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SSRVM_e-Magazine Nov-Dec 2022

Published by itdesign.ssrvmbe, 2023-02-01 05:55:17

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SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Special Educator's Corner PROCRASTINATION PROS AND CONS Procrastination is the act of unnecessarily postponing decisions or actions. For example, if someone delays working on an assignment until right before its last date. Right! We all have done that. Many people have a tendency to look down on those who procrastinate, and for good reasons. It is as if the cons of procrastination undeniably outweigh the pros. Procrastination is not at all bad. The fact that modern society assumes action equals progress while procrastination leads to stagnation is not always valid. While procrastination usually leads to things not getting done, there are also times when it can be beneficial. Let me explain… How many times have you thought to yourself that you would have made a better decision with a bit more deliberation? Delaying gives you time to develop your thoughts and is especially critical when making important decisions. Even a few hours of putting something off can let your subconscious mind work on the issue(s) in the background as you attend to other tasks. You may just come up with other important insights that will alter the trajectory of your decision. Procrastinating can also give you the time required to seek out others’ opinions before you take that next step. This is important because it gives you the chance to consider different viewpoints, including those that contradict yours. It enhances creativity, one may also feel less time bound some time due to procrastination. 48

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Special Educator's Corner But beware it can also turn into a Permanent Problem specially for people who simply wait for things to come to them. Fears, uncertainties, and overthinking can make procrastinating seem like a better choice than action. But this is not the path to take if you want to live a meaningful life. You should instead think big but start off with small steps and keep it steady, as always said, ‘Slow and steady wins the race.’ Hence consistent practice makes permanent, so the more you practice, the easier things will become. Putting things off until the last minute can create unnecessary anxiety and even confusion. It also makes it difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish your task(s) should anything unexpected happens. Therefore, one should understand that same solution does not fit all the problems and so we need to be wise in deciding when to procrastinate and when to act immediately. Anything used wisely will always do wonders. This reminds me of the quote by DAWSON TROTMAN “The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started.” Ms. Archana Satish Special Educator SSRVMBE 49

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Health & Wellness Corner UPHOLDING ETHICS & INTEGRITY As a student, academic integrity and ethics means making ethical decisions, asking questions, and following instructions - even when faced with difficult situations. All students and staff of SSRVM Bangalore East follow the six core values of integrity: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage. Academic integrity and ethics mean acting in a way that is honest, fair, respectful and responsible in your studies and academic work. It means applying these values in your work, and also when you engage with the work and contributions of others. These values are expected of both staff and students. At SSRVM, Bangalore East we help students understand what good academic practice looks like in your discipline field and more generally. We help them learn about personal and professional integrity and standards and give them opportunities to learn when they might make mistakes. Students demonstrate honesty by following their instructor’s guidelines and expectations for assignments and tests, submitting original work and completing individual assessments independently. Students demonstrate trust by being dependable and reliable in their work, commitments and actions and by following their teachers’ directions and completing work by the set deadline. Students show respect by consistently and accurately citing the work of others in their assignments and keeping academic materials and instructor’s intellectual property private (e.g., class slides, assignments, tests, etc.), and not sharing these without the teacher’s permission. Students demonstrate fairness by treating others equally without self-interest or prejudice and following the school’s rules and not trying to gain unfair advantages in assessments, mid-terms or tests (e.g., copying someone else’s answers, using their phone to look up information during an exam etc.) 50

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Health & Wellness Corner Students demonstrate responsibility by completing their individual and group work to the best of their abilities and being accountable to themselves, their teachers, their classmates and the school, also by seeking help if they are struggling or are not sure of expectations. Students demonstrate courage by being brave and standing up for what is right, even in challenging situations. We at SSRVM, Bangalore East uphold ethics as one the core values for each and every student. Ethics are well-established levels that make the measures right and wrong. It is classified as unique values such as integrity and discipline, honesty amid others and applies them in daily routines. Ethics and integrity are valuable and impact the behaviour, moreover, permit a student to make the right options. Ms. Neetu Jayan Health & Wellness officer SSRVMBE 51

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner STEPHEN HAWKING Stephen William Hawking was an English Physicist, Cosmologist, and an author. He was the Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at University of Cambridge. He was born on 8th January 1942 at Oxford, UK. At the age of 21, when he was doing his PhD, he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease. After that he used to communicate with the help of some software. This software was updated frequently to help him with gradual loss of control over his muscles. He survived 55 years with this incurable condition. His main discoveries are • Cosmology • Law of black holes • Hawkin’s radiation etc... He was awarded with • Albert Einstein award • Copley medal • Franklin medal etc.… We lost him on 14th March 2018. We can learn from his life that we should consider our strengths more than weaknesses. If we have intelligence along with attitude, no disabilities can defeat us. Sarang D Rajesh (4G) Student SSRVM BE 52

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner GREEDINESS Once upon a time there was a trader. He travelled from one village to another village on foot for some work. One day he became very tired, so he ate under a tree and was taking rest. He was very thirsty, so he thought of water and immediately he saw a glass of water in front of him. He was shocked . After a while, he felt hungry, so he thought of food. In a minute, he saw a plate of his favourite food in front of him. He was elated and he relished the food . Then he got to know that whatever he wishes for will be granted . Then, his greediness made him to ask for more gold coins. As he wished, he got gold coins too. He was very happy. Then he thought in his mind ,\"What if thieves come and steal the gold coins\". His last thinking was also fulfilled but now the thieves came and killed the trader and stole the gold coins . The moral of the story is that the things which is free of cost is harmful for everyone. Nishtha R Kankotiya (5D) Student SSRVM BE 53

