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Home Explore Career Advice for Hotel Management Students

Career Advice for Hotel Management Students

Published by Pokhara School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2017-06-09 03:29:02

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Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training Pokhara School of Tourism and Hospitality Management(To Be a Professional, Learn Technical and Vocational)Career Advice For Hospitality Management Students

Prepared ByRajiv Kumar Thakur Head of the Department (HOD) CTEVT/PSTHM [email protected] i

Table of ContentsIntroduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1Define of career ............................................................................................................................................ 11. Preparation before Hotel & Restaurant Job Interview ......................................................................... 22. How to Write Resume to Get Job in Hotel & Restaurant ..................................................................... 73. Hospitality Management: How a Degree Can Open Doors ................................................................ 124. Learn How to Get Jobs at Hotel & Restaurant through Internet........................................................ 175. How to Earn Job Promotion in Hotel & Restaurant ............................................................................ 216. Maintaining Professional Relationship in Hospitality Industry........................................................... 247. How Hospitality Students Get Jobs in Hotel Industry ......................................................................... 278. Job Sectors for Hospitality Students & Hoteliers................................................................................ 319. Career in Hotel Industry...................................................................................................................... 3610. How to Get Jobs in Hotel & Restaurant (Part-1)................................................................................... 4011. How to Get Jobs in Hotel & Restaurant (Part-2)................................................................................... 4312. Working in Hotel: Career Advice for Hospitality Students.................................................................... 4613. Women in the Hotel Industry ............................................................................................................... 4814. Hotel Restaurant Job Hunting Tips ....................................................................................................... 5015. Twenty Exclusive Tips for Successful Hotel Job Interview .................................................................... 5216. Career possibilities in tourism industry. ............................................................................................... 5417. Career path in tourism .......................................................................................................................... 5918. Importance of internship ...................................................................................................................... 6119. Attributes of tourism staff .................................................................................................................... 6320. Tips for Success in Hospitality Management ........................................................................................ 65 ii

IntroductionEvery student eventually must leave the college or university campus and seek a career-orientedjob. This is a difficult decision-making time, often filled with doubt as to what goals or ambitionsshould be pursued. Coming face-to-face with the problem of getting a first major career-orientedjob is a challenging task. You are marketing a product yourself and you will have to do a good jobof communicating to convince a prospective employer that you have the abilities needed and thatyou will be an asset to the organization. Definition of careerThe progress and actions taken by a person throughout a lifetime, especially those related to thatperson's occupations. A career is often composed of the jobs held, titles earned and workaccomplished over a long period of time, rather than just referring to one position.While employees in some cultures and economies stay with one job during their career, there is anincreasing trend to employees changing jobs more frequently. For example, an individual's careercould involve being a Manager, though the individual could work for several different firms andin several different areas of organization over a lifetime. 1

1. Preparation before Hotel & Restaurant Job InterviewHospitality industry is more or less high paying sector. Young adultswant to build up career in hotel or restaurant industry so that they canget good salary and secure his future. There are many job sectors for ahotel or restaurant or motel management student can start his or hercareer. Previously we have shared 20 amazing tips to handle hotel jobinterview. In our today’s ultimate guide we have covered everything thatyou should strictly follow while taking preparation before facing jobinterview at any hotel, restaurant, motel, cruise ship and so on.What to Do Before Attending Hotel or Restaurant Job InterviewBefore attending the job interview in any hotel or restaurant or any hospitalityestablishment, you have to take some preparations. This is very important. Properpreparation before interview sometimes determines the ultimate success. Here are sometop secret tips you should follow:Research Your EmployerResearching potential employer will give you some advantages in the main interviewsession. In the previous chapter, I discussed about this issue. If you research youremployer then you will get some advantages like:1. You will feel more confident2. You can share your thoughts during the interview3. Interviewer will be more favorable than your other colleagues4. You can easily answer some tough question like “what is your expected salary” as your previous research can help you to determine the range.5. You can match your skills, ability and knowledge with the employer.Previously I discussed how important it is to know the employer. So, I believe you haveset your mind to do that from now on. Here are some quick tips on how you can researchyour employer properly: Undoubtedly, internet is the biggest source of information. Nowadays almost all the hotel, restaurant, resort, cruise line or other organizations have their own business websites. That should be your prime source of information about the employer. 2

 If you are applying through any recruitment firm or agency or from job fair then try to manage brochure or newsletter of that employer. Your school, college or university job placement office may give you some resources. Your teacher may also help you. Use social networking sites. If you can search properly then there is a high chance you may find someone who may work over there or at least know about the organization. If the employer is very small or so new and you can’t get any information then go to the office directly and talk to them. You should go there as a prospective business client not as interviewee. If you don’t hide your objective then they may reluctant to give you information.Doing Some RehearsalWe all know “Practice makes a man perfect”. Even world’snumber 1 player or actor or singer keeps practicing all the time.So, before attending final interview try to find one of yourfriend or family member and request him or her to take a mockinterview. There are some obvious questions you may beasked. Later in this chapter, you will see a list of most commonquestions I have prepared for you. Request your friend to askyou question from that list. Also in your free time youshould rehearsal your answer in front of mirror and inloud voice so that you can hear at least. This will give youan idea how do you look at while answering. If you findthat your gesture or posture is not correct or you looknervous then try to overcome those problems bypracticing regularly.Proper DressingRemember whatever you wear, it represents yourpersonality. You need to look professional. It is better tobe overdressed than under dressed. To avoid last minuteclothing disasters, you should select your dress day beforeyour interview. The cloths should be free of stains and winkles and ironed properly. Your 3

shoe should be well polished, cleaned and looked shined. Also pay attention on yourpersonal hygiene. Your hair should be well cut, style should be decent. Fingernails shouldbe clean and cut. Ideal Business Dress for Ideal Business Dress for WomanMan  Suit (Black or Gray) or Shirt with coat. Suit (Black or Gray is good)  Stockings Conservative tie (Match with suit &  Dress Shoes  Light Jewelry Shirt) Full Sleeve Shirt (preferable dark color) Matching Belt (Not fancy looking) Dark Socks (Black is preferable) Dress Shoes (Black or any color match with your dress)Take Your BelongingsYou should go to the interview venue with a very tiny briefcase or bag or small file whereyou can keep some copies of your resume, original certificates (if needed), list ofreferences, letters of recommendations, your business card (if you have), a working penetc. Also you can take your research materials for giving a final revision before meetingthe interviewer. You may also take a comb and may be some make up materials.Prepare Your List of QuestionsInterview is not an one sided game. You will also get chance to ask questions to theinterviewer. Some interviewer may invite you to ask anything whereas some may want todo so. During the interview, at some points, usually at the very last stage, you may feelthat this is the time to ask question. Don’t be hesitated; don’t feel that if you ask anythingit will disturb your interviewer. The true fact is that if you ask any relevant question thatwill show your eagerness to the job and at the same time interviewer will feel that youhave done previous research on their organization which must bring positive feelingsabout you. Here is a list of questions you may ask during the interview:1. Would you please tell me, what will be my first assignment if I am selected?2. What would be my major responsibilities?3. What specific skills and abilities are you looking particularly for this post?4. Is there any training opportunity available?5. Can I know something about the working environment of this organization? 4

