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Home Explore GR 2_Newsletter_12 to 16 January

GR 2_Newsletter_12 to 16 January

Published by kazinest, 2020-01-16 09:39:35

Description: GR 2_Newsletter_12 to 16 January


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DUNES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Volume 7, Issue 2 ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-2020 12—16 January 2020 SNEAK PEEK Reminder: Glimpse of this week—Class Assembly  Hindi weekly test Grade 2B students conduct an assembly based on the theme educa- will be conducted on tion is must for all. Every human being needs oxygen to survive in 27th January 2020. the world. Education is as important as this because education gives people the knowledge and skills they require. Education is im-  Upcoming program: portant to people of all ages and it has no limit. Children re- Abu Dhabi Science quire education in order for them to learn how to speak and to festival and Shaikh write. During this assembly students shows the importance of edu- Zayed Heritage festi- cation through various programs. The speech and the skit gives the val—Refer the circu- message how important is education. Students conveyed the mes- lar uploaded on the sage through an action song.All the students are enthusiastically portal. participated in the assembly.  Students to wear school hoodies only. MaRRS Spell bee Learning a language is the foremost step in the life of a child as it helps him/her to communicate with the word and a school place a vital role to train the child in this direc- tion.The spell Bee competition incorporated with MaRRs SPELL Bee International which was held at Dunes In- ternational school from KG to Grade5 and it comprised dic- tation,choose,correct spelling and frame sentences and pri- mary colours. 1

Alviya Raza— 2A Dhiya Rajkumar— 2B Nimesh Chakravati— 2C Rishka Chhagani— 2D 2

Mascot 2A-Honest Shaik Sumayya 2B-Tolerant Vedanth Jinesh 2C- Empathetic Niivy Nethra 2D -Tolerant Madhav Deepu Nair 3

Speaking Skills Speaking skill is considered to be the most important skill. The goal of conducting speak- ing skills is to improve communicative effi- ciency. By learning these skills the students will be able to: Avoid confusion in the mes- sage due to faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary. 4

Math activity The concept of division was introduced to the students through hands on activities. Different objects were given to the students and they grouped and shared the things equally.They also wrote the division equation for the groups they made.Through this activity students learned that division is equal sharing and grouping. 5

In this activity, students presented in writing and drawing healthy habits such as drinking water, eating healthy food, playing sports and reading. The aim of this activity is to encourage stu- dents to have healthy habits and to read, because a proper thinking is in a healthy body. 6

CI omic strip is a sequence of drawings in boxes that tell an amus- ing story, typically printed in a newspaper or magazine. The purpose of most comic strips is to entertain. ... However, by using illustrations comic strips can communicate ideas that can't be expressed through words alone. Grade 2 students created a dialogue conversation for the topic what we wear ,the different types of clothes that we wear in different seasons. Students ex- hibited their creativity to make a comic strip 7

The Art Room is a dream world for students at Dunes Interna- tional School where fantasy turns to reality. From unique paint- ings and paper fabrications to ribbons and buttons, children at this school turn your imagination into your very own master- piece. Humans are blessed with the creative skill and imagination to transform the most uninteresting image into a vibrant and spirit- ed composition. The Students displayed these skills and also their dexterity in paper folding to present superlative Paper Craft compositions to mark the Republic day encompassing a vibrant display of colours, festivity and nationalism which also uplifted the spirit of true patriotism among the students. 8

The practical importance of anto- nyms relies on their understanding in use of everyday life communica- tional situations. Even though the linguistic explanation is important and fundamental, it helps for other disciplines to understand better situ- ations and circumstances when an- tonyms are used. Grade 2 children learned antonyms used in Hindi lan- guage . And each child tried to solve the given worksheet independently. It will help to increase their vocabu- 9

Reading novels and stories allows us to gain access to deeply imagined lives oth- er than our own. Experiencing complex moral situations enriches the pool of ex- perience from which we make decisions. Great novels also have the complexity to strengthen our moral muscles Grade 2 students were given an oppor- tunity to know what a novel is and which types of novels are there. Students were very eager to read the novel. 10

Solo Dance Competition Dancing is creating a sculpture that is visible only for a moment. It is the art to move rhythmi- cally to music, typically following a set sequence of steps. Grade2 students solo dance competi- tion was conducted in the school on 15th Janu- ary wherein students exhibited their dancing talent by dancing gracefully with the rhythm of the music. 11

Islamic Education Grade 2 Topic. Allah the almighty Creator Able to conclude the perfect creation of the Almighty Creator. The Prophet (pbuh) has said that Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty1. It is for this that the whole of Allah's creation has been designed and created according to the highest heavenly standard of splendor and order impossible to be ever emulated by anyone. The students of Grade 1 enthusiastically participated in the activi- ty conducted in the class. They drew their hand and discussed that how the design of the hand enables us to perform a number of activities. 12


Strategy for Counsellor Desk the Future Most of us already know the importance H. H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al of communication. By keeping an open Maktoum, Vice President and Prime line of communication, you’ll have a bet- Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, ter relationship with your child and your announced the UAE Strategy for the child will come to you when there’s a Future, a comprehensive roadmap that problem. But there’s another reason for will take the nation to the next era of de- communication — you help your child velopment. integrate different parts of his/her brain. Integration is similar to our body in Launched under the directives of H. H. which different organs need to coordi- Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, nate and work together to maintain a President of the UAE, the long-term healthy body. When different parts of the strategy will steer the nation’s growth by brain are integrated, they can function identifying the needs and challenges of harmoniously as a whole, which means the future, addressing them through im- fewer tantrums, more cooperative behav- pactful long-term plans, and successful- ior, and more empathy. To do that, talk ly leveraging new opportunities for all- through troubling experiences. Ask your round development. child to describe what happened and how he/she felt. Do not provide solu- The strategy is centred on three main tions. You don’t need to have all the an- themes — new operational model for the swers to be a good parent. Just listening government, building national capacity to them talk and asking clarifying ques- and setting strategic priorities for the tions will help them make sense of their future. experiences and integrate memories. Under the new strategy, planning will become a mandatory part of the opera- tions of government departments. Fu- ture scenario reports on key sectors will be published and serve as a benchmark What next 19.01.2020—Hindi / Arabic—Spell bee Aahil Azim -2D -January 11th 14