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner HUMANIMAL PALS Once upon a time there was a girl called Iris. She loved animals. All she wanted was to have a pet of her own. One day, her parents planned a trip to Himalaya during vacation. Well, she had a lot of fun over there. While she was walking on the glittering white snow as the chilling breeze passed by, Suddenly, she heard an animal panting. She was scared but she wanted to know the situation. Iris confidently went towards the direction of sound. When she reached the spot, she was heart-broken. She saw a wolf had died, there was a puppy standing next to the wolf which made Iris even more emotional, puppy was wolf’s baby ! Iris went to the pup and tried to hold it. She heard someone hither & thither next to her. She saw two men ready to make another kill at the pup. Iris wanted to save poor pup but the killers had already aimed to shoot. A miracle happened! Killers ran out of bullets. Iris started to throw rocks on shooters. Meanwhile, Iris’ parents reached searching for her and shooters ran away in fear. Her father immediately called animal-rescue team; they tried to revive her but in vain. Pup was not ready to accept the death of her mother and didn’t want to leave her. It was crying constantly; it opened its eyes full of tears and looked at Iris. Pup saw love in the eyes of Iris and realized that not all humans are bad. Pup saw her and she came to the pup, hugged her. Pup felt safe . Iris took care of pup; Iris named it “Lunna”; she was beautiful just like Moon. Both of them spent good time together, playing-together. They thought they will live together forever. Unfortunately, they had to be separated for their own good. The rescue people took Lunna to the zoo, this was really difficult for both of them. They surely didn’t want to stay away from each other, but what they could do than to accept the fate. Iris thought she needs to do something to stay in touch. 54

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner Lunna didn’t eat, sleep or play and kept thinking about Iris. The zookeepers tried everything, but nothing worked. Iris was feeling the same way as Lunna , as she was missing her best friend. A few days later Iris’ father was posted in the same town and Iris came to meet Lunna. Iris and Lunna both were super happy to see each other. Lunna did everything that Iris told her. She ate a whole feast, she played with Lunna. Even Lunna had a lot of fun with Iris. From that day onwards both were called Human-Animal Pals. Iris stayed in the town and everyday brought treats for Lunna. This jolly time didn’t last much, and Iris’ father transferred to another part of the country. They could not meet that often or maybe not at all. They both never met each other after that still they both remember each other in their hearts. Time passed by, Iris grown 18 years old, she went in a jungle camping in the rain forest. She was walking by greenery landscapes. She suddenly noticed that something had an eye on her. She started to walk quickly till she reach the end of the cliff and it was still following her. She gathered courage and looked back, it was a lion ! She was extremely scared and thought it is the end. When the lion was ready to make a kill, out-of-nowhere Lunna pounced on the lion fearlessly. Lunna fought like a soldier. Lunna defeated the lion, and he ran away like a coward. Iris learned that Lunna is an Alpha and had found her place. They ran to each other and hugged. Lunna remembered that Iris saved her from shooters years ago. So, she had to save Iris at any cost and she did it with bravery and courage. They lived happily ever after. Chestha Tankaria (5G) Student SSRVM BE 55

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner THE SEED OF TRUTH Long ago, the country of Gandhara was ruled by the King Vidhyahara. The King did not have any children who could take over the reins of the Kingdom after him. He was an avid gardener, spent a lot of time tending his garden, planting the finest flowers, fruits, and vegetables. One day, after he finished working in the garden, he proclaimed, “I will distribute some seeds to all the children in the Kingdom. The one who grows the biggest, healthiest plant within 3 months will became the prince or the princess.” The next day there was a long line of anxious parents and children outside the palace to get a seed and grow the best plant. Pingala, a poor farmer’s son was among these children. Like the King, he too was fond of gardening and grew a beautiful plant in the backyard. He took a seed from the King and planted it in a pot with great care. Some weeks passed and he plied it with water and manure, but the plant did not appear. Pingala tried changing the soil and transferred the seed to another pot but even by the end of three months, nothing appeared. At last, the day came when all the children had to go to the King to show the plant they had grown. They started walking to the palace holding beautiful plants in their hands. Pingala’s father had watched his son working hard with the seed and felt sorry for him. Why don’t you go to the King with the empty pot?’ he suggested. ‘At least he will know you tried your best.’ So Pingala joined the others outside the palace, holding his empty pot in his hands. Soon the King arrived and began his inspection. The pots held flowers of different shades, beautiful and healthy, but the King did not look happy. 56

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner At the end of the line stood Pingala and when the King reached him, he stopped in surprise. “Child, why have you come with an empty pot? Could you not grow anything?” Pingala looked down and said, ‘Forgive me, Your Highness. I tried my best, I gave it the best soil and manure I had, but the plant would not grow.’ Now the King’s face broke into a smile. He enveloped Pingala in his arms and announced, ‘Here is the crown prince! I had given everyone roasted seeds, which would never grow, just to see which child was the most honest one and would admit he or she had not been able to grow anything. Only this boy told the truth. I am sure he will rule this Kingdom one day with truth and honesty.’ Indeed, that happened. When the King grew old and died, Pingala, who had learnt everything from him, came to the throne and ruled Gandhara justly for many years. Saipranavi (4G) Student SSRVM BE 57

