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Published by Tomy Widiyanto, 2023-07-12 07:10:07



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1 INTRODUCTION Alhamdulillah, thanks to Almighty God, Allah SWT who has given blessings to the author for finishing this English Conversation module. The author also wishes to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have helped in completing this English Conversation module. This module under title “ENGLISH COVERSATION” contains the ways how to make conversation in general, both in formal and non-formal situation, also grammatical structure, and exercises of English dealing with the conversation making that can help readers or learners to improve their English skill. This English Conversation module is provided in general English conversation materials that is appropriate for readers or learners in beginner to intermediate level. Hopefully, this English Conversation module can help the readers or learners to expand their knowledge about English Conversation. Kendal, August 2020 Head of SBC Kendal Tomy Widiyanto, S.Pd.Gr. ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

2 UNIT 1. BASIC GREETING A LIST OF BASIC GREETING FORMAL INFORMAL Expression Reponse Expression Reponse Hi, my name is Alex. It’s pleasure to meet What’s up, man? Pretty well. It’s nice to meet you. you. I’m Sadam. What do you do for a I work at Mandiri How are things? Not bad. You? living? Bank. How do you do? How do you do? How is it going? Well, nothing special. How is everything? It’s fine. Thank you. What’s new? Nothing much. Good to see you, Good to see you too, What’s cracking? Great. Thanks. Alex. Sadam. How have you been? It has been great, Hi, Alex. What have I’m pretty busy at How are you doing? thank you. you been up to? work these days, but otherwise, everything is good. I am doing well. Hi, Alex. It’s good to The same as usual, Thank you. see you here. What I’m doing great. are you doing? How nice to see you Glad to see you, too. Hello, Alex. Hi, Sadam. How is life? I am just fine. How Hey, Alex. It’s been a Hi, Sadam. Just so about you? long time. How are so. you, man? It’s been a long time. I am fine, thank you. Hi, Alex. I haven’t Wonderful. Thanks a How are you? seen you in a long lot. What about you? time. How have you been? WHAT TO DO WHEN WE GREET OTHERS? a. Formal Situation, you can do these below: 1. Start with a sincere smile; 2. Offer a firm handshake. b. Informal Situation, you can do these below: 1. Give a hug; 2. Say extra words; 3. Anything else you usually do. ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

3 PRACTICE 1 Jen: Hi Corey. Cor: Hey, Jennifer. Good to see you. (hug) Jen: You too. How've you been? Cor: Busy. You? Jen: Pretty good. How's your new job? Cor: It's okay. There's a lot to learn. What's new with you? Jen: Not much. The kids are back at school. Note: Between very close friends it's uncommon to use names in a casual greeting. Sometimes nicknames or short forms are used (Cor and Jen instead of Corey and Jennifer). 1. Is it formal conversation? If it is not, tell the reason. 2. What is the relationship between two speakers? 3. Who is a busy one? 4. Who already has kids in the conversation? 5. Mention the expressions of greeting and the responses based on the conversation above. PRACTICE 2 Find the meaning of conversation context below, then practice it in a role play. (A) Hi, my name is Brian. It’s nice to meet you. (B) I’m Lucky. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Brian. (A) What do you do for a living Lucky? (B) I work at the bank. (A) What is your full name? (B) Lucky Mahendra. (A) What was that again? (B) L-U-C-K-Y M-A-H-E-N-D-R-A (A) Hey Lucky, how have you been? (B) I finally have some free time. I just finished taking a big examination, and I’m so relieved that I’m done with it. (A) Nice to hear that. Well-done. Do you come to this restaurant often? (B) I’ve been here a couple of times, but I don’t come on a regular basis. (A) Alright, then. I have to go now. We can go on our talks later. Nice to see you, Lucky. (B). No problem, Brian. Take care. Nice to see you, too. PRACTICE 3 S: Excuse me, could I have a seat here? A: Sure thing. Please. S: Hi, I’m Sadam. What’s your name? A: Alex. Nice meeting you, Sadam. S: Me too. Where are you from? A: I’m from Jakarta. How about you? S: Just here, Surakarta. What part of Jakarta? A: South Jakarta, but I study at Sebelas Maret University and have a part time work at a restaurant. S: Oh really? Which restaurant? A: Princess Heart, it’s near by this campus, only a kilo from here. S: Sounds good. You are highly motivated student and hard worker. A: Not really. Thanks anyway. ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

4 UNIT 2. LANGUAGE PART 1. ALPHABETS AB C D E F GH I J KL MN O P Q R ST U V W X YZ 2. WORD a. Noun (Kata Benda) Types of Noun Explanation and Example Countable and Uncountable Noun Proper and Common Noun Countable noun: kata benda yang bisa dihitung. Uncountable noun: kata benda Abstract and Concrete Noun yang tidak bisa dihitung. Collective Noun Proper noun: penggolongan kata benda secara spesifik dimana menggunakan huruf kapital pada huruf awalnya (Jakarta, Gramedia, SMP N 1 Kendal), sedangkan common noun: secara umum (city, town, shop, school) Abstract noun: kata benda yang tidak dapat diamati dengan panca indera (love, romance), kebalikannya jika concrete noun: dapat diamati dengan panca indera (book, chair) Collective noun: menyatakan suatu nama kelompok atau kumpulan (class, deer) b. Article Countable Noun Uncountable Noun Meaning A Few/Few A Little/Little Fewer Less Sedikit A Lot of (-) A Lot of (-) Lebih sedikit A Large of An Amount of A Number of An Amount of Banyak (hanya untuk Many Much kalimat negative) Some (+) Some (+) Any (-) Any (-) Sebesar A/An - Sejumlah The The Banyak Beberapa Beberapa (untuk kalimat negative) Sebuah, seekor, seorang (untuk benda yang masih umum, general dan belum diketahui) Untuk benda yang sudah diketahui/lebih spesifik ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

c. Regular Plural Noun (Noun + es/s) 5 Singular Plural Explanation Pada dasarnya, Car Cars pembentukan kata jamak Book Books hanya membutuhkan Pen Pens penambahan -s di akhir Schhols Schools setiap kata bendanya. Tambahan akhiran -es Tax Taxes untuk setiap kata benda Potato Potatoes yang berakhiran huruf -s, - Lunch Lunches ss, -x, -z, -ch, -sh, o Truss Truss Mengubah akhiran -f atau - fe pada kata benda tunggal Knife Knives menjadi -ves pada kata Wife Wives benda jamak. Namun ada beberapa kata Radio Radios yang hanya ditambahkan -s Piano Pianos Bamboo Bamboos Huruf konsonan + y = huruf Lady Ladies konsonan + ies Army Armies Enemy Enemies Huruf vocal + y = cukup Copy Copies tambahkan -s saja. Boy Boys Toy Toys Explanation Kata-kata yang memiliki d. Irregular Plural Noun Plural bentuk jamak tidak Feet beraturan. Singular Men Foot Mice Man Teetth Mouse Children Tooth Women Child Gheese Woman Oxen Goose Algae Ox Alumni Alga Appendices Alumnus Bases Appendix Cacti Basis Crises Cactus Criteria Crisis Data Criterion Fungi Datum Genera Fungus Indices Genus Media Index Phenomena Medium Phenomenon ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

