Teaching in the Savior’s Way The goal of every gospel teacher—every parent, every formally called teacher, every home teacher and visiting teacher, and every follower of Christ—is to teach the pure doctrine of the gospel, by the Spirit, in order to help God’s children build their faith in the Savior and become more like Him.
Teaching inthe Savior’s Way Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah
© 2016 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Printed in the United States of America English approval: 10/15
ContentsIntroduction Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Teacher Council Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Teaching in the Savior’s Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Part 1: Love Those You Teach Love Those You Teach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Focus on People, Not Lessons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Reach Out to Those Who Do Not Attend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Part 2: Teach by the Spirit Teach by the Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Prepare Yourself Spiritually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Create an Environment That Invites the Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Take Advantage of Spontaneous Teaching Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Make a Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Part 3: Teach the Doctrine Teach the Doctrine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Use Music, Stories, and Art to Teach Doctrine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Respond to Di cult Questions with Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Teach the Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Teach the Youth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Part 4: Invite Diligent Learning Invite Diligent Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Ask Inspired Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Lead Inspired Discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Invite Learners to Act. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Support Gospel Learning in the Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Appendix Improving as a Christlike Teacher: A Personal Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Orienting New Teachers: A Responsibility of Priesthood and Auxiliary Leaders. . . . . . . . 38
INTRODUCTION Preface The principles described in this teachers, and auxiliary leaders as they Council Meetings.” The ward coun- resource can help every gospel teacher teach in their families. cil oversees these meetings, with teach in the Savior’s way. This re- assistance from the Sunday School source is intended especially for those Teachers can study this resource presidency. A member of the Sunday whose Church callings give them on their own to learn how to more School presidency usually leads opportunities to teach—including e ectively teach in the Savior’s way. the meetings. The material in this teachers in Primary, Sunday School, They can also use the resource to resource should be used as the basis Relief Society, Young Women, and guide discussions in family home for teacher council meetings. Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood evenings, presidency meetings, quorums, as well as priesthood and ward or stake council meetings, and Note: In this resource, references auxiliary leaders. The principles monthly teacher council meetings. to wards and stakes apply also to described here can also help parents, branches, districts, and missions. Teacher council meetings are de- scribed in the section titled “Teacher2
INTRODUCTIONTeacher Council MeetingsEach ward should hold monthly members may be assigned to lead council, the participants in the meet-teacher council meetings in which meetings on occasion. ing may choose the next principle toteachers can counsel together about be discussed. It is not necessary toprinciples of Christlike teaching. WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN IN A cover every aspect of the principle in one teacher council meeting—you canWHEN SHOULD THESE TEACHER COUNCIL MEETING? spend more than one meeting on a principle if needed.MEETINGS BE HELD? (Note: These instructions are for discussion leaders.) After an opening ■ Practice and invite. As appropriate,Teacher council meetings should nor- prayer, the teacher council meeting help teachers practice the principlemally take place during the three-hour should follow this format: they have discussed. Invite them toschedule of Sunday meetings. ■ Share and counsel together. Invite record and act upon any impressions■ Sunday School teachers meet dur- teachers to share recent teaching expe- they receive about how to apply theing priesthood quorum, Relief Society, riences, ask questions related to teach- principle in their teaching—includingand Young Women meetings. ing, and share ideas for overcoming in their e orts to teach in their homes. challenges. This part of the meeting Encourage them to begin studying the■ Priesthood quorum, Relief Society, could include a review of principles next principle to be discussed.and Young Women teachers meet discussed in previous meetings.during Sunday School. As much as possible, teacher council ■ Learn together. Invite teachers to meetings should model the principles■ Primary teachers attend either discuss one of the principles presented being discussed.of the meetings described above, as in this resource. The principles maydirected by the Primary president. be addressed in any order, and unless(Note: As needed, the Primary presi- otherwise directed by the warddency assigns substitute teachers,combines classes, or makes otherarrangements to allow Primaryteachers to attend teacher councilmeetings.)WHO SHOULD ATTEND?Everyone who teaches a quorum orclass in the ward should attend, alongwith at least one of the priesthood orauxiliary leaders responsible for thoseteachers. If necessary, participantsmay be divided into groups accordingto the needs of those they teach. Forexample, teachers of youth or childrenmay bene t from meeting separatelyon occasion to discuss issues speci -cally related to teaching youth orchildren.WHO LEADS THESE MEETINGS?The ward council, with assistancefrom the Sunday School presidency,oversees teacher council meetings. Inmost cases, a member of the SundaySchool presidency acts as discussionleader for the meetings; other ward 3
INTRODUCTION Teaching in the Savior’s Way When you think about the Savior’s way of teaching, what comes to mind? Can you see Him teaching the multitudes by the sea, speaking privately with the woman at the well, or blessing a little child? As you read about Him in the scriptures, what do you notice about His way of helping others learn and grow? What does teaching in the Savior’s way mean to you? THE SAVIOR’S WAY OF TEACHING was “about [His] Father’s business,” serve by the way He loved and served seeking to do “always those things them. He taught them how to live His Jesus Christ declared, “I am the way” that please him.” “My doctrine is not gospel by the way He lived. He was (John 14:6). As you ponder His life mine,” He said, “but his that sent me” always teaching—often in formal and your own opportunities to teach, (Luke 2:49; John 8:29; 7:16). settings but just as often in homes and you will nd that the way to become in personal, informal conversations an e ective teacher is to become more The Savior was completely committed (see Matthew 4:23; Mark 14:3–9). like the Savior. The Savior’s way of to His sacred mission—to bring God’s teaching came from who He was and children back to Him. So Jesus did There is so much more for you to dis- the “power of the Spirit” that He car- more than just impart information; He cover about the Savior’s way of teach- ried with Him (Luke 4:14). The key to gave His followers important respon- ing. But this much is certain: power teaching as the Savior taught is to live sibilities that strengthened their faith to truly teach in His way will come as as the Savior lived. and helped them grow. He trusted you learn of Him and follow Him. The them, prepared them, and sent them invitation to teach in the Savior’s way And how did He live? into all the world to teach, bless, and truly is a key part of His invitation to serve others (see Matthew 10:1, 5–8). “come, follow me” (Luke 18:22). The Savior was full of love. Whether He was encouraging a penitent sinner, The Savior loved the scriptures and YOU CAN TEACH IN THE tutoring His disciples, or rebuking used them to teach and testify of His the Pharisees, everything the Savior mission. He taught people to search the SAVIOR’S WAY did was an expression of love. This scriptures to nd their own answers to love and compassion for people and questions. As He taught the word of You are a disciple of Jesus Christ. their needs led Him to teach in ways God with power, people came to know This means that you are a teacher, that were meaningful to them. When for themselves that the scriptures were because discipleship includes teach- the Savior taught, familiar, real-life true (see Luke 24:32). ing, blessing, and lifting others. You experiences like shing, childbirth, may, for a time, be given a formal and herding sheep became spiritual The Savior lived what He taught. calling to teach, but the responsibility lessons. In every setting, He was the perfect to teach will always be with you, espe- example. He taught His followers to cially if you are a parent. At times the The Savior sought and obeyed His pray by praying with them (see Luke responsibility to teach may seem over- Father’s will and taught His Father’s 11:1–4). He taught them to love and whelming. Perhaps you worry that doctrine. From His childhood Jesus you do not know enough, that you do VIDEO EXAMPLE Watch the video “Teaching the Gospel in the Savior’s Way” (LDS.org).4
not have enough teaching experience, from the Lord, not from man, and increase faith. As you and those youor that you simply are not the “teacher as President Thomas S. Monson has teach “try the virtue of the word oftype.” But your Heavenly Father, who promised, “whom the Lord calls, the God,” you will nd that it has “a greatknows you perfectly, called you to Lord quali es.” 1 In addition, you have tendency to lead the people to do thatteach because of what you can o er as been set apart under the direction which [is] just” (Alma 31:5).a committed follower of Jesus Christ. of those who hold priesthood keys;He will not forsake you. therefore, you have the right to the Loving leaders. Your priesthood personal revelation you need to suc- and auxiliary leaders want to helpHere are just some of the many ceed. These blessings are yours as you you succeed. Ask for their counselsources of power and support that He seek them, remain faithful, and strive as you strive to improve as a teacherhas made available to help you teach to be worthy. and as you ponder the needs of thosein His way. you teach. The power of prayer. Your HeavenlyThe power of the Holy Ghost. As you Father is always available. You can The contributions of those you teach.strive to live the gospel worthily, the speak to Him directly through prayer. Each individual in your class is a richHoly Ghost will reveal God’s will “Ask the Father in my name,” the source of testimony, insights, andto you. He will give you thoughts, Savior said, “and you shall have the experiences with living the gospel.impressions, and creative ideas about Holy Ghost” (D&C 18:18; see also Invite them to share with and lifthow to help others learn. He will help D&C 42:14). each other.you know which gospel principles tofocus on. And He will touch the hearts Your love, talents, and experiences. You Remember, God has called you, andof those you teach and inspire them to can bless God’s children by drawing on He will qualify you. Teaching thechange. The Holy Ghost will make it the love you have for others, the gifts gospel is an essential part of His greatpossible for you to be “a teacher come God has given you, and your life ex- work of salvation, and “when we arefrom God,” because the Spirit is the periences. As you serve faithfully and on the Lord’s errand, we are entitledreal teacher, and when the Spirit is seek God’s help, He will magnify you, to the Lord’s help.” 2with you, you will teach with God’s and you will grow in your capacity topower and help bring about the mira- teach the gospel in the Savior’s way. 1. Thomas S. Monson, “Duty Calls,” Ensign, May cle of conversion (John 3:2; see also 1996, 44.2 Nephi 33:1). The power of the word of God. The doctrine found in the scriptures and 2. Thomas S. Monson, “To Learn, to Do, to Be,”The promise of your calling and setting in the words of latter-day prophets Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2008, 62.apart. Your calling to teach comes has the power to change hearts andFOR THE DISCUSSION LEADERShare and counsel together. Begin Learn together. Invite teachers to Practice. Invite teachers toby inviting teachers to share recent discuss one or more of the ideas complete the evaluation titledteaching experiences and ask ques- in this section. Do not try to cover “Improving as a Christlike Teacher”tions related to teaching. everything in one meeting. in this resource. Prepare. Decide together on a topic for the next meeting, and invite teachers to prepare. 5
PART 1: LOVE THOSE YOU TEACH Love Those You Teach (Handbook 2: Administering the Church [2010], 5.5.4) Everything the Savior did throughout His earthly ministry was motivated by love—His love for His Father and His love for all of us. Through the power of the Holy Ghost, we can be lled with this same love as we strive to be true followers of Christ (see John 13:34–35; Moroni 7:48; 8:26). With Christlike love in our hearts, we will seek every possible way to help others learn of Christ and come unto Him. Love will be the reason and motivation for our teaching. PRAY BY NAME FOR THOSE 1 Samuel 16:7). As you strive to see way you treat people is just as impor- YOU TEACH those you teach as God sees them, you tant as what you teach them. will recognize their divine worth, and “I have prayed for thee,” the Savior the Spirit will teach you what to do to Sometimes our preoccupation with said to Peter, “that thy faith fail not” help them achieve their potential. presenting a lesson can prevent us (Luke 22:32). Think about what from expressing our love for those we happens inside you when you pray Questions to ponder. How has the teach. If this happens to you, consider for someone—how does your prayer love and con dence of a parent, how you could focus on what matters a ect the way you feel about that per- teacher, or other mentor made a di er- most. For example, before class you son? Following the Savior’s example, ence in my life? How could my love could ask a class member or a member pray by name for the people you teach make a di erence for someone I am of your auxiliary presidency to set up who have the greatest needs. Pray to trying to teach? your classroom and prepare audio- know and understand their speci c visual equipment so that you will needs, and ask Heavenly Father to Scriptural example. In Luke 19:1–10, have more time to greet class members “prepare their hearts” (Alma 16:16) to the Savior saw the publican Zaccheus as they enter the room. You may also learn the things that will help meet di erently from the way others saw those needs. him. What other examples from the nd that working with class members scriptures show how God sees us? to prepare the room is an excellent Question to ponder. As I pray for way to interact with them before those I teach, what impressions do FIND SIMPLE, APPROPRIATE class begins. I receive? WAYS TO EXPRESS YOUR LOVE Questions to ponder. Do those I teach Scriptural example. What does Alma’s know that I love them? What evidence prayer on behalf of the Zoramites Depending on your circumstances, have I given them? What can I do teach me about loving others? (see expressing love to those you teach may to reach out in love to someone who Alma 31:24–36). mean giving them sincere compli- seems unresponsive in class? ments, taking an interest in their lives, SEE OTHERS AS GOD SEES THEM listening carefully to them, involving Scriptural example. How did the them in the lesson, performing acts of Savior show love for those He taught? Because God looks on a person’s service for them, or simply greeting (see John 13:3–16; 3 Nephi 17). How heart, what He sees may be di erent them warmly when you see them. The can I follow His example as I teach? from what we see on the outside (see See also the video “Love Those You Teach” (LDS.org). FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADER Share and counsel together. Begin Invite. Ask the teachers to mind—a family member, a friend, or by inviting teachers to share recent ponder what they feel inspired to a class member. How will they act on teaching experiences and ask ques- do because of their discussion these promptings? tions related to teaching. about loving those they teach. Perhaps the name of someone who Prepare. Decide together on a topic Learn together. Invite teachers to needs to feel loved has come to for the next meeting, and invite discuss one or more of the ideas in teachers to prepare. this section.6
