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Home Explore Avenue Bookstore Summer Reading Guide 2019_clone

Avenue Bookstore Summer Reading Guide 2019_clone

Published by james, 2019-11-19 03:42:28

Description: Avenue Bookstore Summer Reading Guide 2019

Keywords: Books,bookstore,melbourne,australia


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What a wonderful year it has been All of our shops are full to thefor books! Welcome once again brim with fabulous new releasesto our Summer Reading Guide, as well as timeless classics – andcelebrating the best of books for our knowledgeable, passionatethe festive season. We’ve enjoyed and very bookish staff are moreevents and visits from a stellar than happy to help you with yourline-up of authors, including selections. Complimentary gift-Jimmy Barnes, Sofie Laguna, wrapping, a vast array of greetingGraeme Simsion & Anne Buis, cards, diaries and calendars – orMegan Hess, Shaun Micallef, an Avenue Bookstore Gift VoucherMichelle de Kretser, Alex Miller if you can’t make up your mind!and Kevin Sheedy, to name but afew. We’re looking forward to more We wish you all a very happy andexciting author events in 2018. safe holiday season, and thank you for being a part of Avenue Bookstore – see you in-store soon! Fiction

The Kites Uncommon Type: Some StoriesRomain GaryText $32.99 Tom HanksSet in Normandy before and during World William Heinemann $32.99War II, The Kites is narrated by young orphan A hectic, funny, sexual affair between twoLudo Fleury, who is madly in love with Lila best friends. A World War II veteran dealingde Bronicki, a charming Polish aristocrat. with his emotional and physical scars. AWritten by one of the greatest French authors second-rate actor plunged into sudden(and available for the first time in English), it stardom. This collection of 17 snappy, sassyis both a ripping good story and a sobering short stories show that Oscar winner Tomreflection on the tragic human tendency to Hanks is as talented a writer as he is an for an enemy. A Sea-ChaseA Long Way From Home Roger McDonaldPeter Carey Vintage $32.99Hamish Hamilton $32.99 A Sea-Chase is a novel that vividly tracksWow. So the latest Peter Carey is seemingly ambition, self-realisation and lasting loveset around the Redex car trials of the 1950s, tied up in a sea story. The idea that nobodybut this thrilling high-speed story starts one who sets off to do something alone (withoutway and then takes you someplace else. It’s family, friends, rivals or a pressing duty toabout race relations, Australian history and the world) ever does so alone finds beautiful,culture, and the journey home. It’s funny, it’s dramatic expression in Roger McDonald’ssmart, it’s Australian writing at its best. It’s the most surprising everyone will be reading this summer. The Rest of Their LivesFirst Person Jean-Paul DidierlaurentRichard Flanagan Mantle $29.99Knopf $39.99 Ambroise is an embalmer in a small FrenchHow on earth do you follow up the massive town and rarely spends time with the living.success of The Narrow Road to the Deep Manelle offers home help for the elderly.North? In this blistering story of a ghostwriter She enjoys her days, but finds her eveningshaunted by his demonic subject, the Man lonely. So when an unusual road trip bringsBooker Prize winner turns to lies, crime and them together, they are both more than readyliterature with devastating effect. for the rest of their lives to begin.The Grade Cricketer: Deadly KerfuffleTea and No Sympathy Tony MartinDave Edwards, Ian Higgins & Sam Perry Affirm Press $29.99Allen & Unwin $29.99 Voted best ever book with the word ‘Kerfuffle’Hilarious, ridiculous and completely true in the title, Deadly Kerfuffle is a smart,to life to anyone who’s ever spent time in riveting and incredibly funny novel froma dressing room, Tea and No Sympathy Tony Martin inspired by actual letters to thetakes us on a skeweringly funny sporting editor. Through biting satire and a cast ofmisadventure through the world of grade unforgettable characters, it’s an insight intocricket and the flawed, damaged and the kind of paranoia that could only everoccasionally appalling people who play it. blossom in the quietest and safest of places.Tell Tale The Magic LampJeffrey Archer Ben Okri & Rosemary ClunieMacmillan $32.99 Head of Zeus $34.99The short story has always been Jeffrey This is an extraordinary collaborationArcher’s strong suit. Poignant, engrossing between Booker Prize-winning writer Benand captivating, Tell Tale gives us a Okri and painter Rosemary Clunie: 25fascinating, exciting and sometimes poignant stories, 25 paintings, five years to write, teninsight into the people he has met, the stories years to paint. Together they have created ahe has come across and the countries he world and peopled it with dreams.has visited during the past ten years.Image from The Kites by Romain Gary Avenue Bookstore 3

FictionMrs M WinterLuke Slattery Ali Smith4th Estate $29.99 Hamish Hamilton $29.99Elizabeth Macquarie, widow of the disgraced Winter is coming and not just for JonLachlan Macquarie, is in mourning – not only Snow. In Ali Smith’s second novel in herfor her husband, but also for the loss of their acclaimed Seasonal cycle, she casts a merrydream to transform the penal colony. This eye over a bleak post-truth era with a storystirring novel of passion, ideas and desire rooted in history, memory and warmth, itstracks the course of one long, sleepless taproot deep in the evergreens: art, love,night in which she remembers her life in that laughter. Winter: it’s the season that teacheswild and strange country. us survival.Ada The Dreams of Bethany MellmothKaz CookeViking $32.99 William Boyd‘It’s not every day a handsome young man Viking $32.99appears on your doorstep to ask if you’re A philandering art dealer tries to give upa respectable woman…’ Kaz Cooke invites casual affairs and seek only passionateyou to an audience with the amazing Ada, kisses. A couple chart their five-yeara showgirl and a storyteller with a trunk relationship backwards, from awkwardfull of stories and secrets. A funny, tender reunion to lovelorn first encounter. Andnovel about an extraordinary woman by an Bethany Mellmoth embarks on a year-longextraordinary woman. journey of wishful and tentative self- discovery. Brilliant writing from William Boyd.In the Midst of Winter Heather, the TotalityIsabel AllendeSimon & Schuster $39.99 Matthew WeinerDuring the biggest Brooklyn snowstorm in Canongate $24.99living memory, an unexpected love blossoms The Breakstone family arrange themselvesbetween two people who thought they around their daughter, Heather, andwere deep in the winter of their lives. This the world seems to follow. Beautiful,mesmerizing story sweeps from present-day compassionate and entrancing, HeatherBrooklyn to Guatemala and the turbulent is the greatest blessing in their lives of1970s Chile and Brazil. A novel of high Manhattan luxury. The creator of Mad Menromance and lush sensuality. has crafted an extraordinary first novel of incredible pull and menace about family, power and privilege. Stories: The Collected Short Fiction Helen Garner Text $29.99 This new edition of Helen Garner’s collected short fiction celebrates the 75th birthday of one of Australia’s most loved authors. These stories, which delve into the complexities of love and longing, of the pain, darkness and joy of life, are all told with her characteristic sharpness of observation, honesty and humour.Image from Mrs M by Luke Slattery Avenue Bookstore 4

Artemis Manhattan BeachAndy Weir Jennifer EganDel Rey $32.99 Corsair $32.99You grew up on the moon. Of course The long-awaited novel from the Pulitzeryou have a dark side. The author of The Prize-winning author of A Visit from the GoonMartian returns with a twisty, smart, high- Squad, Manhattan Beach opens in Brooklynconcept thriller about a heist set on the during the Great Depression. With the pacemoon. Jazz is a small time criminal who and atmosphere of a noir thriller and ajumps at the chance to get rich quick. But wealth of detail about organised crime andplanning the perfect crime in 1/6th gravity was the clash of classes in New York, Egan’s firstnever going to be easy. historical novel is a masterpiece.The Passage of Love The Life to ComeAlex Miller Michelle de KretserAllen & Unwin $32.99 Allen & Unwin $32.99Sitting in a New York park, an old man tries Pippa is a writer who longs for accept that his contribution to the future Celeste tries to convince herself thatis over. Instead, he remembers a youthful her feelings for her married lover areyearning for open horizons, for Australia. reciprocated. Ash makes strategic use ofInstinctively he picks up his pen and starts at his childhood in Sri Lanka but blots outthe beginning... Alex Miller is magnificent in the memory of a tragedy. Miles Franklinthis most personal of novels. winner Michelle de Kretser has produced a profoundly moving, bitingly funny novel.Future Home of theLiving God ElmetLouise Erdrich Fiona MozleyCorsair $29.99 John Murray $29.99Erdrich paints a startling portrait of a young Brutal and beautiful in equal measure, Elmetwoman fighting for her life and her unborn is a compelling portrayal of a family living onchild against oppressive forces that manifest the fringes of contemporary society, as wellin the wake of a cataclysmic event. A as a gripping exploration of the disturbingchilling dystopian novel in the vein of The actions of which people are capable whenHandmaid’s Tale, this is a moving meditation pushed to their limits.on female agency, self-determination andnatural rights.The Sparsholt AffairAlan HollinghurstPicador $32.99In 1940, Evert Dax and David Sparsholt, twoyoung men from very different backgrounds,meet at Oxford. This masterly novel takes usthrough several generations from the darkestdays of war to the changing world of Londonin the 1960s and on before concluding in thepresent decade, a world of new media andnew ideas.The Zanzibar WifeDeborah RodriguezBantam $32.99The Zanzibar Wife is a bewitching novel ofclashing cultures and conflicting beliefs,of secrets and revelations, of mystery andmagic, by the author of The Little CoffeeShop of Kabul. Set both in Oman and onZanzibar, it tells the story of three women,each at a turning point in her life.

