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SSRVM eMagazine June 2021

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Vishalakshi JUN 2021 Volume:01 Issue: 01 SSRVM Bangalore East EMagazine June 2021

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 “Jai Guru Dev” “Jai Guru Dev means victory to the greatness in you, victory to the Big Mind in you that is both dignified and playful”. Jai Means ‘victory’. Guru means ‘great’. Deva means ‘the Divine who is fun-loving, playful and light’. Jai Guru Dev means victory to the greatness in you; victory to the Big Mind in you that is both dignified and playful. Usually one who is playful is not dignified, and one who is dignified is not playful. But the Divine in you-the Big Mind-is both dignified and playful. Jai Guru Dev need not be thought of as victory to the master. Rather, it is victory to your own self; to your own Big Mind over the wailing small mind. Whatever is not the purpose of life will keep coming up; keep discarding it and it will clear your path. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar

SSRVM 1 2 Bangalore East 3 5 CONTENT 7 9 Principal's Message 11 Curriculum Design as per NEP 2020 13 Experiential Interactive & Joyful Learning 15 Language Development Skills 17 Numeracy Development Skills 19 Cognitive Development Skills 21 Physical & Motor Development Skills 24 Health & Nutrition 26 Arts & Cultural Development Integrated and Cross Curriculum 30 Cooperative & Collaborative Learning 34 Social & Emotional Development Skills 360 Degree Assessment 35 Special Assembly & Celebrations 41 Students’ Corner 45 46 ¤Art & Craft activities 49 ¤My Learning Experience Teachers’ Corner ¤Views & Experiences ¤Reflections ¤Capacity Building Programmes attended by teachers Parents’ Corner Proud Moment

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Principal’s Message Walking through the well crafted long corridors, every breath inhaling the freshly released oxygen from the lustrous greenery in the courtyard, eyes capturing the beauty of the blooms, the lovely fragrance making a soothing impact and bringing about a pleasantness in the mind. Despite having all these luxuries, still the craving for the most precious gift lingers… Each student a precious gem is being terribly missed by me on campus. Every time I glance at the empty classrooms and deserted playground my heart echoes the bubbling sounds of students which is music to every educator's ears. My heart swells with gratitude to the innovation in technology that has enabled the virtual interactions possible and hats off to my team of warriors who have adapted and adopted themselves to this new normal by leaping out of their comfort zone. At each dawn I am presented with a series of applications used by the facilitators who are eternal learners towards making learning a joyful experience for the enthusiastic students. The adjectives in my vocabulary are insufficient to express the immense support received from all stakeholders, especially the parents as a complete mind shift was essential for us to collaboratively progress with the new academic calendar. The compromises done by the students are immeasurable. I am fortunate to witness this generation of children who are enduring all forms of transformations in the world of education without expressing any grievances but upholding their spirit of life, joy and love beyond my expectations. I am truly blessed to be a torch bearer to this wonderful family of SSRVM BE. I express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all as I welcome you to this academic session 2021-2022 !! Dr Reshma Ganesh Founder Principal and Campus Director SSRVM, Bangalore East 1

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Curriculum Design as per NEP 2020 Nep 2020 aims at bringing out the unique capabilities of each student through joyful pedagogy. Education should be holistic, Integrated and multidisciplinary. We aim to develop skills like critical thinking, Life skills, Empathy, courage, respect for others, Service mentality, trigger the technological and scientific temperament, inculcate good values and ethics and develop them to be good citizens through various activities conducted in different subjects during the online session. 2

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Experiential, Interactive and Joyful Learning Experiential Learning is a process of education through experience, followed by reflection on that experience. Interactive learning is part of the larger category of active learning, because it directly involves students in the process of their own learning. Joyful Learning is the mode of learning in which learners are given opportunities to experience emotions of surprise in delightful ways, nurture their curiosity, while interacting with meaningful content through a supportive community of classmates / peer group and teachers. To enable experiential and joyful learning, STEAM activity was done in Maths, Science, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry etc., in the month of June. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Students have done bundling maths activity to understand the concept of tens and ones. PP: Children were taught different topics like my school, my family, my home through hands on activities.. Grade 2 Grade-3 Science activity to understand how the stem transports water from the root to different parts of the plant. In Social Studies, children prepared a brochure to invite extra terrestrial entities to the Earth EVS : Children used the sense of touch and smell to explore different materials. 3

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Experiential, Interactive and Joyful Learning Grade- 4 Grade-5 SOCIAL ACTIVITY- Globe Making In Science students performed an activity of creating a new plant of their ow.. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Craft of Music Group Activity by Grade VI. Students Physics Activity by Grade VIII had created Grade- 9 their own mini terrarium Grade-10 Physics Activity by Grade X Chemistry Activity Filtration sedimentation and decantation using materials available at home 4

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Language Development Skills A language is a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols. Children acquire language skills through interaction, not only with their parents and other adults, but also with other children. Language skills support the ability of the child to communicate, and express and understand feelings. It also supports the child's thinking ability and helps them in developing and maintaining relationships. To enhance the language skills, various activities were performed in English, Hindi and Kannada. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Students got an opportunity to introduce themselves using the self made puppets in front of their classmates in EVS .The children were very confident and creative while speaking. Children learnt different rhymes, phonic sounds, stories, letters, action words, opposites through different activities to enhance their language skills. Grade 2 Grade-3 The concept of Subject and Predicate was reinforced through Subject Predicate writing game. An activity was conducted where in children pronounced a letter, traced it and drew a picture for the same 5

