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Home Explore Untitled presentation (1)

Untitled presentation (1)

Published by aaront1, 2017-10-06 11:00:08

Description: Untitled presentation (1)


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Age of the Gilded By: Aaron Treadwell From the frights of immigration to the perks of industrialization we’ll go through the best and worst moments of the gilded age.

ImmigrationThe Irish came over during the first wave of immigration due to famine and disease that wasdevouring the land.Some push factors for the irish were to escape the famine and to be able to provide forthemselves and their families. Disease due to the famine was sweeping the nation and as ameans to escape they came to America to start a over.Pull factors included a chance to new opportunities in the industrial revolution, Religiousfreedom from being persecuted for being a Catholic.The irish were willing to work on low wages, especially during striking periods they would workas scab agents for less money.

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