TWQRUOAERPEKSRSSSHVPOOPTT: HINKING PEOPALL CASSERO MEETING ITTYPE: Icebreaker in form of speed-dating questions,discussions in pairs and among the group, writing and TYPE: A presentation about the exchange and Erasmus+creating own ideas about topic. projects in general .HOW: First I introduced few names of thinking traps HOW: I used a ppt presentation, an oral presentation, anand few real-life examples of situations. Then I asked informal Q&A moment. I took care of it with the supportparticipants to try and match IRL situations with thinking of the responsible people of the grouptraps. Then I separated them in pairs and gave themtime to try and come up with ideas of coping with these DID YOU ACHIEVE PURPOSE?traps and write them down on sticky notes. With these I think the purpose (letting people know about the worldsticky notes we then covered whole flipchart of thinking of Erasmus+ and non formal education, Active Rainbow’straps, to better visualise that we can fight them. Then activities and the opportunities offered at Olde Vechte)related to their ideas I explained more ways of coping was achieved, since now that a new call for participantsand then we had general discussion from personal has been issued for the newest project YOUth inexperiences of participants. We enjoyed some vegan ACTivism many people from the group showed interestmeal along the workshop with hot tea and also talked and some applied. One member of the group will beabout PowerAction project and how awesome it was. leader of the Italian team in the upcoming Exchange.DID YOU ACHIEVE PURPOSE? Besides, this was the starting point for a process ofThe purpose of the workshop was to introduce concept introduction of the non formal education’s methodsof Thinking Traps to people and ways of coping with in the group of Cassero. We organized a weekend ofthem. I think this workshop managed to help people workshops dedicated to the activists and I took careunderstand what may be going on in everyday thinking of facilitating most of the activities. Afterwards thisprocesses and helped them to move from unknowing collective work helped us in organizing a public eventworld to to understanding what they dont know and for IDAHOBIT. A new open event is in work in progress.need to look out for. 51
WCCHEITLINEHBEDSRIEAHTNSIENI WG TYHEAER STORRYTELLING OPEN MIC NIGHT LV TYPE: The event was simple. 2 people prepared TYPE: It was an open event, where people were noodles and they were cooked. The aim of the event encouraged to share their coming out stories or other was to offer an intercultural LGBTQI+ space for people to LGBTQIA+ related stories. Also, we shared information be in. During the preparation and cooking, participants about our experience on the ERASMUS+ project “Power were helping, talking and bonding. Action”. HOW: It was experiential learning and simply giving HOW: It was an open event, that focused on a very space to the community to gather. One person wrote free environment, letting people decide whether they the text for the Facebook post and two went to get want to be active participants (speakers) or passive groceries and prepared most of the cooking ingredients. ones (listeners). People were encouraged to share their The cooking was simple and most participants were experiences and stories, and later there were also board involved. DIH supported but offering a small budget, games, that helped to “break the ice” and create a providing the space and promoting the event. friendly and relaxing environment. DID YOU ACHIEVE PURPOSE? All in all this event was meant to provide LGBTQIA+ Yes, the idea was to create an event focusing on people with a friendly and open event, place, where connecting people. This happened, as people soon they could feel free and enjoy their Friday night among started mingling. One of the obstacles faced was friends. delegating the work. The idea was that the process of preparing all the ingredients would be given as a DID YOU ACHIEVE PURPOSE? bonding opportunity for participants to work together. Although there were not many people, who were willing That was not the case, because we only had 2 chopping to share their stories, the event is considered to be boards and knives, so there was a bottleneck with how successful, because people seemed to have a good many people we could really involve. However, the time talking, listening and playing games. As a team participants did not mind the mingling opportunity they we were very flexible and creative. We tried our best to got instead of that. make the event place more comfortable and welcoming by decorating it.52
POWER ACTION COLOR UP -EVENING LT WORKSHOP ITTYPE: Watching photos, videos, discussing about TYPE: Social lunch, 2 energizers, 1 body movementexperience in Power action project and playing the activity, 1 brain storming about gender, 1 workshop about“InterACTive Rainbow” board game that was created in the “genderbread person”, 1 IGLYO intersectionalitythe previous project InterACTive Colors. meditation, 1 exercise about privileges, 1 video created with the contribution of Power Action participants.HOW: Communicating, media. HOW: “We used as methods:DID YOU ACHIEVE PURPOSE? - non formal educationYes. We were communicating with guest, let them be - experiential learninginvolved in the process. - food sharing as a bonding activity - energizers/team building activities - cooperation with local organizations DID YOU ACHIEVE PURPOSE? We achieved the purpose of the workshop because: - we worked as a team and enjoyed the process - we recreated the “Ommen atmosphere” that had benefited us during the project - we received positive and stimulating feedback - we conveyed new learnings for the participants/ challenged the learnings that they already had - we built a good cooperation with an LGBT organization from Turin and created connections for future partnership between that and an LGBT organization from Bologna - we created a team of people who were ready to share and to work together and also enjoy the informal time together” 53
