AMERICAN SHETLAND PONY CLUB, INC. American Shetland Pony Registry • American Miniature Horse Registry • American Show Pony Registry 81-B East Queenwood Road Morton Illinois 61550 Phone: 309-263-4044 Fax: 309-263-5113 Board of Directors Spring Meeting Saturday, March 13–14, 2021 8:00 am Rob Crater called the meeting to order at 8:05 am Roll Call Area I – Bill Eperthener(Absent), Joel Rosenstern Area II – Mike Mounts, John Rimmer Area III – Donna Phillips, Steve Henderson Area IV – Sherri Jolliff, Jason Prince Area V – Glen Russell, Belinda Bagby Area VI – Tracey Slagle, Phyllis Hopwood Area VII – Eric Tani, Jim Curry Area VII – Alan Dial Tracey Slagle motioned to accept the 2019 Convention minutes. John Rimmer seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Rus- sell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Committee on Committee presentation. Mike Mounts gave a brief recap of how this Committee began in 2012. Mike gave out a power point presentation which would be included with guidelines for all ASPC/AMHR Committees. OFFICIAL PAGES OF THE ASPC/AMHR Sherri Jolliff handed out a working document for committee guidelines, selecting committee chairs, working with the Board. Ideas discussed on a membership committee. How to get more members involved in committees, On Member- ship renewal form put on a spot that says would you be interested in being on a committee, sign up forms at Conven- tion, one person on the committee should be a board of directors as liaison, one person must be a designated person to be at Convention. Steve Henderson motioned to approve committee document as a working document and finalize to distribute document to the Committee Chairs. Belinda Bagby seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Committee on Committees submitted a 2021 Report and Recommendations document for discussion. Discussion held on committee changes and eliminations. Sherri Jolliff Motioned to accept the recommendations from the Committee on Committee for the Committee changes with the exception of USEF Committee. Donna Phillips seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Rob Crater gave a brief recap on the first Vision 2030 zoom call. The group will be meeting in April to continue discussion. Steve Henderson proposed the Finance Committee Budget proposal. It is difficult to understand how 2021 will work with still being in pandemic. Alan Dial motioned to accept the FY21 Proposed budget. Belinda Bagby seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Mike Mounts discussed that the first Steward Clinic this year was held via Zoom. The Stewards committee discussed how measuring worked at Nationals 2020 with the new rules due to the pandemic and brought to the Board they will be following all the rules for 2021 Congress & Nationals. The Stewards will also be continuing the measurement study outline that started in 2019. The decision was to gather several years of data and with most of the shows cancelling in 2020 they will be continuing for 2021. The Journal • May thru July 2021 49
The Board of Directors voted in 2019 to charge $10.00 plus shipping for the rulebook due to the cost of paper, printing and postage on the rise. Discussion held. Steve Henderson motioned that we should continue charging for the rulebook and keep the complimentary copy on the website. Alan Dial seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Glen Russell, Tracey Slagle, Alan Dial. Against: Belinda Bagby, Phyllis Hopwood, Jim Curry, Eric Tani. John Rimmer gave a brief summary from the Futurity Board of Governors. They will be discussing more in the future to bring to the Board of Directors. Discussion held regarding foal registrations. There is a rule of November 1st for futurity foal registration due date. Donna motioned that futurity foal must be registered by November 1st or the late sustaining fee will be applied in order to participate in the futurity. Jason Prince seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Eric Tani. Against: Steve Henderson, Jim Curry, Alan Dial. OFFICIAL PAGES OF THE ASPC/AMHR Joel Rosenstern distributed the Foundation Ad Hoc Committee recommendations. Belinda Bagby motioned that falsely papered A ponies will be permanently considered A ponies when researching whether or not a newly registered pony is eligible for a foundation seal. Donna Phillips seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Tracey distributed a Carriage Division document. Steve Henderson motioned to send to the Carriage Committee. Glen Russell seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Alan Dial motioned to make Western Stock point system as the other divisions. Belinda Bagby seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Donna Phillips motioned to create a Western Stock Halter Horse of the Year. Joel Rosenstern seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Discussion held on The Journal. Due to the pandemic the organization had to cut back on the number of issues and the staff position. Steve Henderson motioned to go to a quarterly Journal for 2021 and work with Michele regarding the Pub lications position. Belinda Bagby seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Hender- son, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Rulebook housekeeping discussion. Alan Dial motioned to change late fee date from March 1st to January 1st in the rulebook for Stewards to match Judges. Donna Phillips seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Steve motioned to fix page 70 in the rulebook to read: All animals are a year older January 1st for show purposes and registration. Tracey Slagle seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Discussion held on registry prices. • Studbook will be increased to 3000 hits from 2500 • 2022 Amateur Card—$20.00 (Was $10.00) • Weanling Registration—$30.00 (Was $25.00) • Yearling Registration—$40.00 (Was $35.00) • 2-Year-Old Registration—$55.00 (Was $50.00) • 3-Year-Old Registration—$70.00 (Was $65.00) • 4-Year-Old & Older Registration—$115.00 (Was $110.00) • Gelding Registration—$30.00 (Was $25.00) • Foundation Certification—$15.00 (Was $10.00) • Stallion to Gelding—$10.00 • All Certificate Corrections—$20.00 50 The Journal • May thru July 2021