6. If I could show my skills and talent then is there any opportunity to get promotions?7. What is your goal & Objectives?8. What are the biggest challenges for this job?9. What things you like most to work here?10. After the interview, how can I know the result? etc.Get ReadyIn the morning of the interview date, read newspaper and watch news in television. Someinterviewer may want to discuss you about that day’s happenings. If you have knowledgeyou can really participate on that discussion which will be your plus point and help to getpositive impression. Now before approaching to go to the interview venue recheckeverything. Remember last minute check is very important. Normally job seekers becomevery much tensed at this moment. Many interviewees forget to take their necessarybelongings and later put themselves in trouble. So, don’t neglect last minute check. Takesome time and try to be sure that you have taken everything. Then try to start your journeyas early as possible. Never take any risk. If the interview venue is just a walking distancesfrom your resident even in that case, you should try to reach there early. On the otherhand, if you have never gone to that place or the place is not familiar or nearer to you thentake lots of time in your hand to reach there. Remember IT IS BETTER TO REACH ATTHE INTERVIEW VENUE LOT EARLIER THAN EVEN A SINGLE MINUTE LATER. Ifyou don’t know the place, then call the organization and ask them to suggest you aboutthe most convenient way to reach there from your residence. They can really suggest youbetter.After Reaching the VenueAfter reaching the interview place, first introduce yourself to the receptionist and try toknow what will happen next. You may be asked to fill up a form or sign beside your name.Whatever requested, do it. Next try to know the names and designation of the interviewer.This is very important because after the interview you have to send a Thank You letter notto that person (We will discuss about it later). If you have enough time then go to the restroom (toilet) and check your grooming, your hair style, your dress, your tie-everything.Just make sure that you are looking decent and professional. 5

Last Minute PracticesMost of the candidates becomenervous or super anxious justbefore the interview. If youhave same tendency then don’tfeel guilty for that, this is verymuch obvious. Try to berelaxed as much as possible.Interviewer is not an alien. Heor she is just a human beinglike you. If you found othercandidates waiting like you,then make a chat with them. This may help you to get rid of anxiety. Also rememberingprevious happy moments may take away nervousness. If you have enough time then youmay revise your research materials. But again I will like to suggest, don’t take too muchpressure on your shoulder. Just try to be cheerful, don’t expect too much, and be ready toaccept whatever happens in interview. Just before the final call from the interviewer toenter the room, take a glass of water and some long deep slow breaths. Repeat thisbreathing process for some time. This is a scientific method to reduce your anxiety andbecome relax. If you have strong belief in God then by his name enter the room.One more important point – DON’T FORGET TO SWITCH OFF YOUR MOBILEPHONE OR AT LEAST KEEP IT IN SILENT MODE. The worst thing may happenif someone calls you in between your interview session. Take good care of your mobilephone. If possible make sure that you have switched it off or kept in silent mode beforegoing to interview venue. It happens to many candidates that because of supremepressure before interview they forget to turn off mobile phone and then the disasterhappens. So be very very careful.OK, now I am very sure you will defiantly have some VERY GOOD time there. 6

2. How to Write Resume to Get Job in Hotel & RestaurantFor many reasons having a career in Hotel & Restaurant Industry is a good choice. Theindustry is vast and there are tons of lucrative high paid job openings available worldwide.That’s why hospitality students and even people from other sector want to getsuggestions on how to earn a decent job in hospitality industry. To share all the secrets indetails to successfully get job in this industry few years back we successfullypublished Hotel, Restaurant, Cruise Ship Job Training Guide that helps many people toland on their dream job by getting highly professional tips from us. (Even if you have jobyou should collect the book to rank higher in your job.) Today for our readers we want toshare few pages from that guide. We will discuss some secret tips to write a trulyprofessional resume, best suited for hotel & Restaurant Industry. There is no reason thatyou don’t know how important it is to have a nicely written resume so we hope ourtoday’s hotel management tutorial will help you to get your dream job.25 Killer Resume Writing Techniques that will help you to Get Job in Hotel andRestaurantIn order to make a neat, clean,polished, well organized, standardand professional looking resume youshould know some tips. You mayhave years of experience, bundle ofdegrees and certificates but if yourresume does not appear good thenyou cannot impress your employer. During first selection, most of the employers just givea look at your resume even less than one minute. So, if you want to sell yourself you justhave few seconds to do so. It has been saying that “First impression is the last impression.”So why don’t to take a chance to draw the attention at the very first glance of your resume.Here are some must follow resume writing tips & techniques, through which you caneasily transform your ordinary resume into a professional and standard one. Do not use too colorful paper for your resume. Standard A4 size white color paper is the most popular & standard option for preparing resume. You may also use some sober color papers like ivory, cream or light grey. Do not send photocopied version to your employer unless it looks like original copy. 7

 If you use watermarked paper then print out in the proper side. Proper side means print on where watermark is visible. As like other business documents your resume should have 1 inch margin on each side. Use single line space for bullet points or paragraph and 1.5 lines or double line space for each section. Do not use useless, nonprofessional and fancy fonts like Jokerman that is not easily readable. Use easy to read clean, up-to date, crisp fonts like:A. ArialB. CambriaC. TahomaD. Calibri etc.[Note: Times New Roman is highly acceptable font for any kind of resume but because of it’sfrequent use, my recommendation will be not to use it.] Never use more than 3 fonts in single resume. In fact one font is enough but yes you can use 2 types of fonts – one for headline and other one for description. Don’t make your resume too long or too crowded. 2 page resume is best. However, if you don’t find enough information to cover the 2nd page then use small fonts and prepare a1 page resume. If you prefer 1 page resume then font’s size should be 11 to 12 or if your resume is 2 pages then the font’s size should be 12 to 13 to make the resume standard one. Whatever the size you use for your resume be sure that font of your full name should always 2 to 4 sizes bigger. From other font’s size. For instance, if you have used 12 font size for your body text, 14 for each heading then you should use 16 to 18 font size for your full name, at the top of your resume. To draw the attention, the words or phrases better to be used as boldface but do not underline as it is difficult to read. Remember, you should use boldface (with or without underline) only on your section titles, not in your body text. To write list of information, use bullet points or numbering, use different styles throughout your resume. Using bullets points in your resume is a very effective way to grab the attention and hard to miss. Do not use capital letter for all words or phrase (Except abbreviation). Capitalize the first letter of each word to make your resume better readable. 8

 Do remember your resume is the snapshot or survey of your professional life where you should emphasize on your skills, ability & accomplishments. Never put down your own views regarding race, religion, gender or political unless it is required. Keep your resume updated all the time. Do remember that, what you wrote yesterday is a past. Changes could take place at any time in your life which needed to be updated in your resume. For example: you may get new job, you may change your previous address or you may get another affiliation or award. So, carefully look at the information you have put and be updated all the time. In some countries, it is a common trend to put list of references in the bottom of the resume. However, it is an old approach. Now days most of the resume closes down with the statement “References are available on request” rather than putting down the list of references.[Note: Do read the advertisement or job application guideline properly. Some employers mayclearly mention to include it on your resume.] Don’t rely only on automated grammar or spelling checkers. Because even most updated automated system is unable to find out errors for some words like: there and their its & it’s etc. Your name, address, organization’s name could be noticed as spelling error as they may not be available in the dictionary of the word processing software. So, don’t use auto correct option BLINDLY. Before finalizing the resume, read at least 3 times. Then make a proof read by your close friends or relatives. Often your eyes or brain may ignore many silly mistakes that other person may notice. For using abbreviation you must spell full name and use abbreviated form within a bracket. For instance, American Culinary Foundation (ACF).[Note: If you have any certification (like Dr. for having doctorate degree) that follows your namethen don’t spell it out. For example: Dr. Thomas Hardy, CMC. Here CMC means certified MasterChef. These abbreviations are not expected to be described.] Must give one space between full stop (.) and first letter of the next sentence. Capitalize the Job title, or name of the School, College or University, Organization’s name, City or town’s name, Certification & degrees etc. First letter of each bullet point also should be capitalized. 9