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner THE TALKING NATURE The roads of Machi city was flooded with cars and smoke. In the middle of blaring horns, an old man was wondering whether to hold on to his walking stick or to close his ears while crossing the road. Sakshi was watching all this through the windows of her apartment. Slowly she raised her eyes to the hot scorching sun and thought to herself “It is impossible to live here now. There is noise and pollution all around. The beautiful birds who used to visit me in the evenings are all gone. People are falling ill very often and getting clean water for drinking has become difficult now”. She thought for a while and then made up her mind “Ok enough! I’m leaving this place. I cannot live in this environment any more….. Where do I go? Yes, I remember my friend talking about this beautiful village little far named Mura. Let me move to there”. Sakshi took out her car and started the journey to Mura. After few hours of driving slowly ,she started noticing that the crowd has gone down and the places start looking greener… few more kilometers and she could feel her lungs enjoying the fresh air. The signboard read “Welcome to Mura. The nature here talks to you”. The search for ideal location for her house ended up near a green ground next to a line of big trees. 58

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner Sakshi thought “This is the right place for my home. Let me get the branches of that big teak tree to build my home. She took out her polished, pointed axe. She was about to cut the tree but suddenly a voice stopped her. Sakshi turned around and was surprised to see a cute, beautiful squirrel talking to her. “Oh dear lady, why are you cutting my sweet home.\" Sakshi replied, “Oh Squirrel, I need this tree to build my new home.” Squirrel: Why do you need a new home? I have seen you in an apartment in Machi city. Why don’t you stay there? Sakshi: Don’t ask me. It’s very hot there. Squirrel: But why… why is it hot? Sakshi: We don’t get any rain there now. Squirrel: What do you think is the reason for no rain in Machi? Sakshi: Oh ! that is because there are no trees. Squirrel: So, you want to make our Mura village also become a place like Machi? Sakshi thought for a while and said “Oh Squirrel! Forgive me. I will never cut a single tree from now on in my life. You have made me realize my mistake. Thanks to you for that. I know what to do. I’m going back to my Machi city. Sakshi started her drive back. On the way, she went to a plant nursery and bought lots and lots of plants. She started planting trees all around Machi city. Slowly the greenery returned. People around the city started joining her in planting more trees. She was respected by everyone and was called the “The Tree planter”. The air and water of Machi became clean and then one day Sakshi saw the old chirping birds at her window and next to them was our beautiful squirrel. This time , the squirrel didn’t speak but just smiled. Today Machi is a beautiful city. All thanks to Sakshi and the talking Nature. Anagha E T (5A) Student SSRVM BE 59

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner AN ARTICLE ABOUT \"TECHNOLOGY\" Technology today has made life easier and better. As we look at the technologies, what is modern technology? Modern technology is machinery that makes life easier. For example, microwave ovens cook food easily without using any stoves and making a big mess. And dishwashers put all dirty dishes into the dishwasher and it washes them automatically. Modern technology makes things very easy to use and save time comparing it in old fashion way. Often a country’s level of modernization is measured by the ease with which people can communicate with each other. But modern technology also created problems. Technology also creates financial problems in families because most technologies are very expensive to buy like the computers, televisions, refrigerators, DVD system, and home theatre systems. People who cannot afford to buy this kind of technology live a stressful life. But there are more advantages in technologies than disadvantages. How is technology an advantage? Today technology is very important in society because it makes life easier to live on and less time consuming. Today technology has grown very much, making life easier. Sarang D Rajesh (4G) Student SSRVM BE 60

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner FIFA WORLD CUP 2022 The 2022 FIFA World Cup was the 22nd edition of the FIFA World Cup, an international football tournament contested by the men's national teams of FIFA's member associations. It took place in Qatar from 20 November to 18 December 2022, making it the first World Cup held in the Arab world and Muslim world, and the second held entirely in Asia after the 2002 tournament in South Korea and Japan. It is currently the most expensive World Cup ever held and it is hosted in Qatar My Favorite Soccer Player is Cristiano Ronaldo: Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the best soccer players in the world. He plays for Portugal and is one of the most inspirational player as he has a great personality and is a very polite person even while playing the game. He helps people and has donated a lot of money to charity. Athish Kiran Reddy (6B) Student SSRVM BE 61

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner TOP MOMENTS OF FIFA Yash ~ The WOW MOMENT of the FIFA world cup was definitely KylianMbappé’s outstanding performance. Mbappe gave his team a lifeline, putting away a penalty with nine minutes to go, but he was not finished. He followed it up with a sumptuous volley, bringing the score level and taking the match into extra time. It was his seventh goal of the tournament. Mbappe became the second player to score a hatrick in a World Cup final. The last time it was done was in 1966 by England’s Geoff Hurst. Even though I, at heart, am an Argentina fan, Mbappe’s performance was by far one of the best moments I have ever seen and the one I won’t forget. Yash (8B) Student SSRVM BE 62

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner TOP MOMENTS OF FIFA Tushaar ~ My favourite movement in the FIFA world cup 2022 was Messi winning his final world cup. The match was very intense for Messi and held lots of importance as it was his last. France was also a tough opponent with Mbappe as their headliner. Personally, the penalty shoot-out was the best part for me. It kept me on the edge of my seat as the match could go either way. Messi got the golden ball award, even his teammates got awards like golden glove to Emiliano Martinez and young player award to Enzo Fernandez. Tushaar (8B) Student SSRVM BE 63

