Index 623 Schneider, Peter, 287 Senate, U.S., 432-33 Schuler, Barry, 398 Sequoia Capital, 75,139 Scott, Mike, xv, 82-84,101,113, Serwer, Andy, 478,506 354 Seva Foundation, 106 Sex (Madonna), 502 badge number controversy and, Shakespeare, William,xxi, 19,224, 83 234 ouster of, 115-16,148 Scott, Ridley,163,165,187 \"She Drives Me Crazy\" (song), 271 Scott, Tony, 187 Scrabble, 497 Sheff, David, 189 \"Shelter from the Storm\" (song), ScuUey, John, xv, 148,167,170, 397 180,187,213,214,222,227, 228,238,263,299,301,302, Shockley, William, 9 309,319,320,323,338,353, Showplace computer program, 247 355,569 Shrek (film), 430 Shriver, Eunice, 330-31 and dechne of Apple company, SIGGRAPH, 243-44 295-96 \"Silicon VaUey USA,\" 10 1984 ad and, 163-64 Simon and Garfunkel, 413 pricing debate and, 157-58 Simpson, George, 253 reorganization plan of, 205-7 Simpson, Joanne Schieble Jandali, SJ and ousterof, 200-204,207 SJ's clasheswith, 194-99, xv, 2-4,89 216-17 SJ's finding of, 253-55,258 Simpson, Mona, xv,xix, 4,250, SJ's courtship of, 150-54 at SJ's 30th birthday party, 189 254-58,272,273-74,281, SJ's workingrelationship with, 455,485,494,547-48 Jandali and, 256-58 155-57,168,181-82,195, Lisa Brennan and, 282 199,215 SJ's reconnectionwith, 255-56 ScuUey, Leezy, 155,187,203 Seal, 329 Simpsons (TV show), 274 SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), 313,321,481 SkoU Foundation, 47 backdated stock options issue Slade, Mike, 458,553 and, 450-51 Secret Service, 278 SmaUtalk (computer language), 95, \"Secrets ofthe Litde Blue Box\" 96-97 (Rosenbaum), 27 Smith, Alvy Ray,xv, 239-41,243, Segal, George, 140 SegaU, Ken, 329,351 285 semiconductors, 9-10 SJ's clashwith, 244-45 Smith, BurreU,xv, 109-10,113-15, 117,134,136-37,141-42, 165,189,191,277 Smith, Gina, 310
624 Index Smith, Kathryn (Kat), 268-71, \"Strange Things\" (song), 288 \"Strawberry Fields Forever\" (song), 476,486 418-19 Smith, Wes, 233 Snow White (film), 187,290 Stringer, Howard, 395,407 StyleWriter, 338 SnowWhite project, 132-33 Sulzberger, Arthur,Jr., 504-5 Solaris operating system, 298,308 Summers, Larry, 497 SOL-20 (computer), 70 Sun Microsystems, 236,294,296, \"Someday Baby\" (song), 417-18 Some Girls (Rolling Stones), 412 308,333 Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, 313 Sonsini, Larry, 303 Sunnyvale Electronics, 28 Sony, 125-26,146-47,361-62, Suzuki, Shunryu, 35,49 Swisher, Kara, 463 381,385,394-95,404,406, Sylvania, 24 408,565 \"Sympathy for the Devil\" (song), music industry and,394-95, 397 400-401 Syria, 3,258 Trinitron products of, 132,155 Sony Connect, 408 tablet computers, 467,490-91 SonyWalkman, 407 \"Talkin bouta Revolution\" (song), Sorkin, Aaron, 456 280 Soundjam, 383 Soviet Union, 8,209 TalkingHeads, 413 Tandycompany, 135,138 Spectra-Physics company, 15 Tangerine (design company), 341 Spielberg, Steven, 291,427,442 Tanimoto, Craig, 329 Spindler, Michael, 296,335 Target, 369 \"Spiritus Domini\" (Gregorian Tate, Ryan, 516-17 Tattoo You (Rolling Stones), 412 chant), 413 TBWA\\Chiat\\Day, 328,351,391 technology