 Put comma between Job Title, Organization’s name, Location etc. For example waiter, ABC Restaurant, Sydney, Australia. Always write accurate information. Show honesty in writing your achievements and skills. If you are not confirmed about anything then don’t write down unless you have the guts to proof all your statements. Your slight mistake can resulted job termination. Situation can turn to be even worse if you are black listed by any major chain who can also share that list with other chains. So, DON’T TRY TO BE DISHONEST. Be careful about the tense and voice you use in your resume. It is better to use objective form where you are the subject of each sentence. But don’t write the word “I” rather stat with a verb. Generally, passive format structure is used for bullet list. Use past form of verb only when the event is past or about achievements. Use present form to describe your present situation like your job, location etc. Try to use hospitality or hotel industry related words more in your resume. You should keep your resume in both .doc or .docx and .pdf format. From .doc format you can easily convert any document into .pdf format which will remain well organized as you want and also easy to send email or make print out. Sometimes .doc document changes if you transfer it into another computer. It is better to save your resume in .rtf (Rich Text Format) format for any kind of editing. If you have to send your resume through email then you should include your passport size scanned photograph at the upper right corner of your resume. So, my recommendation will be to keep 4 versions of your resume as follows:A. Step-1: Prepare a .rtf format (with image attached at the left/right corner) document& then convert the document into pdf format and give it a name that you can remember like “Resume with Photo”. You can edit & convert this rtf format at any time in future.B. Step-2: Prepare a .rtf format (without image) document & then convert the document into pdf format and format and give it a name that you can remember like “Resume without Photo”. You can edit & convert this rtf format at any time in future.C. Now USe .pdf (with image) version of your resume for sending emails. For this version you would not need to send your photo separately as it is attached in your resume already.D. USe .pdf (without image) version of your resume for sending emails where employers want your image (photo) files need to be send separately and also for printing out when you would attach your real photo at the left/right corner. 10

 Before taking an attempt to write on your resume also look at the other resumes and find out the strong and weak points from each. Get the important ideas and note down carefully. Revise as much as you can. Do some proof reading by yourself and others and follow my previous suggestions and advice. Hopefully now you are much confident and prepare to write an attractive and presentable resume. 11

3. Hospitality Management: How a Degree Can Open DoorsA degree in Hospitality Management is one that can provide you with a number ofopportunities to work within several key industries in a number of positions. As you makeyour way through the coarse work, you’ll discover the benefits of being the right personfor these positions to provide others the best possible customer service, no matter theindustry you’re serving. With this type of degree, you’ll find several areas in which tochoose your niche. It’s just a matter of discovering your strengths and weaknesses incertain areas and allowing the right hospitality school to bolster your strengths andtransform your weaknesses. In this article, we’ll discuss the types of degrees you canobtain along with the job opportunities you’ll have available to you upon completion andhave a great career.Hospitality Management Degree LevelsAs with most majors, you can begin with an associate’s degree and eventually work yourway into a doctorate. This can take anywhere from two to roughly ten years, give or take,to complete this type of training program. While some will luck into a position with just ahigh school diploma, the chances of this are becoming quite rare and just a matter of luckand circumstance. Times have changed within the last ten or so years where a degree ofsome kind is mandatory to obtain any type of employment, or so it seems.You can start your associate’s degree program at most community colleges or four-yearuniversities, though most often your budget for higher education can make the decisionfor you. Either way, you’ll want to check into the program itself and how it ranks with theschool. The better the ranking, the more apt you’ll be at finding a job within one industryor another. With hospitality and hotel management falling underneath a businessprogram, you should look into the business schools around you and find the best you canafford through personal savings, student loans, and/or scholarships. 12

With the completion of each degree level, you’ll find more opportunities and options withbetter paying positions. So when you’ve completed your associate’s degree, you shouldconsider investing in your bachelor’s, then maybe your master’s to even a doctorate. Thebeneficial part of this plan is that you don’t have to do each program right next to eachother. You can take breaks in between each program level in order to obtain experiencein your field as well as pay down some of the loans, if any, you’ve obtained to completeyour coarse work. While this make reaching a doctorate level, you’ll find you won’t feelburned out as you secure a position within one industry over another. Another prospectto taking your time getting through the programs is your employer may help in paying foryour education, which can be a real plus when you reach the masters and doctorate levels.Skills and Education You’ll Receive with This DegreeWith this type of hospitality and hotel management degree, you’ll find yourself learning amultitude of general principles rather than specific ones, much like how a liberal artseducation is developed. This is due to the rate of outdated material you’ll encountershould you learn on specific areas alone. Much like technology, this industry is constantlychanging every couple of years as new tourists and people looking for entertainment pourinto the various places where this degree does the most good. In order to keep up withnew fads and trends, most business schools have adopted the general principles in howyou should treat your clients without specific methods since those methods vary fromperson to person and generation to generation.So, with this being the case, you’ll find your coarse work places a great emphasis onprinciples, analytical tools, processes, and systems since these trends are slower to changeover the course of ten years compared to other learning tools. With the emphasis on thesegeneral tools, you’ll find yourself capable of working within management, marketing, andoperations within a multitude of industries that cover services in food, accommodations,and tourism. By learning these tools for these different positions, you’ll know you canhandle your clients with the expertise, commitment, and skills developed through yourtime with your business school.As you develop the tools set forth by your school, you’ll find yourself developing skillswithin yourself that focus on subject exposure (dealing with a variety of people), problem 13

identification, basicconcepts of the industry andhow to cater to others,decision making processes,theories about the industryand its clientele, andmanagement applicationsto help you succeed in yournew position. As you work your way through these different sets of skills, you’ll discovermore about yourself and your personality. This may help you in deciding if this is the rightindustry for you. We all have our own special talents, but those talents may notincorporate well into the industry we think we want. Just because we do well with thepracticed applications as set forth by our business school, it doesn’t equate to success ina professional setting. Despite these words of caution, most students can and do very wellwithin these industries as they adapt their strengths and weaknesses to the needs andwants of the industry’s clientele, bringing the best possible service to the table.Some final notes before we dive into the areas of this industry where opportunities existfor those interested in this field. As we move more and more into the technology age aswell as a global one, it’s highly recommended by schools and businesses alike to masteras much as you can skills for different technologies along with learning at least one foreignlanguage. By having these capabilities, you’ll be able to market yourself by standing outamong the rest.Opportunities in Hospitality ManagementWith any of the levels of education you pursue within this degree program, you can findyourself working in a number of areas, including hotel management, hotel sales,marketing, personnel administration, and franchise opportunities through differentvenues and types of businesses. By obtaining these degrees, you can choose where youwish to work based on the appeal of the business to your personality and sensibilities.Casinos, clubs, lodging, food and beverage, and even tourism, event and conventionservices have management opportunities for those willing to do the work and gain anappreciation for all the tasks involved in managing one of these places.Cruise ships, amusement parks, food services (hospital, school, and government), resorts,airlines, fast food operations, and even travel agencies need people with these types of 14

