:عينصتلا -ث نداعملا لامعلأ بولطم عنصملا ءلاطو ناهد-1 اهتحن بولطملا ءازجلأا كلت ادع ام ،ةعونتملا ،ماحللاب اهتئبعت دارملا حطسلأا ،ةناسرخلا ىلع .كلذ فلاخ هيلا راشي مل ام ةنفلجملا حطسلأاو قيبطت لبق ىرخلاا داوملاو أدصلا ،ةرطسملا حزا ةدحاو ةرمل عنصملا ءلاط لمعأ .عنصملا ءلاط لمعا .ةعنصملا ةيندعملا داوملل ةيلوأ ةقبطك ريغ .بيكرتلا وا عيمجتلا دعب ناهدلا نم نيتقبط .ىلولاا زيمتل ةيناثلا ةقبطلا نول وا ةاشرفلا ةطساوب حطسلا زيهجت دعب ةرشابم عناصلا تاميلعتل اقفو ندعملا يلطأ خاخبلا .ةيلط لكل مم 1,5 وه ةكامسلا لدعمو لماك ءاطغ نع جتنت يتلا ءلاطلا ةقيرط مدختسا عيمجو فارطلأاو فاوحلا ،اياوزلا ،تلايصوتلل .ةفوشكملا حطسلاا D. Fabrication: 1. Factory painting is required for miscellaneous metal works, except those member or potions of emmbers to be embedded on concere, surfaces to be field welded, and galvanized surfaces, unless otherwise indicated. Remove scale, rush and other deleterious mateirals before the shop coast of paint is applied. Apply one factory coast of metal primer paint to fabricated metal items. Apply two coats of paint to surfaces which are inaccesible after assembly or erection. Change color of second coat to distinguish it for the first. Immediately after surface preparation, brush or spray on metal primer paint, applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and a rate to privde a uniform dry film thickness of 1.5mm for each coat. Use painting methods which will result in full coverage of joints, corners, edges, and all exposed surfaces. 49
Yanbu Al Tanmia Company ﺔﻳؤﺮﻟا ﻲﻓ ..دﺮﻔﺘﻟا 50
:تاجتنملا-1 ،تاقحلملا ،تادحولا ،تانوكملا ،داوملا عيمج لمشت نأ بجيو لمعلا ذيفنتل ةبولطملا .اهريغو تابيكرتلا مدختسي ملو ةيعونلا ةيحان نم ةدوجلا يلاع نوكي تافصاومو تادنتسمب ديقتي نأ بجيو .لبق نم .عورشملا :تاجتنملا ديروت-2 يف ةداع دروت يتلا بصلاو بكسلا داومل افلاخ يف دروت نأ بجي تاجتنملا عيمج .ةبسانم تايواح وأ تاوبع ،مزح ،بئاقح ،ةحوتفم ريغ ةبسانم ةيواح تاجتنملا ةيامحل تممص ريياعم تاذ ىرخا تاوبع ىلإ عينصتلا ناكم نم ليحرتلا نع جتان فلتلا نم 1. Products: ينمزلا جمانربلا بسانتل تاديروتلا متت نا بجي .عقوملا Products includes all materials, compnents, تابلطتم وأ ةصاخ ةلوانم يأو ،تاءاشنلإل دمتعملا units, accesories, fixtures etc. required for the عم ةباتك عناصلا فورظل اقفو متت ،ا بجي نيزخت execution of work and must be of the top quality لماوعلا ةطساوب فلت يأ متي لا نا رابتعلاا يف ذخلأا of their kinds, and never been used before. And .لقنلا ءانثأ ةيوجلا وأ ةيخانملا must comply with the project's documents and ةفرعم نوكت نا بجي عقوملا ىلإ تاديروتلا عيمج specifications عم ةبسانم ةملاع عضوتو ةدوجلا ةيعون ،داوملا مسإب 2. Delivery the Products: .بولطم فينصت وا ىرخا تاديدحت يأ عم عقوملا Other than bulk materials which usually delivered in appropiate containers. All products must be delivered in suitable unopened containers, bags, bundles, packets or other standard packaging which are designed to protect the products from any damage from transporting the place of manufacture to the site. Deliveries shall be made to suite the approved construction time program, and any special handling or stroage requirements shall be carried out in accordance with manufacturer's written conditons. Particular care shal lbe taken to ensure than no damage cased by climatic or atmosphereic conditons during transportaion. All deliveries to the site must be identifed with the material name, type quality and properly marked with the site location along with any other specified or requested classification. 51
3. Storage of Products: :تاجتنملا نيزخت -٣ Materials and goods must be stored in a ةيفارتحا ةقيرطب نزخت نأ بجي عئاضبلاو داوملا professional manner to avoid damage and .حطسلأا وا ةثولملا داوملا عم سملاتلاو فلتلا يدافتل contact with contaminated materials or surfaces. رصانعل ضرعت لا نا بجي داسفلل ةلباقلا داوملا Perishable materials should not be exposed to ةطساوب اهدامتعأ متي نا بجي نيزختلا نكاما .فلتلا the elements of damage. Storage space must be .رابتخلإل ةنيعلاو نيدروملل راشتسملا سدنهملا approved by the engineer adviser to suppliers and :تاجتنملا ةنياعمو صحف -4 the sample for testing. عيمج صحف سدنهملا تابجاو نم نوكت نأ بجي 4. Inspection of Products اهديقت صخي اميف اهمادختسا لبق تاجتنملا It shall be the consultants engineer's duty to اجتنم يأ .ةدمتعملا تانيعلا عم عورشملا تادنتسمب inspect all the products before it is used in regards ىلع اهلادبتساو اهتحازا بجي ةلوبقم ريغ اهنأب دجوت to its compliance with the projects documents and .لواقملا باسح with the approved samples. Any products which :ةليدبلا تاجتنملا -5 are found to be unacceptable must be removed مادختسلإ بسانم جتنم مادختسا لواقملا حرتقا اذا and replace at the contractor's expenses. نع ةلصفملا تابلطتملا نم ةقيرط يأب تاريغتلا 5. Alternative Products: سدنهملا رطخي نأ هيلع بجي ،عورشملا تادنتسم If the contractor's purposes to used the وأ تاريغتلا كلت ةعيبط نع ةباتك يراشتسلاا product which, while suitable for the intended بلطيو دامتعلإل جتنملا ميدقت تقو تافارحنلاا used deviates in any way from the detailed نوكي ،لوبقم ليدبلا جتنملا ناك اذا .ةيطخلا ةقفاوملا requirements of the project documents, he must ديكأتل ىرخلاا لامعلاا عم قيسنتلا نع لاوئسم لواقملا inform the consultant engineer in writing of the .بيكرتلاو ةردقملا nature of such deviations at the time the product is submitted forp approval and shal request a written approval. If substiture product is accepted, the contractor shall have the responsiblity of coordination with all other work, to ensure capability and fit. 52
