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Home Explore Occupational Health Service Digital Brochure V2

Occupational Health Service Digital Brochure V2

Published by alison.doyle, 2019-06-11 06:23:18

Description: Occupational Health Service Digital Brochure V2



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Page 2 Working Together To Support Your Health And WellBeing

CONTENTS 4 // Introduction 7 //  About Us 9 //  Pre Placements 10 //  Management Referrals 13 //  Sickness Absence Management Support 14 //  Work Related Medicals 17 //  Health Surveillance 18 //  Travel Health Clinic 21 //  Medical Advisory 22 //  Drug & Alcohol Screening 25 //  Health & Wellbeing 26 //  Employee Assistance Programme 29 //  Our Technology Page 3

INTRODUCTION MCL Medics Occupational Health Services Our proactive team play a key role in deliver high quality and cost effective providing independent, impartial advice to health and commercial benefits to any size employers and employees on the effects of of business, ensuring that the health and work on health and the effects of health on the wellbeing of employees is protected as capacity to work. effectively as possible. We pride ourselves on offering a variety of bespoke occupational health services to suit the varied needs of every industry. Our Occupational Health Team has a wealth of experience and expertise across a wide range of industries, including, but not limited to, the industries listed below. »  Oil & Gas »  Construction »  Food Production »  Manufacturing »  Healthcare »  Forestry »  Education »  Renewable Energy »  Utilities »  Automotive »  Chemical »  Legal »  Agriculture »  Transport & Logistics »  Brewing And Distilling »  Retail Page 4

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ABOUT US MCL Medics offer a comprehensive range services that operate in harmony with their of occupational health services in Aberdeen, business, and services that adapt flexibly and Scotland and throughout the UK. pro-actively to their changing requirements. Our mission statement is ‘Keep things simple, We have rigorous systems and processes and deliver’. Supported by our core values, our in place and a strong focus on continuous mission shapes every decision that we make. improvement. These systems are recognised It is through living our mission and through our extensive quality accreditations. core values that we can competently Our accreditations and client testimonials deliver first rate occupational health services demonstrate our commitment to providing that exceed the expectations of our clients. exceptional customer service. They are testament to our committed and professional Our specialist expertise, competence and employees who provide a high quality service commercial value allows us to forge long lasting focused on exceeding the expectations of relationships with our clients. Our partnership our clients. approach to service delivery and our single point contract management methodology has We are a dynamic company that thinks laterally built and sustained our enviable reputation to find innovative solutions that achieve for customer service. We firmly believe that efficiencies. To discuss how our services can our relationship with each of our clients is a benefit your business, call our Occupational partnership. This is why we always listen and Health Team today. ensure clients receive occupational health For more information call our Occupational Health Team today on 01224 938 083 Page 7

PRE PLACEMENTS A pre-placement health assessment is The pre-placement health assessment is to: undertaken at the request of an employer as part of the risk assessment process and only »  E nsure that all new employees are medically after a job offer has been made.The assessment fit to fulfil the duties and responsibilities can consist of any or all of the following: of the job, and consider adjustments that could be made to assist the person in the »  The completion of a health questionnaire role. asking individuals about health issues relevant to the risks presented by a »  Start heath surveillance for those particular job. employees who require this as informed by the Company’s Health Risk Assessment. »  Discussion regarding any health matters. This provides a record of health information as a starting point for comparison before »  C onsideration of any health checks work begins. required as part of an ongoing health monitoring programme required for the The pre-placement assessment also offers the job such as a respiratory health check if opportunity for new employees to: exposed to respiratory hazards. »  Understand their role more fully and be »  A ssessment of fitness and medical made aware of necessary precautions. suitability for the role made by an occupational health practitioner. »  Receive explanations regarding when personal protective equipment is needed, Page 8 and how it is to be worn.

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MANAGEMENT REFERRALS Occupational Health is a specialist form to most effectively and safely rehabilitate of medicine that looks at the interaction employees back to their full working between job role and health; this may be potential; however the management of this how the individual’s health affects their process remains with the managers. role or how the role affects their health. We now offer Secure Video Consultations. By One of the primary functions of a conducting consultations on health matters, Management Referral is to provide by this method, we can provide a safe and employers with an independent view efficient service while increasing patient on the employee’s health status and satisfaction and case load management. their ability to perform their role, so the employer can make an informed decision This will help to reduce waiting times for regarding that employee. appointments and can improve productivity through employees reduced absenteeism. Occupational Health does not provide treatment or diagnoses of individuals as this function remains with the Primary Health Team and the individual’s GP. Occupational Health provides advice to managers on how For more information call our Occupational Health Team today on 01224 938 083 Page 11Page 11

