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Home Explore Student Handbook AES

Student Handbook AES

Published by isabela309, 2021-08-09 01:49:25

Description: Student Handbook AES


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STUDENT HANDBOOK Alfred E. Smith Career and Technical Education High School | 333 E 151st St, Bronx, NY 10451 | Evan Schwartz, Principal

Mr. Evan Schwartz, Principal Student Handbook 2021-2022 Ms. Rosa Arroyo, Assistant Principal Organization/Administration Mr. Rafael Guzman, Assistant Principal CTE, Social Studies & Security Charlene Griffin, Assistant Principal Math & Science 333 East 151st Street Bronx, NY 10451 718-993-5000 Fax # 718-292-1944 aesmith_hs

OUR MISSION The mission of the new Alfred E. Smith CTE High School is to provide our students with the necessary skills and abilities to pursue higher education through the introduction of careers in automotive technology and Graphic Design. Students will acquire the tools and certification needed to compete in an innovative and technical industry. Students in the new Alfred E. Smith CTE High School will be properly prepared to meet and exceed all state examinations. The use of traditional and non-traditional methods will be used at the new Alfred E. Smith CTE High School as well. It is our belief that students must possess test-taking writing and research abilities in order to succeed in their post-secondary education. We also believe that students must learn to work in collaborative groups and to become active learners. Our philosophy will include implementing the Common Core Standards in which analytical and text-based learning will be the focus of all coursework. We believe that all students regardless of their skill set when entering our school will be able to obtain a high school CTE endorsed diploma within four years through a rigorous and nurturing environment. The new Alfred E. Smith CTE High School will engage students by motivating them to learn through interaction and by being actively engaged. Students will learn in cooperative groups and teams. Students of different abilities will learn together and from each other.

BUILDING ENTRANCE 1. Alfred E. Smith CTE High School is a scanned school. All students and their book bags will be scanned before entrance into the building. 2. All electronic devices should be in student’s book bag before entering the building. 3. Head phones may NOT be visible or worn around the neck during school hours. 4. Any students bringing a weapon or sharp item (i.e. box cutter) that can be used as a weapon will be given an automatic Superintendent suspension (as per Chancellor's Regulations). 5. After being scanned, students are to immediately report to their classroom. Students are not to go into the Auditorium for any reason.

SCHOOL RULES 1. Students Must follow the school Dress Code at all times. Please see Dress Code policy inside handbook. 2. Students may NOT wear Jeans, hats, doo-rags, or other headgear inside the building. 3. Students may NOT use cell phone in class. It will be confiscated and a parent/guardian will have to come to school to retrieve the item. 4. Students are expected to report to class on time. Students who continue to be late may receive a reduction in their class participation grade, which will affect the overall class grade. 5. Students are expected to come to school every day with the appropriate materials (i.e. Notebooks, pens, pencils, required textbooks) and Chromebook. 6. Each individual teacher will give students a grading contract.

DRESS CODE ★ Students Must wear the school issued Alfred E. Smith Polo shirt with school logo ★ Students may NOT wear the previously allowed white collared shirts ★ Students MUST wear solid colored pants black, navy blue and beige. ★ Alfred E. Smith “hoodies” may be worn in class over approved dress code clothing ★ Non-school issued “hoodies” and jackets may NOT be worn in class ★ Students may NOT wear jean shirts or jean skirts ★ Pants may NOT have logos, pictures, or camouflage ★ Students may NOT wear t-shirts, sweatshirts, or sports clothing ★ Students should look presentable (i.e. tuck in shirts, shirts at waist length, do NOT wear t-shirts that hang out of shirt, NO SAGGING and NO HATS) ★ Students MAY wear sneakers/boots (black or brown) ★ With the exception of gym, students are NOT to wear clothes that violate the dress code at any time during the day (including lunch) NO JEAN OR SWEATPANTS Consequences for Dress Code Violations First Offense Students will receive a phone call at home to inform parent/guardian of dress code violation and future consequences. Second Offense As allowed by Chancellors Regulation, a mandated parent/guardian meeting will be scheduled with the principal. This will be considered an educational conference. The parent/guardian must attend. Third Offense A mandated conference will be scheduled every time the student violates the dress code. If the student continues to violate the dress code, as per Chancellor's Regulation, a conference with the Principal/Assistant Principal may be scheduled.

BELL SCHEDULE Periods 1.4,5, and 8 will be single periods everyday (periods 4 & 5 are 30-minute lunch/Advisory periods) Periods 2-3, 6-7, and 9-10 will be double periods Monday-Thursday. Of these double periods, students attend even periods (2,6, &10) on Monday and Wednesday and, odd periods (3,7, and 9) on Tuesday and Thursday. Fridays will be regular bell schedule, with each regular periods meeting for 40 minutes and lunch and Advisory periods (4 and 5) meeting for 30 minutes.

The New Alfred E. Smith CTE High School Mr. Evan Schwartz, Principal 333 East 151st Street Bronx, NY 10451 718-993-5000 Fax # 718-292-1944 aesmith_hs

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