ةدوجلا ديكأت ةبقارم-٦ بجومب ةمدقملاو ةبولطملا تاداهشلا نم مغرلابو سدنهملل مدقي نأ لواقملا ىلع بجي ،ىرخا ةرقف اهميدقت يتلا داوملا نا تابثا تادنتسم يراشتسلاا ةقباطمو ،عناصلا عم هيلع قفتملا ناكملا نمو ةيلصا تادنتسم يف هيلإ راشملا رابتخلااو ةبولطملا ريياعملل .عورشملا رابتخلإا ةلاكو-7 سدنهملا ةطساوب هؤارجإ متي امبر رابتخا يأ .دمتعم ربتخم ةطساوب متي نأ بجي يراشتسلاا 6. Source Quality Control Notwithstanding the certificates required and submitted under another clause, the contractor should submit to the consultant engineer documentary proof that delivered material have originated from the agreed place of manufacture, and conform to the required standards and test referred to in the project documents. 7-Testing Agency Any test may be required by the consultnt engineer must be carried out by the approved laboratory. 53
8. Execution :ذيفنتلا -8 Execution shall include all activities within the لمع قاطن يف ةطشنلاا عيمج لمشي نا بجي ذيفنتلا framework of the contract such as installation, يعنصملا لمعلاو ،قيبطتلا ،ءانبلا ،بيكرتلا لثم دقعلا erection, application and workmanship required to لمع يأب مايقلا لواقملا ىلع .لمعلا ذيفنتل بولطملا implement the works. وا هفصو ،هحيضوت مت ءاوس لامعلاا ذيفنتل يرورض نا لواقملا ىلعو .عورشملا تادنتسم يف هراهظا 9. Workmanship يتلا تلااحلا عيمجب ةباتك يراشتسلاا سدنهملا رطخي All workmanship must be to the satisfaction of the .رطخلل هضرعت وا لمعلل حيحصلا ذيفنتلا ىلع رثؤت امبر consultant engineer in the best and most modern methods and workmanlike manner, and any work :ةيعنصملا -9 deemed by the consultant engineer not to meet ةعانق ةجردل متت نا بجي ةيعنصملا لامعأ عيمج specified standards or in the project documents هاري لمع يأو ،ةقيرط لضفأبو يراشتسلاا سدنهملا shall be removed by the contractor otherwise in وا ةددحملا ريياعملا يبلي لا هنا يراشتسلاا سدنهملا the project. .لواقملا ةطساوب حازي نا بجي عورشملا تادنتسم 54
:ةعنصملا تاجتنملا -10 ،بكرت ،قبطت نا بجي ةعنصملا تاجتنملا عيمج تاملعتل اقفوو ةفظنم ،مدختست ،بصنت ،لصوت 10. Manufactured Products اقفو ركذت مل اذاو هتاهيجوتو ةبوتكملا عناصلا All manufactured products shall be applied, .عورشملا تادنتسمل installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with manufactuer's :حومسملا توافتلا -11 written instructions and directions if not توافتلاب ديقتت نا بجي لامعلااو تاجتنملا عيمج mentioned otherwise in the project doucments. هذه يف هيلا راشملا وا حضوملا هب حومسملا اذه نع فارحنلاا .عورشملا تادنتسمو تافصاوملا 11. Tolerances نم ةيطخلا ةقفاوملا عم طقف هب حومسم توافتلا All products and works must comply with the .يراشتسلاا سدنهملا allowable tolererance stated or referred to in this specification and the applicable project :لمعلا ةيامح -12 documents. Deviations from these tolerances فلتلاو سقطلا لماوع نم لمعلا ةيامح لواقملا ىلع are only permissible with written approval of the نم نيلواقملا تايلمع قيرط نع وا ةصاخلا هتقرطب consultant engineer. ،زجاوحلا ،رابغلا نم مزلالا ءاطغلا ريفوت هيلع .نطابلا .لامتكلاا دنع هفيظنتو نيزباردلا 12. Protection of Work ةيامحل ةبسانملا تاوطخلا ذختي نا لواقملا ىلع The contractor shall whenever necessary cover ببست امبر يتلاو لمعلا لوح وأ ىلع ةنكملأا عيمج up and protects the works from weather and نيرخلآا صاخشلأاو هيفظوم ىلع ةروطخلا ضعب damage by his own or other workmen performing ،ةيريذحتلا تاملاعلا ريفوت لواقملا ىلع ةكرحلا وا susequent operations. لواقملا ىلع .موزللا دنع زجاوحلاو ةيريذحتلا تابمللا He shall provide all necessary dust sheets, barriers, اههباش امو اياوزلا ةيامحو ةيامحلا ةطرشا عيمج كرت and guardrails and clear it away at completions. .ةقطنملا يف لمعلا نم ءاهتنلاا ىتح The contractor must take all proper steps for protection of all places on or about the works which may be dangerous to his workmen and other perosns or to traffic. The contractor shall provide and maintain warining signs, warning lamps and barricades as necessary. The contractor shall, whenever practical, leave on fittings their protective tapes, coverings, wrappings and corner potectors and the like after they have beenb installed until all works in the region of the fittings has been completed. 55
Yanbu Al Tanmia Company تارﺎﻴﺘﺧﻻا ﻲﻓ ..دﺪﻌﺘﻟا 56
13. Applicable Reference :ةقبطملا عجارملا -10 A. SAS ( Saudi Arabia Standard) )ةيدوعسلا ةيبرعلا ةكلمملا ريياعم( ساس - أ 107 - Tensile testing of steel ذلاوفلل ةدشلا رابتخا -1٠7 108- Bend test for structural steel part 1: ءزجلا ىذلاوفلا ءانبلل يللا رابتخا -1٠٨ Steel products, Bend test for steel part 2: Sheets and strips less . ةيديدحلا تاجتنملا : لولأا than 3mm نع لقت يتلا ةطرشلأاو حئافصلا : 2 ديدحلل يل رابتخإ 208- thickness. A: Simple bending test . مم3 (One direction bending in a specified angle) Besnd test for steel part 2: Sheets and strips less نمو ةجرد ٩٠ سكاعم يل رابتخإ : ب . ةكامسلا - 21٠ than 3mm . يلصلأا عضولا ىلإ سكعلا مث 210- thickness. B: Reverse bending test (90º ، ةطرشلأا ، فئاحصلا : 1 ءزجلا موينمللأا تاجتنم - 7٩ bending then reversing to the orginal position) . ءانبلا ماسقاو نابضقلا ، قابطلأا Aluminum products Part 1: Sheets, strips, plates, موينمللأا تاجتنم رابتخإ ةقيرط -٨٠ bars and 79 - Structural sections ماسقأو نابضقلا ، قابطلأا ةطرشلأا ، فئاحصلا : 1 ءزجلا 80 - Testing methods of aluminum products part 1: ءانبلا Sheets, strips, plates, bars and structural sections: )ريياعملل ةيلودلا ةمظنملا( وأ سا يآ - ب ناردجلا ةكامس - ةيذلاوفلا بيبانلأا -64 11. ISO ( International Standardization Organization) ةطساوب لكآتلا دض ةيامحلا - يندعملا ءلاطلا - 145٩ 64 - Steel tubes - Outside diameters ةراحلا ةنفلجلا 221 - Steel tubes - Wall thickness. ىلع ةراحلا ةنفلجلا ءلاط - يندعملا ءلاطلا -146٠ 1459 - Metallic coatings - Protection againts ةقيرط- ةقطنملا ةدحول ةلتكلا ديدحت - نرفلا داوم corrosion by hot-dip galvanizing coatings on كرتم يفارق ferrous 1460 - materials - determination of the mass per ةيئابرهكلا حاوللأا اًمدختسم يندعملا ءلاطلا -2٠61 unit area - Gravimetric method بلصلا وأ نرملا ندعملا داوم ىلع كنزلل 2061 - Metallic coatings using electrical boards to :حومسملا توافتلا -11 precipitate zinc on soft or hard metal توافتلاب ديقتت نا بجي لامعلااو تاجتنملا عيمج هذه يف هيلا راشملا وا حضوملا هب حومسملا اذه نع فارحنلاا .عورشملا تادنتسمو تافصاوملا نم ةيطخلا ةقفاوملا عم طقف هب حومسم توافتلا .يراشت سلاا سدنهملا 57