PART 1: LOVE THOSE YOU TEACHFocus on People, Not Lessons“A gospel teacher, like the Master we serve, will concentrate entirely on those being taught,” said Elder Dallin H. Oaksof the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “His or her total concentration will be on the needs of the sheep—the good of thestudents. A gospel teacher does not focus on himself or herself. One who understands that principle will not look upon hisor her calling as ‘giving or presenting a lesson,’ because that de nition views teaching from the standpoint of the teacher,not the student. Focusing on the needs of the students, a gospel teacher will never obscure their view of the Master bystanding in the way or by shadowing the lesson with self-promotion or self-interest.” 1SEEK TO UNDERSTAND PREPARE WITH PEOPLE IN MIND DON’T TRY TO COVER EVERYTHINGTHOSE YOU TEACH Sometimes, in preparing to teach, teachers may want to reuse a lesson There is much to discuss in eachThe gospel is for everyone, but no or activity they have used in the past lesson, but it is not necessary to covertwo people are exactly alike. Look for without thinking about how it applies everything in one class period in orderways to understand the backgrounds, to the current group of learners. This to touch someone’s heart—often oneinterests, talents, and needs of the approach often does not take into or two key points are enough. As youpeople you teach. Ask questions, listen account the unique needs of class ponder learners’ needs, the Spirit willcarefully, and observe what learners members. When you prepare, let your help you identify which principles,say and do in di erent situations. If understanding of the people you teach stories, or scriptures will be especiallyyou are teaching youth or children, guide your plans. To reach di erent meaningful to them. He may alsoask their parents for insights. Above learners, you may be led to use music, inspire you during class to alter yourall, pray for the understanding that make an assignment in advance, or plans, leaving some points for a lateronly the Spirit can give. The more you share an analogy about something a time in order to discuss principlesunderstand those you teach, the better class member is interested in, such that are more important to classyou can help them see how the gospel as sports. Christlike teachers are not members now.applies to their individual lives. committed to a particular style or method; they are committed to help- Question to ponder. How can I showQuestions to ponder. Who among ing people build faith in Jesus Christ those I teach that I am more interestedthose I teach do I need to understand and become more like Him. in their learning than in completing abetter? What can I do to better under- lesson?stand him or her? Question to ponder. How could I change my teaching plans to meet the Scriptural example. What do I learnScriptural example. What does John unique needs of someone in my class? about teaching from the pattern21:1–17 teach about the way the Savior described in Doctrine and Covenantsunderstood Peter and taught him Scriptural example. How did the 98:11–12? (see also D&C 78:17–19).what he needed to know? Savior’s teaching approach meet the particular needs of the people 1. Dallin H. Oaks, “Gospel Teaching,” Ensign, See also the video “Know and Love He taught? (see, for example, MarkUs” (LDS.org). 10:17–22). Nov. 1999, 79.FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADERShare and counsel together. Begin Learn together. Invite teachers to information might influence the way by inviting teachers to share recent discuss one or more of the ideas in they would teach the person at theteaching experiences and ask ques- this section. front of the room. Ask the teacherstions related to teaching. Make sure how they could apply this exercise tothat everyone who wants to share Practice. Ask one teacher to come their preparation and teaching.has an opportunity to do so; this is to the front of the room. Invite themore important than covering all the others to ask questions that will Prepare. Decide together on a topicmaterial in each lesson. help them learn about the interests for the next meeting, and invite and talents of that person. Then teachers to prepare. discuss with the teachers how this 7
PART 1: LOVE THOSE YOU TEACH Reach Out to Those Who Do Not Attend While the Savior often spoke to multitudes, He was deeply interested in individuals—including those who were forgotten, overlooked, rejected, or misunderstood. Just as the shepherd in the Savior’s parable left the ninety and nine who were safely in the fold to seek after the one (see Luke 15:4), you can reach out to those who are missing from your class. Your opportunities to teach and lift class members and help them come unto Christ extend beyond the classroom and beyond those who attend your formal lessons. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY to turn the boat around, but it was too leaders can help you know who needs late. President McKay taught, “It is the most attention). A person may Reaching out to less-active members one thing to stand on the shore and withdraw from Church participation is not only the duty of a home teacher, cry: ‘Young men, ahoy! There is dan- for a variety of reasons—many of a visiting teacher, or a priesthood or ger ahead!’ It is another thing to row them hard to detect. But Heavenly auxiliary leader—teachers can help into the stream and, if possible, get Father knows and loves His children, with this work as well. Teaching is into the boat with the young men, and and if you do your part, He will help much more than presenting a lesson by companionship, by persuasion, . . . you know the best way to reach out to on Sunday. It involves ministering turn the boat from the rapids. . . . Let your class members who struggle with with love and helping others receive us get into their lives.” 1 the gospel and invite them to return. the blessings of the gospel, and this help is often exactly what a less-active Questions to ponder. Who among Questions to ponder. Do I know the class member needs. We all need to those I teach seems to be struggling or names of all those I am assigned to work together to reach out to those is not attending class? What can I do teach? Do I pray for those who are who struggle, and as a teacher you to reach out to him or her? How could struggling? How can I become more may be in a unique position to help. other class members help? aware of their needs? President David O. McKay recalled Scriptural example. As I read about Scriptural example. What do I the story of a boat full of young ways the Savior reached out to people learn from John 10:14–15, 27–29 men oating down a river toward a (see, for example, Luke 8:43–48; John about how the Savior feels about dangerous waterfall. Noticing the dan- 4:6–30), what does the Spirit teach the people I teach? gerous situation, a man standing on me about how I can reach out to the the shore shouted at the young men people I teach? SUPPORT FAMILIES to turn around, but they could not see the waterfall and ignored him. Again SEEK INSPIRATION The people who have the most he shouted a warning, and again they powerful in uence on an individual— laughingly dismissed his warning. As you seek inspiration about your for good or ill—are usually those in Soon, however, they were in the midst class members’ individual needs, his or her home. Because the home is of the rapids. They tried desperately remember those who are struggling the center of gospel living and learn- or who do not attend regularly (your ing, your e orts to strengthen a class FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADER Share and counsel together. Begin Learn together. Invite teachers to ways they have reached out to by inviting teachers to share recent discuss one or more of the ideas people who were not attending their teaching experiences and ask ques- in this section. Do not try to cover classes. tions related to teaching. everything in one meeting. Prepare. Decide together on a topic Practice. Invite teachers to share for the next meeting, and invite ideas with each other (in small teachers to prepare. groups or all together) about8
member will be most e ective when inviting them to class, or even Questions to ponder. How has theyou work together with a supportive providing transportation if needed. Savior shown patience with myspouse, children, or extended fam- weaknesses and struggles? How can Iily members. When trying to help a Questions to ponder. How have I follow His example with those I teach?young person or a child, for example, been strengthened spiritually by antalk to his or her parents; they can invitation to serve others? Could Scriptural example. What do Ihelp you understand their child’s I help a member of my class grow learn about patience and persistenceneeds and how to address them. spiritually by asking him or her to from Luke 15:8–10; Alma 37:7–8; serve in some way? and Doctrine and Covenants 64:33?Question to ponder. What can I do tosupport the e orts of the families of Scriptural example. How did an invi- 1. David O. McKay, in Conference Report, those I teach? tation to serve help change Amulek’s Oct. 1968, 7–8. commitment to the gospel? (see AlmaScriptural example. What do I learn 10:1–11). 2. Thomas S. Monson, “See Others as They May from Enos 1:1–3; Mosiah 27:14; and Become,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 68.Alma 36:17 about how faithful family BE PATIENT AND PERSISTENTmembers can help those who arestruggling? The shepherd in the Savior’s para- ble kept looking for the lost sheepINVITE WITH LOVE “until he [found] it” (Luke 15:4). Not everyone will respond immediatelySincere expressions of Christlike love to your e orts. But the Savior urgedhave great power to soften the hearts us to never give up: “Unto such shallof class members who are struggling ye continue to minister; for ye knowwith the gospel. Often these indi- not but what they will return . . . ,viduals simply need to know they and I shall heal them” (3 Nephiare needed and loved. As President 18:32). Trusting in the Lord’s timing,Thomas S. Monson has taught, “Ask- keep looking for appropriate ways toing them to serve in some capacity show those who do not attend thatmay be just the incentive they need you love and miss them. You couldto return to full activity.” 2 It could be use personal visits, phone calls, textsomething as simple as asking them to messages, or other ways. You may beparticipate in an upcoming lesson—to surprised at the long-term in uence ofshare an experience or feelings about your patient, persistent e orts to reacha scripture. You could ask other class out with love.members to show their concern forthese individuals by visiting them, VIDEO EXAMPLEFor an inspiring example of aleader reaching out to a youngman who was not attendingquorum meetings, see thestory of José de SouzaMarques in the first few minutes of the video of ElderMervyn B. Arnold’s general conference talk “StrengthenThy Brethren” (LDS.org).(See also “Strengthen ThyBrethren,” Ensign or Liahona,May 2004, 46–48.) 9
PART 2: TEACH BY THE SPIRIT Teach by the Spirit (Handbook 2: Administering the Church [2010], 5.5.4) The Savior promised His disciples, “The Holy Ghost . . . shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remem- brance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John 14:26). Only through the Holy Ghost can we accomplish the ultimate goal of gospel teaching—to build faith in Jesus Christ and help others become more like Him. The Holy Ghost bears witness of the truth, He testi es of Christ, and He changes hearts. No mortal teacher, no matter how skilled or experienced, can replace the Spirit. But we can be instruments in God’s hands to help His children learn by the Spirit. To do this, we invite the in uence of the Spirit into our lives and encourage those we teach to do the same. INVITE THE SPIRIT INTO Scriptural example. What do I learn “Improving as a Christlike Teacher” in about the Holy Ghost from John 14:26; this resource. YOUR TEACHING Helaman 5:29–30; and Doctrine and Covenants 11:12–13? How could this Scriptural example. What does the The ultimate purpose of everything a principle help me teach more like the Spirit teach me as I read about how gospel teacher does—every question, Savior? Alma and the sons of Mosiah became every scripture, every activity—is to “instruments in the hands of God”? invite the Spirit to build faith and to BE A HUMBLE INSTRUMENT (Mosiah 27:32–37; Alma 17:1–12; 26; 29). invite all to come unto Christ. Do all you can to invite the in uence of the OF THE SPIRIT BE FLEXIBLE Holy Ghost. The Lord has promised, “The Spirit shall be given unto you Sometimes teachers may be tempted Often the best teaching moments by the prayer of faith” (D&C 42:14). to think that it is their knowledge or are unexpected—for example, when In addition, sacred music, the scrip- methods or personality that inspires someone shares an experience or asks tures, words of latter-day prophets, those they teach. This attitude pre- a question that leads to a meaningful expressions of love and testimony, and vents them from inviting the Holy discussion. Allow time for such moments of quiet contemplation can Ghost to teach class members and moments. Listen for promptings— all invite the presence of the Spirit. change their hearts. Your purpose as a both as you plan and as you teach— For example, you might arrange to teacher is not to make an impressive and be willing to change your plans have soft prelude music playing as presentation but rather to help others if necessary to follow the promptings class begins. receive the in uence of the Holy you receive. If you are spiritually Ghost, who is the true teacher. prepared, the Lord can give you “in Questions to ponder. What brings the the very moment, what ye shall say” Spirit into my life? into my home? into Question to ponder. What changes (D&C 100:6). Remember that it is more my class? What drives Him away? should I make so that I can have the important to follow the impressions How can I help class members invite Holy Ghost with me more fully as I of the Spirit than to cover a certain the Spirit into their gospel learning? teach? (see, for example, D&C 112:10). amount of material. For a personal evaluation exercise, see Questions to ponder. When have I INVITE LEARNERS TO ACT felt the Spirit guiding me as a teacher? What can I do to receive His guidance True conversion involves more the Spirit, help them act on the more often? than just feeling the Spirit confirm- promptings they receive. To learn ing truth to our souls; we must also more about inviting learners to act, Scriptural example. As I read 3 Nephi act on those truths. In addition to see “Invite Learners to Act” in this 17:1–9, what do I learn from the Sav- helping learners feel and recognize resource. ior’s example as He responded to the needs of those He taught?10
