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SSRVM eMagazine AUGUST 2021_18092021

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Vishalakshi AUGUST 2021 Volume:01 Issue: 03 SSRVM Bangalore East EMagazine August 2021

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 “Jai Guru Dev” Guru's Message on healthy mind... Bringing the pandemic under control requires collective action. Everyone must do their own part. We need to equip our inner self defense mechanism to stay strong. To overcome the current situation, one should ensure to have enough sleep, work out and do meditation. We all are in a stressful atmosphere, that weakens our immune system. Involving ourselves in meditation, asanas and pranayama's can make the mind peaceful and resilient. “Breath is the biggest secret that nature has put in you. It is linked to your emotions. Through breathing exercises, you can control your emotions. You must do a little bit of breathing exercises regularly, then you will have more say over your mind. ”- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar

SSRVM 1 2 Bangalore East 4 6 CONTENT 8 10 Principal's Message 12 A healthy heart gives healthy life 14 Experiential Interactive & Joyful Learning 16 Language Development Skills 18 Numeracy Development Skills 20 Cognitive Development Skills 22 Physical & Motor Development Skills 24 Health & Nutrition 26 Arts & Cultural Development 36 Integrated and Cross Curriculum Cooperative & Collaborative Learning 37 Social & Emotional Development Skills 39 360 Degree Assessment Special Assembly & Celebrations 50 Guest Corner 57 Students’ Corner 60 ¤Art & Craft activities ¤My Learning Experience Teachers’ Corner ¤Views & Experiences Parents’ Corner Proud Moment

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Principal’s Message “NEW AGE” EDUCATION SYSTEM - NEP 2020... A REFLECTION Education in India has always been given the highest reverence. The inventions, innovations & discoveries have attracted many foreigners who came here for pursuing higher studies in popular universities of Nalanda and Takshashila. With time the perceptions changed, steering the education system towards the rat race for securing higher marks, narrowing down the ideas and killing the passion of realizing their dreams. NEP 2020 has awakened new horizons of aspirations for passionate achievers and learners. The policy focuses on multiple aspects to adopt the best practices, engaging the relevant stakeholders and encourages the use of effective techniques in the pedagogy of multi-level teaching in making learning experiential. A strong foundational stage which lays emphasis on bridging the language barriers, encouraging to embrace the extensive use of technology as an effective tool in facilitating exchange of ideas and to enhance learning, will definitely go a long way in strengthening early childhood care and education. Restructuring of the preparatory stage, middle stage and the secondary stage is aligned with the cognitive development stages, allowing greater diversity and flexibility in what is taught, is of enormous importance. This shift to implement a multi- disciplinary with a cross curriculum system constructively gives a wider scope for greater critical thinking, recognizes the importance of creative thinking and is a very crucial initiative in promoting and aiding in the development of important skills of the 21st Century. A continuum with a clear focus on building the skills, introducing vocational learning with internship and coding is an excellent path to provide real world exposure and help explore one’s interest. Strategies of having collaborative and cooperative learning environment will make it coducive to channelize the focus of educators, keeping oneself engaged in research- based education is a major step forward towards “New Age” Education System. We as educators have been given this humongous opportunity to explore, unlock ourselves in multiple dimensions and to bring out the true essence of education in making the vision of the future generation be proud of ATMA NIRBHAR BHARATH. Dr Reshma Ganesh Founder Principal and Campus Director SSRVM, Bangalore East 1

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 A healthy heart gives healthy life A HEALTHY HEART GIVES HEALTHY LIFE. --- An insight on the importance of healthy lifestyle. “Good health is not something that we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account” Anne Wilson Schaef This pandemic has been a great learning for each one of us. In the year 2019-2020, when the pandemic hit the world, research found that 30% of the COVID 19 patients developed heart ailments or other cardio vascular diseases. In the rise of the COVID 19 pandemic, there is a general sense of anxiety and fear of contracting the virus, which deters people from coming forward and seeking medical help when the condition worsens. Doctors add that getting a regular health check-up is one of the best ways to remain healthy. September 29th is celebrated as World Heart Day. On this day, World Health Organization (W.H.O) informs people around the globe to highlight the importance of being healthy and to fight against harmful diseases by controlling the risk factors. Of all the parameters, doctors suggest the major factors being unhealthy diet and lack of physical inactivity. Heart is a vital organ of our body and it is just the size of our fist. It is very important we give it a proper care by doing regular exercise. Our heart is a muscle, that needs proper strength. Involving ourselves in exercise and physical activity will give our heart the strength it needs and also helps us to have a peaceful and undisturbed sleep at night. Eating balanced food with the right amount of salt and sugar, adding more greens and fruits are some tips to have a healthy heart. The closure of schools, park, community play areas and universities during the COVID 19 pandemic, has made the children to confine themselves indoors. Being indoors cause a lot of stress in these young minds. Staying indoors creates a different pattern in the little one's life impacting their health and they become dissociated from the natural world around them. As parents and adults, we can make this time Contd... 2

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 A healthy heart gives healthy life more effective by involving kids in indoor physical activities like skipping, doing jumping jacks, hopping etc. Taking oath of giving a proper care to our heart and body will help us have a hale and healthy life, which gives us a mental strength to get over this pandemic without any stress. We would like to end our thought on being healthy and taking care of our heartby taking a pledge. Join us in taking this pledge to have a have a healthy heart and life. I pledge to stay healthy and clean Through exercise and good hygiene I will eat balanced meals every day To have more energy to learn and to play!!!! Every night I will get good rest To be more ready to do my best I exercise hard to be healthy and strong I'll be happier my whole life long!!!! Ms. Vishnupriya & Ms. Varshini Facilitator SSRVM, Bengaluru East 3