ءلامعلاو ةيسيئرلا عيراشملا ةمئاق نع ةذبن عقوملا عورشملا عون عورشملا مسا ليمعلا عبني ليتسا نيزبارد عبني ةرادإ نارمعلا قافا ةكرش عبني نيزبارد باوبا يحجارلا دجسم يريخلا عدوتسملا عبني ربيف باوبا يجاجعلا دجسم يريخلا عدوتسملا عبني ليتسا نيزبارد نيعبرلاا عراش ميهافم ضايرلا ةدمعلأا ديلجت اتويوت ضرعم اتويوت تارايس ضايرلا نيزبا ردلا ملاسلا رصق هيجوا ىدوعس ةكرش ضايرلا نيزبا ردلا و تلاظملا سا /سا ةمدأ ةدايع ةمدأ ةدايع ضايرلا ةدمعلاا ديلجت و نيزبا ردلا جاندا ابا بتكم جاندأ ابا ةكرس ضايرلا ةدمعلاا ديلجتو نيزبا ردلا فقاوملا فلم ٨446 بتكملا ةيجوا ىدوعس ةكرش عبني ليتسا نيزبارد مرشلا تاهيلاش يبهذلا ىسرملا ةيعانصلا عبني نيزبارد ةرادلاا ىنبم ةماميلا ةكرش 58
P R O D U C T D A T A S H E E T 316/316L STAINLESS STEEL UNS S31600 AND UNS S31603 Type 316 is an austenitic chromium- nickle Typical uses include exhaust manifolds, COMPOSITION stainless steel containing molybdenum. furnace parts, heat exhangers, jet engine This addition increases general corrosion parts, pharmceutical and photographic TYPE 316 % TYPE 316L% resistance, improves resistance to equipment, valve and pump trim, chemical Carbon 0.08 max. 0.03 max. pitting from chloride ion solutions, and equipment, digesters, tanks, evaporators, Manganese 2.00 max. 2.00 max. provides increased strength at elevated pulp, paper and textile processing temperatures. Properties are similar equipment, parts exposed to marine Phosphorus 0.045 max. 0.045 max. to those of Type 304 except that this atmospheres and tubing. Type 316L is Sulfur 0.030 max. 0.03 max. alloy is somewhat stronger at elevated used extensively for weldments where temperatures. Corrosion resistance is its immunity to carbide precipitation due Chromium 16.00 - 18.00 16.00 - 18.00 improved, particularly against sulfuric, to welding assures optimum corrosion Nickel 10.00 - 14.00 10.00 - 14.00 hydrochloric, acetic, formic and tartaric resistance. Molybdenum 2.00 - 3.00 2.00 - 3.00 acids; acid sulfates and alkaline chlorides. Nitrogen 0.10 max. 0.10 max. Type 316L is an extra-low carbon version of Iron Balance Balance Type 316 that minimizes harmful carbide precipitation due to welding. AVAILABLE FORMS Yanbu Steel produces Types 316 and 316L Stainless Steels in thickness from 0.01' to 0.25' (0.25 to 6.35 mm) max. and widths up 48' (1219 mm). For other thicnknesses and widths, inquire. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Typical Room Temperature Properties UTS 0.2%YS Elongation % in 2' Hardness Ksi(MPa) Ksi(MPa) (50.8mm) Rockwell Type 316 84 (579) 42 (290) 50 B79 Type 316L 81 (558) 42 (290) 50 B79 59
YANBU STEEL 316/316L STAINLESS STEEL DATA SHEET SPECIFICATIONS Magnetic Permeability, H = 200 are most often specified. Types 316 and its Type316 and 316L Stainless Steel sheet Oersteds, Annealed - 1.02 max. low-carbon 'L' version are well known in and stripe are covered by the following reference literature and more information specifications: Melting Range, ºF (ºC) - 2500 - 2550 can be obained in this way. (1371 - 1399) Type 316 Type 316L METRIC CONVERSION CORROSION RESISTANCE Data in this publication are presented AMS 5524 AMS 5507 Type 316 and 316L Stainless Steels in U.S. customary units. Approximate ASTM A 240 ASTM A 240 exhibit better corrosion resistance that metric equivalents may be obtained by Type 304. They provide excellent pitting ASTM A 666 ASTM A 666 performing the following calculations: resistance and good resistance to most chemicals involed in the paper, textile and Length (inches to millimeters) - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES photographic industries. Multiply by 25.4 Density, 0.29 lbs/in³ HEAT TREATMENTS 7.99 lbs/in³ Type 316 and 316L are non-hardenable by Strength (ksi to megapascals or meganewtons per square meter)- Electrical Resistivity, microhm-in heat treatment. Multiply by 6.8948 (microhm-cm) 68ºF (20ºC) -29.4 (74) Specific Heat, BTU/lb/ºF (kJ/kg•K) Annealing: heat to 1900 - 2100ºF 32-212ºF(0-100ºC) - 0.12(0.50) (1038 - 1149ºC), then rapidly quench. The formation and data in this product dxata sheet Thermal Conductivity, BTU/hr/ft²/ft/ºF FORMABILITY are accurate to the best of our knowledge and be- (W/m•K) Type 316 and 316L can be readily formed lief, but are intended for general information only. Applications suggested for the materials are de- at 212ºF (100ºC) - 9.4 (16.2) and drawn. scribed only to help readers make their own eval- at 932 ºF (500ºC) - 12.4 (21.4) uations and decisions, and are neither guarantees nor to be construed as express or implied warran- WELDABILITY Modulus of Elasticity, ksi (MPa) ties of suitability for these or other applications. 