SPOKEN POETRY AWDABOYORUAKTNSHDTHODEPIVIWDEARITHSHIOTKTYIDITS EVENING NL TYPE: Discussions and activities with kids to raise TYPE: Spoken Poetry Evening, organized by awareness about the IDAHOT day and diversity. The Hang-Out 070 organization. HOW: The inspiration was given by one of the Dutch HOW: In 3 different schools, we made activities to team members to organize a Spoken Poetry Evening make visible the 17th May, the international day against in the space of the organization for its members and Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. There were friends. Local artists and poets from the LGBTQIA+ several discussions and activities with the kids. community shared their work and poetry - there was also food prepared and shared among the guests and DID YOU ACHIEVE PURPOSE? fruitful discussions afterwards. We discussed and learned a lot about diversity and how DID YOU ACHIEVE PURPOSE? important is to respect each other well-being regardless The purpose of the event was highly achieved as many their way of loving people, being a full human being people attended and that was a starting point for more and supporting everyone who could be a target of “Spoken Poetry Evening” events to take place in the disrespect and hatred (some of the kids experience organization, making it one of the regulars events that these issues in their classrooms and we discussed about are now being organized. how we can support, help and contribute for a better environment not only at school).54 A highlight moment was when one of the kids, when we were talking about the meaning of trans, smiled and cheered up that it was his case. The atmosphere was so good that he felt supported and happy to say it aloud. He also stressed out that some kids in his classroom laughed at him when he spoke about it. So we all agreed that he does not need to feel ashamed or embarrassed about anything and we were singing out loud BE YOURSELF song!
WORKSHOP ON LGBTQIA+SPECTRUM GRTYPE: Presentation on LGBTQIA+ related terminology, DID YOU ACHIEVE PURPOSE?open discussion among participants. “The main purpose of the workshop was to raise awareness among humanitarian studies students asHOW: We used an 1,5 hour ppt presentation as an we recognised the lack of knowledge on the spectrum.introduction to LGBTQIA+ terminology, stereotypes and The purpose was partly achieved. Specifically, theremyths related to sexual orientation and gender identity, was not that much participation of Humanitarian studiesapproached by simplified discursive psychology. In students. However, we cannot assume the reason why.order to make the terms more comprehensible we It could be because they are not that interested to theprinted a quite inclusive drawing of “”gender bread””. topic, becaus they think they already have knowledgeThere would also be at least 30 minutes for open on it etc.discussion. However, something more important- according to ourElena prepared the presentation. Avraam, Anastasia judgement- was achieved; all the participants showedand Alex suggested bibliography, made comments and interest on the topics presented, they made connectionscorrections. with each other and us in order to “”renew the date”” in other actions in the city and keep in touch so thatAs the workshop was mostly related to university we can organise new actions in the future. Additionally,students (especially of Humanitarian studies) we asked they unpromptedly talked about LGBTQIA+ activism inthe support of the chief of Social Psychology and Greece, Pride Parades and openly shared their opinion,Psychosocial Interventions Postgraduate Programme, ideas and suggestions of how LGBTQIA+ activism inLia Figgou. She helped by providing us a classroom in Greece can become more influencial and effective.”the University and by giving us the contact info (e-mail)of students. 55
TESTI- This was a truly enlightening experience because I MONIALS was not only participant, I was also a team member. I had a chance to see the things “from the other side”. Here you have the chance to see some of the That was challenging - personally and professionally. perspectives and learnings of our participants, their new I learned that working in the team is a never-ending insights and motivations. learning process. I enjoyed doing things not because I had to do them, but because I choose to do them.56 The principle of proactivity worked for me and it seems to me that it worked for almost all the group members. The self-development aspect of this project let me look deep inside me and find my strengths and weaknesses. Besides all of this - I had many wonderful conversations and moments from people all over the Europe, I felt welcomed and safe, I truly believe that this project was life changing for me. - Ilze, Latvia I learnt that in order to show respect to others I firstly have to accept every aspect of my self. I realised the censorship that I do to myself when trying to express myself and sexuality... so... no more censorship of myself! Also, i had the chance to meet literally colourful people, accept everyone and see the person behind actions, behaviors, and masks. Finally I realised the steps that need to be done in my country and my region and planning to be active and contribute to a better understanding and better life conditions for every oppressed social group. - Elena, Greece Personally, I learned by being a bit out of my comfort zone to be more comfortable with myself and how I should live my life. I stood in front of the group multiple times, worked together, made new international friends who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community and learned from each other’s experiences. The social aspect was very important to me: I felt like home and I realized how happy I can be if I live and do my life as me, authentically. - Fiona, Netherlands