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Experiential, Interactive and Joyful Learning Experiential learning describes the ideal process of learning and encourages students to understand themselves as a learner. It empowers them to take charge of their own learning and development. Students are engaged, and can sharpen their critical thinking skills through interactive games, group discussions etc. Our classrooms are places where joy of learning takes place. Students are given appropriate levels of challenges, where they learn to make decisions of their own. Pre-Primary Grade-1 An interactive session in the form of a story “Cookies in the Jar” was organized. The children got an opportunity to practice subtraction in the class while having lot of fun. Students enjoyed learning about fruits. They were also taught the concept on number of seeds in each fruit. Students enjoyed making a fruit salad and also learnt about the health benefits of vegetables. Grade 2 Grade-3 In Science, an experiment was demonstrated by the teacher to illustrate the concept of ‘Air is Everywhere’. The concept of Multiplication was explained with the help of rajma seeds or beads. In EVS, teachers conducted an experiment \"Dancing Rice\". Students were able to explore the chemical reaction in rice when it is placed in a mixture of water, baking soda and vinegar. 4

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Experiential, Interactive and Joyful Learning Grade- 4 Grade-5 Students made a model of Skeleton by using ear buds/straw/matchsticks. They thoroughly enjoyed the activity and understood that skeletal system is the framework of bones that gives shape and support to the human body. •To reinforce the concept of lifecycle, children prepared clay models of life cycle of butterfly, frog, fish etc. and displayed it on a cardboard. •In Social Studies, children prepared a model of the Constitution. The rights and duties of the classroom that was to be followed was also mentioned. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Students were introduced to Indicators are the substances which Students were asked to take any four graphic novel, and they discovered changes its colour when added to an different samples of synthetic and natural fabric and compare them on that learning Civics can be very acid or base. Students were asked the basis of several parameters such interesting and how it helps them to bring vinegar/lemon juice, baking to understand the world we all live in. soda / washing powder, water and as absorbency, drying ability, texture white cotton cloth stripes and applied etc. This activity helped students to turmeric paste to observe the change improve their analytical and in colour. inference skills. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Picture depiction activity was conducted to introduce the topic \"Outcomes of democracy\" in Political Science. Students interpreted the images very well by keeping the elements of democracy on fore ground. As an introductory activity students demonstrated static electricity with the materials available at home.This activity helped them to understand the presence of charged particles inside atom though atom as a whole is electrically neutral. 5

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Language Development Skills Through language development, children can make sense of varied experiences, and are able to understand the world around them in a better way. Proper language development lays the foundation for most learning that includes knowledge, social skills, moral development or physical achievement. Activities are organized in all subjects that help students improve their literacy and language skills. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Poster making activity, guess the helper, show and tell activity and dice games were conducted for various subjects to help the children improve their language skills. Children were also introduced to Sanskrit alphabets and learnt numbers and shlokas in Sanskrit. Our tiny tots were involved in an activity to reinforce the topic 'alphabets'. Pictures were showed and kids identified the letter along with the phonic sound. Grade 2 Grade-3 Children performed a role play for the poem ‘The Veggy lion’ using props. To reinforce the concept of Verbs, the students were asked to draw 'stick figures' of any 5 actions they do every day and wrote sentences about the action. They underlined the verb with crayons. This activity helped the students to improve their language skills. 6

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Language Development Skills Grade-5 Grade- 4 To promote language development skills, students were asked to read a newspaper/article and identify and encircle the pronouns used in it. A speaking activity on National Bravery Award in Hindi and different farming methods in Kannada was conducted. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 As an introductory activity, a video of During the chapter \"A Summit Sunitha Williams was shared. Students within\", students were asked to were asked to find out three differences discuss about the point at which the between spaceship and aeroplane, as writer speaks about climbing the this will help them to gain knowledge summit of our mind. All students were actively engaged in the activity, they about space and spacecraft. were also assessed by the use Grade- 9 word and sentence stress, intonation patterns, selection of words. Grade-10 Students expressed their views and opinion empathetically on the topic - \"Science is a good servant and a bad master\" with reference to Nuclear Weapons on human race and the advancement of technologies. Speaking is one of the important skills in English. It helps students to learn and speak confidently. An activity was conducted in class to test the speaking skills of students. Students were asked to speak on a topic based on the audio story played during the class. 7

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Numeracy Development Skills Numeracy skill is the ability to understand numbers and calculations and apply these skills to different learning areas at school and in their lives beyond classroom. Various Math activities integrated with other subjects are conducted at SSRVM BE to make students achieve practical and experiential knowledge. Pre-Primary Grade-1 To enable the concept of addition and subtraction an activity was done, where the teacher demonstrated the concept of regrouping and borrowing. Critical thinking questions were asked to students to reinforce the topic. Children of PP learnt numbers 21-30 through bundling activity. They also learnt the concepts of \"after, before ,missing and in between numbers\" through various activities. Grade 2 Grade-3 To develop the numeracy skills in Multiplication, an art integration activity was performed where, children made a Multiplication Flower with two layers of petals. The concept of subtraction was reinforced by performing an abacus activity where the teacher demonstrated the usage of abacus which helped in the critical thinking skills. 8

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Numeracy Development Skills Grade- 4 Grade-5 The concept of HCF was introduced with an activity where students took two sets of coins or any available material at home. For e.g., they took 6 or 10 and removed the coins from each set and found the HCF of 6 and 10 is 2. This activity gave students hands on experience on the concept learnt. An art integration activity was performed where children constructed a Multiplication Array City by setting up tall buildings with rows and columns. Students then calculated and wrote multiplication facts. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Students were asked to play an online An activity with rectangle strips was An activity on the topic pie chart was game of integers. They were asked to conducted to understand that when we conducted. Students represented fill the pyramid of integers with some their daily routine in the form of add Algebraic Expressions colorful pie chart. clues. Students learnt addition and only numerical coefficients are added subraction of integers through this and not the variables. activity. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Students were asked to create a mind map on topic \"Coordinate Geometry\" and its application. To verify experimentally the formula on \"Area of Circle\" an activity using paper cut-outs was conducted. Students were asked to make a tetrahedron by folding a paper to find the area of the same. Students also made an art out of triangles and found its area. 9