SICKNESS ABSENCE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT Workforce absenteeism has significant We support HR professionals and line cost implications for any business. Effective managers by providing a specialist resource sickness absence management processes that can quickly evaluate sickness absence help reduce these costs, improve productivity cases and provide expert advice on the most and create efficiencies. appropriate course of action, including: »  Return to Work Assessments  Occupational health plays an important »  Rehabilitation  role in advising and supporting sickness » Dismissal on the grounds of ill-health  absence management. Proactive case »  I ll-health retirement management and rehabilitation provides health benefits to employees whilst also The outcome is either, ‘medically fit to return dramatically reducing the costs associated to work’ or, if considered not fit, advice with employee absenteeism. will be given regarding a suitable interval before reassessment. Return to Work Assessments (Offshore) For more information call our Occupational An Offshore Return to Work Assessment is Health Team today on 01224 938 083 recommended following a significant illness, injury or hospital admission. Introduction of some medication will also indicate a Return to Work Assessment, to assess the suitability for safe working in an offshore environment, and undertake the necessary risk assessment. Page 12

“I cannot speak highly enough of the services provided. MCL Medics produce excellent quarterly management reports and annual reports. Their meetings are professional and attended by all key stakeholders with professional backgrounds. Their booking procedures for appointments are excellent and staff always courteous and obliging. MCL provide achievable KPIs and are always meeting these. Their sickness absence reports on staff are first class. MCLs contract managing team are highly professional and very quick to answer queries and give support. We are extremely happy and confident of the first class OH service our staff receive from MCL Medics.” Francis Riley: Occupational Health Manager, Centrica Storage Page 13

“MCL Medics have consistently provided an excellent level of service for the provision of Occupational Health. The bookings team are responsive and will look for ways of accommodating all requests. Our account manager supports our business needs and opportunities for enhancing the service delivery. The clinical team are always professional, balanced in their feedback and clinical opinion. They are a great team, providing a 1st class service and always fun to work with.” Alison Macaulay Snr Occupational Health Adviser, Chrysaor Page 14

WORK RELATED MEDICALS The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) Organisations need to set out which health is the primary piece of legislation covering assessments are necessary for particular job Occupational Health & Safety in Great Britain. roles. In order to comply with the act employers These assessments determine whether an have a duty towards their employees to employee can safely carry out a certain job or ensure that the safety of all employees and task / work in a particular environment. others are not compromised. The Medical Assessments we provide include: » OGUK Offshore Medicals » Work at Height » ERT Medicals » Work in Hot Environments Medicals » LGV and PSV Medicals » Work Visa Medicals » Forklift Truck Medicals » Safety Critical Medicals » Statutory Medical Examinations: Ionising » Wind Turbine Medicals Radiation (IR), Asbestos, Lead » Emergency Response Team Medicals » ‘Fit to Train’ (EBS) Assessment » Crane Operators Medicals » Shoulder Measurement » Confined Space Medicals » Food Handler Medicals For more information call our Occupational » Overseas Employment and Visa Medicals Health Team today on 01224 938 083 Page 15

HEALTH SURVEILLANCE Health Surveillance requires an employer » Management by a competency assured to gather information about an employees’ Occupational Health Nurse with the health to help protect them from health risks support of a Senior Occupational Health at work. Some are required by law and others Nurse and Occupational Health Physician. are carried out as good practice. » Accurate record keeping and safe storage Workplace control measures may not always of data, holding all health surveillance be totally reliable. Carrying out health data centrally in a secure location in line surveillance can help make sure that any with GDPR requirements. potential ill health effects are detected as early as possible. We provide comprehensive » A recall system and reporting tool health surveillance services UK wide, for any to guarantee a systematic and size organisation, across any industry. We comprehensive approach to providing deliver bespoke health surveillance solutions results of health surveillance programmes. to meet the exact requirements of each individual business including: » Assurance that you are fulfilling legal obligations. » Both on-site and off-site health surveillance programmes designed in line with » On-going support and follow up where legislation and industry requirements. necessary. For more information call our Occupational Health Team today on 01224 938 083 Page 16

Are you aware of your legal requirements? Work with MCL Medics to check you are compliant Page 17

“All individuals planning travel should seek advice on the potential hazards in their chosen destinations and understand how best to protect their health and minimise the risk of acquiring disease. Forward planning, appropriate preventive measures and careful precautions can protect their health and minimise the risks of accident and of acquiring disease.” PageS1ou8rce: World Health Organisation (WHO)

TRAVEL HEALTH CLINIC Our clinic can advise on travel health and While immunisations represent an important provide a full vaccination service. The Travel part of the travel consultation, our expert Health Nurse will complete a pre-travel travel health advice also includes disease health consultation specifically designed prevention, inclusive of Malaria and to prepare individuals for international Yellow Fever, practical steps to be taken travel. Our Travel Health Nurses have expert to reduce the risk of infectious diseases, knowledge of relative risks in particular medical supplies and chemoprophylaxis worldwide destinations. At the consultation (anti-malarials). they will: Our tailored programme ensures that » Assess overall medical health and discuss maximum protection is achieved prior to any current medications. travel. Individuals are given a vaccine record card which will detail the vaccinations given » Highlight any diseases that the traveller and a schedule for subsequent vaccines may be exposed to on their planned trip. and boosters. MCL Medics is a designated Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre (YFVC) and » Discuss any potential health implications. we can issue an International Certification of Vaccination to anyone travelling to a » Recommend vaccinations and outline any country at risk of Yellow Fever that requires possible side effects. certification for entry. For more information call our Occupational Health Team today on 01224 938 083 Page 19