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner THE MOST WOW MOMENTS OF FIFA WORLD CUP 2022 The 2022 FIFA World Cup was filled with lots of interesting moments, from major upsets and headless headers to the great example Japanese fans set for everyone. Like all other previous editions, the 2022 FIFA World Cup had shocks and surprises galore. Some of the most wow and memorable moments from the FIFA World Cup 2022 were : UNDERDOGS SHINING The world cup has shown why so many are drawn to the stage. This global sport is also an excellent leveller. It rates performance not reputation. It is where classics and underdogs, champions and dark horses all meet. Less favoured teams have embraced these virtues to ignite the stage. An early marker that we were in for a rollercoaster of a tournament was laid by Saudi Arabia, when they defeated Lionel Messi’s Argentina 2-1 in their opening group stage contest. A day later, Japan brought Germany to a shuddering halt with another 2-1 win. Top-ranked Brazil was stunned 1-0 by Cameroon, Tunisia shocked defending champions France 1-0 and Morocco, ranked 22nd in the world, defeated second-ranked Belgium 2-0. Japan defeated Spain 2-1 to top Group E. In an incredibly stacked Group H, South Korea scored in the first minute of stoppage time to beat Portugal 2-1 and sneak into the knockouts. FEISTY PENALTY SHOOTOUTS This world cup had five matches whose winner had to be decided through the stress-inducing penalty shootouts, including the nail biting finals where France and Argentina both showed immense prowess. The two ‘round of 16’ matches of Japan vs Croatia and Morocco vs Spain resulted in Croatia beating Japan and Morocco thrashing the 2010 world champions, Spain. 64

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner The next two matches which resulted in penalties were the quarterfinal Argentina vs Netherlands and Croatia vs Brazil. In a huge upset Croatia beat the world number 1 team, Brazil, to get a place in the semi - finals and Croatia yet again showed their opponent to never mess with them in penalties. Argentina vs Netherlands was the only match other than the finals itself which came until a near death stage when it looked as if both the teams would do equally well in the penalties. UNBELIEVABLE GOALS Abdelhamid Sabiri in Morocco vs Belgium Morocco midfielder Abdelhamid Sabiri scored the first goal from a direct free-kick at the 2022 World Cup as his team beat Belgium 2-0 Richarlison in Brazil vs Serbia Brazil forward Richarlison had a moment of individual brilliance in a 2-0 victory over Serbia. In the 73rd minute, Vinicius Jr. fed the ball to Richarlison in the middle of Serbia's box. Richarlison controlled the pass by knocking the ball into the air with his left foot. He then turned his back to the goal before firing a scissor kick into the back of the net. Simply Stunning. Kylian Mbappe in Argentina vs France Kylian Mbappe became the first person since Geoff Hurst to score a hattrick in a World cup Final. Mbappe turned the game around for France when he made the first goal on a penalty and just 97 seconds later made the second goal equalising their score with Argentina. Later on in the game, During extra time, when the score was Argentina 3 to France 2, he yet again made his spectacular penalty equalising the score. 65

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner And last but not the least, the FIFA World Cup 2022 Finals will not be forgotten anytime soon and will go down in history as one of the most interesting matches ever played. It seemed to be in Argentina’s Favour until the 80th minute where Kylian Mbappe single handedly saved France and gave them a morale boost. Till the end of the penalty shootouts, the results were undecided and it could be anyone's game. But Argentina under the captainship of Lionel Messi bagged the title of World Champions and took home the trophy 36 years after Argentina lifted it under the captaincy of Football legend Diego Maradona. Needless to say Messi deserved the cup and his legacy is like no other. Gowri Ranjit (9A) Student SSRVM BE 66

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner TOP 3 MOMENTS IN FIFA WORLD CUP 2022 1.Messi fulfils his dream as he lifts the cup for Argentina!!!! With a thriller of a final with many twists and turns ending on a penalty shootout ,everyone was tense during the whole game. But the world’s dream came true as Argentina won the WORLDCUP on penalties . Messi’s trophy cabinet finally filled up as he won the only one that was missing the World Cup Trophy. Argentina won their third World Cup trophy, 36 years after winning their last. Argentina extended their record for the most penalty shootout victories in FIFA World Cup tournaments by a team (6).Messi then became the first person to assist at five different World Cups. His assist to Enzo Fernández sealed a much-needed 2-0 victory for Argentina against Mexico as they sought to bounce back from their shock defeat to Saudi Arabia 67

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner 2.Mbappe screams France back into finals:- Firstly, with ten minutes left, Mbappés ball over the top to Randal Kolo Muani lead to a penalty to France, which Mbappé slotted away with precision to within one. Then almost immediately from the kick- off, France won the ball back, worked it to Mbappé in the Argentine box, and from a tight angle, Mbappé volleyed the ball past Martinez in the Argentine net to drag France back into the final! From dead and buried to level in ninety seconds. Mbappé was then required to bail France out again in extra time. Trailing 3-2, France won another penalty with just four minutes left and from the spot, Mbappé became the first man in fifty-six years to score a World Cup final hattrick since Geoff Hurst in 1966 and with four World Cup final goals already, he is the top World Cup final scorer history. France might not have won, but Mbappé’s performance was the stuff of legend. 68

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner 3. Morocco reaches WC Semi-Finals:- Ninety-two years after the first-ever World Cup, an African team was still to win a World Cup quarter-final. If that was going to change this year, many assumed it would be Senegal, but instead it was the Atlas Lions of Morocco that smashed the glass ceiling. Morocco made shockingly easy work of their group, taking seven points out of nine before going on to face Spain. Morocco didn’t give the Spanish any chance, before going on to win the game on penalties setting up a last-eight showdown with Portugal. Just before halftime, Youssef En-Nesyri gave Morocco the lead, sparking deafening celebrations amongst the Moroccan supporters in the stadium and proving to be the difference on the day. Morocco played admirably in the semi-final but ultimately ran out of steam against France. Regardless it was a historic run, one that no one will ever forget. Harinandan S Verma (8A) Student SSRVM BE 69