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Cognitive Development Skills Cognitive skills help students to remain focused by limiting distractions and interruptions. At SSRVM we start the class with a recap of concepts they have learnt earlier or the day before. We involve students in activities that spark curiosity by offering challenging materials which helps to create critical and higher order thinking skills. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Online games and quizzes were conducted using ICT tools that helped the students recall the topics learnt. Children enjoyed the games and were able to perform well. Our little ones did an activity on “SPONGE DABBING CLOUDS “ on Blue Color day. Teachers and kids were dressed in blue attires. Children worked on various worksheets related to the topic. Grade 2 Grade-3 Cognitive skills enable children to process sensory information and eventually learn to evaluate, analyze, remember and make comparisons. Games were conducted in various subjects using ICT tools. Quizzes were organized using ICT tools during online classes for the cognitive development of students. Children enjoyed the games and were able to perform well. 10

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Cognitive Development Skills Grade- 4 Grade-5 Online quizzes, games, live worksheets were conducted for all subjects to gauge the understanding of the students. Games were conducted in various subjects using ICT tools to help students develop attention, memory and thinking. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Students were given worksheets based Students were given worksheets to Self-assessment helps to develop on the lessons taught in the month. This solve, based on the lessons taught in an awareness among students is to assess their comprehension skills. each month. This is to on self-learning. Worksheets were Assessments were based on the assess their grasping skills based on solved and answers were discussed in social cognitive theory, which helped the class. Students were asked to do their learning. self-assessment to help them identify the students to implement their understanding. their own learning. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Every test or assessment helps students to rectify their mistakes and gives them an idea to present their answers in a better way in exams. Pen and paper assessments were conducted to evaluate students' performances. Students were given worksheets to solve, based on lessons taught in each month. This is to assess their grasping skills based on their learning. 11

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Physical and Motor Development Skills Physical development contributes to cognitive development – as children move and explore the world. They learn about the properties of objects in their own capabilities. Physical development helps in the maintenance of a healthy weight, development of strong bones, muscles and heart. Motor development and physical development are integrated together at SSRVM during online classes also, as it gives students the time, space and opportunity to move and stay fit. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Physical exercise and yoga are a part of our daily online classes. To ensure students stay fit and healthy, warm up exercises like hand and wrist movement, eye exercise etc. were conducted in the class. Physical development is one of the important domains of infant and toddler development. It helps in overall development of the child. Warm up exercises like hand and wrist movement, eye exercise etc. were conducted in the class. Grade 2 Grade-3 All round development program ‘Utkarsh Yoga' was conducted. This program aimed to improve the students' overall physical and mental health, various skills, interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. To ensure that children maintain good health and a calm mind, physical exercises were performed during online classes. 12

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Physical and Motor Development Skills Grade- 4 Grade-5 Students practiced Warm up activities which helped them to be fit and active. Students also got information about the rules and regulations of Basketball game with the help of a video. ‘Utkarsh Yoga’ was conducted in the month of August by Life Skill teachers. The program included Yoga and Meditation, Sudarshan Kriya, modules on life skills and some fun activities. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Playing memory games can improve Playing memory games can improve Students practiced Warm up activities brain functions, such as attention, brain functions, such as attention, which helped them to be fit and concentration, and focus. Memory concentration, and focus. Memory active. games give space to critical thinking games give space to critical thinking and thus helps children stimulate their and thus helps children strengthen attention to detail. their attention to detail. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Playing memory games can improve brain functions, such as attention, concentration, and focus. Memory games give space to critical thinking and thus helps children foster their attention to detail. Students were informed about the rules and regulations of Basketball game with the help of a video. 13

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Health and Nutrition Nutrition plays an important role in human development which helps in maintaining individual’s mental and physical state. A healthy person can perform to his full potential. Importance to health is taught along with other subjects to make sure that the students understand the significance of being healthy. Pre-Primary Grade-1 A consistent routine and a healthy diet plays a major role in the wellbeing of an individual. Our Health & Wellness counsellor Miss Shraddha took an informative session on the importance of good dietary habits and how to inculcate a healthy lifestyle. Children learnt about good eating habits and how it helps them to lead a healthy life by preparing a fruit salad. Grade 2 Grade-3 Students were explained about the importance of Indian Spices and their health benefits. Health & Wellness counsellor Miss Shraddha took an informative session on the importance of good dietary habits and how to inculcate a healthy lifestyle. She briefed children about exercises that gives energy to mind and brain. 14

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Health and Nutrition Grade-5 Grade- 4 Class 5 Students made a “Tiranga Sandwich” to mark the importance of Independence by using their favorite colorful veggies. Students were made to understand the importance of having a healthy diet to have a healthy life. Students were oriented about the importance of Indian Spices and their health benefits. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 The purpose of the Culinary Club is to Grade 7 students were asked to The Culinary club provides a great way provide an environment for students to, prepare Chocolate balls using Marie to educate students about socialize, be creative, to learn cooking Gold Biscuits. All students participated skills, and to have fun. Grade 6 students enthusiastically and displayed their good nutrition of seasonal fruits and were asked to prepare Chocolate balls veggies. Students were encouraged to using Marie Gold Biscuits. All students creativity in presenting them. make tri color sandwich which added a participated enthusiastically sense of patriotism in them. and displayed their creativity in presenting them. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Students were encouraged to make tri color sandwich during the Culinary Club which added a sense of patriotism in them. Students learnt the nutritional value of each ingredient used in making of tri color sandwich. The Culinary club provides a great way to educate students about good nutrition of seasonal fruits and veggies. Students were encouraged to make tri color sandwich which added a sense of patriotism in them. 15

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Arts and Cultural Development Art and culture allow learners to stay together in harmony creating a suitable environment for learning. Art and cultural development form a positive approach towards the learning process which in turn enables the students to give their best and motivates students for a long-term learning. At SSRVM, students are exposed to various art and cultural events to make learning more interesting and effective. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Music is an integral part of any significant occasion. It defines our culture. Beautiful renditions were performed by the music teacher Miss. Krithika on the occasion of Vara Mahalakshmi. Children did various art and craft activities like making Indian flag with popsicles, Toran, Pookkalam, Rakhi and Cloud making for blue color day. All these activities helped in developing child's gross motor and fine motor skills. Grade 2 Grade-3 •To induce the spirit of patriotism children were asked to prepare a tricolor greeting card for Independence Day. • Students were also taught to make traditional rangoli using dot pattern. This helped students to enhance their creativity. To bring children closer to nature and culture, a virtual tour to Ezharakund waterfalls caves in Kerala was arranged. They were amused with the visuals of these 7- tier cascade waterfall. 16