Power action for me was a self discovery journey, I feel that I can truly live now with passion and zestwhich led me to a deeper knowledge of my self, for life, accepting both the sadness and joy fully andregarding my emotions, my beliefs, my relationships, way of operating... By the end of the journey, in mybackpack I had a lot of new knowledge, not made of I am a lot more acceptant of myself and loving whocold and sterile data, but made of warm and fruitful I am, and I can express and communicate a hugepersonal stories. Along the way I questioned aspects amount more openly. I have found my family – mywhich I had never really paid attention to (as which flock of swans and I’m no longer the ugly ducklingpronoun to use), habits which I was used to simply all alone in a grey world. The world is all oh soaccept as they were, I deconstructed concepts which colourful and full of scents and aroma, and Grace. II used to give for guaranteed. As result I left behind wish I could share this feeling of an open heart, thisa lot of prejudices and stereotypes that I wasn’t even passion, both warming and burning with the world.aware to have. Instead, I replaced them with a rich, And I will. And I am.light and healing appectance of my self and otherswhich is making a change in my relationships and, Because of this project I am finally letting go of mytherefore, in my life. illness (with which I have been struggling for 3 years now). As I get more and more life into me, this part of- Francesca, Italy death leaves.The experience meant a lot to me, I learned many Forever grateful, with love, magnanimous gratitudenew things about intersectionality and the LGBTQIA+ and royal gifts for the world,community, I feel I accept myself and my identitymore and it inspired me to be more active in my local - Tautvydas, Lithuaniacommunity, with which I have already began. Besidesthat it was also a very fun experience and I had the First and foremost, I met a lot of amazing people. Iopportunity to connect with amazing people from listened to their stories, shared my experience withdifferent countries. I felt like we created a beautiful them and created a connection that will hopefullyinclusive universe in those 12 days and it was last even after the project.absolutely wonderful. Secondly, I learned some new things about- Iva, Slovenia LGBTQIA+ spectrum, which made me more aware of the problems in my local and even global society.A small feeling of what it’s like to be a minority. An I started to think more broadly about the differentunderstanding of the hurt of supressed LGBTQIA+ ways of how I could personally improve our society;people. An understanding of how bad the situation for what can I do, how can I include others.people from that community still is in many Europeancountries. Now that I know more people from that Finally, I realized that I want to travel more and getcommunity, which I also care about, the topic feels involved in other similar projects, because it helpsway closer to me. And when I hear about or see non- me be more open-minded, tolerant and it helpsacceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community it feels way me be more creative. I would like to gain moreworse. experience in these projects and then use it to improve the society we live in.- Jonne, Netherlands - Marta, Latvia 57
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This publication was developed as part of the project, Special thanks to: Power ACTi-ON. The project was led by Olde Vechte Foundation and Active Rainbow. It was made possible - Olde Vechte Foundation and its volunteers, who thanks to the financial support of Erasmusplus Jeugd, the supported with the practical arrangements of the project. Dutch National Agency of Erasmus+ programme. - The director of the Foundation, Marko Vlaming for his We dedicate this publication to the amazing Power expressed trust, care and for believing in this project. ACTors who were involved in this colourful journey and His constant guidance, work and shared vision of the made it their own from the very beginning till the end and Foundation are a source of inspiration. afterwards when paying it forward in their communities. - The graphic designer, member and visual artist of the They have exchanged the most meaningful gift with Active Rainbow community, Elina Primaka, for her love, one other and that is love - offering their vulnerability, care, involvement and creative support in shaping the creativity, openness, playfulness and joy to themselves visual identity of the project. and to each other, an active participation of beautiful souls which aspiring ideas and motivation to make this world a - Again, to all the participants, whom without them, the better place action to ACTiON. project would have never been as extraordinary as it was, a big thank you for everything that you brought, created A warm thank you to all our partners, old and new, for this and distributed beyond. fascinating and enriching learning venture that we created and held together, cooperating and involving ourselves Our dream is that the “Power Action Booklet” will serve proactively in all the stages. The contributions made and as a fruitful asset on fostering inclusive education and the the shared vision were important assets in multiplying LGBTQIA+ Spectrum. the results in our organizations and countries. We have celebrated the successes and experiences from the On behalf of the Power ACTiON Team, project, as well as em-Powered ACTiON beyond. Cathy/Aikaterini Manousaki58
OLDE VECHTEfoundationOlde Vechte Foundation was conceived as an initiative The Foundation is open to anyone who is motivated toof a group of people, who in 1966 identified a great improve their personal and professional skills in order toneed for learning that is not provided by the established create a better society and a higher quality of life. Strivingeducational system. The Foundation’s mission is to create to bring spirit and energy to each individual, the trainingsa learning environment out of love, care and cooperation and projects of Olde Vechte Foundation take learning asfor everyone; especially for people whose needs cannot an organic process coming from the diversity of talentsbe met by formal education methods. and motivations of the people involved.Throughout the years it has developed site specific Learn more about the Foundation: oldevechte.commethodologies that have been adapted to differentprojects. Every year it approaches various social andcultural topics through projects run by professionaltrainers and international teams.
2018 Active Rainbow