28.0 x 10³ (193 x 10³) in tension The austenitic class of stainless steels is Data referring to mechanical properties and chem- 11.2 x 10³ (77 x 10³) in torsion generally considred to be weldable by the ical analyses are the result of tests performed on common fusion and resistance techniques. specimens obainted from specific locations with Special consideration is required to avoid prescribed sampling procedures; any warranty Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion weld ' hot cracking' by assuring formation thereof is limited to values obtained at such loca- in/in/ºF (µm/m•K) of ferrite in the wel deposite. These tions and by such procedures. There is no warran- particular alloys are generally considered ty with respect to values of the materials at other 32 - 212ºF (0-100ºC)- 8.9x10¯⁶(16.0) locations. to have poorer weldability than Types 304 32 - 600ºF (0-315ºC)- 9.0x10¯⁶(16.2) and 304L. A major difference is the higher 32 - 1000ºF (0-538ºC)- 9.7x10¯⁶(17.5) nickel content for those alloys which requires slower arc welding speed and 32 - 1200ºF (0-649ºC)- 10.3x10¯⁶(18.5) more care to avoid hot cracking. When a 32 - 1500ºF (0-871ºC)- 11.1x10¯⁶(19.9) weld filler is needed. AWS E/ER 316L 16-8-2 60
P R O D U C T D A T A S H E E T 304/304L STAINLESS STEEL UNS S30400 / UNS S30403 Yanbu Steel Type 304 is a variation of the welded components of chemical, textile, COMPOSITION basic 18-8 grade, Type 302, with a higher paper, pharmaceutical and chemical chromium and lower carbon content. industry processing equipment. TYPE 304 % TYPE 304L% Lower carbon minimizes chromium Carbon 0.08 max. 0.03 max. carbide precipitation due to welding and AVAILABLE FORMS Manganese 2.00 max. 2.00 max. its susceptibility to intergranular corrosion. Yanbu Steel produces Type 304 Stainless In many instances, it can be used in the 'as- Steel in thickneses from 0.01' to 0.025' Phosphorus 0.045 max. 0.045 max. welded' conditions, while type 302 must (0.025 to 6.35 mm) max. and widths up to Sulfur 0.030 max. 0.03 max. be annealed in order to retain adequate 48' (1219 mm). For other thicknesess and corrosion resistance. widths, inquire. Silicon 0.75 max. 0.75 max. Chromium 16.00 - 18.00 16.00 - 18.00 Type 304L is an extra low-carbon variation Nickel 8.00 - 12.00 8.00 - 12.00 of Type 304 with a 0.03% maximum carbon content that eliminates carbide Nitrogen 0.10 max. 0.10 max. precipitation due to welding. As a result., Iron Balance Balance this alloy can be used in the 'as-welded' condition, even in severed corrosive SPECIFICATIONS conditions. It often eliminates the Yanbu Steel Types 304 and 304L Stainless Steels are neccessity of annealing weldments except covered by the following specifications: for applications specifying stress relief. It Type 304 Type 304L has slightly lower mechanical properties than Type 304. AMS 5513 AMS 5511 ASTM A 240 ASTM A 240 Typical uses include architectural ASTM A 666 ASTM A 666 moulding and trim, kitchen equipment, MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Typical Room Temperature Mechanical Properties UTS 0.2%YS Elongation % in 2' Hardness Ksi(MPa) Ksi(MPa) (50.8mm) Rockwell Type 304 85 (586) 35 (241) 55 B80 Type 304L 90 (621) 42 (290) 55 B82 61
YANBU STEEL 304/304L STAINLESS STEEL DATA SHEET PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Density, 0.29 lbs/in³ OXIDATION RESISTANCE 8.03g/cm³ The maximum temperature to which Types 308, 308L or 347 are most often specified. Types 304 and 304L Stainless Steels are Electrical Resistivity, microhm-in 304 and 304L can be exposed continuosly well known in reference literature and (microhm-cm) without appreciable scaling is about more information can be obtained in this 68ºF (20ºC) -29.4 (72) 1650ºF (899ºC). For intermittent exposure, way. 1200ºF (659ºC) - 45.8 (116) the maximum exposure temperature is about 1500ºF (816ºC). METRIC CONVERSION Specific Heat, BTU/lb/ºF (kJ/kg•K) 32-212ºF(0-100ºC) - 0.12(0.50) HEAT TREATMENTS Data in this publication are presented in U.S. customary units. Approximate Thermal Conductivity, BTU/hr/ft²/ft/ºF Type 304 is non-hardenable by heat metric equivalents may be obtained by (W/m•K) treatment. Annealing: heat to 1900 - performing the following calculations: at 212ºF (100ºC) - 9.4 (16.2) 2050ºF (1038 - 1121ºC), then cool rapidly, at 932 ºF (500ºC) - 12.4 (21.4) Thin stripe sections may be air cooled, but Length (inches to millimeters) - heavy sections should be water quenched Multiply by 25.4 Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion to minimize exposure in the carbide in/in/ºF (µm/m•K) precipitation regions. Strength (ksi to megapascals or 32 - 212ºF (0-100ºC)- 9.4x10¯⁶(16.9) meganewtons per square meter)- Stress Relief Annealing: Cold worked parts 32 - 600ºF (0-315ºC)- 9.6x10¯⁶(17.3) Multiply by 6.8948 should be stress relieved at 750ºF (399ºC) 32 - 1000ºF (0-538ºC)- 10.2x10¯⁶(18.4) for 1/2 to 2 hours. Temperature ( Fahrenheit to Celsius ) - 32 - 1200ºF (0-649ºC)- 10.3x10¯⁶(18.5) (ºFahrenheit - 32) Multiply by 0.5556 FORMABILITY Magnetic Permeability, H = 200 Type 304 and 304L have very good Oersteds, Annealed - 1.02 max. drawability. Their comibination of low Density (pounds per cubic inch to kilograms per cubic meter) - Modulus of Elasticity, ksi (MPa) yield strength and high elongation permits Multiply by 27,670 28.0 x 10³ (193 x 10³) in tension successful forming of complex shapes. 