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Arts and Cultural Development Grade- 4 Grade-5 Students were taught Warli Art. The word Warli is derived from 'Warla' meaning piece of land or field. Students portrayed their daily activities and life forms through these drawings in a very creative way. •To induce the spirit of patriotism children were asked to prepare a tricolor greeting card for Independence Day. • Students were also taught to make traditional rangoli using dot pattern. This helped students to enhance their creativity. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Students were divided into groups, and \"Still life drawing\" are drawings of non- Most of the shading is very light, but the they enacted on disaster management living objects arranged in a specific drawings become more powerful on the way, to create meaning or visual like Earthquake, Floods, Cyclones, effects. Students of grade usage of little dark shading in a few Landslide etc. Through this activity selective areas, like pupil's eyes, shadow 7 were introduced to \"still life drawing\" etc.. Drawings appear flat rather than 3 students understood the techniques. preventive measures that needs to dimensional when you use too little be taken care at the time of a disaster. contrast in values. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Folk art was introduced to students. Famous folk paintings of India like the 'Madhubani paintings of Bihar', 'Pattachitra painting from the state of Odisha', the 'Nirmal paintings of Andhra Pradesh' etc.. were taught during the art class. Students of grade 9 learnt detailed nuances of pencil shading. They displayed the life cycle of an animal using pencil shading techniques 17

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Integrated and Cross Curriculum Through cross curricular instruction, teachers can incorporate different disciplines of education into one. In simple words it can be said as ‘Interdisciplinary learning’. The approach is a combination of curricular objectives and methods from various streams into a central theme or concept. Competitions, activities etc. are planned in such way at SSRVM to make one concept clear by integrating it with other streams. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Integrated instruction empowers students to achieve higher levels. Our grade 1 students were asked to make a poster on Pronouns by integrating art with English. “CRAFT WITH VEGGIES” activity was conducted, and children actively took part and relished the occassion. Grade 2 Grade-3 Topics from various subjects were integrated with other subjects and activities were performed to help students have a better understanding of how the knowledge is applied in various fields. In science, the parts of a plant topic was integrated with art, where children drew a plant and labelled the parts. By doing this activity students were able to see the connections between different subjects. 18

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Integrated and Cross Curriculum Grade- 4 Grade-5 Integration of theatre with history/civics was conducted, where students performed a role play of \"Trader and Farmers\" at the time of British rule and displayed their profit and loss table through the excel sheet. Topics from various subjects were integrated with other subjects and activities were performed to help students have a better understanding of how the knowledge is applied in various fields. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Mathematical modeling is used A role play activity was organised As a part of SEA activity, operationally in weather forecasting and where few students acted as voters and students explained about the invention disaster management. Mock drills were of silk and its properties. The reason for few as journalist. This gave them an silk being an expensive fabric was also performed by the students which will experience on how elections are help them to manage emergency conducted in India, and they also explained. situations. understood the role of media in Democracy. Grade- 9 Grade-10 • Students created a Bio- Painting on Circulatory System as a part of Art Integration activity. • Students prepared a video of the activities they performed which helped them to get hands on experience on editing software during their IT class. Westen Ghats are known for its bio- diversity . The rain forest is enriched with numerous flora and fauna species. Students presented botanical names of few of the important species of this belt. They also focused on the dietary plans of hilly region. 19

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Cooperative and Collaborative Learning Students learn best when they are immersed in learning, through interaction and application. A student is more likely to remember something when discovered through active participation and peer work. Performance is improved with collaborative/cooperative methods. This technique is valued more than individualistic ways as it helps the students in performance and progression. Grade 5 Grade 6 Students performed various roles like Indian Rulers, Indian Sepoys, freedom fighters, Indian Traders, Indian farmers, artisans and Gurus. This activity enhanced their public speaking skills as well team building skills. Students presented a skit on \"First war of Indian independence\", to show that, normal public were also not happy with the British rule. Through this group activity, they helped each other and understood the importance of togetherness. Grade 7 Grade 8 Students analyzed the different technology used by scientists for disaster management. Knowledge about existing global frameworks and agreements were discussed. A group activity was organised in which students were divided into groups as voters, Politicians and Journalists. Students were asked to create their own political party with logo and conduct election campaign for their respective parties post which panel discussion and virtual voting was conducted. 20

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Cooperative and Collaborative Learning Grade- 9 Grade-10 Group discussion was conducted among the students, Students were asked to make an infographic PPT based and they actively took part in the discussion. This on comparative note on circulatory pathway of activity has helped the students to know about the vertebrates. Group discussion was conducted on the different treatment techniques of cancer. same to explore the information. 21

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills Social and emotional learning provides a foundation for safe and positive learning. It also acts as a path to help children achieve their goal, and succeed in school, career and life. At SSRVM BE we organize events and activities to boost the significance of self-awareness, relationship skill and make children responsible for decision making. Pre-Primary Grade-1 On the occasion of Janmashtami, a Talent Show was organized for our tiny tots. The show gave an opportunity to exhibit their unique talents in front of their classmates. Students were given various ADL activities, for example, behavior in the school bus, how to stand for National Anthem etc. Children also enjoyed singing the prayer daily. Grade 2 Grade-3 To help children discover and showcase their talents - a talent show \" SSRVM BE Has Got Talent\" was organized on August 28th. Students delivered a splendid performance. To recognize the accomplishments of grandparents, National Senior Citizens Day was observed. Our little ones had fun participating along with their families in events like Antakshari, painting, games etc. 22

