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Home Explore New Company Booklet Mini (1)

New Company Booklet Mini (1)

Published by danceitup1062, 2021-04-19 19:10:56

Description: New Company Booklet Mini (1)


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You are invited to Inspire, Make A Difference, Support Charity and Live Out Our Why. This company is not just based on dance education: It is a total life education in it’s not what we do that matters, but WHY we do it that matters. This team was created to offer dancers an opportunity to be challenged, exposed to other dancers, teachers, learning experiences and MOST importantly see how they can make a difference in this world by always giving with open arms and by leading with grace first.CompanY is not something that is open to all dancers and you must be invited to participate on it. ID CompanY has found its WHY over the past few years creating life experiences for growth and charity and community events. They are proud to bring smiles to all who have the privilege of watching them perform. We always do our best to give you the information ahead of time to properly make a decision based on what is right for your family first. Even if CompanY is not something that you can do this year please be sure to celebrate with your dancer nonetheless as it is something for sure to be celebrated!!!!!

What Experiences To Expect...

Summer Requirements

Fall Requirements

Associated Fees MAY 1st -Exclusive ID CompanY Swag $90 (Will be in for Camps & Classes!) -Performance Fee $75 JUNE 28TH & AUGUST 1ST -Choreography Camps & Classes $200 Auto pay Drafted: June 28th $100 | August 1st $100 1ST OF THE MONTH SEPT-MAY -Monthly Rehearsals $180 split into 9 payments ($20 per month) COSTUMES: To keep the cost down, once costumes are selected for each group you will be responsible for purchasing them separately. They will either be a link or guidelines of items to put together!

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