BEAR YOUR TESTIMONY OFTEN INVITE OTHERS TO BEAR HELP OTHERS RECOGNIZE THE SPIRIT’S INFLUENCEYour simple, sincere witness of spiri- TESTIMONYtual truth can have a powerful in u- One of the most important things youence on those you teach. A testimony To invite the Spirit into your teach- can do as a teacher is to help thoseis most powerful when it is direct and ing, encourage others to share their you teach recognize the in uence ofheartfelt. It need not be eloquent or personal witness of the truth you are the Holy Ghost. This is especially truelengthy and need not begin with “I’d discussing. Simply ask class members when teaching children, youth, andlike to bear my testimony.” Bear testi- to share their feelings or experiences new members—you are preparingmony often of the speci c principles about a gospel principle. For exam- them to receive personal revelation,you are teaching. President Joseph F. ple, you could ask, “How do you feel avoid deception, and develop spiritualSmith taught that “such a testimony is about the Book of Mormon?” or self-reliance. As prompted by theas a seal attesting the genuineness” of “How has following the prophet Holy Ghost, ask learners whatthe principle.1 blessed your family?” Even small they are feeling and what they feel children can bear testimony when prompted to do. Help them associateQuestions to ponder. What opportu- prompted in this way. their spiritual feelings with thenities do I have to bear my testimony in uence of the Holy Ghost.while teaching—both in my class and Question to ponder. As I thinkin my home? How can I better use about those I teach, whom do I feel Question to ponder. How do I knowthese opportunities? prompted to invite to bear testimony? when the Spirit is present as I teach?Scriptural example. What do I learn Scriptural example. As recorded in Scriptural example. How can I usefrom the way Alma bore his testimony, Matthew 16:15–17 and John 11:20–27, Galatians 5:22–23; Moroni 7:13; andas recorded in Alma 5:45–48; 36:3–4? how did the Savior invite Peter and Doctrine and Covenants 8:2–3 to help Martha to bear their testimonies? class members recognize the in uence See also the video “A Man without of the Holy Ghost?Eloquence” (LDS.org). See also the videos “Thou Art the Christ” and “Invite Us to Testify” 1. Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed. (1939), 206. (LDS.org).FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADERShare and counsel together. Begin Practice. As appropriate, ask Prepare. Decide together on a topicby inviting teachers to share recent teachers to share any spiritual for the next meeting, and inviteteaching experiences and ask ques- impressions they received during teachers to prepare.tions related to teaching. this discussion. What will they do to be guided by the Spirit the nextLearn together. Invite teachers to time they teach? In the next teacherdiscuss one or more of the ideas council meeting, invite them toin this section. Do not try to cover share their experiences.everything in one meeting. 11
PART 2: TEACH BY THE SPIRIT Prepare Yourself Spiritually In preparation for His earthly ministry, the Savior was “led up of the Spirit” to fast, to pray, and “to be with God” (Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 4:1 [in Matthew 4:1, footnote b]). Powerful gospel teaching means not just preparing a lesson but preparing ourselves. Because the Spirit is the real teacher and the true source of conversion, e ective gospel teachers— before they think about lling class time—focus on lling their hearts with the Holy Ghost. “TREASURE UP . . . SEEK REVELATION DAILY and refer to them later. You might carry a notebook, small cards, or an THE WORDS OF LIFE” Revelation often comes “line upon electronic device so that you can line” (2 Nephi 28:30), not all at once. record impressions right away, while Prayerfully studying the word of God So it is best to begin preparing to “yet in the Spirit” (D&C 76:80, 113). puts us in tune with the Holy Ghost. teach at least a week in advance. When you record spiritual impres- He can then inspire us to draw upon As you ponder how the gospel sions, you show the Lord that you what we have studied as we teach and principles you are teaching will value His direction, and He will bless lift others. For this reason, it is best bless your class members, ideas and you with more frequent revelation. to diligently study the scriptures and impressions will come throughout the words of the prophets before going your daily life—as you travel to work, Encourage those you teach to write to supplementary materials to plan a do household chores, or interact with down their impressions as well. lesson. The Lord promises that if we family and friends. Don’t think of Young children could be encouraged “treasure up in [our] minds contin- spiritual preparation as something you to share their insights and experi- ually the words of life, . . . it shall be make time for but as something you ences with their parents or siblings. given [us] in the very hour” what we are always doing. Elder Richard G. Scott has promised: should say and how we should teach “Knowledge carefully recorded is (D&C 84:85). Question to ponder. What can I do knowledge available in time of need. to be more receptive to spiritual . . . [Recording spiritual direction] Questions to ponder. What does it guidance each day? enhances the likelihood of your mean to “treasure up” the scriptures receiving further light.” 1 in my mind? When have I felt that a Scriptural example. What gospel scripture was a treasure to me? lessons did the Savior nd in everyday Question to ponder. What methods activities? (see, for example, Matthew for recording spiritual impressions Scriptural example. When Hyrum 13:1–23; John 4:6–14). work best for me? Smith wanted to know how he could participate in the work of the See also David A. Bednar, “Quick to Scriptural example. When the Savior Restoration, the Lord responded with Observe,” Ensign, Dec. 2006, 30–36. visited the Nephites, He asked to see the revelation recorded in Doctrine their records. What do I learn from and Covenants 11 (see also D&C 23:3). RECORD IMPRESSIONS His words in 3 Nephi 23:7–14 about What counsel do I nd there that the importance of recording the applies to me as a teacher? When insights and impressions about inspiration I receive? a lesson come, nd a way to record them so that you can remember them FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADER 1. Richard G. Scott, “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge,” Ensign, Nov. 1993, 88. Share and counsel together. Begin invite them to share any impressions families. In the next teacher council by inviting teachers to share recent they received as they studied the meeting, ask them to share with teaching experiences and ask ques- scriptural examples. each other what they recorded, as tions related to teaching. appropriate. Invite. Invite teachers to record Learn together. Invite teachers to spiritual impressions they receive as Prepare. Decide together on a topic discuss one or more of the ideas in they prepare for their next teaching for the next meeting, and invite this section. For example, you could opportunity—including opportuni- teachers to prepare. ties in their homes and with their12
PART 2: TEACH BY THE SPIRITLive the Gospel of Jesus ChristThe Savior, the Master Teacher, is the perfect example of obedience to His Father. To be a Christlike teacher, perhaps themost important thing you can do is to follow the Savior’s example of obedience and live the gospel with all your heart—athome, at Church, and everywhere else. This is the principal way to qualify for the companionship of the Holy Ghost. Youdon’t have to be perfect, just diligently trying—and seeking forgiveness through the Savior’s Atonement whenever youstumble. President Boyd K. Packer taught, “Power comes when a teacher has done all that he can to prepare, not just theindividual lesson, but in keeping his life in tune with the Spirit.” 1EMULATE THE SAVIOR’S LIFE BE A LIVING TESTIMONY particular truth in a particular lesson. This is as it should be, for if ourIt is helpful to study the ways the “You teach what you are,” Elder discipleship is serious, it will show.” 2Savior taught—the methods He used Neal A. Maxwell taught. “Your traits When you want to teach aboutand the things He said. But the Savior’s will be more remembered . . . than apower to teach and lift others camefrom the way He lived and the kindof person He was. The more diligentlyyou strive to live like Jesus Christ, themore you will be able to teach like Him.Questions to ponder. As I think aboutin uential teachers in my life, whatChristlike qualities do I notice inthem? What Christlike qualities doI feel I should develop more fully?(For a self-evaluation activity, see“Improving as a Christlike Teacher”in this resource.)Scriptural example: Doctrine andCovenants 4:5–6 lists attributes thatqualify us for service in the Lord’swork. How did the Savior exemplifythese attributes? How can Idevelop them?FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADERShare and counsel together. Begin this section. For example, you might telling them they should do to liveby inviting teachers to share recent ask, “What do you feel it means to the gospel of Jesus Christ more fully.teaching experiences and ask ques- be a living testimony?” Encourage them to record and acttions related to teaching. on those promptings. Invite. Ask teachers to pay attentionLearn together. Invite teachers to to the spiritual impressions they Prepare. Decide together on a topicdiscuss one or more of the ideas in receive during this discussion. Ask for the next meeting, and invite them to consider what the Spirit is teachers to prepare. 13
forgiveness, make a special e ort to who among them was the greatest and the Savior each day. After all, this forgive those who have o ended you. (see Luke 22:14, 24–27). How did is the very thing you are trying to When you want to teach about prayer, the Savior teach them about true inspire your class members to do. make sure that your own prayers greatness? (see John 13:1–17). are consistent and meaningful. Your Question to ponder. As I examine personal experience will enable you to See also the video “Living the my life, what changes does the Spirit bear powerful witness of the princi- Gospel Brings Power” (LDS.org). prompt me to make in order to be ples you teach. Because you are living more like Jesus Christ? them, the Holy Ghost can witness that REPENT what you are teaching is true. And the Scriptural example. What do I learn people you teach will see in your life In your e orts to live and teach more about the connection between repen- the blessings of living the gospel. like the Savior, you will inevitably tance and teaching from Ammon’s fall short at times. Do not become words in Alma 26:21–22? Questions to ponder. What gospel discouraged; rather, let your mistakes principles will I be teaching in the and weaknesses turn you to Heavenly 1. Boyd K. Packer, Teach Ye Diligently (1975), 306. next few weeks? What could I do to Father and the Savior. Draw strength live those principles more fully? from Christ’s Atonement. Remember 2. Neal A. Maxwell, “But a Few Days” (address to that repentance is not only for correct- Church Educational System religious educators, Scriptural example. During the Last ing major sins. It is the process Sept. 10, 1982), 2, si.lds.org. Supper, the disciples argued about of making the changes necessary to become more like Heavenly Father14
PART 2: TEACH BY THE SPIRITCreate an Environment That Invites the SpiritThink about some of the places where the Savior taught—the Sea of Galilee, the Mount of Trans guration, the temples atJerusalem and Bountiful. What made these settings appropriate for the teaching that the Savior did there? As a teacherof Sunday classes or quorum meetings, you may feel that you have little control over the setting in which you teach. Butthere are many things you can do—both with the physical setting and the spiritual atmosphere—to invite the Spirit intoyour classroom.PREPARE THE PHYSICAL auxiliary leader to help you make the gospel. Help your class members such arrangements in your classroom. understand that each of them a ectsSURROUNDINGS This can allow you to focus your the spirit of the class. Encourage them attention on class members. to help you establish an open, loving,Though the Spirit can teach us no and respectful environment so thatmatter where we are, our surround- After you have done all you can to everyone feels safe sharing their expe-ings can profoundly a ect our ability create the right environment for riences, questions, and testimonies.to learn and feel truth. Pay attention teaching, remember that teachingto the way you feel when you walk pure doctrine can make any physical Your example has a powerful in u-into your classroom. Is it neat and environment into a place of powerful ence on the attitudes of the learners,clean? Does the seating arrangement spiritual learning. especially if you are teaching youthallow learners to interact easily with and children. Greet class membersyou and with each other? Is everyone Questions to ponder. Which fea- with a genuine smile and handshakeable to hear you and the other class tures of my classroom help create an as they arrive. With your words andmembers? Are there any distractions environment where the Spirit can be your actions, show them that you lovein the room that may make it more present? What changes might I need the gospel and that you care aboutdi cult for learners to feel the Spirit? to make in my classroom? their spiritual growth.In addition to removing potential Scriptural example. How might the Questions to ponder. What candistractions, consider what you might Lord’s instructions to establish “a members of my class do to make sureadd to the room to invite the Spirit. house of learning” and “a house of that everyone feels welcome andFor example, prelude music (includ- order” (see D&C 88:119–20) apply to comfortable in our learning environ-ing recorded hymns or other reverent my calling as a teacher? ment? Is there anything I need to domusic) can encourage a reverent atti- to be a better example?tude as class members arrive. Pictures NURTURE A LOVINGand visual displays—besides being ATMOSPHERE Scriptural example. What did thee ective teaching aids—can create a Savior do to help His disciples learn tofriendly, welcoming atmosphere. Some factors that invite the Spirit “love one another”? (John 13:34). are less tangible—the attitudes ofYou may want to ask a member of the the learners, the way they treat eachSunday School presidency or another other, and the way they feel aboutFOR THE DISCUSSION LEADERShare and counsel together. Begin Practice. Invite teachers to apply Prepare. Decide together on a topicby inviting teachers to share recent ideas such as those in this section to for the next meeting, and inviteteaching experiences and ask ques- create a warm, inviting atmosphere teachers to prepare.tions related to teaching. in the room where you are meeting. You might assign one teacher to beLearn together. Invite teachers to in charge of preparing the room fordiscuss one or more of the ideas in the next teacher council meeting.this section. 15