management degrees in order to serve their customers with the best customer servicepossible. The plus side for someone completing work in these fields is the options youhave from the above choices. There’s truly something for everyone when it comes to thisindustry of hospitality.As you work on securing a position within one of these industries, you’ll find yourself alsolooking for ways to better your skill set even as you work your way to the very top. Mostof these contain plenty of room for advancement especially for those that have the rightskill and mind sets for the industry and the needs of the clients.From helping people decide their next vacation at a travel agency to ensuring their safetyand pleasure aboard one of the airlines you oversee to preparing the best dishes andaccommodations you can, you’re building a lasting relationship with new and establishedclients that will come back to you each and every time. For those working in casinos or oncruise ships, you could find your duties including the gaming areas, where you’ll beresponsible for the fun and entertainment for your guests. You’ll have the power to decideon the shows your hotel or ship offers along with the types of games they can play fromslots to poker to blackjack and more. On top of this, you’ll have the options to change thelayouts of these areas to provide an overall aesthetically pleasing and welcomingenvironment where guests will want to part with their hard-earned money all in the nameof fun.Even if you don’t end up in a casino or on a cruise ship, you’ll find your own fun whereveryou decide to specialize your talents. With the food service industry, you can create funand/or traditional table settings and organize or experiment with the menu choices thata place has to offer. If you’re in the hotel management arena, you’ll have the opportunityto provide the best of the best in terms of service and overall memorable times for yourguests from their rooms to the information they require about the town in which yourhotel or resort is situated. You’ll never find yourself overwhelmed with boredom as thedemands of the industry and of your guests will keep you on your toes with a smile uponyour face.ConclusionWhile there are some that aren’t suited for this industry, the industry is always in need ofthose who care about others, have an outgoing personality, and a willingness to see to theneeds of guests. Whether your degree is in hotel management or one of the specialty areasof marketing or administration, you’ll find yourself loving your work, even in yourbeginning position as you work your way through the ranks. With a focus on customer 15

service and hospitality towards your guests, you’ll discover not only what makes yourguests tick, you’ll also uncover information about yourself based on your strengths andweaknesses in certain areas of your position. By learning this information, you can buildtowards strengthening it or changing it to make it work for you and your business. Gettinga degree in this field of work can help you achieve your ultimate goals of success withothers and traveling the world without even leaving your backyard because of the differentpeople you’ll meet along the way. 16

4. Learn How to Get Jobs at Hotel & Restaurant through Internet“IF YOU ONLY USE INTERNET FOR SEARCHING JOB THEN YOU MAY HAVE ANIGHTMARE”.I am putting stress on the word “Only”. Aslong as you use online as ONLY tool, youwill minimize your chances but if you use itwith other job hunting sources then I mustsay jobs will be knocking at your door sooneror later.Why Searching Jobs Online is So Popular:1. It is the easiest and cost effective job searching process. You can search from the most comfortable zone, your home if you just have computer with internet connection.2. You can find lots of job offers at a glance in a job site.3. You can create your virtual resume on job sites and apply easily in many jobs that match with your requirement and qualification. Even in some cases some job sites will send you automatic alert message to your email address if any relevant job offer has been posted there.4. Almost in all the cases, you don’t have to pay any extra charge to apply for any job. Signing up process in most of the site is free of cost.5. You can seek help from lots of people around the world. They can really help you to manage a job or give you some valuable suggestion. Social networking web sites, forum, blog etc. are some most useful sources for getting help.6. You can enjoy lots of job related free resources such as resume preparation, winning in the interview, knowing salary structure etc.7. Nowadays applying for jobs through email has been very popular. You just have to send your resume to the employer’s email address and if you are fitted for the vacant post you will get a call for interview.8. You can also find lots of classified ads in different web sites, know about recruitment agencies services and help from alumni members. These are all some great advantages of this modern online service. 17

Why It Can Be Dangerous Too:Although the whole online system is so flexible and highly effective so it is something likea dream of each and every job seekers but here are some points you cannot neglect:1. Not only you but also thousands of potential job seekers will apply for each job. So, it is super flexible but highly competitive market as well.2. Many job sites are not up to date. If you visit there you will find lots of backdated job posts still available at the front page. If you are not careful enough then you may lose your valuable time and energy for a wrong job offer which might had been filled long time ago. So, don’t forget to check out the dead line & other details while approaching for any job.3. Using online effectively needs some technical skills. So, if you are not skilled enough, then you may not get hundred percent benefits from online sources.4. Most of the online resources are available in English Language. So, if it is not your mother tongue and you are not very much comfortable with the language then it will also be difficult to manage a job from online.5. Spending more time in online will take much of your time. So you may find little time to use other job hunting resources. Be careful, Time Management is very crucial for every job seeker.6. Most importantly there is a high chance that you may lose your focus. You may start visiting job sites but somehow go to entertainment sites and spend all your time there.So, you should be careful enough to use online resources. Undoubtedly this is the easiestway to search for jobs, but at the same time it can be dangerous for you unless you arecareful about the points I have just mentioned above. So, be careful of these points andtry to overcome each if you have any weaknesses. And must not forget “Internet is thegreat tool for getting jobs but not certainly the ONLY one”. Use it sensibly withother resources.How to Use Online ResourcesTo use online job hunting resources effectively here are some quick suggestions youshould follow: 18

1. You should have a copy of your resume with and without photo in 2 digital formats, one is in .doc and another is in .pdf. If you are asked to send your resume with email then just attached the pdf format. If it is requested to send your photo too then put that photo in your resume at the right side. Send the appropriate version according to the requirement. For example if they just want your cv to be sent through email then send pdf copy of your resume that is with photo (digital copy of your photo is attached in your resume). If they want you to send both resume and photo separately then you should send resume with no photo and again send your photo as separate image file. Keep doc version for editing and after final revision convert it into pdf copy.2. In most of the job sites, you have to create virtual resume to apply for jobs or get notifications. You have to fill up your information in the appropriate boxes. Don’t worry the process is very easy to understand.3. If you apply for any job through email then put the job title as subject and your cover letter should be in the message compose box. Read next page where I will discuss this matter in detail.4. When you would create any virtual resume in any job site then you have to have a username and password. If future when you will apply for any job, you need to remember those to log into your account. So, you may write down the username and password in your notebook. Some people have tendency to use different username and passwords for different sites. Although this is a safe way but there is a high chance you may forget any of that. So, it is better to use same username and password for all job sites.5. Some job sites may demand some charge for giving job related information. You better not use those sites. All the best job sites (except LinkedIn) are free.6. If you apply for any oversees job then don’t forget to write down your country code before your telephone number.7. While creating any virtual resume or application form you may find some fields are marked with this sign (*). It means you have to fill up these fields-this is mandatory. Other fields may be optional. 19

After filling out job forms successfully, some sites may send you an automated trackingnumber to your email address. You will need that code in future for editing or updatingyour information. Keep the code in safe place for further use. Also some sites will sendyou a confirmation email to be confirmed about your email address. There will be aclickable link to activate your account. Click on that otherwise your account may not getactivated. 20

5. How to Earn Job Promotion in Hotel & RestaurantIf you work in an organization for some time in same positionthen you may start feeling that the job is not so muchchallenging and you may expect better position andremuneration. If you want to be promoted either immediatelyor in near future then you should plan well earlier. In thissection, we will share some industry standard suggestions thatwill help you to get promoted in your job.What do you think, what is the best way to get promoted? Fewpeople feel it’s an upper degree in hospitality like MBA or Masters which can help themto earn promotion. Another group of people think that maintaining good relation withhigher authorities or involved in office politics can do the trick. But according to theresults of different researches, neither of these come first to employer’s mind when theydecide to promote their employees. Here are few qualities that most of the employeesconsider while making promotions: Employee’s leadership quality. If you really want promotion then you should show leadership skills in critical situations. Employee with strong professional ethic. As a promotion seeker you should be loyal to your job, employer and organization. Having a mentor or adviser is also important for bosses. Having a higher degree is also considerable but it is not as important as employees think.Now, don’t start thinking that if you have all these qualities then you will get promotioneasily. Actually there is no magic formula that can ensure your promotion. It varies fromcompanies to companies, employees to employees. But yes, obviously there are some waysthat will higher your chances to earn promotion. Let’s learn those secret tips:1. You have to demonstrate your skill in your current job. You as an employee have to show that you have already become master at your existing job and now your company can use your skills and knowledge in upper positions.2. As I have discussed before, your leadership quality will be the prime consideration of getting promotion. You should make a habit of help others voluntarily, make proper decisions in critical situations, demonstrate that you can supervise your junior 21