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Language Development Skills Grade- 4 Grade-5 Language Activities in English, Kannada, Hindi Recapitulation of Sanghya was done by performing an activity. The concept of Kinds of sentences was reinforced through Spider Sentence writing Game. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Writing & Reading Activity Languages activities by Grade VII Languages activities by Grade VIII Grade- 9 Grade-10 Kannada, Hindi, Sanskrit Language activities Kannada, Hindi, Sanskrit Language activities 6

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Numeracy Development Skills Numeracy is the ability to recognize and apply mathematical concepts in all areas of life. Numeracy is important for individuals to develop logical thinking and reasoning in their everyday activities. To develop the numeracy skills, STEAM and Art Integrated activities were done in Mathematics during the month of June. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Children performed a fun activity of bundling to reinforce the concept of tens and ones. Learned various shapes, learned numbers 0-10 through flash cards, counting the real objects like fruits and vegetable, tracing the numbers, through live worksheet in the interactive session. Grade 2 Grade-3 Formation of greatest and smallest number were reinforced through an art integration activity. The concept of hundreds, tens and ones was demonstrated with the help of a fun activity using coloured pulses and paper cups 7

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Numeracy Development Skills Grade- 4 Grade-5 To understand the application of Large Number, an activity was done using Arogya Setu app. The concept of predecessor and successor, odd and even numbers were reinforced through an art integration activity Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Student had to find total distance Various activities were done to Activity on Pythagorean Triplet between two temples using excel reinforce the concept of Integers. was done commands Grade- 9 Grade-10 Maths - Congruence of triangles activities. Pair of Linear Equations in two variables Students were divided into 4 groups A B C D. STEAM activities. 8

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Cognitive Development Skills Cognitive skill development in children involves the progressive building of learning skills, such as attention, memory and thinking. These crucial skills enable children to process sensory information and eventually learn to evaluate, analyze, remember, make comparisons and understand cause and effect. In SSRVM, to boost the cognitive skills of students various quizzes, games, live worksheets, etc. using ICT tools were held during the online classes. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Quizzes were organized using ICT tools during online classes for the cognitive development of students. Children enjoyed the games and were able to perform well. Children did various activities like picture reading, one minute memory game etc. Craft for the red colour day and also done work sheets related to the topic Grade 2 Grade-3 Memory Games and quizzes were organised using ICT tools during online classes for the cognitive development of students. Quizzes were organized using ICT tools during online classes for the cognitive development of students. 9

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Cognitive Development Skills Grade-5 Grade- 4 English and Social activities done by Grade 5 Games and quizzes were rganisedusing ICT tools during online classes for the cognitive development of students. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 worksheets based on lessons taught Self - assessment can provide insight Students were given worksheets to into students’ true comprehension and do in English & Social Science can help to identify gaps in students’ based on the lesson taught knowledge. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Students were given HOTS worksheet based on the Students were given worksheets based on lessons lessons taught in the month. This is to assess their taught in the month. comprehending skill based on the learning 10

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Physical & Motor Development Skills Physical development is one of the many domains of infant and toddler development. It relates to the growth and skill development of the body, including the brain, muscles, and senses. Motor skills are skills that enable the movements and tasks we do every day. Physical skills and body awareness contribute to a child’s personal and social development by enhancing confidence and self-esteem. Young children are active learners who enjoy learning through play and physical activities. To ensure that children maintain good health and a calm mind, physical exercises were performed. During the pandemic, it helped children to regain their fitness. As a part of the International Yoga Day celebrations, a special assembly was conducted and children were oriented about the benefits of doing yoga. Children performed various asanas as well. Pre-Primary Grade-1 To maintain good health and a calm mind, physical exercises were performed. International Yoga Day Celebration. Children performed simple exercises through which their gross motor skills improved. Grade 2 Grade-3 Young children are active learners who enjoy learning through play and physical activities To maintain good health and a calm mind, physical exercises were performed. International Yoga Day Celebration. 11

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Physical & Motor Development Skills Grade- 4 Grade-5 Activities included warming up exercise, Recreational games and basic skills of basketball. To ensure that children maintain good health and a calm mind, physical exercises were performed. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Activities included warming up Physical activity, warm up exercises Physical activity, warm up exercises exercise, Recreational games and basic skills of basketball. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Various sports and their techiques were discussed Different sports and their techniques are discussed. 12

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Health & Nutrition Everyone needs same types of nutrients — such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Children, however, need different amounts of specific nutrients at different ages. We all know that “Health is Wealth”. And it has been proven more during the current scenario. One of the important factors which determines health is intake of nutrients in the right proportion. Awareness of the importance of natural food and immunity boosters was created amongst the students. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Awareness of the importance of natural food and immunity boosters was created amongst the students. Children took turns to speak about their favourite fruit and health benefits gets from the same. Grade 2 Grade-3 The benefits of drinking raw vegetable juices instead of soft drinks was emphasized Lot of tips were given to boost their immunity. Health is Wealth: Good nutrition boosts immunity 13

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Health & Nutrition Grade-5 Grade- 4 Students have prepared Sandwiches by using different raw vegetables. They have also explained about the Food pyramid The benefits of drinking raw vegetable juices instead of soft drinks was emphasised Lot of tips were given to boost their immunity. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Fireless Cooking Activity Interactive Session on Nutrition Grade- 9 To enable students to have a strong immunity they were instructed to make a healthy smoothie with seasonal fruits, to build a strong immunity 14

