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Home Explore System Change By Edmund Jayasinghe

System Change By Edmund Jayasinghe

Published by njasen, 2022-06-05 15:20:54

Description: System Change By Edmund Jayasinghe


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Y²v»xˆ (»nŠ|r£zp, R£MÞY ƒ£ ~v£c) »{p~Y‰ Yy£ (Towards A System Change) xp v¥»xp‰ ~‹¹ƒz ƒ£ S¹[²›~‹ u£}£{z‹p‰ v£ ý~‹p‰ ~Kr£npx Yyp zn, Rv¨j£ R¥Ü z‹xýz‰z Xt»[‰ Y£y¥ÚY R{o£px ƒ£ R{|³ Yfx¨lª ~qƒ£ »K ~v` S´ùrl‰ Yyñ. R¥Ü ~šñl rƒ~¨YK ë~£ »nv… t~‹p‰ »K »z‰Zpx S´ùrl‰ Ãúvf »p£ƒ¥Ã þv [¥p Yp[£f§ »{ñ. »K z‹xýz‰»z‰ Rh¹[ª ~‹xz‰zv WY Wz‰»z‰ »YÑ Y£zxY‰ lª… µ Sf§ Yy[l »p£ƒ¥Ã t{ nëñ. W»ƒx‹p‰ Sl£ v R{|³ Yy¥j© »l£‰y£ »Jy£»[p A{£ r‹…‹tq{ Yfx¨lª »p£rv£{ R£yKu Yy, Tf r~¨{ R»pY‰ Yy¥j© »Y»M R{o£px »x£v¨ Ãúv »x»ƒÃx. Rr»[‰ ~£v¬ƒŒY {³£x£vx ýx x¨l‰»l‰ ~l³x, RýƒŒ¹~£{ ƒ£ ýp»xp‰ r‹ù R£o³£l‰ñY ƒ£ »u°ÜY [ªjxp‰»[p‰ »r£»ƒ£~l‰ ~v£cxY‰ »[£hp[£[¥ìvx‹. »K ~qƒ£ ~¦»ƒp Y£zxY‰ [l ýx ƒ¥Ã Rly A ~qƒ£ Y¥r þ»vp‰ ƒ£ ýp»xp‰ ~‹xz‰»z£‰v Yfx¨lª Y… x¨l‰l£ƒ. »vxf, ý|‰{£~š, WHvp‰ cx~‹¹ƒ

Y²v»xˆ (»nŠ|r£zp R£MÞY ƒ£ ~v£c) »{p~Y‰ Yy£ – Towards A System Change – ~Kr£npx WHvp‰ cx~‹¹ƒ (ý|²£v zl‰ ý»nŠ| »~ˆ{£ ëzo£ù, ƒŒfr§ l£p£rÜ ƒ£ Rv£l³£¹| »z‰YK) ýv~šK [email protected] 2022 v¥x‹ 30

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TOWARDS A SYSTEM CHANGE (Political Economic and Social) Compiled by Edmond Jayasinghe Retired Member of Sri Lanka Foreign Service, Ex Ambassodor and a Ministry Secretary Inquiries [email protected] 30th May 2022

12 EdmWuHndvpJay‰ acsxin~g‹¹hƒe Sri Lanka is in a deep political, economic, and social crisis. To arrest this catastrophic situation, and seek long term solutions, many are of the opinion that the present style of conducting affairs of the country should be subjected to a paradigmatic change which is commonly referred to as A SYSTEM CHANGE. Following are some of the salient matters that may be considered in reaching this goal: 1. Appointment of an Interim Government/ Cabinet consisting of not more than twelve (12) members and twelve (12) Deputy Ministers for a maximum period of one year. Thereafter pave the way for the holding of a General Election. * At least six (6) members of the Interim Cabinet should be professionals who are presently not members of Parliament. * They should be educated persons of unquestionable integrity, indepth knowledge and proven experience. * Should be experts in the fields of finance, trade, industry, science and technology and general management/ administration. * The political parties associated with the formation of the Interim Government may provide the number of seats needed to appoint the newly nominated members by getting a number of their existing nominated members to resign. * This way, meritocracy, fresh thinking and ability could be inducted to the process of governance. 2. The party leaders forming the Interim Government may choose one among them as the PM.

TYO²vW»AxRˆ (D»nSŠ|ArS£YzSpTERM£MCÞHYANƒG£ E~v£c) »{p~Y‰ Yy£ 13 3. The interim Cabinet within a period of one month of assuming duties submit proposals to amend the Constitution to bring in the following and other changes that may be required. a. Abolition of the Executive Presidency and make it a ceremonial post. Vest the executive powers with the Cabinet of Ministers. (Some legal experts are of the opinion that the proposed abolition may become near impossibility or will be a long-drawn affair under the provision of the present Constitution even needing the holding of a referendum). * The alternate possibility may be to secure an agreement from the incumbent President to resign at a suitable point as part of an overall agreement to form an Interim Government. * Another possibility is to get back to the 19th amendment to the Constitution (do away with the 20th which conferred unlimited powers on the President) and strengthen it with bringing in other essential changes such as the removal of the legal immunity of the President, vesting of executive powers with the Cabinet and re-establishment of independent Commissions etc and present it as the 21st amendment to the constitution. (To execute any of these proposals except for the President resigning on his own will need the support of the two thirds of membership of the Parliament. In addition, in certain cases holding a referendum may become necessary). b. Electoral reforms to introduce an appropriate mixture of the first past the post and proportional representational systems. c. Lay down minimum educational qualifications needed to receive nominations for the General and other Elections.