• Duplicate Certificates—$35.00 (Was $20.00) • Duplicate Permanent Cards—$10.00 • 2nd Day Rush Fees—$25.00 (In addition to the Rush Fee $30.00) • Next Business Day—$35.00 (In addition to the Rush Fee $30.00) • Saturday Delivery—$50.00 (In addition to the Rush Fee $30.00) Eric Tani motion to accept price changes effective October 1, 2021. Alan Dial seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. The Show Committee presented suggestions for the AMHR National Show and the ASPC Congress show for 2021. Discussion held regarding the cancelled 2020 shows. The Judges lost several shows that could impact their quali- fication for the AMHR National Show in 2022. Alan Dial motioned for the 2022 National Judges to be selected from shows held in 2018, 2019 and 2020. Donna seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Sherri Jolliff motioned to accept the 4-year-old halter futurity classic/foundation classes. Alan Dial seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. The show committee recommended the Congress Class list with the added futurity classes for the 2021 show. Belinda Bagby motioned to accept the Congress class list. Donna Phillips seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Recommendations for price increase for the 2021 Congress Show. Alan Dial motioned to accept price increases for Congress. Donna Phillips seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. The Show Committee recommended the Nationals Class list with a few changes. Tracey Slagle motioned to accept OFFICIAL PAGES OF THE ASPC/AMHR the class list. Jason Prince seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Recommendation for price increase for the 2021 National Show. Joel Rosenstern motion to accept price increase for Nationals. Mike Mounts seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. The Show Committee recommended a vendor bid process for the Nationals Shows that will occur every three years. This is a common business practice. Steve Henderson motioned to increase the Stewards fees to $400.00 for Congress and Nationals. Alan Dial sec- onded. For: Joel Rosenstern, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Abstained: Mike Mounts. Donna Phillips submitted a proposal for equine jumps to exchange with the current jumps at no additional cost to the organization. Steve Henderson motioned to accept the proposal. Tracey Slagle seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Rus- sell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Tracey Slagle motioned to not allow any verbiage on jumps and only allow the ASPC/AMHR trademarked logo on jumps. Steve Henderson seconded. For: Joel Rosenstern, Mike Mounts, John Rimmer, Steve Henderson, Donna Phillips, Jason Prince, Sherri Jolliff, Belinda Bagby, Glen Russell, Phyllis Hopwood, Tracey Slagle, Jim Curry, Eric Tani, Alan Dial. Meeting Adjourned – Moved to Closed Session Minutes – submitted by Jill Gleason The Journal • May thru July 2021 51
AMERICAN SHETLAND PONY CLUB, INC. American Shetland Pony Registry • American Miniature Horse Registry • American Show Pony Registry 81-B East Queenwood Road Morton Illinois 61550 Phone: 309-263-4044 Fax: 309-263-5113 Board of Directors Spring Meeting Saturday, March 13–14, 2021 OFFICIAL PAGES OF THE ASPC/AMHR The 2021 American Shetland Pony Club Board of Directors has unanimously determined that the following clarification shall be enforced in all measurements: All measurements shall be recorded to the full ¼\" only. If a measurement falls between the ¼\" increments the measurement shall be rounded down to the lower ¼\" increment. Examples: 38-1/8\" = 38\"; 37-3/16\" = 37\"; 36-1/8\" = 36\"; 35-5/8\" = 35-1/2\" 34-1/8\" = 34\"; 33-3/16\" = 33\"; 33-7/8\" = 33-3/4\" 31-1/8\" = 31\"; 32-1/6\" = 32\" ; 32-7/8\" = 32-3/4\" 26-1/8\" = 26\"; 27-7/8\" = 27-3/4\" etc. This clarification/determination by the Board of Directors applies to the interpretation of the following rule section and paragraphs: Section IX – Measurements – 1.7 Method of Measurement – A. Modern, Modern Pleasure, American Show Pony, Classic and Foundation … Height and Heel measurements are to be recorded to the nearest ¼”, unless over the required measurement for that division. (pg 127–128) (2021 Rule Book) B. Miniature Horse 1. … Measurements are to be recorded to the nearest ¼”, unless over the required measurement for that division. (pg 128) (2021 Rulebook) This clarification is to be implemented immediately and to remain in effect until changed by rule change or majority vote and written direction of the Board of Directors 52 The Journal • May thru July 2021
2021 Show Schedule (Updated 4.12.2021) APRIL Approved—April 30–May 1 Approved—April 1 SWMHC GLEN ROSE HORSIN’ AROUND SHOW KICK-OFF ARIZONA AMHR SHOW Glen Rose, TX, Laura Mullen (607) 769-6743 Scottsdale, AZ, Laura Mullen (607) 769-6743 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR AMHR MAY Approved—April 3 Approved—May 1 TOUCH OF CLASS AMHR SHOW PCMHC KICKOFF 2021 Scottsdale, AZ, Laura Mullen (607) 769-6743 Norco, CA, Carly Devine (307) 448-7716 [email protected] [email protected] AMHR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—April 10–11 Approved—May 1–2 OMHCI RED RIVER SHOOT-OUT ISEOA CIRCUIT #2 Purcell, OK, Ruby Priore (918) 576-1452 New Castle, IN, Merry Wicke (815) 573-8007 [email protected] [email protected] AMHR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—April 10–11 Approved—May 1–2 MUSIC CITY CLASSIC RIO GRANDE CLASSIC Shelbyville, TN, Lisa Leonard (270) 929-6292 Santa Fe, NM, Jesse Bynum (405) 328-9639 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, AMHR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—April 16–18 Approved—May 8–9 NATIONAL AREA VII SHOW AREA VI SP&MHBA CLUB SHOW #1 Rancho Murieta, CA, Rinda Pullen (425) 231-7464 Salina, KS, Heather Franklin (785) 539-0423 [email protected] [email protected] OFFICIAL PAGES OF THE ASPC/AMHR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—April 16–18 Approved—May 14–15 EAST COAST SPRING FLING WESTERN IDAHO SUMMER KICK-OFF Williamston, NC, Laura Mullen (607) 769-6743 Nampa, ID, Lewella Tembreull, (320)468-6633 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Classic, Modern, AMHR Approved—April 16–18 Approved—May 15 DAFFODIL DANDY SHOW TSMHC RANDOLPH SPRING CLASSIC Glen Rose, TX, Tracey Slagle (308) 624-0212 Atwater, OH, Duane Stutzman (740) 610-4129 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR AMHR Approved—April 17–18 Approved—May 15–16 ISEOA CIRCUIT #1 SAAMHC FAMILY FIESTA New Castle, IN, Merry Wicke (815) 573-8007 Belton, TX, Sherri Jolliff (417) 274-7518 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—April 24–25 Approved—May 15–16 ORANGE BLOSSOM EXPRESS MHPBO #1 LEONARD DAVENPORT TRIBUTE Ocala, FL, Laura Mullen (607) 769-6743 Ada, Ok, Jesse Bynum (405) 328-9639 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—April 24–25 Approved—May 21–22 MHPBO PRIDE OF OKLAHOMA OLD DOMINION SPRING THAW Ada, Ok, Jesse Bynum (405) 328-9639 Dillsburg, PA, Laura Mullen (607) 769-6743 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Classic, AMHR The Journal • May thru July 2021 53