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Arts & Cultural Development Since art activities consist of moving fingers and hands, they help developing fine motor skills. Simple actions like holding paintbrush and colouring with pencils help strengthen muscles and improve control. Arts and craft activities can enhance the children's dexterity and agility. India is a treasure trove of languages, arts and culture which developed over thousands of years and manifested in the form of arts, works of literature, customs, traditions, artifacts, heritage sites, and more. It is through the knowledge of our own cultural history, arts, languages, and traditions that we can build a positive cultural identity and self-esteem. Pre-Primary Grade-1 To educate children about the rich culture and heritage of our country and to foster national integrity, a virtual tour of Mysore Palace in Karnataka was arranged. Children did various art and craft activities like origami home, paper cut outs cherries. All these activities helps in child's gross motor and fine motor skills development. Grade 2 Grade-3 To educate children about the rich culture and heritage of our country and to foster national integrity, a virtual tour of Mysore Palace in Karnataka To educate children about the rich culture and heritage of our country and to foster national integrity, a virtual tour of Mysore Palace in Karnataka 15

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Art & Cultural Development Grade- 4 Grade-5 Using the previous knowledge on shading techniques children prepared nice drawing and shadings. Students showcase their creativity. To educate children about the rich culture and heritage of our country and to foster national integrity, a virtual tour of Mysore Palace in Karnataka was arranged. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Using the previous knowledge on Oil Pastel Painting, Apply a generous Portrait ( Pencil color) shading techniques children layer of oil pastel colour then add a The given portrait has been drawn by prepared nice drawing and shadings. coloured pencils on patterned paper. Students showcase their creativity different colour on top Grade- 9 Grade-10 Making a landscape, special care is taken. In order to make a good portrait it is very essential to Three dimensional effect is seen in it. understand the mood and expressions of the model. 16

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Integrated and Cross Curriculum Cross-curricular teaching creates a connection between all subjects through a common theme, giving kids an opportunity to learn multiple subjects without even realizing it. during the month of June, activities were done wherein the topics in various subjects were integrated with other objects to help students have a better understanding of how the knowledge is applied in various fields. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Activities were done wherein the topics in various subjects were integrated with other subjects to help students have better understanding of how the knowledge is applied in various fields. Conducted STEAM activity \"COUNT THE ICE-CREAM STICKS AND MAKE A HOME\" to thoroughly understand the concept of counting numbers Grade 2 Grade-3 Activities were done wherein the topics in various subjects were integrated with other subjects to help students have better understanding of how the knowledge is applied in various fields. Activities were done wherein the topics in various subjects were integrated with other subjects to help students have better understanding of how the knowledge is applied in various fields. 17

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Integrated and Cross Curriculum Grade- 4 Grade-5 This month activity helped the students to integrate with Social by a hands on Map Pointing activity. Activities were done wherein the topics in various subjects were integrated with other subjects to help students have better understanding of how the knowledge is applied in various fields. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Students were asked to locate names Students have studied about the Students spoke on inter-relation of five temples on the map using temperature ( in °C) required with respect between Force and Pressure with different colours to MATHS for the growth of mushrooms respect to mathematical calculations. and speak about the same in class Grade- 9 Grade-10 Biology and Geography : Students explained filtration in Students prepared a PPT on Role of Resistor kidney with ppt and formation ,location ,properties of Components in Medical Devices (Pulse-withstanding sedimentary rocks. resistors, Metal clad Braking Resistors, etc) 18

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Cooperative & Collaborative Learning This approach involves two or more individuals coming together to understand a common learning concept and complete a common task. They bank upon each other’s resources, expertise and skills to fulfill the task. There is joint ownership of responsibilities and failures, if any. They work independently on different parameters and evaluate each other’s work to improve the quality of output. Collaborative learning approach helps teachers inculcate life skills and critical thinking skills in learners. Grade - 3 Grade-4 an activity was done in Computer Science wherein breakout rooms were created and each group had to brainstorm ideas on a given topic and present the same in front of the class. An activity was done in Computer Science wherein breakout rooms were created and each group had to brainstorm ideas on a given topic and present the same in front of the class. Grade 5 Grade-6 In history, role playing can engage pupils to reenact a known as historical event. Students should be made aware of some moral lessons to be learnt. An activity was done in Social Studies. 19

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Cooperative & Collaborative Learning Grade- 7 Grade-8 Research on ‘Nanotechnology’ and find its uses to Present about Pythagoras and how he invented the reduce pollution.This activity made the students think Pythagorean triplet. critically to analyse the uses to Nanotechnology. Grade- 9 Grade-10 The students were given various activities in French Science - Biology : Activity on Digestion Process Revolution. They were divided into groups & each Students were asked to eat rice, chapathi, fruits, group was given an activity and sprouts to experience the formation of bolus and taste of different nutrients separately 20