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner TIM AND JOHN'S ADVENTURE “Dad, can I ride my cycle?” asked Tim, “Sure” Dad replied. Tim scampered out of the door and leapt on to his cycle and rode to Old Boulevard. The first house on the left lead to John’s home, he rang the bell three times and he heard a doggy voice , “WOOF!”. The door opened and a boy came, “Seriously? Now?” said John, who was also trying to calm the hectic dog, Tucker. Tim snickered and replied, “Yes, and bring Tucker with you”. “I will get my cycle and will you get the leash, Truce?”, asked John, “Truce” Tim replied. Tim ran over to John’s bedroom and rummaged through his cupboard where he found the leash. As he was leaving, he noticed something in the room. It was a note, as he was about to take the note, John called, “Tim! Come!”. Tim expeditiously took the note and ran down the stairs where Tucker greeted him with a lick. They both hopped on their cycles, with Tucker scurrying along with them and Tim explained about the note, “…….and then I came back to you when you called me”. John said, “Let’s check it out. I think it belongs to me, The Great John Till”. They both found a tree to sit under. Tim began reading: To John Meenan, I don’t have much to say but listen to this: Highland Street, December 25th, you know the other details. Come to Fred ’s Place if you want to know more. -The White Lion “John, I think that the mailman got confused and gave it to you”, replied Tim. After one full minute of silence, Tim said, “let’s find this Fred’s place, I know a person who is a very old resident and knows all these places”. 70

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner John followed Tim on his cycle and finally they reached an old house. Tim rang the bell only once and the door opened. An old man with a cane came, “What do you want?” asked the man, “Sir I want to know where exactly Fred’s place is” replied Tim. “Fine, go to Elizabeth Lane, last house on the right” and he slammed the door on them. Tim said, “Let’s find out tomorrow” They both hopped on their cycle and rode to their homes. The next morning, they both along with Tucker rode to Elizabeth Lane there they went to the last house on the left, they both heard a conversation where a man’s voice said, “Listen Johnathan, there is a warehouse on Highland Street, you will find a van full of gold, what I want you to do is threaten the driver so that he drives to an isolated location where we can smuggle the gold. All right?” then the other voice responded, “Sure”. Tim and John then rode back to Tim’s home and told his parents everything, “so that’s why you didn’t even eat your dinner last night” his mum exclaimed. Then his dad said, “Are you serious about this because if you are wrong, we might even leave this state”. “Yes, dad I am serious.” Tim replied. Then without a word , his dad rang up the police inspector. After the inspector came ,Tim and John began explaining what happened and the inspector noted the points and thanked them for informing him and he said , \"The White Lion is a gang of dangerous men, but tomorrow instead of gold inside the van, there will be 4 armed policemen”. The next day, Tim and John rode to Highland Street and saw two cuffed men being pushed into police vans. “Best adventure ever.” said Tim. Don’t you agree too? Vibhav Dhathrika (5I) Student SSRVM BE 71

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner भारत देश हमारा भारत हे रंग रंग के रंग हज़ारो देश हे मरे ा सबसे प्यारा कहते हे सब इसे निराला अम्मा ज़रा देख तो ऊपर चले आ रहे हे बादल बोले भारत माता की जय स्वाततं ्राता हो ध्यये हमारा झंडा Student Kanishka S Nair (6B) Student SSRVM BE 72

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner माता ग्रह सआ ले ीे ििदी में मछललयााँ ख़ुशी से तैर रही हैं. िदी मंे मछललयााँ ख़ुशी से तरै रही हंै. हवा के झोंके से रंग-बबरंगे फू ल डोल रहे हंै, नततली और भवरो की चंचलता मि मोह रही हैं उदास हूँा सोचके की यह सुन्दरता गायब हो जाएगी. हरी-हरी घास पड़े -पौधे एकददि मर जाएगी. माता ग्रह की सुन्दरता को निहारिे की िहीं लमलगे ी, उिकी खुबसूरती को देखिे के ललए आखँा ंे तरस जाएगी. आओ सब लमलकर प्रकृ नत को साँवारे, माता ग्रह का हम सब जजंदगी भर रक्षा करे. Student Siddhiksha (7D) Student SSRVM BE 73

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner HELPERS You help us, So you are Helpers. Some are cool, Because they help the school. And some are bold, Because they clean the road. Thank you for all you do, And our class 4B too. East or West, I must say you are all \"the best\". Ps: At last , I should say heart filled thanks to all Helpers for their service. Paartha S Shetty (4B) Student SSRVM BE 74

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner I WISH I wish to climb a mountain, I know the hard work it contains even if there will be none, it's going to be fun I wish to play with snowballs, I wish the snowfalls. Even if there is obstacles, I would make it a miracle. Hrinarayana palasseri(4F) Student SSRVM BE 75

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner MY FIRST SUDOKU COMPETITION It was a party day in school as it was Children’s Day, and all my classmates were having lots of fun with different board games that we got from home. Kamala ma’am came to our class and asked us if we were interested in sudoku jam, comic strips and other competitions held by Harvest school. I nominated myself to the Sudoku competition. Sudoku is the game I always played in my summer vacations at my grandparents’ house. I used to collect all the newspapers that had sudoku puzzles and I tried to solve them. So, when I was selected for the event and told my mom that I was representing the school, she was happy and also asked me if I was confident as I didn’t have any formal training. She helped me by collecting few puzzles and I solved it for practice. Now the day of the event came, and I went to school with a regular uniform while my classmates had on the house colour dress. This was a totally new experience for me, and I started having so much excitement and fun. Kamala ma’am made me eat my breakfast before the prayer and I got ready to go. I went to Sumithra ma’am‘s cabin and with few other kids from different classes. We all set out for our journey to Harvest school where SASYA event was being held. My PP3 ma’am also came with us and we reached the school. The competition started. There were two rounds and puzzles were complicated. I cleared the first round, and in the second round we had to put more than 35 numbers correctly in30 minutes. 76