Radius Radii 6 Vita Vitae Kata-kata yang memiliki Deer Deer bentuk jamak sama dengan Dozen Dozen bentuk tunggal. Fish Fish Fruit Fruit Sheep Sheep Stuff Stuff e. Adjective (Kata Sifat) a. Adjective + Noun E.g. Snake is a dangerous reptile. b. Adverb + Adjective E.g. She is extremely beautiful c. Adverb + Adjective + Noun E.g. He is highly motivated student d. Linking Verb + Adjective Linking Verb: Look, seem, appear Smell Taste Feel Sound Go, Get, Become, Turn, Grow Stay, Keep, Remain Prove ADJECTIVE ORDER (DOSASCOMP) Determiner Satuan A/An, one, some, many, the, etc Opinion Pendapat Beautiful, diligent, good, Size Ukuran smart, nice, interesting Age Umur Big, small, large Shape Bentuk Old, young, new, ancient, Color Warna antique Origin Asal Rectangle, round, circle, flat, square Material Bahan Baku Purpose Fungsi Utama White, black, blue, yellow, green American, Indonesia, English, Javanese, Balinese Wooden, golden, cotton, silk Swimming, running, girl ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

7 e. Hypenated Adjective Bentuk: word – word – word – word Adjective noun Example: a five hundred word composition, a five year old boy, five thousand rupiahs f. Adverb (Kata Keterangan) a. Adverb of Manner (Keterangan Cara) : Adjective + Ly Example: Slow – slowly (dengan pelan) Quick – quickly (dengan cepat) Sad – sadly (dengan sedih) Happy – happily (dengan Bahagia) Lazy – lazily (dengan malas) Easy – easily (dengan mudah) Careless – carelessly (dengan ceroboh) Careful – carefully (dengan hati-hati) Patient – patiently (dengan sabar) Greedy – greedily (dengan ceroboh) b. Bentuk Sama atau Bentuk Lainnya Example: Fast – fast (dengan cepat) Hard – hard (dengan keras) Good – well (dengan baik) Late – late (dengan terlambat) c. Adverb of Time (Keterangan Waktu) Example: The doctor worked hard this week. They arrived there gladly yesterday. d. Adverb of Place (Keterangan Tempat) Example: The passengers had waited in the bus stop. He announced new information in the staff room. e. Adverb of Frequency (Seberapa Sering) Example: always, usually, sometimes, then, rarely, never, ever, often, everyday She always comes on time. She is always on time. ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

8 g. Preposition (Kata Depan) beneath (dibawah) like (seperti) beside (disamping) near (dekat) About (sekitar) besides (disisi lain) off (berhenti) Above (diatas melayang) Across (di seberang) between (diantara) on (pada) After (setelah) beyond (diluar) out (diluar) Against (berlawanan) by (dekat, oleh) over (lebih) Along (sepanjang) despite (walaupun) since (sejak) Among (diantara) down (arah bawah) through (melewati) Around (sekitar) during (Selama) to (ke) At (di) for (untuk) towards (terhadap) Before (sebelum) in (didalam) under (dibawah) Behind (dibelakang) into (kedalam) until (sampai) Below (dibawah) Throughout (seluruhnya) with (Dengan) forward (kedepan) Up (diatas) within (Dalam) back (belakang) Upon (pada) without (tanpa) ahead (kedepan) h. Conjunction (Kata Hubung) a. Coordinate Conjunction Yaitu menghubungkan kalimat yang setara. - And: dan; penambahan Example: Sadam lives in Jakarta and Yoga has a house in Bandung. - But: tetapi; pertentangan Example: he is smart but lazy. - Or: atau; pilihan Example: do want coffee or tea? b. Correlative Conjunction Yaitu kata hubung yang berpasangan dan menghubungkan kalimat yang setara. - Either …. Or …. Example: Either you will tell the truth or I will complain. - Not only …. But also …… Example: he loves not only music but also sport. - Both ….. and …… Example: both Rama and his brother are smart. - Neither …. Nor …. Example: neither my mother nor my father went to the university. c. Conjunctive Adverb Yaitu kata hubung yang bersifat menerangkan kalimat sebelumnya. Example: However (bagaimanapun) also (juga) Therefore (oleh karena itu) besides (disamping itu) Otherwise (sebaliknya) accordingly (termasuk) Moreover (selain itu) consequently (alhasil) Nevertheless (namun) likewise (demikian) Furthermore (selanjutnya) thus (dengan demikian) Hence (karenanya) meanwhile (sementara itu) Then (kemudian) ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

9 We were not able to save some money therefore, we couldn’t go on vacation last year. Radit moved to Jakarta however her mother stayed in Yogya. d. Subordinate Conjunction Yaitu kata hubung yang digunakan dalam kalimat yang memiliki klausa atau anak kalimat. Contoh: because, why, that. Example: I like T-shirt that you bought. She explained why she did it. Romeo felt happy because he passed the exam. i. Verb (Kata Kerja) 1. Action Verb - Regular Verb Kata kerja normal yang saat berubah kata kerja-nya menjadi bentuk verb 2 (past), verb 3 (past participle) sama-sama diakhiri dengan -ed. No Verb 1 (Based Verb 2 (Past) Verb 3 (Past Meaning (Arti) Form) Participle) Setuju 1 Agree Agreed Agreed Tiba Arrived Percaya 2 Arrive Arrived Meminjam Believed Membersihkan 3 Believe Believed Borrowed Menutup Cleaned Menari 4 Borrow Borrowed Memperoleh Closed Menjelaskan 5 Clean Cleaned Danced Mengikuti Earned 6 Close Closed Explained 7 Dance Danced Followed 8 Earn Earned 9 Explain Explained 10 Follow Followed - Irregular Verb Kata kerja normal yang saat berubah kata kerja-nya menjadi bentuk verb 2 (past), verb 3 (past participle) mengalami perubahan bentuk. No Verb 1 (Based Verb 2 (Past) Verb 3 (Past Meaning (Arti) Form) Participle) 1 Become Became Become Menjadi 2 Begin Began Begun Memulai 3 Break Broke Broken Mematahkan 4 Catch Caught Caught Menangkap 5 Choose Chose Chosen Memilih 6 Do Did Done Melakukan 7 Eat Ate Eaten Makan 8 Forgive Forgave Forgiven Memaafkan 9 Go Went Gone Pergi 10 Keep Kept Kepty Memelihara 2. To Be Digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat lisan atau tertulis yang berkaitan dengan menerangkan sifat, lokasi benda/tempat, keadaan/kondisi/status, dan kata keterangan. - Present (sekarang, hari ini, berulang-ulang terjadi): Is (He, She, It) ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

10 Am (I) Are (You, We, They) - Past (lampau/sudah terjadi): Was (I, He, She, It) Were (You, We, They) 3. Modal MODAL + VERB 1 Can : bisa/dapat Must : harus Will : akan/ingin Have to : harus Should : seharusnya Has to : harus Ought to : sebaiknya Could : bisa Would like to : hendak Would : ingin May : boleh Need to : harus Might : boleh Be allowed to : diijinkan j. Pronoun Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menggantikan noun (kata benda) seperti: orang, hewan, benda, maupun hal-hal lainnya yang bersifat abstrak. Subjective Pronoun Objective Possessive Possessive Reflexive Pronoun Pronoun Adjective Pronoun Saya I Me My ….. Myself Kamu You You Your …. Mine Yourself/Yourselves We Yours Ourselves Kita/Kami They Us Our …. Theirselves Mereka She Them Their …. Ours Herself Dia Her Her …. Theirs (Perempuan) He Hers It Dia (Lalki-laki) Him His …. His Himself Itu (selain Itself orang) It Its …. Its Indefinite Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menggantikan orang atau benda yang tidak jelas. Indefinite pronoun dihitung sebagai kata ganti tunggal atau singular. Indefinite Pronoun +body +one +thing Somebody Someone Something (+) Some Anybody Anyone Anything (-) Any (?) Everybody Everyone Everything (+) Every Nobody No one Nothing (-) No (?) ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

