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Home Explore Eagle's_Treasure_Quarterly_Spring_2016


Published by sasuou, 2016-04-27 10:35:06

Description: This newsletter contains the last three months of the 101st FMSU activities.

Keywords: 101st FMSU,Fort Campbell,US Army


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Eagle’s Treasure QuarterlyIssue #1 Spring 2016101st FMSU • Introducing The New Command Team • FMSU Soldiers Successful Perimeter Defensive Live Fire Exercise • Family & Soldier Fun in the DMPO What is Eagles Treasure? Continued on page 2

Issue#1 Spring 2016 What Is Eagle’s Treasure? Greetings Eagles Treasure Family! I am Jose G. Beltre, your new Finance Manag- P.R.I.D.E. ement Support Unit (FMSU) Commander. It brings me great PRIDE to be part of the rich Prepared history and tradition that come with being a part of the 101st FMSU. The last couple of Responsibility months have been filled with great training Integrity and excellent support. The NAFCD inspe- Discipline ction on the DMPO, the live fire exercise and Excellence the completion of the FM certification (beco- ming the first FMSU to accomplish this task). All of this has demonstrated the hard work, and level of dedication you, the fina- nce warriors bring each day to the mission. As we continue to execute our diverse Finance mission, it is important to remain vigilant and resilient so we are always ready to answer the call. As we move forward on our journey I want to challenge all Soldiers and Civilians to take PRIDE in yourself, the unit, and the mission; the mission that dir- ectly impacts, and supports our fellow ser- vice members, and their families. It is our individual responsibility to make sure we are doing everything with P.R.I.D.E. This acro- nym will be incorporated in all aspects of our lives, use it as the foundation in all that you do. Take a moment and think how your acti- ons as a Finance warrior not only help Sol- diers and their Families, but support all levels of command. The command team is extremely grateful for the hard work and dedication you provide each day. You can rest assured that the command remains committed to provide you and your Families with the support you deserve! I hope you are as proud to serve in this outstanding “Eagles Treasure” as I am, and I look forward to sharing your successes in the year ahead. Eagles Treasure! 2

Issue#1 Spring 2016 101st FMSU Command TeamMessage From SGM HendersonI am delighted that we have resurrected our newsletter because this is a greatmedium for the FMSU to highlight some of our achievements, and demonstrate howthose achievements contribute to Soldier Readiness, and hence Mission success.The FMSU is one of the rare organizations that has dual missions of providingFinancial Operations in garrison, while still maintaining Soldier skills in a deployedenvironment, which requires a different skill set. To that end, we must continuouslyseek out opportunities to sharpen our technical and tactical skills. We continue tomeet the enduring challenge of juggling various obligations simultaneously. OurAlpha Detachment is close to completing the Deployed in Place, Commercial VendorServices (CVS) Retrograde mission. The team has performed remarkably thus far.They have exceeded most of the standards set by the Defense Finance andAccounting Service (DFAS), and have also eclipsed the performances of the twoprevious iterations. Our Internal Control team continues to ensure that all units onFort Campbell operate within regulatory and statutory guidelines, and are on the righttrajectory to achieve audit readiness by 2017, as mandated by the United StatesCongress. Our mission is very challenging, and we have to grapple with variousproblems on any given day, but we are proud of what we do. Supporting theSoldiers and families on Fort Campbell is a great honor to us. We pride ourselves inproviding top class service, and we have the best Soldiers and Civilians to do so.Until next time...Eagles Treasure!!!!!!!!! 3

Issue#1 Spring 2016 The Army Goes Rolling Along Alpha Detachment balances deployment readiness with its deployed in place mission. We regularly attend training events, keeping our Soldier skills sharp. Mission first and people always!Specialist Leamon (Center UCP ACU) Receives Challenge Coin from Brig. Gen.Sharpsten.Alpha CPT Sengottaiyan SFC WindhamDetachmentCVS Retrograde Mission SPC Hooks works diligently processing invoices to facilitate mission success.This quarter has seen Alpha Detachment continue itsCVS Retrograde mission. So far this mission has 3rd Expeditionaryreleased over $1.1 billion, processing over 1750 Sustainment Commandgovernment contract payments, with a timeliness Visitrating of 89%. At current projections, by May 16th wewill have released approximately $1.35 billion. Brig. Gen. Christopher Sha- rpsten and Command Sgt. Maj. Ian C. Griffin visited Alpha Detachment on Mar- ch 22, 2016. While there, our own Capt. Ilango Sengotta-iyan and SFC James Wind-ham briefed them on our role in paying Army cont-racts.Capt. Sengottaiyan and Sgt. 1st Class Windham brief the General as a Team. 4