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner Then we all gathered in the lawn of the school for the results. I managed to get only the participation award, but I got satisfied and got lot of experience for the future. Now the happiest thing happened. Our school won the championship award! It was a very proud moment, and we took turns in lifting the trophy. My first and best experience. On our way back, Sumithra mam treated us with juice and with all happiness , we came back to school and met many teachers. I look forward for much more competitions to represent the school and win laurels. Mayank Bhat (5I) Student SSRVM BE 77

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner SASYA LEARNING EXPERIENCE My name is G. Meenakshi. I participated in an event called SASYA. It was held in the Harvest International school - Attibele. As part of this event many types of competitions like Puppet tales, Riddles, Best out of waste, JAM event, Comic strips and Poo kalam were held. I took part in Puppet tales. My topic was “What if fish can talk?”. It was about water pollution in our city. When I entered the place (where the competition was held), I felt nervous. I saw everyone’s performance. I was the last one to perform. When the judges called out my name, I felt a bit confident. After the competition was over, all the students went to the ground to get their certificates. When they started announcing the results for Puppet tales, I became tensed. Soon I heard the words, ”G. Meenakshi of Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir School, Bangalore East, has bagged the 3rd prize in Puppet tales”. I was awarded a medal and a certificate. Our school also won the overall trophy! I was very happy and I thanked God for the reward. My teachers and my friends appreciated me. Back at home my parents were thrilled to hear this news. I practiced very hard for this event. I learnt that hard work always pays. I also learnt a few tricks about puppet making and talking in different tones. I am thankful to the school and my teachers for this wonderful opportunity. G Meenakshi (3D) Student SSRVM BE 78

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner Learning Experience from Sasya Competition It was a great opportunity to represent my school in Sasya interschool competition. I enjoyed Sasya competition, it was very fun doing it. I prepared a lot and I was also very excited to go there . I also learnt something new, I just did not go there to win or lose. Though I didn’t win ,I was not sad but I was happy as I learnt a lot and got a new experience. Finally, when they announced that S.S.R.V.M Bangalore East won the overall trophy, that time I was even more happy and thrilled. Darsh Shroff(3H) Student SSRVMBE I got an opportunity to participate in SASYA-2022, an inter-school competition that had been conducted at Harvest International School. I was so super excited for the competition . I woke up earlier than usual as this was my first inter-school competition. With hopes of winning, we started our journey towards the school with a team of students and coordinators. The school was located away from the hustle and bustle of the city and was surrounded by lots of greenery. There were many other students from different reputed schools. After the competition, the results were announced and our school got the overall championship even though I didn’t win personally, I was overwhelmed with happiness . When we reached back , our vice principal, coordinators and our lovely teachers welcomed us with joy and happiness. At that moment, I realized that a competition was not about winning or losing but it was all about getting an experience, teamwork and having fun. I wish to bring more accolades to my school in future. Hrehaan .A (4A) Student SSRVMBE 79

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner LEARNING EXPERIENCE FROM SASYA EVENT \"It was my pleasure to participate in the\" Best out of waste competition \", a part of the \" SASYA 2002\" Inter School competition. This participation motivated me to showcase creativity, get experiential learning, boosted up my confidence and enhanced my presentation skills before the large audience. I am humbly thankful to my teachers, management for their kind support , encouragement, and the opportunity given. I am blessed to be a part of SSRVM family. Dhvija Gangavarapu , (2I) Student SSRVMBE 80

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner CAKE DELIGHT -A RECEPIE FOR CAKEAHOLICS! Baking a cake is always fun, even if there is no special occasion. Out of all the cakes, this season of the year calls for making all our favourite plum cake. The plum cake is super delicious, loaded with all kinds of nuts, raisins and dates. There are two steps for making this. Soaking dry fruits: • 100 grams dates (chopped) • 100 grams raisins • 50 grams tutti frutti (green) • 200 grams mixed berry • 100 grams fig (chopped) • 50 grams apricot (chopped) • 200 ml grape juice Firstly, in a glass jar we need to take the listed dry fruits above and soak them in 200 ml grape juice for at least eight hours or until the dried fruits absorb all the juice. We can now proceed to the second step of preparing the plum cake batter. The ingredients required for the cake batter are: •250 grams butter (softened) •300 grams brown sugar •50 grams oil •130 grams curd •300 grams flour 81

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner • 50 grams almond powder • ¼ tsp baking soda • 1 tsp baking powder • ¼ tsp salt • ¼ tsp clove powder • ¼ tsp cinnamon powder • 2 tbsp pistachios (chopped) • 2 tbsp cherry (chopped) • 2 tbsp cashew (chopped) Firstly, in a large bowl we take butter and brown sugar and beat them well until they turn creamy. Now, to this cream we can add 50 grams oil and 130 grams curd. We need to continue to beat until the mixture turns creamy like frosting. Further, we add the flour, almond powder, baking soda, baking powder, salt, clove powder and cinnamon powder and mix them together. We can now add soaked dried fruits to our batter. We can also add 2 tbsp pistachios, cherry and cashew to give our cake a crunch. We need to now mix gently, making sure the dried fruits are well combined. The cake batter is now ready to be transferred to a cake tin. We need to make sure to line a butter paper at the bottom of our cake tin to prevent from sticking. The cake now needs to be placed into the preheated oven and baked at 160 degree for 1.5 hours. We can insert a toothpick to check if the cake has baked completely. The cake can be cooled and then unmoulded. Now our plum cake is ready to be served. Enjoying preparing and tasting the plum cake with friends and family makes it even more special in this season! Akshita V (8E) Student SSRVM BE 82

