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Home Explore Play Forward Booklet | On Social Inclusion, Sports & Human Rights [2017]

Play Forward Booklet | On Social Inclusion, Sports & Human Rights [2017]

Published by Active Rainbow, 2018-02-21 06:14:03

Description: Play Forward Booklet on social inclusion, sports and human rights is one of the main educational tools developed through the Play Forward Project.

The Booklet includes the 16 brand new educational tools, sport and human rights activities that were created and exchanged among participants during the APV and the Exchange.

Play Forward addressed the need for inclusive opportunities for all young people without discrimination through sport, physical and outdoor activities. It aimed to promote social inclusion and human rights among young people while stimulating their active citizenship through sport.

Partners: Associazone Vagamondo (Italy), Bulgarian Sports Development Association (Bulgaria), Asociace Dice (Czech Republic), Asociación Atlas Gran Canaria (Spain), Jaunatne Smaiden/Youth for Smile (Latvia)

The Project took place at Olde Vechte Foundation, in Ommen, the Netherlands and was funded by Erasmusplus Jeugd.

Keywords: booklet,socialinclusion,humanrights,erasmus,erasmusplus,result,dissemination,tools,activities,sports,education,nonformaleducation,workshops,testimonials,intercultural,europe


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Questions for reflection 1. How did you feel during the game? 2. Did you have any strategy? 3. If you do it again, what would you change? 51


Gymnastics and yogaSport activity to keep a healthy body through gymnasticsand yoga.Method sport activityPeople 6+Place indoor, outdoorDuration 10 mins warm up 30 mins gymnastics 20 mins yogaMaterials yoga mat for every participant ball for every teamPreparation gathering materialsInstruction Warm up • The participants are in a circle and the facilitator is showing some warming up exercises. Particular attention is for the joints so we warm up wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, upper and lower back, hips, knees and ancles through circling and pushing. Excercise • Participants are divided to teams. In 4 lines participants do some short sprint running getting the team-ball and giving it to the one on their back. This is repeated with different gaits and when everyone have done that gait we change it. 53

• Heavier exercises are shown from the facilitator to the participats and they repeat. • The exercises are: squats, bodyweight pushups, crunches for the abdominals, jumping jacks, burpees, and aerobic exercises using balls. Cool down • The facilitator is in front of the participants and they are guided through a basic ashtanga yoga series. • Everyone has a yogamat.Questions for reflection 1. How does your body feel? 2. Who trains more than 3 times a week, who less? 3. How can you adapt this training to create a training routine in your daily life? 54


SurvivorsExperiental activity which allows participants to reflect upontheir values.Method experientalPeople 5+Place indoor + outdoorDuration 1 hourMaterials paper + pen for every participant sound system materials for obstacle course blindfold for every participantPreparation time for preparation of obstacle courseInstruction Part 1 • Gather participants in a dark room with a sound system. Give them paper and pen. • Play background music (alarm, sounds of fight or anything that resembles appocalyptical situation). • Tell the story 1 (adapt it for yourself). Story 1 “The war is here. You never know if you will survive till the next day. But you got a chance to run away. But you are leaving right now. You can write a letter to your beloved ones. 56


It will be delivered for you. You don´t know if you will ever seethem again. If you will survive, if they survive, if there will bechance to meet them.Take your paper and pen and write the letter.”Part 2• Gather pens. Participants can keep the letters.• Tell story 2.Story 2“Smugglers have arrived, but they have one condition: youcannot see where you are going. Put on blindfold and wait tillyou will be taken.” 58

Part 3 • Take a group of 5 and lead them through obstacle course. • At the end, let them sit, take off blindfolds, but caution them to stay silent. Take the other groups.Questions for reflection 1. What do you think this activity was about? 2. How did you feel? 3. Did you realize something thanks to it? 59

Step into my ShoesRoleplay to understand different roles in society.Method game, roleplayPeople till 30 peoplePlace outdoor, sport fieldDuration 1 hourMaterials Sport field (basketball, volleyball, handball) Ball (basketball, volleyball, handball) Bips in two colours (or other type of team separation marks) RolesPreparation Prepare role cards for each player. Different cards can be introduced to explore different social competencies • being selfish • pass to the other team • yell at those who make a mistake • try to include everyone • only pass to one person • be a referee • coach the team • be over-enthusiastic 60