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills Social and emotional development in the early years, also referred to as early childhood mental health, refers to develop children's capacity to experience, regulate and express a range of emotions, develop close, satisfying relationships with other children and adults and actively explore their environment and learn. Pre-Primary Grade-1 On the occasion of World Environment Day children narrated a poem “Our Earth is Our Home” , shared the Non-Environmental objects and eco-friendly objects and how to save Environment. At SSRVM, Children enjoyed sowing the seeds and planted trees on environmental day. Grade 2 Grade-3 On the occasion of World Environment Day, children were asked to draw and represent their ideas about human and environment. Our students wellbeing is our top priority. To bring the awareness of good touch and bad touch a session on “Safe Touch and Unsafe Touch” was conducted by our health and wellness officer Ms.Shraddha Madhusudhan. Children were given an orientation on how to clearly communicate with parents regarding this topic. 21

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills Grade- 4 Grade-5 A session on learning about my body was conducted on 10 & 11 June 2021 for students of Grade 5, 6 & 7. The objective of the session is to help students acknowledge the mental, emotional, and physical changes that they will go through in adolescence On the occasion of World Environment Day, children were asked to draw and represent their ideas about human and environment. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 A session on learning about my A session on learning about my Session on ‘Coping with Stress’ was body was conducted on 10 & 11 body was conducted on 10 & 11 conducted for young people can June 2021. June 2021. come from a various sources. Grade- 9 Grade-10 An interactive session with class teacher to strengthen An interactive session with class teacher to strengthen and develop a healthy bonding. and develop a healthy bonding. 22

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills Life Skills - Science Life Skills - Commerce The life skill session held by our Principal I am very happy to give a report on life skill Dr. Reshma Ganesh on 20th June 2021 session which was conducted by our was an energizing and motivating Principal Dr. Reshma Ganesh on 20th June experience in these hard times. A warm 2021. Thank you so much ma'am. home touch of guidance despite the distance and deprivation of physical Key message: presence. Ma'am brought to our notice the perfections and learnings from the ¤We have to help our friends when they nature by observing the Ant and the are in need Grasshopper. We took into grasp the following outcomes:- ¤As a student we should share our ¤Hard-work, focus, determination, knowledge with our friends that would help them to understand the discipline, sincerity all the foundation subject/topic clearly and quickly. stones of success. ¤We must know our priorities and plan ¤We must attend the class regularly and our time with long term benefits. do daily revision on time ¤We must not lose our focus to luring distractions. ¤We must take every exam sincerely and ¤Must surround ourselves with give our 100% effort that may help positivity and friends who help us during pandemic situation for bring out the better. assessing our marks in the final result ¤We must connect with people across varied profession and listen to their ¤This year study/marks are very experiences. important to set our future study and ¤We should enrich and encourage our career friends for better outcomes. Healthy social relationships. ¤Planning and time management are I am glad to have received a wonderful very important session which helped me introspect myself. Thank you! ¤We should not postpone our works/studies and also, we should take Praachi Sachin Rasane care of our health Grade XII Science SSRVM Bangalore East ¤we can achieve our goals by team work as ants do. A sincere thanks to our principal ma'am for giving a wonderful message K Bhavani Grade XII Commerce SSRVM Bangalore East 23

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 360 Degree Assessment NEP 2020 focuses on overall development of students and therefore emphasizes 360 degree assessment. Various online quizzes and worksheets were designed to assess the learning and understanding of concepts in children. Pre-Primary Grade-1 EVS Quiz was conducted for Grade I students Kids learnt how to trace patterns which helped them in writing numbers and letters. Worksheets help in improving motor skills and eye-hand coordination during the initial years of learning. Grade 2 Grade-3 Various online quizzes and live worksheets were designed to assess the learning and understanding of concepts. Various online quizzes and live worksheets was designed to assess the learning and understanding of concepts in children. 24

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 360 Degree Assessment Grade-5 Grade- 4 For preparation of assessment 1 we have conducted a class test, This class test will give an idea to the students about the pattern of paper for the assessment 1 Various online quizzes and live worksheets were designed to assess the learning and understanding of concepts. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Peer assessment, Self assessment and · Self - assessment can provide insight 360 degree assessment apart from assessment by parents. into students’ true comprehension and activities, pen and paper type of can help to identify gaps in students’ assessments are conducted to evaluate students’ performances. knowledge. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Assessments, Tests,self-assessing, and peer corrections 360 degree assessment apart from activities, pen help them becoming able to analyze and reflect on their and paper type of assessments are conducted to competencies so that they become independent evaluate students’ performances. thinkers and doers. 25

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Special Assembly & Celebrations Special assembly were held on all important events in the month of June to create awareness in children. Children were given an opportunity to participate and present in front of audience. It helped them to shed their inhibitions and find their hidden talents and portray them confidently. World Environment Day 26

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Special Assembly & Celebrations National Reading Day 19th June is marked as National Reading Day in India to honour the life and works of P.N. Panicker, a teacher from Kerala. The day is celebrated in honour of Father of India’s Library Movement - Puthuvayil Narayana Panicker. The country honours the man who not only initiated libraries in his home state, but was in fact responsible for the cultural movement to advocate reading in the state of Kerala. Every book provides us an opportunity to learn new things and explore new ideas. Reading books increases your knowledge and makes you smarter. Reading is a very good habit that one needs to develop in life. Reading books improves focus and concentration power. Let’s implement this good habit in our daily life to improve our emotional health and achieve several benefits associated with it. This year marks the 26th anniversary of the National Reading Day. This annual event is celebrated in SSRVM, BE and is aimed to encourage young readers to love reading! 27