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills Grade- 4 Grade-5 Students of grade 5 were involved in a discussion on \"how social media helps them figure out where they stand in terms of their attitudes\". The session concluded with a note that constant evaluation of oneself is needed for their well-being. A session was held by our Special Educator Miss. Abirami Umashankar, and Health & Wellness Officer Miss. Shraddha Madhusudhanan on 7th August to guide parents about how to support their child’s learning at home during the online classes so that children can perform better emotionally as well as academically. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Work from home, full time parenting Pandemic has created significant An interactive session with parents was and being confined in homes have had changes in almost all aspects of our organized to provide them a platform to its own negative impact on parents and daily life. These changes place parents share their views on pandemic parenting children. An interactive session with at increased risk for \"parental challenges, stress they are facing. Few parents was organized to provide them burnout\". An interactive session with strategies like regular self-care time, parents was organized to provide them exercise, effective communication, a platform to share their views on a platform to share their views on the avoiding comparison oneself with other pandemic parenting and its challenges. challenges of parenting during the parents, mindfulness and being kind to pandemic. oneself etc. were discussed. Grade- 9 Grade-10 A class teacher focuses on the overall development of each of the students. To have a healthy bond between the students and the class teacher, - ' A Class Teacher' period was a part of the daily class. Teacher and students share their experiences related to academics and non – academics. Class Teacher's Period is an opportunity for the teacher as well as the students to interact with each other. During this period, the teacher interacts with the students to build a strong bonding between them. 23

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 360 Degree Assessment By following 360-degree assessment students will acquire the skills that they gain to assist their learning. It is different from the traditional one on one performance of evaluation process. Teachers at SSRVM BE follow 360-degree feedback to help students’ find ways to improvise themselves. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Online worksheets, quizzes and games were conducted as a part of the 360 – degree assessment to assess the learning and understanding of the students. The purpose of assessment in early childhood is to determine student’s strengths and set goals for their future development. Grade 2 Grade-3 NEP 2020 focusses on overall development of students and therefore emphasizes 360-degree assessment. Quizzes were conducted to assess the learning and understanding of concepts in children. NEP 2020 emphasizes on overall development of students and therefore encourages 360-degree assessment. Various online quizzes and live worksheets were designed to assess the learning and understanding of concepts in children. 24

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 360 Degree Assessment Grade- 4 Grade-5 Assessment is a key component in teaching – learning scenario as it helps the students to understand about their strength and weakness. Quizzes were conducted to assess the learning and understanding of concepts in children. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Assessment helps students to rectify Self and Peer assessment was Assessment helps students to rectify their mistakes and gives them an idea conducted to help students analyze their mistakes and gives them an idea to their learning and understanding in to improve their learning. Pen and improve their learning. Pen and paper paper type of assessments are each topic. type of assessments are conducted to conducted to evaluate students' performance. evaluate students' performance. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Self-Assessment and Peer assessment are a part of internal assessment. HOTS and worksheets were conducted to measure the understanding of students. The focus of assessment and reflections helps students to identify their strength and weakness. Pen and paper assessments and activities are conducted to gauge the understanding of the students. 25

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations 75th Independence Day Celebration India has commended its 75th Independence Day on August 15, 2021. The theme of the Independence Day this year was ‘Nation First, Always First’ to honor the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters for the nation. These are the proud moments which all Indians cherishes. Our school SSRVM, BE celebrated Independence Day with full fervor. The program began with hoisting of the Flag by our respected Principal Ms. Reshma Ganesh followed by her words of motivation. With functions being organized on the digital stage, students displayed their best of the skills like patriotic songs, dance, skit, fancy dress and musical instruments. Our students showcased their patriotism towards Mother India through the virtual cultural programs. 26

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Vara Mahalakshmi Festival Vara Mahalakshmi Vrata is a festival to propitiate the Goddess Lakshmi. Varalakshmi is one who grants boons (\"Vara\"). Vrata includes the story of a pious lady Charumati. She performs all her duties with utmost love and sincerity. Seeing this Goddess Varalakshmi grants boons to Charumati. It is an important pooja performed by many women in the states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Northern Sri Lanka. The Hindu festival going by the name 'Vara Mahalakshmi Vrata' is celebrated on the Second Friday or the Friday before the day of the full moon - Poornima - in the month of Shravana, which corresponds to the Gregorian months of July – August. Vara Mahalakshmi Vrata is performed by women for their own well-being and that of all their family members. It is believed that worshipping the Goddess Varalakshmi on this day is equivalent to worshipping Ashtalakshmi. The takeaway from Varalakshmi vrata is that one should do their work with utmost love and sincerity, then boons will automatically come to them even without asking. 27

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Onam Celebration The festival of Onam is celebrated throughout the state of Kerala . Onam is marked by happiness, excitement and enjoyment among all sections of people. Onam falls in the month of Chingam, according to Malayalam Calander. The celebrations are spread over ten days from Atham to Thiruvonam. Onam is a celebration of the return of King Mahabali to his kingdom. As a part of Onam celebration students were asked to make Poo kalam / rangoli, to draw the picture of boat racing and to make comic strips. During the Onam celebration a video was shown to students which explained its significance and various rituals. 28

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Raksha bandhan Raksha Bandhan is a festival which celebrates the bond of a brother and sister. Raksha’ translates to the protection and ‘Bandhan’ translates to bond. Thus, this explains the meaning of this festival. On this auspicious occasion, the sisters tie a sacred thread i.e., Rakhi, on their brother’s wrist. It is done so with the intent to wish good health and long life. On the other hand, the brothers, in turn, bless their sisters and pledge to protect them and care for them in all their lives. Raksha Bandhan is celebrated following the Hindu calendar. It falls in the month of Sawan, and people celebrate it on the last day of the month. It serves as a symbol of love, and togetherness. 29

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations WORLDWater Week The World Water Week is an annual event organized by Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) since 1991 to address the global water issues and related concerns of international development. The World Water Week 2021 has been organized from 23-27 August, in entirely digital format. The theme for World Water Week 2021 is ‘Building Resilience Faster’. Issues such as the climate crisis, water scarcity, food security, health, biodiversity, and impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic were discussed. 30