11.2 x 10³ (77 x 10³) in torsion However, these grades work harden rapidly. To relieve stresses produced in Melting Range, ºF (ºC) - 2550 - 2650 severe forming or spinning, parts should The formation and data in this product dxata sheet are accurate to the best of our knowledge and be- (1399 - 1454) be annealed or stress-relief annealed as lief, but are intended for general information only. CORROSION RESISTANCE soon as possible after forming. Applications suggested for the materials are de- scribed only to help readers make their own eval- These steels exhibit excellent resistance uations and decisions, and are neither guarantees to a wide range of atmospheric, chemical, WELDABILITY nor to be construed as express or implied warran- textile, petroleum and food industry The austenitic class of stainless steels is ties of suitability for these or other applications. exposures. generally considered to be weldable by the common fusion and resistance techniques. Data referring to mechanical properties and chem- ical analyses are the result of tests performed on Special consideration is required to avoid specimens obainted from specific locations with weld ' hot cracking' by assuring formation prescribed sampling procedures; any warranty of ferrite in the wel deposite. Types 304 thereof is limited to values obtained at such loca- and 304L are generally considered to be tions and by such procedures. There is no warran- ty with respect to values of the materials at other the most common alloys of this stainless locations. class. When weld filler is needed, AWS E/ER 62
201 STAINLESS STEEL Cooking Utensils Restaurant Equipment Appliances Automotive Trim Architectural Appliances Type 201 is an austenitic chromium-nickel-magnasese stainless steel that was developed originally to conserve nickel, It provides properties similar to Type 301 and can be used in most applications for Type 301. This alloy is non-magnetic in the anneled conditions, but becomes magnetic when cold worked. The rate of work hardening is ismilar to Type 301, although Type 201 develops somewhat higher yield strength while retaining equal ductility when cold worked. Toughness at low temperatures is excellent. Typical uses included appliances, restaurant equipment, cooking utensils, sinks, automotive trim, architectural applicants suc as windows and doors, railways cars, trailers and hose clamps. 63
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION CORROSION RESISTANCE The general level of corrosion resistance of Type 201 is similar to SPECIFICATION Type 301. Type 201 should perform adequately as a replaecment Type 201 Stainless Steel is covered by the following specifications for Type 301, in most mild environments. The scaling resistance of ASTM A240 Type 201 is less than that of Type 301. Type 201 resists destructive ASTM A666 scaling up to about 1500 ºF (816 ºC), about 50 ºF (28 ºC) less that Type 301. AVAILABLE FORMS Yanbu Steel produces Type 201 Stainless Steel in thickness from FABRICATION 0.010 in. to 0.187 in. (0.25 to 4.75mm) and widths up to 48 in. Type 201 STainless Steel can be fabricated by bench forming, roll (1219 mm). For other thicknesses and widths, inquire. forming and brake bending in much the same manner as Type 301. However, because can be drawn similarly to Type 301 in most COMPOSITION (WT%) drawing operations if more power is used and the hold-down pressure is increased. Carbon 0.15max WELDABILITY Manganese 5.50 - 7.50 The austenitic class of stainless steels is generally considered to be weldable by the common fusion and resistance techniques. Phosphorus 0.060 max Special consideration is required to avoid weld 'hot cracking' by assuring formation of ferrite is the weld deposit. As with other Sulfur 0.030 max chrome-nickel austenitic stainless steel grades where carbon is Silicon 1.00 max not restricted to 0.03% or below, the weld heat affected zone may be sensitized and subject to intergranular corrosion in some Chromium 16.00 - 18.00 environments. This particular alloy is generally considred to have poorer weldability to the most common alloy of this stainless class, Nickel 3.50 - 5.50 Type 304L Stainless Steel. When weld filler is needed, AWS E/ER 308 is most often specified. Type 201 Stainless Steel is well known Nitrogen 0.25 max in reference literature and more information can be obtained in this way. Iron Balance HEAT TREATMENT PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Type 201 is not hardenable by heat treatment. Density, lbs./in.³ (g/cm³) 0.283(7.81) Annealing: Anneal at 1850 - 1950 ºF (1010 - 1066 ºC), then water quench or rapidly air cool. The annealing temperature should be Electrical Resistivity, µΩ•in (µΩ•cm) 27.0(68.5) kept as low as possible, consistent with the desired properties, Thermal Conductivity, BTU/hr./ft./ºF (W/m/K) because Type 201 tends to scale more than Type 301. 212 ºF (100 ºC) 9.4 (16.2) 932 ºF (500 ºC) 12.4 (21.4) Mean Coeffiecient of Thermal Expansion, in./in./ºF (µm/m/K) 32 - 212 ºF (0 -100ºC) 8.7 x 10¯⁶ (15.7) 32 - 600 ºF (0 -315ºC) 9.7 x 10¯⁶ (17.5) 32 - 1000 ºF (0 -538ºC) 10.2 x 10¯⁶ (18.4) 32 - 1200 ºF (0 -649ºC) 10.5 x 10¯⁶ (18.9) 32 - 1600 ºF (0 -871ºC) 11.3 x 10¯⁶ (20.3) Modulus of Elasticity, ksi (MPa) 28.6 x10¯³ (197 x 10¯³ Magnetic Permeability, (H/m at 200 Oersteds) Annealed 1.02 Specific Heat, BTU/lbs./ºF (kJ/kg/K) 0.12 (0.50) 32 - 212 ºF (0 - 100 ºC) Melting Range, ºF (ºC) 2550 - 2650 (1399 - 1454) 64 64