PART 2: TEACH BY THE SPIRIT Take Advantage of Spontaneous Teaching Moments Most of the Savior’s teaching did not happen in a synagogue but in informal, everyday settings—while eating a meal with His disciples, drawing water from a well, or walking past a g tree. Even if your only opportunities to interact with class members come on Sunday, watch for signs that they are ready to learn—even if they are ready to learn something you had not planned to teach. BE READY ALWAYS outside of a planned lesson? What can and scribes that led Him to teach I do to ensure that I am always ready them the parables in Luke 15? Informal teaching moments pass to take advantage of such moments? (see verses 1–2). quickly, so it is important to take ad- vantage of them when they arise. For Scriptural example. How do Alma’s BE AVAILABLE AND ACCESSIBLE example, a class member’s comment words about standing as a witness “at about a new movie with a harmful all times” and “in all places” (Mosiah Some of the best teaching moments message could be an opportunity, as 18:9) apply to me as a teacher? (see start as a question or concern in the the Spirit directs, to contrast the Lord’s also D&C 84:85). heart of a class member. However, if standards with the world’s ways. A you seem too busy, too judgmental, or rainstorm could be a chance to talk BE OBSERVANT too focused on covering your prepared about how the gospel shelters us from material, those you teach may not feel many of life’s storms. These conver- As you pay attention to what is comfortable sharing their questions sations are most e ective at the time happening in your class members’ or concerns with you. Be willing to the opportunity arises, not the next lives, you will nd excellent teaching set aside what you have planned, as time the topic comes up in a manual. opportunities. For example, a teenager prompted by the Spirit, and listen to Because such moments are unex- with a di cult decision to make class members’ concerns. Let them pected, you can’t prepare for them may be ready to learn about how to know through your words and actions as you would prepare for a lesson. receive personal revelation, or a that you are eager to hear them. However, you can prepare yourself by child facing fears may be ready to being “ready always” (1 Peter 3:15) learn about the Holy Ghost as the Questions to ponder. Do those I teach and sensitive to the Spirit. The Savior Comforter. Comments that learners know that I am interested in their did not see teaching as a role He make or questions they ask can also questions? How can I better communi- took on once a week; instead, being lead to teaching moments. cate my interest? a teacher was part of who He was. If you see yourself as a gospel teacher at Question to ponder. When have I Scriptural example. What do I learn all times, you can turn any moment been blessed by a family member or from Mark 5:22–34; 6:30–44; and into a teaching moment. teacher who noticed that I was ready 3 Nephi 17 about the Savior’s willing- to learn something? ness to teach and bless people when Questions to ponder. What opportu- they needed His help? nities do I have to teach that may be Scriptural example. What did the Savior observe about the Pharisees FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADER Share and counsel together. Learn together. Invite teachers to watching a movie or sporting event, Begin by inviting teachers to share discuss one or more of the ideas in or going grocery shopping). Invite recent teaching experiences and this section. them to discuss how these activi- ask questions related to teaching. ties could be used as teaching Some of the best teaching moments Practice. Ask teachers to make a opportunities. may come during this part of the list of commonplace activities they meeting. did during the past week (such as Prepare. Decide together on a topic completing household chores, play- for the next meeting, and invite ing a game with family members, teachers to prepare.16
PART 2: TEACH BY THE SPIRITMake a PlanThe Lord commanded, “Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing” (D&C 88:119). Organizing a teaching planbefore you teach can help you identify the gospel principles you feel will best meet your learners’ needs and identifyresources to support those principles. It can also allow the Spirit to direct you in an unhurried environment. Having donethis work in advance, you will be able to focus on your learners while you are teaching, rather than on what you will saynext. You will also be better prepared to respond to spiritual promptings to adapt your plans if needed.FOCUS ON PRINCIPLES THAT share with them this promise in Isaiah Corianton. What needs did Alma 1:18: “Though your sins be as scarlet, perceive in his son? What principlesWILL BLESS YOUR LEARNERS they shall be as white as snow.” did he feel impressed to teach? What can I learn from Alma’s example?The central focus of your teaching Let the Spirit guide your planning.plan should be the needs of the people He can lead you to scripture passages, FIND RESOURCES THATyou are teaching and the gospel prophetic teachings, and ideas in theprinciples that will meet those needs. lesson manual that will be meaningful SUPPORT THE PRINCIPLESAs you prayerfully study the scripture to class members in ways that youpassages and prophetic teachings may not have anticipated. As you make your teaching plan, lookthat you are assigned to teach, ask for ways to help learners understandyourself, “What do I nd here that Questions to ponder. What princi- the gospel principles you plan towill be especially meaningful to my ples will I be teaching in upcoming discuss. The scriptures and the wordsclass members?” For example, if you lessons? Which of these principles do of living prophets are your primaryare teaching about the Atonement of I feel could best meet the needs of my resources—read them before going toJesus Christ, you may feel that some class members? supplementary material. What scrip-class members have trouble forgiv- tures help teach the principle? Wasing themselves even after they have Scriptural example: Alma 39–42 the principle addressed in a recentrepented. You may feel prompted to contains Alma’s counsel to his son general conference talk? What ques- tions could you ask that would help 17
learners ponder and apply the prin- planned or to address a concern Class members could: ciple? Are there any other resources that is not part of your lesson plan. ■ Make a list of principles or truths that could help support the princi- they nd in a scripture passage. What ple—stories, object lessons, pictures, Remember that the spiritual growth words, phrases, and examples in the videos, hymns, or children’s songs? of the individuals you are teaching verses help them understand these Many such resources are suggested is more important than presenting principles? in Church curriculum materials, in everything you have planned. And Church magazines, or on LDS.org. much of that spiritual growth will ■ Look for answers to questions For each principle you will teach, happen outside the classroom. Plan in a scripture passage or general list a few questions and supporting questions that encourage learners conference talk. resources you could use. It may not be to share what they are learning on necessary—or possible—to use all of their own and in their families. The ■ Share how they would teach a them, but it is good to be prepared to more diligently you have studied in principle to their family or friends. use them just in case. advance, the more prepared you will How would they teach the principle to be to adapt to and support the needs of a child? To someone of another faith? Questions to ponder. What resources individuals. have I seen other teachers use to e ec- ■ Compare two or more scripture tively teach a gospel principle? What Question to ponder. What can I do to stories or scripture passages. What resources could I use? make sure I heed the Spirit’s prompt- insights do they gain from this ings as I am teaching? comparison? Scriptural example. What impresses me about the way the Savior clari ed Scriptural example. What do I learn ■ Find and sing hymns about a a principle in Luke 10:25–37? from Doctrine and Covenants 11:21 gospel principle. about the role of the Spirit in teaching? See also the section “Use Music, ■ Summarize a scripture passage in Stories, and Art to Teach Doctrine” IDEAS FOR TEACHING their own words. in this resource. As you make your plan, consider what ■ Match verses to related pictures. BE WILLING TO ADAPT you will invite class members to do How do these pictures help them bet- to help them learn from the scriptures ter understand the scripture passage? Prayerful preparation and organized and the words of latter-day prophets. lesson plans can greatly bless your Below are some ideas that you can ■ Role-play a situation related to a students, but you should be willing apply to almost any scripture or topic. gospel principle. to adapt your lesson plan during Other ideas can be found in Church class time as the Spirit instructs. Pay curriculum materials. The best ideas, ■ View Church-produced media careful attention to the comments and however, will often come to you by related to the principle, such as DVDs questions of those you teach; the Spirit the Spirit as you consider the needs of or video clips found on LDS.org. may prompt you to spend more time those you teach. on a certain principle than you had ■ Explain how a picture or object relates to a gospel principle.18
SAMPLE TEACHING PLANThere are many ways to organize a teaching plan. Use what works best for you and the individuals you are teaching.Below is one possible approach.Invite sharing: You could begin by encouraging class members to share thoughts and experiences with each other.They might share insights they have had while reading the scriptures, experiences they have had with applying principlestaught in the scriptures, or questions they have about this week’s topic.Teach the doctrine: Think of ways you can help class members discover the truths of the gospel for themselves. It willhelp to organize your thoughts and materials in advance. For example, if your topic was the restoration of the priesthood,you could approach it as follows:Principles Supporting scriptures Questions Teaching aidsWhen He established His Matthew 10:1; Acts What do these scriptures Picture of Christ ordainingChurch, Jesus Christ gave 2:37–47; Hebrews 5:4 teach you about the His Twelve Apostlespriesthood authority to importance of priesthoodHis Apostles. authority?Because of widespread Amos 8:11–12; Matthew What evidences of the Analogy: Suppose you arewickedness, including 24:9–11; Acts 20:29–30; Apostasy have you seen in in a room that is illumi-the killing of many of the 2 Thessalonians 2:1–4; the world? nated by 12 lights andApostles, the Lord took Mormon 1:13–14 the lights are turned off priesthood authority from one at a time. How doesthe earth. this relate to the Apostles and the loss of priesthood authority?The priesthood was D&C 13:1; 27:12–13; 110; As you have studied the Video: “Restoration of the restored to Joseph Smith Joseph Smith—History restoration of the priest- Priesthood” (LDS.org)by those who held it 1:68–72 hood, what has the Spiritanciently. taught you?Today the blessings of the D&C 1:20; 84:19–20 How has the priesthood “Hark, All Ye Nations!”priesthood are available blessed you and your Hymns, no. 264to all. family?Encourage application: At some point during the lesson, encourage class members to reflect on the spiritual feelings they have had during class and what they feel inspired to do because of what they have learned.Encourage further learning: It is often helpful to let class members know what they will be discussing the following weekand invite them to prepare in advance at home.FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADERShare and counsel together. Begin Practice. As a group, work together plan for their next lesson and bringby inviting teachers to share recent to prepare a sample plan for an it to the next teacher council meet-teaching experiences and ask ques- upcoming lesson, referring to the ing to receive feedback from thetions related to teaching. relevant teaching manual as appro- other teachers. priate. You could use the sampleLearn together. Invite teachers to plan in this section or another plan. Prepare. Decide together on a topicdiscuss one or more of the ideas in Invite teachers to make a lesson for the next meeting, and invitethis section. teachers to prepare. 19
PART 3: TEACH THE DOCTRINE Teach the Doctrine (Handbook 2: Administering the Church [2010], 5.5.4) The Savior said, “My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me” (John 7:16). The Father’s doctrine consists of eternal truths that, when consistently applied, lead to exaltation. Central among these truths is the Savior’s Atonement and its essential role in the plan of salvation. The Savior has commanded us to “teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom” (D&C 88:77). As we do, the Holy Ghost bears witness of the truthfulness of the doctrine and inspires people to live it. Doctrine does not change—rather, it changes us, and it changes those we teach. CENTER YOUR TEACHING ON Questions to ponder. How will those to become like Heavenly Father has I teach be blessed as they live the doc- reasons to obey the law of chastity THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST trine of Christ? (see 3 Nephi 27:16–21). that are more powerful than the What will be the eternal consequences desire to avoid unwanted pregnancy President Boyd K. Packer taught, if they do not live the doctrine of or diseases. “True doctrine, understood, changes Christ? attitudes and behavior.” 1 As a gospel Questions to ponder. What principles teacher, you can trust that “the virtue Scriptural example. According to will I be teaching in upcoming les- of the word of God” has a “more Mosiah 5:2–5, what caused King sons? How can I help class members powerful e ect upon the minds of Benjamin’s people to change? What understand those principles in the the people than . . . anything else” did King Benjamin teach them? (see context of the plan of salvation? (Alma 31:5). If you focus on simply Mosiah 2–5). How do the things that entertaining learners or keeping King Benjamin taught relate to the Scriptural example. Alma taught that them occupied, you may miss out doctrine of Christ? God gave His people commandments on teaching eternal truths that will help learners make meaningful TEACH WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF changes in their lives. THE PLAN OF SALVATION One way to ensure that you are teach- ing true doctrine is to consider how Sometimes learners—especially what you are teaching relates to the youth—wonder how gospel principles doctrine of Christ, which is sum- relate to them or why they should marized in 2 Nephi 31 and 3 Nephi obey certain commandments. How- 27:16–21 and found throughout the ever, if they understand Heavenly scriptures. Continually ask yourself, Father’s eternal plan for the happi- “How will what I am teaching help ness of His children, the reasons for my class members build faith in gospel principles and commandments Christ, repent, make and keep become clearer and the motivation to covenants with God, and receive obey increases. For example, someone the Holy Ghost?” who understands the doctrine of eternal marriage and our potential SUPPORT GOSPEL LEARNING IN THE HOME If the people you teach learn gospel thing you can do to help learners and in their families. For ideas, see doctrines only in your class, they will build their faith and become more “Support Gospel Learning in the not have the spiritual nourishment Christlike is inspire them to learn Home” in this resource. they need. The most important from the scriptures on their own20