boom: Stalin, Joseph, 209 counterculture and, 57 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center hacker subculture and, 56-57 microprocessorand, 10 (SLAC),28,61 Moore s Law and, 10 semiconductors and, 9-10 Stanford University, 9,33,57 10,000 Maniacs, 413 Terman, Frederick, 9 SJ s 2005 commencement address at, 456-57 Terravera company, 274 Star Trek (TV show), 117-18,494 Terrell, Paul, 66-67,68 Star Trek (video game), 44 Tesler, Larry, 96-97, 99,114,120, Stengel, Rick, 506 Stewart,Jon,508,518 136,301 Sticky Fingers (Rolling Stones), 412 Stone, Edward Durell, 151 Stoppard, Tom, 570
Index 625 Tevanian, Avadis \"Avie,\" xv, 259, SJ's investment in, 287 268,273-74,300-301,303, television premiere of,331 308-9,362,366,458-59,461 Toy Story 2 (G\\m), 430 textbook industry, 509-10,555 Toy Story 3 (film), 527,540 \"ThereGoes My Love\" (song), 498 Toy Story Musical, 437 \"Things Have Changed\" (song), Treasure Planet (film), 437 412 Tribble, Bud, 117-18,120,123, \"Think Different\" advertising 140,212,225 campaign, vii,xviii, 328-32, TripsFestival, 58 Trotsky, Leon, 209 358 \"Trouble with SteveJobs, The\" Thomas, Brent, 162 {Fortune), 477-78 Thomas, Dylan, 19 Trungpa, Chogyam, 35 Through the Looking Glass (Carroll), Turing, Alan, xviii 235 TV Guide, 165 Twain, Mark, 479 Thurman, Mrs., 12 Twiggy, 145 Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Nietzsche), Twitter, 495 119 \"Uncle John's Band\" (song), 414 United Network for Organ Tiffany,Louis, 123 Time, xvii, xviii, 90,166,218,290, Sharing, 483 Universal Music Group, 395,399, 323,381,383,429,473,495, 504,506 479 SJ profiledby, 106-7,139-41 Time Inc., 330,473,478,504, UNIX operating system, 212,297, 506-7 298 Time-Life Pictures, 330 Up (film), 494 \"TimesThey Are A-Changing, UPS, 219 The\" (Dylan), 168,207 U2,399,413,537 Time Warner, 506 iPod deal and, 420-22 Tin Toy (film), 248 U-2 spyplane,8 United Way, 104 Toshiba, 385,386 USA Today, 507 touchscreens, 93 Valentine, Don, 75-76,139,189 Toy Story (film), 285-91,305,311, Valleywag (website), 516-17,518 372,373-74,427,428,430, Vanity Fair, 497 434,437,472,565 basic idea for, 285-86 Varian Associates, 8, 9 blockbuster success of, 290-91 Vatican, 28-29 budgeting of, 288 \"Vertigo\" (song), 420 premieres of, 289-90 reviews of, 290 revision of, 287-88
626 Index Vidich, Paul, 394-95,398 Westerman, Wayne, 469 Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 127 Westgate Shopping Center, 32 Vietnam War, 34 Westinghouse, 9,219 \"View from theTop\" lectures, 268 West Wing, The (TV show),456 Vincent,James, xv,332,364,391, What theDormouse Said(Markoff), 392,398,413,417,421-23, 57 498-500,521-22,524 Visa, 410 \"When the Night Comes Falling From the Sky\" (song), 207-8 VisiCalc (finance program), 84 VLSI Technology, 359 Whitman, Meg, 321 Whole Earth Catalog, 57-59,494 \"Wade in theWater\" (song), 417 Whole Earth Truck Store, 58 Whose Line Is It Anyway? (TV Wall-E (film), 441 Wall StreetJournal, 135,187-88, show), 458 192,193,215,226,236,307, \"Why I Won't Buy aniPad\" 379,450,463,482,493,504, 