TABLE 1 - TYPICAL MECHANICAL PROPERTIES* Elongatin UTS ksi (MPa) 0.2% YS ksi (MPa) Hardness Rockwell % in 2 (50.8mm) 110 (758) 52 (360) 55 B87 *Annealed condition TABLE 2 - IMPACT STRENGTH Izod V-Notch Rockwell ft.lbs. (J) 120 (163) TABLE 3 - COLD-WORKED PROPERTIES* Elongation % in 2' UTS 0.2% YS Condition ksi (MPa) ksi (MPa) (50.8 mm) min. min. <0.015 in. > 0.015 in. Hardness Rockwell C 1/4 hard 125 (862) 75 (517) 25 25 30 1/2 hard 150 (1034) 110(150) 15 18 35 3/4 hard 175 (1207) 135 (931) 10 12 37 Full hard 185 (1276) 140 (965) 8 9 41 *Standard practice is to produce to either minimum tensile strength, minimum yield strength or minimum hardness, but not to combinations of these properties. 65 65
Yanbu Al Tanmia Company Yanbu Al Tanmia Company YANBU TRADING ءادا ةدﻮﺟو .. ﺰﻴﻤﺘﻟا ةرﺎــﺠــﺘـﻠــﻟ ﻊــﺒـﻨﻳ 66 66
Yanbu Al Tanmia Company Yanbu Al Tanmia Company YANBU TRADING ءادا ةدﻮﺟو .. ﺰﻴﻤﺘﻟا ةرﺎــﺠــﺘـﻠــﻟ ﻊــﺒـﻨﻳ 67 67
Yanbu Al Tanmia Company 69
ةكرشلاب فيرعت ةلماعلا تاكرشلا لئاوأ نم ديدحلل عبني ةكرش ربتعت ةكلمملا يف ةيساسلأا ءانبلا داوم ةراجتو ةعانص يف .ةيدوعسلا ةيبرعلا It is the YANBU company from the early Iron working in the industry and trade of basic building materials in Saudi Arabia. 70
ةناكم أوبتت نا تعاطتسا ةكرشلل ينمزلا رمعلا اذه للاخ Throughout this chronological age, the company داومل يجيلخلاو يلحملا قوسلا يف ةقومرمو ةزيمتم occupied the most prominent and distinctive position هناحبس للها قيفوت دعب تءاج ةناكملا هذه نأو امك ءانبلا in the local and gulft market for building materials, ةدوج للاخ نم انئلامع اهايإ اهلاوأ يتلا ةقثلا مث ىلاعتو this prominent position has come by the help of our ثيح عورفلا نم ةكبش ربكأ ربع اهمدقن يتلا تامدخلا God the Sustainer, and who is the only one to grant ةيسفانتلا راعسلأاو تامدخلا نسحو تاجتنملا عونتب تزيمت success, and the trust of our customers through the لضفأ ديروتو ةيلحملا انعناصم للاخ نم اهمدقن يتلا good services provided to them through the biggest يف انيلثمو انبتاكم ربع كلذو ءانبلا داومل ةيملاعلا تاجتنملا network of the branches, where is characterized by the .كلهتسملا ىدل ةقثلا زمري عبني مسا حبصأ ىتح جراخلا diversity of local factories, and import the best quality مهاس نم مكل ليزجلا ركشلاب هجوتا نأ انه ينتوفي لاو products form the international trademarks name has ركذلاب صخأو خماشلا حرصلا اذه ءانب يف مهاسي لازي لاو become very repurted and give trust to all customers. رمتسملا بواجتلاو ةيلاغلا ةقثلا انوحنم نيذلا ءازعلأا انئلامع ماتلا انمازتلإ مهل نيدكؤم داوم نم همدقن ام لك عم I would like to seize this opportunity to extend our ليبس يف انسفنلأ هانمسر يذلا جهنلا اذه ىلع رارمتسلإاب thanks to all who contrictured and still contributing .نطاوملاو نطولا اذه ةمدخ iin this high edifice, specially our valued customers who has granted their confidence, and the ocntinous respond, with all we provide of different and diverse materials. We reassure our commitment to maintain this approach which we havee designed form ourselve to serve this country and the citizen. 71
عورفلا سلناتسلإا و رزيللاو سلاج ربيفلا باوبلأ عبني ةكرش نحن ةراجنلاو ةدادحلا موزل تاراوسسكلاا عم ليتس .سلناتسلااو موينموللااو :ةماعلا ةرادلإا زيزعلادبع كلملا قيرط – عبني :يلاتلاك ةكلمملا ندم عيمج يف عورف انيدلو ةيعانصلا عبني 1- )ةلمجلا( ضايرلا عرف 2- يسيئرلا ةدج عرف 3- ةمركملا ةكم عرف 4- ةرونملا ةنيدملا عرف 5- نازاج عرف 6- اهبأ عرف 7- )2( ،)1( طيشم سيمخ عرف 8- مامدلا عرف 9- .فظوم )15٠( غلبي لامعلا عم نيفظوملا ددع - ةكلمملا جراخ نم ةعاضبلا دروتسن انيدل لمعلا ماظن - خلإ ..هريغو اياوزو روسجو تلابوك -:نم رصم -2 نيصلا -1 ايقيرفا بونج -4 ايروك – 3 72
We are Yanbu Door Fiber Glass - Laser - Stainless Steel construction materials business with iron accessories unnecessary blacksmithing, carpentry, aluminum and stainless steel. Public Administration: Yanbu - King Abdulaziz Road We have branches in all cities of the Kingdom as follows: 1. Yanbu Industrial 2. Riyadh Branch (wholesale) 3. Jeddah main branch 4. Mecca branch 5. Medina Branch 6. Jazan branch 7. Abha Branch 8. Khamis Mushayt branch (1), (2) 9. Dammam Branch - The number of employees with workers of (150) employees. - Labor system we have the goods we import from outside the Kingdom Koppelat, bridges, and other corners etc .. From:- 1 - China 2. Egypt 3 - Korea 4. South Africa 73
Yanbu Al Tanmia Company تﺎﺴﻤﻟا ﻲﻓ .. ﻦﻔﻟا 80
تاجتنملا ةيذلاوف بيبانا ءاــمــلـل دــماــص يرارح لزع ةـيـندــعـم حاوــلا تلاباكو كلاسا تاجتنم ةـيـكـيتـسلاـب داوــم حـلـسـم دــيدــح PRODUCTS Water Proof Steel Pipes Metal Sheets Thermal Insulations Plastic Materials Wire Products Reinforced Steel 81
Yanbu Al Tanmia Company ءادا ﻲﻓ ..ﺔﻗﺪﻟا 82
حـلـسـم دــيدــح حيلستلا ديدحل نيعزوملا ربكأ نوكن نأب رخفن عناصم يف جتنملاو ةدوجلا يلاعلا يدوعسلا )ديدح( بلصلاو ديدحلل ةيدوعسلا ةكرشلا ةكرش نم ريدقت عرد ىلع لوصحلل انلهأ يذلاو )ديدح( اقفو حيلستلا ديدح تاساقم ةفاك انيدل رفوتيو -:يلاتلا لودجلل كبشو دروتسملا حيلستلا ديدح - ديدحلا ينثو عطق تاجتنمو ةبصلا - Reinforced Steel We are very proud to be the largest distributors of the Saudi reinforced steel of the high quality, which is produced in factories of ' Saudi Iron and Steel Company', which qualifies us to get Plaque Award from Steel Co., we have all types of measurements for reinforced steel available according to the following table: - Imported reinforced steel cast mesh and other break & flexion products 83