after teaching them the “plan of re- and learning” (1 Nephi 19:23). The See also the video “Searching thedemption” (see Alma 12:32). How can same gospel truths that inspired and Scriptures” (LDS.org).I apply this pattern as I teach? sustained Abraham, Esther, Lehi, and Joseph Smith can help those you teach TESTIFY OF TRUE DOCTRINEUSE THE SCRIPTURES AND face modern challenges. To help learn-THE WORDS OF LATTER-DAY ers liken scriptures to themselves, The Savior taught “as one havingPROPHETS invite them to insert their names into authority, and not as the scribes” a verse or ponder how an account in (Matthew 7:29). The Savior’s personalThe Lord has commanded us to the scriptures relates to their lives. testimony gave authority to His words“teach one another the doctrine of the and helped those He taught recognizekingdom” (D&C 88:77) and to use the Question to ponder. What scripture that He was teaching eternal truths.scriptures to “teach the principles of passages have given me insight into a As you bear testimony of true doc-[His] gospel” (D&C 42:12). The scrip- struggle I have faced? trine, the Spirit will con rm the truthtures and words of latter-day prophets of the doctrine in the hearts of thoseand apostles are the source of the Scriptural example. How did the Sav- you teach.truths we teach. At every opportunity, ior liken the scriptures to the peopleinspire those you teach to turn to the He taught? (see, for example, Luke Question to ponder. How has my tes-word of God for guidance, answers 4:24–32). timony been strengthened by anotherto questions, and support. If learners person’s powerful witness?will “feast upon the words of Christ,” HELP LEARNERS FINDthe doctrine they nd there will “tell SCRIPTURAL TRUTHS Scriptural example. What do I learn[them] all things what [they] should from Alma’s example of bearing testi-do” (2 Nephi 32:3). Before learners read a scripture pas- mony of truth? (see Alma 5:43–48). sage in class, consider asking them toQuestions to ponder. How can I in- look for speci c truths taught in the 1. Boyd K. Packer, “Do Not Fear,” Ensign orspire those I teach to “feast upon” the passage. Sometimes such truths are Liahona, May 2004, 79.word of God? How can I help them stated clearly, and sometimes they areuse footnotes, the Topical Guide, and implied. For example, you could say,other study aids to better understand “As you read Doctrine and Covenantsthe scriptures? 11:12–14, look for truths you learn about the Holy Ghost.”Scriptural example. What examplescan I nd of the Savior using the scrip- Question to ponder. What can I do totures to teach and testify of gospel help class members learn how to ndtruths? (see, for example, Matthew gospel truths in the scriptures?12:1–8 and Luke 4:16–21). Scriptural example. Why did theHELP LEARNERS LIKEN THE Savior want the Nephites to search theSCRIPTURES TO THEMSELVES scriptures and read the words of the prophets? (see 3 Nephi 23:1–5).Nephi said, “I did liken all scripturesunto us, that it might be for our pro tFOR THE DISCUSSION LEADERShare and counsel together. Begin Learn together. Invite teachers to Discuss various ways in which eachby inviting teachers to share recent discuss one or more of the ideas scripture could be likened to theteaching experiences and ask ques- in this section. Do not try to cover lives of learners.tions related to teaching. everything in one meeting. Prepare. Decide together on a topic Practice. Invite teachers to share for the next meeting, and invite a few of their favorite scriptures. teachers to prepare. 21
PART 3: TEACH THE DOCTRINE Use Music, Stories, and Art to Teach Doctrine When God created the earth, He lled it with a variety of animals, plants, and landscapes to give our lives richness and beauty. Look for ways you can add variety to your e orts to teach the gospel. Doing so will add richness and beauty to the experience of learners, and it will also help you reach learners with varying needs. Consider how using music, stories, pictures, and other forms of art can invite the Spirit, clarify gospel principles in memorable ways, and help learners relate the gospel to their everyday lives. Remember that such resources should not be the focus of the lesson, but only tools to help you teach the doctrines of the gospel more e ectively. USE MUSIC TO INVITE THE SPIRIT USE STORIES AND EXAMPLES TO USE ART TO ENGAGE LEARNERS AND TEACH DOCTRINE TEACH GOSPEL PRINCIPLES Art, including pictures, videos, and dramatizations, can help engage The First Presidency has said, “Music The Savior often told stories and learners—especially visual learners— has boundless powers for moving [us] parables to help His listeners under- and make scriptural accounts more toward greater spirituality and devo- stand how gospel principles applied memorable. The art you use should tion to the gospel.” 1 Listening to or to their everyday lives. His teachings be more than decoration; it should singing a hymn can create a reverent are rich with references to sh, seeds, help learners understand gospel feeling and invite the Spirit. Hymns keys, cups, and many other everyday doctrines. The Gospel Art Book and can also teach gospel principles. For objects. As you prepare to teach, think the LDS Media Library on LDS.org example, “I Believe in Christ” (Hymns, of examples and stories from your contain many images and videos that no. 134) or the Hallelujah Chorus by own life and from the everyday lives can help learners visualize concepts or George Frideric Handel could inspire of your class members that can make events. The painting The Second Coming a discussion of the Savior’s divine gospel principles come alive. You by Harry Anderson, for example, can roles and titles. Consider how you can might discuss, for example, how the help learners ponder how they will feel make music part of your lessons; for Holy Ghost is like a compass, a ash- when the Savior returns. Dramatizing example, you could play a recording light, or a warm blanket. Uplifting the parable of the prodigal son can help of a hymn or invite a family or some quotations from wholesome literature learners understand what it means to Primary children to sing in your class. can also enrich a lesson. As often as forgive someone who has strayed. possible, invite learners to share their Questions to ponder. How has sacred own stories and experiences. Question to ponder. How can I use art music a ected my testimony? How to enhance the learning experience for might it bless those I teach? Questions to ponder. What experi- class members in upcoming lessons? ences from my life have helped me to Scriptural example. What are some understand gospel principles? How Scriptural example. How did the possible reasons Jesus and His disci- can I encourage learners to share Savior use visual images as He taught? ples sang a hymn before they departed their experiences? (see, for example, Matthew 6:28–30; for Gethsemane? (see Matthew 26:30; 22:16–21; Mark 12:41–44). see also Colossians 3:16; D&C 25:12). Scriptural example. Why did the Savior use parables such as those 1. “First Presidency Preface,” Hymns, x. found in Matthew 13:44–48? FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADER Share and counsel together. Begin Practice. To model the principles teachers have shared, ask them to by inviting teachers to share recent taught in this section, look for ways discuss how what they have shared teaching experiences and ask ques- to include music, stories, and art might support the principle they are tions related to teaching. in your discussion. For example, teaching and enhance the learning before the meeting, you could experience for those they teach. Learn together. Invite teachers to invite teachers to come prepared discuss one or more of the ideas in to share music, stories, or artwork Prepare. Decide together on a topic this section. that they have used or could use to for the next meeting, and invite teach a gospel principle. After the teachers to prepare.22
PART 3: TEACH THE DOCTRINERespond to Difficult Questions with FaithA good teacher encourages learners to ask questions, but sometimes a question may arise that is di cult to answer. TheLord has commanded, “Treasure up in your minds continually the words of life,” and “declare whatsoever thing ye de-clare . . . in the spirit of meekness.” His promise is that when you do these things, you will receive “in the very moment,what ye shall say” (D&C 84:85; 100:6–7).PREPARE IN ADVANCEAs you prepare to teach, pray for helpto identify questions that might arisein the minds of class members. Searchthe scriptures and other Church re-sources, and consider how you mightrespond. Remember that the bestpreparation comes from seeking theLord’s help.Questions to ponder. As I think aboutmy next teaching opportunity, whatdi cult questions might learnershave? What can I do to prepare?Scriptural example. How does thepromise in 2 Nephi 32:3 relate tome as a teacher?REFER TO OFFICIALCHURCH RESOURCESThe best sources for answers to dif- cult gospel questions are the scrip-tures, the words of living prophets,and other o cial Church publications.For example, the Church has pub-lished Gospel Topics essays to help an-swer questions about Church historyand controversial issues (see lds.org/topics). Become familiar with o cialChurch resources, and encourageFOR THE DISCUSSION LEADERShare and counsel together. Begin Learn together. Invite teachers to those they teach. As a group, discussby inviting teachers to share recent discuss one or more of the ideas in appropriate ways to respond toteaching experiences and ask this section. these questions.questions related to teaching. Striveto create an environment where Practice. Before the meeting, invite Prepare. Decide together on a topicteachers feel comfortable and safe teachers to bring difficult gospel for the next meeting, and invitewhen asking questions. questions they have heard from teachers to prepare. 23
those who have questions to study Question to ponder. Who in my class gospel truths that we do know, such them as well. could provide helpful insights if a as the Savior’s Atonement, the plan di cult question arose? of salvation, and priesthood power. Questions to ponder. What questions Bear your testimony of the essential have my class members asked in the Scriptural example. How can I follow principles of the gospel. Help learners past? What Church resources can the pattern in Doctrine and Covenants understand Elder Je rey R. Holland’s help them? 88:122 as I help learners nd answers declaration, “In this Church, what we to questions? know will always trump what we do Scriptural example. How can I not know.” 1 follow the counsel in Doctrine and See also the video “Answering a Covenants 88:118? Class Member’s Question” (LDS.org). Question to ponder. What can I do to build faith in those who have INVITE LEARNERS TO HELP ADMIT WHEN YOU DO unanswered gospel questions? ANSWER QUESTIONS NOT KNOW Scriptural example. What do I learn In many cases, it may be appropriate It should not surprise you that there from the following scriptures about to invite learners to help each other are some unanswered gospel ques- unanswered gospel questions? Isaiah tions; the answers to some di cult 55:8–9; John 16:12; 2 Corinthians 5:7; nd answers to their questions. When questions have yet to be revealed. 1 Nephi 11:16–17; Doctrine and Cov- prompted by the Spirit, you may While it is natural to want to answer enants 101:32–33; Moses 5:6; Articles decide to do this even if you feel that every question, in some situations it of Faith 1:9. you know the answer. When you ask is appropriate to simply say, “I don’t learners to search the scriptures and know. Let’s study that question on our 1. Jeffrey R. Holland, “Lord, I Believe,” Ensign or other Church resources for answers own this week, and we can discuss it to gospel questions, you provide them next time.” In such situations, point Liahona, May 2013, 94. with excellent learning opportunities. learners back to the more important24
PART 3: TEACH THE DOCTRINETeach the ChildrenWhen the resurrected Savior visited the Nephites, “he did teach and minister unto the children . . . , and he did loose theirtongues, and they did speak unto their fathers great and marvelous things, even greater than he had revealed unto thepeople” (3 Nephi 26:14). The Savior’s actions set an example for you as you teach, care for, and in uence the faith andconversion of children (see 3 Nephi 17:23).SUPPORT PARENTS e orts to teach children will be most Question to ponder. What stories, e ective as you use a variety of teach- objects, or songs can I use to make aParents are the most important gospel ing methods, such as the following: gospel principle easier for a child toteachers for their children—they have ■ Stories. Gospel principles are easier understand?both the main responsibility and the for children to understand when thegreatest power to in uence their chil- principles are taught using a story. Scriptural example. What do I learndren (see Deuteronomy 6:6–7). As you Stories help children see how the about the Savior’s way of teaching inteach children at church, prayerfully gospel applies to everyday life. The Matthew 18:1–5?seek ways to support their parents stories in the scriptures, in particular,in their essential role. For example, teach doctrine powerfully—you could See also the video “Primary Musicyou could talk to parents about the use Joseph Smith’s account of his First Leader” (LDS.org).needs and interests of their children, Vision, for example, to teach aboutyou could share with them what their prayer, revelation, overcoming oppo- GIVE THE CHILDRENchildren are learning in your class, sition, and the nature of the Godhead. OPPORTUNITIES TO EXPRESSand you could nd out how you might You could use stories from your own THEIR CREATIVITYsupport parents’ e orts as you teach. life or from Church magazines. When teaching young children, plan ways to As sons and daughters of God, chil-Question to ponder. In my e orts to involve them in the story; for exam- dren are born to create. When youteach children at church, how could ple, they could hold pictures, repeat invite children to create somethingI build on the experiences they are phrases, or act out parts. related to a gospel principle, you helphaving at home? them better understand the princi- ■ Visual aids. Visuals such as pictures, ple, and you give them a tangibleScriptural example. What does the videos, and objects can help children reminder of what they have learned.Spirit teach me as I consider the exam- better understand and remember They can also use their creation toples of faithful parents in the Book of scripture stories and the principles share what they learned with others.Mormon? (see, for example, 1 Nephi they teach. Many pictures and videos As you teach children, allow them to1:1; Enos 1:1–3; Alma 56:45–48). can be found in the LDS Media Li- build, draw, color, write, and create. brary on LDS.org. These things are more than fun activ-USE A VARIETY OF ities—they are essential to learning.TEACHING METHODS ■ Music. Hymns and songs can help Each issue of the Liahona or Friend children feel God’s love, feel the Spirit, magazine includes creative activitiesNot all children are alike, and each and learn gospel truths. The melo- for children.child is developing rapidly. Your dies, rhythms, and simple rhymes can help children remember gospel Question to ponder. How could I USING ALL THE SENSES truths for years to come. As you sing include creative activities as I teach? with children, help them discover Most children (and adults) and understand the principles taught ENCOURAGE CHILDREN learn best when multiple in the songs. Most of the songs in the TO ASK QUESTIONS senses are involved. Find ways Children’s Songbook and the Church to help the children use their hymnbook include scripture refer- Children are naturally curious, and senses of sight, hearing, and ences that you can use to connect the they have many questions. Strive to touch as they learn. In some song to doctrine taught in see their questions as opportunities, situations, you may even find the scriptures. not as distractions or impediments to ways to include their senses of your lesson. Children’s questions are smell and taste! an indication that they are ready to learn. Such questions give you valu- able insights into what the children are thinking, what concerns they 25