2021 Show Schedule Approved—May 21–23 Approved—June 5th NATIONAL AREA VI SHOW A MAGICAL MINI HORSE SHOW Cedar Rapids, IA, Dixi Cohea (636)290-6258 Destelbergen, Belgium, Tom Van Loy [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Classic, AMHR Approved—May 22 Pending—June 5th OMHCI MINI STAMPEDE THE JUBILEE Purcell, OK, Ruby Priore (918) 576-1452 Grassie, ON, Laura Shaver (289) 880-3365 [email protected] [email protected] OFFICIAL PAGES OF THE ASPC/AMHR AMHR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—May 22–23 Approved—June 5–6 BLUESTEM MINIATURE HORSE CLUB SHOW #1 NIAGARA COUNTY AMHR & SHETLAND SHOW Lincoln, NE, Lindsey Pinkham-Heiden (402) 326-5497 Lockport, NY, Cheryl Bish (716) 439-4499 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Classic, Modern AMHR Approved—June-5–6 Approved—May 22–23 IMPERIAL MINIATURE HORSE & SHETLAND SHOW PEACH STATE SPRING INTO SUMMER Springfield, OH, Duane Stutzman (740) 610-4129 Tiger, GA, Diane Collin (404) 310-1800 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Classic, AMHR Approved—June 6 Approved—May 28–30 NEMHS SUMMER KICKOFF SHOW NATIONAL AREA II SHOW Millis, MA, Gail Byrnes (510) 682-4630 Centreville, MI, Jesse Bynum (405) 328-9639 [email protected] [email protected] AMHR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—June 11–13 Approved—May 29 NATIONAL AREA III SHOW PCMHC SPRING FLING Ocala, FL, Laura Mullen (607) 769-6743 Norco, CA, Carly Devine (307) 448-7716 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—June 11–13 Approved—May 29–30 NATIONAL AREA V SHOW BLUEGRASS CLASSIC Glen Rose, TX, Tracey Slagle (308) 624-0212 Liberty, KY, Lisa Leonard (270) 929-6292 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—June 11–13 Approved—May 29–30 BUCKEYE CLASSIC AREA ONE BENEFIT SHOW Ashland, OH, Sherri Jolliff (417) 274-7518 Harrington, DE, Vincent O’Bryan (302) 670-8679 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—June 12–13 JUNE AREA VI SP&MHBA CLUB SHOW #2 Approved—June 4 Salina, KS, Heather Franklin (785) 539-0423 SUMMER FUN R SHOW [email protected] Elk Grove, CA, Rinda Pullen (425) 231-7464 Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR [email protected] AMHR Approved—June 12–13 ALL AMERICAN MINIATURE HORSE SHOW Approved—June 4–6 Cedar Rapids, IA, Dixi Cohea (636) 290-6258 18TH ANNUAL SRMHC SHOW [email protected] Blackfoot, ID, Tracey Slagle (308) 624-0212 AMHR [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—June 18–19 CHAMBERSBURG SADDLE CLUB TRIPLE SHOW Dillsburg, PA, Laura Mullen (607) 769-6743 [email protected] Classic, AMHR 54 The Journal • May thru July 2021
2021 Show Schedule Approved—June 18–20 Approved—June 26–27 NATIONAL AREA IV SHOW NORTH IDAHO ITTY BITTY HORSE SHOW Gifford, IL, Merry Wicke (815) 573-8007 Coer d’Alene ID, Karen Torosian (509)939-4564 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Classic, Modern, AMHR Approved—June 18–20 Approved—June 26–27 NATIONAL AREA VIII SHOW DARKE CO. ANNIE OAKLEY SHOW Spanaway, WA, Rinda Pullen (425) 231-7464 Greenville, OH, Sherri Jolliff (417) 274-7518 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—June 19 JULY HEARTLAND AMHR CLASSIC Approved—July 2–4 Hutchinson, KS, Tori Shauger (505) 573-6869 MINNESOTA SUMMER SIZZLER [email protected] Winona, MN, Tracey Slagle (308) 624-0212 AMHR [email protected] Pending—June 19 Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR BRITISH OPEN AMHR/ASPC SHOW Approved—July 3–4 Willoughby, UK, Caren Schoorl, +31651485666 AREA VI SP&MHBA CLUB SHOW #3 [email protected] McCook, NE, Heather Franklin (785) 539-0423 Classic, AMHR [email protected] Pending—June 19–20 Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR MHPBO #2 Approved—July 3–4 Ada, Ok, Jesse Bynum (405) 328-9639 BLUE WATER MINIATURE HORSE JUBILEE SHOW [email protected] Corunna, MI, Duane Stutzman (740) 610-4129 Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR [email protected] Classic, M PL, AMHR, ASPR Pending—June 25–26 WCMHC WILD ROSE MHS Approved—July 3–4 OFFICIAL PAGES OF THE ASPC/AMHR Olds, AB, Cindy Hunter (403) 934-2099 AREA II CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW [email protected] Circleville, OH, Sherri Jolliff (417) 274-7518 AMHR [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—June 25–27 PEACH STATE CLASSIC Pending—July 3–4 Perry, GA, Diane Collin (404) 310-1800 DMHC MINIATURE HORSE & PONY SHOW [email protected] Harrington, DE, Vincent O’Bryan (302) 670-8679 Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Pending—June 26 EUSAM DUTCH INTERNATIONAL OPEN Approved—July 9-11 Aalten, NL, Els Dykstra NATIONAL AREA I SHOW [email protected] Horsehead, NY, Sherri Jolliff (417) 274-7518 Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—June 26 PCMHC SUMMER SIZZLE Pending—July 9–11 Riverside, CA EVERGREEN SPECTACULAR [email protected] Spanaway, WA, Rinda Pullen (425) 231-7464 Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—June 26–27 BLUESTEM MINIATURE HORSE CLUB SHOW #2 Pending—July 10 Broken Bow, NE THE EXTRAVAGANZA Lindsey Pinkham-Heiden (402) 326-5497 Grassie, ON, Laura Shaver (289) 880-3365 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—July 10–11 Approved—June 26–27 SOUTH DAKOTA SUMMER SHOW DOWN SEWMEC CHEESEHEAD CLASSIC Brookings, SD, Tracey Slagle (308) 624-0212 Elkhorn, WI, Merry Wicke (815) 573-8007 [email protected] [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR AMHR The Journal • May thru July 2021 55