The Midnight Line The Wanted Lee Child Robert CraisBantam $32.99 Simon & Schuster $32.99 Mid DecemberJack Reacher takes an aimless stroll past a Seventeen-year-old Tyson is a normalpawnshop and sees a West Point class ring teenager: socially awkward, obsessed withfrom 2005. It’s a woman cadet’s graduation video games. But his mother is worried thatpresent to herself. Why would she give it up? her sweet, nerdy son has started to change.Reacher knows what she went through to get She’s just found a $40,000 Rolex watchit, so he tracks the ring back to its owner, step under his bed. Frightened that he is involvedby step, down a criminal trail leading west. in something illegal, she gets in touch with private investigator Elvis Cole.Force of Nature MunichJane HarperMacmillan $32.99 Robert HarrisFive women reluctantly pick up their Penguin Random House $32.99backpacks and start walking along the track. A new spy thriller about treason andOnly four come out the other side. Aaron conscience, loyalty and betrayal, setFalk has an interest in the whereabouts of against the backdrop of the fateful Munichthe missing bushwalker. Alice Russell is the Conference of September 1938. Oncewhistleblower in his latest case, and Alice again, Robert Harris gives us actual eventsknew secrets. In Force of Nature, the author of historical importance. Here, we find Hitler,of The Dry establishes herself as a force to Chamberlain and Mussolini at the heart of anbe reckoned with! electrifying, unputdownable novel.Origin Clear to the HorizonDan Brown Dave WarnerBantam Press $39.99 Fremantle Press $29.99In keeping with his trademark style, the In 1999, a number of young women goauthor of The Da Vinci Code interweaves missing in Claremont. Snowy Lane is hiredscience, religion, history, art and architecture as a PI, but neither he nor the cops caninto this new novel. Origin thrusts Harvard find the serial killer. Sixteen years later, ansymbologist Robert Langdon into the incidental crime in Broome puts him backdangerous intersection of humankind’s on the case. Based on one of the great-two most enduring questions and the unsolved crimes in WA, it will keep youearthshaking discovery that will answer them. guessing.Anatomy of a Scandal Under the Cold, Bright LightsSarah Vaughan Garry DisherSimon & Schuster $29.99 Mid December Text $29.99You want to believe your husband. She Alan Auhl works cold cases now. Like thatwants to destroy him. Anatomy of a Scandal of John Elphick. (His daughters still believecentres on a high-profile marriage that he was murdered, but the coroner’s not sobegins to unravel when the husband is sure.) Or the skeleton that’s been foundaccused of a terrible crime. Sophie is sure under a slab. Or the doctor who killed twoher husband is innocent. Kate is the barrister wives and a girlfriend. Auhl will stick withwho is equally certain that James is guilty. these cases until justice is done. One way or another. A great Melbourne crime novel!Image from The Midnight Line by Lee Child Avenue Bookstore 6

A Spot of Folly The Girl in the FogRuth Rendell Donato CarrisiProfile $29.99 Little, Brown $32.99Never one to let death get in the way of a Anna is 15 when she disappears on a coldnew collection, the queen of psychological night in a small town in the Italian mountains.suspense returns. In these tales, a Vogel has two suspects: a lonely literaturebusinessman boasts about cheating on professor and a teenage boy. In true Carrisihis wife, only to find the tables turned. A style, the lines blur between policeman andcountry rectory reverberates to the echo of a murderer. Vogel too is a potential suspect inhistorical murder. A wealthy man finds there Anna’s more to his wife’s kidnapping than meetsthe eye.  The Rooster BarDon’t Let Go John Grisham Hodder & Stoughton $32.99Harlan Coben Law students Mark, Todd and Zola wantedCentury $32.99 to change the world, but when they realiseFifteen years ago in New Jersey, a teenage they have been caught up in ‘The Great Lawboy and girl were found dead. Most people School Scam’, they begin plotting a way out.concluded it was a tragic suicide pact. The To expose the scam, they have to leave lawdead boy’s brother, Nap Dumas, did not. school, pretend they’re qualified and go intoNow Nap is a cop. When the past comes battle with a billionaire and the FBI.back to haunt him, Nap discovers secretscan kill... End GameA Dangerous Language: David BaldacciRowland Sinclair Macmillan $29.99 Will Robie, highly trained assassin and theSulari Gentill US government’s most indispensable asset,Bloomsbury $29.99 is called to London. An imminent terroristVolunteering his services as a pilot to fly attack threatens the Underground and withrenowned peace advocate Egon Kisch the United States next in line, Robie is thebetween Fremantle and Melbourne, Rowland perfect choice to stop it before it begins. TheSinclair is unaware how hard Australia’s new game has started. Now only he can end itattorney-general will fight to keep Kisch offAustralian soil. This clever series continues Robicheaux: You Knowto go from strength to strength. My NameTwo Kinds of Truth James Lee Burke Orion $29.99 Early JanuaryMichael Connelly Set in New Orleans, James Lee Burke’sMichael Connelly $32.99 new Robicheaux yarn finds Dave fightingHarry Bosch is working cold cases for his demons to overcome his toughest casethe San Fernando police when a young yet. As Michael Connelly succinctly puts it:pharmacist is murdered. Meanwhile, a ‘James Lee Burke is the heavyweight champ,long-imprisoned killer claims Harry framed a great American novelist whose work, takenhim. The two unrelated cases wind around individually or as a whole, is unsurpassed.’each other like strands of barbed wire. Alongthe way, Bosch discovers that there are twokinds of truth. Crime

Birds: The Art of Ornithology A Galaxy of Her OwnJonathan Elphick Libby JacksonMurdoch Books $60.00 Century $32.99Birds tells the remarkable story of the From small steps to giant leaps, here aredevelopment of bird art through the 50 stories of inspirational women whocenturies. The outstanding selection of have been fundamental to the story ofimages from the Natural History Museum humans in space. From Ada Lovelace inincludes exquisitely crafted works from the 19th century to those blazing the wayAudubon, Lear, MacGillivray and Gould. in the race to get to Mars, these storiesA detailed text interweaves ornithological celebrate unsung heroes and remarkablescience, art history, biography and travel. achievements from around the world.Between Eternities & Prairie FiresOther Writings Caroline FraserJavier Marías Sphere $32.99Penguin $32.99 Millions of readers of the Little House booksBetween Eternities ranges widely. Marías believe they know Laura Ingalls Wilder,jumps from the literary to the philosophical, the pioneer girl who survived blizzardsthe autobiographical, football, cinema, and near-starvation on the Great Plains.comic books and ‘Why Almost No One But the true story of her life has neverCan Be Trusted’. Trenchant and wry, been fully told. Laura Ingalls Wilder’s lifehe demonstrates a dazzling intellectual is one of the most astonishing rags-to-vigour, showing just why he is often said riches stories in American be Spain’s greatest living writer. MemoirsThere It Is Again Mike WilleseeDon Watson Macmillan $44.99Vintage $34.99 Mike Willesee has been Australia’s mostFrom birds to love letters, imagined revered television journalist for more thanapologies, mind-numbing management- 50 years. Behind the lens, he’s also beenspeak, Oscar Wilde, Anzac Day, strange a businessman, powerbroker, trailblazerpeople and racehorses, this collection and enduring enigma. A father of six, heof Don Watson’s writing brings his made a fortune in the media then lost itdistinctive voice and way of seeing saving the Sydney Swans and battlingto a host of deserving subjects. his demons. After telling thousands of stories, a legend finally shares his own.The Drover’s Wife Not for the Faint-heartedEdited by Frank MoorhouseKnopf $34.99 Kevin RuddSince Henry Lawson wrote his story ‘The Macmillan $44.99Drover’s Wife’ in 1892, Australian writers, So just who was the man behind thepainters, performers and photographers Kevin07 campaign? In 2007, Kevinhave created a wonderful tradition of Rudd became only the third Labor primedrover’s wife works, stories and images. minister since the Second World War toIn essays and commentary, Frank win government from opposition. TheMoorhouse examines our ongoing first of two volumes, this book covers thefascination with this iconic story. unlikely rise of ‘the boy from Eumundi’ to the most powerful office in the land.Avedon: Something Personal Dare Not LingerNorma Stevens & Steven M. L. AronsonWilliam Heinemann $65.00 Nelson MandelaRichard Avedon was arguably the Macmillan $39.99world’s most famous photographer, In 1994, Nelson Mandela became theas artistically influential as he was first president of democratic South Africa.commercially successful. He created Over the next five years, he and hislandmark advertising campaigns, iconic government wrought the most extraordinaryfashion photographs, ground-breaking transformation, turning a nation riven bybooks and unforgettable portraits. centuries of colonialism and apartheidBut for all his exposure, he remained into a fully functioning democracy. This isamong the most private of celebrities. the story of his remarkable presidency.Image from Birds: The Art of Ornithology byJonathan Elphick Avenue Bookstore 8

The River of Consciousness John Curtin’s WarOliver Sacks John EdwardsPicador $32.99 Viking $49.99In his previous books, Oliver Sacks John Curtin became Australia’s primeaddressed questions of the brain and minister eight weeks before Japan launchedmind through the lens of case histories of war in the Pacific. Curtin’s story – hisindividuals with neurological disorders. In struggle for power, his dramatic use of itthis his last book, Sacks examines questions when he took office and his determinationof memory, time and consciousness. How to be heard in Washington and Londondo we think? How do we remember? And, as Japan advanced – is a political epicmost importantly, what is creativity? unmatched in Australian experience. The first volume of a landmark biography.Leonardo da Vinci The Vanity Fair Diaries:Walter Isaacson 1983-1992Simon & Schuster $49.99He produced the two most famous Tina Brownpaintings in history but also pursued Weidenfeld & Nicolson $32.99innovative studies of anatomy, fossils, The sizzling diaries of Tina Brown’sbirds, the heart, flying machines, botany, eight spectacular years as editor in chiefgeology and weaponry. Illegitimate, gay, of Vanity Fair paint a riveting portrait of thevegetarian, left-handed, easily distracted flash, dash and follies of the ’80s in Newand at times heretical, Leonardo da Vinci is York and Hollywood. There’s the Reaganone of history’s most fascinating figures. kiss, the meltdown of Princess Diana’s marriage and the sensational LeibovitzWednesdays with Bob cover of a pregnant, naked Demi Moore.Derek Rielly & Bob Hawke The Journey: My StoryMacmillan $29.99 from Backyard Cricket toOn Wednesdays of this past year, the Australian Captainlongest-serving Labor prime ministerconversed with Derek Rielly about life, Steve Smith & Brian Murgatroyddeath, love, sex, religion, politics, sport, Allen & Unwin $34.99fatherhood, marriage and everything in In this fascinating inside account, Stevebetween. The result is an extraordinary and takes us through his cricketing journeyunique portrait of a remarkable Australian from the early days of backyard cricket andeloquently, emotionally and humorously net practice with his dad to the highs andreflecting on his life as never before. lows of Test cricket as Australian captain. The Journey is a revealing insight intoUniverse: Exploring the one of the world’s greatest cricketers.Astronomical WorldPhaidon $79.95Wow. It’s a word you’ll hear yourself sayinga lot as you page through this extraordinarybook. It’s an awe-inspiring survey of theways in which the cosmos has beendepicted through the ages and aroundthe world. Three hundred images inunexpected pairings integrate theworlds of art and science.People& History