colleagues and generate some good creative suggestions. All these will show your leadership quality that will eventually help you to get promotion.3. Learn from successful ones. It is always good idea to learn from your immediate supervisors. Ask them what qualities help them to get promoted.4. Know your higher authority. Try to give them a good impression whenever you meet. Observe them first and try to learn what will help to make you remembered to them.5. I am sorry, but I really need to alert you that in almost everywhere dirty office politics often plays a big role in times of promotion. You may not want to play or get involved but sometimes it becomes necessary for your existence in the workplace. Keep your ears open in office gossip. Don’t get too much involved in office politics but do observe your surroundings closely.6. Monitor job vacancies of your company. It will help you to understand what level of skill, knowledge and experience your company desires to have for different positions.7. If you lack particular skill or education for promotion then first try to fulfill the requirement first. It will higher your chances.8. Before demanding or asking for promotion or applying for jobs you should understand how things are done in your company. Through your experience of working in that company you can understand who makes the decision, what helps to get promoted etc. If you need to apply in person then prepare yourself first as if you are applying for first job. Brainstorm and note down ideas. When you will get asked, with confidence describe how you have contributed for the company and what else you can do if you are given higher position. If you need to apply in written then must update your resume with the latest information and all goodies that you have achieved during your career.9. Don’t get discouraged or frustrated if you don’t get promotion this time. Don’t complain or argue for that or show unprofessional attitude to hirer. If you do that it will just hurt your potential chances to get promoted in near future. First take some time to understand the reasons behind not getting promotion. Then try to know who gets the job and figure out the qualities he or she has that you don’t have. If the hirer is approachable then talk to him/her in the way that you want to know what are the areas you should improve. This will be a learning experience as well.10. Last but not least, always try to be loyal to your work. Sometimes you may think that no one is paying attention to you or you may try to hide your mistakes. Who knows the task that you may find lesser important was deliberately given by management to 22

judge you. Don’t perform sloppily. All the time try to give your best. Be assure thatyour effort will be rewarded very soon. 23

6. Maintaining Professional Relationship in Hospitality IndustryHospitality industry is allabout keeping connection.Every now and then you willneed to build up relationshipwith new guests, coworkers,suppliers etc. If you can builda good network it willdefinitely help you in yourprofessional life especiallywhen you will decide to movefor a new job.Here are some tips that will help you to build and maintain good and healthy professionalrelationship at your workplace: Listen Others Views: In your workplace, situation will come when you and your other colleagues may not have the same opinion on a particular topic. You could be 100% convinced that what you are saying is right. But your supervisor has different opinion. In such cases you have to handle the situation tactfully. Your colleagues will only trust you if you have very good, strong track record and problem solving reputation. You may also find that seniors are not open-minded to accept junior ones suggestions. These are all very obvious. Try to understand seriousness of the problem. If it is a major one, you better discuss with other rather being strict on your point of view. Be an Active Listener: You cannot impose everything of your plan in hospitality world. Many times in your career as a hotelier you will find things are not going in the way you have planned earlier. That can result some unhappy guests or even some unhappy colleagues as well. The best practice to deal with such situation is to use active listening technique. If any guest or colleague comes to you with complaint then first request him to come with you in a quite location where you can hear him clearly and focus deeply on his problem. Now this is where your active listening skill will work. Never I repeat never interrupt or even say anything or give any response while 24

he is talking. Generally an angry person becomes more frustrated if anyone interrupts in between and also that person start losing his anger as time progresses. So wait for him to finish first then repeat main points behind his complaint. This is the way to make him understand that you have listened and understood his problem. After that, try to give best possible solution on his problem. If the complainer is not satisfied or if it is beyond your authority or you can’t decide how to deal with it then call your superior and give him a complete summary of the situation. Be Positive: Whatever happens try to be optimistic. Human beings never stay happy. Even employees of the best company have problems or reasons to be unsatisfied. So try not to say anything bad about your company, employer, guest, workplace etc. This will bring negative energy among your colleagues. For example, in your workplace, you may find some guests who raise complaint for everything. Instead of criticizing the guest by saying “See! How stupid that man is” to your manager you can approach in problem solving manner. You can ask your boss “This customer seems not happy with the service we have provided. What else you think we can do to make him happy?” This approach describes the situation and higher the chance to turn an unhappy guest to a happy one. In reality, we all have tendency to become frustrated so easily but there are very few who can actually change the system in positive way, do something productive. In hard time, raise your voice from a problem solving standpoint, if possible, approach your supervisor to help him solving the problem. These will help you to build up your reputation. Keep your Professional & Personal Life Separated: Hospitality industry has a reputation of on the job romance as workers have to work closely as a team with colleagues in different times of a day in different areas. It is always good to maintain good, healthy, solid and friendly professional relationship with colleagues but anything beyond that will hamper your reputation and even if the employer follows very strict policy against such then you may be sacked from the job when discovered. In many workplace employers never hire husband & wife together or at least don’t allow them to work in same department. It is often found that personal relationship obstructs job performance. It weakens one’s performance and destroys his/her relationship with others. Always remember that in workplace you are being hired and paid for your service not for making friendship or finding a love partner. Keep such things separated. 25

 Leave on a Good Note: In hospitality world, there is a common tendency that people move from one job to another very fast. Always leave a job in good condition. Your future employer may check your previous working history and if you leave any job badly then that potential employer may receive negative feedback about you. If you act unprofessionally to your colleague who knows one day that person may become your boss in another or that same workplace. Even if you behave badly with someone and never met him ever, even then that person may describe you poorly to others that may once be heard by your other colleagues in new employment (Don’t think I am thinking too far – this really happens to many ones). So, whatever happens, try to leave your job on a good note and always maintain good positive relationship with your colleagues. You will always be rewarded positively for that. 26

7. How Hospitality Students Get Jobs in Hotel IndustryTo make entrance in the hotel industry profession there are numerous ways. Previously wehave discussed various job sectors for hospitality students from where you can get ideaabout different sections in hospitality industry where you can dream to build your careerin hotel industry. People with professional or vocational education and training that ispertinent to the hotel industry are highly required by the hotels as hotel employees orstaffs. Even someone who does not have these professional or vocational educations andtraining also can seek for job in the hotel industry for the post of management andgraduate trainee schemes at the professional level, and in the apprentice trainee schemeat the vocational level.Generally the following routes are accessible for hospitality students as well as generalgraduates for getting a job in the hotel industry: Junior Level Jobs which are available after finishing a vocational-level course. Junior Level Jobs through trainee programs. Supervisory or Management Level Jobs after doing professional diploma, degree or honors course in hospitality management. Supervisory or Management Level Jobs through Management Training Programs of different hotels & restaurants.Junior Level Hotel & Restaurant JobsThere are several job titles comprise junior skilled job which are as follows: Chambermaids Front office personnel Room attendants Telephone operators Secretaries Doormen Bell boys Junior production staff Junior housekeeping staff 27