2021 Show Schedule Approved—July 10–11 Approved—August 6 MILD MINI & HOT PONY CHILE SENSATION BLUESTEM MINIATURE HORSE CLUB SHOW #3 Albuquerque, NM, Marilyn Novat (505) 865-6568 LANCASTER COUNTY SUPER FAIR [email protected] Lincoln, NE, Lindsey Pinkham-Heiden (402) 326-5497 Classic, AMHR [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Approved—July 10–11 ISEOA CIRCUIT #3 Approved—August 7 New Castle, IN, Merry Wicke (815) 573-8007 NEMHS SUMMER SIZZLER [email protected] Millis, MA, Gail Byrnes (510) 682-4630 OFFICIAL PAGES OF THE ASPC/AMHR Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR [email protected] AMHR Pending—July 10–11 MHPBO SUMMER SIZZLER Pending—August 21–22 Ada, Ok, Jesse Bynum (405) 328-9639 EUSAM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW [email protected] Kronenberg, The Netherlands, Els Dijkstra Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR [email protected] Classic, AMHR Approved—July 16–18 MWMHSPO NORTHERN X POSURE Pending—August 21–22 Logan, UT, Dixie Anderson (801) 458-0261 BLUEGRASS ROUND-UP [email protected] Bowling Green, KY, Lisa Leonard (270) 929-6292 Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Pending—July 23–24 WCMHC FINALE MHS Pending—August 22 Olds, AB, Cindy Hunter (403) 934-2099 ILLINOIS STATE FAIR [email protected] Springfield, IL, Tracy Taft (217) 836-7018 AMHR [email protected] AMHR Approved—July 24 ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHARITY CLASSIC Approved—August 23–28 Pueblo, CO, Tori Shauger (505) 573-6869 GREAT DARKE COUNTY FAIR [email protected] Greenville, OH, Linda Archey ((937) 423-3387 AMHR [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Pending—July 24–25 EUROPEAN NATIONALS Approved—August 28 Kronenberg, The Netherlands, Els Dijkstra INDIAN SUMMER SHOW [email protected] Destelbergen, Belgium, Tom Van Loy Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR [email protected] Classic, AMHR Approved—July 26–31 ASPC/ASPR SHETLAND CONGRESS SEPTEMBER Lake St. Louis, MO, Jill Gleason (309) 263-4044 Approved—September 9–19, [email protected] AMHR NATIONALS Classic, Modern, ASPR Tulsa, OK, Jill Gleason (309) 263-4044 [email protected] AUGUST AMHR Pending—August 5 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY FAIR OCTOBER Davenport, IA, Brian Wales (309) 269-4824 Approved—October 9–10 [email protected] ISEOA CIRCUIT #4 AMHR New Castle, IN, Merry Wicke (815) 573-8007 [email protected] Approved—August 5–7 Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR MONTANA EXPO PARK ASPC/AMHR SHOW Great Falls, MT, Clifton Hanson (406)590-2940 Pending—October 29–31 [email protected] HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR SHOW Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR Glen Rose, TX, Tracey Slagle (308) 624-0212 [email protected] Classic, Modern, AMHR, ASPR 56 The Journal • May thru July 2021
Judges Roster AREA I SKYE WEBER JENNY PIERUCKI RONALD BARTHOLOMEW 1755 Gayles Rd, Urbanna, VA 23175 62280 N Burr Rd, Burr Oak, MI 49030 12938 Ira Station Rd, Martville, NY 13111 (804) 758-8034, M-r, C-r, MH-r (269) 625-1222, M-r, C-R, MH-R (315) 209-9186, MH-R, C-R, M-R AREA II RAY RANDALL SANDY CROOTE CATHERINE BRUBAKER 2500 Saint Clair Hwy. 7551 St Hwy 30, Esperance, NY 12066 22386 US Hwy 20A East China, MI 48054 (518) 376-4385, M-R, C-R, MH-R Archbold, OH 43502 (810) 329-2598, M-R, C-R, MH-R WILLIAM EPERTHENER (419) 446-1060, M-R, C-R, MH-R CHARLES SCHROEDER 208 Latimore Creek Rd. ROGER DAULTON 387 Lawrence Road, Delaware, OH 43015 York Springs, PA 17372 1378 Millerstown Rd, Urbana, OH 43078 (740) 815-4474, M-r, C-r, MH-R (717) 528-8936, M-R, C-R, MH-R (937) 653-6046, M-R, C-R, MH-R JANICE SILVIO DANA GARDNER MELISSA DOWNS 549 Capac Rd, Allenton, MI 48002 7002 Culpepper Ct. 3343 Eckmansville Rd. (586) 337-1501, M-R, C-R, MH-R King George, VA 22485 Winchester, OH 45697 DUANE STUTZMAN (540) 846-5097, M-r, C-r, MH-R (937) 798-1209, C-r, MH-r 27611 TR 242, Fresno, OH 43824 JENNY GROEN GARY J. EDDS (740) 610-4129, M-r, C-r, MH-R 4810 Morrison Rd, Branchport, NY 14418 17125 Willis Dr, Noblesville, IN 46062 JAMES VERNON (607) 382-9489, C-r, MH-R (812) 890-2023, M-R, C-R, MH-R 8307 Amelia Court DEANE LEE GUTMAN JOYCE FASSETT Charlestown, IN 47111 1404 Jacob Tome Mem Hwy. 11393 St Rte 534, Beloit, OH 44609 (502) 299-2250, M-R, C-R, MH-R Port Deposit, MD 21904 (330) 584-9682, M-R, C-R, MH-R WAYNE WHITEHEAD (443) 350-0664, M-R, C-R, MH-R 1227 Keefer Rd, Mansfield, OH 44903 JUDY GASPARDY DEBRA HOPKINS 196 Churchill Rd S, Apt 210 (419) 566-4167, M-r, C-R, MH-R 1089 Pond Neck Rd, Earleville, MD 21919 Acton, Ontario, CN L7J 2J7 JOHN WILLS (443) 206-4577, C-r, MH-r (905) 875-9534, M-r, C-r, MH-R 30004 W Bothwell Rd. RAY KENYON MELINDA GUY Bothwell, Ontario, CN N0P 1C0 OFFICIAL PAGES OF THE ASPC/AMHR 313 Barker Rd, Jordan, NY 13080 3347 B Drive S., East Leroy, MI 49051 (519) 695-2009, MH-r (607) 316-5732, C-r, MH-r (269) 579-6801, M-R, C-R, MH-R AREA III COREY LUCHETTA LINDY HALLMAN JAMIE ALDRICH 1192 Champlin Rd, Jefferson, NY 12093 RR 5, Mount Forest, Ontario, CN N0G 2L0 7277 CR 702, Center Hill, FL 33514 (607) 776-7307, MH-r (519) 323-2577, C-r, MH-R (618) 444-7722, M-r, C-r, MH-r MICHAEL MCCARTHY MICHELLE JORDAN PAMELA S. ALLEN 10136 Smith Road, Weedsport, NY 13166 2711 Hartville Rd, Rootstown, OH 44272 6040 Coble Church Rd, Liberty, NC 27298 (315) 224-8860, MH-r (330) 554-0866, C-r, MH-r (336) 580-4456, C-R, MH-R, M-r ROGER PARULSKI BURT KEEFER SANDRA CURL 7500 Mount Washington Rd. 850 Notter Rd, PO Box 831 5785 36th Pl, Vero Beach, FL 32966 Bath, NY 14810 Pigeon, MI 48755 (772) 569-1263, C-R, MH-R (607) 776-7307, M-R, C-R, MH-R (989) 551-3078, M-R, C-R, MH-R KAREN HOMER-BROWN DAVID PHILLIPS AMBER KILDOW 100 Locust Grove Dr. 1586 State Route 14A 1412 W CR 800 N, Springport, IN 47368 Georgetown, KY 40324 Penn Yan, NY 14527 (765) 686-2255, M-R, C-R, MH-R (317) 502-1326, M-r, C-r, MH-r (315) 536-4166, MH-r MICHAEL MCCABE SIDNEY HUTCHCRAFT DENNIS SIENICKI 6535 Gillen Lane, Miamisburg, OH 45342 4390 NW 4th Circle, Ocala, FL 34475 33 Winters Rd, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 (937) 866-7159, M-R, C-R, MH-R (727) 743-6394, M-R, C-R, MH-R (908) 454-7720, M-r, C-R, MH-R JAMES MCKEITH KAREN A. IVERSEN JENNIFER SULLIVAN 5166 W Barden Rd, Coleman, MI 48618 PO Box 820, Lecanto, FL 34460 319 B Center Street (989) 465-7044, M-R, C-R, MH-R (352) 628-9186, M-R, C-R, MH-R Pembroke, MA 02359 CHERYL LEE MOORE STEVEN LAMPSON (781) 545-8945, M-r, C-r, MH-R 7060 W. 200 N, Columbus, IN 47201 425 SW 10th St. LAWRENCE THURBER (812) 372-2946, C-r, MH-r Pompano Beach, FL 33060 12673 Rte 240, East Concord, NY 14055 MELISSA NOYKOS (978) 204-4800, M-R, C-R, MH-R (716) 592-2136 M-R, C-R, MH-R 2408 S Homer Rd, Midland, MI 48640 ALEX LONGARES LINDA VOEHRINGER (989) 615-3292, MH-r, M-r, C-r PO Box 770244, Ocala, FL 34477 800 Goode St, Ballston Spa, NY 12020 (352) 274-0422, C-r, MH-r (518) 577-3387, C-r, MH-r, M-r The Journal • May thru July 2021 57