The Best Film I Never Made Mythos Bruce Beresford Stephen FryText $29.99 Michael Joseph $32.99This entertaining collection of pieces from One of the most imaginative minds alivethe acclaimed director features memoirs, retells the greatest stories in history:brief lives and revealing accounts of the film the Greek Myths. Fall in love with Zeus,world. Alongside unsung heroes from behind marvel at the birth of Athena, weep withthe camera are Clive James, Margaret Olley, King Midas, and hunt with the beautifulJeffrey Smart and Bruce Beresford’s father, and ferocious Artemis. Spellbinding,whose strange and startling decline in old informative and moving, Mythos capturesage is charted in a brilliant, poignant essay. these stories for the modern age.1947: When Now Begins Working Class ManElisabeth Åsbrink Jimmy BarnesScribe $29.99 HarperCollins $49.99In 1947, production of the Kalashnikov It’s a life too big and a story too extraordinarybegins, Dior creates the New Look, Simone for just one book. Jimmy picks up the storyde Beauvoir writes The Second Sex, the of his life as he leaves Adelaide with a then-first computer bug is discovered, the CIA unknown band called Cold Chisel. An honestis set up and a UN Committee is given four reflection on success, fame and addiction,months to find a solution to the problem this second memoir by Jimmy Barnes usesof Palestine. In 1947, Elisabeth Åsbrink the fuel of childhood trauma to ignite andchronicles the creation of the modern world. propel Australia’s greatest rock ’n’ roll story.Rome: A History in Seven Where the Past Begins Sackings Amy TanMatthew Kneale 4th Estate $32.99Atlantic $39.99 Amy Tan is at her most intimate in revealingNo city on earth has preserved its past as the truths and inspirations that underliehas Rome. Visitors stand on bridges that her fiction. By delving into vivid memorieswere crossed by Caesar and Cicero, walk of her traumatic childhood and sharingaround temples visited by emperors and heartbreaking letters to and from her mother,step into churches that have hardly changed she takes us on a journey that exploresin 16 centuries. These architectural survivals memory, imagination, truth and why it wasare all the more remarkable considering the inevitable she would become a writer.violent disasters that have struck the city. No Front Line Chris Masters Allen & Unwin $34.99 The soldiers of the SAS, the Commandos and Special Operations Engineer Regiment, are Australia’s most highly trained soldiers. Over ten years, Chris Masters investigated the heart of Australia’s Special Forces and their war in Afghanistan. Masterfully told, it will find a place as one of Australia’s finest books on contemporary soldiering. People & History

Monash & Chauvel OutsidersRoland Perry Lyndall GordonAllen & Unwin $34.99 Hachette $32.99Monash & Chauvel tells of the emergence Outsiders tells the stories of five novelists:and dominance of these brilliant Mary Shelley, Emily Bronte, George Eliot,Australian soldiers who commanded the Olive Schreiner and Virginia Woolf. Wetwo most effective armies in defeating have long known their individual greatness,the Germans and the Turks in the Great but in linking their creativity to their livesWar. Both men brought a distinctly as outsiders – prodigy, visionary, outlaw,Australian sensibility to their areas of orator and explorer – this group biographyoperation, involving flexibility, innovation throws new light on the genius they share.and a deep respect for their troops. Codename SuzetteWinter Anne NelsonKarl Ove Knausgaard Allen & Unwin $29.99Harvill/Secker $35.00 When France fell and the Nazis occupiedThe birth of Karl Ove Knausgaard’s youngest Paris, Suzanne Spaak joined the Resistancedaughter draws near. Prompted to see using her fortune and social status tothe world anew, he writes short pieces on enlist allies among wealthy Parisians andeverything from winter boots to the brain, church groups. Under the eyes of thedescribing to her the wonders of life. Winter Gestapo, Suzanne ‘kidnapped’ hundredsis the second volume of the Seasons of Jewish children to save them from theQuartet, following on from Autumn. gas chambers. A gripping account of outstanding courage in the face of evil.Barney Greatrex Mr Lear: A Life of ArtMichael Veitch and NonsenseHachette $35.00The incredible untold World War II story Jenny Uglowof Australian hero Barney Greatrex, from Faber $49.99Bomber Command to French Resistance A beautifully illustrated literary appreciationfighter. Though he was awarded the French of Edward Lear, best known for hisLegion of Honour, he said almost nothing poem ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’ andof his incredible war service for 70 years. his ‘nonsenses’. Following Lear to Italy,Now aged 97, Barney reveals his truly great Greece, Albania and India and to theAustralian war story to Michael Veitch. borderlands of art and desire, we see in the end that all the nonsense makes sense.Burke and Wills The Things That Make UsPeter FitzSimonsHachette $49.99 Nick Riewoldt & Peter HanlonMelbourne, 1860. Farewelled by a crowd Allen & Unwin $39.99of 15,000, Burke, Wills and 17 others set From number one pick in the 2000 AFL draftoff (with 20 tons of equipment) on a quest to six-time winner of St Kilda’s best andto be the first Europeans to cross the fairest award, five-time All Australian Nickcontinent. Despite their tragic fates, the Riewoldt captained his club for a recordnames of Burke and Wills have become 220 games. He’s an out-and-out champion,synonymous with perseverance and and his story is as powerful, interestingbravery in the face of overwhelming odds. and compelling as the author himself.Birdmania True StoriesBernd Brunner Helen GarnerAllen & Unwin $34.99 Text $39.99There is no denying that many people Helen Garner visits the morgue and goesare crazy for birds. Birdmania showcases cruising on a Russian ship. She sees womenan eclectic and fascinating selection of giving birth and gets the sack for teachingbird devotees from Aristotle to Charles her students about sex. She attends a schoolDarwin, Mervyn Shorthouse (who posed dance and a gun show. She writes aboutas a wheelchair-bound invalid to steal dreaming, about turning 50 and the storman estimated 10,000 eggs) and Tibbles caused by The First Stone. An extraordinary(the 19th-century cat who collected book spanning 50 years of work.samples for Lord Rothschild).Image from The Best Film I Never Made Avenue Bookstore 11by Bruce Beresford

The Letters of Sylvia Plath Finding My VirginityEdited by Karen Kukil & Peter K. Steinberg Richard BransonFaber $69.99 Virgin Books $35.00This comprehensive edition of Sylvia Sir Richard Branson shares the secretsPlath’s letters presents a complete text that have seen his business grow from aof those she wrote to more than 120 student magazine into a global brand, hiscorrespondents, including Ted Hughes. With dreams of flying to space develop frompreviously unseen photographs and a childhood fantasy to the brink of reality,Plath’s own beautiful line drawings taken and his focus shift from battling rivals tofrom her letters, it is an absolute gem. changing business for good. This is the story of the man behind the beard, theRenoir’s Dancer business, the bravado and the brand.Catherine Hewitt The Square and the TowerIcon $29.99In the 1880s, Suzanne Valadon was Niall Fergusonconsidered the Impressionists’ most Allen Lane $35.00beautiful model. But behind her captivating It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.facade lay a closely guarded secret: Historians love to write about rulers – kings,the model was herself a talented artist. emperors, presidents – or about vastRenoir’s Dancer tells the remarkable social forces – migration, industrialisation.tale of an ambitious, headstrong But what if they are all missing the point?woman fighting to find a professional Isn’t it clear that what makes the world govoice in a male-dominated world. round are families, colleagues, teams and associations? More simply: networks.Bethlehem DevotionNicholas BlincoeConstable $32.99 Patti SmithAn unforgettable history of the beloved little Yale University Press $27.99town at the heart of the world’s longest Whether writing in a café or a train, Patticonflict, Bethlehem chronicles times of Smith lets us glimpse the alchemy of herpeace and war over the course of 11,000 art and craft. Smith first presents a taleyears. Nicholas Blincoe takes readers of obsession – a young skater who livesthrough its stone streets and desert wadis, for her art and a possessive collectorits monasteries, aqueducts and orchards, who ruthlessly seeks his prize – andshowing the city from every angle and era. then takes us on a second journey, exploring the sources of her story.The Footy Lady Manderley ForeverStephanie AsherMUP $29.99 Tatiana de RosnayNo tragedy, no challenge has proved too Allen & Unwin $39.99hard for Susan Alberti. The woman from We meet Daphne du Maurier as a shythe working class suburbs has battled seven-year-old and follow her throughboardrooms, courts, lymphoma and her rebellious teens, her early years as adiabetes and was one of the driving forces writer, the complexities of her marriagebehind the AFL’s move into women’s and her cantankerous old age. Manderleyfootball. A passionate supporter of the Forever is a vividly compelling portraitBulldogs, Susan Alberti is a woman of an intriguing, hugely popular and (atunafraid to take on the impossible. the time) critically underrated writer.Richard III Warren MundineChris Skidmore Nyunggai Warren MundineWeidenfeld & Nicolson $55.00 Pantera Press $45.00The last Plantagenet king remains one of Overcoming segregation, discrimination,England’s most famous and controversial personal hardship and political betrayal,monarchs. Skidmore’s compelling study Nyunggai Warren Mundine tells all. Frompresents him as one of the most significant the poverty of a family living in a tentfigures in medieval history. His actions and to the depths of depression and thebehaviour underline the true nature of power heights of political power, this is a stirringin an age of great upheaval and instability. story of an Indigenous family woven into the fabric of Australian politics.Image from The Letters of Sylvia Plath: Volume 1, Avenue Bookstore 121940-1956, edited by Karen Kukil & Peter K. Steinberg

