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Home Explore Surat i Booklet 13.05.2022

Surat i Booklet 13.05.2022

Published by FOCUS COMMUNICATIONS, 2022-05-30 07:25:48

Description: Surat i Booklet 13.05.2022


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Today, Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited is the Indian Navy’s strongest symbiotic partner in the nation’s march towards complete self-reliance, con- tinuing to build and deliver state of the art warships comparable to the best in the world, truly fulfilling its responsibility as the “Shipbuilder to the Nation” MDL began its fascinating journey in the year 1774 and has since been a flag bearer of the rich maritime history of India. Having contributed immensely to shipbuilding and ship repair in British India, the shipyard was acquired by the Government of India in 1960, when the first steps towards the national objective of self-reliance and indigenization were taken. Since then, the shipyard has achieved many distinctions and milestones, building and delivering twenty-six ships, six submarines and a number of auxiliary and commercial vessels. It has been a remarkable endeavor that has borne fruit in the form of several warships such as the Godavari Class, the Khukri Class, the Delhi Class, the Shivalik Class and the Kolkata Class, which have served and continue to serve the Indian Navy tirelessly. Launching is the momentous occasion when a ship moves from slipway to water. Beneath the spirit of tradition and celebrations, there is an extensive amount of in-depth analysis and calculations to ensure that the ship moves and floats safely post launching. The operation is carried out to a very high level of preci- sion, co-ordination and sequencing for transferring the weight from keel blocks and shores onto the cradle. The sliding of the cradle into the water is timed to coincide with the suitable high tide. This is observed as an auspicious occasion traditionally, accompanied by solemn blessings and celebrations. In keeping with this tradition, Naval ships are launched by a Lady. Prior to launching, the dignitary names the ship, followed by an invocation. The first ship of Project P15B, INS VISAKHAPATNAM was commissioned to India Navy on 21 Nov 21. The second ship of P15B Class, MORMUGAO is in the verge of her delivery to Indian Navy in CFY. The third ship of P15B Class, IMPHAL is in advanced stage of construction. And fourth ship of P15B class, SURAT is being launched today on 17th May 22 by Smt Charu Singh by float launching method with a launch weight of approximately 3000 T. The ship is designed by the Indian Navy’s in-house design organization viz. Directorate of Naval Design. MDL is carrying out the detailed design & construction which is overseen by Warship Overseeing Team (Mumbai).

VAdm Narayan Prasad, AVSM, NM, IN(Retd), CMD, MDL The launching of SURAT (Yd 12707), the fourth ship of Visakhapatnam class (Project 15B) today marks yet another milestone in the long and eventful history of warship production in India. The first ship of Visakhapatnam class has been commissioned in the Indian Navy on 21 Nov 21 within the contractual timelines which is a moment of immense pride for both MDL and the Indian Navy. The indigenous design of Project P15B Destroyers once again marks the Navy’s firm commitment towards achieving indigenization by using state of art technology in the field of weapons/sensors/machinery and stealth. The ship draws her lineage from Delhi Class & Kolkata Class Guided Missile Destroyers, her two illustrious predecessors. Laden with contemporary technology, the ship will be fitted out with state-of-the-art platform and combat systems and when commissioned will add teeth to the blue water capabilities of the Indian Navy for decades. The Project 15B has leveraged local industry capabilities with a view to minimize dependence on overseas suppliers, thus signaling the coming of age of indigenous warship building industry. The indigenization content in Project 15B class destroyers is a notch above her illustrious predecessors giving a significant boost to Government of India (GoI) policy of “Make-in India”. The design of this platform is the result of a dedicated effort of a team of designers at the Indian Navy’s design organization, support- ed by the design team at Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited. The Project Management Team of Project 15B played a pivotal role in preparing the ship for launch. Warship Overseeing Team (WOT) duly assisted, with their constant supervision and guidance, in ensuring that the ship built, matches the global standards. I am confident that the perseverance, effort and hard work put in by all concerned would fructify into a finely crafted Battle worthy ship which would act as a powerful force multiplier for the Indian Navy in the years to come. Jai Hind !

