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Home Explore 15-BeerCan-0712-Brochure-ENG-Print


Published by ali, 2015-11-12 14:36:42

Description: 15-BeerCan-0712-Brochure-ENG-Print


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THENATIONALVOICEFOR BEER.YOU HAVE APARTNER INOTTAWA.Logo Usage Guide Copyright © Beer Canada. ABeer Canada Logo Black & White ReversedBeer Canada Bilingual


OUR WORK BENEFITS EVERYBREWERY IN CANADA.Beer Canada advocates on behalf of our members,makers of Canada’s most popular adult beverage.Our mission is to provide thoughtful leadership andstrategic focus to grow the beer category and facilitatethe commercial success of Canada’s brewers.YOUR MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES:›› A voice at the table and ›› Access to our Industry a role in shaping our Data Share program direction and strategy and enhanced market insights›› Media monitoring and ›› Industry connection reports on engagement and support›› The knowledge that ›› Guidance and support your participation supports our on regulatory and industry’s future legislative issues Logo Usage Gui Beer Canada Logo Beer Canada Bilingual

OUR SUCCESSIS YOUR SUCCESS.WHY IS IT IMPORTANT WHAT KIND OF MEMBERFOR BREWERS TO UNITE? SERVICES DO YOU OFFER?Unity amongst brewers is We provide members withcentral to our strategic plan. the benefits of an advocate inCanadian brewers operate Ottawa as well as statistical,in a highly regulated and technical and communicativeheavily taxed environment services. We are prompt andand a united voice federally professional in all that we do.allows brewers to focus onbusiness while we promoteand protect the industry.Together we can improvethe marketplace for beer.

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST WHAT ARE SOME OF YOURTO BE A MEMBER? RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS?Costs are minimal with an We defended the industryannual membership fee of during the “Beer Wars” with$150 a year plus an assessment the U.S. in the early 1990s. Werate of $0.04 per hL on first secured the elimination of the300,000 hL and $0.12 per hL double-up excise duty payment,over 300,000 hL. established the 2001 Standard Mould Bottle Agreement, and achieved a progressive excise duty schedule with no threshold caps in 2006 that fosters growth among Canadian brewers. Logo Usage Gui Beer Canada Logo Beer Canada Bilingual

BEER CANADAAT A GLANCE. OVER 30 MEMBERS STRONG includes small, large and medium sized brewers Committed staff, BASED IN OTTAWA Our 9 MEMBER BOARD OF DIRECTORS includes brewers of all sizes Practice FEDERAL ADVOCACY to improve the marketplace All members welcome to annual CELEBRATE BEER event with Parliamentarians in Ottawa Our work in the industry BENEFITS EVERY BREWERY in Canada Our presence extends INTERNATIONALLY to advocate for members’ interests PARTNERSHIPS in industry, responsible use, research and knowledge

INDUSTRYAT A GLANCE. Canadians enjoyed 19 MILLION HECTOLITRES of domestic beer in 2014 Beer’s economic impact is THREE TIMES LARGER than the wine and spirits industry combined Supply chain stretches ACROSS CANADA 99% OF BEER BOTTLES are returned 1 IN EVERY 100 JOBS in Canada is supported, directly & indirectly by the beer industry 163,200 JOBS created by production, marketing, distribution & sales of Canadian beer $5.8 BILLION in government revenues is generated in product, income and corporate taxes For every $1 SPENT ON BEER, $1.12 GDP is generated

WE PRIORITIZE WHATMATTERS TO YOU.FEDERAL REGULATIONS PARTNERSHIPS Excise Responsible Use: Labelling Federal Definition of Beer • Motherisk Advertising • Change the Conversation • Advertising Standards CanadaTECHNICAL AFFAIRS Research: Standard Mould Bottle Food Safety Program • Traffic Injury Research Good Manufacturing Foundation Practice Energy • Fetal Alcohol Canadian Expertise Conference • National Alcohol Strategy Industry: • Canadian Association of Liquor Jurisdictions • Barley Council of Canada, • Worldwide Brewing Alliance • Olds College • Niagara College

Beer Canada’s membership fees and governance allowbrewers of all sizes to engage on industry issues withtheir colleagues and access a variety of tools. Workingtogether as a united industry is the best way to advancethe interests of the Canadian brewing industry.Jim Button, Village Brewery, Beer Canada Board Member,Small Brewery Representative, Western Canada.

FIRST CLASSINSIGHT.Our latest value-add service is the first of its kindin Canada. The Industry Data Share is dedicated togaining market insight for Canadian brewers. TheIndustry Data Share allows participants to accessenhanced sales details by exchanging up to SKU-leveldata by type-of-sale on a monthly basis.

The Canadian Government collects $5.8 billion annually fromtaxes on beer and there is a great deal of regulations thatimpact the production, distribution, marketing and sale ofbeer. Beer Canada gives brewers a strong national voice forengaging governments, and a forum to discuss importantindustry issues.John Sleeman, Sleeman Breweries Ltd., Beer Canada Chairman Logo Usage Gui Beer Canada Logo Beer Canada Bilingual

LET’S HAVEA BEER.We’d love to take a tour of your brewery or talk withyou in person over a beer. Phone or email works too.Our membership is open to all Canadian brewers witha federal excise licence and the belief that beer makesthe world a better place.Joining puts you in good company: for membership: Usage Guide Copyright © Beer Canada. All rights reservBeer Canada Logo Black & White Reversed45 O’Connor Street, Suite 650OBtetearwCa, Colours @BeerCanada Beer Canada GoldTypography RGB: 224,184,80 CMYK: 15,25,80,0Helvetica Neue LT Std Georgia Gold Gradient Black Top: 237,211,129 RGB: 0,0,0Titiling: Extended Titling: Roman Bottom: 216,168,59 CMYK: 0,0Body: RomanSpecial: Bold Extended Body: RomanVariations