Anyone can seek for job in these posts if she/he owns a vocational level craft course oracquired apprenticeship training scheme. Vocational level craft courses: To qualify for junior skilled jobs or making entrance at the level of craft some vocational education of hotel management often required by the hotels. By completing diploma or certificate courses at vocational level you can easily apply for job in the hotel industry. There some specialized vocational training courses are available which usually take six month to one-and-a-half year held by hotel management as well as food craft institutes. Apprenticeship Training Scheme: Besides vocational courses, apprenticeship training also helps a person who wants to get a junior skilled job in the hotel industry. According to hotel laws, all hotels are required to give an opportunity to an apprentice for gathering work experience. If someone wants to work as apprentice in the hotel then he/she could directly apply in various hotels. In some areas there are also local apprentice offices which can be helpful for managing apprenticeship in the reputed hotels. Apprenticeship does not provide assurance that an apprentice will get a job in the same place where he/ she has completed apprenticeship. But apprenticeship makes an apprenticeship skilled and efficient due to work experience. Moreover an apprentice has to go through many examinations before getting into hotel which will be helpful for facing other examination or interview board.Supervisory & Management Level Hotel & Restaurant Jobs Professional Courses in Hotel Management: After completing higher secondary level people chose their next path of study according to their choice of interest. So if anyone wishes to work in the hotel industry then he or she can complete 3 or 4 year professional level course in hotel management. Such course can work as a very effective requirement for a hospitality student to get a job in supervisory level or seek for job for the post of executive. Supervisory level entails number of job positions. Different people have different choice, so if you have any particular choice or interest for any specific job title then you should mention it in your application that you can work in interest area. Basically, before getting into supervisory level every hotelier may have to go for training (9 to 24 months). Supervisory level also gives the opportunity to the hoteliers to promote their position with the help of great effort and hard work. 28

 Management Training Programs: Almost all private and public sector hotel chains take on management trainees for managerial jobs. Though different hotel chains have different requirement and selection modes, For example some hotel chains choose campus interview as their selection mode whereas some other prefer to leave informative brochure and booklet in colleges. However, usually management jobs are preferable to those who are graduates and Post graduates. Some teenagers often go for a management trainee program (time span 12-24 months) after completing their college level which is conducted by the various hotels. In order to get higher level job in the hotels, someone who has completed a professional course also can take participate on management trainee program.Direct Entry in Hotel & RestaurantWithout doing any hotel management course one can seek for job in the hotel industry. Ifyou have strong desire to work in the hotel industry then you can directly apply for craft,supervisory or managerial job after completing your study. But it is very much importantto have knowledge and clear idea about hotel industry that you do not let down your hotelauthority due to non-hotel management background.Generally hotel advertise their job vacancies in websites, national and regionalnewspapers etc. Even some hotels exhibit their vacancies in the notice board of collegesand universities that they could able to get efficient hotel staffs for their hotel by creatingjob responsiveness.If you have completed your study and want to build your career in the hotel industry thenyou can look up in the newspaper advertisements or in the websites. Even If you are astudent and seeking for a job then you should keep your eye on the notice which mighthelp you to get a potential job.To apply for a job in hotel you can forward your C.V. but before the deadline which isnormally 10 to 15 days from the date of job circular or advertisement. Otherwise you candirectly forward your C.V. to front desk personnel who is generally responsible forhandling this procedure.Specialized Posts in Hotel Industry 29

The hotel industries also include some specialized jobs for the post of engineering,accountancy, management and so on. But specialized degrees are required to get thesesorts of jobs. In the hospitality industry there are lots of opportunities to prove one’sefficiency. But working in the hotel industry is very much challenging job which requirehard work. Therefore, If anyone wishes to choose his/her career path as an hotelier thenhard work is must to raise level from craft level to supervisory level and from supervisorylevel to senior management level . 30

8. Job Sectors for Hospitality Students & HoteliersHospitality students oftenhave misconception that acourse in hospitalitymanagement will help themonly to build career in hotelsector. But this is not true;beside these areas thereother potential areas of jobsector are also open for thehospitality students. Thereare so many career optionsfor hotel managementstudents & hoteliers.Hospitality students can build their career or seek for job in the areas as follows: Restaurant or Fast Food Chain Industrial Canteen Motels, Clubs, Guest Houses, Theme Parks, Casinos, Health Spas, Retirement Homes Service Industry The hospitals The railways The Defense Services Airline Teaching Institutes as Instructor or LecturerEven a hospitality student can start his/her career in the financial and commercialestablishments. Though once these establishments were reluctant to hire a hospitalitystudent, but these days this trend has been changed. 31

To gain competitive advantage the financial sectors are becoming more conscious abouttheir clients and service. As the banks and other commercial establishments are workingas a service industry and everyday they have to deal with many clients. In order to providethe best service to their clients, they have started hiring the people who are skilled inhospitality or experienced in hotel industry.The hospitality management course helps the students to be skilled and trained inhospitality or clients dealing.According to a well research survey of international labor organization (ILO), “Out ofevery 100 students in a given year, 10% work for railways, airlines and industrial catering,7% return to HMS as faculty members and 3% work in hospitals and educationalinstitutions.”So, after working in any hotel industry if it does not provide you any job satisfaction, or ifyou undergo the feelings that working at odd hours is not really your cup of tea, then youcan join any of these following related fields which can match your job interest.Jobs in AirlinesThe hospitality students generally have expertise in catering and management along withpoliteness, courtesy and helpfulness which they acquire during their hotel managementcourse. In airline industry these capabilities are considered as the most precious qualityto attract their passengers.Therefore, airlines often advertise for the posts of fight stewards and pursers particularlyfor hotel management graduates. The job of a steward or a purser is to puts down togetherall meals for passenger in the aircraft kitchen and serves food and beverage to thepassengers. The women who has a hotel management degree or who trained in cateringalso can apply for the post of air hostesses.Working at airline could be better option for you rather than working at the hotel industry.Most of the airline industry have very good pay scale which is usually higher than the hotelindustry. Moreover, your job as a steward or an air hostess will give you the opportunityto travel around and enjoy the service in 5-star hotels as a guest, instead of a staff member. 32

Jobs in CateringAfter hotels, catering is such an area which can be best suited to your job criterion. Acourse in hospitality management provides training in production to the hospitalitystudents. And catering is all about doing business with food. So, if you are a hotelmanagement graduate then you can easily choose industrial, institutional or privatecatering as your job sector.The industrial catering means operating or assisting to run a canteen in a factory or office.Such canteens may have expertise in serving meals for hundreds of workers a day. But incase of industrial catering meals should be provided within required time. The activitiesof industrial catering include various tasks, such as preparing foods and administeringthe work of cooks, helpers and other staffs of catering, ensuring cleanliness and hygieneof the place, maintaining and acquiring the proper equipment, hiring and trainingworkers and providing the best possible service within a fixed budget.The functional activities of institutional catering are quite similar to the industrialcatering. For example, to provide quality meals on time and the best value within a fixedbudget, ensure hygiene and cleanliness of production area and so on. The diet should beplanned according to the type of institution and nutritional facets have to be supervisedand assured.But like above, this catering does not prove food to the factory or office workers.Institutional catering provides meals for a school, college, hospital or other non-industrialinstitution.And private catering consists of operating a small restaurants or home catering services.It can provide home catering service in regular basis. Private catering also providesparticular type of food such as cakes, or any regional special food on special occasion orfor parties. Now a day the business of private catering is getting popularity in all over theworld.Jobs in Restaurants and Fast Food Chains 33