507,531 (Doctorow), 563 Wigginton, Randy, 81-82,92-93, Wall Street Journal Digital 104,161 Network, 508 Wikipedia, 386 Walt Disney Company, see Disney Wilkes Bashford (store), 91 Williams, Robert, 329-30 Co. Wired, 276,295,311-12,317, Warhol, Andy, 180 408,466 Warner Music, 394,398,403 Warnock, John, 515 Wolf, Gary, 295 Warren, Jim, 80 Wolfe, Tom, 58 Washington Post, 228,230,231 Wolff, Michael, 523 Wonder Boys (film), 412 Waters, Alice, 458,477 Woodside Design, 196 Watson, James, 330 Woolard, Ed, 310,313,314, Wavy Gravy, 106 Wayne, Ron, xvi, 44,52,54,63-64, 318-20,336,338,359, 68-69,73,79-80 371 Weeks, Wendell, 471-72 Weitzen, Jeff, 379 options compensation issue Welch, Jack, 401 Wells, Frank, 436-37 and, 364-66,448 Well-Tempered Clavier, The (Bach), \"Wooly Bull/(song), 413 413 Wordsworth, William, 69 \"Working for/with SteveJobs\" Wenner, Jann, 166 West Coast Computer Faire, 80, (Raskin), 112 Worldwide Developers 123,189 Conference, 532-33,536 Wozniak, Francis, 22 Wozniak, Jerry, 77
Index 627 Wozniak, Stephen, xvi, 21, 29, at SJ's 30th birthday party, 189 32,33,59,62,69,79,93,94, 102,110,124,132,163,168, in White House visit, 192-93 170,217,305, 308,317,319, 334-35,354,363,379,393, Wright, Frank Lloyd,7,330 412,464,474,524,5(50,565 Xerox, 95-96,98,119,169,195, in air crash, 115 565,566 Apple I design and, 61,67-68, Alto GUI of, 177 534 Starcomputer of, 99,175-76 Apple II design and, 72-75, Xerox PARC, 94-96,98-99,100, 111,114,120,177,179,474 80-81,84-85,92,534,562 Apple left by, 192-93 Yahoo, 502,545 YeahYeahYeah (music group), 500 Apple partnership and, 63-65 Yocam,Del,4-5,198,202 Apple's IPO and, 103-4 background of, 21-22 Yogananda, Paramahansa, 35 Blue Box designedby,27-30, Yorkjerry,321,450,482 \"You Say YouWant a Revolution\" 81 (song), 526 music passion of, 25-26 personal computer vision of, Zaltair hoax, 81,189 Zander, Ed, 333,465 60-61 Zap, 53 Pong design and,52-54 as prankster, 23-29 ZDNet, 137 Zen Buddhism, 15,34-35,41,57 remote control device of, 193-94,218,221 Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (Suzuki), 35,49 SJ contrasted with, 21-22,40, Ziegler, Bart,293 64 Zittrain, Jonathan, 563 Zuckerberg, Mark, 275,545-46, on SJ's distortion ofreality, 552 118-19 SJ's first meeting with, 25 SJ's friendship with, 21-23
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Walter Isaacson, the ceo ofthe Aspen Institute, has been the chairman of CNN and the managingeditor of Time magazine. He is the author ofEinstein: HisLife and Universe, Benjamin Franklin: AnAmerican Life, and Kissinger: A Biography, and is the coauthor, with Evan Thomas, of The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made. He and his wife live in Washington, D.C. AUDIO AND EBOOK EDITIONS ALSO AVAILABLE MEET THE AUTHORS, WATCH VIDEOS AND MORE AT •THE SOURCE FOR READING GROUPS- JACKET PHOTOGRAPHS- FRONT BY ALBERT WATSON; BACK BY NORMAN SEEFF PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. COPYRIGHT© 2011 SIMON I SCHUSTER
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