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Home Explore The Little Tin Soldier

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THE LITTLE T (THE STEADFAST Written by Hans Christian Anders First published 1835 - 1872 This adaptation by Kiwi Opa

LITTLE TI But the friendly Ted The Little Tin Soldie Jack’s words deep Jack ha He lay d watchin He neve Finally h

IN SOLDIER ddy Bear was too late. er had taken into his heart. ad frightened him. down beside the lake, ng the Dancer; er took his eyes off her. he drifted off to sleep.

LITTLE TIN The next morning, when he saw the tin soldier lyin he picked him up, placed near an open window. From th could se Jack’s b the cast the bea was sm He smil

N SOLDIER the little boy came in, ng on the floor, d him on a shelf, here the soldier ee the whole room: box; the Teddy Bear; tle and … autiful lady miling at him. led back.


IN SOLDIER Suddenly, a gust of wind caught the curtain. It flipped the Little Tin Soldier backwards, out of the open window.

LITTLE TIN As he fell down tow Jack’s words tumbl ‘Tomorrow, an ill wi

N SOLDIER wards the ground, led through his mind, ind will carry you away,’ And he was sure he heard Jack’s fiendish laugh in the wind.

LITTLE TIN The lan his the The rus to r But alth the

N SOLDIER e Little Tin Soldier nded upside down with bayonet wedged between e cracks in the pavement. e little boy and his mother shed down rescue him. t they couldn’t find him, hough at one time, ey almost stood on him.

LITTLE TI Now the soldier felt rea To make him feel even heavy drops of rain sta It w wat dow ‘Wh is g he

IN SOLDIER ally miserable. n worse, large, arted to fall. wasn’t long before ter was pouring wn the gutter beside him. hat bad thing going to happen next,’ said to himself.

LITTLE TI A tw d T it to T a o a

IN SOLDIER As if in answer, wo boys came running down the street. They thought t would be fun o send him out to sea. They quickly made a small sail boat out of an old newspaper and placed him inside.

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