In the whole world, there is great demand for graduate hospitality students in restaurantsand fast food chains. Famous and popular restaurants and fast food chains such asKwality’s, Dominos, Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonalds, Shake Shack are involved in providingfood to the guests. To provide the qualitative service these chains choose hospitalitystudents for their own benefit as they are trained in hotel service and production. Thoughthese chains are not hotels but they find the expertise of a hotel management graduateprecious in looking after all aspects of the restaurants.Jobs in Tourism IndustryVarious job sector are open for a hospitality graduate in tourism industry. Tourismindustry of any country involve any tourism related area, such as tourist offices, travelagencies and tour operators, airline/maritime/railway companies, conventionorganizations, Ministry of Tourism, international organizations, etc. so you can seek forjob in any of the above segment of tourism industry.Jobs in Teaching InstitutesThere are many hospitality education providers in the world where you can build up yourcareer. You will find many local institutions who recruit lecturer or instructor for teachingpurpose. Your experience will be best valued there.If anyone wants to choose his/ her career as a teacher or instructor or a lecturer thenspecial post graduate courses are available. There are many institutes which offer postgraduate courses. Some of the well known universities offering post graduate courses are: The PUSA institute Cornell University Les Roches Queen Margaret universityBut all teaching institute do not require post graduate or any special training. Hotelmanagement graduates can give lecture in polytechnics or institutes who provide short-term courses in food production, catering, housekeeping etc. without further training orpost graduation. Post graduates are basically must, if anyone wishes to teach in hotelmanagement institution. In addition, there is also an opportunity to do post graduationcourses from home which is known as online training. 34

Jobs in Motels, Clubs, Guest Houses, Theme Parks, Casinos, Health Spas,Retirement Homes, etc.These above options are also part of service industry. So, you can utilize your serviceknowledge and skills in these job sectors. You can also set up your own venture ratherthan employment. Especially newbie hotel management students who don’t have anyprior experience, can start their career in these sectors before seeking for job in hotels.Jobs in Food IndustryThe food processing manufacturing and distributing industries and companies is anotheropportunity where a student of hotel management can seek for job. Professional hotelierswho have experience in working kitchen can be suitable option for food industry becauseof their relevant knowledge in food & beverage. 35

9. Career in Hotel IndustryThe careers of both the restaurants and hotel are partof hospitality industry. Simply, it means that theyrevolve around in ensuring that people are comfortableand also welcome. Whether providing a great meal atreasonable price or clean comfortable room for a night,career in hotel industry is broad.Hotel and restaurant managers and everyone workingon provision of these services thrive to make the guestshappy and enjoys working and contacting with varioustypes of people. Careers in hospitality industry will alsocall for juggling variety of responsibilities. The funnypart is that; while the staffs strives to ensure that thecustomers are happy, it is the manager who gets the praise or blame of how the hotel isrun.No matter how large or small a hotel may be, some of the basic hotel careers in the hotelsinclude;  Overseeing the food cooking and preparation.  Checking the food quality and portion in relation to the dish size.  Continuous monitoring of workers and patrons observation.  Handling customers complains and working towards continuous improvement of the services to the customers.  Ordering of food, linens, beverages and fixtures supplies.  Interviewing, firing and hiring of staffs.  Daily tally of the receipts and payments of cash.  Scheduling of work shifts of the employees.  Assuring there is health compliance.Salary Scales in the Hotel Industry: 36

Knowing the salary range of the hotel managers will give you a picture of whether thecareer is best suiting your life situations or not. Examples of the salaries paid to thelodging managers, report from the American Hotel and Lodging are:  Executive housekeeper-$31,500  Reservations manager-$31,100  Front office manager-$33, 900This gives you the reason why career in hotel industry is increasingly having competition,with most people longing to have at least one of the positions here. Other hotel position’ssalaries include;  1) Sale manager- $37,000  2) Controller- 57,000  3) Food and beverage director-62,400  4) General manager- $108,487  5) Human resource director-$49,000  6) Sales and marketing Director-$70,100The bureau of labor and statistics gave a report that the food service managers earn anaverage of $31, 720.Most people argue that liberal arts education gives excellent preparation not only for workpurposes but also gives preparation towards life in general. They are very right. However,most students are not interested in liberal arts and thus they will not be eager to learn.While on the other hand, hardworking students are to get career in hotel industry haveprogram that interests them and thus there is no reason one should have a separationfrom the preparation of life. The hospitality industry is a service industry andmanagement of institutions in service varies a lot. Food may be the outcome of arestaurant but at the same time there was some manufacturing which was done at thissame place, which offers the service. Thus, the hospitality management program providesspecial advantage for the students who decide to take a career in the hotel industry.Why People are looking for Career in Hotel Industry:The best answer for this question can perhaps fall into these three categories;  The experience 37

 Interest of the student  Ambition of the studentJobs in hotel industry will require motivation and creativity. Apart from that, one will berequired to think out of the box on how to better the place he or she found-the hotel. Ifthe student didn’t want to do the course in the first place, these three factors; motivation,innovation and thinking out of the box will never be as reality. Students choose career inhotel industry because they have a desire to have the course and they believe it has a‘calling’ on what they are supposed to do. This has seen most people move to becomefamous chefs and managers in the very big and famous hotels you know.Whether you are studying hospitality management because you are thinking of starting abusiness or because you have found the past job experience so interesting, or even simplybecause you have seen the need for hotel managers in your area, management studies isvery crucial in preparation of the business entrepreneurs. Some of the areas that careerin hotel industry touches are;Food service:  Food service managers  Banquet managers  Restaurant managersLodging:  Front office managers  Sales managers  Guest services managers  Housekeeping SupervisorCulinary:  Banquet cook  Chef supervisor  Station cookTravel and tourism:  Tour Operator  Travel agent  Festival manager  Meeting and convention planner  Market researcher 38

Career in hotel industry gives more job opportunities for one to choose, depending onyour taste, the experience, salary among other determinants-the choice is yours!! 39

10. How to Get Jobs in Hotel & Restaurant (Part-1)Hospitality industry has become a vital and veryvigorous part of national economy. At the sametime, the very high number of labor turnover andlow wages gives a signal of the challengesremaining for the career in hospitality industry, aswell as its workers.Currently, the hospitality industry is employing 1.8million workers nationwide in USA, and has beenamong the fastest growing industry in most of thecountries for the last 30 years. It is important, particularly to the metropolitan areas,which holds about two thirds of rooms in the industry. With the hospitality industrygrowth, there has been shifts in ownership and the growing competition has increasedpressures on the managers to turn quarterly profits and also shed the units that areoutside firms primary, or core competencies; a reason which is believed to see the careerin hospitality industry move into another level, this time.The hoteliers are very fantastic with people, reason why they get their salaries. Yet, whenit comes to technology, not everyone in the hotel industry is very comfortable. Gettingjobs in hotel must be done in line with getting max out of social revolution online.As most job opportunities are right now, its exposure and all about meeting new peopleand businesses that increase the chances of getting the hotel job you want. The good newsnow is that with the advancement of technology, things have become more simplifies,especially with the finding of jobs. Everyone who has a career in hotel industry can huntthe opportunities more effectively using the internet.What is required when Searching Hotel Jobs Online?Drive: You need to understand that you may not apply for none job and simply get it;there are other people out there who have the same qualifications as you and arecompeting for the jobs. It may be their chance this time, but what about tomorrow? Drivemakes you go on; until you get the hotel job you have always dreamt of. 40