Judges Roster DENNIS MASON JAC-LYNN TYLER PATRICK DERRICK 4520 Hopewell Rd, Mayfield, KY 42066 2466 Co Road DD, Woodville, WI 54028 2700 S Prairie Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 (270) 217-2231, M-r, C-r, MH-r (715) 781-1029, M-R, C-R, MH-R (605) 951-6547, M-R, C-R, MH-R VANESSA RAE MULLEN JON R. WOLF ROD HART 713 Westland Dr. 28178 Saxon Rd, Galva, IL 61434 Box 1187, Carman, Manitoba, CN R0G 0J0 Greensboro, NC 27410 (309) 883-0747, C-R, MH-R (204) 745-2706 C-r, MH–r (607) 377-9811, MH-R AREA V MIKE HERRON CHERYL PRITCHARD BELINDA BAGBY 33604 Old Portland Rd, Adel, IA 50003 2730 Bethel Rd NE, Conyers, GA 30012 6630 Central Ave, Hot Springs, AR 71913 (515) 491-8597, M-r, C-r, MH-r OFFICIAL PAGES OF THE ASPC/AMHR (770) 922-7313, M-r, C-r, MH-R (501) 276-2736, M-R, C-R, MH-R GENE HOLLOWAY NANNETTE READ DOMINQUE BELLESS 8009 Morningside Dr. 14824 SW 26 PL, Newberry, FL 32669 3305 Hwy 167, Evening Shade, AR 72532 Frederick, CO 80516 (352) 215-7030, M-r, C-r, MH-r (870) 217-3911, M-R, C-R, MH-R (303) 776-3346, MH-r ELAINE SULSER JOE FRANK BROWN JEAN HOMMEL-KESSLER 2981 Berry Rd, Loganville, GA 30052 421 Small Wood, Gladewater, TX 75647 37330 131st St, Mina, SD 57451 (770) 466-0081, C-r, MH-r (903) 649-2951, C-r, MH-r (605) 881-7488, M-r, C-r, MH-r RICKY WARDLAW PETER GOETTL KELLY LYNCH 5041 Miser Station Rd. 2153 FM 935, Lott, TX 76656 1464 Apple Ave, Larchwood, IA 51241 Friendsville, TN 37737 (830) 221-6860, M-r, C-r, MH-r (605) 212-8915, M-r, C-r, MH-r (865) 405-3750, MH-r MICHAEL GREATHOUSE TERESA PALMER-VISSER AREA IV 421 Small Wood, Gladewater, TX 75647 28344 Buck Horn Way MIKE ADAMS (903) 812-4827, M-r, C-r, MH-r Smithwick, SD 57782 6312 Gaule Rd, Rochester, IL 62563 EARNEST LAMBDIN (701) 659-0173, C-R, MH-R (217) 415-3282, C-R, MH-R 18 Woodcrest, Shawnee, OK 74804 TIM K. PARKINSON CINDY BUTLER (703) 350-5023, M-R, C-R, MH-R 5643 Bitter Creek Rd, Afton, WY 83110 7715 N Illinois St, Caseyville, IL 62232 CLARE H. PURDY (307) 699-7365, M-r, C-r, MH-R (618) 581-2655, M-R, C-R, MH-R 1104 Tallahassee Dr, Denton, TX 76208 KIMBERLY SEIPP LESLIE K. CONNOR (940) 435-4689, C-R, MH-R 55562 E CR 46, Strasburg, CO 80136 1810 S Cleveland Ct, Joplin, MO 64804 JAMES RUTLEDGE (303) 907-2701, M-R, C-R, MH-R (417) 483-2910, M-R, C-R, MH-R 17103 S Lake, Montgomery, TX 77316 LES ZADINA DANA HARBISON (936) 217-5813 C-R, M-R, MH-R 749 Rd E 30, Ogallala, NE 69153 202 Juni Way, Warrenton, MO 63383 MARGO SHALLCROSS (308) 289-6511, M-R, C-R, MH-R (636) 359-1664, M-r, C-r, MH-r 30824 Buck Ln, Bulverde, TX 78163 AREA VII JAMES KNIGHT (830) 980-5072, M-R, C-R, MH-R JIM CURRY 28610 S. Famuliner Rd. BROOKE VALVERDE PO Box 435, Acampo, CA 95220 Garden City, MO 64747 750 FM 1324, Jefferson, TX 75657 (209) 310-5457, M-R, C-R, MH-R (816) 345-9782, M-R, C-R, MH-R (903) 578-4182, M-r, C-r, MH-r DENNIS DEAN DREW MCDANNALD RAY ZOERCHER 23772 Keator Rd, Apple Valley, CA 92307 1328 N. Clay Avenue 5393 Hwy 59 South #40 (949) 525-6884, M-R, C-R, MH-R Springfield, MO 65802 Nacogdoches, TX 75964 KATHLEEN GRIMES (417) 437-3649, M-R, C-R, MH-R (936) 675-1354, M-R, C-R, MH-R 911 Daugherty Road, Norco, CA 92860 GARY NICKERSON (951) 833-3073, C-r, MH-R 27897 Lamms Lane, Sedalia, MO 65301 AREA VI DOUG LASOTA (563) 370-5238, M-R, C-R, MH-R ANDREA BARTH 20915 110th St, Westgate, IA 50681 5021 E. Pershing Ave. GORDON ODEGARD (319) 429-6443, M-r, C-r, MH-r Scottsdale, AZ 85254 913 N Main St, #808 (602) 430-3231 M-r, C-r, MH-r Rockford, IL 61103 SUZANNE E. BORDER GAIL SARICH (815) 962-6825, M-R, C-R, MH-R 18500 Midway Rd, Walton, NE 68461 (402) 450 – 0396, M-r, C-r, MH-R 1109 W Valencia Mesa Dr., Fullerton, CA JASON PRINCE 92833 (714) 871-2156, C-R, MH-R 1850 E. 1780 N. Rd, Watseka, IL 60970 RENEE JG BUSH SAMI SCHEURING (815) 258-4745, M-R, C-R, MH-R 7582 57th Ave, Princeton, MN 55371 (612) 483-2730, M-R, C-R, MH-R 6890 Lakeville Hwy, Petaluma, CA 94954 PATRICK SANDERS (415) 819-7401, M-R, C-R, MH-R PO Box 99, Mazon, IL 60444 (815) 474-9513, M-R, C-R, MH-R 58 The Journal • May thru July 2021
Judges/Stewards Roster KIM STERCHI VIRGINIA VENATOR-GROEN NANNET READ 16242 Tierra Rd, Grass Valley, CA 95949 11608 Gleason Rd, Prattsburgh, NY 14873 14824 SW 26 Place, Newberry, FL 32669 (530) 559-8723, M-r, C-R, MH-R (607) 522-4950, SP-R MH-R (352) 215-7030, SP-r, MH-r AREA VIII LINDA VOEHRINGER ROBERT RIDDLE 800 Goode St, Ballston Spa, NY 12020 CHRIS BICKFORD (518) 577-3387, SP-R, MH-R P.O. B ox 561, Dundee, FL 33838 9660 S. Macksburg Road (269) 979-1846, SP-R, MH-R Canby, OR 97013 AREA II AREA IV (503) 682-2282, C-R, MH-R. M-R PAMELA CHRISTOPHER RANDALL MARTIN CINDI CARLSON 9042 Netherby Rd. 753 E 2000 North Rd, Danvers, IL 61732 26848 SE 411th Street Welland, Ontario, CN L3B 5N7 (309) 963-4687, SP-R, MH-R Enumclaw, WA 98022 (289) 696-0259, SP-R, MH-R BRENDA PRINCE (408) 202-3811, C-R, MH-R ROGER DAULTON 1850 E. 1780 N. Rd, Watseka, IL 60970 ROBERT CRATER, JR 1378 Millerstown Rd., Urbana, OH 43078 (815) 258-4745, SP-R, MH-R 1425 Lincoln Avenue NE (937) 653-6046, SP-R, MH-R JASON PRINCE Renton WA 98056 MELISSA DOWNS 1850 E. 1780 N. Rd, Watseka, IL 60970 (253) 929-9772, M-R, C-R, MH-R 3343 Eckmansville Rd. (815) 258-4745, SP-R, MH-R ALAN DIAL Winchester, OH 45697 121 E Base Line, Shelley, ID 83274 (937) 798-1209, SP-R, MH-R AREA V (208) 569-7856, M-r, C-R, MH-R LONNIE HARDESTY VIVIAN GALLOWAY 16414 Stuebner Airline Dr #911 MARGO HEPNER-HART 6390 Hwy 335 NE Spring, TX 77379 10556 NW 195th Avenue New Salisbury, IN 47161 (281) 543-9623, SP-R, MH-R Hillsboro, OR 97124 (812) 267-4752, SP-R, MH-R (503) 645-0400, M-R, C-R, MH-R DEBI MOREFIELD DENISE KENNEDY 20923 E Hwy 9, Keota, OK 74941 KARLYN KANEWISCHER 2775 Miller Rd, Tawas City, MI 48763 (918) 966-3309, SP-R, MH-R Box 250, Stirling, Alberta, CN T0K 2E0 (989) 362-4829, SP-r, MH-r (403) 327-2788, C-R, MH-R MIKE MOUNTS EARNEST LAMBDIN OFFICIAL PAGES OF THE ASPC/AMHR 18 Woodcrest, Shawnee, OK 74804 CYNDI KANZLER 3116 Kropp Rd, Grove City, OH 43123 (703) 350-5023, SP-R, MH-R 10931 Old Naches Hwy. (614) 706-8707, SP-R, MH-R Naches, WA 98937 JENNY PIERUCKI ALENE RUTLEDGE (509) 949-4622, M-R, C-R, MH-R 62280 N Burr Rd, Burr Oak, MI 49030 17103 S Lake, Montgomery, TX 77316 (936) 