Instruction • 2 teams Part 1 • Explain to participants that they must play basketball in their teams and that the objective is to win. • Explain how to play. Demonstrate the rules and boundaries to participants. • Ask the participants what the rules of the game are. At this stage simple rules such as double dribble and travelling with the ball will come out. • Play for 10 minutes. Part 2 • Introduce some conditions to the game to show how the game will use Education by Sport. These can include: – no dribbling, – only females can score, – every team member must touch the ball, – ball must be passed at least 3 times before you can score, – can only dribble with weak hand, – males can only score with weak hand, – males can only score outside the key. • Play for 10 minutes. 61

Part 3 • Introduce role cards. The participants should not discuss their role with anyone. They must now play the game in this role. • At this stage there could be conflict due to the roles so take care in the selection of the roles. • Play for 10 minutes.Questions for reflection 1. What was happening in last part? 2. How did you feel? 3. What did you learn out of this game? 62


Sport exclusionTheatre about people excluded from sport activities andpossible solutions.Method theatre of the oppressedPeople 6+Place outdoor, indoorDuration 40 minMaterials nonePreparation noneInstruction • create 2 teams • first team improvize a situation when one is excluded from sport activity because of his clothes, body, social status, race, religion, etc. they play a scene and stop it in a certain moment • Second team enter the situation and find out how to include the person who is excluded.Questions for reflection 1. How did you feel about the situation? 2. Would your solution work in a real life? 3. Do you have idea for other solutions? 64


RefugeeActivity opening space for a discussion.Method simulation, discussionPeople anyPlace outdoor, indoorDuration 40 minMaterials paper and pen for every participant printed Application for asylumPreparation print the Application for asylum 66

Instruction • read story Story “You are a teacher in Stolavia. Your partner disappears and is later found murdered. Your name appears in a newspaper article listing suspected subversives. Later you receive a letter threatening your life for your alleged political activity. You decide you must flee. PACK YOUR BAG: you can only take five categories of things and only what you can carry. List what you would take. To be considered a refugee conditions: (1) presence outside home country; (2) well-founded fear of persecution (being at risk of harm is insufficient reason in the absence of discriminatory persecution); (3) incapacity to enjoy the protection of one’s own state from the persecution feared. • give 5 minutes for decission • give them Application for Asylum. Collect it after 5 minutes and inform them that their application was denied.Questions for reflection 1. What were your reasons in choosing the items? 2. How did you feel when making those decisions? 3. How did you feel when your asylum was denied? 6677

ChairGame promoting co-operation.Method gamePeople 10 peoplePlace indoorDuration 40 minMaterials Chairs (one per person) Speakers Computer Two A3 paper sheets (or bigger) Stickers or paper tape. Markers (one or more per participant)Preparation Prepare two A3 (or bigger) paper sheets. In one of the paper will say “Competition” and in the other “Cooperation”. Then write, in two stickers, large enough for the titles in the A3 papers, “Game A” and “Game B”. Stick “Game A” covering “Competition” and “Game B” covering “Cooperation” InstructionEnergizer• Put (number of participants) chairs, making a circle, one behind the other, seats facing the back of the next chair. 68

• Everyone chooses a chair and rotate it, so the two front legs of the chair are on the air.• The facilitator will count to 3, and then everybody has to move to the next table, without dropping the chair. If some one drops the chair, it will be out of the game, taking his/ her/their chair away with him/her/them.• Every time the speed will increase, so the facilitator will count up to 3 faster.• Finish the game after 5 minutes of play.Game A: competitive chair game• Put (number of participants minus one) chairs, making a circle seats facing outside it.• Everybody rounds the chair circle. Then the music starts to play.• When the music stops, everybody has to run for a seat. No one can be on their feet, so the one who doesn’t have a seat, stays out of the game.• The facilitator takes away one of the chair of the circle. And the music starts again...• Repeat until there is a winner. Facilitator can add dificulties, as taking away two chairs at the same time or making it fast or slow.Game B: cooperative chair game• Put (number of participants minus one) chairs, making a circle seats facing outside it.• Everybody rounds the chair circle. Then the music starts to play. 6699