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Special Assembly & Celebrations World Music Day Music is precious and life is unimaginable without it’. Every year, on June 21, we celebrate World Music Day globally to honour the singers and musicians for making the world a better place to live. The idea behind celebrating the day is to get musicians, both amateurs and professionals, to come out onto the streets and play their instruments. Even several prominent artists organize musical events on World Music Day. 28

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Special Assembly & Celebrations International Yoga Day Yoga is an ancient practice that helps to keep one’s mind healthy and body fit. Yoga is a form of meditation and exercise which makes people’s lives better. Not only is the physical body benefited by the poses and postures of yoga, but it also gives one spiritual peace and calmness. Every year, on June 21, We celebrated International Yoga Day. 29

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Students’ Corner Preprimary Art & Craft activities Children did various art and craft activities like Grade-1 origami home, paper cut Children enjoy art and outs cherries. All these craft work. Art helps them activities helps in child's to express themselves gross motor and fine better. It improves their motor skills development. confidence, thinking process, fine motor skills Grade - 2 and eye hand Children enjoy art and coordination. craft work. Art helps them to express themselves 30 better. It improves their confidence, thinking process, fine motor skills and eye hand coordination.

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Students’ Corner Art & Craft activities Grade 3 Students displayed their creativity by making posters to save the environment. Grade 4 Students represented their ideas about the relationship between humans and environment. Grade 5 Using the previous knowledge on shading techniques children prepared nice drawing and shadings. Students showcased their creativity. Grade 6 Using the previous knowledge on shading techniques children prepared nice drawing and shadings. Students showcased their creativity. 31

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Students’ Corner Grade 7 Art & Craft activities Oil Pastel Painting Activity, Apply a generous layer of oil pastel colour then add a different colour on top Grade 8 Portrait Art ( Pencil color) The given portrait has been drawn by coloured pencils on patterned paper. Grade 9 Landscape art with three dimensional effect. Grade 10 Portrait Art. 32

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Students’ Corner My Learning Experience Our day begins with the prayer and I’m having fun during online classes. breathing exercises (Kriya & Bhastrika). Now I understand what mam teaches. I like in 4 A we have so many exciting things Hindi and Maths teacher the most. I like introduced, which adds so much fun to our group activities which our teachers gave regular classes. Daily one student has to tell us to during online classes. I don’t want a thought for the day, which helps us to start the online because I want to see my our day with a good thought. school soon. I have the online quizzes conducted in I miss you all!! maths class, puzzles and quizzes of social class and lot of virtual tours, beautiful Thank you singing of Kannada ma'am and activities where we are told stories, learning Hindi Dhruva. M through songs and poems, learning Grade - 4'E’ , photosynthesis through songs which was SSRVM-Bangalore East amazing in science class. English ma'am took us to a virtual tour of a chocolate factory. Like this our day filled with so many activities where we participate with lot of enthusiasm. Thanks to all these online classes. I am an expert now in teams meeting and can solve my parents' problems. Thank you for all the hard work of my teachers. Mayank Bhat Grade - 4'A' Grade, SSRVM-Bangalore East 33

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Students’ Corner My Learning Experience I learned a lot about RJ and how they present themselves, the change in their voice tones and modulations. The topic which I picked up was book reading and the name of my change was The Bookworm. My mother showed me videos how Rj’s present their programme in different. I felt more confident after performing as RJ. Anurag Mukherjee Grade - 7 A, SSRVMBE 34

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Teachers’ Corner Back to school with a difference It's more than a year due to coronavirus pandemic outbreak the entire world has deadlocked which made human to lock themselves within the four walls of their house. For our tiny tots the laptops & mobile phones became their school and entertainment mode. They are having fun with parents, brothers and sisters but missing their teachers and friends. Physical and active play replaced by boredom and routine tasks, cute talks and chat replaced by muted microphones. Big play areas replaced by small rooms in house, circle time etc all are replaced. However the world began to move, and all started to continue, but differently. When school doors will open it might be an uphill task for children (who spend whole day with parents) and have never gone to school ever. Back to school is a big step for little tiny tots. They can feel a bit anxious, worry, sad, confusion as well as excited. All kids have lost the great opportunity of spending precious time at school over a year. Whatsoever loosed will be redeemed by enjoying the fun talk and play with friends and teachers a little more. Will share and care a little more. Will love, cry, become emotional a little more. Smile and help a little more. By support of teachers and parents, kids with delight take first step towards school and cross the important milestone of learning. Ms. Ranjita Subudhi Facilitator - Preprimary SSRVM Bangalore East 35

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Teachers’ Corner “Sunder” Ban or Not? “They know it all” I was standing in the middle of the They know it all Beautiful Sunderban Or do they? Yes beautiful, There are a few questions that even they There was red can't answer. There was blue Not everyone knows everything. There was yellow And we must all agree. Later, Ask them if they had lunch All I could see was black They wouldn't remember. Of course, smoke does that to buildings Ask them of the time, right? They wouldn't know. The Sunderban was beautiful Ask them if they slept, With not an animal in sight Their definition of relaxation will be To trouble, different from yours. The Sunderban was beautiful But, With no green trees in sight. Ask them if they taught today, The Sunderban had melodious melodious They would have a smile. mornings, Ask them how many children they have, With the honking of the vehicles. They would include their class as their The air of Sunderban was fresh own. Fresh air that was a mix of fresh carbon Ask them if they are prepared for next dioxide and healthy dust. class, The Sunderban was beautiful They would say \"As ready as ever.\" A beautiful place indeed. Yes, Or was it? Teachers might not know many things But one thing that they do know Ms. Mathangi Iyyar Is that everyday, Facilitator There is a bunch of excited and SSRVM Bangalore East enthusiastic kids Who are eager more than ever to look at their teachers' faces again. 36