ةـيـندــعـم حاوــلأ حاوللأا نم ةريثك فانصأ اهئلامعل ةكرشلا رفوت لكب اهتراتجإ تاكامسلاو داعبلأا ةددعتم ةيندعملا ةيلحملاو ةيملاعلا عناصملا ربكأ نم ةعومجمل ةقد راعسأبو ةيلاع ةدوج تاذ داوم اهئلامعل مدقتل انيدل رفوتم وه امم اءزج يلي اميفو ةبسانم نفلجملا ضيبلأا جاصلا - روذبملا جاصلا - موينموللأا حاولأ - سيلناتسلإا حاولأ - دوسلأا جاصلا - روكنزلا - نولم / يداع وكنيش - تلايطتسمو تاعبرم .ريساوم . حاولأ - Metal Sheets We prodvide our customers with all kind of metal sheets of different & various dimensions and thcikness, from a group of the largest and reputed internation & local companies, to provide our customers with the best quality of the materials, and at reasonable prices, the following are the parts which is available to us: - Galvanized steel sheets - Black Sheets - Zincore - Aluminum boards -Normal shinko / coloured -Stainless steel borads, boards, pipes, tubes squres, rectangles. 84
ةيذلاوف بيبانا يف ةلماعلا تاكرشلا ربكأ نم عبني ةكرش ربتعت ثيح )جنسيكلا ريساوم( ةيزاوترلإا رابلآا ريساوم لاجم ايروكو نابايلا يف ةجتنملا عاونلأا ةفاك اهيدل رفوتي ةصوب م 0.188 أدبت ةفلتخم تاكامسب ةيدوعسلاو ةكرشلا نأ امك .ةفلتخم راطقأبو ةصوب 0.250 ىتحو ةيديدحلا ريساوملا نم ةفلتخم عاونأ اهئلامعل ترفو اهنم يتلاو )ةصوب 6.05 ( ءادوس ريساوم - )ملم 120 ×120 ىلإ ملم 12 ×12 نم ( غراف عبرم - )ملم 50 × 100 ىلإ ملم 15×30 نم ( غراف ليطتسم - Steel Pipes Yanbu Company is one of the largest companies, working in the fieled of the stainless steel pipes, where it have all kind of types produced in Jpan, Korea and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with diferent thickness, and different diameters, and the company has provided its customers different types of the steel pipes likewise the following: - Black pipes (0.5 to 6mm) - empty square (from 12x12mm to 120x120mm) - empty rectangle ( from 30x15mm to 100x50mm) 85
Yanbu Al Tanmia Company ﺪﻌﺑ ﻦﻋ ... ﺔﻳؤﺮﻟا 86
؟أدصلل مواقملا ذلاوفلا اذامل تائيب ةمواقمل ذلاوفلا نم ةفلتخم عاونأ ريوطت مت دقل نأب نامضلاو ديكأتلل ةيلمعلا فورظلاو أدصلاب لكأتلا دقلو ،لوطأ تارتفل شيعت لكايهلا نإو ةنمآ عناصملا ةفاظن مظن يف ىتح أدصلل مواقملا ذلاوفلا مدختسا .دوقولا تاطحمو تارايسلا مادوع تازاغ مواقملا ذلاوفلا مادختساو ةعانص ةداعإ نكمي اضيأو هتباذإ ةداعإ نكميو ،ةدرخ ىلإ لوحتي امدنع أدصلل .ةديدج ءايشأ يف هنم ةدافتسلال :موركلا تاريثأت ىلع يوتحي يذلا موركلا وه أدصلل مواقملا ذلاوفلا هيوتحي يذلا موركلا نم ىندلاا دحلا ،ذلاوفلا كئابس لوحت موركلا نم 10.5% نأ وه أدصلل مواقملا ذلاوفلا نسحت ينعي امم أدصلل لباق ريغ ذلاوف ىلإ ذلاوفلا .ططخملا يف حضوم وه امك أدصلاب لكأتلا ةمواقم Why Stainless Steel? Many types of stainless steels have been developed to resist diferent corrosion environments and working conditions ensuring that factories are safe, structures last longer. Stainelss steel is even used for in systems to clean up the exhaust gases from cars and power stations. Stainless steel is also recyclable: when scrapped, it can be re-melted to make something new. Effect of Chromium Stainless steels are chromium containing steel alloys. The minimum chromium content of the standardised stainless steels is 10.5%. Chromium makes the steel 'stainless' this means improved corrosion resistance, as can be seen in the chart. 87
ةقبط دوجو ةجيتن وه أدصلاب لكأتلا ةمواقم نسحت يهو ،ذلاوفلا حطس ىلع نوكتت يتلاو موركلا ديسكأ اضيأ يهو ةنسحلا فورظلا ريثأت تحت ةقيقر ةقبط .اهسفن حلاصإ ةيصاخ اهل ةدام موندبيلوملا ذلاوف وهو رخآ زلف كلانه ،موركلا بناجب عونلا اذهو رسكلا لهسو ليكشتلل لباق زلف وهو رصانعل لصلأا قبط ةكيبس رصانع لمحي ذلاوفلا نم لكينلا كئابس امأ .نيجورتينلاو لكينلا ،موركلا ةكيبس ذلاوفلل ةنويللا وأ طملاو لكشتلا ةيلباق نيسحتل يهف وأ لكايه زربي رصانعلا هذه كيبست .أدصلل مواقملا ةفلتخملا صئاصخلا نم نكمتل ةفلتخم ةيرولب تاراطإ ...خلإ ميحلتلاو ليكشتلاو ،تلالآا عينصت يف ذلاوفلا نم ةيسيئرلا ةعبرلأا عاونلاا :يه أدصلل مواقملا أدصلل لباق ريغ يتنتسإ ذلاوف وأ بلص يتنتسإ ديدح- تيديدحلا كئابس- ديدحلا نم جودزم عون وأ ( تيديدحلا ماخ كئابس- )تيديدحلاو يتنتسلاا يتسينيتراملا رهزلا ديدح- The better corrsion resistance is due to a chromium oxide film that is formed on the steel surface. this extremely thin layer, under the right conditions, is also self-repairing. Besides chromiu , typical alloying elements are molybdenum, nickel and nitrogen. Nickely is mostly alloyed to improve the formability and diuctility of stainless steel. Alloying these elements bring out different crystal structures to enable different propoerties in machining, forming, welding etc. The four major types of stainless steel: Austenitic Ferritic Austenitic - Ferritic (Duplex) Martensitic 88
وهف بلصلا ليتس سلناتسلاا ديدحلا لولأا عونلا امأ ريغلا ذلاوفلا عاونأ نم رثكأ مدختسملاو اعويش رثكلاا بيرقت لكينلا ةدام ىلع يوتحي وهو ،أدصلل لباق ةينيتسإ رثكأ ةيذلاوفلا لكايهلا يطعي يذلاو 7% عساو قاطن تامدخ ،طملاو ددمتلل ةيلباقلا اهيطعيو هلو ةيسيطانغملا ةيلباقلا هل تسيل .ةرارحلا تاجردل ةعومجم كلانه ،ماحللا يف مادختسلال ةديج ةيلباق ىلع اهنم أدصلل لباق ريغلا ذلاوفلل تامادختسلاا نم ةيعانصلا يبانلاا ،ةيعولاا ،ةيلزنملا يناولاا لاثملا ليبس لكايهلاو ةيعانصلا تاهجاولاو ،ةيعانصلا ريساوملاو .ةيئاشنلاا ذلاوفلا صئاصخ هل تيديدحلا وأ رهزلا ديدحلا ذلاوف ةمواقمل ةديج ةيلباق عم نكلو ،لدتعملا وأ فيفخلا يوتحت عونلا اذه نم اعويش عاونلاا رثكا ،أدصلا لكآتلا ام ابلاغ 12% ةبسنو موركلا نم 17% وأ 12% ىلع Austenitic is the most widely used type of stainless steel. It has a nickel content of atleast 7%, which متيف 17% ةبسن امأ ،ةيئاشنلاا لكايهلا يف مدختست ،تايلاغلا ،ةيلزنملا يناولاا ةعانص يف اهمادختسا makes the steel structure fully austenitic and gives it ductility, a large scale of service temperature, .يلخادلا رامعملاو ،سبلاملا تلااسغ non-magnetic properties and good weldability. The range of applications of austenitic stainless steel includes housewares, containers, industrial piping and vessels, architectural facades and contructional structures. Ferritic stainless steel has properties similar to mild steel but with the better corrosion resitance. The most common of these are 12% and 17% chromium containing steels, with 12% used mostly in structural applications and 17% in housewares, boilers, washing machines and indoor architectures. 89
