Table of Contents ● Schoology requirements ● Schoology reminders ● Schoology course updates ● Clever ● Hoonuit ● iPad check-in ● Technology PD ● Shannon Long’s email
iPad check-in Technology isn’t allowing any to be checked out over the summer. They will be updating and inventorying every iPad this summer. Department Chairs - You will need to complete the checklist for each iPad in the cart. (Feel free to recruit help from your department!) Teachers - Print out the checklist for each iPad that you have. If you would like the same “teacher iPad” back next year, fill out this form.
District-Wide Schoology Expectations for Next Year Previous Expectations ● Basics Training ● Join C&I Group ● Join CSISD Professional Learning Course ● Access C&I curriculum and instruction documents ● Access staff documents & resources AND staff communication ● Building resources in assigned courses for students and parents to access Beginning in August 2019 Providing resources in your assigned courses for students (and parents) ● Adding Course Materials (documents, links, etc.) ● Utilizing the course updates and announcements to communicate with students and parents. ● Utilizing course calendars to add important events that are relevant to instruction in the course. ● Optional (encouraged): utilizing digital assignments and assessments in your courses, where/when appropriate. What does this look like?
Schoology Reminders JUNE 7th Current courses will DISAPPEAR Save things to resources NOW so they will be accessible in the future.
2019/2020 Schoology Course Updates Projefcotred20c19o/u2r0s2e0 uypedaartes July 22nd
Clever ● Clever Portal URL: ○ Linked to every CSISD computer desktop ● Staff Clever Portal ○ Will be linked to - Staff Portal for 19-20 ○ Most apps will be SSO within Clever -- but not all (security reasons). All links will be in the portal, but not all will be SSO. ● Student Clever Portal ○ Linked under every student tab on each school website ○ New Students will sync in every 24 hours after being added to eSchool. ○ Students must be on eSchool roster to see apps in Clever. ● See Email from Shannon (April 1, 2019) - PD/Learning Resources
Have you heard?! Eduhero is being replaced with Hoonuit in the 2019-2020 school year! They have LOTS of individualized trainings you can do on your own time! Click the graphic to go to and check it out!
Summer Trainings Summer trainings that can be done online can be found in Hoonuit. These trainings are easily embedded inside of Schoology, so look in the “CSISD Professional Learning: All Staff” course!
Iskrytpetcohnniotloeg?y your Tech PD will help give you strength for the 2019-2020 school year!
Summer Trainings Schoology Assignments Schoology Organization & Enhancement June 19 (9:00-11:00) July 18 (1:00-3:00) June 25 (9:00-11:00) OrgGaneitzed! Schoology App Smashing Schoology and Google June 27 (9:00-11:00) June 20 (1:00-3:00) July 18 (9:00-11:00)
Summer Trainings Nearpod Basics Nearpod - Beyond the Basics June 25 (1:00-3:00) July 24 (1:00 - 3:00) June 19 (1:00-3:00) July 22 (1:00 - 3:00) To find a list or links to sign up for any of these trainings click HERE for the CSISD Summer Professional Development Catalog
Tech Professional Development Summer Trainings Drive and other basics June 27 (1:00-3:00) July 25 (9:00-11:00) Google + Students July 22 (9:00-11:00) Tips and Tricks July 25 (1:00-3:00)
Tech Professional Development Schoology Basics Build and Design Assessments Assignments Organizing and Enhancing your course App Smashing Schoology + Google Google Suite Basics & other apps Google Suite with students Tips and Tricks Summer Basics Trainings Beyond the Basics
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