• When the music stops, everybody has to run for a seat. No one can be on their feet, but in this game there won’t be winners or losers: people have to share chairs in order to continue the game. • The facilitator takes away one of the chairs. At the beginning it will be easy, but as the game continues, more and more people will have to share less and space. They will have to be creative! • And the music starts again... Repeat until there is only one chair left.Questions for reflection 1. Where did you feel more confortable, in the first game, or in the second one? 2. Which of the games was more difficult for you? Why? 3. If this game was real life, where you don’t know most of the people... Would you play it in the same way you did? Why? 70

771 1

Where is dignityTheatre about people excluded from sport acvitvities andpossible solutions.Method gamePeople 8 to 25 people (group of 4-5)Place indoorDuration 40 minMaterials Flipcharts 2 markers 9 pictures for each group Music (device, speakers)Preparation Print pictures Prepare flipcharts: 1. Concept of Dignity - The quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect - Inherent nobility and worth - Poise and self-respect - The state of being worthy or honour able; elevation of mind or character; true worth; excellence - Quality suited to inspire respect or reverence 2. Diamond diagram 72

3. Article 1 from from Universal Declaration of Human Rights 7733


Instruction • Begin by asking participants what they understand by the idea of dignity. Ask them for word associations and see if they can come up with a definition. Give them the English dictionary definitions of the concept and ask whether this corresponds to the meaning in their languages. • Put participants in groups of four to six people; give each group a set of photographs. Show them the diamond- ranking diagram and explain they should arrange the nine pictures in this shape. At the start, it does not matter which picture goes where. • Explain that the task is to arrange the photographs accord ing to the concept of dignity – so the photograph that best corresponds with or illustrates human dignity should be at the top of the diamond, in position 1. The picture that corresponds the least should be at the bottom of the diamond, in position 5. • The others should be ranked and placed in the positions in between. • After 20 minutes, invite the groups to walk around and look at the ranking other groups have given. • Bring the groups together for the debriefing and evaluation.Questions for reflection 1. Did you mostly agree in your group? 2. Does the ranking in any of the other groups surprise you? 3. How do you think sport can be related to dignity? 7755


Media 77

Play Forward gave me the chance to experience new sports, games and activities, pushing myself out of my comfort zone to grow and to strengthen both body and mind. It helped me see how sports can be a reflec-tion of life, or at least how life and coexistence should look like; a game with no winners or losers, a place to learntogether, a time to play together, a chance to change the rules and a chance to improve everyday, becoming the best version of ourselves, helping others and with the support of others. Ellie Cabanes There are moment you can’t do it. You think, an times about it, and you’re not able to when you try to relax, and just flow with can take one (or more) step forward. Then get out from this exchange. I had the feeling th no limits for our imagination, our creativity, ou people who helped me and gave me the strength “there is no way this is going to work”, so I could beautiful with it”. So I can’t help smiling when I crossfit exercises, our fun designed games a bike trip… But not only that, also our mea or simply, stay awake in the night. Be 78 made it

Play Forward inspired me What did I get out of it? to use sports as a tool to raise awareness on different topics. Therefore this experience was a strong base on which I was able to create my own Erasmus + project. Moreover, during the project I got the chance to practice something completely new for me - the art of photography and video making. In total it was active and fun yet brought me many insights about how I can better plan, organize and facilitate.Jorge Serrano Anna Marija Berzinats when you thinknd you overthink, a milliono see the way. And what happensh the water? You grow a little, so youn you Play Forward, for real. That’s what Ihat we could do everything, that there wereur fun, our love… I felt embraced by 28 moreh to overcome those moments when I thoughtsay “Ok, let’s make it work, and do somethingremember our rafts floating in the river, ourand dynamics, our promotional videos, ouraningful talks, our cleaning meditationecause we all played it forward andt work. 79


