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Home Explore A55 iPhone training guide

A55 iPhone training guide

Published by nata1588, 2018-06-26 06:48:13

Description: A55 iPhone training guide


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A55 appID Training GuideApril 2018 1

OverviewWhat is the problem?Today, A55’s are created in a number of different ways. And it’s not always easy to for engineers to knowwhat information to provide or where to send the A55.Dealing teams (Dig & Aux, Planners etc.) sometimes have difficulty finding the A55, or have to rework it orsend it back to field engineers if critical information is missingWhat have we done about this? Similar to SD app, we have created Apps (iPhone and WIN8 versions) to help engineers create the A55. And we have build a Central Repository, where all A55’s submitted from the Apps will automatically be stored for easier access. 2

How To Download the A55 App for Win8Laptops  Press the windows button  Type software centre (It will then show in the top right)  Open the software centre  Click on “find additional applications from the application catalog”  Type “A55” into the search box in the top right and click the magnifying glass  Click on install once the A55 app comes up  You will then see the below 3

Getting to know the New A55 App You should receive a SMS with a link to download the A55 app. Once you have installed the new A55 App it will be shown on your iPhone home screen as indicated here. The App can be used both Online and Offline to help in those problem signal areas. You will need either WIFI (when back at the Exchange) or 3G to do the final submission. To get started, tap on the App 4

Getting to know the New A55 App Here is your opening screen. From here you can page up and down to select the type of A55 you require. It is broken down in to the following categories: • Auxillaries • Confined Space • Gully Sucking • Scaffolding • Traffic Lights • Tree Cutting • Cable Length/Pole Renewals • OH Cable Length Renewal • UG Cable Length Renewal • Pole Replacement • Digs • Blockages • Customer Lead-In • Dusct • Maintenance Dig 5

Using the New A55 AppIn this example we have selected – UG Cable LengthRenewalTap to select and start your A55 as indicated 6

Using the New A55 AppAs with all of our apps you need to follow the promptsof the red lines which indicate actions required.Tap here to enter your mobile number. 7

Using the New A55 AppNext you need to tap either JOB or ESTIMATE and thenenter the appropriate information. 8

Using the New A55 AppNow enter the circuit ID and then tap on the Exchangetab to select your working area 9

Using the New A55 AppThe app will build a list according to what is nearest toyour current location or if you select A–Z you will bepresented with a full list of exchanges. 10

Using the New A55 AppOnce you have selected your Exchange area the ID andCode will be auto populated for you as shown. 11

Using the New A55 AppNow you need to select your location. If you are in a noservice area you can continue to answer the questionsin the next section and then save. When you are in abetter signal area you can reopen your saved A55 andadd the location/flag details. This will be covered indetail at the end of the this guide.Tap to select. 12

Using the New A55 AppThe app will generate a map of your area, tap on themiddle button as indicated to drop a flag onto yourlocation. 13

Using the New A55 AppHere you can see the location flag indicating yourlocation. Tap done once complete. 14

Using the New A55 AppYou can now see the address details for your locationauto populated into the location details field. Tap in thesite description box to enter some free form notes thatwill help describe the location eg opposite the firestation or busy roundabout etc 15

Using the New A55 AppRed bar on the left of the app indicates that it need yourattention. Answer the questions carefully. Here, tap onthe tap to choose next to the volume of traffic. 16

Using the New A55 AppThen adjust the wheel to select the answer(light/medium/heavy) that best suits the volume oftraffic at your location then tap done. 17

Using the New A55 AppThe next question requires you to choose the speed ofthe road. Tap to choose and then adjust the spinner tosuit the speed of the road at your location then tapdone. Then you need to answer if any of the followingquestions will be affected by your worksite? 18

Using the New A55 AppAnswer the questions relating to Bends on approach tosite with a simple YES/NO. 19

Using the New A55 AppNext answer the question is there a Bus Stop. If theanswer is YES then tap on the box that then appears toadd a flag position to the Map. 20

Using the New A55 AppMove to the location of the Bus Stop and then tap on thecenter button (as indicated) to add the flag. 21

Using the New A55 AppContinue to answer the questions and add flags to themap if required. 22

Using the New A55 AppMove to the location of the Entrance and then tap onthe center button (as indicated) to add the flag. 23

Using the New A55 AppContinue to answer the questions and add flags to themap if required. 24

Using the New A55 AppWhen you add the detail for the width of the road youwill presented with a key pad to help you enter themeasurement. Tap done when complete. 25

Using the New A55 AppWhen answer the road closure question you will bepresented with a roller with predefined answers foryour convenience.Tap done once complete. 26

Using the New A55 AppAgain, here the Traffic Light Config question will give youa roller with predefined answers.Tap done when complete. 27

Using the New A55 AppAgain, continue to answer the questions. 28

Using the New A55 AppWhen you add the detail for the width of the road youwill presented with a key pad to help you enter themeasurement. Tap done when complete. 29

Using the New A55 AppOnce you have completed the form and entered allnecessary information, the Submit button will turn white.Click on it to submit your A55. 30

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