have, and how they are responding feelings, and experiences related to the If a child continues to be disruptive, to the things they are learning. Help principles you are teaching. You will it may be helpful to speak to him or them see that the answers to their her privately. In a spirit of love and questions can be found in the scrip- nd that they have insights that are patience, explain your expectations tures and the words of living prophets. simple, pure, and powerful. and your con dence that he or she can meet them. You might want to invite Question to ponder. How can I show Question to ponder. What gospel the child’s parents or a member of the the children in my class that I value truths have I learned from a child? Primary presidency to join you in this their questions and curiosity? conversation. Scriptural example. What do I learn Scriptural example. How was young from the Savior’s example in 3 Nephi If the child causing disruptions has Joseph Smith blessed by an invitation 26:14? special needs, talk to the ward or stake to ask questions? (see Joseph Smith— disability specialist or visit disabilities History 1:10–20). ADDRESS DISRUPTIONS .lds.org to nd out how you can better WITH LOVE meet those needs. INVITE CHILDREN TO SHARE WHAT THEY KNOW Sometimes a child acts in ways that Question to ponder. Are there any disrupt the learning of others in the changes I could make to my teaching When children learn something new, class. When this happens, be patient, approach that might help a disruptive they naturally want to share it with loving, and understanding about the child feel loved? others. Encourage this desire by giving challenges the child may be facing. children opportunities to teach gospel He or she may just need more oppor- Scriptural example. What do Proverbs principles to each other, their family tunities to participate in the lesson 15:1; Doctrine and Covenants 18:10; members, and their friends. Also ask in positive ways—holding a picture, and 121:41–44 teach me about address- them to share with you their thoughts, drawing something on the board, or ing disruptions? reading a scripture. FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADER Share and counsel together. Begin in this section. Do not try to cover Primary children into the meeting to by inviting teachers to share recent everything in one meeting. be taught. Afterward, give teachers teaching experiences and ask ques- time to share feedback. tions related to teaching. Practice. Invite teachers to role-play teaching a gospel principle to a child, Prepare. Decide together on a topic Learn together. Invite teachers to using the suggestions in this section. for the next meeting, and invite discuss one or more of the ideas You might consider inviting some teachers to prepare.26
PART 3: TEACH THE DOCTRINETeach the YouthMany experiences recorded in the scriptures make clear that God has con dence in the spiritual abilities of young people.Samuel was just a boy when he heard the Lord’s voice in the temple. Mormon was only 10 years old when he demon-strated the spiritual gifts that quali ed him for his sacred mission. Joseph Smith was 14 when he was trusted with therevelation that initiated the Restoration. And the Savior Himself was 12 when He was found in the temple, teaching andengaging in His Father’s work. If you are a teacher of youth, you have the opportunity to help them ful ll the great workthat Heavenly Father has prepared them to do.SUPPORT PARENTS Scriptural example. What impressions gospel and may feel less comfortable do I have concerning the youth I teach making comments in class. They mayThe Lord has given parents the pri- as I read about Helaman’s 2,000 young have short attention spans and requiremary responsibility for teaching their soldiers? (see Alma 53:17–21; 56:47; a greater variety of teaching meth-children. Therefore, as you strive to 57:21). ods, such as object lessons, real-lifeteach youth in the Savior’s way, your stories, and visual aids. Some youthe orts should support the e orts of See also the teaching demonstra- are still learning what is acceptable inparents. Share with parents of youth tion in the video “Strengthen Our class and may try to push the limitswhat you are teaching. Counsel with Families” (LDS.org). of good behavior. Sometimes they arethem to learn about the needs of the unsure of their beliefs and unsure ofyoung people in your class and the SET HIGH EXPECTATIONS, AND themselves.best ways to help meet those needs. PATIENTLY HELP THE YOUTHYou could communicate with parents FULFILL THEM However, youth also have the poten-through regular emails or text mes- tial to do remarkable things in thesages, or you may want to meet with In some ways, teaching youth is Lord’s service. Elder David A. Bednarthem from time to time. di erent from teaching adults. Youth said: “I believe this generation of often have less experience with theDo what you can to strengthen therelationships between youth and theirparents. Young people may sometimesfeel most comfortable coming to youwhen they need advice, but as muchas possible, encourage them to alsoseek counsel from the most importantteachers in their lives—their parents.Question to ponder. What are someappropriate ways in which I couldwork together with the parents of theyouth I teach?FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADERShare and counsel together. Begin in this section. Do not try to cover find truth without giving them all the by inviting teachers to share recent everything in one meeting. answers? What counsel or adviceteaching experiences and ask ques- can teachers give each other?tions related to teaching. Practice. Invite teachers to role-play helping young people discover truth Prepare. Decide together on a topicLearn together. Invite teachers to for themselves in the scriptures. for the next meeting, and invitediscuss one or more of the ideas How would they inspire the youth to teachers to prepare. 27
youth is more immersed in the scrip- GIVE YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES TO need their own reserves of faith and tures, more deeply acquainted with TEACH EACH OTHER testimony. They will need to know the words of the prophets, and more how to nd strength during their trials prone to turn to the revelations for Youth teach each other all the time— and answers to their questions. They answers than any previous genera- they share experiences, help a friend will not be able to rely on you or tion.” 1 And President J. Reuben Clark understand a gospel principle, or set their parents. Jr. shared similar con dence in the an example through their actions. youth: “The youth of the Church are Give them many opportunities to As you teach, rather than simply hungry for things of the Spirit; they teach each other in class, for they imparting information, help the youth are eager to learn the gospel, and they often learn best from each other and discover gospel truths for themselves want it straight, undiluted.” 2 from the experience of teaching. When in the scriptures and the words of the you invite youth to teach, take the prophets. When they have questions, If the youth sense that you trust them, time to help them prepare appropri- sometimes it is better to teach them their con dence in their divine poten- ately. Share with them some of the how to nd answers themselves, tial will grow, and they will surprise principles in this resource, and explain rather than answering the questions you with what they can accomplish. what you do to prepare to teach. Con- right away. For example, you could Lovingly communicate that you know sider this pattern: explain a principle show them how to use the study they can be responsible for their own that you want them to understand, aids in the scriptures or the Gospel learning and committed to keeping demonstrate how to apply it, let them Topics section of LDS.org. You could the Lord’s standards. Help them see practice it, evaluate their e orts, and also share how you have sought and a vision of what Heavenly Father give them a chance to practice again. received personal revelation. Encour- knows they can become. age them to develop a habit of daily In this way you will be helping the prayer and meaningful scripture Of course, youth still have a lot to youth not just for one lesson but for a study. Through your words and learn—just as we all do. Follow the lifetime of teaching the gospel in the example, teach them about the pure Savior’s example by continuing to Savior’s way. joy that comes from learning and love and encourage them, patiently living the gospel. working with them, and never giving Question to ponder. Who in my class up on them. would bene t from an opportunity to Questions to ponder. Do the youth teach? How can I help him or her to I teach know what to do when they Questions to ponder. What expecta- have a positive experience? have questions or concerns about the tions do I have for the youth I teach? gospel? How can I help them be more How do I express my con dence in Scriptural example. As I read Luke spiritually self-reliant? them? 2:40–52, what does the Spirit teach me about the youth in my class? Scriptural example. What does it Scriptural example. What scriptures mean to “build your foundation” on teach me about the Savior’s expec- See also the video “Let Us Teach” Jesus Christ? (Helaman 5:12). How tations for His disciples? (see, for (LDS.org). can I help the youth do this? example, Matthew 5:48; John 13:34–35; 14:12). HELP YOUTH DEVELOP 1. David A. Bednar, “A Reservoir of Living Water” SPIRITUAL SELF-RELIANCE See also “Love Those You Teach” in (Church Educational System fireside for young this resource. To survive spiritually in these perilous times and to ful ll the Lord’s mission adults, Feb. 4, 2007), 2, LDS.org. for them, the youth you teach will 2. J. Reuben Clark Jr., The Charted Course of the MAKE GOOD USE OF TECHNOLOGY Church in Education, rev. ed. (1994), 3; see also If the youth you teach have their own electronic devices, remember that these devices don’t have to be a distraction—they can actually be tools to lds.org/bc/content/ldsorg/manual/seminary/ enhance learning. Encourage the youth to look up scriptures and other Church resources on these devices in order to answer questions. You can 32709_000.p df, p. 3. also send messages and links to the youth during the week to help them prepare for upcoming lessons.28
PART 4: INVITE DILIGENT LEARNINGInvite Diligent Learning(Handbook 2: Administering the Church [2010], 5.5.4)A true gospel teacher is not satis ed when learners simply listen to what he or she has to say. Learning the gospel is notmeant to be a passive experience. It is an act of faith and diligent e ort. When you prepare to teach, instead of thinking,“What will I do to teach?” ask yourself, “What will my class members do to learn? How will I help them discover the gos-pel for themselves? How will I inspire them to act?” Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles sharedthe familiar saying, “Giving a man a sh feeds him for one meal. Teaching a man to sh feeds him for a lifetime.” He thentaught, “As parents and gospel instructors, you and I are not in the business of distributing sh; rather, our work is to help[those we teach] learn ‘to sh’ and to become spiritually steadfast.” 1ENCOURAGE LEARNING recognize the promptings of the Spirit, what they are learning. You may ndOUTSIDE OF CLASS you will nd valuable insights in that the questions and insights that in- Doctrine and Covenants 8–9. I invite vite the Spirit come just as often fromGospel study once a week is not you to read these sections before our a diligent learner as from the teacher.enough to fortify class members next class.”against the temptations and decep- Question to ponder. What are sometions of the adversary. Gospel learning Question to ponder. How might I use things I can do to help my class mem-must be centered in daily e orts at class time di erently because I see the bers take responsibility for their ownhome, including personal and family home as the center of gospel learning? learning?study. The things you say and do asa teacher can reinforce this principle. Scriptural example. When Jesus Scriptural example. How did theGive learners speci c invitations to taught the Nephites after His Res- Savior encourage His followers to takestudy the gospel outside of class, and urrection, why do you think He responsibility for their own learning?regularly ask them to share what they instructed them to return home to (see, for example, Luke 10:25–28; Etherare learning. For instance, you might ponder and pray about His words? 2:22–25).invite all class members to come to (see 3 Nephi 17:2–3).class prepared to share a meaningful EXPRESS CONFIDENCE THROUGHpassage from an assigned reading. Or See also “Support Gospel Learning inyou could invite one class member to the Home” in this resource. HIGH EXPECTATIONSprepare to teach a portion of the les-son. Even young children can be given PUT RESPONSIBILITY Some learners are not con dent ininvitations to learn, with support of ON LEARNERS their ability to learn the gospel onparents, outside of class. their own. Elder Bruce R. McConkie While a teacher’s role is important, taught, “Each [person] has access toAn encouragement to learn at home learners are ultimately responsible the same scriptures and is entitledshould be more than just a reminder for their own learning. Consider how to the guidance of the same Holyabout a reading assignment. It you can help learners accept and ful ll Spirit.” 2 When you express con denceshould be motivating and inspiring. this responsibility. For example, when in your class members and testify thatFor example, you might say, “If you a scripture is read in class, before the Holy Ghost will teach them, youwould like to improve your ability to sharing your insights, you could ask help them rise to the high expectations class members what they learn from that the Lord has for gospel learners. SCRIPTURE STUDY HELPS the passage. Let them know that you Many of them will never know what aren’t looking for a speci c answer they can achieve unless they receive but that you are sincerely interested in invitations and encouragement from you to stretch themselves. Share withThe scripture footnotes, Topical Guide, and Bible Dictionary are valuable them this inspiring invitation fromresources for helping us understand the scriptures. Consider this doc- President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: “I invitetrinal insight from the entry on prayer in the Bible Dictionary: “The object you to . . . become experts in the doc-of prayer is not to change the will of God but to secure for ourselves and trines of the gospel.” 3for others blessings that God is already willing to grant but that are madeconditional on our asking for them” (Bible Dictionary, “Prayer”). Question to ponder. What have others done to help me feel con dent in my ability to learn the gospel? 29
