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Home Explore December 2017 HD Newsletter Final

December 2017 HD Newsletter Final

Published by hdnewsletter, 2017-12-29 08:04:17

Description: December 2017 HD Newsletter Final


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Upmc HelpDesk Newsletter Providing ‘World Class’ Service One Interaction At A Time December 2017 Edition 1

UPMC Help Desk NewsletterThis newsletter is about you, me, and all of us. It’s about the work we do everyday, the people we work with and the things that matter to us. It provides a forumfor highlighting our achievements and milestones as we continue to provide worldclass service ‘one interaction at a time.’Table of ContentsWelcome Olivera Todorosvka our new Help Desk Agent Page 3Welcome to the world Julia Daniely Page 3Help Desk Agent’s Of Year Nominee’s - Jeff Ross & Tabby Cumer Page 4Winners of Whose Who - Adam Cassidy & James Daniely Page 4Sublime by Kyle Lewis Page 5Help Desk 2017 end of year review Page 6Help Desk Holiday Lunch Page 7Phipps Winter Flower Show Page 8Top Service Skills for Help Desk Agent Page 9Happy Birthday to you! Page 10 2

The Spotlight for this month is on Olivera Todorosvka. So Olivera, what can you tell us about yourself? Hello. I am Olivera Todorosvka, I am a new Help Desk Agent and I am from Macedonia. I enjoy traveling and ex- ploring new cities. My hobbies include playing the guitar, hiking, ping pong, and painting. I have friends from all over the world and try to visit them when I can. All my family is in Europe so it has been a chal- lenge and a great experience dealing with everything on my own. I am happy with my new position as an IT Help Desk agent at UPMC and I am looking forward to learning more. Julia Daniely was born on October 19, 2017 and was 6 lbs.She has already grown so much since that joyous day and is still keeping her proud Parents up late and throughout the night!  3

Congratulations Jeff Ross and Tabby Cumer! Nominees for the HDI Help Desk agent of the Year Award Festivities were held at Gaetano’s Restaurant located in Greentree. A great time was enjoyed by all! Congrats James Daniely and Adam Cassidy!Winners for the Getting to Know you Better Activity Winners received a $10 Red Robin gift certificate 4

My story, My life, My words Submitted by Kyle Lewis SublimeAlexander Pope stated, \"To err is human; to forgive, divine.\"Sometimes our egos blind us from the mistakes of our ways. We refuse to self-assess. We reprobate ourflaws. We compare our missteps to those of others, drawing joy from their failure. We hold others account-able for unrealistic standards we can’t meet. Essentially, we forget we're imperfect. We forget we're hu-man. Most importantly, we forget to recognize and forgive our own flaws.Our parochial self-image allows us to place blame upon those whom we deem the source of our pain. In-stead of looking inward while separating ourselves from our traducers, lifting the weight of constant and per-sistent frustration, we project our need for change upon those we’ve vilified. This projection activates a re-sidual self-defense, which we find offensive, but also fulfilling. It is the epitome masochistic schaden-freude. The result is the propagation of an avoidable, continual, consistent cycle of narcissistic and autocrat-ic self-abuse. We become what we’re fighting.Despite our reluctance to see our own flaws, we understand the world is imperfect. Notwithstanding thatknowledge, we still hold a standard of absolute honesty and loyalty, an intergenerational and omnipresentzeitgeist. In an imperfect world, deduction proves those absolute qualities are quixotic and oxymoron-ic. Faults and flaws sculpt the blemished human character. They are the building blocks of social adaptionand evolution, which can expand our myopic self-image.The current social malaise of self-consciousness has retardedemotional expression. We are quick to blame and quicker to shunresponsibility out of fear of tarnishing our hypocritical self-effacing image. Before we can forgive others, we must coalesceour flaws, fleshing out their internal roots, and heal our-selves. Thus, living the statement, “To err is human; to forgive,divine.” 5