The General An OdysseyLuke Hodge Daniel MendelsohnMichael Joseph $45.00 HarperCollins $39.99What’s he got left in the tank? From growing When 81-year-old Jay Mendelsohn decidesup in country Victoria to the pressure of to enrol in the undergraduate seminar onbeing the number-one draft pick, Luke the Odyssey that his son Daniel teaches,Hodge and his rise are nothing short of the two find themselves on an adventureextraordinary. Hodge explains his own as emotional as it is intellectual. Atransformation and that of his club, deeply moving tale of a father and son’sgiving unique insight into his incredibly transformative journey in reading – andsuccessful era. reliving – Homer’s epic masterpiece.Voyage of the Southern Sun The Kinfolk EntrepreneurMichael Smith Nathan WilliamsBlack Inc $34.99 Workman $49.99University dropout Michael Smith built Stylish and practical, The Kinfolka multimillion-dollar business fitting out Entrepreneur introduces readers to 35movie theatres around the world before creative business owners around therestoring Melbourne’s Sun Theatre. He globe, offering an inspiring, in-depththen became the first person to fly solo look behind the scenes of their livesaround the world in an amphibious plane, and their companies. Pairing insightfulretracing the 1938 Qantas, Imperial interviews with striking images, the bookand Pan Am flying boat routes between profiles both budding and experiencedSydney, Southampton and New York. entrepreneurs in cities across the globe.Becoming Myself: A PeoplePsychiatrist’s Memoir & HistoryIrvin D. YalomScribe $35.00Irvin D. Yalom has made a career ofinvestigating the lives of others. In thisprofound memoir, he turns his writing and histherapeutic eye upon himself. As BecomingMyself unfolds, we see the development of thecompassionate and insightful thinker whosebooks have been a beacon to so many.Opera: Passion, Powerand PoliticsKate BaileyV&A $74.99Opera is traditionally regarded as an elitistart form far removed from reality by itsfantastical plots and melodramatic divas.This book shows that beneath the opulentsets and sumptuous costumes, opera is verymuch a product of its time. Like all the greatnarrative arts, it draws on essential humanexperiences to reflect a changing society.The Bettencourt AffairTom SanctonDutton $44.99Was the world’s wealthiest woman –Liliane Bettencourt – heir to an estimated$36-billion-dollar L’Oréal fortune, the victim ofa con man? Or were her family members thereal villains? This riveting narrative tells theshocking story behind the cause célèbre thathas captivated both France and the world.

Escape Surfing AustraliaGray Malin Phil JarrattAbrams $55.00 Hardie Grant $45.00Whether trained on the snowy mountains of Australian surf culture is more than a centuryAspen, the dry plains of Namibia or the warm old, and it still hasn’t grown up. From itssun of Bora Bora, Malin’s sharp eye highlights roots as an illegal pastime to its currentthe exuberant colours and striking forms that incarnation as a professional sport, surfing’smake each location unique. From remote enduring appeal has always been theislands to major cities, Escape captures the carefree, quintessentially Australian lifestylespirit of dozens of unbelievable holiday spots that goes with it. This is the complete, no-across 11 countries. holds-barred history of surfing.1001 Road Trips You Must Saga LandTake Before You Die Richard Fidler & Kári GíslasonEdited by Darryl Sleath ABC Books $39.99Pier 9 $49.99 Richard Fidler and Kári Gíslason travelNo pressure, but there are more than 65 across Iceland, where the Viking sagasmillion kilometres of highway, dirt track, ice unfolded a thousand years ago. Theyroad, tunnels and bridges around the globe cross fields, streams and fjords to immersewaiting to be discovered. There are also themselves in the folklore of this fiercelytwo billion motor vehicles, but don’t let that beautiful island. This is a gripping blend ofinterfere with heading off for an epic tour on family mystery, contemporary stories andIreland’s Wild Atlantic Way or a short blast Viking tales, all set against the stunningaround Monaco’s F1 circuit. landscape of Iceland.Remarkable Golf Courses Rooms with a ViewIain Spragg Adrian MourbyPavilion $45.00 Icon $29.99If you’re in the mood to have another good Salvador Dalí once asked room servicewalk ruined, try this. From the highest golf to send him up a flock of sheep. Georgecourse in La Paz, Bolivia, to the lowest, Bernard Shaw tried to learn the tango atin Death Valley, USA, and from the most Reid’s Palace in Madeira, and the detailsnortherly in the Arctic Circle to the most of India’s independence were worked outsoutherly in Tierra del Fuego, the many in the ballroom of the Imperial Hotel, Delhi.quirks of the golfing world are covered. The great hotels have provided glamorous backgrounds for some of the mostThe Cities Book momentous – and bizarre – events of history. Lonely Planet $80.00 Versailles: A Private InvitationThey’ve printed more than 145 millionguidebooks, so we think they just might be Guillaume Picon & Francis Hammondonto something when they produce a big, Flammarion $120.00 Early Decemberbeautiful guide to the cities of the world. The largest château in the world holds aCovering 200 cities, urban tales reveal thousand and one secrets. Whether it’sunexpected bites of history and local culture, Marie Antoinette’s private apartments, thewhilst itineraries sort your planning. Includes wings of the Queen’s theatre, or even thethe top ten cities for beaches, nightlife, food Orangerie on a beautiful winter day, theseand more. photographs bring to life the unrivalled splendour that continues to capture hearts.The Harbour ParisScott BevanSimon & Schuster $49.99 Alexandra CarrollEveryone knows Sydney Harbour. At least, Plum $34.99we think we do. In this beautiful, authoritative Paris is the perfect travel guide for anyoneand meditative journey, Scott Bevan takes wishing to visit Paris, either in person or asus from cove to cove, by kayak, yacht an armchair traveller. Whether you’re lookingand barge to gather the harbour’s stories, to Snapchat in front of the Eiffel Tower orpast and present, from boat builders, ship lose yourself to Bohemia in Montmartre, it’scaptains, fishermen, artists, divers, historians filled to the brim with the famous and not-soand environmentalists. famous places du jour.Image from Escape by Gray Malin

Travel & The Art of CartographicsLifestyle Jasmine Desclaux-SalachasHomecamp Hardie Grant $49.99 The Art of Cartographics is a stunningDoron Francis & Stephanie Francis collection of maps that all have one thingHardie Grant $59.99 in common: each design has taken theHave you ever wanted to quit your job traditional map in a new direction. Featuringand take off on a motorcycle journey from geographical maps, fictional maps andAlaska to Argentina? Like, right now? Are fresh and innovative approaches to cultural,you yearning to drink your coffee on a economic and political maps, it invites themountaintop? Take a journey into the great reader on a journey across the globe.outdoors with Homecamp. Live the dream ofthe great outdoors. Or at least be inspired by Pilgrimagethose who do. Derry BrabbsThe Place To Be Frances Lincoln $59.99 Religion might be out, but pilgrimages areLonely Planet $39.99 Here’s where you in! Pilgrimage takes you on ten inspirationalget to choose your journey according to the journeys across Europe. Whether you’re trulyemotion you wish to feel! Stand in awe and making a pilgrimage or simply hiking, it willmarvel at enormous natural phenomena. lead you along routes like the Jakobsweg inSeek serenity on beautiful remote islands. Germany, St Cuthbert’s Way in Scotland andFind calm oases in the heart of bustling Via Francigena, now a well-established pathcities. Whether you want to feel brave, through Switzerland and Italy.enlightened or inspired, this book shows youthe perfect place to be. Paris DreamingSeasons Katrina Lawrence HarperCollins $35.00Kate Donnelly Katrina Lawrence first fell in love with ParisLove the Pen $89.99 at the age of five. Since then, her roadsNow this book will be floating around a few have continually led her back. Taking us oncoffee tables this summer and certainly a journey around Paris’s most spectacularappearing under a few Christmas trees. sights and most beguiling nooks andTaking in all the seasons, it’s a photographic crannies and musing on everything Parisian,journey through the beautiful Mornington Katrina shares the essential life lessons thatPeninsula. Big, bold and beautifully Paris has taught her.presented, it will have you dreaming of yourown sea change. Montparnasse John Baxter HarperCollins $22.99 If, as Oscar Wilde suggested, all good Americans went to Paris when they died, it was Montparnasse that brought them back to life. No Paris quarter has witnessed more tumultuous events. Here, John Baxter looks beyond the nostalgia to the secret history of Montparnasse, a district where desire effaced memory and every taste could be satisfied. A Taste of Paris David Downie St Martin’s Press $39.99 Long before Marie Antoinette said, ‘Let them eat cake!’ (actually, it was brioche), the Romans of Paris devoured foie gras and live oysters. Downie sweeps readers on an insider’s gourmet tour of Paris, including the revelation that Marie Antoinette’s vegetable garden still supplies produce not to the unfortunate queen but to the legendary Alain Ducasse. Avenue Bookstore 15