Scriptural example. The Savior dependent upon a teacher for spiritual that are never spoken aloud. Elder expressed His con dence in His strength. As you teach, ask questions Richard G. Scott taught, “Write down disciples by giving them challenging that require learners to nd answers in in a secure place the important things but attainable invitations (see, for the scriptures. Even better, help them you learn from the Spirit. You will example, Luke 5:1–11). What can I do learn how to ask their own questions. to follow His example? Help them see that even though the nd that as you write down precious scriptures were written many years impressions, often more will come. ENCOURAGE SHARING ago, they contain the Lord’s answers Also, the knowledge you gain will be to questions and problems we all face. available throughout your life.” 4 When learners share what they are learning, they not only feel the Spirit Question to ponder. What counsel Question to ponder. When have I and strengthen their own testimo- could I give class members to help been blessed by recording a spiritual nies, but they also encourage other them have better experiences with impression? class members to discover truths for themselves. In addition to sharing nding answers in the scriptures? Scriptural example. The Savior asked what you have learned from your the Nephites to write down the things study, encourage learners to share. Scriptural example. What do I learn they were taught (see 3 Nephi 16:4; You might ask questions like “What from Nephi’s example in 1 Nephi 23:4, 11; 27:23). What blessings have truths stand out to you in these 19:22–24 and 2 Nephi 25:1–4? come from that commandment? verses?” or “What do you learn about rescuing those who are lost as you INVITE LEARNERS TO RECORD 1. David A. Bednar, “Watching with All Persever- read President Monson’s story?” ance,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2010, 42–43. Small children can share by drawing IMPRESSIONS pictures or telling stories. Reserve 2. Bruce R. McConkie, “Finding Answers to Gospel time for student sharing in every Encourage learners to record the im- Questions,” in Charge to Religious Educators, 3rd lesson—in some cases, you may nd pressions they receive from the Holy ed. (1994), 80; see also lds.org/manual/teach- that these discussions are the lesson. Ghost as they study the gospel. For ing-seminary-preservice-readings-religion-370 young children this may mean draw- -471-and-475. Question to ponder. How can I ing a picture or sharing their thoughts encourage my class members to share with their parents. Teach learners 3. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Your Potential, Your what they are learning? that sometimes the Spirit will teach Privilege,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2011, 59. them things during a class discussion Scriptural example: Luke 10:1–9 4. Richard G. Scott, “To Acquire Knowledge and records that the Savior sent His dis- the Strength to Use It Wisely,” Ensign, June ciples to share what they had learned 2002, 32. from Him. How did this experience bless them? (see verses 17–24). TEACH LEARNERS TO FIND ANSWERS IN THE SCRIPTURES A person who knows how to draw meaning out of the scriptures and turns to them daily will be able to access divine guidance to overcome any challenge. Such a person will not be FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADER Share and counsel together. Begin Learn together. Invite teachers to How is this approach different from by inviting teachers to share recent discuss one or more of the ideas in simply teaching others about the teaching experiences and ask ques- this section. principle? How will it bless learners? tions. This could be an opportunity to model ways to invite diligent Practice. Before the meeting, assign Prepare. Decide together on a topic learning. each teacher to learn about a gospel for the next meeting, and invite principle and come to the meeting teachers to prepare. prepared to inspire the other teach- ers to learn about the principle.30
PART 4: INVITE DILIGENT LEARNINGAsk Inspired QuestionsThe Savior asked questions that invited learners to think and feel deeply about the truths He taught. Our questions cansimilarly inspire learners to ponder gospel truths and nd ways to apply them in their lives. An inspired question is aninvitation to learners to discover gospel truths on their own and to evaluate their understanding of and commitment tothose truths. Inspired questions can make learning the gospel a more engaging and personally meaningful experience.ASK QUESTIONS THAT HELP members need to understand in an are our lives blessed by the Savior’s upcoming lesson? What questions su ering in the garden?”LEARNERS GAIN BASIC could I ask to help them gain a basic understanding from the scriptures? Question to ponder. How might ques-KNOWLEDGE OF ETERNAL TRUTHS tions like those above inspire learners Scriptural example. What do I learn to make changes in their lives?Before class members can discuss a from the questions the Savior asked inscripture story or gospel principle, Luke 10:25–28? Scriptural example. When did thethey need to understand it. Some of Savior or others in the scriptures askyour questions should encourage ASK QUESTIONS THAT TOUCH questions that inspired heartfelt pon-learners to search the scriptures to dering? (see, for example, Matthewgain a basic knowledge of a story or THE HEART AND MIND 16:13–15; John 1:37–38).principle. Such questions often havespeci c answers, but it is usually best Once learners have basic knowl- See also the video “Ask Usto let the learners discover the an- edge about a story or principle, ask Questions” (LDS.org).swers for themselves. For example, if questions that help them ponder itsyou were studying Matthew 26:36–46, meaning so that the story or principle ASK QUESTIONS THAT INVITEyou could ask, “What details do you can touch their hearts and minds. You LEARNERS TO ACT might ask learners to share how they nd in these verses that describe the feel about a scripture passage, how the Some questions prompt learners toSavior’s experience in the Garden of people in the scriptures may have felt, apply what they have learned andGethsemane? What did He do for us or how the truths in the passage relate commit themselves to live the gospelthere?” Or, if you are teaching young to our lives. Because responses to these more fully. In most cases, these ques-children, you could describe the questions often rely on the feelings tions should invite learners to listenSavior’s experience in Gethsemane in and experiences of the learners, the to promptings from the Spirit aboutyour own words and then ask the chil- questions usually do not have just one what they should do. For example,dren to tell you what Jesus did there. correct answer. Often these questions you might ask, “As we have discussed begin with phrases like “in your the Savior’s su ering in Gethsemane,These discussions should go beyond opinion” or “how do you feel.” For what spiritual impressions have youjust the details of the story, as impor- example, you could ask, “How do you received?” or “What will you do dif-tant as they are. Ask questions that think the Apostles might have felt as ferently because of what you learnedhelp your class members discover they walked to the Garden of Gethse- today?” These are usually not discus-gospel principles—the eternal, life- mane with the Savior? How do you sion questions; they are for personalchanging truths in the scriptures. feel about what Jesus did there? How re ection. Learners should share their answers only if they feel comfortableQuestions to ponder. What scrip- doing so.ture stories or principles do my class Question to ponder. How haveDON’T BE AFRAID OF SILENCE questions asked by inspired teachers deepened my commitment to JesusGood questions take time to answer. They require pondering, searching, Christ?and inspiration. The time you spend waiting for answers to a questioncan be a sacred time of pondering. Avoid the temptation to end this Scriptural example. What do I learntime too soon by answering your own question or moving on to from the way Alma invited his peoplesomething else. Tell learners that you will give them time to ponder to be baptized? (see Mosiah 18:7–12).before they answer. See also “Invite Learners to Act” in this resource. 31
ASK QUESTIONS THAT INVITE learners to evaluate their behavior ASK QUESTIONS THAT ASSESS and commitment to the gospel—for UNDERSTANDING LEARNERS TO BEAR TESTIMONY example, “Do you have the faith to pay tithing?” or “Do you tell your To determine whether class members Asking questions that encourage family that you love them?” Tell learn- understand a principle, try asking a learners to bear testimony of the prin- ers not to answer these questions out question like “What have you learned ciples being taught can be a powerful loud; the purpose of such questions about the Atonement of Jesus Christ?” way to invite the Spirit. As learners is to help learners privately evaluate A question that invites learners to state ponder these questions, they will their own behavior and commitment a gospel principle in their own words— recognize times when they have seen to the gospel. especially if asked at the beginning of the Lord’s hand in their lives. Their class—can help you assess how much testimonies—and the testimonies of Question to ponder. When has an time you need to spend studying that others in the class—will grow as the inspired question helped me evaluate principle in class. Spirit bears witness of the truth. To my spiritual progress and commit- invite testimonies, you might ask ment? What questions could I ask Question to ponder. What are some questions such as “How have you to encourage self-evaluation in the other ways I can assess what class come to know that Jesus Christ atoned people I teach? members understand? for your sins?” or “How have you come to appreciate what the Savior Scriptural example. As I read John Scriptural example. How did Ammon did for us in Gethsemane?” or, if you 21:15–17, what stands out to me about assess King Lamoni’s understanding? are teaching young children, “How do the questions Jesus Christ asked Peter? (see Alma 18:24–36). you feel about Jesus?” Questions to ponder. What has prompted members of my class to bear their testimonies? How can I encour- age them to testify? Scriptural example. What e ect did King Benjamin’s question in Mosiah 5:1 have on his people? (see also verses 2–5). How can I apply this example as I teach? ASK QUESTIONS THAT ENCOURAGE SELF-EVALUATION When Alma preached to the people of Zarahemla, he asked introspec- tive questions like these: “Have ye spiritually been born of God? . . . Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?” (Alma 5:14). You might ask similar questions to encourage FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADER Share and counsel together. Begin Practice. Ask teachers (individually can come prepared.) Invite teachers by inviting teachers to share recent or in small groups) to follow the to share their questions with each teaching experiences and ask ques- guidelines in this section and write a other and provide feedback. tions related to teaching. few questions that they think could benefit class members during an Prepare. Decide together on a topic Learn together. Invite teachers to upcoming lesson. (It may be helpful for the next meeting, and invite discuss one or more of the ideas to give teachers this invitation a few teachers to prepare. in this section. Do not try to cover days before the meeting so they everything in one meeting.32
PART 4: INVITE DILIGENT LEARNINGLead Inspired DiscussionsWhen the Savior taught, He did more than just share information. He gave His disciples opportunities to ask questionsand share their testimonies. His pattern for teaching and learning invites us to “teach one another the doctrine of thekingdom” so that “all may be edi ed of all, and that every man may have an equal privilege” (D&C 88:77, 122). As ateacher, you can encourage uplifting discussions enriched by learners’ experiences and testimonies. Even small childrenoften have much to contribute. A robust discussion is not your primary goal as a teacher, but it can support that goal—to help learners increase their faith in Jesus Christ and become more like Him.CREATE AN ENVIRONMENT THAT ASK QUESTIONS THAT ALLOW EVERYONE TO TAKE PARTENCOURAGES DISCUSSION ENCOURAGE PONDERING Everyone has something to contribute, but sometimes not everyone gets aChurch classes and meetings provide A good discussion often begins with a chance. Christlike teachers are inter-Latter-day Saints with opportunities good question—one that invites people ested in the learning of each person,to strengthen each other by sharing to think deeply about the gospel. For not just the outspoken ones. Look forthoughts, experiences, and testimo- example, you might ask, “What doctri- ways to increase the number of classnies. The environment you create in a nal truths are taught in Joseph Smith’s members who can share their testimo-classroom can help to encourage these account of the First Vision?” or “How nies. For example:kinds of interactions. Your words, has Joseph Smith’s First Vision made a ■ You could divide learners into pairsyour actions—even the setup of the di erence in your life?” or small discussion groups, or evenroom, including the lighting and into smaller classes, as approved byarrangement of the chairs—can help When asking this type of question, the bishopric.establish a spirit of mutual respect and give learners time to ponder theiractive learning. responses. Sometimes writing a ■ You could invite class members to question on the board in advance can write their thoughts or feelings andQuestion to ponder. What can I encourage pondering. You could even ask a few to share what they wrote.change about the environment in my let learners know that you want themclassroom to encourage more edifying to take a little time to think before ■ You could say “Let’s hear fromdiscussions? answering. Invite them to silently someone who hasn’t shared yet” or ask Heavenly Father to inspire them “That’s an interesting comment. WhatScriptural example. As recorded in as they ponder the question. In these do the rest of you think?”John 21:8–12, what did Jesus do to moments of quiet contemplation, theprepare an environment in which He Spirit can touch hearts. ■ If you are teaching children, youcould e ectively teach His disciples? could think of a simple game thatHow can I follow His example? Question to ponder. What questions involves everyone. could I ask in my next lesson to inspire See also the video “We Share” pondering and discussion? You may feel inspired to invite a(LDS.org). speci c person to share—perhaps Scriptural example. What do I learn because he or she has a perspective from questions the Savior asked? (see, that others could bene t from hear- for example, Matthew 16:13–17; Luke ing. Consider asking questions that 10:25–26). draw upon a person’s experiences and strengths, such as “What has yourASK INSPIRED QUESTIONS experience as a mother taught you about Christlike love?”The right questions can make the difference between an inspired discussion that builds faith and testimony and one that is merely Don’t become so absorbed withinteresting or even unproductive. For more information about asking the lesson that you forget to thankinspired questions, see “Ask Inspired Questions” in this resource. learners for their contributions. They need to know that you appreciate their willingness to share their insights and testimonies. 33
Question to ponder. Besides making ASK FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS LISTEN comments or sharing experiences, what are some other ways in which When someone shares a doctri- Listening is an act of love. It requires class members can participate? nal insight or spiritual experience, that we care more about what is in you might sense that he or she—or another person’s heart than what is Scriptural example. How did the someone else in the class—has more next on our agenda or outline. Ask Savior include those who were often to share. Follow-up questions can Heavenly Father to help you under- overlooked? (see Mark 10:13–16; John prompt additional comments and stand what your class members say. As 4:3–42). lead to deeper insights. For example, you pay careful attention to their spo- you might ask, “Why is this principle ken and unspoken messages, you will LET THE SPIRIT GUIDE important to you?” or “What other come to better understand their needs, scripture passages teach this truth?” their concerns, and their desires. The As you lead discussions, let the Holy Spirit will help you know how to teach Ghost guide you. Make sure that Question to ponder. How could I them, what follow-up questions to ask, discussions are always positive and encourage those I teach to think more and how to help meet their needs. uplifting. Do not end an inspiring deeply about the principles they are discussion too soon in order to cover discussing? Questions to ponder. How do I know all the lesson material, especially if when someone is listening to me? you perceive that the discussion is Scriptural example. How did the How can I show class members that I meaningful to those you are teaching. Savior inspire His disciples to think am sincerely listening to them? more deeply about His teachings? Questions to ponder. How can I tell (see, for example, Luke 24:13–32; John Scriptural example. What did Alma when a discussion is being guided by 21:15–18). learn by listening to the poor Zoram- the Spirit? How can I know when to ites? (see Alma 32:4–8). How did what end a discussion and move on? See also the video “Asking he learned a ect his teaching? Follow-Up Questions” (LDS.org). Scriptural example. What do I learn See also Preach My Gospel (2004), from Doctrine and Covenants 50:21–22 185–86. about following the Spirit as I teach? FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADER Share and counsel together. Begin Practice. Invite a teacher to practice videos may be helpful). Afterward, by inviting teachers to share recent leading the group in a brief discus- teachers could talk about what went teaching experiences and ask ques- sion about a gospel principle that well and what could be improved. tions related to teaching. he or she will be teaching soon. Encourage the teacher to apply the Prepare. Decide together on a topic Learn together. Invite teachers to ideas in this section (the suggested for the next meeting, and invite discuss one or more of the ideas teachers to prepare. in this section. Do not try to cover everything in one meeting.34