11 Sentence (Kalimat) adalah susunan kata-kata yang berpola tertentu yang membentuk satu kesatuan makna yang dapat dipahami dengan baik. Sentence Rules A. Subject + Verb Example: My father sleeps. B. Subject + Verb + Object Example: She writes a letter. C. Subject + Verb + Complement Example: You look beautiful. D. Subject + Verb + Complement Example: She will come tomorrow. E. Subject + Verb + Object + Complement Example: My mother bought me a toy yesterday. F. Subject + Verb + Object + Complement Example: The magician gives the audience a big surprise. G. Subject + Verb + Object + Complement Example: I put my wallet in my pocket. ➢ A clause is a group of words containing a subject and verb. An independent clause is a simple sentence. It can stand on its own. Examples: She is hungry. I am feeling well today. ➢ A dependent clause cannot stand on its own. It needs an independent clause to complete a sentence. Dependent clauses often begin with such words as although, since, if, when, and because. Examples: Although she is hungry … Whoever is hungry … Because I am feeling well … Dependent Independent Although she is hungry, she will give him some of her food. Whatever they decide, I will agree to. ➢ A phrase is a group of words without a subject-verb component, used as a single part of speech. Examples: Best friend (this phrase acts as a noun) Needing help (this phrase acts as an adjective; see Adjectives and Adverbs) With the blue shirt (this prepositional phrase acts as an adjective; see Prepositions) For twenty days (this prepositional phrase acts as an adverb) ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL


13 UNIT 3. TALKING ABOUT FAMILY A Immediate Family (Keluarga Inti) 1 English Indonesian 2 Husband Suami 3 Wife Istri 4 Son Anak laki-laki 5 Daughter Anak perempuan 6 Sister Saudara perempuan 7 Brother Suadara laki-laki 8 Elder brother 9 Younger brother/little brother Kakak laki-laki Adik laki-laki 10 Elder sister 11 Younger/little sister Kakak perempuan Adik perempuan B Different Generation (Generasi Berbeda) 1 Great grandfather Buyut laki-laki 2 Great grandmother Buyut perempuan 3 Grandfather Kakek 4 Grandmother Nenek 5 Grandson Cucu laki-laki 6 Granddaughter Cucu perempuan 7 Uncle Paman 8 Aunt Bibi 9 Cousin Sepupu (Anak Bibi/Paman) 10 Nephew 11 Niece Keponakan laki-laki Keponakan perempuan C Mixed Family (Keluarga Campuran) 1 Son in law Menantu laki-laki 2 Daughter in law Menantu perempuan 3 Sister in law Saudara perempuan ipar 4 Brother in law Saudara laki-laki ipar 5 Father in law Ayah mertua 6 Mother in law Ibu mertua 7 Step father Ayah tiri 8 Step mother Ibu tiri 9 Step son Anak tiri laki-laki 10 Step daughter Anak tiri perempuan 11 Step sister Saudara perempuan tiri 12 Step brother Saudara laki-laki tiri Other terms to know family members: Dad/Daddy: Ayah Grandma: Nenek Groom: Pengantin pria Mum/Mummy/Mom: Ibu Grandpa/Granddad: Kakek Bride:Pengantin wanita Parents: Orangtua (kedua orangtua) Girlfriend: Pacar perempuan Parent: Orangtua (salah satu) Boyfriend: Pacar laki-laki Child: Anak Fiancee: Tunangan wanita Children: Anak-anak Fiance: Tunangan laki-laki ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

UNIT 4. CONTRACTIONS 14 A. PRACTICE Contractions Letters Missed Out No Word Can’t no ……. ……. 1 Can not ……. ……. 2 Do not ……. ……. 3 Does not ……. ……. 4 Should not ……. ……. 5 Could not ……. ……. 6 Has not I’ll wi 7 Have not ……. ……. 8 I will ……. ……. 9 They will ……. ……. 10 We will ……. ……. 11 I will not ……. ……. 12 He will There’s i 13 She will ……. ……. 14 There is ……. ……. 15 There are ……. ……. 16 Who is ……. ……. 17 You are Would’ve ha 18 They are ……. ……. 19 Would have ……. ……. 20 They have ……. ……. 21 That is ……. ……. 22 That is all ……. ……. 23 That is a good idea ……. ……. 24 That is my daughter ……. ……. 25 This is my mother ……. ……. 26 What is ……. ……. 27 What is going on? ……. ……. 28 What is that? ……. ……. 29 What is happening? ……. ……. 30 It is ……. ……. 31 It is hot ……. ……. 32 It is winter ……. ……. 33 It is summer ……. ……. 34 It is time to go now ……. ……. 35 It is a good speech ……. ……. 36 It is autumn ……. ……. 37 It is amazing ……. ……. 38 There are ……. ……. 39 There are many children There isn’t much o 40 There is a lot of water ……. ……. 41 There is not much ……. ……. 42 There are not some fruits ……. ……. 43 There are not many people 44 There is only you ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

15 UNIT 5. PRONUNCIATION A. HOMOPHONES Read aloud and try to find the meanings these words in Bahasa Indonesia, then write it into an appropriate English sentence. Word Word Word Word Word Word Air Hair Buy By Cell Sell Aisle Isle Cent Scent Dear Deer Ante- Anti- Cereal Serial Made Maid Bare Bear Coarse Course Mail Male Be Bee Complement Compliment Meat Meet Brake Break Dam Damn Morning Mourning Die Dye Him Hymn None Nun Fair Fare Hole Whole Oar Or Fir Fur Hour Our One Won Flour Flower Idle Idol Pair Pear For Four In Inn Peace Piece Hair Hare Knight Night Plain Plane Heal Heel Knot Not Poor Pour Hear Here Know No Pray Prey Principal Principle Shore Sure To Too/Two Profit Prophet Sole Soul Toe Tow Real Reel Some Sum Waist Waste Right Write Son Sun Wait Weight Root Route Stair Stare Way Weigh Sail Sale Stationary Stationery Weak Week Sea See Steal Steel Wear Where Seam Seem Suite Sweet Eye I Sight Site Tail Tale Leek Leak Sew Sow Their There Maize Maze Currant Current Mussel Muscle Stake Steak Berry Bury Wine Whine Eight Ate Great Grate Bread Bred Sauce Source Bite Byte Bean Been Gorilla Guerrilla Mousse Moose Flew Flue/Flu Bored Board B. LINKING SOUND want wanted /Id/ end ended /t/ Unvoiced /t/ hope hoped /d/ Voiced /d/ laugh laughed fax faxed /p/ wash washed /f/ watch watched Unvoiced /s/ like liked /S/ play played /tS/ /k/ allow allowed Voiced all other beg begged Sounds For ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