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Grandparents Day!! Grandparents create memories that heart holds forever… Grandparents’ day is celebrated to show the bond between grandparents and their grandchildren. They provide a safe and loving home for their grandchildren. They are doing every possible thing to their grandchildren every day. To honor and recognize them for all the support and love they have given, SSRVM BE celebrated ‘Grandparents Day’ on August 28th with lot of interesting activities to create a loving bond between the grandparents and their grandchildren. It was ecstatic to see the gems of the family enjoying their day with their little ones!!!! 31

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations WORLD ORGAN DONATION DAY August 13 of every year is observed as World Organ Donation Day aimed at raising awareness about the importance of organ donation and encourage people to take a pledge for the same. Donation means giving an organ and tissue to help someone that needs a transplant. Transplants can save or transform the life of a person. One organ and tissue donor can help transform the lives of more than 10 people. This relies on donors and their families agreeing to donate their organ and tissue after death. On this day special assembly was conducted in which students participated actively in the quiz on the topic of Organ. 32

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations WORLD SANSKRIT DAY World Sanskrit Day aka Sanskrit Diwas is celebrated on the Poornima of the Shravana month in Hindu calendar. The day is celebrated to focus on the ancient Indian language to promote its revival and maintenance. This year Sanskrit Day was celebrated on August 22nd. The word Sanskrit is derived from the prefix 'Sam' which refers to 'Samyak' meaning 'entirely'. While the word 'krit' means 'done'. The language is also termed as Dev Vani which means God-language World Sanskrit Day is celebrated all across the country in order to promote the resurgence and preservation of this language 33

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations SHOW Talent is born not made, when talent and hard work resembles miracles will happen, acquiring right talent to business is the most important to achieve growth. To embark this thought a Talent Show – 'SSRVM has got Talent' was organized by the management. The objective of the activity was to discover the hidden talent in the students and also to initiate the values of discipline among them. The students participated enthusiastically. SSRVM congratulates all the participants and encouraged them to hone their skills as these are essential for the overall personality development of students. 34

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Janmashtami Celebration Krishna Janmashtami is a Hindu Festival and is also known Gokul Ashtami that celebrates the birth of lord Krishna, the eighth avatar of lord Vishnu according to Hindu mythology. In the year 2021 the festival was celebrated on 30th August as it was the eighth day (Ashtami) of the Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight) in Bhadrapada. In SSRVM it was a remarkable day as a Special assembly was conducted in which students participated actively. Dance-drama enactments of the life of Krishna, devotional singing, videos on Krishna were shared / shown to students making this day a “Mahostav” \"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna- Krishna Hare Hare\" 35

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Guest Corner ALUMINI TALK Ms. Shruti Parthasarthy There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.” On 28th August 2021, SSRVM-BE invited one of the Alumni members. Shruti Parthasarathy, to speak to our students. She has been a photographer and writer. She is currently working as a writer for OTT platforms. She spoke about how she chose to become a photographer. Students were exposed to new fields as career. Students found the session very helpful. Some of them asked her a few questions to quench their thirst. Learning: Any opportunity can knock our door at any time. One must be aware and alert. 36

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Students’ Corner Art & Crafts Pre-Primary Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 37

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Students’ Corner Art & Crafts Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 38

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Students’ Corner Mathematics My Learning Experience Topic: To create a picture by plotting points on a graph Story Pedagogy session sheet using Coordinate on Lal Bahadur Shastri geometry 14 August 2021 Learning: We have learnt the usage of Presented by: Ms. Pooja ML coordinate geometry by a fun, engaging activity. Motivational speaking We plotted points on the graph sheet and conveys a highly created a picture. emotional message, We learnt that it can be used on a different and its purpose is to basis in our day to day life… invite action. It is the From developing a game to Architecture of characteristic of different monuments. charismatic leaders and Thank you is useful in dealing during difficult times. Padma Bhushan Sri Lal Bahadur Shashtri Ji, was well known Sriram B Suriyan for his determination, tolerance and bravery. Story Class 9C of Shastri Ji narrated his struggles, determination SSRVM, Bengaluru East towards achieving goals and his eminent characters as a national leader. It infused values into young Chemistry minds. SEA - Water absorption My Takeaway: Lal Bahadur Shastri ji's birthday ison by different fabrics both 2ndOctober of the year 1904 and he was born in a natural and synthetic Kayastha Hindu family. He was an Indian statesman and then became the 2ndPrime This activity helps us understand different minister of India. The name Shastri was not a part types of fabrics and their different uses. of his name but when he completed his graduation Also, it helps to understand the texture and in the year 1925 in Kashi Vidyapeeth in Varanasi he properties. During the activity I got the title 'Shastri' which meant 'Scholar person'. experimented with the five different types He became so attached to the title that it became a of clothes materials. It showed me how part of his name through which he is known till much time does it take each of them to dry. today. He showed immense interest towards During Covid - 19 we can't do activities in politics at the age of 11.The value I received from school but doing them in homes it is both this session: Age is no requirement for your goal interesting and fun. I would like to thank but, you should always move towards your goal ma'am for introducing this activity. Thank with grit and determination. you, ma'am. Mohit Ramakrishnan Anika Agarwal Class 9C Class 8A, SSRVM, Bengaluru East SSRVM, Bengaluru East 39

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Students’ Corner FTinhaellyW…a…ll.Tohfe Gwraaititisudoever!! 1750 Hrs. 27th Aug. to it. The ambience so very conducive and welcoming. My phone beeped and I thought to myself, oh, another message. But it was not just \"just The practical session was way more another\" message. It was a circular from school fascinating than I could have imagined. The asking us to attend school in person for Science joy of putting the theory we have learnt into practicals!! practical experiments in our labs has no bounds. Yesss..finally...the wait was over... a waiting of over months.. The opportunity to meet my friends in person after all the virtual meetings was so Today, the 1st day of September, I was at our wonderful. Interactions with our teachers SSRVM campus. Stepping into the beautiful lifted my spirits. environs oozing with warmth made my day!! Each aspect in our school has greater meaning All the safety precautions were maintained and we were constantly reminded of our responsibilities and the Covid protocols to be followed. Our Principal, Reshma Ma'am gave us an amazing motivational talk. I will always look up to those words and inculcate them to be a better version of myself. I pray and hope that the prevailing situation gets better and safer, for all of us to be together in having a wonderful experience at our school and cherish them forever! Grade XII SSRVM, Bengaluru East 40