Shri Biju George, Director (Shipbuilding) The Launching of the fourth ship of Project 15B marks yet another moment of national pride, testimony to the skills, capability and determination of Mazagon Dock Shipbuilder Limited. All this has been possible due to the use of best resources like our professionals, subcontractors, suppliers and skilled personnel in an effective implementation through PMT (Project Management Team) 15B. I would like to congratulate the entire shipbuilding division for working with zeal, enthusiasm and professional competence to ensure the Launch of the vessel. Many challenges were encountered during the launching preparations, but they were overcome with relentless and consistent efforts put in by the entire shipbuilding team. I am proud to be a part of MDL, making vessels of international standard, well planned, indigenously designed, strengthening MAKE IN INDIA movement to build warships with signif- icant machinery and weapons indigenization. SURAT is the result of the dedicated efforts of various departments of MDL ably guided by Warship Overseeing Team, Mumbai at all stages of her progress. When facing various challenges and hurdles, it is unity, creativity, competence and passion to serve the nation that has en- abled us to remain as premier warship building yard and as a centre of excellence. I am indeed proud to be part of MDL in once again demonstrating that indigenously designed and constructed ships can match global stan- dards. This has only strengthened our resolve to vigorously pursue indigenization with ‘MAKE IN INDIA’ thrust for platform and combat systems. Jai Hind !

Shri N N Gharat (Project Superintendent – Project 15B) Launching of SURAT, the fourth Destroyer of Project 15B is indeed a moment of pride for all of us at MDL. It is a laudable achievement for all the executives, staff and operatives of MDL who have put in the hard work to launch the vessel in the same footprints of the first Destroyer, INS VISAKHAPATNAM. The Project 15B guided missile Destroyers are a continuation of the lineage of highly successful Delhi and Kolkata Class ships. These technologically advanced platforms are fitted with the state-of-art sensors and weapons and once commissioned would add substantial punch to the arms of Indian Navy. MDL has shown its capability by delivering first Ship of VISAKHAPATNAM class within scheduled construction timelines and the Ship is presently serving Indian Navy. The second vessel MORMUGAO likely to join Indian Navy very soon and will be followed by IMPHAL and SURAT. I feel proud to be part of MDL whose MISSION is “TO DELIVERY QUALITY SHIP IN TIME WITHIN BUDGETED COST AND BEING WORLD LEADER IN WARSHIP BUILDING” I would like to thank all the MDL employees associated with this prestigious project for their efforts. Also I would like to thank DND and WOT (Mb) team for their guidance and support. Jai Hind !







FIRSTS IN PROJECT 15B » GT control from both TCR and MCR in Destroyer class KEEL LAYING OF YARD 12707 » Indigenous steel (DMR 249A) used for hull » Line Out Inspections carried out in virtual reality lab » LED lightning introduced in selected areas, 40 KVA Transformer in lieu of 10/20KVA to decongest Passageways & Lobby's. » Integrated Bridge System, Integrated Communication Suite, Integrated Platform Management System & Total Atmospheric Control System (TACS) introduced for Heat Ventilation & Air Conditioning » Hull construction in parts at two different geographical locations.

INFRASTRUCTURE AUGMENTATION FOR SHIPBUILDING & SUBMARINE CONSTRUCTION With a glorious past of nearly 250 years, the journey of MDL is an exciting one from a small ship repair unit in 18th century, it evolved into a center of excel- lence building high technology war vessels matching global standards. A modernized infrastructure, a highly skilled workforce, dedicated and highly qualified engineers, geographically located at the heart of Mumbai, MDL holds the unique position of being the premier warship building yard. Construction of 03 nos Delhi class destroyers (Project 15) and conventional submarines in the 90s paved way for developing significant indigenous capability for front line warships and submarines. Delivery of three P17 Class Frigates, provided impetus towards self-reliance in defense production in the 21st century. To enable the implementation of “Integrated Construction Methodol- ogy” of ship building which will enable substantial reduction in build period of future project, a modular workshop of 6000 sqm, 300 Tons capacity Goliath crane spanning over Module Shop and two slipways, a new wet basin of 27000 sqm berthing space for under construction warships and submarines with four Level Luffing Cranes, Cradle Assembly Shop of 2000 sqm and SSA Workshop of 8500 sqm are partially utilized for current projects. Using these modernized facilities, MDL is efficiently constructing Project 15B & Project 17A warship and Submarine building. The yard is modernized to achieve the global standards and thereby today considered as the back bone of Indian Navy and the country and is now capable of addressing the changing dynamics of future warship and submarine building.