588-1982, SP-R, MH-R PATRICIA REITER (269) 625-1222, SP-R, MH-R PO Box 495, Columbus, MT 59019 DANA SAXTON DIANE TEAGUE (406) 321-0866, M-R, C-R, MH-R 1944 E Freeland Rd, Freeland, MI 48623 23552 Powell Drive Montgomery, TX 77356 LAURIE VILLALPANDO (989) 832-3680, SP-R, MH-R (936) 537-7849, SP-r, MH-R 4874 S 6700 W, Hooper, UT 84315 WAYNE WHITEHEAD (801) 589-3357, M-R, C-R, MH-R 1227 Keefer Rd, Mansfield, OH 44903 DONNA TERRY 7216 Russell Drive, Newalla, OK 74857 INTERNATIONAL (419) 566-4167, SP-R, MH-R (405) 590-7844, SP-r, MH-r ALLISON CHAMBERLAIN AREA III BROOKE VALVERDE Garreg Ganol, Whitford, Holywell SIDNEY HUTCHCRAFT 750 FM 1324, Jefferson, TX 75657 Flintshire, United Kingdom, C-r, MH-r 4390 NW 4th Circle, Ocala, FL 34475 (903) 578-4182, SP-R, MH-R AMBER MOELKER (727) 743-6394, SP-R, MH-R Onze Lieve Vrouwestraat 65 STEVEN LAMPSON AREA VI 4735 SW, Zegge, The Netherlands 425 SW 10th St. DEAN DUXBURY M-r, C-r, MH-r Pompano Beach, FL 33060 37331 211th St., Wessington, SD 57381 (978) 204-4800, SP-R, MH-R (605) 458-2582, SP-R, MH-R STEWARDS ROBBY MCCARTHA KIMBERLY SEIPP AREA I 1512 Old Lexington Hwy. 55562 E CR 46, Strasburg, CO 80136 SANDY CROOTE Chapin, SC 29036 (303) 907-2701, SP-R, MH-R 7551 St Hwy 30, Esperance, NY 12066 (803) 331-6378, SP-R, MH-R CLAIR SEVERSON (518) 376-4385, SP-R, MH-R JOHN MULLEN 17420 203rd St E, Hastings, MN 55033 MARK RANDALL 705 Westland Dr., Greensboro, NC 27410 (612) 805-2992, SP-r, MH-R 4456 Ridge Rd, Lockport, NY 14094 (607) 769-6743, SP-R, MH-R (716) 957-8096, SP-R MH-R The Journal • May thru July 2021 59
Stewards Roster AREA VII MARYAN BAKER 9 Lake Como Ct. Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (760) 699-7006, SP-R, MH-R MARY HENSLEY 6551 Sandy Lane, Riverside, CA 92505 (951) 6367-0929, SP-R, MH-R OFFICIAL PAGES OF THE ASPC/AMHR AREA VIII ROBERT CRATER, JR. 1425 Lincoln Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 (253) 929-9772, SP-R, MH-R KARLYN KANEWISCHER Box 250, Stirling, Alberta, CN T0K 2E0 (403) 327-2788, SP-r, MH-R KERI KINGHORN 3390 Bigler Lane, Morgan, UT 84050 (435) 327-1406, M-R, C-R, MH-R GLADE PLAYER 2602 W 1900 N, Farr West, UT 84404 (801) 620-0469, SP-R, MH-R PATRICIA REITER PO Box 495, Columbus, MT 59019 (406) 321-0866, SP-R, MH-R INTERNATIONAL RICARDO DORST Onze Lieve Vrouwestraat 65, 4735 SW Zegge, The Netherlands SP-r, MH-r AMBER MOELKER Onze Lieve Vrouwestraat 65, 4735 SW Zegge, The Netherlands SP-R, MH-R CAREN SCHOORL Dorpsstraat 5g, RM Koekange The Netherlands SP-R, MH-R See complete ASPC/ASPR Congress and AMHR Nationals results from current and previous years at 60 The Journal • May thru July 2021
Recognized Clubs Area IV – Central States Pony Bluestem Miniature Horse Club Indiana Small Equine Owners Association #22969 #92154 Association #114509 Sherri Jolliff - President Russ Maas - President Merry Wicke - Treasurer 12030 St. Rt. JJ 12001 Firth Road 33561 W River Road West Plains, MO 65775 Firth, NE 68358 Wilmington, IL 60481 (417) 274-7518 (402) 525-3035 (815) 573-8007 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Land of Enchantment Miniature Horse Area VI SP & MH Breeders Assn Inc Chambersburg Saddle Club, Inc. Club #101102 #21674 #108255 Fran Johnston - President Howard Franklin - President Carol Glatfelter - Secretary-Treasurer 2586 Hwy 47 911 N Tressin Road 909 Gap Bridge Road Belen, NM 87002 Salina, KS 67401 Moneta, VA 24121 (505) 307-3462 (785) 827-9277 (717) 422-7069 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Midwest Classic Shetland Breeders Assn #22075 Area VII Shetland Pony & Miniature East Coast Miniature Horse Club John Hallberg, DVM - President Horse Association, Inc. #31582 #27519 2538 Recker Road Jacob Elliott - President Katie Pulley - President Hopkinton, IA 52237 P.O. Box 598 2050 Barnes Road (269) 760 – 1948 Galt, CA 95632 Suffolk, VA 23437 [email protected] (916) 479-0962 (757) 334-6016 [email protected] [email protected] Mini Horse & Pony Breeders of Oklahoma #42317 ASPC/AMHR Club of North Texas Empire State Miniature Horse Assn Paul Cotter - Treasurer #20371 #31235 38208 Hazel Dell Road Karen Shaw - President Pamela Hayes - President Shawnee, OK 74804 OFFICIAL PAGES OF THE ASPC/AMHR 10500 CR 606 522 Berg Road (405) 361-8191 Burleson, TX 76028 Ontario, NY 14519 [email protected] (817) 426-0262 (585) 704-2996 [email protected] [email protected] Mountain West Miniature Horse & Evergreen Mini Horse Club #29378 Shetland Pony Owners, Inc. #20962 ASPC/AMHR Club of Western Gwen Rinkel - President Trent Peterson - President Michigan #109521 12001 – 59th Ave E 5496 Bitter Creek Road Dena Worthington – President Puyallup, WA 98373 Afton, WY 83110 22024 Waubascon Road (253) 651-2994 (435)868-7422 Battle Creek, MI 49017 [email protected] [email protected] (269) 579-1011 [email protected] Heartland Miniature Horse Club NE Wisconsin Miniature Horse Club #107752 (NEWMHC) #32079 Blue Water Miniature Horse Club Heather Franklin - President Erica Beilke - President #31488 911 N. Tressin Road N7924 W. Line Road Dana Saxton - President Salina, KS 67402 Wittenberg, WI 54499 1944 E Freeland Road (785) 539-0423 (715) 881-0704 Freeland, MI 48623 heartlandminiaturehorseclub [email protected] (989) 832-3680 [email protected] New England Miniature Horse Society #111437 Idaho Miniature Horse Club # 77912 Shari Morris - President Bluegrass Miniature Horse Club Maria Redinger - President 501 Bird Road #38812 12390 Long Street Loop Mansfield, MA 02048 Donna Phillips - President Middleton, ID 83644 (508) 415-7878 2953 Mackville Road (509) 554-4567 [email protected] Harrodsburg, KY 40330 [email protected] (859) 265-1196 [email protected] The Journal • May thru July 2021 61