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Students’ Corner ThTeheWaWlal lol fofGrGartaittuitduede The wall stretched on and on; it sides illuminated We should do little things, i.e. exhibit minor acts with gratitude of millions. It seemed to go on of caring. endlessly; shining with celestial light; grateful, What are those? happy faces carved onto the walls of it; more They are just little things like doing your beautiful than any wall in existence. homework (by yourself) and not giving your Gratitude parents any stress, or washing your plate once What is gratitude? you eat, or making your own bed in the morning, The bookish definition of it is: “The quality of it could be anything. being thankful; readiness to show appreciation The acts of caring show that you really care for and to return kindness.” Well it is of course, it is about your parents. too bookish. We can have a simpler definition for Gratitude towards others gratitude: When somebody helps you in any way, You should have once or twice worn your mask or gives you something like a birthday present, and walked down the street. They are indeed then you feel “grateful” towards them. That warm, very clean. But who cleans them? I am sure this nice feeling is nothing but gratitude, my friends. question does not cross most of our minds. The Gratitude towards Parents streets being clean is a default setting to us and I honestly feel that parents deserve a lot of we don't care much about it, except when the gratitude. You are like a ship which is lost, sailing streets are dirty. But did you ever spare a the waters endlessly. Your parents are like the moment to think about who cleans the streets? lighthouse, who guide you dry land and safety. The street sweeper, of course. When you ask this They guide your ship over stormy waters and question I am sure most of you feel a rush of enjoy with you on the calm, peaceful ones. And gratitude towards them. But normally, do we one may wonder, how does anyone express ever mind? gratitude to them? They do deserve a sea full of There are a lot of other people like this who live gratitude and love, after all. Do you do big things in the edges of our life. We don't spare a thought to impress and please them? about them, but life without them would be No, guys. unimaginable. Take your bus driver, for example. He used to drive you to school every day, the place where you learn new stuff. But where is he now? Obviously, due to the covid lockdown, bus drivers are not driving buses anymore. When you think about this, you immediately feel a rush of gratitude and affection towards the bus driver. You could perhaps support him by giving some donations, and doing some minor acts of caring. So always spare a moment to think about your gratitude towards others, my friends. Dhananjay Krishnan Class 5F, SSRVM, Bengaluru East 41

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Students’ Corner The Wall of Gratitude \"Nobody can ever love you more than your I am really thankful to my parents for giving me parents.\". The saying is veracious when we a life and bringing me into this beautiful world. experience it in our life. Isn't it? The person we Being a single child of my lovable parents make are now, the confidence and support we got all me realize the value of the love and care they through our journey, and the unconditional love provide me, since the day I was born till now. we received are a result of what our parents Their love and care is priceless and can never be sacrificed and did for us. We should be returned back in the same way. My parents are privileged to God for providing us with such my guardian angels who protect me from the great parents in our life. How can we ever evil and guide me in bestow them? Often People think that providing the right path. So, a good house, a good space to live in, or tasty upsetting them with food to eat is a way of conveying gratitude to my failure would be our parents. But NO. Parents do not expect these the same as making a materialistic things that we anticipate could sin because such reflect what they have sacrificed for us. As we hardworking parents heard \" What you give is what you expect to never deserve receive. \" , they also expect the same love sadness. My dad is a towards them which is undoubtedly the living legend and my substantial thing that we can show irrespective mom is a living angel. With their motivation of the condition we are in. They teach us and dedication to make me successful in life, integrity and truthfulness. They teach us to has brought me into a very good position. They distinguish, in our lives, the good from the evil. are the ones who point out my mistakes and They help us pursue our goals, and they make correct them. If I ever get a chance to choose a sure we do not lose hope when we try to face the pair of parents for my entire life then I would hurdles that pop up in our life. The role of our choose my present parents out of a trillion. As a parents in our lives is immeasurable because it piece of advice, never let your parents down could not be done on our fingers. I Should be and it is our duty to keep them happy. Thank deeply thankful and blessed for the special, you and Jai Gurudev. unique, and amazing people that I am lucky to be born to who supported me, uplifted me, and Komal sahoo played a major role in my journey to success. I Class 9C, SSRVM, Bengaluru East did like to conclude with the felicitous slogan-\" Maatru Devo bhava pitru Devo bhava acharya Devo bhava Atithi Devo bhava\" which means Pay Respect to Mother, Father, Guru, and Guest. They are all forms of God. Thank You Niharika Class 8A, SSRVM, Bengaluru East 42

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Students’ Corner ThTeheWaWlal lol fofGrGartaituitduede PARENT I am very excited to share my gratitude to my Powerful, are the words they speak parents. I would like to start my article with a quote from a Sanskrit text, which roughly As would they make a huge impact on our translates to “The first god is your mother, who life gave birth to you.. Then your father who loves you like no other person and then the almighty who Raising us through our life, teaching us gives us the strength to stand in this world…” All parents love their children in their own special many things ways. In ways no children can probably understand. Today everyone calls me Efficient are their methods of teaching, they 'Bookworm'. But this habit of reading books slowly developed over a period of time. stay with us throughout My mother used to tell me stories during every meal, travelling or when I used to be totally bored. Never do they want to do us any harm As my mom loved books, I also started reading Throughout will their spirit stay with us books and slowly, I too adored books. I developed a tremendous love for reading PARENT books. I have an ambition to become a rocket designer for SpaceX. My father used to bring me Sumedha books about space and Legos. The books used to Class 8B, fascinate me about how large our universe is and SSRVM, Bengaluru East the Legos taught me to be patient and building knowledge brick by brick. These are just two small examples but there are many more. Above all, I am thankful to my parents for giving me a life on this planet. Anurag Mukherjee Class 7A, SSRVM, Bengaluru East 43

