DSUAA 2021-2023 Building Bridges Connecting Past, Present, and Future Generations Appointed Officers
DSUAA 2021-2023 Building Bridges Connecting Past, Present, and Future Generations Shawnzetta Suggs '87 Administrative Assistant Shawnzetta Suggs received her Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing from Delaware State College in 1987. She later received her MBA degree (with an Executive Leadership Concentration) from Wesley College in 2005. Shawnzetta served as Treasurer for the National Delaware State University Alumni Association (DSUAA) from 2018-2021 and is a member of the DSU Alumni Leadership Council. Shawnzetta was employed at The Principal Trust Company, retiring in 2009 after 22 years of service in Operations Management in the Finance Division. She held various management positions over the years, and was responsible for the daily operation and direction of the Securities & Check Processing, Electronic Processing, New Accounts, Statements, and the Client Services Departments. Shawnzetta is a member of St. Matthews Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Stars – Prince Hall Affiliate, State and Jurisdiction of Delaware, where she currently is the Grand Treasurer and member of other Grand Chapter Committees. She is also a Past Matron at her local chapter, Morning Star Chapter #7, OES-PHA. Shawnzetta is Secretary and a charter member of the Order of the Golden Circle – Dover Assembly #96. Shawnzetta is a lifelong and active member of Trinity A.M.E Church in Middletown, DE. She has held many positions over the years (Young People’s Department Director, Trustee, Missionary Secretary), and currently is a member of the Trinity Place Executive Board. She also is President of the Jefferson Family Foundation where her family is sponsoring a scholarship in the name of her late grandmother, Daisy G. Jefferson at her church. Shawnzetta is a native Delawarean who resides in her hometown, Middletown, DE with her husband Reggie and daughter Regine. Her daughter graduated from Early College High School (ECHS) in 2019 and currently on target to graduate from DSU in December, 2021 (2 years early) with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting.
DSUAA 2021-2023 Building Bridges Connecting Past, Present, and Future Generations Dr. Reba R. Hollingsworth '49 Parliamentarian Dr. Reba R. Hollingsworth, born in Milford, Delaware, was the second eldest of seven children born to Solomon and Rachel Shockley Ross. During her junior year at Delaware State College, she married her now late husband of more than sixty-eight years, Berlin N. Hollingsworth on December 28, 1947 at Bethel A.M.E. Church, Milford, Delaware. They have one daughter, Vivian O. Dancy, one grandson, William J. Johnson, and two great-grandsons, Jeremiah J. Johnson and Jayce A. Johnson. She currently resides in Dover, Delaware. After graduating from Delaware State College in 1949 with a B. S. degree in Home Economics, she began her teaching career in Rains, South Carolina. In 1954, she was hired to teach Home Economics and Science at William C. Jason Comprehensive High School in Georgetown, Delaware, where she worked until 1966, when she was employed as a guidance counselor at Dover High School in Dover, Delaware until she retired in 1988. Dr. Hollingsworth earned her M.Ed. degree in Guidance and Counseling from the University of Delaware in 1970. She completed all work (except the dissertation) toward a doctorate degree from Temple University and did advanced studies at Chapman College and the University of La Verne in California. In 2001, Dr. Hollingsworth earned her Ph.D. Degree in Counseling from Pacific Western University in Los Angeles, California. In addition to her teaching/counseling career, Dr Hollingsworth was a cookware salesman, an Overseas Travel- Study Counselor, an adjunct professor at the University of La Verne, Wilmington College, and Delaware State University. She was the counseling practicum supervisor for the University of Delaware, Southern Illinois University, and Wilmington College; consultant to the Brandywine College Admissions Department; instructor/trainer for Parent and Teacher Effectiveness Training courses; and co-owner of Hollingsworth & Hollingsworth Consultant Services specializing in Pre-Marriage and Marriage Counseling and Parliamentary Procedure Workshops and Training Sessions. Dr. Hollingsworth has participated in many communication, counseling and behavior modification workshops and is a nationally certified counselor, who participated in standardizing the National Counselor Certification Test. Dr. Hollingsworth is a life member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and her involvement in civic, professional, and community activities are many and varied. Among the many honors and awards presented to Dr. Hollingsworth are 2012 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) Distinguished Delaware State University Alumni, Queen Mother, named Nana Afua Nyamboah of the Bretou Clan, Asiaka, Ghana, West Africa and the DSU Early College High School guidance department was named for Dr. Hollingsworth. In 2018, she was inducted into the Delaware Women’s Hall of Fame and was selected as a Faithful and Unsung Honoree of Whatcoat United Methodist Church. In 2019, Reba received the Inner City Cultural League, Inc. Phenomenal Woman Award, became a member of the Friends of the Delaware Public Archives Board, and became a member of the Delaware Afro-American Sports Hall of Fame, Inc. In 2020, she received the Richard Allen Coalition, Inc. Award for Outstanding Service to the Community.