PART 4: INVITE DILIGENT LEARNINGInvite Learners to ActThe Savior taught in order to change lives. He wanted His disciples to do more than just hear His words, so He invitedthem to act on His teachings with faith. He knew that as His followers lived the doctrine He taught, they would come toknow that it came from God (see John 7:17). His teachings would be a protection to them in times of turmoil, confusion,and adversity (see Matthew 7:24–27). Remember that building faith and becoming more Christlike does not happen inone brief class period. As you invite those you teach to act on true doctrine, you help them extend the learning experienceinto their homes and daily lives (see D&C 43:8–10).EXTEND INVITATIONS THAT TESTIFY OF PROMISED their commitment and allows them BLESSINGS to support one another in living theRESPECT AGENCY gospel. There are many ways to follow When the Lord gives a command- up on invitations. For instance, youPeople are more likely to make mean- ment, He often promises blessings for might provide time at the beginningingful changes in their lives when keeping that commandment. When of class for learners to share what theythose changes come from their own you extend an invitation to live a cer- have done to act on an invitation. Orexercise of agency. When you extend tain principle, help learners discover you could follow up by sending classinvitations to act, be sure to respect the blessings that God has promised members a text message or email.the agency of those you teach. For to those who live that principle. Youexample, rather than always extending might also bear testimony of the bless- If you share a teaching assignmentinvitations to do something speci c, ings that you have received by living with another teacher and teach onconsider inviting learners to think of the principle. alternate weeks, it may be necessarytheir own ways to apply what they to coordinate your e orts to follow up.have learned. You could say, “How Question to ponder. When have I For example, you might o er to begincould you strengthen your relation- been inspired to live a gospel principle your lesson by following up on anyships with your siblings?” or “Write by hearing a testimony of promised invitations the other teacher extendeddown one spiritual impression you blessings? on the previous week, and you couldreceived and how you will act on it.” ask the other teacher to do the same. Scriptural example. How did the Or it may be more appropriate for anQuestion to ponder. When has an Savior use promises to inspire His auxiliary, quorum, or class presidencyinvitation from a teacher helped me disciples? (see Luke 12:22–31). member to extend and follow up onexercise my agency? invitations. FOLLOW UP ONScriptural example. After telling the INVITATIONS TO ACT Question to ponder. Why is it impor-parable of the good Samaritan, the tant to follow up on invitations to act?Savior said, “Go, and do thou like- When you follow up on an invita-wise” (Luke 10:37). What do I learn tion to act, you show learners that Scriptural example. The Saviorfrom this invitation and others the you care about them and how the gathered with His Apostles so theySavior extended? gospel is blessing their lives. You could tell Him what they had done also give them opportunities to share and taught (see Mark 6:30). How can I their experiences, which strengthens follow up on invitations to act?FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADERShare and counsel together. Begin this section. Consider watching and they could extend. Encourage themby inviting teachers to share recent discussing the video “Invite Us to to share with each other what theyteaching experiences and ask ques- Act” (LDS.org). wrote and give each other feedback.tions related to teaching. Practice. Invite teachers to think Prepare. Decide together on a topicLearn together. Invite teachers to about their upcoming teaching for the next meeting, and invitediscuss one or more of the ideas in opportunities and write down teachers to prepare. possible age-appropriate invitations 35
PART 4: INVITE DILIGENT LEARNING Support Gospel Learning in the Home One of your goals as a teacher should be to encourage those you teach to have their own experiences in the scriptures— both individually and with their families. As e ective as your class time may be, it cannot make up for individual and family scripture study—times when the Spirit can teach people personally. In many ways, your success as a teacher depends on how e ectively you help and encourage class members to learn on their own. ENCOURAGE PERSONAL AND di erence. I de nitely read the scrip- comfortable sharing helpful ideas and tures with more purpose now.” experiences. FAMILY GOSPEL STUDY Another way to encourage personal In one Gospel Doctrine class that While your Sunday class should not and family scripture study is to invite was studying the Old Testament, an be the main setting in which class class members to share something elderly brother expressed frustration members learn the gospel, it should they learned in class with their family with trying to understand the book be a place where they receive encour- members or friends. of Isaiah. The teacher thanked him agement and inspiration to study for his honest comment and asked the gospel on their own and with Questions to ponder. What can I do to the rest of the class what advice they their families. encourage learners to study the gospel might give. Several class members on their own? How can I do this if I shared scripture study strategies and There are many ways you can en- teach young children? inspiring experiences they had with courage personal and family study at studying the words of Isaiah. A class home. One Gospel Doctrine teacher Scriptural example. What impresses member recalled, “We all rallied decided that she would reserve the me about Nephi’s words in 1 Nephi around this brother. There was an 15:23–25? How can I follow his exam- amazing spirit of unity in the room. rst few minutes of every lesson for ple in my teaching? We truly felt like we were all in it class members to share anything that together.” inspired them from their personal HELP LEARNERS SUPPORT or family scripture reading. At rst EACH OTHER Question to ponder. What could I only a few were willing to share. But do to inspire my class to share ideas as their teacher continued with this Some people do not study the scrip- about how to have meaningful experi- pattern, more and more class mem- tures at home because they think that ences with the scriptures? bers began sharing. One class mem- scripture study is too di cult. Others ber observed, “Our teacher wasn’t may not clearly understand the bless- Scriptural example. What does it inviting us to read so her lesson would ings that come from gospel learning at mean for “all [to] be edi ed of all”? go better; she was inviting us to read home. You can help to overcome both (D&C 88:122). How can I encourage because she knew it would bless our of these obstacles by creating a class learners to desire to edify one another lives. Then, once we saw that what environment where learners support during class discussions? God had taught us from the scriptures and encourage each other and feel was important to her, it made a huge FOR THE DISCUSSION LEADER Share and counsel together. Begin Invite. Invite teachers to dedicate other advice about how to support by inviting teachers to share recent some time during several upcoming learners in their efforts to learn the teaching experiences and ask ques- lessons for class members to share gospel at home. tions related to teaching. what they have learned at home. In a future teacher council meeting, Prepare. Decide together on a topic Learn together. Invite teachers to ask these teachers to share their for the next meeting, and invite discuss one or more of the ideas in experiences. Invite them to share teachers to prepare. this section.36
APPENDIXImproving as a Christlike Teacher: A Personal EvaluationThe Apostle Paul encouraged the Saints in his day to “examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your ownselves” (2 Corinthians 13:5). As teachers, we too should evaluate our strengths and weaknesses so that we can always beimproving in our ability to help learners build faith in Jesus Christ and become more like Him. As you seek to improve,remember the Lord’s promise: “Because thou hast seen thy weakness thou shalt be made strong” (Ether 12:37). Be patientwith yourself, and seek the Savior’s strengthening power to become the kind of teacher He knows you can be.The following activity can help you than trying to cover everything I ___ As appropriate, I use stories,apply principles of Christlike teach- have prepared. music, artwork, and other appro-ing. Read each statement below, and priate resources to help those Iconsider how well it describes you as ___ I reach out to those who are not teach understand doctrines.a teacher. Choose the most appropriate attending class.response for each: ___ When di cult questions arise, I TEACH BY THE SPIRIT respond in ways that build faith.1 = rarely 2 = sometimes 3 = often 4 = almost always ___ I pray for the guidance of the INVITE DILIGENT LEARNING Spirit in my life and in my e ortsThen, as guided by the Spirit, prayer- as a teacher. ___ I help those I teach become re-fully select a few things you would sponsible for their own learning.like to improve. Set some goals, and ___ I strive to live worthy of the com-use the sections of this resource to panionship of the Holy Ghost. ___ I ask questions that encouragehelp you improve. Return to this pondering.activity periodically to evaluate your ___ I listen for spiritual promptingsprogress. as I prepare and as I teach, and I ___ I invite learners to share their have the faith to adjust my plans insights and testimonies and toLOVE THOSE YOU TEACH accordingly. strengthen one another.___ I pray for those I teach. ___ I bear my testimony to those I ___ I ask follow-up questions to teach. encourage learners to think more___ I express my love to the deeply about gospel principles. people I teach. ___ I help those I teach to recognize the Spirit’s in uence. ___ I help learners nd answers___ I understand the needs and experi- to their questions, rather than ences of those I teach. ___ I begin preparing at least one week answering all their questions for in advance, and I record spiritual them.___ When I prepare to teach, I focus impressions that I receive. more on the people I am teaching ___ I provide opportunities for than on making a presentation. ___ The environment in my classroom all learners to participate in invites the Spirit. discussions.___ As prompted by the Spirit, I alter my plans in order to address learn- TEACH THE DOCTRINE ___ I invite learners to act on what ers’ questions and needs rather they learn, as guided by the Spirit. ___ My teaching is centered on the scriptures and the words of ___ I follow up on invitations to act, latter-day prophets. and I ask learners to share their experiences.“And if men come unto me I will show unto themtheir weakness. I give unto men weakness that ___ I encourage learners to study thethey may be humble; and my grace is sufficient scriptures on their own and withfor all men that humble themselves before me; their families.for if they humble themselves before me, andhave faith in me, then will I make weak thingsbecome strong unto them” (Ether 12:27). 37
APPENDIX Orienting New Teachers: A Responsibility of Priesthood and Auxiliary Leaders If you are a priesthood or auxiliary leader, you have the responsibility to “meet individually with newly called teachers in [your] organizations, preferably before each teacher’s rst lesson” (Handbook 2: Administering the Church [2010], 5.5.3). These meetings are an opportunity to introduce new teachers to their sacred callings and inspire them with a vision of what it means to teach in the Savior’s way. As a leader, you can help new teachers prepare to serve by doing the following things: DISCUSS WHAT IT MEANS TO God to change hearts. Invite the new presidency has felt inspired to empha- teacher to study the scriptures and size quorum unity, how could the quo- TEACH IN THE SAVIOR’S WAY the words of living prophets on the rum instructors support that goal? If assigned teaching topics before refer- the bishop has asked the ward council To help the new teacher understand ring to any supplemental material. to improve reverence in the ward, how how the Savior taught and what that Encourage the teacher to record the could Primary teachers help? means for teachers, brie y discuss spiritual impressions that he or she the following principles with the new receives while studying and to focus As needed, tell the new teacher which teacher: on principles and resources that build room to teach in and what lesson to ■ Love those you teach. Help the new faith and encourage Christlike living. begin with, and provide any informa- teacher focus on the needs of the tion the teacher needs about the class people he or she is teaching. Invite the ■ Invite diligent learning. Help the and class members. new teacher to look for their strengths new teacher understand that teach- and unique needs. If necessary, pro- ing means more than just making a OFFER ONGOING SUPPORT vide a list of class members. Remind presentation; it means encouraging the new teacher that he or she is people to become responsible for their Explain that you can help the new responsible to help those learners who own gospel learning and to edify one teacher with his or her calling in do not attend class regularly. Encour- another as gospel learners (see D&C any way and provide support in the age the teacher to prayerfully seek 88:122). classroom if needed. You could even ways to reach out to these people. o er to observe the new teacher’s class DISCUSS YOUR SPECIFIC occasionally and provide feedback. ■ Teach by the Spirit. Discuss the Give the teacher a copy of this resource importance of preparing spiritually ORGANIZATION and explain when the monthly teacher to teach. Because the promptings of council meetings are held. Explain the Holy Ghost come line upon line, In addition to discussing general the purposes of these meetings and encourage the new teacher to begin principles of Christlike teaching, you the expectation that the new teacher preparing to teach at least one week might take some time to share with participate. in advance and to seek inspiration the new teacher anything about your throughout the week. organization that would be help- Encourage the new teacher to visit the ful. Are there any needs you have My Calling section of LDS.org and ■ Teach the doctrine. Bear your tes- discussed as a presidency that you the Gospel Library app for more about timony of the power of the word of would like your teachers to be aware how to grow as a teacher. of? For example, if an elders quorum “Even the newest member of the Church spiritual eyes what it means to be called to can sense that a call to service should serve in the restored Church of Jesus Christ” be primarily a matter of the heart. It is by (Henry B. Eyring, “Rise to Your Call,” Ensign or giving our whole hearts to the Master and Liahona, Nov. 2002, 75). keeping His commandments that we come to know Him. . . . What [those who are called to serve] will need, even more than to be trained in their duties, is to see with38
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