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Through the Years... Teddy Bear Junction Preschool Gullege Elementary Brinker Elementary Centennial Elementary Renner Middle School Shepton High School Plano West Senior High School Richland College University of Texas - Dallas Ultimate Medical Academy Camp Champions 2000-2006 Make a Wish - Summer 2010 Children's Medical Center Volunteer - almost 1,000 hours!! I\"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.\" 2 Timothy. 4:7
Mitchell was born in Plano, Texas, and graduated from Plano West Senior High School. He was known by all as an “old soul”, as may of his friends were much his senior in age. He was baptized at Custer Road United Methodist Church, and was an active member of that church and community for many years, and involved in the youth programs. Later, he joined Christ United Methodist Church, and was active there as well. Early on, Mitchell was involved in a variety of youth sports like soccer, tennis, hockey, and golf. He was a member of the Gleneagles US Junior Team Golf program and was also involved in Y Guides. Having spent so much time undergoing treatment at Children’s Hospital Dallas, Mitchell later returned to volunteer weekly at Children’s - logging nearly 1,000 volunteer hours work in order to \"give back\" for the care he was given there. Anyone who knew Mitch also probably has one of his custom pens. He made, sold, and handed out literally thousands of his pens. Mitch used a portion of the proceeds to donate to the American Brain Tumor Association. Mitch has been described by all as kind, gentle, generous, giving, passionate, and determined. His passion for God, life, and all people made him popular with young and old alike. Mitchell was survived by his mother, Susan A Stow, father Ralph P. Stow, siblings Ellen (Dane) Stow Conley and James “Jack” H Stow, Grandfather Frederick Stow, Sr., Uncles and Aunts including Jay and Susan Armistead, Fred Stow, Jr., Meg (Rich) Crowley Delgado; and numerous cousins, nephews and nieces, including Wyatt and Grace Conley, Harrison (Krista) Stow, Christina Stow, and Megan Crowley. Mitchell was preceded in death by his grandparents Sam and Carolyn Armistead, and Margaret “Kent” Stow.
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