Common sense: There is no job that has been kept for you, but there are lots of jobopportunities out there. How you make these opportunities come your way makes all thedifference. It’s about positive attitude, and making your best when searching for the hoteljob.Vital Skill: The vital skill here is you to have hotel industry training, which in fact mosthotels are looking for. Having some prior experience is also important but not a must.Ensuring that the course they need, is what you provide makes the whole process of jobsearching easy.Tips to Help you succeed in Hotel Jobs Application OnlineBe specific and focused: Sometimes when searching for jobs in hotel, most job seekersare not specific of what they want. They just want to do any other job which can be donein the hotel. You need to identify the specific department you are looking for, and whichwill better suited the hotel industry training skills you possess. This ensures that the jobwhich you get netter matches your abilities. If you send emails to hotels looking for‘suitable jobs’, the emails will end up at the junk folder of the hotel manager or HRmanager, you don’t that, or do you?Do your research: If you have this hotel in mind that you desire to work for, get toknow it better. Some of the questions which will help you carry the research include;  The hotel name  The hotel working conditions  The employees’ salaries  How are the applications sent to the hotel? (Online or through post)  Is the hotel management good with you?These are some of the questions that will help you not only in applying for the hotel jobbut also in ensuring that if you happen to get the interview, they will get someone who isinterested. They will know by the way you respond questions of how you know the hotel.It also guarantees you of better working conditions and salaries, since you have knownbefore applying.It’s about going beyond superficial networks: It is very unlikely for you to haveless than one hundred contacts in your email, Facebook, LinkedIn among other networks, 41

not all of whom may be important as far as looking for hotel jobs are concerned. Butgrouping these friends by relationship will give you amazing categories of who can bevaluable sources of information. Remember, people are everything, and making contactswith them might lead you to a hotel position that you never imagined. Build relationshipswith those in the hotel industry as well as the hospitality industry and get tie to have somesocial relationships with them. Later, let them understand that you have been looking fora post in hotel and these people will work an amazing thing for you.The next part continues with what to do to get hotel jobs, the income and probability ofgetting hotel jobs. 42

11. How to Get Jobs in Hotel & Restaurant (Part-2)One of the most crucial things recruiters andcompanies are interested to find is who fits theirneeds, not yours. Thus, it will be very imperative tocustomize your resume each time you apply, so thatit is concise and relevant to the job you are applying.Different hotels will have different requirements,and thus having flexibility in your resumes will helpyou on increasing chances of getting that job.It is very evident that most of the hotel job seekersget exhausted when they are about to get into it. It istrue that there are more failures than the success, as far as getting that job is concerned,but you should use every bit of the failures on the resume you send, to make a strongcompetitive edge for future application.With the current recession and the hiring freeze of many hotel jobs, local and global, itwill also be imperative for you to go beyond the usual way of hotel job hunting, despitehaving all the hotel management skills. Building connections, leveraging with the onlinetechnology and checking every resource which can be beneficial whether the media;papers, TV’s, Radio program among others are key in determining the probability of yougetting the job.Possibility of Getting Hotel Jobs: As much as you may be worrying of getting thehotel jobs, it is good to note that the increase in number of the meetings held bycompanies, individuals and associations, either for business or for non-businesspurposes, they have fueled the growth of convention-oriented spaces for construction. Aslong as these meetings are there, people will need food and drinks as well as place todeliberate and meet for important issues. This meeting space has become greater revenuesource for the hospitality and hotel industry now, and in future.Income and Employment Trends: Everyone wants to have a good salary, includingyou. Estimating the salary of the hotel management staff may be difficult, since it includesworkers of diverse occupation. Training In hotel industry becomes one of the key 43

determinants on how much you are going to be paid, and also the probability of gettingthe hotel job. These qualifications; each have factors that must be taken intoconsideration, among them the experience and skills you have. In addition, many hotelworkers depend solely on outside income such as services and tips. Thus, the salary scalemay not reflect what they are actually earning in the hotel.Currently, the industry is hiring more than 10 million hoteliers in US. There are numberof factors as some discussed earlier, that have led to the increase in hotel jobopportunities. In the lodging industry, more people are now investing in real estate andthen later converting them into businesses. But the greater number has happened inbusiness traveling which has increased the number of both local and foreign visitors bybringing the hotel and tourism into a more desirable level of business. With this base inmind, you are sure that it’s about the approach that you will use to get the hotel job.What to avoid when searching for Jobs in Hotel Online: The reason why thisinformation is giving more weight on finding hotel jobs online is because; there are lotsof reviews that most people have secured a hotel job using online means. Needless also tosay, the online means is the only option to reach the millions of hotels out there, withinfew minutes. There are several reasons why most people regardless of their competencyin hotel and their hotel industry training, they have not gotten a job-it’s all about the wayyou go about it.Never post your resume on Forums and Blogs: Most applicants visit the hotelblogs, news and Forums, posting their resumes in the comment boxes. Effect? Not onlydo the resumes unreached the hirers but also they appear as spam and ends up beingdeleted very quickly. The function of blogs and forums is for interaction and relevantdetails and issues to be discussed.Never Spam: Emails that contain spams are common these days. These messages haveno stated purpose. As usual, using these kinds of ways to get jobs in hotel will end uphaving the mail on the bin, and even if they were valid with required information, no onewill get to read them. 44

The continuing growth of whole travel industry without doubt will affect all kinds ofhotels. This means there is, and will be increasing employment both temporary as well aspermanent for all workers on hospitality industry. The way you go about getting hotel jobswill determine if you will be counted among the benefits of this current opportunity ornot. 45

12. Working in Hotel: Career Advice for Hospitality StudentsEach one of you may have different reasons for considering a career in the hotel andcatering industry. It is no doubt a fascinating and exciting industry to work in. Now thatyou are familiar with career possibilities in the various departments of a hotel, let us seewhat it is actually like to be working in one.Change Your Attitude First: A hotel, in particular a five star deluxe hotel, symbolizesglamour, and most of us are fascinated by this glamorous outer veneer. It is easy to becarried away by the expensive decor, the exotic cuisine and the awe inspiring, smartlyturned out people-both guests and staff. We imagine that working in a hotel is only aboutescorting celebrities and leading an extravagant lifestyle.Certainly, in a hotel you will get an opportunity to meet different kinds of successfulpeople, well placed officials and businessmen, film stars, politicians and dignitaries.However, working in a hotel is not like going to a party. You must realize that yourexperience as a guest or a visitor is totally different from that of working as an employeeof that every hotel where they come.You must understand the kind of demands a job in a hotel makes, in order to come to aconscious and well thought decision, based on a realistic picture of what you are in for. Itis better to be forearmed and forewarned, than to feel disillusioned later. 46

Long Working Hours: Since hotels come under essential services, they are open roundthe clock. So a job in a hotel is nothing but time bound. If you are looking for a 9 to 5 jobthen I must say hotels are not the perfect working place for you.Although, officially, all staff members are supposed to work for 8 hours, most often youend up working considerably longer. Hotels are open twenty four hours a day throughoutthe year and the staffs are required to maintain various services. Therefore, all hotels havea shift system. There are basically three shifts, each of eight hours duration. Except forthe personnel and secretarial staffs, who have a 9 to 5 shift, all others have to work in themorning, afternoon or night shift by rotation. You may have morning shift for a week thenmay be asked to do an evening or even night shift in the next week. Even there may bechanges in shifts within a week. In the beginning you may find it difficult to getaccustomed to these changing working hours but if you can maintain a positive attitudeand learn to enjoy your work in different time then there is no reason you should findthese adjustment too difficult. But as I said earlier, all over the world female hoteliers getmore advantages in terms of working hours than their male colleagues.Working Odd Hours: Since you will be working in shifts, you will have odd workinghours. This will impose a restriction on your social life. You may find that you are not freewhen your friends are, or vice-versa. However, an opportunity to make friends and othermeaningful relationships exists in the hotel itself. So many people from differentbackgrounds come under one roof, that perhaps, you won't even feel the need for a largesocial circle. However, the shifts and odd working hours do tend to take away from thetime available to spend with your friends, family or doing hobbies. 47

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