16 Exception The following adjectives ending in -ed are always pronounced with /Id/ : a. Aged b. Blessed c. Crooked d. Dogged e. Learned f. Naked g. Ragged h. Wicked i. Wretched C. PRONOUNCING “THE” Vowel Sounds We write We say A the apple thee apple E the egg thee egg I the ice cream thee ice cream O the orange thee orange U the ugly fruit thee ugly fruit We write with We say with The house consonant (h) thuh house consonant sound vowel sound The hour consonant (h) thee our consonant sound The university vowel (u) thuh youniversity vowel sound The umbrella vowel (u) thee umbrella Silent U D. SILENT LETTERS Guest There are no rules, you just have to learn them. Guess Guitar Silent N Silent D Silent G Guard Building Autumn Edge Gnome Guilty Damn Hedge Gnarl Rouge Hymn Wednesday Sign Vogue Column Biscuit Handsome Resign Tongue Handkercheif Design Silent B Foreigner Lamb Badge Thumb Numb Wedge Crumb Climbing Silent H Silent T Silent K Bomb Comb What Witch Knife Doubt When Fasten Knee Why Castle Knot Which Watch Knitting Whether Butcher Know Ghost Scratch Knob Honest Listen Knock Hour Match Knickers ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL


EXERCISE 18 No. Word Silent Other Word Other Word Other Word letter 1. island S 2. muscle C 3. thumb B 4. pneumonia P 5. soften T 6. hymn N 7. honour H 8. calf L 9. mnemonic M 10. knowledge K 11. reign G 12. sandwich D POEM FOR STRESS PRACTICE STUDIES Physics is crazy and hardly ever easy I have no interest in gases that are busy Geometry is angular and algebra is messy Give me history and four hundred B.C.! The first planet’s Mercury I’m always confused, very sorry! I’d rather read my A-B-C Than practise horrid Do-Re-Me. Soccer, cricket for company End of exams and agony Every day a holiday O heavenly, I would say! ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

19 UNIT 6. TALK Practice the following topics of conversation. Write your statement into Bahasa Indonesia to help your thinking order in speaking English. Make your talk arranged into a short video and feel free to express it. 1. Should cell phones be banned in classrooms? 2. Should laptops be allowed in classrooms? 3. Are single-sex schools more effective than co-ed schools? 4. Are smartphone and television making children unhealthy, distracted, and irritable? 5. Should we play sports that involve animals and make them uncomfortable? 6. Should schools do away with uniform? 7. Should time on social media sites be limited to an hour a day? 8. Should violent video games be banned? 9. Should homework in schools be done away with? 10. Should animal dissections be banned in schools? 11. Should attendance in college be made optional? 12. My top-three foods. Why? 13. My top-three movies. Why? 14. My top-three travel destinations in the world. Why? 15. My top-three travel destinations in Indonesia. Why? 16. My three best friends. What do you like about them? 17. My top-three movie stars. Why? 18. My top-three idols. Why? 19. My top-three favourite subjects. Why? 20. My top-three animals. Why? 21. Which has been your most memorable vacation? 22. What’s the best surprise you’ve received? 23. Tell about your strength and your weakness 24. Which subject in your school or college days you disliked the most? Why? 25. What has been your biggest success so far? How it changed your life? 26. Which is the best season of the year? 27. The most important lesson in life I’ve learnt so far is… 28. Who has been the most influential person in your life? Why? 29. Summer is the best and worst of times. Why? 30. What are the three biggest problems your city faces? 31. Three surprising things about me are… 32. How do you plan a dream? 33. What is your dream job? Why? 34. If you could have dinner with anyone, who would he/she be? What ten questions would you ask? 35. What is your favourite book? Why? 36. Most successful person I know is… 37. Most memorable moment of your life is… 38. Worst moment of your life is… 39. Should internet access be limited? 40. Have you been bullied? How did you tackle it? 41. What foods you’ll never eat? Why? 42. What are the three things you’re scared of? Why? 43. Should English be compulsory from Kindergarten up to University in Indonesia? 44. Should cigarettes be banned? 45. What are three keys to a happy life? ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

20 EXERCISE Practice the topics below into a short talk. Make your talk arranged into a short video and feel free to express it. ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

21 UNIT 7. SPEAKING 1. TALKING ABOUT FAMILY a. Tell your classmates or teacher about your family. (If you have a family photograph, you may wish to show it to them.) b. Ask your classmates about their families. Listen and ask appropriate related questions. How many brothers and sisters do you have, Tania? I just have one sister, her name is Faizah and she is seventeen. Example: There are five people in my family. (My mom, dad, older brother, younger sister and me.) OR My mother is a dentist. My father is a veterinarian. I have two brothers and one sister. OR (while showing a picture). This is my grandma… This is my dad… This is me, when I was 9 years old. 2. TALKING ABOUT PAST ACTIONS a. Tell your partner or classmates what you did yesterday. Remember to use past tense. Example: Yesterday, I went to the mall. I bought some shorts and a baseball cap. I spent almost $20. b. Ask your partner what he/she did last weekend. Respond with related questions. Example: What did you last Saturday? I stayed home and cleaned my room. Did you do anything fun? Not really. c. Tell about a childhood experience. Example: One day, when I was about 7 years old, there was a knock on our door. When I opened the door, I saw that nobody was there. I felt something was wrong, so I called my mother. . . 3. TALKING DAILY ACTIVITIES Describe a typical daily routine. Tell what you do at various times throughout the day. Ask your partner to tell you his/her daily schedule. What time do you go to work/school? What time do you get out of class/get off work? Make a time table like the one below then describe it into sentences to practice English speaking skill. Fill in the time table with information about your daily activities. Describe your routine to a partner. ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

22 Time Monday Friday Saturday Sunday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 4. TALKING ABOUT FUTURE a. Tell your partner or classmates what you are going to do this weekend Example I’m going to play cards with my buddies. I’m gonna eat dinner at a fancy restaurant. b. Pretend you just won $5,000 in the lottery. Tell your classmates what you will do with the money. ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

23 Example First, I’ll put some of the money in the bank. Then, I’ll take you guys to Washington. c. You need some help with a big picnic tomorrow. Ask for “volunteers.” Example Who will help me with the food? We will. Thanks a lot. Samuel, will you bring some drinks? Yes, I guess I will. 5. DESCRIBING PICTURES Picture A Picture B ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL


25 UNIT 8. TONGUE-TWISTERS If you want to improve or perfect your English pronunciation, let’s dive into this complete list of English tongue twisters as follow: • Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers; A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked; If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked • How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood. • I scream, you scream, We all scream for ice cream. • Betty Botter bought some butter but, said she, the butter’s bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better. So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter, put it in her bitter batter, made her bitter batter better. So ‘t was better Betty Botter bought some better butter. • She sells seashells on the seashore. The shells she sells are seashells, I’m sure. And if she sells seashells on the seashore, Then I’m sure she sells seashore shells. • Birdie birdie in the sky laid a turdie in my eye. If cows could fly I’d have a cow pie in my eye. • How much ground would a groundhog hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog, if a groundhog could hog ground. • Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thick, say it quick! Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thicker, say it quicker! Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Don’t eat with your mouth full! • I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit. • The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday. • I thought a thought. But the thought I thought Wasn’t the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought, Had been the thought I thought, I wouldn’t have thought I thought. • Something in a thirty-acre thermal thicket of thorns and thistles thumped and thundered threatening the three-D thoughts of Matthew the thug – although, theatrically, it was only the thirteen-thousand thistles and thorns through the underneath of his thigh that the thirty-year- old thug thought of that morning. • Thirty-three thousand feathers on a thrushes throat. ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

26 UNIT 9. COMMON ERRORS Below are some of the most common English mistakes made by students, in speech and in writing. Go through the examples and make sure you understand the corrections. Then try the grammar test at the end to check your progress. 1 Wrong I have visited Niagara Falls last weekend. Right I visited Niagara Falls last weekend. 2. Wrong The woman which works here is from Japan. Right The woman who works here is from Japan. 3. Wrong She’s married with a dentist. Right She’s married to a dentist. 4. Wrong She was boring in the class. Right She was bored in the class. 5. Wrong I must to call him immediately. Right I must call him immediately. 6. Wrong Every students like the teacher. Right Every student likes the teacher. 7. Wrong Although it was raining, but we had the picnic. Right Although it was raining, we had the picnic. 8. Wrong I enjoyed from the movie. Right I enjoyed the movie. 9 Wrong I look forward to meet you. ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