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Teachers’ Corner Our Environment Let's take a look around us. What do our environment, the first being to you find? There are many things decrease the levels of pollution. Since around us. They form our environment. the smoke emitted by vehicles causes There are rocks, stones and soil. There a lot of pollution, using Natural Gas as are rivers, streams and lakes. There is a fuel for cars will reduce the air. We can find mountains, hills, emission of smoke. Battery-driven jungles, fields, houses, roads and automobiles are also eco-friendly. barren lands. We also see many We can also use solar energy to different animals around us. Different protect our natural resources. Solar types of trees, bushes and climbers energy is renewable and causes no make our environment beautiful. We pollution. too are a part of this environment. A We must avoid dumping waste and healthy environment helps to maintain factory leftovers into the water the nature's balance as well as growing, bodies and instead opt for nourishing and developing all the living segregation of wastes, at home. It is things on the earth. essential to be responsible and do our Presently, our environment is getting parts in protecting our environment. affected to a great extent by the Our environment must be protected means of air pollution, noise pollution, at all costs because it is a life- deforestation, water pollution, soil sustaining force for us. pollution, acid rain and other dangerous disasters created by the human beings Contd... through technological advancement. Our environment needs to be protected and conserved. Conservation of our natural energy is significant as it sustains us, a society. There are multiple ways of protecting 37

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Teachers’ Corner Our Environment ¤Living in a toxic environment ¤Avoid using plastic straws, and can harm our health and use metallic/glass straws, since permanently cripple us. plastic straws will choke animals when eaten/swallowed ¤Fuels producing poisonous gases and smoke causes ¤Avoid using shower gels with pollution and smog. microbeads because they are released into the waterbodies and ¤Chemicals released into the endanger aquatic life and opt for water by industrial sectors gels without microbeads/soaps causes water pollution. ¤Usage of glassware/metal ware ¤Drinking contaminated water bottles, lunchboxes, crockeries can severely affect our health etc. and cause diseases like typhoid, jaundice, etc. ¤Cycling or walking is also beneficial Here are different ways we can contribute to saving our ¤Plant more trees environment: ¤Buying ethical clothes instead of ¤Using jute/cloth bags ¤Close the taps when you're fast fashion/mass produced clothes. Mass produced clothes brushing your teeth contribute massively to the world ¤Leftover water should be pollution. ¤We must abide by the laws watered to plants created by the government ¤Throw wastes into a dustbin, do regarding our environment. The Swach Bharat Abhiyaan is an not throw anywhere else. example of one such mission. ¤Switch off the lights and fan A clean environment is essential for us to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. when you're leaving the room. ¤Eat food fully Ms. Jisha Roy ¤Replacing plastic toothbrushes Facilitator - Pre-Primary SSRVM Bangalore East with bamboo tooth brushes, which are recyclable and biodegradable 38

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Teachers’ Corner Our Envir nment Our environment consists of biotic as well no resources for consumption. And the as abiotic components and both are inter- most basic necessity of living air will get related. All the forms of life existing on so polluted that humans have to use Earth, the air that we breathe in, the forests, bottled oxygen for breathing. the water bodies, the mountains, the Steps must be taken by every Nation and deserts and all other landforms together citizen for the prevention of make up this beautiful environment. Environmental pollution and to increase A clean environment is a must for all of us to the quality of natural resources like live a healthy life but over the years in the water, air, etc. that all living or nonliving chase of advancement we have caused forms are subjected to. great damage to our environment. The Afforestation, water conservation land, air and water bodies have been practices, waste segregation practices polluted to a large extent due to human should be promoted throughout the activities. Human activities are the major globe. Plastic should be avoided, cause of environmental degradation switching to eco-friendly ways could help because most of the activities humans do in conserving the environment. We must harm the environment in some way. all do our bit to help in the conservation The activities of humans that cause of environment. environmental degradation are pollution, Save the environment defective environmental policies, Save life. chemicals, greenhouse gases, global warming, ozone depletion, etc. All these Ms. Surbhi Sinha affect the environment badly. Besides, Facilitator - Science these the overuse of natural resources will SSRVM Bangalore East create a situation in the future there will be 39

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Teachers’ Corner Back to school with a difference Over a year ago, the world came to standstill. everything that happened, we have In the face of an unprecedented danger, endured. So when our schools open their human beings around the world stayed home doors once more, we will treasure the and did what humans do best - we adapted. chatter in our corridors a little more than we Classrooms were replaced with online did before. We will appreciate our meeting rooms, school uniforms were classrooms, filled with the signs of our replaced with comfortable pyjamas, school growth, a little more. We will explore the hideouts were replaced with Discord secret places in our school that countless channels and the chatter in school corridors students before us inhabited (even though was replaced with muted microphones. we tell ourselves otherwise) a little more The first day of school is often met with some intimately. We will be more aware of the anxiousness and excitement from teachers, pleats of our skirts at the backs of our legs parents, and students, as they consider the and the hems of our trousers brushing challenges and successes they will encounter against our shoes. over the course of the school year. However, When we sit in our classrooms, we will once this year brings with it a whole new set of again feel the warmth of a fellow human challenges. Since March 2020, the world has being sitting beside us. When we empty our struggled to adapt to and deal with COVID- tiffins before lunch, we will once again be 19, a dangerous novel virus still with many reminded of how our friendships started, unknowns ...... with the sharing of little things. When we However, if there is one single truth, it is that finally enter our schools Once more, we will time, and all that it brings with it, will continue witness the greatest human need being to change and now, almost a year later, the fulfilled - the need for other humans. world has begun to move again. Although Although the walls of our schools have this time, things will be a little different. We, as stood strong and remain unchanged, we will a species, have endured great loss but with return as changed people. great loss came great hope for despite Ms. Poppisha Samahon Facilitator - English SSRVM Bangalore East 40