ينيتنتسلاا ديدحلا نم جودزملا عونلا( ثلاثلا عونلا نم عونلا اذهو ،)تيديدحلا وا يتيرفلا رهزلا ديدحلاو ىمسي ام وهو ةيكباشت ةينب وه ذلاوفلا وأ ديدحلا يوتحي عونلا اذهو ،جودزملا أدصلل لباق ريغلا ذلاوفلاب ةرابع ينيتنتسا ايئزج نوكي ثيح لكينلا ضعب ىلع ةوقلا يطعي ةداع جودزملا لكيهلاو ،ةيكباشت ةينب نع يف مدختست ام ةداع عاونلأا هذهو ،ددمتلا ةيلباقو ةعانص ،قرولا بابل ،قرولا ةعانص ،ةيئايميكورتبلا داوم .نفسلا رهزلا ديدح عون وهو ريخلأاو عبارلا عونلا امأ 13% ىلإ 11 نم يوتحي همظعم يف وهو ،يتسينيتراملا ةمواقم ةيصاخب بلصو يوق اضيأ وهو موركلا نم .أدصلا لكآتل ةلدتعم Austenitic - Ferritic (Duplex) stainless steel has a ferritic and austehnitic lattice structure - hence common name: duplex stainless steel. This steel has some nickel content for a partially austenitic lattice structure. The duplex structure delivers both strength and ductility. Duplex steels are mostly used in petrochemical, paper, pulp and shipbuilding industries. Martensitic stainless steel contains mostly 11 to 13% chromium and is both strong and hard with moderate corrosion resistance. This steel is mostly used in turbine blades and in knives. 90
جاتنإ يف ةدئار ةكرش ىلإ عبني ةكرش ريوطت مت دقل ةيدوعسلا ةيبرعلا ةكلمملاب أدصلل لباق ريغلا ذلاوفلا انئلامع ةقث ىلع دهشي درطضملاو رمتسملا ومنلا نإ انئاضعأ نم مازتلإ اضيأ وهو انيف اهعوضو يتلا .انوفظومو :ماهملا نايب هذه نم اهروطتو اهحاجن دمتست عبني ةكرش :تامازتللاا لضفأ ةمدخ ميدقت - لضفأ ةدوج ىوتسم ميدقت - ةسفانم اهراعسأ - Yanbu Company has evolved into a leading stainless steel company in Saudi Arabia since 1991. Our continous growth is a testament to the confidence our clients place in us and the commitment of our members. Mission Statement Yanbu Company is derived in these commitments. - Best Service. - Best Quality. - Competitive Price. 91
Yanbu Al Tanmia Company ﺐﻴﻛﺮﺘﻟا ﻲﻓ .. ﺔﺑﻼﺼﻟا 92
ASTM A554 / ةيئاشنلااو ةيكيناكيملا ضارغلال أدصلل مواقملا ذلاوفلا بيبانأ JIS G3446 / CNS 5802 أدصلل ةلباق ريغ ةيرئاد بيبانأ TP303 / 304L TP316 / 316L : )ةئفلا فنصلا كلذلو ..خلإ ٣٠١ ،2٠2 ،2٠١ ةجرد أدصلل لباق ريغ ذلاوف ريفوت اضيأ اننكمي : ةظحلام ليمعلا بلط بسح ASTM A 554 JIS G 3446 CNS 5802 : سايقملا ملم ١١4.٣ – ملم ٩.5 : داعبلاا ملم ٣.٠5 – ٠.٦ : نزولا امزلاب + جيت :ماحللا ةقيرط .. خلإ بيبانلاا ةفرخزو نييزت ،ينابملا ءاشنإ :)مادختسلاا( تاقيبطتلا ةموزحمو ةطوبرم مزح يف ،ذلاوف وأ بلص قيدانص : ةئبعتلا Stainless Steel Tubes for mechanical and structural Purposed/ ASTM A 554 / JIG G3446 / CNS 5802 Stainless Round Tubes Grade : TP303 / TP 304L, TP 316 / 316L. Note : We can also provide stainless steel grade 201, 202, 301 etc. as per customer demand. Standard : ASTM A554 JIG G3446 CNS 5802 O.D. : 9.5 mm - 1114.3 mm W.T. : 0.6 - 3.05 mm Welding Method : TIG or Tig + Plasma Application : Construction for building, ornamental tubing etc. Packing See Worthy Bundle or Steel Crate 93
)ليتسإ سلنيتسا( ةليطتسملاو أدصلل ةلباقلا ريغ ذلاوفلا بيبانأ :)ةيصوصخلا( تازيمملا ل 316 / 316 يب يت / ل 304 /304 يب يت :ةجردلاو ةيعونلا .. خلإ 301 ،202 ،201 تاجردلا نم ليتسإ سلينتسإ ذلاوفلا رفون نأ اضيأ اننكمي : ةظحلام .نوبزلا بلط بسح 554 يأ – مإ يت سأ يإ : سيياقملا ملم 180 × 80 – 20 ×10 : داعبلاا ملم 6.0 – 0.6 : نزولا امزلاب + جيت وأ جيت : ماحللا ةقيرط خلإ بيبانلاا ةفرخزو نييزتو ،ءانبلل ةيئاشنلاا لكايهلا :)مادختسلاا( تاقيبطتلا يرحب نحش ةطوبرم مزح وأ قيدانص : ةئبعتلا Stainless Steel Square Tube Feature Grade : TP304 / 304L, TP316 / 316L. Note : We can also provide stainless steel grade 201, 202, 301 etc. as per customer demand. Standard : ASTM A554 O.D. : 12.8 x 12.7 - 100 x 100 mm Welding Method : Tig or Tig + Plasma Application : Construction for building, ornamental tubing etc. Packing : Sea Worthly Bundle or Steel Crate 94
:ةعبرملا أدصلل ةلباق ريغلا ةيذلاوفلا بيبانلاا :ةيصوصخلاو تازيمملا ل 316 / 316 يب يت / ل 304 /304 يب يت :ةيعونلاو ةجردلا .. خلإ 301 ،202 ،201 تاجردلا نم ليتسإ سلينتسإ ذلاوفلا رفون نأ اضيأ اننكمي: ةظحلام .نوبزلا بلط بسح 554 يأ – مإ يت سأ يإ : سيياقملا ملم 100 × 100 – 12.7 × 12.7 : داعبلاا ملم 6.0 – 0.6 : نزولا جيت وأ – جيت : ماحللا ةقيرط خلإ بيبانلاا ةفرخزو ةنيزلاو ،ينابملا تاءاشنلا :)مادختسلاا( تاقيبطتلا ةيذلاوف قيدانص وأ / يرحبلا نحشلاب ةطوبرم مزح يف : ةئبعتلا Stainless Steel Rectangular Tube Feature Grade : TP304 / 304L, TP316 / 316L. Note : We can also provide stainless steel grade 201, 202, 301 etc. as per customer demand. Standard : ASTM A554 O.D. : 12.8 x 12.7 - 100 x 100 mm Welding Method : Tig or Tig + Plasma Application : Construction for building, ornamental tubing etc. Packing : Sea Worthly Bundle or Steel Crate 95
ﻊﺒﻨﻳ ﺔﻛﺮﺷ ةرﺎﺠﺗ ـ ﺔﻋﺎﻨﺻ ـ تﻻوﺎﻘﻣ 41٩41 :عبني - 1٨1٩ ب . ص - ٠14 3٩٠٠٠57 سكافيلت - ىوضر ةايح قدنف - زيزعلا دبع كلملا قيرط - رحبلا عبني Yanbu Al Bahhar - King Abdul Aziz Road - Hyatt Radwa Hotel - Telefax: 014 3900057 - P.O. Box: 1819 - Yanbu: 41941 Email: [email protected]