27 Right I look forward to meeting you. 10 Wrong I like very much ice cream. Right I like ice cream very much. 11 Wrong She can to drive. Right She can drive. 12 Wrong Where I can find a bank? Right Where can I find a bank? 13 Wrong I live in United States. Right I live in the United States. 14 Wrong When I will arrive, I will call you. Right When I arrive, I will call you. 15 Wrong I’ve been here since three months. Right I’ve been here for three months. 16 Wrong My boyfriend has got a new work. Right My boyfriend has got a new job. (or just \"has a new job\") 17 Wrong She doesn’t listen me. Right She doesn’t listen to me. 18 Wrong You speak English good. Right You speak English well. 19 ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

28 Wrong The police is coming. Right The police are coming. 20 Wrong The house isn’t enough big. Right The house isn’t big enough. 21 Wrong You should not to smoke. Right You should not smoke. 22 Wrong Do you like a glass of wine? Right Would you like a glass of wine? 23 Wrong There is seven girls in the class. Right There are seven girls in the class. 24 Wrong I didn’t meet nobody. Right I didn’t meet anybody. 25 Wrong My flight departs in 5:00 am. Right My flight departs at 5:00 am. 26 Wrong I promise I call you next week. Right I promise I’ll call you next week. 27 Wrong Where is post office? Right Where is the post office? 28 Wrong Please explain me how improve my English. Right Please explain to me how to improve my English. 29 ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

29 Wrong We studied during four hours. Right We studied for four hours. 30 Wrong Is ready my passport? Right Is my passport ready? 31 Wrong You cannot buy all what you like! Right You cannot buy all that you like! 32 Wrong She is success. Right She is successful. 33 Wrong My mother wanted that I be doctor. Right My mother wanted me to be a doctor. 34 Wrong The life is hard! Right Life is hard. 35 Wrong How many childrens you have? Right How many children do you have? 36 Wrong My brother has 10 years. Right My brother is 10 (years old). 37 Wrong I want eat now. Right I want to eat now. 38 Wrong You are very nice, as your mother. Right You are very nice, like your mother. 39 ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

30 Wrong She said me that she liked you. Right She told me that she liked you. 40 Wrong My husband engineer. Right My husband is an engineer. EXERCISE Correct the Mistakes 1. We are only five on our team. 2. I would rather to work from home than come to the office. 3. We’re used to have a lot of work to do, so meeting the deadline won’t be a problem. 4. My client sent me an email but I haven’t replied her yet. 5. Maybe I’m going to finish this today. 6. Please borrow me your badge so I can get into the storage closet. 7. I can’t finish this by the end of the day. Even though I spend all day on it, I won’t finish on time. 8. Probably, I’ll go to the beach on Saturday. 9. The Old Man and the Sea was written for Ernest Hemingway. 10. Our office is near to the airport, so it will be easy for you to get here. 11. We have many stuffs to do this week, so I don’t know if I can go to English class. 12. Despite I was tired, I came to work today. 13. If we had a gym here, I can work out after work. 14. I always try to do things very careful and make sure I do them correct. (two mistakes) 15. We have people from all over the world here: India, United States, Venezuela, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, and France. (two mistakes) 16. Are we going to have to work overtime again this week? I hope no. 17. Yesterday, he told me that he will send the email after lunch, but he didn’t do it. 18. My schedule often changes, but I normally work since 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 19. I thought you were still with Microsoft. When did you stop to work there? 20. I’m not pretty sure about what we should do. 21. How long time did you work in the public sector? 22. Do you know where is the restaurant? 23. He is well-experienced, so we know that he can do the job. 24. Who is in charge to decide which printer to buy? 25. I had a hard time getting in touch with my supervisor. After calling for hours, I finally could get in touch with her. ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

31 UNIT 10. CONVERSATION 1. SHARING PERSONAL INFORMATION Read aloud the following conversation before doing a role play to practice it. Student 1: What are your hobbies? I like to watch football on TV, play the guitar in my free time and just hang around with friends. Oh, I also like to sleep a lot, especially on Sundays. I hate waking up on Sunday mornings to go to church. Student 2: Me too. Mother has to push me out of bed every Sunday morning! I love sleeping too! I wish I could play the guitar — I don’t know how. I like to spend my free time working in my uncle’s garage — I love cars, you know! That’s why I never get time to watch TV. I don’t miss it, actually — and I have many friends at the garage. Student 1: Okay, let me write this down. Common things — we both love sleeping, we like talking to friends, we don’t like going to church. Okay — we have three things in common. Student 2: Yeah. And you like watching TV, you like football and you play the guitar. I don’t like these. I love cars, I work in my uncle’s garage in my free time, and what’s the third point? Student 1: Was it about friends? Oh, I remember: your friends are from the garage, mine are from school. Okay, we have our list ready! 2. EXPRESSING OPINION a) School children should not be allowed to watch TV as it will make them lazy and inattentive towards their studies. b) Girls are more serious students than boys. c) Parents should listen to their children’s views rather than just forcing children to listen to them. d) School should be over by noon so that children have time to take an afternoon nap and play until evening. e) Keeping the streets clean is not our business; there are officers to take care of that. f) Girls should help with housework as they need to learn how to be a good housekeeper after they get married. g) Examinations should be abolished. Everyone should be allowed to get into the next grade. h) Reading and writing in English are more important than listening and speaking in English. Worksheet. Guide to expressing opinions: sharing, agreeing, and disagreeing: a) In my opinion ___________________________________________________________ b) I think _________________________________________________________________ c) I would like to share my feelings on this _______________________________________ d) What I think is ___________________________________________________________ e) If you want my opinion, I would say __________________________________________ f) I agree with what you said about ____________________________________________ g) I’m afraid I have a different opinion about this __________________________________ h) I’m sorry, but I don’t agree with you here ______________________________________ 3. MAKING AN APOLOGY ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

32 Christina: Hey, Ravi! Why didn’t you turn up at my place last evening? Everyone was waiting for you to show up, you know! In fact, we waited till 9:00 p.m. to start! Ravi: I’m so sorry, Tina — I just couldn’t get away from the office! Christina: Well, since you didn’t call to say you weren’t coming, we didn’t know for sure! Ravi: I know, Tina — it was really rude of me not to call — can you forgive me, please? Christina: It wasn’t just me, you know — Suzie came only to meet you, and I had a real problem with the seating arrangement at dinner! Ravi: My sincere apologies once again, dear — I just hope I can make up for it soon! Christina: It’s okay, but you better not repeat this — I don’t know if I can take it one more time! Ravi: Please let it pass this time — I promise this will never happen again! Christina: All right, all right — you’re forgiven! Now buy me an ice cream, or I’ll tell everyone about this! Ravi: Really? Now who’s being mean? Ha ha! 4. EXPRESSING THANKS How would you express thanks in the following situations? - Someone just gave you a gift for your birthday. (What do you say?) - Someone has just bought dinner for you. - Someone returned your lost wallet. - Someone helped carry your grocery bags. - Someone complimented you on your necktie. 5. EXPRESSING LIKE AND DISLIKE Sample Conversations: 1. Do you like basketball? Yes I do./ No, I don’t. 2. What kind of food do you like? I like Italian food. Conversation practice: 1. With a partner, practice asking and answering questions about sports, activities, or food that you like/don’t like. 2. Talk about what your friends like/don’t like. Example: Does Kindra like bowling? No. She doesn’t. What kinds of food does Sam like? He likes meat and potatoes.* 3. Talk about movies or music that you like. *Note: When speaking generally, it’s easiest to use plurals with count nouns: Example: - I like apples. (count – plural) - I don’t like radishes. (count -plural) - I don’t like soda pop. (non-count) ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