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Teachers’ Corner Good Art... Good art must have something to do with being able to please the masses. No matter colour, texture, media, shape or size, good art must be pleasing to the great majority of viewers to be considered good art. Some people like a particular work simply because it pleases them. With the art that we are surrounded by, whether it's a painting, music or even videos can have huge impact on our mood and emotion. All kind of art can affect our mood in a positive way, making us feel happier, calm or even inspired to do something. Everywhere you go art is evident. Ms. Sumita Sikdar Facilitator - Art & Craft SSRVM Bangalore East 41

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Teachers’ Corner Reflections Jaigurudev...The moment I stepped in SSRVM I was warmly welcomed by my co- ordinators and my teachers, though we only met virtually but it was easy for me to approach them whenever I needed help. Its been a month now and I have learned a lot, the webinars and meetings have really helped me to hone my teaching skills as i get to learn a lot on how we can make our classes effective during the online class. I have had a wonderful experience, at times its challenging but each day I get to learn something new and I'm hoping to learn more and grow as a good teacher during my stay here in SSRVM. Ms. Kritika Allay Facilitator Preprimary SSRVM Bangalore East Jaigurudev...I would like to thank our school SSRVM. Bangalore East for conducting a seesion on many ICT tools. I have implemented many of those tools which are taught during our session. As a teacher I found that usage of ICT tools increases the curiosity in children about the topic. aprt from the regular online classes, they need some surprises every now and then and that is being accomplished with the help of ICT tools such as bouncy balls, liveworksheet, breakout rooms, timer, Quizizz and so on. Now during my classes children are very much interested in the surprised which I'm giving them, thus they are attentive to the class. so I keep implementing ICT tools wherever needed in order to make my class interesting. once again I'm very grateful to the school management for exploring many new things during the pandemic. Thanks and Regards Ms. Adhithyasree Facilitator - Computer Science SSRVM Bangalore East 42

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Teachers’ Corner “Life gives you both positive & negative. Focus on the good & move ahead with commitment.” Reflections Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar SSRVM family truly believes in this saying school closures and other containment by Guruji. Happiness means the mental & measures have had sudden and drastic spiritual state of having a positive outlook. impacts on employees & their family. By Happy people are not those who avoid having a comprehensive emergency failure or don't experience bad times but preparedness plan in the workplace, those who learn how to respond to bad SSRVM crafted to address health crisis times & try to overcome it with their hard and the pandemic, so that the institution work, determination, perseverance & may be better prepared to develop a optimism. In the face of such crises, we quick, coordinated and effective adopt a reflexive attitude that pushes us to response. work hard & achieve our goals. Our one SSRVM offers a simple and collaborative such fruit of labour is the addition of new approach to assess COVID-19 risks in block ''SHRADDHA '', which was recently order to take measures to protect the inaugurated with the blessings and safety and health of employees. It guidance of our Pujya Gurudev Sri Sri addresses the following issues: Ravishankarji. SSRVM, being one of the ¤Social distance: Assessing the risk of leading schools in Bangalore, boasts of the interactions between employees and latest state of the art infrastructure & implementing measures to mitigate technology with over 2500 plus students & these risks, organizing work in a way that 200 plus staff. allows for physical distancing between With such a large infrastructure & staff people, is the main focus in SSRVM; strength, in the face of the current SSRVM encourages using Wifi option, pandemic, ensuring safety and hygiene at phone calls, emails or virtual meetings work, is the essence of the general duties rather than physical presence when that SSRVM has towards its employees, feasible. under workplace health & safety ¤Hygiene: SSRVM emphasises in regulations. Lockdowns, travel restrictions, using santizers and regularly Contd... 43

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Teachers’ Corner adequate PPE kit along with other things during CBSE exams like CTET & NEET to its Reflections teaching & non-teaching staff. ¤Vaccination Drive: SSRVM has always disinfecting/sanitizing common areas; encouraged employees to get vaccinated promoting a culture of handwashing; at the earliest, by creating google form, promoting good respiratory hygiene at getting responses, organising vaccination the workplace, making the use of N95 drives. mask mandatory etc. SSRVM aims at the mental health and ¤Cleaning: SSRVM housekeeping psychosocial support of its staff. department ensures frequent checks Although the current situation presents about regular cleaning of the surfaces of new challenges for health and safety in desks and workstations, school areas and the workplace, SSRVM believes in the rest rooms. age old belief – Unions make work safer! I ¤Training and Communication: SSRVM am really honoured & privileged to be has taken the measure of training part of SSRVM family wherein I have employees especially maids & gardeners experienced Guruji's blessings and where on the adopted precautions to prevent the management takes care of every risk of exposure to the virus and on how to aspect of the staff's well-being. I also act in case of COVID-19 infection; training express my heartfelt gratitude towards on the correct use, maintenance and the divine to have given me the disposal of PPE kits; maintaining regular opportunity to serve the institution with communication with workers to provide updates on the situation in the workplace, Jai Gurudev!!! intimate the management in case they Ms. Sarbari Mohanty contract the virus, are some of the areas HR Executive where SSRVM has given utmost priority in SSRVM Bangalore East training the staff . ¤Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): SSRVM has always ensured in taking necessary steps, towards providing 44