Vogue: The Covers Annie Leibovitz: Portraits 2005-2016Dodie KazanijianAbrams $70.00 Annie LeibovitzJust what does it take to get on the cover Phaidon $120.00of Vogue? In addition to featuring classic The must-have photographic book of thecovers from the magazine’s 125-year history, year! The photo of the First Lady has to bethis edition features every cover since 2010, seen to be believed! Leibovitz has snappedeach displaying the magazine’s cutting-edge some the famous and the infamous: Venustakes on style, fashion and culture. Check and Serena Williams, LeBron James, Sherylout Michelle Obama, Kim and Kanye, Lena Sandberg, Anna Wintour, Leonard Cohen,Dunham and more. Caitlyn Jenner, Gloria Steinem, Joan Didion, Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth II.Burn City: Melbourne’sPainted Streets Fashion Photography: The Story in 180 PicturesLou ChamberlinHardie Grant $29.99 Early December Eugénie ShinkleWe love a bit of wall art here in Melbourne, Thames & Hudson $80.00a.k.a. ‘Burn City’. These pages showcase Get the picture? An object of exquisitethe best of the city, including the pieces so beauty in its own right, this book serves ashot they’re ‘burning’ off the wall. Chapters an accessible primer to the story of fashioninclude ‘The Face’, ‘Fauna’, ‘Storytelling’, photography. It features work by every‘Abstraction’ and ‘Same Wall New Paint’, important fashion photographer of the past,which documents the evolving artworks on alongside those shaping contemporary tastethe same wall over several years. today, including Avedon, Horst, Newton, Bourdin and Meisel, to name but a few.Artists: Their Lives and Works Lost + Found, Part IDorling Kindersley $49.99 Good News, Part IIA stunning exploration of more than 80famous artists and their fascinating lives, David LaChapellefrom Giotto to the present day. Discover the Taschen $110.00 each Early Decemberoften-tumultuous lives of artists, including The long-awaited and final publicationsRaphael, Hogarth, Van Gogh, O’Keeffe, from artist David LaChapelle! Lost +Magritte, Kahlo and Warhol, and read the Found, Part I is a visual recording of theinspiring stories behind the world’s most times we live in. Good News, Part II is anfamous masterpieces and their creators. attempt to photograph that which cannot be photographed. These two new collections,Andy Goldsworthy: Projects which feature images never before published in book form, make up the fourth and fifthAndy Goldsworthy books in LaChapelle’s five-book anthology.Abrams $100.00Things not just of stone and wood but also 1001 Photographs You Mustof clay! Goldsworthy’s fabulous sculptures See Before You Dieare inspired by and interact with thenatural landscape. Each project subjects Edited by Paul LoweGoldsworthy’s ideas about the work to the Pier 9 $39.99brute facts and forces of nature: sunlight, ‘You can look at a picture for a week andsedimentation, tides, erosion, extremes of never think of it again. You can also look atheat and cold, and growth and decay. a picture for a second and think of it all your life.’ –Joan Miro. In a world where millionsArt, Design, of snapshots are taken every day, these exquisite images stand out for their eye- catching content and technical prowess.Photography & FashionImage from Vogue: The Covers by Dodie Kazanijian Avenue Bookstore 16

Magnum Atlas SpectrumMagnum John PawsonPrestel $49.99 Early December Phaidon $79.95Shining a light on the human condition, Globally acclaimed minimalist architecturalMagnum Atlas takes readers to every corner designer John Pawson takes you on aof the globe through 365 images. Featuring journey across the world through a carefullynew and iconic images from renowned figures curated sequence of 320 images. Known forsuch as Capa, Davidson and Parr, as well as his limited colour palette – primarily white –younger photographers, all of whom present Pawson nonetheless celebrates colour in thisdazzling new views of our changing world. spectacular collection of photography.One Enchanted Evening Fashion and VersaillesCharlotte Smith Laurence Benaim & Catherine PegardAffirm Press $35.00 Flammarion $85.00 Early DecemberEvery woman has a dress that reminds her of The Château de Versailles, the indisputableone unforgettable evening… Charlotte Smith birthplace of fashion, continues to inspire.owns literally thousands of vintage frocks From courtesan Madame de Montespaninherited from her godmother, Doris Darnell. launching the ‘innocente’ robe to camouflageStep inside this magical wardrobe – packed pregnancy to Karl Lagerfeld using thewith Pucci, Prada, Valentino and Vivienne château’s gardens as the runway for his 2013Westwood – that we’d all love to own. collection, this stunning volume showcases the best of fashion inspired by Versailles.Vogue: The Gown Postmodern Design CompleteJo EllisonConran Octopus $49.99 Judith GuraSomething about a gown’s construction, Thames & Hudson $100.00unashamed opulence and sheer romance Originating as a rebellious movement inignites in us the promise of fairy-tale adventure philosophy and literature, Postmodernismand glamour. The magical gowns featured proclaimed the death of modernism andhere include the simple classical creations of became the defining look of the 1980s.Madame Grès, the heavenly bodies sculpted Illustrated with more than 1,000 imagesby Azzedine Alaïa and the lean, seductive lines of little-seen rarities, unusual objets d’artof a Deco-inspired silhouette. and mass-produced items, this is the comprehensive reference to this period.The Italian Gentleman Hugo JacometThames & Hudson $90.00In the world of fashion, Italy is the MountEverest of men’s style. London may haveSavile Row and Paris its luxe, but nonepossess the true essence of Italian elegance.Beyond its global fashion brands, the soul ofItalian style is found with the artisanswho for generations have created thefinest menswear on the planet.

Architecture, The Apartment House Home &Garden Katelin Butler & Cameron Bruhn Thames & Hudson $70.00 Wave goodbye to the quarter-acre block complete with Hills Hoist, and embrace the convenience, sustainability and affordability of inner-city life in a townhouse apartment. Following on from The Terrace House, we now turn to The Apartment House for a close-up look at the very best in contemporary Australian apartment building. Twenty-One Australian Architects, Breaking New Ground Karen McCartney Bauer Books $59.99 We’re all going to want one of these. Plus a north-facing block and an unlimited budget. But in the meantime, let’s just admire some seriously innovative residential homes built by some seriously cutting edge Australian architects, including John Wardle, Kennedy Nolan, Hannah Tribe, Rob Mills, Clare Cousins and many more. Black Phaidon $59.95 So it’s official. Black is the new black. Casting an eye on the beauty and drama of black in the built world, this book spotlights more than 150 houses, churches, libraries and skyscrapers from the last 1,000 years built by the world’s leading architects. Here, you’ll find Mies van der Rohe, Eero Saarinen, David Adjaye and Steven Holl. David Adjaye David Adjaye Thames & Hudson $80.00 A dazzling tour of 15 contemporary houses from Africa to Brooklyn, from desolate farmlands to urban jungles designed by David Adjaye, one of the most influential architects of his generation. Adjaye’s growing inventiveness and powerful ideas have taken his domestic design in new directions and to new locations. Destination Architecture Phaidon $39.95 No journey, from a long weekend to a long-haul trip, would be complete without this expertly curated ‘who’s who’ of the most exciting architecture in the world. Each building is illustrated with a single image and accompanied by a brief description. It’s the best way to enjoy contemporary architecture whether you’re home or away. Avenue Bookstore 18

Allied Works Architecture Living in the LandscapeBrad Cloepfil Anna Johnson & Richard BlackRizzoli $110.00 Thames & Hudson $39.99Here is a portrait of the most forward-looking From remote cliff tops to the heart ofspaces for contemporary living, all perfectly a rainforest, this book features somesuited to 21st-century lifestyles. Drawing on of Australia’s and New Zealand’s mostexamples of his own instantly recognisable breathtaking homes. From the archetypaluser-friendly modern design, Brad Cloepfil silhouette of the rural farm shed to Glenndemonstrates how to create serene havens Murcutt-inspired buildings designed withfor modern living. the philosophy of touching the earth lightly, the authors explore how landscape andOut East architecture intersect.Jennifer Ash Rudick Small House Living AustraliaVendome $110.00Here’s what you get when money is no Catherine Fosterobject. Cool breezes, miles of pristine Viking $39.99beaches, vast open farmland and fabulous Less is so very much more in these 21 small,homes. Out East captures the enduring inspiring Australian homes. With land everappeal of the Hamptons’ shingled houses, more expensive, growing environmentalmodernist oceanfront designs, artists’ pressures and an increasing number of smallcompounds and Montauk surf shacks in this households, architects and designers aretour of more than 25 houses, cottages and responding with great ingenuity to producepool houses. both practical and cost-effective buildings that never sacrifice the most essential ofHaute Bohemians human needs – a beautiful home.Miguel Flores-Vianna & Amy Astley DreamscapesVendome $90.00Who, exactly, is haute bohemian? Claire TakacsPhotographer Miguel Flores-Vianna captures Hardie Grant $70.00an extraordinary group of fashion designers, The stunning Welsh garden Dyffryn Fernant,landscape architects, artists, art historians, Australia’s Cloudehill, Martha Stewart’spotters and interior designers, wherever they private garden, the beautiful Edwardian idyll oflive – in country cottages, beach bungalows, Bryan’s Ground in Herefordshire, Vita Sackville-canal-side lofts and East Village apartments, West’s Long Barn in Kent, Le Jardin Plumeas well as assorted estancias, chateaux in Normandy, Hermannshof in Germany andand palazzi. Kenrokuen in Japan are just some of the 50 iconic gardens to dream about.Vogue Living RemodelistaChloe Malle & Hamish BowlesKnopf $160.00 Julie Carlson & Margot GuralnickIt’s all lifestyles of the rich and famous. Here Workman $39.99is Tory Burch in Southampton, India Jane Buy fewer (and better) things. Store likeBirley in Marrakech, Aerin Lauder in Aspen, with like. Get rid of the plastic. Display –Stella McCartney in Scotland, Dries van don’t stash – your belongings. Let go ofNoten in Belgium, Karl Lagerfeld in Paris, your inner perfectionist. Remember thatDolce & Gabbana in Italy. Lavishly illustrated, rooms are for living. These are a few ofthis is an irresistible voyage through some the central principles behind Remodelista:of the world’s most beautiful and private The Organized Home, the new book from thegardens and interiors. team behind City LivingBelle Australia Francesc Zamora MolaBauer Books $59.99 Rizzoli $65.00From Kew to Portsea and Point Piper to The accessibility of these 55 compactBowral and many places in between, this modernist homes, comfortable, green,seriously fabulous book showcases 40 more efficient and ingenious, will resonate withincredible abodes from Australia’s leading readers of The Design Files. The cuttingarchitects and interior designers, including edge reputations of their architects willWilliam Smart, Kerry Phelan and Nick Tobias, appeal to professionals and students.Arent & Pyke and Hannah Tribe. A thoughtful collection of small-scale contemporary urban residences.Image from The Apartment House by Katelin Butler & Cameron Bruhn