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Students' Corner EGGLESS VANILLA CAKE RECIPE Ingredients: Butter ¾ cup (100 gm.) Sunflower oil (50ml) Sugar 1 ½ cup (715 gm.) Milk 2 cups (510 ml) Vanilla essence half tsp. Maida 3 cups Baking powder ¾ spoon Baking soda ¼ spoon Procedure: In a mixing bowl, take butter (at room temperature) and powdered sugar and beat it for 5 minutes till it turns creamy, smooth and silky. Then add 2cups milk and ½ spoon vanilla essence and beat it till it is combined well. Take in a sieve 3 cups Maida, 3/4th spoon baking powder and ¼ spoon baking soda and sieve it. Add this powder to the above mixing bowl and mix well in cut and fold method to make a smooth batter. Transfer this batter to a greased cake tin and bake in the preheated oven at 180 degrees for 35 minutes. The cake is ready! Sarang D Rajesh (4G) Student SSRVM BE 83

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Parents' Corner Wall Of Gratitude “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance”- Eckhart Tolle Although these are only a few words that define gratitude, it encloses a deeper and unfathomable meaning. There is a distinction to be made between thinking about someone and recalling them at the last moment. This is when I realized that I've had practically everything handed to me just as readily, yet I've never bothered to acknowledge such deeds. My parents, friends, teachers and home with essentials. I assure you that these are more than plenty to live the finest life possible. However, most individuals around me crave luxuries to demonstrate their better status or to impress their peers. But life is more than simply taking; it is also about giving back. I am grateful for this opportunity to thank everyone in my life who has profoundly shaped me into who I am today. This made me realize that saying thanks is neither going to complete anything nor owing them something, what makes the difference is when you return the kindness to the people who need it at present. Gratitude is not a term that can be materialized in the form of money or gifts; it is an emotion that arises from the depths of your heart and allows you to be proud of yourself for all the good things you have done or that others have done in your life. It's sheer luck that we have individuals around us who believe in what we do. What we do is irrelevant; how we carry it out does, and this is one of the most essential things I've learned about appreciation in my life. My family, friends, and classmates have all had a significant impact on me, but how I intend to return it to them is what propels me to move forward and clear the hazy path ahead. Parent of Niharika (9A) 84

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Parents' Corner Wall of Gratitude “Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.” -Aesop Gratitude is something we have been taught since a very young age, and it’s a life lesson that must never be forgotten. It is something we express when we want to thank someone or show our respect to them. In life, I have met many people to whom I want to show my sincere gratitude, but I either didn’t know how to express it or I wasn’t open enough to do so. But now that I am older, I know how to express my feelings and would love to show my gratitude to them. My friends are my biggest strength, and I would like to show my gratitude to them. Without them, I would never be who I am, for every moment I spend with them makes me realise that I have such a blessed life with people that accept me for who I am and help me unveil a new chapter in my life. My teachers are the most important people to whom I should show my gratitude. Their support, kindness, dedication, and ability to bear annoying students like me show the hard work they put in. And that all of their work goes unappreciated and hidden since there is no one to recognise the hard work and patience they put into teaching reinforces the need to express my gratitude. And of course, I can never forget my parents because they are the reason I have been able to live my life so freely. My parents are among the least judgmental people I know. Whenever I score poorly on school tests, rather than pressuring me to study, they always ask me why I got bad marks and encourage me to do better next time. They have kept my life so stress-free and joyful that I don’t know how to give them back all that they have given to me. All the people I mentioned here are just a few out of many. Many heroes never got a chance to wear a cape, and to them we must show our gratitude. The doc- tors and the social workers are the actual heroes who go unrecognized. Parent of M.Ananya Reddy(9-B) 85

SSRVM Magazine NOV 2022 Bengaluru East Parents' Feedback Corner WALL OF GRATITUDE My daughter Nidhi has been studying in Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir, Bangalore (East) from last 6 years and it has been a wonderful journey. We are happy with the values it inculcates in the students. These years have been very crucial building blocks of her life and the teaching methodology has brought cultural values in her. The Indian tradition which is practiced at the school has helped in building her personality. She is always excited to participate in her school events. She is given enough opportunities to showcase her talent in front of wider audience. This has made her a confident person. Teachers, coordinators and other staff members are approachable and helpful in resolving our queries. Even during the challenging times of pandemic, we received a lot of support from the school which made it easier to cope. Academically she has improved a lot. We sincerely express our gratitude towards the school for all the support. Jai Gurudev !!! Harish Jaisinghani (Parent of Nidhi Jaisinghani, 7F) 86

SSRVM Magazine Oct 2022 Bengaluru East Special Assembly & Celebration KANNADA RAJYOTSAVA Kannada Rajyotsava was celebrated with great enthusiasm at SSRVMBE. An exhibition was put up to showcase the rich heritage, culture food, folk dances, rituals etc. of Karnataka State. Through such a display, we were able to spread the fragrance of Karnataka’s culture in the young minds. The event generated a sense of pride in the minds of the students, for being part of a culture that is so rich and vibrant. 87

SSRVM Magazine Oct 2022 Bengaluru East Special Assembly & Celebration NATIONAL EDUCATION DAY National Education Day was celebrated in SSRVM BE by spreading awareness about the importance of education. This was done by showing a presentation to students and explaining that 11th November is celebrated every year as National Education Day to commemorate the birth anniversary of India's first Education Minister Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. 88

SSRVM Magazine Oct 2022 Bengaluru East Special Assembly & Celebration KANAKADASA JAYANTHI Kanakadasa Jayanthi, the birth anniversary of philosopher Thimmappa Nayaka ,is celebrated with great pomp and fervor in Karnataka. Children were made aware of this great saint through a presentation. They came to know that he is known for his compositions in the Carnatic style. He used the pen name --‘Kaaginele Adikeshava’ for all his songs. Kanakadasa played a pivotal role in the Bhakti movement as he actively discarded rigid caste based systems in places of worship. 89