DSUAA 2021-2023 Building Bridges Connecting Past, Present, and Future Generations Jasmine Goko '13 Historian Jasmine Goko is a multifaceted young kingdom entrepreneur (an entrepreneur mixing ministry and the marketplace to advance the kingdom of God) hailing from Queens, New York. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from Delaware State University and then went on to obtain her MBA with a concentration in Entrepreneurship from Long Island University – Brooklyn Campus. While attending Delaware State University from 2009 to 2013, Jasmine volunteered her time by attending various walks, and helping with outreach off campus. Jasmine was a part of several organizations including the SGA Street Team, and the Rotaract Club which was sponsored by a local Rotary Club. Jasmine moved from the role of member to the Exec 5 Historian. Jasmine also was on the Colleges Against Cancer Logistics Committee, and involved in Above & Beyond, & the Africans In Alliance Association. Jasmine even showcased her talents as an Alto in the University Concert Choir, and also interned at the Early Childhood Laboratory School on Campus. Jasmine joined the women’s ministry and guest services team at the local Trinity Christian Center church that she is a proud member of. Jasmine realized she had a passion for women and young adults, and took a leap of faith by hosting her first Girl Power Brunch in November of 2017. Jasmine has continued to host a variety of events for small start up brands and brunches to gather, uplift, and encourage women. Jasmine also hosted brunch events in which attendees would discuss the topic, read scripture, and then pray. Jasmine transitioned these events to virtual due to the pandemic. Jasmine also hosted a makeup webinar and is currently developing her skills in the artistry. In August 2020, Jasmine decided to step out on faith and quit her job at the NYC District Council of Carpenters as the Benefit Processor/Admin of the Pension Department, to pursue the things that God placed on her heart as a Full Time Entrepreneur. Jasmine started a faith based YouTube Channel sharing various testimonies of her life, and then as her first official business venture, she became an author. Jasmine wrote a book dedicated to the past, present, and future students of Delaware State University. The book was actually birthed from the Virtual Brunch & Prays she hosted and was written and published via Amazon in December of 2020. The book is titled “Dear Hornet, We See You”. It is a 30 day devotional book on how to navigate through college with God, and includes letters from a few alumni on what they would of told their younger selves before entering into DSU. The book is based on the bible verse 1 Thessalonians 5:11 “So encourage one another, and build each other up, just as you are already doing”. It is meant to encourage the past, present, and future students letting them know that we see you, you are not alone, God sees you and will help you get through this college journey and beyond. Jasmine has hosted and participated in several events to promote and discuss the book. Jasmine has also utilized platforms to open up about her past trauma and recently just co- authored a book titled “ The Card of Life – Finding Your Winning Hand\" with 15 other women from various states. The book is curated by Premadonna Braddick of the Soaring Eagles Youth & Family Service based in Tulsa Oklahoma. The book is currently available for purchase and is full of a preview of the life stories of the other co authors and how they’ve overcome/are overcoming. Jasmine is working on building her ministry to spread the word of God via platforms such as Instagram and Youtube and is also currently hosting her Virtual Brunch & Prays on a once a month basis. Jasmine has a big heart to serve, encourage, and uplift young adults and women to recognize who they are in Christ and be all that they are called to be. In all that Jasmine does she will continue to let her light shine to transform the lives of anyone who encounters her.
DSUAA 2021-2023 Building Bridges Connecting Past, Present, and Future Generations Kevin Perry '18 Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin received his Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Delaware State University in 2018 and Master of Business Administration degree with a concentration in Business Analytics in 2019. During his tenure he served on several committees and held leadership positions such as President of the Accounting club and National Associate of Black Accountants (NABA). While earning his MBA, he worked as a Graduate Assistant for the DSU Football team and a Resident Assistant. In 2017, Kevin served on Student Government Association as 13th Mr. DSU, becoming the first student - athlete to be elected to this position. Mr. Perry is the President/founder of a non-profit titled, “Creating Exceptional Opportunities,” which is a program geared to help high school students prepare for college by teaching them a myriad of professional, networking, and brand building skills through seminars, workshops, and mentoring. Currently, Mr. Perry is a resident of North Carolina where is employed as a management consultant, working for PricewaterhouseCoopers, global accounting firm in Financial Services. He travels all over to clients, identifying problems and implementing solutions for Retail and Commercial banks. While in North Carolina, Kevin continuously engages within the community by leading acts of service and racial equity. He is a coach and mentor to rising professionals about the benefits of intrapreneurship, entrepreneurship, and overall financial advice. He is a certified tax preparer and previously worked for financial and accounting companies such as Barclays, SB & Company, and KPMG. Kevin is native of Alexandria, Virginia. He graduated from T.C. Williams High School and became a first generation college graduate. In April, Kevin was the recipient of TBS’s first ever HBCU Cashout Contest, earning $25,000 toward his student loans. He aspires to become a Chief Executive Officer of a Fortune 500 company and become the catalyst of financial freedom, financial knowledge, and financial empowerment for all individuals.
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