The Mid-Century The Maverick SoulModern Garden Miv Watts & Hugh StewartEthne Clarke Hardie Grant $60.00Frances Lincoln $69.99 One could literally get lost in this book, whichRemember Peter Sellers attempting to arrive not only looks beautiful but is crammed withat the party in the film The Party? That’s the eccentric, eclectic free-spirited bohemianmoment the mid-century modern garden types discussing their lives and homes.hit its peak. Ultra-hip, minimal and stylish Follow Marianne Faithfull, Wendy Whiteley,gardens abound in this gorgeous book Barry and Gracie Otto, Robert Adamsonalongside sharp design advice on how to and Juno Gemes, Griffin Dunne and Simonmake a modern home landscape in the mid- Finch, to name-drop but a few.century modern style. GardenFrench House Chic William DangarJane Webster Murdoch Books $59.99Thames & Hudson $59.99 This is one good-looking book. AustralianA glimpse inside the most private of French landscape designer William Dangar takesresidences from supremely elegant Parisian you through 21 inspiring gardens. Eachapartments to lavishly upholstered sitting is photographed at its optimum moment:rooms. This is Jane’s story of a lifetime of not when newly planted but when naturecultivating an eye for style and bringing it to life has reasserted itself and there is a certainin the home, a style that can be emulated with expressiveness, a sense of wildness, breakingjust some simple guidance... though access to through the original structure and order.a trust fund wouldn’t go astray either. Grow Your OwnWise Trees Angus Stewart & Simon LeakeDiane Cook & Len Jenshel Murdoch Books $45.00Abrams $55.00 Gumboots on, people. It’s planting time!We’re told that trees can live without us, Two experts provide all the information andbut we cannot live without them. Leading techniques you need to grow your ownlandscape photographers Diane Cook and edible plants in the city. Whether you’veLen Jenshel present Wise Trees, a stunning got a suburban backyard, a courtyard or aphotography book containing more than 50 balcony, the step-by-step instructions willhistorical trees with remarkable stories from allow you to grow your own food.around the world.Image from The Mid-Century Modern Garden Avenue Bookstore 20by Ethne Clarke

Grand Melbourne Gardens Joseph Banks’ FlorilegiumDavid Wilkinson & Kimbal Baker Mel Gooding, David Mabberley & Joe StudholmeThames & Hudson $70.00 Thames & Hudson $120.00We love our gardens in Melbourne. We are Joseph Banks accompanied Captain Cookknown for our vast, meandering Botanic on his first voyage around the world andGardens and our generous green city spaces. upon return commissioned more than 700We are also known for our tree-lined streets, superlative engravings. Known collectivelywhich give tantalising glimpses of beautiful as Banks’ Florilegium, they are some ofhouses behind high fences. This book takes the most precise and exquisite examplesus behind these fences and into the very heart of botanical illustration ever created. Thisof these oh-so-private gardens. beautiful selection from those works is encased in an absolutely stunning volumeThe Secret Gardeners that is a must-have.Victoria Summerley NativeFrances Lincoln $59.99So are we all picturing Ozzy Osbourne with a Kate Herd & Jela Ivankovic-Watersgarden hat and some secateurs? Apparently Thames & Hudson $49.99he’s quite the gardener. The Secret When Kate Herd started experimentingGardeners is a captivating photographic with native plants in her riverside garden inportrait of the private gardening passions Melbourne, she discovered a eucalyptusof 25 of the UK’s foremost artists, including shrub she had cut back to the groundAndrew Lloyd Webber, Anish Kapoor, Cath reappeared as the most beautiful sprawlingKidston, Terry Gilliam, Sting, Julian Fellowes ground cover and that Westringia couldand, of course, Ozzy. be shaped to impersonate perfect English box balls. Explore the unique beauty andMore Great Properties of resilience of Australia’s native plants.Country Victoria Rockett St GeorgeRichard Allen & Kimbal BakerMUP $59.99 Jane Rockett & Lucy St GeorgeA return to the great mansions of the Ryland, Peters and Small $44.99 Early DecemberWestern District! Around their Georgian and ‘Design junkies’ Lucy St George andVictorian homes, the squatters of country Jane Rockett launched their onlineVictoria created an antipodean England, interiors store in 2007. Ten years on, theyemploying the best landscape architects of have revitalised the interiors market withthe day. The Western District today retains their quirky, glamorous and distinctivemost of the splendid homesteads and collections. On offer is a treasure trovegardens that date from these times. of oddities and curiosities produced by designers around the world and a million miles away from mass-produced products.Architecture, Home& Garden

Food & WineThe Tivoli Road Baker Broadsheet Melbourne FoodMichael James with Pippa James Broadsheet MediaHardie Grant $60.00 Pan Macmillan $29.99If you haven’t popped by the Tivoli Road We’re not one to boast (that’s more aBakery over in South Yarra, then let us assure Sydney thing), but, by Jove, we’ve got someyou it’s worth the drive. This beautiful book top-notch food. Broadsheet have knockedshares some of the X-factor that makes its up the definitive guide to Melbourne’s bestnamesake so successful. Michael knows produce, including our markets and morewhat goes into creating standout breads, than 100 food and speciality outlets. Inpastries, doughnuts, pies and cake. So all fairness, they’ve also done one for Sydney;the major food groups are covered! it’s not a competition (but we’re winning).Food in Vogue Igni: A Restaurant’s First YearVogue Editors Aaron TurnerAbrams $100.00 Hardie Grant $60.00We’re not sure if the models in Vogue eat any Igni, a high-end degustation restaurant inof the food in Vogue, but they’re really missing a Geelong backstreet, captures the food,out if they don’t. Food in Vogue is more than moments and brilliance of a determineda book about food. It’s a book about trends, young chef in a new restaurant. It documentsfashion and culture, collecting the most what it takes to open and run a newelegant, mouth-watering food photography restaurant, from the financial strains to theand finest food writing from one of the most pressure of success and failure.respected magazines in the world. Tuscany: Simple Meals andMaggie’s Recipe for Life Fabulous Feasts from ItalyMaggie Beer & Ralph Martins Katie Caldesi & Giancarlo CaldesiSimon & Schuster $39.99 Hardie Grant $49.99‘To have a healthy old age you must act From the minute they look out of theirnow, whether you are 30 or 50. I have two window in the morning to their last nightcapgreat passions – sharing my love of cooking at the bar, Tuscans, like most Italians, aredelicious simple food and improving the thinking about food. The Caldesis takehealth and nutrition of older people. I hope readers on a culinary journey through athis cookbook does both but it’s not for “old” Tuscan day to discover the delicacies of thepeople, it’s for you… This is not a diet book region and the stories behind them.– it’s a way of life.’ –Maggie BeerImage from The Tivoli Road Baker byMichael James with Pippa James

Downtime River Cottage: Much More VegNadine Levy Redzepi Ebury Press $55.00 Hugh Fearnley-WhittingstallWhen you’re married to Noma’s René Bloomsbury $45.00Redzepi, you never know who might drop With recipes such as roast squash andby for dinner. So Nadine has developed a chickpeas with spicy apricot sauce;stripped-down repertoire that can always blackened cauliflower with pecans andaccommodate a few more at the table. tahini; spiced beetroot, radicchio and orangeBlurring the line between everyday and traybake; seared summer cabbage withspecial occasion cooking, she elevates rosemary, chilli and capers; and bakedsimple comfort food flavours to elegant celery agrodolce, this book demonstratesnew heights. how easy it is to make delicious vegetables the bedrock of your diet.Catalonia River Café 30José PizarroHardie Grant $49.99 Ruth Rogers, Rose Gray & Sian Wyn OwenJosé Pizarro travels from Gaudí architecture Ebury Press $55.00in Barcelona to the Roman and Greek ruins Oh my goodness! Has it been 30 years?in Girona and secluded beaches in Costa Since 1987, London’s River Café has beenBrava to create some of the best-loved the source of the British culinary renaissance,dishes from the Catalonian region. Try the a place to see and be seen, the spot servingclassic patatas bravas and the wintery civet some of the best Italian food found anywhereof venison with ceps and mash. Finish with in the world. Stunningly designed, this is adivine, delicate hazelnut and plum cakes. must-have for all food lovers.Andina JapanEasyMartin Morales Tim AndersonQuadrille $45.00 Hardie Grant $34.99With dishes dating back thousands of years What are your favourite Japanese dishes?alongside new creations, Andina’s recipes Sushi? Surprisingly easy. Gyoza? Very easy.have big flavours, vibrant colour and are Karaage? Soooooo easy! Tempura? Stupidlysimple to cook at home. Enjoy light, raw easy. Yakitori, yakisoba, miso soup? Easy,dishes or hearty stews and soups. Taste easy, easy. It’s easy to be intimidated bytheir cheeky bites or exquisite roasts. Japanese food, but JapanEasy offers anComplete it all with sweet, aromatic desserts. introduction to the world of Japanese cookingAndina presents authentic food made with via some of its most accessible dishes.seasonal ingredients. The Vegetable Caroline Griffiths & Vicki Valsamis Smith Street Books $49.99 Seems vegetables are the new black! Melbourne foodies Caroline and Vicki explore all sorts of vegetables, roots, brassicas, seeds and pods, bulbs, fruits and leafy greens, to ensure you can always find the perfect recipe for your beautiful produce. It’s the perfect companion for simple dinners and feasts with friends alike. Bread Is Gold Massimo Bottura & Friends Phaidon $55.00 ‘These dishes could change the way we feed the world, because they can be cooked by anyone, anywhere, on any budget. To feed the planet, first you have to fight the waste.’ Massimo Bottura takes a holistic look at the subject of food waste, presenting recipes for three-course meals from 45 of the world’s top chefs. Avenue Bookstore 23

