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Home Explore October 2017 Final

October 2017 Final

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Upmc HelpDesk Newsletter Providing ‘World Class’ Service One Interaction At A Time October 2017 Edition 1

UPMC Help Desk NewsletterThis newsletter is about you, me, and all of us. It’s about the work we do everyday, the people we work with and the things that matter to us. It provides a forumfor highlighting our achievements and milestones as we continue to provide worldclass service ‘one interaction at a time.’Table of ContentsSara Pope our New Help Desk Agent Spotlight Page 3 Page 3Congratulation to Joe Wilson! Page 3 Page 4Help Desk Tech Jokes Page 5 Page 8Seven Springs Autumn Festival . Page 9 Page 9Customer Service Week PhotosThe Wandering Bus Myth or Fact?Customer Service TipsHappy Birthday to you! 2

The Spotlight for this month is on Sara Pope. So Sara , what can you tell us about yourself? My name is Sara. I am originally from Pittsburgh, but attended West Virginia University in Morgan- town for college. I am just now moving back to the area thanks to this opportunity from UPMC. I worked for the Geek Squad for four years as an agent, a supervisor, and then finally on the corpo- rate quality assurance team. I then worked 8 months as a Help Desk Analyst in one of Morgan- town’s local hospitals prior to taking this position. I additionally still work at WVU’s hospital two days a month as a nurse’s aide on their Cardiovascular ICU. I am currently in school pursuing a degree in nursing – I waffle back and forth on whether I want to go into Clinical In- formatics or if I want to be a Nurse Practition-er. In my spare time I like to follow the Penguins, play with makeup, read, work out, playvideo games, and snowboard. My fiancé and I are getting married in June of 2018, andwe have two cats and two guinea pigs. Guess who’s celebrating their 10th year anniversary at UPMC this month? Let’s give a round of applause to Joe Wilson. Congratulations Joe!! 3

Seven Springs gives new meaning to adventure fun with a full menu of activities for the entire family. Experiencethe ultimate adrenaline rush on the Laurel Ridgeline Alpine Tour or Screaming Hawk Zipline, ride the Alpine Slide,climb to the top of the rock wall, catch a fish in one of our fishing ponds, feel the excitement of riding the down-hill mountain bike park, or take part in any of the many activities as Seven Springs. For Festival information -http:// 4

Happy CSW 2017Customer Service Week was a blast. I was hoping it would never end. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and revisit all the wonderful games, contests, activities, bakeoffs, and prizes. Thank you Chuck, Linda, Rich for a great week! I would also like to thank the management team supervisors and system’s analysts. You’re the best! 5

Customer Service 2017 Week Bake Off Bake Off Winner isBill Swift with his delicious cookie crust cheesecake cupcakes! Thank you and Congrats Bill! 6

Customer Service Week Building Trust Poster The Winning Help Desk Building Trust Poster Congratulations to Kate’s Team Members - Elizabeth G, Joyce N, Adam C., Charita L., and James D. Great Job!! Let the Games Begin! 7

The Wandering Bus Believe it or Not? Help Desk XfilesThere is a bus in Philadelphia which SEPTA does not talk about. It is not listed on the website. It has neither sched-ule nor route. It drives the city in a pattern known only to its driver, and perhaps not even to him. Its electronicreader board never displays a number, only “SEPTA.” People who know it call it the Zero, the Random Bus, theWandering Bus, or just The Bus. It is not a bus for people who know where they want to go. It is a bus for depar-tures.The Bus has a way of showing up when you are at your lowest. You will hit a certain point, feel a disconcertingcrumple in an inner place you thought solid, like a hand crushing an origami box. Just then you look up to see TheBus a block away. You always need to run for it, but just a little bit. Just enough to show you need it. It will wait.Millions of people use the Septa transportation system in the Philadelphia area to get wherever they need to go.According to legend, there is also a bus which appears only to those who truly need to leave their current circum-stances, but have no real destination in mind. This bus has been spotted all over the Philadelphia area and accordingto legend, some ride it for years, only to eventually disembark right where they need to be.Folks say that some people have ridden The Bus for years on end. Others predict that The Bus will one day leave thecity, taking its passengers with it. A woman who knew many things said there was a Wandering Bus in every city shehad ever visited. There are even a few who claim that if you ride The Bus long enough, you will one day be droppedoff back before your troubles began. But those people are never on The Bus when they say it. 8

Tips for Improving Customer Service1. Don’t treat the users as assets, or tickets, or numbers. Remember your are dealing with human beings—that have expectations, feeling and will expect to be treated like a person. Treat the user as you yourself wish to be treated when calling a help desk.2. Listen! Don’t just take the user’s words; also note the tone of voice that the user uses with you. Do they sound frustrated? Do they seem relaxed about the issue? Do they sound worried or confused? To you the user’s issue may be low priority, but to them it could feel like the end of the world. Make sure you un- derstand how your user feels about the situation so that you can speak to them in the most appropriate manner.3. Say sorry rather than being defensive Regardless of whether or not the issuewas your fault, apologize on behalf of the IT as a whole for any inconveniencecaused by the issue. Then, help fix the issue if possible.Happy Birthday October and November! Calling all Authors: Did you ever turn a negative experience into a positive experience? How did you do it? What was your crazi- est call... Ever? What is your favorite recipe? Do you have a questions you would like to have answered or a Customer Service Tip? We would like to hear from you! You can send your submissions for the news- letter to: [email protected] or you can con- tribute anonymously by dropping your ideas in the suggestion box located in the kitchen.Tamara T. 10/1 Brittany F. 10/17Dave O. 10/1 Felisha D. 10/24John M. 10/12 Calvin F. 11/09Len S. 10/14 Elizabeth G. 11/16 11/30 Jameson F. 9

UPMC Help Desk NewsletterLead Publisher/Editor: Linda EchementAssistant Publisher/Editors: Sherry Stephan,Anthony WashingtonContributors for July 2017 Newsletter:Sherry StephanContact Us at: [email protected] 10

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