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Home Explore David Scott Jones

David Scott Jones

Published by aaron, 2018-07-18 15:53:59

Description: David Scott Jones
September 1, 1945 - July 13, 2018


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CeleAbration of Life David Scott Jones September 1, 1945 - July 13, 2018

David Scott JonesOur Dear Father and FriendDavid Scott Jones was a truly remarkableman. A renaissance man. A study incontrasts.Although Scott was a military man inevery sense: born into a military family onthe last day of World War II, a Vietnamarmy veteran with unmistakable militarybearing, he strongly believed in peace. Hissense of responsibility, “prior planning”,focus, engineering, ability to lead, and hissense of commitment, all reflected hismilitary self-discipline.He held knowledge above all else. Hepursued knowledge like a Tiger,relentlessly pursuing the truth throughbooks and through contemplation. He wasa light bringer, sharing his knowledge andhis love of knowledge generously withmany young people.He applied his knowledge and hisunderstanding of problem solving andintegrated systems to accomplish greatthings during his career. He wasparticularly proud of having worked onthe Apollo project and he believed in thespace program. He loved both flight andastronomy, and he envisioned a future forus among the stars. He told me hisepitaph should read: “Gone to Explore theUndiscovered Country.” Ad Astra.Scott was a man of passion. He waspassionate about racing cars and ridingsport bikes. He was also compassionate:he loved his family, and all humanity, andhe was deeply moved by the plight of thedowntrodden. He had a tendency to takein strays, and to generously share his love.He also loved nature: feeding the birds, orvisiting Skyline Drive or ManassasBattlefield Park. He liked the oddercreatures: Cephalopods, armadillos,pangolins, and Tardigrades, because theyhinted at the endless possibilities of life.He liked science fiction for the samereason. He understood that to doanything, we must first imagine.This would have been his message to you:Keep fighting the good fight, butremember, in the end, it is the onestanding next to you that really counts.

Order of ServiceOpening Song - Both Sides Now(by Joni Mitchell)Words of Welcome - Rev MadelynCampbellReading - Do Not Go Gently into ThatGood Night (by Dylan Thomas)Music - Forever Young (by Bob Dylan)The Life we Celebrate - Elizabeth JonesMoment of Silence/PrayerMusic - Bridge over Troubled Water (byPaul Simon)Eulogy and Memories - Family andFriendsMusic - Make You Feel My Love (byBob Dylan)Open time for sharing thoughtsClosing Song - Ave Maria (by FranzShubert)Military HonorsThe reception will be at the City Tavern(9550 Center Street) immediately afterthe service. All are Welcome.

Thank youD.S. Jones was survived music: Sarah Jebian,by his wife, Elizabeth vocalistJones, his son, D. HunterPhillips, his daughter, Justin Furnia, pianistShenandoah Jones, andhis brother, Kevan Jones AcknowledgementsThe family wishes to acknowledge with deep appreciation thecare of the nurses and doctors at Prince William Hospital, Dr. Hussny and Dr. Prasanna, the cancer community, and Heartland Hospice. In addition: to the friends of the family and the community of Manassas, we thank you for your kindness and generosity during Scott's illness as well as thecomforting messages, floral tributes, and other expressions of kindness (hugs) during this time of bereavement. The sharing will continue at a reception at the City Tavern, 9550 Center St, Manassas If you would like to honor the memory of David Scott Jones, wesuggest a contribution to the American Cancer Society, the National Wildlife Federation, Wounded Warriors, or Udvar Hazy(Smithsonian Air and Space Museum). And please consider adopting a homeless pet ... and give your dog a big hug when you get home.Gone to Explore the Undiscovered Country - Scott

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