33 UNIT 11. PRACTICE IN PUBLIC SPEAKING 1. PRACTISING THE LANGUAGE OF DEBATE A debate, as you are aware, is a discussion in which speakers form two groups, and argue in favour of or against a topic. The topic is called a motion, and the speakers from each group not only give reasons to support their argument, they also counter the arguments made by the members from the opposite group. A. From the Pros: Those Who Support the Motion (Proponents/ Proposers or Pros, for Short) The first speaker rises and states the motion as follows: I move [or I support] the motion that all “out-of-school” youths who dropped out for any reason should be encouraged to return to school. They define key terms in the motion. In this case, they need to say what they mean by “out-of- school youths.” They give their reasons in support of the motion: for example: ▪ My first reason for supporting this motion is that today’s youths are tomorrow’s leaders. ▪ Secondly, they are the… ▪ Thirdly,…, etc. They sum up their argument in support of the motion: In summary, [or to sum up]… Restate the motion: I, therefore, repeat [or I, therefore, urge] you all to support the motion that… B. Opposing the Motion The opposite team states their opposition to the motion by stating as follows: I oppose the motion that… or I support those who oppose the motion that… Like the pros, they define the motion, possibly differently. All those opposing the motion need to agree on their definition of the key term(s) in order to speak as a united team. They give their reasons for opposing the motion: for example: ▪ My first reason for opposing this motion is that not all youths need the kind of education one sees in schools today. Some are better as roadside mechanics, vulcanisers, house helps, etc. ▪ Secondly, some have lost interest and confidence in schooling. ▪ Thirdly,…, etc. ▪ They sum up their reasons for opposing the motion: In summary, [or to sum up]… ▪ They restate their opposition to the motion: I, therefore, repeat [or I, therefore, urge you all NOT to support the motion] that… ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

34 C. Sample Class Debate Motion: A teacher contributes more to the nation than a medical doctor Pro: Mr Chairperson, distinguished panel of judges, ladies and gentlemen: I rise to support the motion that teachers contribute much more to the development of the nation than medical doctors do. First and foremost, without teachers there will be no doctors, to start with. Teachers produce doctors, engineers, governors, bankers, the army officers and police as well as all of the civil servants, to mention a few. They mould character. Many national leaders were teachers at one time or another. Teachers never lose any lives while teaching, but many poor doctors lose their patients. Con: Mr. Chairperson, distinguished panel of judges, ladies and gentlemen: They say “health is wealth.” Without doctors who provide good health services, we would not all be here today. My worthy opponent forgot to tell this august audience that when teachers fail ill, they must rush to the doctor. Otherwise, they may never be able to teach anymore; they may be dead or disabled! It is because doctors are more valuable to the nation that they spend a longer time training to make sure that the nation remains very healthy. That is why doctors are better paid than teachers who are clearly less educated. Medical doctors are also always on duty. While teachers are engaged in chalk and talk, doctors are busy saving lives in emergencies all the time. Doctors are smartly dressed in clean white gowns and definitely look more respectable and attractive than teachers who only have a piece of chalk in their hand. 2. HOW TO START AND END A PRESENTATION A. OPENING 1) Introducing yourself Greeting, Name, Position Example: - Good morning, my name is ….. I’m … (position) at (company). - Good morning, let me start by telling you a bit about myself. 2) Introducing your talk Subject, Purpose, Length, Outlining, Questions Example: - The subject of my talk is …. - I’d like to talk today about …. - The subject/focus/topic of my presentation/talk/paper is …. - We are here today to decide/agree/earn about … - The aim today is to give you some background about …. - I’ll plan to brief about 15 minutes. - I’ll speak for 10 minutes. ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

35 - I have divided my talk into 3 parts/sections. - We can break down this area into the following fields: - This subject can be looked at under the following headings: - First, I will give you an overview of/some background on….. - Then, I’ll take a look at/tell you about/describe….. - Third, we will look at…. - And the final session, I will conclude with a discussion of … - Hold on your questions until the end…. - Okay, let’s start with the first point. - All right, we can begin by looking at … B. PRESENTATION Now, I will tell one by one the agenda today, that are : The 1st session is Opening The 2nd session is Introduction The 3th session is Presentation Time The 4th session is Opinion, Question and Answer Session The 5th session is Closing Well, ladies and gentlemen. Before we deliver our presentation, let me introduce our team, I’m……………………………… as Moderator ................................................ as the First Presenter ................................................ as the Second Presenter ................................................ as the Third Presenter ................................................ as the Notulen and Operator Ladies and Gentlemen. And now, let’s open our meeting by saying basmallah together: \"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim\" Thank you, the next agenda is presentation session, for the first turn will be given by the first presenter, please welcome……………the chance is yours. Next turn is for the second speaker,………… the floor is yours. C. CLOSING Finally, we are come to the last agenda. We would like to say thank you for the attention and the activeness in today’s presentation. Hopefully, the presentation will give us new insight related with our topic today. See you later. ENGLISH CONVERSATION | KURSUS & BIMBINGAN BELAJAR “SUPER BRAIN COURSE” KENDAL

Animals Clothing & Fashion 36 Part 1 Part 1 Do you have a pet? Do you like shoes? What types of animals do you think make the best pets? How often do you buy shoes? Why do people have pets? Do you prefer comfortable or good-looking shoes? Are there any types of animals that you think should not Have you ever bought shoes online? be kept as a pet? Part 2 Part 2 Describe a dress/shirt you wore for a special occasion. Describe a wild animal that lives in your country. You should say: You should say: • what it is like • what animal it is • when and where you bought it • where it lives • what special occasion you wore it for • how people feel about this animal and explain how it made you feel wearing it. And explain if you think there will be more or fewer of this animal in the wild in the future and why. Part 3 - What do you think the clothes we wear say about us? Part 3 - Do you think that brand name is very important for - What is the purpose of having zoos? clothes sales? - What is your opinion about animals being kept in zoos? - Why do some people like to go clothes shopping with - How do you think zoos could be improved? friends? - Do you think is it important to conserve the world’s - - How have clothes fashions changed in your country over animal species? the past few decades? - What is your opinion on poaching? - What kind of things determine what is in fashion? - Do you think money should be spent on protecting wild - How do you think fashion will change in the future? animals? Food & Cooking Daily Routine 37 Part 1 Part 1 What is your favourite type of food? What is your typical morning routine? What is a common meal in your country? What would you like to change about it? Do you like cooking? Do you think breakfast is important? When do you eat your main meal of the day? What is the best thing about your morning routine at the weekends? Part 2 Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed going to. Part 2 You should say: Describe a typical day at work/college/university. You should say: • where the restaurant was • why you chose this restaurant • what you do • what type of food you ate • when you do it and explain why you enjoyed eating in this restaurant. • what your favourite part of the day is and explain what you would like to change about this Part 3 routine. - Do many people eat in restaurants in your country? - Which are more popular, fast food restaurants or Part 3 traditional restaurants? - What is the attitude towards arriving late in your country? - Why do people enjoy eating out? - When is it very important to be on time? - What do you think a healthy diet consists of? - How can people make sure that they are never late? - Do you think children should be taught about healthy - What factors influence most people's daily routines? diets and cooking at school or at home? - Do you think people get enough choice in their daily - At what age do you think children should be taught to routines? cook? - How do you think people's routines will change in the future?