Sweet Yummy, Easy, QuickYotam Ottolenghi & Helen Goh Matt PrestonEbury Press $55.00 Plum $39.99There’s nothing like a perfectly light sponge Three simple words. Yummy: This cookbookflavoured with spices and citrus, or maybe is packed with modern classics you’ll lovean icing sugar-dusted cookie to raise the cooking for your friends and family. Easy:spirits and create a moment of pure joy. All the recipes rely on everyday ingredients,In this stunning new cookbook, Yotam those staples that you already have in yourOttolenghi and Helen Goh create page fridge, freezer or pantry. Quick: All dishesafter page of pure joy with figs, rose petals, can be prepared in 30 minutes or less.saffron, aniseed, orange blossom, pistachioand cardamom. Basics to Brilliance: Kids  Lisboeta Donna Hay 4th Estate $45.00Nuno Mendes As a mum, Donna knows that there is nothingBloomsbury $49.99 more enjoyable than introducing your childrenLisbon is known as Portugal’s ‘City of Light’. to the wonders of taste, food and flavours.It is also one of the great undiscovered This book offers you and your kids endlessculinary centres of Europe. Try the iconic ideas for birthday parties, picnics, schoolpastéis de nata. For lunch, have some squid fairs and bake sales, family and celebrationsizzling in a pan with garlic and coriander. As dinners, brilliant breakfasts, beach days,night draws in, prepare the slow-baked lamb backyard movie nights and sleepovers.chanfana and roasted orange-rub pork bellywith fennel. Rick Stein: The Road to MexicoBalance: The AustralianWholefood Cookbook Rick Stein BBC Ebury $49.99Guy Turland & Mark Alston Starting in San Francisco and Baja CaliforniaHarperCollins $39.99 and working his way down to Mexico, RickIf Jamie Oliver was 15 years younger and Stein cooks, eats and experiences Mexicanhad grown up in Australia surfing, diving and food at its very best and most diverse: fromcooking by the beach, he’d be Guy Turland the incredible seafood of the North Pacificfrom Bondi Harvest. Balance is all about Coast and the mole of Oaxaca to the spiceseating for energy, vitality and wellbeing. This and salsas of Yucatan and Quintana wholefood food that’s delicious, seasonaland full of zingy fresh flavours. At My TableThe Modern Cook’s Year Nigella Lawson Chatto & Windus $49.99Anna Jones Well, who wouldn’t want to be at Nigella’s4th Estate $49.99 table? She’s made peas and cider; Indian-Sometimes the hardest part of cooking is spiced chicken and potato traybake; chillideciding what to make. You could stare at an mint lamb cutlets; eastern Mediterraneanopen fridge or leaf through cookbooks. Or chopped salad; and carrots and fennelyou could just pick up The Modern Cook’s with harissa. Nigella writes, ‘happiness isYear, which is filled with hugely inventive, best shared’. The food in this book will beeasy recipes that transform vegetarian main savoured at your own kitchen table just as itmeals into the vibrant, energising food that is at hers.everyone loves. The Art of the LarderHong Kong Food City Claire ThomsonTony Tan Quadrille $39.99Murdoch Books $49.99 Can it be? Apparently, with a bit ofA mere dot on the map of China, and home organisation, the makings of a great mealto seven million migrants, Hong Kong boasts may already be within your reach! Thea food scene that is rich and varied. Tony Art of the Larder presents 150 dishes thatTan explores this vibrant city through 80 offer everyday meal solutions, all withexquisite dishes with recipes from the city’s store cupboard basics at their heart. Aniconic hotels, its hawker stalls and even a organised, methodical and economicallegendary dumpling house on the outskirts kitchen cupboard can be life-changing!of Kowloon.Image from Sweet by Yotam Ottolenghi & Helen Goh Avenue Bookstore 24

East by West The Champagne Guide 2018-2019Jasmine HemsleyBluebird $49.99 Tyson StelzerFor anyone with a passion for eating well, Hardie Grant $49.99feeling great and having dessert at lunchtime! Whether you are tasting stars or not, TysonJasmine Hemsley champions the ancient Stelzer will help you pick the best drop,Ayurvedic philosophy of eating to nourish, from Barons de Rothschild to Bollinger.sustain and repair with her modern take on a The Champagne Guide tells you everything5,000-year-old holistic concept. Join her for you need to know about how champagnechestnut crepes with vanilla roasted plums is grown and made and how to buy, open,and lamb and vegetable biriyani. serve and store it. Cheers!Hazana: Jewish Vegetarian Dalí: The Wines of Gala Cooking Salvador DalíPaola Gavin Taschen $100.00 Early DecemberQuadrille $49.99 Early December Hot on the heels (or lobster claws) of LesPaola Gavin takes the reader on a culinary Dîners de Gala, this is Dalí’s equally surrealjourney through more than 20 countries, and sensual viticulture follow-up. With 140including Poland, Morocco, Lithuania and illustrations by Salvador Dalí, the book setsTurkey, to uncover a myriad of traditional out to organise wines ‘according to thevegetarian dishes that play an important part sensations they create in our very depths’.in Jewish cooking. With 150 recipes, Hazana There are ‘Wines of Voluptuousness’, ‘Winesis a classic in cookbook writing. of the Impossible’ and ‘Wines of Light’.Pidapipó Matt Moran’s Australian Food: Coast and CountryLisa Valmorbida & Jean JullienHardie Grant $39.99 Early December Matt MoranPidapipó has people lining up for its Murdoch Books $45.00authentic, indulgent gelato even in the Way back in a time before freekeh andmiddle of winter. You’ll find all of your quinoa when Matt Moran first startedfavourite flavours, alongside new classics cooking, lettuce meant iceberg, fish wassuch as raspberry and rose bombe always sold frozen and there was one varietyAlaska and blood orange granita with dark of tomato, maybe two. Cut to today and Mattchocolate sorbetto. This is not your average cooks up great modern Australian food, fromice-cream book. There’s gelato, sorbetto, the best slow-roasted lamb shoulder to angranitas, desserts and drinks. iconic passionfruit cheesecake.Food & Wine

Older kids Almost Midnight fiction Rainbow RowellBad Dad Macmillan $19.99 A beautiful gift edition containing twoDavid Walliams & Tony Ross wintery short stories. ‘Midnights’ is theHarperCollins $19.99 story of Noel and Mags, who meet at theAs if dad jokes and dad bods weren’t bad same New Year’s Eve party every yearenough, now we have Bad Dad! This is a and fall a little more in love each time.high-speed cops-and-robbers adventure ‘Kindred Spirits’ is about Elena, whowith heart and soul about a father and son decides to queue to see the new Star Warstaking on the villainous Mr Big. It’s a riches- movie and meets Gabe, a fellow story that will have you on the edgeof your seat and howling with laughter! The Book of Dust Volume 1: La Belle SauvageUnearthed Philip PullmanAmie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner David Fickling $32.99Allen & Unwin $19.99 Philip Pullman returns to the world of HisLara Croft and Indiana Jones join forces – in Dark Materials! Malcolm Polstead and hisspace! Jules Addison and Amelia Radcliffe dæmon, Asta, live with his parents at thecome together in a tomb-raiding race Trout Inn. Across the river is the Godstowon a newly discovered planet to unravel Priory, where the nuns live. Malcolmthe secrets of an ancient, long-extinct learns they have a guest with them, acivilization – only to uncover a revelation baby by the name of Lyra Belacqua.that could spell the end of the human race. The Girl, the Dog and theThe Extremely Inconvenient Writer in RomeAdventures of BronteMettlestone Katrina Nannestad ABC Books $16.99Jaclyn Moriarty Ten-year-old Freja has been sent to liveAllen & Unwin $22.99 with her mother’s friend Tobias, a crimeBronte Mettlestone’s parents ran away to writer and possibly the most absent-have adventures when she was a baby, minded man in the world. Tobias isn’t usedleaving her to be raised by her Aunt Isabelle to life with a child, and Freja isn’t used toand the Butler. She’s had a perfectly people at all, but together they’ll stumblepleasant childhood of afternoon teas into a life-changing Italian adventure.and riding lessons – and no adventures,thank you very much. Until now! The Guggenheim Mystery Robin Stevens & Siobhan Dowd Puffin $14.99 ‘My name is Ted Spark. I am 12 years and 281 days old. I have seven friends. Three months ago, I solved the mystery of how my cousin Salim disappeared from a pod on the London Eye. This is the story of my second mystery.’ The Guggenheim. New York. Art theft. Read on! Diary of a Wimpy Kid #12: The Getaway Jeff Kinney Puffin PB $14.99; HB $17.99 Greg Heffley and his family are getting out of town to a tropical island. A few days in paradise should do wonders for the Heffleys, but they soon discover that paradise isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be. Sunburn, stomach troubles and venomous critters all threaten to ruin the family’s vacation.Image from Bad Dad by David Walliams & Tony Ross Avenue Bookstore 26

