By T. Albert Illustrated by:
This entertaining book looks at the words “Stop” and “Go” in different situations and is intended to impart a sense of caution to one before proceeding. Published by Monkey Pen Ltd
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When you see red, STOP!
When you see green, GO.
But wait. What is yellow? CAUTION, you should know.
Red signs, and lights, and markings on the street.
Stop, and look, and listen; before you move your feet.
If cars drive on the right, look left then right, you know
If cars drive on the left, look right then left, that’s so.
No matter what the color, be it red or green.
Remember that there’s yellow.
Use CAUTION in-between.
Remember that there’s yellow.
Use CAUTION in-between.
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This entertaining book looks at the words “Stop” and “Go” in different situations and is intended to impart a sense of caution to one before proceeding. Please share our books with your friends and family to support our mission. Thank you Published by Illustrated by Monkey Pen Ltd
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