14 EdmWoHndvpJay‰ acsxin~g‹¹hƒe d. Requirement for the declaration of assets of candidates at the time of nominations to be made compulsory. Automatic disqualification of persons failing to do so. e. Setting limits to financial and other contributions to political parties and individuals contesting elections. Submitting such contributions to auditing in a transparent manner or totally prohibiting such contributions and making provisions for the State to provide such funds in an equitable manner. This way it is possible to prevent corruption and other irregular acts resulting from the present practice of contributions by individuals/organizations. f. Prohibiting cross overs of elected/appointed MPP. In the event of such cross overs they will automatically loose the seats and by-elections be held/ new members will be appointed to fill the vacancies created. g. Mid-term revision of the performance of the MPP and a mechanism for the voters to recall those who underperform, found to be corrupt/inappropriate conduct. h. Removal of facilities and privileges presently enjoyed by the elected/nominated members of the Parliament, Provincial and Local bodies. Provide them with remunerations and other facilities enjoyed by public servants, in a suitable manner. No duty-free vehicles, liquor, or other types of permits. Official vehicles to be given for official use only. i. Prohibiting the appointment of family members, relations, and friends to the ministerial or other staff positions. j. Prohibiting the elected or nominated members and their immediate family members from engaging in any form of business in the public/private sector in an unethical manner.

TYO²vW»AxRˆ (D»nSŠ|ArS£YzSpTERM£MCÞHYANƒG£ E~v£c) »{p~Y‰ Yy£ 15 4. Prohibiting persons holding dual citizenships to be elected/nominated to Parliament, any other elected body or high office. 5. Restore independent Commissions. Appointments to these bodies to be done by a Constitutional Council or an equivalent body free of membership/interference of any political authority. No politicians should serve on the Constitutional Council. It should be headed by a retired Supreme Court judge of repute or a person of similar status. The other members of the Council should be drawn from varying fields in recognition of their proven achievements, personal integrity and long years of service to the country/ public. 6. Establishment of a Constitutional Court to hear matters pertaining to the Constitution and a Commercial Court for expeditious disposal of the cases related to business and industry. 7. Appointment of Judges of all levels by the Constitutional Council/Judicial Commission. 8. Safeguarding the independence of judiciary and establishing rule of law through Constitutional and other legal provisions and practices. 9. Constitutional provisions to uphold the supremacy of law over every citizen and office.

16 EdmWoHndvpJay‰ acsxin~g‹¹hƒe 10. Overhauling of the Public Service to increase efficiency and bring it in line with modern day managerial/ administrative skills/standards. 11. Make all forms of corrupt acts by public and private sectors punishable under law. 12. The Right to Information by the citizenry to be guaranteed by the Constitution. * Except for information/matters relating to State Security all other information on persons and organizations engaged in public affairs be brought under citizens Right to Information without any restrictions. 13. The Post of Attorney General, Auditor General and the Governor of the Central Bank to be made independent and appointed by the Constitutional Council. 14. All elections are to be conducted by an Independent Election Commission. Members of the Election Commission to be appointed by the Constitutional Council. 15. Ministry Secretaries, Heads of Sri Lanka Missions, Chairmen of Public Corporations, Heads of Armed Services, and Police to be appointed by the Constitutional Council. 16. Enactment of Constitutional and other legal provisions and take appropriate measures to promote national unity,

TYO²vW»AxRˆ (D»nSŠ|ArS£YzSpTERM£MCÞHYANƒG£ E~v£c) »{p~Y‰ Yy£ 17 peace and a single national identity. While working towards realizing these, introduce policies and programmes to facilitate the protection and fostering of cultural and other rights/interests of individual communities ensuring Unity amidst Diversity and lasting communal harmony. 17. Measures to strengthen democracy, democratic values, and good governance in their true sense. 18. Re-examination/evaluation of the political party system in term of political stability, sustainable economic development, social security, peace, and stability. Adoption of the Executive Committee System under the Donoughmore Constitution with suitable changes to meet the contemporary needs of governance in order to overcome destructive obstacles created by the political party system. 19. Greater involvement of the youth and women in the governance. 20. Provisions to safeguard Democratic Freedoms and Human Rights of all citizens. 21. Provisions to empower the people and their continued involvement in the governance. Appropriate Constitutional arrangements may be provided for this purpose. 22. Establishment of an Economic Commission to formulate mid and long term (minimum of ten years) economic policies and programmes to ensure long term economic development

18 EdmWoHndvpJay‰ acsxin~g‹¹hƒe and stability and take appropriate steps to coordinate the successful implementation of such policies and programmes. * The immediate function of the Commission is to find ways and means of recovery from the ongoing crisis the country is faced with. * The Commission also will function as an Advisory Body on economic affairs and related matters to the government. * The appointments to the Commission will be done by the Constitutional Council. * In deciding upon the policies and programmes the Commission may draw from the successful Socio economic and political models/systems like the Nordic Model practiced by the five Nordic countries with suitable adjustments to meet our own conditions and requirements. 23. Formulate national policies on education, health and on other important subjects and reach bipartisan agreement to implement such policies over a period of time irrespective of periodical changes of governments. 24. Stringent measures to prevent wastage, mismanagement, and corrupt use of national resources. 25. Social safety net work for the economically vulnerable sections of the society. 26. Policies and programmes to build a prosperous and contended society based on individual and collective respect, trust, unity and morality and equitable and fair sharing of

YTO²vW»AxRˆ (D»nSŠ|ArS£YzSpTERM£MCÞHYANƒG£ E~v£c) »{p~Y‰ Yy£ 19 wealth based on contributions made to the economic growth of the country. 27. A proper System Change should eventually involve the re-examination of value systems, attitudes to life and many other facets which are hindrances to social cohesion, upward mobility, material, and moral advancement. 28. Following a bipartisan foreign policy which will uphold the overall national interests of Sri Lanka with special emphasis on economic and social imperatives.

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