920 021Plumbing Benger Plumbing 0408 872 608Pest Control West State 6365 4800
Notes.Tenant Handbook © Realmark Pty Ltd 2016
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