The Rogues #1: Accidental The Doldrums and theHeroes Helmsley CurseLian Tanner Nicholas GannonAllen & Unwin $19.99 HarperCollins $24.99In the city, strange things happen. People Archer Helmsley’s grandparents, famousdisappear, trees sprout overnight. But no one explorers who went missing on an icebergbelieves in magic. No, to believe in magic two years ago, are finally coming home.would be disloyal... The devious Lord Rump But rumours are flying that they wereand his granddaughter, Duckling, need a never really abandoned on the iceberg,disposable boy, and Pummel, a farm boy, that they’re making it all up. Archer setsfits the bill perfectly in this magical new out to restore his grandparents’ reputationseries from the inimitable Lian Tanner! with a little help from his friends.The Whiz Mob and the A Garden of LiliesGrenadine Kid Judith RossellColin Meloy & Carson Ellis ABC $19.99Viking $24.99 In Wormwood Mire, we were introducedThere’s a lot to be said for a good old- to the lessons of Prudence A. Goodchild.fashioned caper. From the creators of Now the book comes to life! FilledWildwood Chronicles comes an original, with uncommon facts for the novicehumorous and fast-paced novel about a band conversationalist and rigorous lessons inof child pickpockets. Imagine The Invention etiquette and manners, it will transformof Hugo Cabret meets Oliver Twist. Beautiful any wayward child into the very pictureillustrations complete the package! of Victorian decorum and grace.Tales From a Tall Forest Tom Gates #13: Epic Adventure (Kind of)Shaun Micallef & Jonathan BentleyHardie Grant Egmont $29.99 Liz PichonHere’s the scoop, according to Shaun Scholastic $16.99Micallef: ‘Growing up, many of my Having two sets of grandparents is turningearly years were spent as a child. That out to be very good for old mate Tom Gates.experience has given me special interest The Wrinklies (his words, not ours) areinto what they enjoy reading. Tales from very keen on giving presents, AND they’rea Tall Forest is it.’ We couldn’t agree planning a family outing, which is going tomore, Shaun. We love this hilarious, be another EPIC ADVENTURE (kind of)!beautifully illustrated, uproarious volume! Nevermoor: The Trials ofThe Magic Misfits Morrigan CrowNeil Patrick Harris Jessica TownsendHardie Grant Egmont $16.99 Lothian $16.99This book contains a BIG SECRET. Read on We absolutely, positively, utterly LOVEif you dare. Do you believe in magic? Carter this book! Morrigan Crow is cursed.doesn’t. He knows magic tricks are just Born on Eventide, she’s blamed for allthat – tricks. And as a street magician, he’s local misfortunes. Worst of all, the cursealso pretty good at them. When he teams means that Morrigan is doomed to dieup with five other like-minded kids to solve at midnight on her 11th birthday. Ora mystery, the MAGIC MISFITS are born! is she? Cue epic rescue and massive adventure. We can’t wait for volume two!Laugh Your Head Off Againand Again The AuditionVarious Maddie ZieglerMacmillan $19.99 HarperCollins $16.99Nine authors. Nine stories to make you Twelve-year-old Harper McCoy has dancedlaugh your head off. Again! Who’s in it? since she could walk. She’s making her markAndy Griffiths, John Marsden and Alan as a top dancer until her parents announceBrough, to name but three of the fabulous they are moving, which means she’ll have toAustralian authors. There’s a scary shower, say good-bye to her beloved dance team.three twisty little pigs and a famous dancing When Harper arrives at her new studio, shedog. We’re laughing already. Again! realises that it’s not easy being the new girl.

Kids Illumanatomy non-fiction Carnovsky & Kate DaviesThe Variety of Life Wide-Eyed Editions $35.00 What’s really going on inside you? LookNicola Davies & Lorna Scobie inside the human body with the magicHodder $29.99 three-colour lens. Use the red lens to revealDid you know there are 400,000 species of the skeleton, look through the green lens tobeetle but only eight species of bear? This see how the muscles work, and x-ray yourstunning book explores the diversity of the organs with the blue lens to discover hownatural world and profiles some of its most they work day and night to keep you alive.surprising creatures. There is something todelight on every page, with fascinating facts Swan Lakeabout mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians,fish and insects! Anne Spudvilas Allen & Unwin $29.99The Sleeping Beauty The iconic ballet Swan Lake, the tragic love story of a princess transformed into a swanDavid McAllister & Gabriela Tylesova by an evil sorcerer, has been revered forHardie Grant Egmont $29.99 more than a century. Here, Anne SpudvilasThe story of The Sleeping Beauty spills reimagines the classic tale of passion,over with fairies and princes, passion and betrayal and heartbreak in the dramaticdespair, magnificence and splendour. The riverscape of the Murray-Darling.ballet version of this classic tale is the mostromantic and spectacular of all, and this The Ultimate Book ofgorgeous book is based on the spectacular Airplanes and Airports2015 Australian Ballet production of TheSleeping Beauty. Sophie Bordet-Petillon & Marc-Etienne Peintre Chronicle Books $34.99Frankie Fish: Best Ever Ready for take off? From the detailedPranks (and More!) instruments of a Boeing 747 cockpit to the mysterious innards of a baggage carousel,Peter Helliar & Lesley Vamos The Ultimate Book of Airplanes and AirportsHardie Grant Egmont $12.99 delivers absorbing information and hours ofI don’t know if we can trust him, but Peter fun. It’s the perfect book to prepare youngHelliar claims these pranks are harmless. readers for a first flight!We’ll see. Find out how to prank your friends,your family or even your whole class AND get Because I Was a Girlaway with it? Pranksters Frankie and Drewhave put all their favourite practical jokes and Edited by Melissa de la Cruzmischief making into one handy guide. Henry Holt $29.99 Because I Was a Girl is an inspiring collection of true stories by women and girls about the obstacles, challenges and opportunities they’ve faced because of their gender. The collection includes writings from an impressive array of girls and women, all trailblazers in their fields, including bestselling authors, chefs, engineers and more. Avenue Bookstore 28

The Incredible Cabinet Dinosauriumof Wonders Chris Wormell & Lily MurrayLonely Planet Kids $29.99 Big Picture Press $39.99It’s time to peek inside the world’s most Kids just never get tired of dinosaurs, dofamous museums. Twelve collectors – toy they? A wonderful range of dinosaursmakers and monster hunters, sailors and (more than 50!) – from the most lovedarchaeologists – have created their own Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex to morethemed cabinets and filled them with their unknown species, such as Coelophysisfavourite things. Open the cabinet doors to and Tsintaosaurus – are explored throughdiscover 100 extraordinary objects from our informative text and stunning artwork.planet’s weird and wonderful past and present. Wild: A Photicular BookThe Atlas of Monsters Dan Kainen & Kathy WollardStuart Hill & Sandra Lawrence Workman $34.99Big Picture Press $34.99 Wild gives readers an up-close look at theYou just might need this if you want to avoid world’s most endangered species. Thesome of the more unpleasant monsters opening essay focuses on conservationof the world! A wondrous atlas showing efforts around the world and answers thewhere in the world dreadful dragons and question: What exactly does it mean toterrible trolls from mythology can be found. protect or save an endangered animal?It’s handy also for finding (or avoiding) a Watch these amazing animals come to lifeminotaur, krakens, genies and giants. with cool photicular technology.Atlas of Dinosaur Adventures Home Sweet HomeEmily Hawkins & Lucy Letherland Mia Cassany & Paula BlumenWide-Eyed Editions $35.00 Frances Lincoln $21.99Travel back in time to lock horns with a Home. It’s where the heart is! Home SweetTriceratops, stalk prey with a T-Rex, and learn Home celebrates the wide diversity of homesto fly with a baby Pteranodon. There are around the world. Find out who lives in ahundreds of things to spot and facts to learn, Brooklyn brownstone or a Tokyo apartment!so take a prehistoric adventure through the What about a London townhouse, or a cabinTriassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods to in Reykjavik? There’s never been a bettermeet the dinosaurs of the day. time to remember the importance of home.The Amazing Animal Atlas Danger Dolan CountdownDr Nick Crumpton & Gaia Bordicchia Danger DolanFlying Eye Books $39.99 Pan $19.99There was never an atlas as astounding, as Danger Dolan is an Australian YouTubeabsorbing, as astronomical as The Amazing phenomenon, presenting intriguing,Animal Atlas! The book visits every point idiosyncratic facts in snappy countdownon the map to meet the world’s bounty of videos – and now, in an even snappierawesome, beautiful and strange animals. book! Discover the 20 creepiest places inMeet the inhabitants of the Atacama the world, the 15 most useless body parts,Desert and the North Pole. Learn about the the 20 most useless inventions and the 15mighty blue whale and the world’s smallest places you are most likely to die. That lastchameleon, the Brookesia micra. one’s a bit of a mood spoiler.Image from The Variety of Life by Nicola Davies & Lorna Scobie

Younger kidsAmazing Monster The Lost PicnicDetectoScope B. B. CroninGraeme Base Viking $27.99Penguin $29.99 Grandad is taking his grandchildrenWhat if you discovered your house on a picnic in his jalopy. They ride on awas infested with monsters? There’s busy highway out into the country. Butintricate paper engineering and a whole when they finally arrive at the picnic spot,host of hilariously hideous beasties they discover all their food has tumbledlying in wait beyond the DetectoScope out of the car along the way! It’s up toviewfinder. A visually gorgeous adventure readers to find the missing food!from the creator of Animalia. Say Zoop!Here We Are: Notes forLiving on Planet Earth Hervé Tullet Allen & Unwin $22.99Oliver Jeffers What parent doesn’t appreciate a superHarperCollins $24.99 noisy book?! Hervé Tullet extends anWell, hello! Welcome to this planet. irresistible invitation to young childrenWe call it Earth. Our world can be a to whisper, sing and shout. Let’s makebewildering place, especially if you some noise! Shout OH! Whisper AH!only just got here. Some things about Say ZOOP! Simply turn the page toour planet are pretty complicated, but embark on a magical journey of sound,things can be simple too; you’ve just colour, motion and to be kind. We love Oliver Jeffers! My Lazy CatLittle Dog and theSummer Holiday Christine Roussey Abrams $21.99Corinne Fenton & Robin Cowcher Meet Boomer. He likes to nap. The littleBlack Dog Books $24.99 girl, on the other hand, is far too busyA charming and nostalgic story about to take a nap. She has judo, swimming,a much-loved Little Dog and his family. yoga, painting, rugby and biking to do!The summer holidays stretch out forever. An overscheduled girl learns the value ofLittle Dog and his family set off with their slowing down from her very lazy Set in the summer holidays ofthe ’50s, this is a delightful story aboutroad trips, camping, sunshine and theway family holidays used to be.StardustJeanne Willis & Briony May SmithNosy Crow $24.99One little girl dreams of being a star, buther big sister always shines brighter. Yetfor her grandad, she is a star. As they gazeup at the night sky, he tells her the storyof the beginning of the world. Everythingand everyone is made of stardust,and we all shine in different ways.Image from Amazing Monster DetectoScopeby Graeme Base

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