Recognized Clubs Old Dominion Miniature Horse Club Peach State Miniature Horse Club CANADIAN #100134 #100992 Miniature Horse Club of Ontario Lynn Gulledge-Fatale - President Lorrie Shipman - President #82885 436 Crazy Horse Lane 405 Tanners Bridge Doug Savage - President Mt Jackson, VA 22842 Monroe, GA 30656 6192 5th Line odmhc@olddominionminiaturehorse- (404) 661-2061 Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0 [email protected] (905) 936-6873 [email protected] stateminis Orange Blossom Miniature Horse OFFICIAL PAGES OF THE ASPC/AMHR Club #101768 Saguaro State Shetland Pony and Edward Moore - President Miniature Horse Club # 31504 17716 Meridian Blvd Mike Labelle - President Hudson, FL 34667 21475 N. Juniper Ridge Rd (727)643-1080 Paulden, AZ 86334 [email protected] (928) 848-8722 [email protected] Pacific Coast Miniature Horse Club Southeast Wisconsin Miniature #21038 Equine Club #31617 Laura McIntyre - President Amy Sumner - President PO Box 293407 W2294 County Road X Phelan, CA 92329 Markesan, WI 53946 (951)323-8649 (920) 948-5216 [email protected] [email protected] ASPC Congress • July 25–31, 2021 Lake St. Louis, Missouri Classic Judges – Roger Daulton – Patrick Derrick – Roger Parulski Modern Judge – Sid Hutchcraft AMHR Nationals • September 9–18, 2021 Tulsa, Oklahoma Youth/Amateur Judges – Cindy Butler – Karen Iversen – Janice Silvio Mustang Judges – Dana Gardner – Gary Nickerson – Patricia Reiter Open Halter Judges – Patrick Derrick – Patrick Sanders – Laurie Villalpando Open Performance Judges – Rob Crater – Gary Edds – Ray Zoercher 62 The Journal • May thru July 2021
2021 ASPC/AMHR RAFFLE Contact the National Office for tickets. We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, and checks (US funds) 1ST PLACE New Lutke Harness New Double K Animal Clippers 2ND PLACE 3RD PLACE $350 Cash 1 ticket—$20.00 3 tickets—$55.00 5 tickets—$80.00 Winners will be drawn at the 2021 Convention! Need not be present to win. Thank you to our wonderful members for the donation raffle items!
(C) Breyer 64 The Journal • May thru July 2021
US EQUESTRIAN NATIONAL YOUTH SPORTSMAN’S AWARD APPLICATION FOR CONSIDERATION The primary goals of the US Equestrian National Youth Sportsman’s Award are to identify potential future leaders in the equine industry and to recognize youth for their achievements. Applicants must be 17 years of age or younger as of December 1 (the start of the current competition year) and active members in good standing with US Equestrian and a US Equestrian Recognized National Affiliate Association. They should demonstrate ongoing commitment to the promotion of equestrian sport, serve as positive role models for their peers, be involved in community activities and exhibit characteristics that exemplify positive sportsmanship principles. Applicants may participate at any level of competition, including local, regional or national events. The overall US Equestrian National Youth Sportsman’s Award winner will receive a trophy, and a $1,000 grant to be paid to an educational program. The overall Reserve Winner will receive a $500 educational grant SEND THE COMPLETED APPLICATION ALONG WITH THE REST OF YOUR SUBMISSIONS TO YOUR USEF RECOGNIZED NATIONAL AFFILIATE ASSOCIATION * Individuals will not be considered unless all of the following paperwork and requirements are completed and submitted to USEF through the Affiliate. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: US Equestrian Membership #: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Email: Birth Date: Name of US Equestrian Recognized National Affiliate Association: Membership #: The information contained in this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I have composed my own essays. I understand and agree that applications which are incomplete will not be considered. Signature of Applicant Date SCHOLASTIC INFORMATION Submit an official school transcript (certified by the school) detailing the past year of school. Please include an explanation of academic scoring if other than A, B, Submit an official school transcript (certified by the school) detailing the past year of school. Please include an explanation of academic scoring if other than A, B, C or 100% system. Class rank out of GPA on a point scale UNITED STATES EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION : 4001 WING COMMANDER WAY : LEXINGTON, KY 40511 : 859.258.2472 : FAX 859.231.6662 : USEF.ORG © United States Equestrian Federation ® All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited
Breeder/Owner Directory DVM Farms Dr. Nicole & Richard Pearsall West Middlesex, PA 412-527-0358 Flying X Farm Hyde Away Ranch, Inc. Ken Byce – Winder, GA Polly & Paul Hyde 706-658-6058 208-674-2415 [email protected] [email protected] Modern & Classic Show Ponies Home of DunHaven Unique ASPC/AMHR & Triple Registered The Godfather & Moose Meadow E-Te Quality Roans & Dilutes Founded on Xcellence For Halter & Driving 66 The Journal • May thru July 2021
Breeder/Owner Directory Wilkinson Pony Farm Silver Thread Stables Moderns, Classics, ASPR Eric & Lisa Rains 1599 4th Road, Chapman, NE 68827 Ponca City, OK (832) 693-1765 (C) 308-986-2527 - Lorri Where Champions Are Bred! ASPC/AMHR Halter & Performance Champions Magnificent Journey Miniatures & Shetlands Shawna Holt – Victor, MT [email protected] Home of AMHR & ASPC Champions The Journal • May thru July 2021 67
Breeder/Owner Directory Breeder/Owner Directory Advertising Website & Journal Member’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Farm Name (if applicable) ____________________________________________________________________________ Member Number: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Desired Breeder/Owner Ad - (Limited to 25 characters per line): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please include payment information and a statement will be mailed after being processed. Annual Fee $125.00 (Four Lines Included) Additional Lines $5.00 Each Add Photo or Logo $20.00 Total Due __________________ Payment may be made by check, money order or PayPal and credit card payments by Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted. Credit Card Number: _______/_______/_______/_______ Expiration: _______________ CSC: ____________ PayPal email address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Send form and photo and any additional info to [email protected] Fax Number: (309) 263-5113 Home Office: (309) 263-4044 Listing will also be included on official website – 68 The Journal • May thru July 2021
Trainer Directory Your Logo Here Danielle Hill Training Center Your Business Name Danielle Hill - Dover, DE 4 lines 302-363-1484 [email protected] Your Logo Here Your Logo Here Your Business Name Your Business Name 4 lines 4 lines Your Logo Here Your Logo Here Your Business Name Your Business Name 4 lines 4 lines 70 The Journal • May thru July 2021