Issue#1 Spring 2016Bravo “Bulldogs” CPT Nguyen SSG HinesDetachment Processing/Customer Service SectionPFC Millard preparing to service customers as a Mil Pay This last quarter brought continuedSpecialist. excellence from the Customer Service and Processing section, processing overSoldier Readiness Processing (SRP) 46,000 transactions with a 98.9% acc- uracy rating for the quarter, not includingSRP is one of the high tempo sections providing service to over 10,000within the unit; which is operated by customers on Fort Campbell. TheBravo “Bulldogs” Soldiers without civilian sections also faced the challenge aftersupport. Due to the deployment of 101st the holiday seasons and theAirborne “Air Assault” Division redeployment of 1st BCT. Most of ourHeadquarter, with it attached units, our Soldiers and DFAS employees, workedSoldiers provided over 100 deployment extra hours to ensure every sin-glebriefs for more than 10,000 Soldiers in entitlement and payment are correct.this quarter. Due to our Soldiers hard work and dedication, SPC Thomas, SPC Felton, and SGT Mullen all received positive feedback from our customers comments and a majority of the feedbacks came from senior NCOs and Officers. Job Well Done!!! SPC Kim coding documents for SRP. 5

Issue#1 Spring 2016Bravo “Bulldogs” Soldiers at the TACP 24 Hour Run. Community GivebackSGT Mullen and SPC Jo provide face painting and bunny hats for children at Giving back to the com-Easter Party. munity is another way that Bravo “Bulldogs” show appreciation to everyone in the community. The Bulldogs ran over 50 miles in support of the TACP charity event. 6

Issue#1 Spring 2016Charlie “Closers” CPT Traversa SFC CropperDetachmentClosers Train-up for The PDLFX. Perimeter Defensive Live Fire Exercise The second quarter’s focus for Char- lie Detachment was on the Battalion level Perimeter Defensive Live Fire Exercise (PDLFX), the culminating event of over three months of traini- ng. The majority of the detachment would head to the field for three days to certify their ability to defend a fixed position and destroy the enemy. Before heading to the field, CPT Traversa certified the detac- hment in a one-day exercise that tested the three months of train up.The Detachment exce-eded expectations andwere quickly certified toconduct the BN PDLFX,being led by SFC Crop-per and 1LT Weston.The team headed to thefield at the end of Marchand conducted dry, blan-k, and live fire iterations,while being graded andevaluated by BN staff.The Soldiers braved 40MPH winds and torrentialdown pours to exceedthe standard and beca-me certified by Battalion. SPC Toe enjoys a break at the PDLFX. 7

Issue#1 Spring 2016Team SinaiWhile the focus for the majority of the detachment was on the PDLFX, three Soldierswere preparing to head off on their own mission to Sinai, Egypt. SGT Kirvin wasselected to lead a team consisting of SPC Hakim and PV2 Mitchell to be part of theMulti Force Observer team in support of Task Force Sinai. These Soldiers will beconducting a vital mission, facilitating the in processing, pay inquiries, andentitlements for the entire Task Force. We wish the three of them the best as theydeploy forward to represent the Closer and Eagle Treasure team.Closers wish Charlie’s deployed soldiers best of luck and Success in Egypt. Charlie Detachment had a wealth of accomplishments this Quarter. SPC Falade and SPC Toe both graduated from Air Assault School. SPC Brown and SPC Gubelman both graduated from BLC on the Commandant’s List. SGT Kirvin and SPC Brown won multiple boards all the way up to the BN Soldier and NCO of the Quarter Board and were selected to represent the FMSU in the Finance Soldier andNCO of the Year Board. SPC Brown will also compete for the Brigade Soldier of the QuarterBoard. SGT Kirvin and SPC Brown also earned their promotable statuses in the process ofwinning these multiple boards. The Closer team welcomes a new XO in 2LT Binion, a newDetachment Sergeant in SFC Cropper, and one new Soldier in PFC Manilla this Quarter. 8