Books 38 Art Part 1 Do you prefer to read books or magazines? Part 1 What is your favourite subject to read about? Do you like art? Did your parents read to you when you were a child? Do you think that art should be taught in schools? Would you give a book as a gift? How does learning art helps children to develop? If you were a famous painter, what sort of pictures Part 2 would you paint? Describe a book that you enjoyed reading. You should say: Part 2 Describe a work of art that you really like. • what the book was You should say: • what it was about • why you read it • what it is and explain what effect the book had on you. • who created it • where you saw it Part 3 and explain why you like it. - Do people in your country like to read books? - What are the most popular types of books? Part 3 - Do you think it is important for people to read books? - In your opinion, is art an important part of culture? - In your opinion, do people read as much nowadays as - What would life be like without art? they did in the past? - Why do you think people like to have paintings in their - How do most people read books today, in hard copy or homes? on a tablet? - Do you agree with this statement? “Graffiti is a form of - Do you think that traditional books will be replaced by art and should be respected.” tablet reading in the future? - Why do you think people create graffiti? - Who do you think should pay for public works of art? Work Health 39 Part 1 What is your job? Part 1 Why did you choose this job? Do you lead a healthy lifestyle? What do you enjoy most about your job? What do you do to keep fit? How did you feel on your first day at work? Have you ever had any habits which you consider to be unhealthy? Part 2 Is fitness or a healthy diet more important to you? Describe an organisation or company near where you live that employs a lot of people. Part 2 You should say: Describe something healthy you enjoy doing. You should say: • what organisation or company it is • what industry they are in • what it is • what the work involves • where you do it and explain why you think they are or are not a good • who you do it with employer. and explain why you think doing this is healthy. Part 3 Part 3 - Which kinds of jobs have the highest salaries in your - How can people improve their health? country? Why? - What are some popular ways to keep fit in your country? - Are there any jobs that you think should have higher - How important is it for people to do some regular physical salaries? exercise? - Are all jobs of equal importance? - Do you think there will be more or less illness in the - What is the most common way to get a job these days? future? - Is money always the most important thing when - Why do so many people suffer from stress-related choosing a job? illnesses? - Why do some people become workaholics? - What makes a good doctor?

Weather & Seasons Technology 40 Part 1 Part 1 What seasons do you have in your country? Which is your favourite season? What seasons do you have in your country? What do you like to do in that season? Is your country popular with tourists in every season? Which is your favourite season? Part 2 What do you like to do in this season? Describe a type of weather that you really dislike. You should say: Is your country popular with tourists in every season? • what type of weather it is Part 2 • how often it happens Describe a piece of equipment in your home that is • why you dislike it important to you. and explain what you do when the weather is like this. You should say: Part 3 • what it is - Do you think the weather affects how people feel? • how long you have had it - What are some examples of bad weather in the world? • why you chose this particular model or brand - In your opinion, is anything we can do to prevent bad and explain why it is important to you. weather? - What is the best way to get accurate information about Part 3 the weather? - What are the most popular electronic devices in your - How easy or difficult is it to predict the weather in your country at the moment? country? - Which sort of devices do you think will become - How important do you think it is to check what the popular in the future? weather will be? - Do you think electronic devices make life easier or more difficult? - Do you think all information on the internet is true? - How can people find reliable information on the internet? - Do you think the internet is safe for children to use unsupervised? Music Media 41 Part 1 Part 1 Do you like music? Are you interested in the news? Have you ever learnt to play a musical instrument? Do you read a newspaper regularly? What instrument do you think it is best for children to Do you believe everything you read in newspapers? learn? Can reading a magazine or a newspaper help you learn a Do think music should be taught in schools? language? Part 2 Part 2 Describe a type of music that you like a lot. Describe a newspaper or magazine you enjoy reading. You should say: You should say: • what type of music it is • which newspaper or magazine it is • when you first started listening to it • how often you read it • how often you listen to it • which are your favourite parts and explain why you like it so much. and explain why you enjoy reading it. Part 3 Part 3 - What traditional music do you have in your culture? - How do most people get their news in your country? - How important is it for a culture to have musical - Is the Internet a trustworthy source of news? traditions? - How do you think people will get their news in the future? - Why do you think countries have national anthems or - Should we trust journalists? songs? - What do you think the important qualities of a good - How do most people listen to music these days? journalist are? - Is live music as popular now as it was 10 years ago? - Do you think the media should be allowed to publish - Why do you think that so many young people dream of stories about the private lives of public figures? being famous musicians?

Architecture & Buildings Education 42 Part 1 Part 1 Are you interested in architecture? Did you enjoy school? Do you live in an old building or a modern one? What was your favourite subject? What sort of building would your dream home be? How did you get on with your peers in school? If you were an architect, what sort of buildings would you What subject would you like to learn in the future? design? Part 2 Part 2 Describe a school you attended. Describe a building you have seen that impressed you. You should say: You should say: • what school it was • what the buildings were like • where it was • how good the teachers were • what it looked like and explain what you liked and disliked about it. • when you saw it and explain why it impressed you. Part 3 - What makes a good student? Part 3 - What role should the teacher have in the classroom? - Do many people in your country visit historic buildings? - Do you think computers will one day replace teachers - What types of historic buildings are most popular to in classrooms? visit? - How well do schools prepare young people for working - Why do people visit these historic buildings? life? - What do people learn from visiting such buildings? - Do you think schools should teach subjects like art, - Do you think people should have to pay to visit them? music and dancing? - Do you think it’s important that historic buildings are - In your opinion, is a university education important? preserved? Film & TV Money 43 Part 1 Part 1 How much television do you watch per day? Who do you normally watch TV with? How important is money to you? What kinds of TV programmes do you enjoy the most? What is your favourite TV programme at the moment? What sorts of things do you like to spend spare money on? Part 2 What was the last thing you bought yourself as a treat? Describe a TV drama series you like. You should say: It is difficult to control your spending? • what TV series it is Part 2 • what it is about Describe something you bought that you had to save money • who acts in it for. and explain why you like it. You should say: Part 3 • what it was - Is the quality of TV programmes in your country good? • how long you saved money for it - What type of foreign TV programmes are popular in • how you saved the money your country? and explain how you felt after you bought it. - Do you think television influences the way we think? - Should children be allowed to watch a lot of TV? Part 3 - What do you think are the qualities of a good children’s - Do you think children should be taught to save money? TV programme? - Why do some parents give their children money to spend - What are the educational benefits of children watching each week? TV? - Should children be allowed to buy anything they want with the money they’ve saved? - Do you think it is a good idea for students to earn money while studying? - What kind of possessions show status in your country? - Modern society is often called ‘materialistic’. Why do you think this is?

