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Home Explore Final School Brochure 2016

Final School Brochure 2016

Published by sophie.meyer, 2016-11-02 05:23:12

Description: School Brochure 2016


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SCHOOLS FOUNDATION TO KEYART COLLECTION STAGE THREE FREE school art workshops for a limited period

SCHOOLS ART COLLECTION The Cornwall Council Schools Art Collection is a unique resource for school children of all ages. The collection comprises paintings and sculpture now under the care of the Royal Cornwall Museum.CORNWALL COUNCIL SCHOOLS ART COLLECTION This important and exciting collection of paintings and sculpture was put together for the sole purpose of being used with school children to engage them with influential pieces of artwork from a range of artists. You can book a museum workshop or loan a painting for your school.

SCHOOLS ART COLLECTIONSCHOOLS ART ‘Fishing Boat’ by Alan Lowndes, 1966,WORKSHOPS Oil on boardAvailable for KS1-3.This collection provides us with a very excitingopportunity to bring children face to face withreal pieces of significant artwork.


Engaging, interactive and enjoyable for pupils and staffThe Royal Cornwall Museum has a long standingreputation for excellent learning across the curriculum.Our award winning workshops and artefact loans boxessupport many topic areas providing inspiringand engaging opportunities to learn about the past.

SCHOOLS PROGRAMMEWORKSHOPS LOANS BOXESWorkshops offer hands on, creative learning Bring your topic to life in the classroomto compliment and enrich your topic. with real museum objects.TALKS NEW Suitable forSchools Only: Be transported back in time KS1 & KS2to Ancient Egypt by Joann Fletcher presenterof the Immortal Egypt BBC TV series and author best-sellers. She will explain the everydaylives of these amazing people, what they wore,where they lived, what they ate, who theyworshipped and how their culture changedthe world.All schools who book will be entered into aprize draw for a 50% off Egypt workshop themorning of the talk.What : Early afternoon eventWhen : Wednesday 17th May 2017Where : Royal Cornwall Museum in TruroTickets: £100 per 30 children.

RESOURCES AT A GLANCETopic Key Stage Workshop Loans boxMarvin’s Marvellous Treasures FS 4 FS1What’s in the Box?! FS 4 4The Cornish Giant FS/KS1 KS1 4 4Great Grandma’s Attic KS1 4 4Mrs Trevithick’s Tale KS1 4 4 4Toys KS1 4 4 4Home Sweet Home KS1 4 4 4Victorian Household KS1 4 4Minibeasts KS1 4 4Seaside KS1 4From the Stone Age to the KS2 4 Iron Age in Cornwall Ancient Egypt KS2 4 Ancient Greece Ancient Rome KS2 4 Iron Age Digging up the Past KS2 4 The Tudors In Cornwall Mrs Trevithick’s Tale KS2 4 Victorian Cornwall Evacuees (WWII) KS2 4Mystery Objects Schools Art Collection KS2 4 KS2 4 KS2 4 KS2 4 KS2 KS1/2/3 4 Free Self Led VisitsExplore the amazing collections in the museum by using a FREE self led pack.

SCHOOLS PROGRAMMEHow to Book Workshop cost excl VAT £50 1 – 5 children £75Booking is Essential 6 – 15 children £100Call 01872 242785 16 – 35 children Email: [email protected] Loans (not Schools Art Collection) £10 a week.Workshops Times Loans Schools Art Collection FREE.10am-12pm or 1-3pmYou may choose to the spend the entire day We offer SEN, access provision and disabledat the museum and we can provide self-led access. We are happy to discuss youractivity packs on request. requirements with you when booking.Our learning officer is happy to discuss For more information visitand advise on your visit Street, Truro, TR1 2SJ Design: Charity No.1150749

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