Issue#1 Spring 2016The second quarter was a time of change and recharging for the FRG. We said goodbye tothe Shulke family and welcomed MAJ Beltre as the new Commander. The FRG wasreorganized with a few remaining volunteers, and a few new faces. We are off to a greatstart and are looking forward to what the remainder of 2016 will bring.One of the first tasks we conquered was implementing a Hospitality and Welcome program.Yvette Traversa, is the Chairperson for the workgroup. We now have welcome packets forall new incoming FMSU Soldiers, both single and married, as well as welcome gifts for allnew babies born to parents in the unit. Plans for an informal coffee for the spouses is in theworks, and information will be put out for that soon.Our first event under MAJ Beltre’s leadership was held on March 24th to celebrate Easter.Although the weather threw a wrench in our original plans, we were able to pull off asuccessful event that included a potluck with a variety of foods and desserts, an Easter egghunt for the children, and a visit from the Easter Bunny. A photographer was present totake pictures of the kids with the Easter Bunny. If you have not seen the photos, email theFRG for a link at [email protected] and we will send you a link. We are currently inthe planning stages for our next few events, which will be announced soon. As always, wewelcome anyone who would like to volunteer. We are presently looking to fill a few openpositions.Not sure who or how to contact your FRG? Here is a list of our current volunteers. We canalways be reached at [email protected] 9

Issue#1 Spring 2016BOSSCSM Perry has taken personalinterest in the BOSS program. Hehas instituted a BDE BOSSHierarchy with SPC Sierra as thePresident. He would like to see theincorporation of the SHARPprogram, which is closely tied toBOSS. This fusion of programsfurther extends the scope of volun-teer opportunities advertised forSingle Soldiers. CSM Perry alsowants to see an increase in BDE,BN, and company participation.In March and April, the BOSS pro-gram promoted and hosted a number of volunteer opportunities as well as recreationalactivities. Project clean streams, a volunteer based programs to reverse human impacts on ourwaterways, took place on April 14th. March Mayhem, a basketball tournament, opened toregistration on the 19th, followed on the 28th by the spring Soccer season. March 6th was themonthly Free Movie night at Regal Theater, where soldiers get free transportation and admissionto the movie of their choice playing during the time scope given. Commander’s Unit Coin Challenge Winner In March MAJ Beltre challenged the Soldiers to make a unit coin. PFC Ghandeharisaati designed the winn- ing coin from the 101st FMSU. The coin ties together the 101stAirborne Division (Air Assault), the Finance Corps and MAJ Beltre’s motto P.R.I.D.E. (Prepared Responsibility Integrity Discipline and Excellence). 10

Issue#1 Spring 2016 Promotions & AccomplishmentsPromotions: MSG Bailey & SGT Heine SGT Mullen & SGT Ramsey SPC Hooks SPC Taiget Mike Negron was promoted to GS-07 Military Pay Lead 11

Issue#1 Spring 2016 SPC Toe & SPC Falade SPC AuntenzSPC Brown and SPC Leamon received coins from BG Sharpsten the 3rd ESC Commander.SGT Kirvin and SPC Brown won SGT Orkin won the 101st SGT Connors won the April NCO Sustainment BDE NCO of the of the month board for 101st STB. the BDE NCO/Soldier of the second quarter board. year board. 12

Issue#1 Spring 2016 Civilian Support ForceWe are fortunate to have Ms. Sandra Steele Deputy DMPO Director, and her teamof professionals assisting us with our garrison mission. Her courteous and skilledstaff has proven to be indispensable as our military Financial Managers come andgo in support of various tactical missions. They are truly the glue that ensuresmission accomplishment. OUR MOTTO S Service E Excellence R Respect V Vision I Integrity C Commitment E Everyday 13

Issue#1 Spring 2016 Upcoming Eventso Community Service: April 23 -The Force Against Sexual Assault 0830-1300 Meet at DW REC center Attire casual (BOSS shirt you have one) All Soldiers are welcomed April 30 - ECFT Twilight Walk, Run, Roll 0730-1800 Meet at DW REC Attire casual (BOSS shirt you have one) After the walk, run, bike ride there will be a bon-fire, s'mores etc. Need volunteers that are willing to work with kids. All Soldiers are welcomeo Recreation and leisure: May 7 - BOSS Block Party at the Zone (new location for BOSS after May 1!) 1100-1600 Single Soldier Event May 14 - Free Movie night Sign up at 1500 AT THE ZONE (not DW REC) First come first serve, See movie of your choice playing at that time. Single Soldier Event 14

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