Trainer Directory Advertising Website & Journal Member’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Farm Name (if applicable) ____________________________________________________________________________ Member Number: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Desired Trainer Ad - (Limited to 25 characters per line) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please include payment information and a statement will be mailed after being processed. Annual Fee $125.00 (4 Lines Included) Additional Lines $5.00 Each Add Photo or Logo $20.00 Total Due __________________ Payment may be made by check, money order or PayPal and credit card payments by Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted. Credit Card Number: _______/_______/_______/_______ Expiration: _______________ CSC: ____________ PayPal email address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Send form and photo and any additional info to [email protected] Fax Number: (309) 263-5113 Home Office: (309) 263-4044 Listing will also be available on the official website –
American Shetland Pony Club, Inc. American Shetland Pony Registry| American Miniature Horse Registry | American Show Pony Registry 81-B East Queenwood Road Morton Illinois 61550 p:309-263-4044 f:309-263-5113 2021 MEMBERSHIP Dues - Effective January 1st through December 31st, 2021 1st Member - U.S. Regular Membership Fee (Regular Journal Mailing) @ $ 65 $ 0 Regular Membership Fee (1st Class Journal Mailing) @ $ 80 $ 0 Journal Subscriber Only - no membership @ $ 30 $ 0 1st Member - Non U.S. Canada, Mexico, Other Continents (Regular Mailing) @ $ 80 $ 0 Canada & Mexico Membership (1st Class Mailing) @ $ 92 $ 0 No 1st Class International mailing available In addition to 1st Membership. 2nd Membership in Household: Does not include Journal subscription @ $ 20 $ 0 Youth Membership - Free - Once issued, this card is valid $ 0 $ through year youth turns 18 yrs. old. See Official Rulebook for requirements @ 0 Amateur Card- in addition to membership. Must adhere to @ $ 10 $ 0 amateur status requirements per current Official Rulebook @ $ 25 $ 0 Judge License Fee- in addition to membership @ $ 25 $ 0 Steward License Fee- in addition to membership @ Judge & Steward License Fee - in addition to membership $ 35 $ 0 LATE FEE: - Judge, Steward, Judge/Steward after 1/1 of current yr. @ $ 105 $ 0 Show Manager License Fee - in addition to membership @ $ 25 $ 0 @ $ 0 STUD BOOK - Annual Fee 50 1st Member: Total Amount Due $ 0 Member #: Name: 2nd Members: Member #: Name: Member #: Name: Credit Card Information - Please provide the following for credit card payments Name on Card: Phone #: Address: City: State: Zip: Credit Card #: 3 Digit Security Code: Expires: Please return this form with your check or credit card information to: ASPC/AMHR Fax to: 309-263-5113 81-B East Queenwood Rd Morton, IL 61550 Email to: [email protected] Revised 11.19.20
Ad Index All American Miniature Horse Club . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 AMP Miniatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 New West Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Annual Convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C3 Ozark Mountain/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Buckeye Equestrian Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Pinto World Championship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Central States Pony Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Premier Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Cross Country Love is Your Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . C4 SmallestHorse Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Daniel Schrock Auctioneer/ Stilly Syndicate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Buckeye Mini Horse & Donkey Auction . . . . . . . . .22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Erica’s Trotters Ikonic HoF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Wilkinson Pony Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Hallmark Miniatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C2 Woodland Acres Gold Black Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C1 Herron’s Tack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Hyde Away Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 JMS Miniature Horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Journal Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72–73 Lolli Bros. Livestock Market, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
NOVEMBER 4-6 St. Charles, MO CONVENTION REGISTRATION - Due Prior to October 4th, 2021 Mail, Fax or email registration to: ASPC - 81-B E. Queenwood Rd., Morton, Il 61550 Fax: 309-263-5113 Email: [email protected] Member#: _____________________ Name: _________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ City:____________________________ State: ________Zip: ____________Phone: __________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Delegates: Name: _________________________________________________________ Member# ______________________ Name: _________________________________________________________ Member# ______________________ *Registration Required (Note: Hotel Room Block expires Oct 1st) # Attending Total REGISTRATION - PRIOR TO OCTOBER 4, 2021 Grand Package - includes: • Registration • Meetings/Workshops • Friday Reception • Friday Dinner & Trainer Auction • Saturday Awards Breakfast ........................................................................... ............$90 x __________ = $_________ or choose separately: Registration (includes meetings) .............................................................$35 x ________ = $_________ Friday Dinner & Auction (includes registration) ............................................ $75 x ________ = $_________ Saturday Awards Breakfast (includes registration) ........................................ $55 x ________ = $_________ TOTAL DUE: $ ________ PAYMENT: Credit Card Information (check one): VISA M/C DISC Am Express NUMBER_______________________________________________EXP:________________CVV________ If paying by check: mail check or money order to ASPC/AMHR Convention Registration 81-B E Queenwood Rd., Morton, IL 61550 or fax/email this form to the national office – Fax to: 309-263-5113 Email: [email protected] *ALL ANNUAL MEETING ATTENDEES MUST SIGN IN.
Annual Convention November 4–6, 2021 This year’s Annual Convention will be held in historical St. Charles, Missouri. Save the dates and give yourself some extra time to explore the beautiful area. We look forward to seeing you there!