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 CBSE Capacity Building Programmes For Teachers CBSE Programmes for Teachers are the foundation on which a quality education system rests, the Board, through its various endeavours, aims at improving teacher quality. Our teachers attended various capacity building and empowerment programmes in the month of June 2021, organized by the Training Unit of CBSE, to update their professional competencies. The following workshops were attended by our teachers in the month of June 2021. ¤Addressing Challenges in Post COVID ¤Story Telling in Classroom ¤Happy Teachers Create Happy Classroom ¤Teaching and Learning Styles ¤Salient Features of NEP ¤21st Century Skills ¤Joyful Mathematics ¤Teaching Strategies in Social Science (secondary level) ¤Experiential Learning in Practice ¤Teaching Strategies in Mathematics (secondary level) ¤Working with Learning Disabilities ¤Positive Learning ,Teaching and Emotional Well -being ¤Item Writing-Multiple choice questions ¤Teaching Strategies in English (Secondary level) ¤Importance of Gratitude ¤Common Errors in Mathematics ¤Addressing Socio-Emotional Needs of Students ¤Practice for Blended Learning ¤Promoting Mental Health ¤Deliberating on Ethics and Integrity ¤Cyber Security and Ethics ¤Blooms Taxonomy and its Application ¤Gamification in Learning 45

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Parents’ Corner Parents’ Feedback My name is Aanchal Jain, mother of Reyansh Jain who is studying in grade PP1. He has started his school journey with online classes which was a big doubt in my mind whether to enrol him in school or not. Within a month of online classes he is enjoying his classes and on weekends he is missing his teachers. The activities which are done in class are really helpful to develop the motor skills of this age group. Tracing on salt or flour is kind of fun for him and he enjoys that. With that he has learned to make a standing line and sleeping line which was a difficult task for me with the pencil. Pasting the paper on number 1 has helped him to hold the bite of food in a more proper way. Similarly other activities are enhancing his learning skills along with that motor skill. Thank you m'am for making learning fun for him. Thanks & Regards – Aanchal Jain, Parent of Reyansh – PP1, SSRVM Bangalore East Myself Prabhakar Addenki, father of Sabhasra Addenki of 3G. I wanted to acknowledge and appreciate all the teachers amazing efforts during the pandemic situation and ensure that learning never stops for the children. With activities like thought for the day and special assembly initiative, art, and quiz, My child has a scope to improve on problem-solving, memory, creativity skills, and leadership skills and also engaging her while learning from home. Also making parents attending activities and providing the atmosphere to involve all the children in those activities. A BIG THANK YOU for all the effort and support. Thanks & Regards Prabhakar Addenki - Parent of Sahasra Addenki – Grade - 3G, SSRVM Bangalore East Jai Gurudeve! I would like to convey my sincere thanks to all the subject teachers of Grade VE for all the efforts taken by them to make the class interactive and joyful. I understand the difficulties of online teaching but at the same time it is really good to see the different methodologies being used by teachers, the videos and PPTs. I appreciate the fact that they are trying their level best to interact with all the students by calling out their names. Thank you for all your efforts and guidance to help shape a child's future even in their difficult times. Thanks & Regards Debodutta Ghosh - Parent of Samriddhi Chanda, Grade- 5E, SSRVM Bangalore East 46

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E June 2021 Parents’ Corner Parents’ Feedback Dear SSRVM Teachers, First of all, thanks for all your efforts for the smooth running of online classes. We as a parent are happy the way classes are going on and tend to support teachers as much as possible in this pandemic situation. There are few points I would like to share in this email. We were surprised and very much happy the way following things were conducted by ssrvm online. Art & Craft, Spcial Assembly, Science Exhibition, Technology Club…and many more activities. These things make our children engaged after class hours. Once again, thanks for your support and effort. Keep it up!!! Thanks and Regards Saravanan Parent of Keerthana- Grade 7, SSRVM Bangalore East Thank You for mentoring Praachi and patiently listening to her questions / concerns and answering / resolving them to her satisfaction. Also Thank You All for identifying the right focus areas for the child and sharing with us candidly which helps the child to correct their approach and motivates them for the best. Looking forward for your continuous support and motivation to all students in these challenging times. Thanks & Regards Sachin Parent of Praachi Sachin Rasane-Grade XII Science, SSRVM Bangalore East JGD Ma'am I greatly appreciate all the teachers of Grade XI Commerce. A huge thank you to Nisha Ma'am, Meenakshi Ma'am, Ocea Ma'am, Pradeep Sir and Sutapa Ma'am who make the classes interactive and interesting for the students. Hoping to see the same throughout the year! Parent of Alen Alena P. Vinod, XI Commerce, SSRVM Bangalore East 47

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