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Students’ Corner GrTahteitWuadlel otfowGraartditsudpearents “Gratefulness is about being able to notice and affection, our mothers had to go through appreciate the gift of the glass itself, amidst the great pain for us, so that we enter and see this ups and downs. It is about knowing in our beautiful world, we owe them everything we molecules that life is a gift, no matter how empty have. They oblate their whole life for us and we may feel.” KRISTI NELSON hard work continuously for us and we showing our gratitude is the infinitesimal What is gratitude? thing we can do. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; To show our gratitude we don't need to do readiness to show appreciation for and to fancy things, facile things are enough like return kindness. It is derived from the Latin 1. Tell them that we love them-: Simply saying word 'Gratus' which means pleasing or “I love and appreciate you” is the ultimate way thankful. Gratitude is one of many positive to express your appreciation for them. Letting emotions. It's about focusing on what's good your parents know you are grateful for the in our lives and being thankful for the things impact they've had in your life will make their we have. Gratitude is pausing to notice and day. appreciate the things that we often take for 2. Helping them with the household chores-: granted, like having a place to live, food, clean We can do the laundry, iron their clothes or water, friends andfamily. With gratitude, even make them lunch. This will surely help people acknowledge the goodness in their them a great deal and make a big difference. lives. Gratitude helps people feel more 3. Spend time with them together-: No matter positive emotions, relish good experiences, how busy we are, we must spend some time improve their health, deal with adversity, and with them, this would make them feel very build strong relationships. happy and they deserve it, this will also be Why should we show gratitude towards our very beneficial for us as talking to them will parents? also help us mitigate our stress We must show So, I hope you learn why showing gratitude gratitude towards towards our parents is important and who we our parents because can showcase them using facile methods... whatever we are today is because of Punit Raveendran them, they gave us Class 10C, SSRVM, Bengaluru East life and brought us to this planet, taught us a lot of morals and values and made sure we achieve great success in our life, they stand by our side always and shower us with unconditional love and 44

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Students’ Corner Values and community service Activity This was really a very amazing activity to learn about the value gratitude. I really enjoyed a lot by washing utensils and chopping vegetables for my mom. I also now got a very clear view about gratitude. Basically gratitude means that what we have done to someone and what they have done for you. My mom has done a lot for me, so in return I helped her by doing these small chores. This small act done by me has brought a lot of happiness in my mom’s face. I am really very happy that I have helped my mom and brought a smile on her face, I love you a lot mom some other words for gratitude are being thankful, acknowledgment, appreciation, and recognition. Gratitude makes a person thoughtful and altruistic. Even my parents encouraged me to do more activities like these. My mom was really very happy as I helped her with the household works. I would like to conclude here by thanking my teacher for giving me this opportunity to do this interesting activity so that we get a deeper and a better understanding about the value gratitude . Tanisha Murali Class 10C, SSRVM, Bengaluru East 45

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Students’ Corner Senior Citizen Day 8E The Torch of Guidance My parents are my role models. They are a Senior Citizen Day 9B massive part of the person that I am today. My Senior Citizen Day 10A parents have always been an inspiration to me. I'm amazed when I see them manage so many things at the same time, while stealing some time away for me. They have always been there to comfort me when I'm down. When they are disappointed in me they not only point out the mistakes I made but also advices me on what I should do to make a difference. Despite them having a huge influence on me, I have the complete freedom to be my own unique self. They're always making sure that I am comfortable by putting my needs in front of theirs. Yet, they never hide me from everything that I am afraid of. They have taught me to be independent whenever I can. Their motivation is probably why I have done many things I was initially hesitant to do. I feel like they are my best friends, while teaching me values they believe in. I'm very glad that they are stern with me when they think I do something wrong since it helped me become a better person. So, I want to express my intense gratitude for the most loving, fun parents ever. I love them so much and I hope they know that all the time. I am forever grateful for all the support they have given me. Gowri Pradeep Class 9C, SSRVM, Bengaluru East 46

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E August 2021 Students’ Corner Senior Citizens Day Memorable experience with my Grandparents On may 2017, The day before my grandparents there was a damaged stone bridge and both 80th anniversary we all were really excited as we the sides filled with water. It was really fun. It had many plans. Me, my sister and my cousins was 5:00pm, and comes the difficult part, we didn't sleep the whole night due to our sadly had to go back home. We all travelled excitement.. It was the next day we all woke up back to our grandparents house. While at 2:00am we prepared all the things necessary traveling we sang many songs, saw tv, played and got ready in beautiful dresses. My dad antakshari and finally reached home. booked a traveller. It was a long travel we finally After reaching my grandparents house we gave reached the temple at 6:00am. My grandparents the gifts for their anniversary and then the next were also excited too. The Pooja started at day we came back to Bangalore. It was one of 9:00am, they did water pouring, applied the most memorable experience, being turmeric and then my grandparents were asked blessed by elephants and spending whole day to wear their new dresses that we bought as a with my joint family…. gift. After that we all prayed to god, and had our breakfast inside the temple itself. I and my B Sahana cousin sister were going on a tour inside the Class 8D, SSRVM, Bengaluru East temple where we saw a trained elephant. According to Hindus elephants are god and getting a blessing from them is equal to getting a blessing from god. So I and my cousin decided to get a blessing and luckily the elephant blessed us, as I was too young the trunk of the elephant felt really heavy on my head and for the past ten minutes my head was paining but still I was happy to be blessed… After that long temple tour, it was 12pm we had our lunch and enjoyed a little more and spent plenty of time with my grandparents and my family members. After that we all went to a beach which was close by to the temple. After Another one hour travel we finally reached the beach, as soon as we reached there all of us jumped inside the beach. My aunt, and my mom were trying to catch crabs but couldn't. At least we were able to take shells.. the most adventurous part was that, 47

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