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Home Explore Choti si Khushi

Choti si Khushi

Published by irasharma16, 2017-07-19 11:10:43

Description: We are a community-based, volunteer-driven organization that offers after-school activities and engagements for young minds. We engage children in development-based activities that creatively engage them and keep them off the streets after school hours. We teach them, but that's not all we do. We provide a platform for children to connect, share, learn and grow. We try to fill in the void in the curricular and extra-curricular growth and development- that is not available to these children at home.

Keywords: Choti si khushi,development,childern,poor,help,women,social help


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Product Catalog

About us!We are a community-based, volunteer-driven organization that offers after-school activities andengagements for young minds. We engage children in development-based activities that creatively engagethem and keep them off the streets after school hours. We teach them, but that's not all we do. We providea platform for children to connect, share, learn and grow. We try to fill in the void in the curricular andextra-curricular growth and development- that is not available to these children at home.We have a completely volunteer-driven approach so we have our volunteers (and kudos to them!) impartknowledge and skills, counsel the troubled kids, listen to them or just spend time with them, all in acommunity park! Our unique learning process ensures that open spaces help in making childrencomfortable without introducing the dread associated with classrooms while saving hugely on operationalcosts. The freedom associated with outdoors is also conducive for a healthier environment. The vagariesof the Delhi weather do not deter our little brave-hearts, who turn up everyday, come rain, sun or freezingcold!The community-based structure ensures that children look forward to this comfortably-paced interactionwith their peer group as well, while the parents can also get involved or just observe from the sidelines, ifthey so wish. Sometimes the parents are happy to learn too, so we have started a literacy class for themtoo! We ensure that there's something for everybody to do.Currently, we have 10 volunteers and more than 75 kids from a Jhuggi-Jhopdi cluster who come ineveryday and learn a little and teach us a lot.We do not ask for your money, but we do ask for your time. If you have some skills, and if you arewilling to spare some time for us, it would be an honor for us to work with you. A skill is a skill, and wehave tremendous respect for your skills and sufficient space for you to fit in. It does not matter what youknow and what you don't, what matters is what you can share. So for example, if you are a Maths orScience graduate but now a home-maker, you can help our older ones with these subjects. If you are acreative sort who can do wonders with needle and thread, you can teach our older girls a thing or twoabout it. If you are a musician, please share the precious gift of music with our children.We usually sustain our expenses through small monthly contributions coming through a group of friends.Like we said, we refrain from seeking donations. However, if there are times when we need help, we willshare with you the details of the fund-raising initiative and if you identify with the cause, you cancontribute to it. If it’s possible for you to procure anything for us, we will prefer that you procure the stuffyourself instead of giving us the money for it.Please get active, please get involved, please spread the word and keep watching this space :)

What have we achieved till now?• Partnered with 5 schools and conducted various awareness workshops on menstrual hygine, hand wash, self defense & cyber security.• Evening classes for students from kindergarten to class 12th students belonging to JJ clusters at study center in open park.• Adult Literacy class for women belonging to JJ Clusters• Sponsorship for deserving students for three year course in martial arts SHAO-KANO Martial Art Club and aspire to become a coach.• Scholarship program for deserving students.• Facilitated various health awareness/checkups.• Regular workshops for kids in music, dance, drawing through network Challenges faced by women! Women these days in these areas do not have time to earn because they are very poor and they have to take care of their families as well. So, we have taken this initiative to help them. We have managed to get their 2-3 hours daily so that they can come and help themselves by making these products in this catalog. We will not keep the profit with us, rather it will be there for their benefit only. So, come and join hands with us and help us to sell these products so that they can live a good lives and no one can sleep empty stomach!


1. Blue colored printed bagDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-2. Black colored floral bagDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

3. Cream colored floral bagDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price- 4. Blue colored embroider bagDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

5. Purple colored printed floral bagDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price- 6. Designer paper bagDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

7. Yellow colored printed bagDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price- 8.White colored bag with red borderDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-


1. Hanging diya- peacockDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-2. Hanging diyas- peacockDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

3. Designer diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price- 4.Purple and silver diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

4. Orange colored designer diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-5. Pink colored diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

6. Square shaped diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-7. Ganesh shaped diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

8. 5 star shaped diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-9. Orange coloured diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

10. Peacock shaped diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-11. Peacock shaped designer diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

12.Square shaped designer diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-13.Blue and green diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

14.Green coloured diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-15.Beautiful bouquet shaped diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

16.Purple and pink diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-17.Purple diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

18.Green colored diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-19.Floral diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

20.Green and blue diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-21.Pink and blue floral diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

22.Beautiful peacock shaped diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-23. Kalesh shaped diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

24.Beautiful shell shaped diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-25. Floral pink diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

26.Beautiful green colored diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-27.Beautiful red colored diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

28. Swastik shaped diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-29.Orange colored diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

30.Square shaped diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-31.Pink colored diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

32.Green colored diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-33.Hanging diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

34.Beautiful blue colored diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-35.Rose shaped beautiful diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-

36. Beautiful Ganesh shaped diyaDimensions-Brief Description-Utility/purpose-Price-