Olde Vechte Foundation Hosting organisationOlde Vechte is a training centre for non formallearning and group accommodation since 1966. It wasconceived as an initiative of a group of people, whoidentified a great need for learning that is not providedby the established educational system. Society keepschanging over the years, becoming more and moreintercultural. Still, the need of an “out of the schoolsystem” education stays around.The Foundation’s mission is to create a learningenvironment out of love, care and cooperation foreveryone. Especially for people whose needs cannotbe met by formal education methods. Modernapproaches of non-formal learning are used in all theactivities of the Foundation. Kinaesthetic, auditory andvisual senses are involved, bringing about learning byexperiencing and enabling the full participation of thetrainees.The Foundation is active in a wide range of fields onlocal, national, European and international level. Fromorganizing open call educational projects, to cooperat-ing with Erasmus+ on Trainings, Youth Exchanges andEVS projects, to applying for Dutch National Funds andcollaborating with other organizations from theNetherlands and around the world, to offering facilitiesto national and international schools, Olde Vechte is alearning place for everybody.Our projects approach several topics: coaching,volunteering, personal development, employability,integration, body movement, art, dancing, outdooreducation, peace building, facilitation of groups, media,gender, human rights and LGBTQIA+ spectrum. 81

“Bulgarian sports development association” was established in 2010and is non-governmental organization in public benefit, committed to thedevelopment of Bulgarian sport and working to improve and raise sportculture in Bulgaria!We believe that sport should be 5. Optimizating and mobilizingpart of a modern life of children and human and material potentialyoung people and should create in sport;in them values such as motivation,discipline, fair play. Sport is also be 6. Creating an enabling environ-a excellent way to prevent many ment for sustainable and efficientof the problems with young people management of sport;such as social exclusion, violence, 7. Development of education incrime and addictions. physical culture and sport andOur main gioals are: through sport, and informal1. Sustainable development of phys- continuing education in the field ofical education and sport in Bulgaria; sport, professional development;2. Modernization of existing sports 8. Protection of children, youth,infrastructure and building a new professional athletes, coaches,one; sports figures and sports organizations;3. Development, application, 9. Develop and enforceimplementation and coordination transparency in sport;of national, municipal, government, 10. Development of preventionEuropean, international and other through sport.projects and programs for develop-ment of sport, sports facilities andphysical education;4. Improving the health, physicalcondition and sports culture of thenation, concerning youth problemsas a priority; 82

Vagamondo is an informal group founded in September 2013 in the town Partner organisationof Roletto, Italy, byyoung people coming from different associations andwork experiences related with youngsters (involvement in youthorganization in Italy and abroad, schools and social services).The vision of the group is to con- Youngsters with fewer opportunities are the ones who are more ex-tribute to the evelopment of oursociety and to promote the values of posed to the risk of unemployment,equality, freedom and care for the that’s why we choose to focus firstenvironment. Based on these values of all on that target group: to fill thethe target group of Vagamondo’s gap they accumulated with the onesactivities is youngsters (province of who had more opportunities in life.Torino and Piedmont region at first)with fewer opportunities. Especially Vagamondo is part of the Interna-the ones who drop out of school, tional Synergy Network: a group ofcoming from broken families, facing more than 25 organizations andgeographical isolation, social informal groups based in differentexclusion, discrimination based on European countries which sharecountry of origin, religion, sexual similar visions and values thatorientation and self expression or connect in the general vision: tohaving disabilities. create a world out of love and care which works for everyone. TheAs contribution to society’s develop- network is coordinated by Oldement we consider the employability Vechte Foundation (Netherlands), itlevel as a dominant element. has a strong focus on coaching andTherefore our activities aim to self-coaching and a specificcreate learning and growing methodology based on non-formalopportunities for youngsters in order and informal education which haveto give them the chance to increase been developed during the past 15competences that are needed in years.order to enter thelabor market. 83

Atlas Association was created in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in theSummer of 2015 as an initiative to promote sustainable travel as analternative to mass tourism, committed to making a low impact on theenvironment and local culture, while helping to generate personal andprofessional opportunities for locals and especially the young people.We’ve built our practices upon the foundation and common objective tostart a campaign involving travellers with the local communities and localcommunities into the experience of travellers while understanding theimpact of one’s actions on their results, the group and society as a whole.The vision of the Atlas Association • to stimulate active citizenship ofis to create a space for learning, young people living in the island;empowerment and global under- • to introduce youngsters from thestanding. A space where social and islands Erasmus plus projects;cultural human rights are recog- • to organize outdoor activitiesnised as fundamental source of which bring a better connectionself- expression and fulfillment for with the nature and healthy lifeevery individual. This is achieved style;through our goals: • to promote and protect the cultural and natural heritage of • to support and connect local the islands through sustainable initiatives, NGOs and social and tourism. cultural movements on the islands; • to partner with local community and make a connection with local residents and visitors by organizing activities where intercultural exchange takes place;• to give opportunity to young localpeople to improve their profes-sional, language and interpersonalskills in order to have a betterchance on European labour market;84