MEDICAL ADVISORY Medical advice can be provided both on-site or off-site to meet specific client requirements, whether that be an Occupational Health Physician or Occupational Health Nurse led service. Typical functions of our medical advisory service provision include: » Helpful and meaningful advice with regards » Assistance with the implementation of the to occupational health and health issues requirements of the Equality Act. such as fitness and capability to work. »  Support for line management and »  Health assessments to provide HR personnel with regard to sickness recommendations regarding an absence management. employee’s fitness for work. » Assistance with the development of » The introduction and maintenance of occupational health related policies and health surveillance programmes where a procedures and the evaluation of these risk to health has been identified through in relation to legislative requirements and the health risk assessment process. business objectives. For more information call our Occupational Health Team today on 01224 938 083 Page 20

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“You have a general duty under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of your employees. You also have a duty under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, to assess the risks to the health and safety of your employees.” Source: Health & Safety Executive (HSE) Page 22

DRUG AND ALCOHOL SCREENING We carry out random and with cause drug negative the sample is sent to a UKAS and alcohol screening on-site, in any location, approved laboratory for confirmatory testing, in line with our clients’ substance abuse following full Chain of Custody procedures. policies. Our drug and alcohol screening Laboratory testing will provide a clear services are available 24/7, 365 days a year positive or negative confirmation and an to provide complete cover. accurate quantity of the drug present. The testing process for urine is usually a Our Technicians are trained and two stage process. Firstly, an instant test is certified to administer alcohol and performed to identify evidence of drugs drug testing in an appropriate manner. within the body. If the test is negative then Our processes ensure a service that no further action is taken. If the test is non- is legally compliant with industry requirements. For more information call our Occupational Health Team today on 01224 938 083 Page 23

HEALTH AND WELLBEING PROMOTION Workplace health promotion programmes assessed and take a co-ordinated or are more likely to be successful if integrated approach to reducing health occupational health and safety is considered threats to workers, both in and out of in its design and execution. A growing body work, are more effective than traditional of evidence indicates that workplace isolated programmes. based interventions that are needs » Programme implementation involving Our process consists of four main steps: all the steps needed to put health promotion strategies and interventions »  A n initial assessment to define employee into place, and making them available to health risks and concerns, and describe employees. current health promotion activities, capacity and needs. » Systematic evaluation to investigate the effectiveness of any health promotion »  A planning process to develop the activity. components of a workplace health programme. This includes setting goals and selecting priority interventions. For more information call our Occupational Health Team today on 01224 938 083 Page 24

“Centrica has received excellent support from the MCL Medics team, both onsite and offsite, during all the recent health initiatives. One outstanding area is the support and delivery of promotional material received from the team. The efficiency, design and attention to detail in all the posters, leaflets, hand-outs and presentations has been superb. This material not only increases awareness for our staff but also shows our “One Team” efforts in a professional light.” Neil Grace Senior Occupational Hygienist, Centrica plc

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EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME Our Pioneering Employee Assistance, health Confidential Care And Support 24/7/365 and wellbeing Programme is designed to suit all clients and provide their colleagues with »  Counselling round the clock access to confidential support. Our dynamic digital tool features face to face »  Work Life Balance video chat and audio support, global virtual challenges, proactive functionality and a »  Childcare And Parenting Challenges wealth of interactive information provided by experts in their field and, with everything »  Domestic Violence designed with ease of use in mind, it’s all available at your fingertips. »  Bullying And Harassment Our mobile health and wellbeing solution »  Stress, Anxiety And Depression helps you embed a culture of positive health across your entire workforce. Being able to »  Traumas And Critical Incident access our service at your convenience is of the utmost importance to MCL Medics. We »  Serious Illness And Accident endeavour to remove any barriers and make access as easy as possible, no matter when or »  Cbt wherever you are in the world. »  Legal For more information call our Occupational Health Team today on 01224 938 083 »  Wellness Coaching »  Physiotherapy »  Global Virtual Challenge »  Exercise Videos Page 27

OUR TECHNOLOGY Our investment in technology is not only Secure Video Consultation designed to meet and exceed industry standards, it is designed to completely Our secure video consultation platform and redefine those standards for the benefit of mobile application allows employees to all stakeholders. speak to our occupational health specialist from home or private office. The benefits Occupational Health Online of this technology removes the need to travel, reduces waiting times and we have A bespoke Occupational Health web-based found improves the interaction between the management system. The client zone enables clinician and the patient due to the relaxed online booking of all medicals and travel environment the patient has chosen. consultations and vaccinations. The client is able to add new employees or choose from existing employees. For more information call our Occupational Health Team today on 01224 938 083 Page 28

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