MAKE-IN-INDIA / INDIGENISATION Building Frigates, Destroyers and Submarines, all three top end combatants at one Ship- PROGRESSIVE INCREASE IN INDIGENISATION CONTENT yard i.e. MDL in itself is a major indigenization success story. “Make-in-India” in MDL dates back to 1960, when under a strategic national objective of indigenous shipbuilding, construction of first frontline warship, INS Nilgiri, was undertaken. Since then, MDL has been continuously striving to enhance the indigenous content in the successive deliveries of ships and submarines. MDL’s stellar efforts and commitment in support of indigenization are evident from the fact that percentage of indigenization in the ships built by MDL has increased from 42% (Delhi Class) in the year 1997 to approximately 59% (Kolkata Class) in the year 2015-16. For the ongoing Shipbuilding projects, the indigenization content is likely to increase to the tune of 72 % for Project 15B Ships and to 75% for the P17A Ships. Some of the major items presently being indigenized include Gas Turbines & Gear Box; Pressure Reducing Stations; Magazine Fire Fighting System and Welding Electrodes for Subma- rines. Indigenization of Sonar Dome & Ship Installed Chemical Agent Detection System has been successfully completed. MDL is committed to continuously enhance the indigenous content of the ships, submarines and other vessels being built to ensure that the “Make in India” mission launched by the Government of India is a success story in letter and spirit. A “Make in India” Cell is active in MDL since May 2015 and to further boost and strengthen the indigenization effort a dedicated indigenization de- partment has been set-up in Nov 2015 to provide focused impetus to the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision of “Make-in-India”.

GROWTH STORY OF MDL MDL has been on a consistent trajectory of growth. Key performance indicators bear testimony to the consistent efforts made by MDL.

CONSTRUCTION OF SCORPENE SUBMARINES AT MDL: PROJECT 75 India joined the exclusive group of submarine constructing nations on 07 February VAGIR DURING SEA TRIALS 1992, with the commissioning of the first Indian built submarine, INS Shalki. It was indeed a proud moment for Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd, the builders of INS Shalki. That INS Shalki is still operational today, after more than 20 years of glorious service to the nation, is testimony to the skills and capability of India. Presently MDL is constructing six Scorpene class submarines in series, a rare feat indeed. The state-of-art features of the Scorpene include superior stealth and the ability to launch a crippling attack on the enemy using precision guided weapons. The Stealth features give it an invulnerabil- ity, unmatched by most submarines. The Scorpene can undertake multifarious types of missions typically undertaken by any modern submarine which include Anti-Surface Warfare, Anti-Sub- marine Warfare, Intelligence Gathering, Mine Laying, Area Surveillance etc. Submarine construction is considered as complex, if not more complex, than building of a space- ship, as it involves installation of machinery, laying of kms of cabling and piping in extremely congested compartments and achieving stringent tolerances, among numerous other challenges. To date, MDL has delivered Four out of Six Scorpene Class Submarines of Project 75 namely ‘Kalvari’, ‘Khanderi’, ‘Karanj’ & ‘Vela’ to the Indian Navy. Fifth Submarine ‘Vagir’ is under- going Sea trials and is likely to be delivered by the end of 2022. Sixth Submarine was Launched in Apr 22 and is currently undergoing Harbour Trials. Leveraging the experience and the trans- fer-of-technology of the Scorpene project, with the enhanced and upgraded infrastructure, MDL is ready for undertaking future submarine projects including Project-75(I). LAUNCHING OF VAGSHEER

DIRECTORATE OF NAVAL DESIGN The founders of the Indian Navy realized early that the 33 ships of various sizes and capabilities inherited from the Royal Navy at Independence were grossly inadequate for India’s maritime defense, and that indigenous warship construction would be a competence that India would need to develop if she were to become a self-reliant and powerful nation. This was the genesis of the Central Design Organization that was established in 1964. Rechristened Directorate of Naval Design (Ship Surface Group) or DND (SSG), it has since evolved into a cradle of excellence in warship design over the last five decades. The Indian Navy’s in house Design Directorate has designed over 19 designs to which over 90 ships including Destroyers, Frigates, Survey Vessels, Landing Ship Tanks and Seaward Defense Boats have been built. The Organization has been a key enabler in the metamorphosis of the Indian Navy into a potent blue water force.

WARSHIP OVERSEEING TEAM, MUMBAI Warship Overseeing Team (Mbi) is the official representative of IHQ-MoD (N) to ensure quality assurance, financial control and progress monitoring of under construction warships and vessels at MDL and other shipyards located in western region. Responsibilities of WOT (Mbi) include development of required quality assurance & control procedures and their adherence during ship construction, provide necessary guidance to MDL with regard to user knowledge and facilitate interaction with Trial Agencies and Ship’s Standby Crew.





