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Home Explore sigma broucher

sigma broucher

Published by mitvenki7598599800, 2019-10-31 07:31:16

Description: sigma broucher


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All Types Of Bottle Filling Machines


Petro chemicals

Screw Capping Machine Overview The filled bo les moving on conveyor bell and feed into an in feed star wheel. While moving in feed star wheel. Bo le picks up caps one by one from delivery chute.The descending capping head hold bo le's neck with desired pressure. The sealing is done in a programmed roll on manner, occurate posi oned of the caps is done mechanically by means of a rota ng unsramble, go direct the caps correctly to the chute. When the chute is filled up the rota ng unsramble drive since disengaged, hence, ss 304 slat conveyor, vibratory Bowl, pick & place &vibratory bowl/Mechanical bowl feeder / sorter. Technical specifica on of the Equipments output / minute: 40 bo les per minute. Number of head: single head or mul ple heads Electric supply: single phase conveyor Height: 750mm to 840mm Adjustable Conveyor Length: 6to10 feet. (Depending upon Requirements and Heads. Bo le Cap Size: 20mm Dia to 75mm Dia(with the help of change parts). Crown Capping Machine Fully automa c opera on. Machine structure in Stainless Steel. Rotary Indexing type mechanism. Can be made for produc on speed upto 36caps/min with single head. . Vibrator with chute for automa c loading of cap. Op on available: Single head or mul head. Standard or custom designed machine with higher speed are also available Cup Filling Machine Features: Highly func onal range of filling machines for plas c cups Machines featuring fully automa c opera ons Providing suitable support in opera ons involving Cups Rinsing, Filling & Foil Sealing processes Working Specifica ons: Cup filling machines are made available in varied outputs calculated on per minute basis. These include: Machines can also be designed for other output capaci es as desired by the customers Applica ons: Filling & sealing of plas c cups in different capaci es

SIGMAPACKAGING 1. Bucket Filling 2. Lug Capping 3. Airjet Cleaning 4. Plug Pressing Unit 5. Turntable 6. SS Conveyor Belt 7. Bottle Filling 8. Hopper 9. Screw cap Machine 10. Crown Capping Machine 11. Cup Filling Machine Sigma packaging machines Petro chemicals and other d GMP All Types Of Bottle Filling Machines Office Address: Plot No.37, 38 & 18,19/Raghuveer Nagar, Near Bus Stop, Cherlapally, Hyderabad - 051. T.S. Email: [email protected] Contact : 9441992225,8790028505,9959062468

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