Plants Sport 44 Part 1 Do you like plants? Part 1 What sort of plants have you grown? Do you like sport? Why do people like plants in their homes? Is there a lot of sport on television in your country? Would you ever give a plant as a gift? What sports do children normally do at school? Are there many sporting facilities near where you live? Part 2 Describe a plant, flower or tree that you like. Part 2 You should say Describe a sporting event you have attended. You should say: • what type of plant, flower or tree it is • what it looks like • what kind of sport it was • where it grows or is usually seen • where and when the event took place and explain why you like it. • why you decided to go to this event and explain how it compared to other sporting events Part 3 you have been to. - Is it common for people to have gardens where you live? Part 3 - Do you think it is important to have gardens or parks in - What types of sports are most popular in your our cities? country? - What are the benefits of spending time in gardens or - What are the benefits of playing a sport? parks? - Do you think that new sports will be created in the - What plants are important to the economy of your future? country? - Why do some people enjoy doing dangerous sports? - How can people be encouraged to grow their own food? - Which extreme sports are popular in your country? - Why is it important to conserve the world’s plant - Should some dangerous sports be banned? species? Environment Homes & Accommodation 45 Part 1 What is your favourite type of natural environment? Part 1 What is the air quality like where you live? Do you live in a house or a flat? Do you recycle? How long have you lived there? What other ways can individuals help to protect the Do you like your home? environment? Which is your favourite room? Part 2 Part 2 Describe an environmental problem in your country. Describe a time when you moved to a new house. You should say: You should say: • what the problem is • when it happened • what has caused the problem • why you moved • what effect it has had on your country • what kind of new home you moved into and explain what is being done to solve it. and explain how you felt about moving home. Part 3 Part 3 - How is your country affected by water pollution? - How easy is it to find a place to live in your country? - What are some of the causes of water pollution? - Do you think it is better to rent or to buy your home? - Do you think that everyone in the world will have - At what age do you think young adults should stop living access to clean water in the future? with their parents? - Do you think large companies and business - How do people like to decorate their homes in your organisations should be more environmentally friendly? country? - What measures can individuals take to protect the - Can the colour of a room affect the way people feel? environment? - Is it more important for a room to look nice or to be - How can we teach children about the importance of comfortable? protecting the environment?

Hobbies & Leisure Shopping 46 Part 1 Part 1 Do you prefer relaxing at home or going out in the evening? Do you enjoy shopping? When you do go out for an evening, what do you like to do? Do you prefer to shop in town or on the internet? Who do you like to spend leisure time with? In your country, at what times are the shops generally If you had more free time, what would you do with it? open? Where do you buy your food items? Part 2 Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy. Part 2 You should say: Describe a shop that recently opened in your town. You should say: • how you became interested in it • what the shop is • how long you have been doing it • when it opened • why you enjoy it • what it sells and explain what benefits you get from this interest or and explain how you feel about this shop. hobby. Part 3 Part 3 - How have people's shopping habits changed over the - In your country, do people have a good balance between past 5 years? work and leisure time? - Do you think that most shopping will be done online in the - Has the amount of free time people have changed in the future? last 50 years? - Will smaller shops survive in the current retail system? - Do you think people need to have an interest or hobby? - What can shops do to make shopping more pleasant for - What are the most popular free-time activities with their customers? children today? - Do you think that brand name is very important for sales? - How has this changed from 20 years ago? - Do the young and the old have different priorities when - What are the advantages and disadvantage of this they look for products to buy? change for children? Friends Transportation 47 Part 1 Part 1 Which is more important to you, friends or family? How popular is cycling in your hometown? Do you have a small or large circle of friends? Do people ride bicycles more for pleasure or to commute? Who was your best friend at school? What are the advantages of a bicycle compared to a car? What sorts of things did you like to do together? How often do you ride a bicycle? Part 2 Part 2 Describe one of your friends. Describe a train journey you have taken. You should say: You should say: • how you met • where you were going • how long you have known each other • why you were going there • how you spend time together • who you were travelling with and explain why you like this friend. and explain what you liked and disliked about the journey. Part 3 Part 3 - What makes a good friend? - How safe is travel in your country? - What do you think causes friendships to break up? - Which method of transport do you consider the safest? - In what different ways can people keep in touch with - What do you think should be done to improve the safety of each other? travel? - Do you think it’s important to keep in contact with - How do people choose which car to buy? friends you knew as a child? - What environmental problems are there related to the car - How valuable are long-term friendships compared with industry? new relationships? - Who do you think is responsible for finding solutions, - Can you be close friends with someone you only have a governments or the car industry? relationship with on the internet?

Family Hometown, Towns & Cities 48 Part 1 Do you have a large or a small family? Part 1 Who are you most similar to in your family? Where did you grow up? Do you prefer to go out with family or friends? Was it a good place for children to grow up? When did you last celebrate a special event with your Where did you usually play? family? Who did you usually play with? Part 2 Part 2 Describe someone in your family who you really admire. Describe a city that you have visited. You should say: You should say: • who they are • what city it is • what relation they are to you • when you went there • how often you see them • why you went there and explain why you admire this person. and explain what you liked or disliked about the city. Part 3 Part 3 - In what ways have families in your country changed in the - What are the advantages of living in a city or a big town? past 20 years? - Do people enjoy a better quality of life in the city or in the - Should husbands and wives have different roles within the countryside? family? - What are some of the challenges facing towns and cities? - What conflicts can arise within a family? - What can be done to reduce traffic congestion in cities? - What role do grandparents play in the family in your - How important is it to have trees and parks in our cities? country? - In your experience, are city centres usually attractive - In what ways might the lives of elderly people be different places? in the future? - Who do you think should be responsible for the care of the elderly, the family or the government? Holidays Travel & Tourism People & Relationships 49 Part 1 Do a lot of tourists visit your country? Part 1 What are the most popular places to visit? How well do you know the people who live next door to you? How important is tourism to the economy of your region? How often do you see each other? What attractions in your area would you recommend What kind of relationship do you have? tourists to visit? Have you ever had a problem with a neighbour? Part 2 Part 2 Describe a holiday you enjoyed. Describe a person you know who is kind. You should say You should say: • when and where you went • who it is • who you went with • how you know this person • what you did on the holiday • what sort of person they are and explain why you enjoyed this holiday. and explain why you think they are kind. Part 3 Part 3 - Why do people go on holiday? - What types of relationships, other than with friends or - What are the most popular types of holiday today? family, are important in people’s lives? - How important is it for families to go on holiday - Do you think it is important for people to spend time alone? together? - What is the attitude towards marriage in your country? - Do you think it is good for children to experience life in - How have attitudes towards marriage changed in the past a foreign country? 50 years? - In your opinion, what kind of holidays will be popular in - Do most young people in your country plan on getting the future? married? - Do you think it is safer to travel abroad now than in the - In your opinion, should couples be allowed to get past? divorced?

Communication 50 Photographs Part 1 Part 1 How do you usually contact your friends? How often do you take photographs? What things do you like to photograph? Do you often make phone calls? Do you ever take selfies? What do you do with the photos you take? In what ways do you use social media to communicate? Part 2 Do you ever write letters? Describe a photograph you like. You should say: Part 2 Describe an interesting conversation you had with a • what can be seen in the photo stranger. • when it was taken You should say: • who took it • where you met them and explain why you like the photograph. • what kind of person they were • what you talked about Part 3 and explain why the conversation was interesting. - How has photography changed over the past 20 years? - What makes a good photograph? Part 3 - Are photographs works or art? - What age group do you think has the best communication - Do you agree that with the advances in camera skills? technology, anyone - can take quality pictures today? - In your opinion, has technology improved the way we - Why are selfies are so popular? communicate with each other? - Do you think there are any dangers in sharing personal - Do you think we have lost any communication skills photos on social media? because of technology? - How popular is letter writing in your culture today? - Do you think it is still important for children to learn handwriting? Why?/Why not? - How do you think people will communicate in 20 years time?

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