Youth association “Jaunatne smaidam”/”Youth for Smile” is non-profit,non-political youth organization established in 2005. Our organization’smission says that we are strong and value-based children and youth non-governmental organization that in achieving its targeted goals, objectivesand basic principles, act as impetus for the growth of society and the basicprinciples of civil society strengthening.Our main aims are: unite children’s responsible for youth, we want toand youth to promote their partici- encourage a stronger role of youthpation in non-formal education, in work in the region. It has continued toorder to develop far and wide skills work in close cooperation with localand abilities active take part within governments, educational institutions,social processes in local, national non-governmental organizations andand international level. young people.All our activities are close with our 3. PARTICIPATION. Young people arevalues: fairness and equality; mutual the base for a local community devel-understanding and tolerance; active opment. Enhancing participation willand healthy way of living; develop- be based on a number of key areasment of personality; understanding - social inclusion, creativity, culturaland creative atmosphere; be friend heritage identification, entrepreneurialof environment. development, and volunteering, local and international camps.1. DEVELOPMENT OF ASSOCIATION.Associations’ development vision 4. INFORMATION. One of theis based on three core elements - priorities is to promote themembers of the organization’s, the awareness of young people.image of organization and profes-sional capacity. Our members are 5. INITIATIVES. We are working withchildren and youth, and youth work scouting methods. In regular activitiesprofessionals. we use as well outdoor education and adventure pedagogic methods.2. YOUTH POLICY. In collaboration We are working on establishingwith national youth non-governmen- support center for youth and outdoortal organizations and institutions education center. 85

Asociace DICE - Development Initiatives for a Common Europe, z. s. is anon profit, non governmental association founded in the region of Zlín inthe south east Moravia. The motivation comes from providing the oppor-tunities and raising the European awareness in the place slightly excludeddue to geographical obstacles.The main area of focus is the important for us and as one of thesupport of non formal education, aspects in order to deepen thatdialogue and active citizenship of cooperation. One of our mainlocal youth and to create the plat- aims is to connect the formal andform for the personal development. non formal spheres of education.Currently, besides the E+ funded TC We believe, that this is the way“Soft Skills as a Key to Employability”, of achieving complex educationalthat we have developed and background for local youth in ordersuccessfully implemented, we to support successful involvementprovide individual consultations in the labor market. Our base isabout opportunities of Erasmus+ growing and as new members areand other European educational joining, getting educated and devel-possibilities. oping various activities of our team,Through the success of informal the idea of providing new skills andmeetings and sessions where we opportunities leading to personaldiscussed over documentary movies development gets fulfilled. In coop-that we have watched, we actually eration with University, we have alsobecame the official organiser of opened the contact centre whereZlin’s first ever “Jeden Svet” festival students can come and get infor-of documentary movies. We also mation about different mobilitycooperate actively with University projects or education possibilitiesof Tomas Bata in Zlin, which is very within European programmes general.86

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and Erasmus +sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities forover 4 million Europeans to study, train gain experience, and volunteersabroad.Set to last until 2020, Erasmus+ Erasmus+ has opportunities fordoesn’t just have opportunities for people of all ages, helping themstudents. Merging seven prior develop and share knowledge andprogrammes, it has opportunities experience at institutions andfor a wide variety of individuals and organisations in different countries.organisations. Detailed informa- Erasmus+ has opportunities for ation on these opportunities, inluding wide range of organisations,eligiblity criteria, is available in the including universities, educationErasmus+ Programme Guide. An and training providers, think-tanks,indicative funding guide for some research organisations, and privatecentralised opportunities is also businesses.available. 87

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