Help Desk End of Year Review 20172017 flew by so quickly. In just a few days will be the start of 2018. Let’s take a short journey and recap all accomplish- ments for our Help Desk 2017 End of Year Review starting with the most recent: Let’s give a round of applause to our agents Jeff Ross and Tabby Cumer who were nominated to compete in the HDI Steel City Analyst of the year award for 2017. Another round of applause to Shane Bell who was nominated for the UPMC Ace Award. 2 Step Verification Process (3-31-17) is a security feature that requires you to provide more than just your pass- word to logon successfully. It verifies your identity through your choice of methods, including a phone call, a text message, or a mobile app. Office 365 migration (April 5, 2017) UPMC is upgrading to Office 365, which has new features and improvements, including 100 GB of email storage for everyone. Office 365 is hosted in the Microsoft Cloud. IVR - Interactive Voice Recognition (April 2017) Interactive voice response (IVR) is a technology that allows a com- puter to interact with humans using voice and DTMF tones input via a keypad. In telecommunications, IVR allows customers to interact with a company’s host system via a telephone keypad or by speech recognition, after which services can be inquired about through the IVR dialogue. Contact Pro - (May 2017 ) EMC ContactPro is a control center display interface. It will enable the Help Desk to view and manage all inbound and outbound Interactions from one piece of software. It integrates our ACD call system, along with Chats. Susquehanna Transition Phase - 4000 employees that will need to setup their MFA registration by the end of Janu- ary 2018. Sunbury & Lockhaven (October 25, 2017) are officially part of UPMC Susquehanna and all 3 locations will need my Hub registration for open enrollment elections. 6

Help Desk Holiday lunch on 12/21/17The food was delicious and the company great!Thank you for a wonderful holiday lunch Rich! 7

Winter Flower Show and Light Garden: Holiday Magic Website - Contact phone is 412.622.6914 8

Top Customer Service Skills Author: Jerrard Gates From effective listening to computer savvy, there are a lot of skills needed. to be effective in customer service. This month Customer Communicator newsletter asked its panel of frontline reps, \"What are the most important service skills?\" The responses provide practical insights for anyone working in customer service. For example, Jerrard Gates of Navy Federal Credit Union shared the following: There are two specific skills that I see as the most important to being a good customer service representative. People skills. Possessing these skills gives you the patience to ensur e that your message is being communi- cated effectively and the tolerance level to empathize and walk in someone else’s shoes. All of this leads to a smooth resolution to conflicts among customers and colleagues. Product knowledge. Being a pr oduct exper t is vital to the customer exper ience. People need to tr ust that you are competent enough to direct, recommend, and guide them toward the best possible options available to them. Knowing the products you offer, how they benefit the customer, and how they stack up against the compe- tition, all help to build that trust. Another aspect of product knowledge is knowing what resources you have and how to utilize them. This gives you the confidence needed to find answers. And that level of confidence reso- nates with your members, which in turn gives them confidence in the answers you find. While these are not the only skills needed to provide good customer service, mastering both will put you on the fast track to becoming an exceptional customer service repre- sentative.Happy Birthday November and December Calling all Authors:Calvin F. 11/9 Elizabeth V. 11/16 Did you ever turn a negative experience into a positiveJameson F. 11/30 experience? How did you do it? What was your crazi- est call... Ever? What is your favorite recipe? Do you have a questions you would like to have answered or a Customer Service Tip? We would like to hear from you! You can send your submissions for the news- letter to: [email protected] or you can con- tribute anony- mously by drop- ping your ideas in the suggestion box located in the kitchen. 9

UPMC Help Desk NewsletterLead Publisher/Editor: Linda EchementAssistant Publisher/Editors: Sherry Stephan,Anthony WashingtonContributors for November 2017 Newsletter:Olivera TodorovskaJeff RossTabby CumerShane BellKyle LewisJames DanielyAdam CassidyContact Us at: [email protected] 10

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