SSRVM Magazine Oct 2022 Bengaluru East Special Assembly & Celebration CHILDREN’S DAY Children's Day or Bal Diwas was celebrated with great enthusiasm in SSRVM. The students had a No Bag day whereby they spent the whole day engaged in various entertaining events. They had also written an essay on the significance of Children's Day, had class party, movie time and a wonderful cultural program performed by the teachers. 90

SSRVM Magazine Oct 2022 Bengaluru East Special Assembly & Celebration HELPER'S DAY CELEBRATION Dear Parents, As a mark of gratitude and appreciation towards the helpers for their commitment, diligence and the selfless service rendered in the Institution, HELPERS DAY was celebrated with great vigour on Friday, 24th December 2021. The celebration began with a plethora of cultural programmes. The stage felt alive by the performances of the students who had put up an entertaining show with meaningful skit and dances full of enthusiasm. We expressed our appreciation and gratitude by felicitating 173 helpers ( bus drivers, bus-maids, aunties, gardeners, security staff etc.) with gifts as a token of appreciation. It was truly a day when the helpers were made to feel special and honoured for the services rendered by them. The Management and staff of SSRVM BE express our heartfelt thanks to all the parents for joining hands with us by contributing generously towards this noble cause of bringing a broad smile on their faces and making them feel important and cared for. 91

SSRVM Magazine Oct 2022 Bengaluru East Special Assembly & Celebration 3D EUCATIONAL MOVIE Today, 21st December, the shortest day of the year witnessed the longest smiles ever. Primary students of SSRVM BE arrived at school enthusiastically and in full josh to watch the 3D Educational Movie Show which was organized in our school auditorium. It was such an overwhelming and mesmerizing sight to see the joy on their faces. 92

SSRVM Magazine Oct 2022 Bengaluru East Special Assembly & Celebration NATIONAL MATHEMATICS DAY “Mathematics gives us hope that every problem has a solution.” Every year, December 22 is celebrated as National Mathematics Day in India in honour of mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). The celebrations were announced by the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at Madras University in 2012. At SSRVM BE, Mathematics day was celebrated with a lot of zest and enthusiasm. Children were exposed to few mathematical tricks, puzzles as well as a quiz was conducted to sharpen the numeracy skills of students.. 93

SSRVM Magazine Oct 2022 Bengaluru East Special Assembly & Celebration KISAN DIWAS “Farming looks mighty easy when your plough is a pencil and you're a thousand miles from the corn field.” Tžhey, who go through the struggle, know the best about the efforts put behind farming. žNational Farmers’ Day, or Kisan Diwas, is celebrated across the country on December 23 to honour India’s farmers and mark the birth anniversary of the nation’s fifth prime minister, Choudhary Charan Singh. In 2001, the government decided to recognise Choudhary Charan Singh’s contribution to the agriculture sector and welfare of farmers by celebrating his birth anniversary as Kisan Diwas. Tžhis day is celebrated mainly for urban people to realize that farmers are as much a contributor to the Indian economy as they are. Students were oriented about Choudhary Charan singh and his contribution for the development of agricultural sector and farmers in India. 94

SSRVM Magazine Oct 2022 Bengaluru East Special Assembly & Celebration VIJAY DIWAS Vijay Diwas is celebrated on December 16 every year to honour the victory of Indian armed forces over Pakistan in the 1971 war. On the day, India pays homage to all the soldiers who defended the nation. On December 16, 1971, India had won the war against Pakistan after fighting for 13 days. The chief of the Pakistani forces, General Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi surrendered to the joint forces of Indian Army and Bangladesh's Mukti Bahini, along with 93,000 Pakistani troops. It was also the biggest-ever military surrender after World War II. Children realized the power of our armed forces and saluted them as a mark of their tribute. 95

SSRVM Magazine Oct 2022 Bengaluru East Special Assembly & Celebration SRI SRI RAVISHANKAR VIDYA MANDIR BANGALORE EAST CBSE CLUSTER VIII TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT & SOUTH ZONE II YOGA TOURNAMENT 2022-23 We, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Vidya Mandir Bangalore East ,had the proud privilege to host the CBSE CLUSTER VIII TABLE TENNIS & SOUTH ZONE II YOGA TOURNAMENT for the academic year 2022-23 at our campus. Over 269 schools registered for the Yoga Tournament and 106 schools for the Table Tennis Tournament. Over 2000 students registered in the Cbse portal for the events. Both the events were held simultaneously at various places in the campus. Under the able leadership of the Founder Principal & Campus Director of SSRVM Bangalore East, Dr. Reshma Ganesh, the event was well organized and completed successfully within a span of two days. Food and accommodation was arranged for the schools coming from distant places. The entire team of SSRVMBE plunged into action with a broad smile on their faces and managed the event flawlessly. The inaugural ceremony for both the events was held at Sri Sri Ranga Mandira Auditorium in SSRVM BE campus on 27th November, 2022. Shri. Gangadharappa Chairman Karnataka State Amateur Yoga Sports Association was the Chief Guest for the ceremony. Shri Lokesh Rao, CBSE Observer for Table Tennis Tournament was also one of the dignitaries in the function. 96

SSRVM Magazine Oct 2022 Bengaluru East Special Assembly & Celebration The inaugural ceremony was a gala affair. The Divine’s grace was invoked by lighting the lamp by the dignitaries to bring in positivity. Lighting of Lamp: The students of SSRVM BE stunned the audience with their unique band display which was followed by the hoisting of the CBSE Flag. Band Display & CBSE Flag Hoisting: 97

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