N N Gharat, PS(P15B) D G Hazra, APS (P15B) C.M. Vishwakarma, PE (D- P15B) Anil Kumar, PE(BOT-P15B) Pallavi Dalvi, PE (P- P15B) Rajeev Rathod, PE (C- P15B) Avadhoot Karanjkar, PE(F - SB) PLANNING – P15B COMMERCIAL – P15B BERTH – P15B (Yd 12704) Suman Rajah S M, DPE Ramesh Rout Shantaram Kurkute, DPE Jalindar Kadam, CGE Manish Patil Shriniwas Waghmare Prakash Cutinho Manish Kawade Dattatray Mandhare C. Mohana Chandran Praveen Agrawal Dattatray S. Chavan Prateek Anurag Saumitra A. Mishra S.P. Harsha Ravi Beniwal Karnail Singh Vishal Salvi K. Prashanth Kumar Smita Hire Prakash Malavath Ravi Kumr Dharavatu L.V.N.L Prasad Saurabh Prajapati BERTH – P15B (Yd 12705) Babu Lal Rupesh B. Mane Shashi Zajam, Ship Manager-1 Bhavnesh Baviskar Arindam Ghosh A.K Mourya, Ship Manager-2 Prashant C. Wasule Azizur Rahman R. U. Thokal AVG Prasad Bharat Rautela Shaileshkumar Arya B. Chandekar Subhashini Kanwar Ajay Taralkar G. V. Chaitanya Varma Sourabh Haldar Tushar Kamble Satish Sonawane BERTH – P15B (Yd 12707) Mohd Nadeem Khan Riaz A D.K. Tiwari, Ship Manager Vinod Kumar P. K. Panesar Nirmal V. Ranjane Hidayatullah Phirphire Anantprakash Tripathi V.V. Golegaonkar Rajesh Kumar Divya Bharathi Nilkhil Kulkarni ST Narkar SarathKumar K M.T. Alekar Ravi Kumar D. S. Koli Deepak Bafila Sanjay K Patil NS Hameed Harendra Goyal Akhilesh Kumar Kotaiah Mogili PA Thomas Peter Singh Banerjee VS Masavkar AK Sinha

Chandrashekhar P Nikesh Parate Design - Engg Abhishek Singh Anish P R Santosh Sitaraman Arun Kumar Ashok A. Mandal Atul Agawane Arun K. Chaurasiya B. Naga Sachin Abhijit Kore Mohan Padya Rahul A Sawant Vijay Kumar Jaiswal Prasanna Kumar Amit Shelar Ankur Jain Sagar Jadhav K. Dicholkar Pramod Baliga Shiva Kutar Rakesh Kumar Bhusarapu Venkata Bharat Awishek Khatkar Sanjay Jondhale Swapnil Vishwanath Natekar Prathmesh Birwadkar Rahul L. Baria Ashish Kumar Gaurav Nigam Polturi Chaithanya Design - L&Wn BP Unnikrishnan Amit K. Mahato P.K. Modak Abhilash Kumar S Panugothu Jagan Annamma Anil, DPE Gaurav Sinha Sunil Kumar Meena Sandeep A Shinde KM Sayooj Sudhir G. Sonavane NM Choudhary DESIGN – P15B M Md. Anwaruddin BERTH – P15B (Yd 12706) Design - Estimate Praful S.Hatekar Deepak.B. Shirsat, Ship Manager Sabitha Ramesh Rakesh Kumar Jangid D.K. Gupta Chetan P Sakhare Rajeev Jha B.Balakrishna Kadir Khan Sachin R.Solanke Nitin Bawankule Design - FDG & Structural Jaypal R.Bhokare Thejavathu Dharma Sapna Dipu Pramod Kumar Dharmendra Kumar V Sriram Sameer Mhatre Anil R. Dhatrak Kartheek Doppala Neha Singh U.A. Haju Shruthi Jayadas Vijay Bhadola Sachin Kamble Geeth Sravan Bonthu Design - Outfit Susheel K. Sahu Lekhraj Meena Bipin S Waghamare Ravindra S. Gupta Indira Priyadarsini Abhijit Patil Shailendra Tale Shailendra Singh Tomar Kiran Rajput Divyank Piyush Ravi Kumar Nagaraju Naik L U.K. Sharma Abdusalam T A.K. Tripathi Tushar S Patil S. Santosh Abhishek Designed & Printed by: FOCUS COMMUNICATIONS, M.: 9820082352

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