4 great books on resume writingResume writing is a difficult task. While you canresearch information online, or seek assistancefrom a professional resume services, it is alwayshelpful to have resources on hand that can assistin writing a new or rewriting your existing resumeand/or cover letter. The following four books canprovide you with a wealth of information on resumewriting:The first book you should consider is called TheElements of Resume Style. It was written by S.
Bennett.This book, as its cover states, will provide youwith great advice on writing resumes and coverletters. Here, you will find valuable advice ofworking through and setting your career goals,marking your qualifications, delivering yourresume to your employers and composing your coverletter. The author is not afraid to discuss thecommonly made mistakes, the importance of knowingwhat you want to do in your career, sentencestructure, and even salary requirements. Thisbook makes for a great resource for both beginnersand experienced resume writers.The second book is titled Competency-BasedResumes and was written by two writers, Kesslerand Strasburg.Competency-Based Resumes is a great resource forprofessionals that are confident in their careerobjective and are searching for a more targetedway to develop their resume in order to getnoticed in the specific industry of their
interest. The book discusses techniques used byemployers at various industries that scan resumesin order to determine applicant experience basedon their work habits and skills. The book offersyou a new and effective way to create resumes thatmakes your skills and your education the numberone priority, and provides you guidelines ofhighlighting specific areas in order to create awinning resume.The third book contains 101 Best Resumes and waswritten by Block and Betrus.Members of the Professional Association of ResumeWriters have come together to provide 101 bestresumes for this book. The sample resumesincluded in this book will show you what winningresumes look like, and help you in creating aneffective resume of your own that will get you theinterview and the job. The book discussespersonalizing your resume to positions that youwant, highlighting your qualifications,developing your resume and writing cover letters.
In addition, you will get some great advice onwhat to do once your resume is ready and how towin over your potential employer in an interview.The last book of choice has Resumes That Knock 'emDead and was written by Yate.This bestseller will teach you everything youneed to know to get started in resume writing. Itis a perfect read for beginners as well as thosewho have not written a resume in a long time. Theauthor discusses how to gather all theinformation you will need to get started withwriting a resume, how to chose the verbs youinclude in your statements, select theappropriate format and how to go about submittingyour resume via email or the Internet. In addition,this book provides a great sag-way into coverletters, and how to create one that bestcompliments your resume.Each of these books can be found in your localbookstore or your library. They provide more than
a great starting point; you can hold on to thesebooks and use them as ongoing resources as youmove forward in your career.
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