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Home Explore Finton House Prospectus

Finton House Prospectus

Published by Finton.House, 2017-07-11 10:34:34

Description: Finton_House_Prospectus_2016


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Welcome to Finton Housefrom the Headmaster, Mr Ben FreemanYoung children should not have to face the a mixed-ability class. Each individual’s creativepressures of a competitive entry system, and they and physical development is as impressive as theirshould experience an inclusive environment where academic, resulting in confident, well-rounded,all pupils, including those with specific needs, responsible and caring citizens.have the same opportunities. Finton House was I hope you will be able to come and visit Fintonfounded in 1987 with these two principles in mind. House and meet the people who are having suchI am delighted to say that these remain at the a profound effect on young lives through thisheart of the school today, as we proudly maintain wonderful ethos and spirit.a non-selective and all-inclusive environment,where children are happy, motivated to succeed Ben Freemanand ultimately gain entry to their senior schoolof choice. HeadmasterEach individual makes excellent progress and,just as importantly, they thoroughly enjoytheir learning. The warmth and encouragementof teachers and assistants creates an atmospherewhere each child is valued and nurtured within

We aim to maintain excellent academicstandards through the provision ofwell-resourced, small classes and abroad, balanced curriculum.

A careful balance of subject-specialist and class Education, Dance and Drama are all taught withinteaching creates a love of learning and leads to the timetable creating a lively school day.outstanding results at 11+. This is supported bythe recent addition of new facilities for Design Finton House has a committed and highly qualifiedTechnology, Science and Music and large, airy teaching staff with a high staff-to-pupil ratio.classrooms throughout the school. Class Teachers work in partnership with assistants and parents to ensure children’s happiness, healthEnglish, Maths, Science, Computing, Languages, and welfare throughout the school day.History, Geography, Art, Design and Technology,Music, Religious Education, Games and Physical

We aim to provide a rich programme ofcreative arts, sport, trips and extra-curricularactivities that offer challenge and opportunityto every child.

Children’s sensitivity to the world around them The musical life of the school is rich and variedis nurtured throughout the school by specialist offering class and individual instrumental andteachers in Art & Design, Music, Drama, singing lessons. Children participate in concertsDesign Technology, Sport and Computing for parents and the wider community includingand is celebrated in vibrant displays that neighbourhood carol singing and visits to localreflect a rich variety of experience. nursing homes.Children enjoy a wide range of activities that Children love performing from an early age.encourage and develop their skills of creativity, Regular events such as class assemblies, plays andcommunication and co-operation, and allow poetry recitals celebrate the children’s enthusiasmthem to express their individuality. and confidence.

Boys and girls play a wide range of team and Sports Day, House Matches and regular fixtures,individual sports, using a variety of excellent tournaments and swimming galas against otherlocal facilities including private playing fields a schools ensure children at Finton House developshort walk away. The emphasis is on enjoyment determination and perseverance, feel confidentand sportsmanship and our team of skilled in competition and enjoy celebrating theirand energetic coaches bring out every child’s sporting success.sporting potential.

We aim to create an atmosphere in which childrenfeel safe, happy and valued as individuals, and where values of care and consideration, generosity and respect are actively encouraged.

School life is enriched by exciting workshops After school clubs and extra-curricular activitiesand educational field trips to museums, theatres, run by a team of in-house staff and visitingparks, historical landmarks and nature reserves. professionals allow children to explore a wideResidential trips for pupils in the Upper School range of hobbies and pastimes as diverse asto Devon, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Snowdonia and climbing, sailing, woodwork, karate, circus skills,France make learning come alive and encourage film club and ballet.children’s independence and sense of adventure.

The breadth and depth of the school’s experience Children with particular talents or skills areenables the needs of most children with moderate encouraged to develop further and many arelearning difficulties to be met, and the school is prepared for scholarships and awards to theirall the richer for the involvement of these children. senior schools. In addition these children take partSpecialist learning support, speech therapy and in national competitions and a range of excitingoccupational therapy is available through the enrichment activities including workshops andschool. Applications are always welcome from study days co-ordinated with other local schools.children with a variety of special needs, providingthe child is able to function as an integral memberof the school.

We are deeply committed to the provisionof an inclusive environment where all childrencan achieve their full potential in aco-educational school.

Great importance is placed upon the co-operation One parent wrote: “Finton House is an oasisand close involvement of parents. Whether in the pressurised London school world. Withas Class Representatives, accompanying trips, its superb teaching and excellent pastoral carehearing reading, organising events or supporting it steers a clear and steady course to the bestteams at fixtures, parents are warmly encouraged schools. It does this by nurturing each child,to become fully involved in school life. building their confidence so they can truly soar… and all this without unneeded pressure. Bravo!”

We aim to work in close partnership withparents and to encourage them to play a fulland active role in their child’s education andin the life of the school.

The children are organised into four houses named ensure that our children have a strong sense ofafter founding families. Each term there are house social responsibility.fundraising events and competitions which allowchildren to work together across year groups A bursary scheme was set up through thewhilst learning about their place in the wider generosity of parents in memory of Sally Walkerworld. Finton House has a strong philanthropic – the school’s Headmistress from 2002-2005. Itethos and has close links with other schools exists to provide means-tested awards for childrenand charities. Speakers at our school assemblies aged six or over whose families would otherwise beand visits to day centres and nursing homes unable to benefit from the outstanding education available at Finton House.

We aim to support the localcommunity through a varietyof projects including ourbursary scheme.

Finton HouseFINTONHOUSESCHOOL 171 Trinity Road, London SW17 7HL Tel: 020 8682 0921 email: [email protected] Registered Charity No: 296588

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