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Home Explore EzoBord - Price Guide USA

EzoBord - Price Guide USA

Published by brunmartin, 2021-05-25 16:12:28

Description: EzoBord - Price Guide USA


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Founded in 2008, ezoBord were early pioneers in the field of design driven acoustics, pushing the boundaries with a unique range of fully customizable acoustic products for ceiling, wall, division and furniture applications. The company specializes in a fully recyclable acoustic material made from PET plastic, giving a wide range of design options, colour choices, and bespoke print capability. The company’s headquarters are in Mississauga, Ontario Canada with a state of the art research and development facility supported by a team of industrial designers, product engineers and acousticians. With 3 direct production facilities, extensive sales and specification teams, and local support available in multiple countries across 4 continents. 2

INDEX ARCHITECTURAL CEILINGS SUSPENDED OFFICE .............................................................................................................................. 6 ACOUSTICAL NET........................................................................................................................................8 BAFFLE CLOUDS....................................................................................................................................... 10 FULL SHEET CLOUD................................................................................................................................12 GRID CANOPY............................................................................................................................................. 14 CEILING BAFFLES..................................................................................................................................... 16 GEO CLOUD.................................................................................................................................................. 18 LIGHTING RAIL.................................................................................................................................................................... 20 WALLS EZO ON EZO.................................................................................................................................................22 GEO TILE........................................................................................................................................................ 24 WORK ZONE DIVIDER.......................................................................................................................... 26 PATTERN V-NOTCH SHEETS............................................................................................................. 28 PANELS........................................................................................................................................................... 30 EZOPRINT.......................................................................................................................................................32 OFFICE SUSPENDED OFFICE.................................................................................................................................. 36 HOODY.................................................................................................................................................................. 38 DESK SCREEN SYSTEM..............................................................................................................................40 OBI........................................................................................................................................................................... 42 EZO ON EZO......................................................................................................................................................44 GEO TILE..............................................................................................................................................................46 WORK ZONE DIVIDER................................................................................................................................48 PATERN V-NOCHT SHEETS..................................................................................................................... 50 TAC PANELS........................................................................................................................................................52 FINISHES................................................................................................................................................................. 54



CEILINGS SUSPENDED OFFICE There really is no “one size fits all” solution, privacy encompasses SPEC SHEETS many different needs and behaviors, each form of privacy – CONFIGURATION OPTIONS acoustical, informational or visual, helps people to feel free, to share ideas and to make work visible. Designed in collaboration with B2Lab, Suspended Office is an ecosystem of spaces that re-define the privacy of the work area and shape collaborative work. Featuring Ezobord acoustical surface materials in a variety of visually interesting patterns, colors, and configurations that perfectly balance design and functionality SINGLE MODULE DOUBLE MODULE “L” SHAPE OPTIONAL PATTERNS Chevron Rectangular Squares Pixelated Pixelated Undulation Squares Circle 6


CEILINGS ACOUSTICAL NET ezoBord Acoustical Net canopies are completely SPEC SHEETS customizable, add flow, color and acoustical balance to open ceiling environments while reducing unwanted noise. A new generation surface material that absorbs noise and is fully customizable. Make a statement with ezoBord Acoustical Nets by adding atmosphere and visual interest to offices, restaurants, and other public spaces, while depending on ezoBord’s noise reduction capabilities to establish a creative and acoustically effective ceiling scape. STANDARD SHAPES Krome Golf Rulla 8


CEILINGS BAFFLE CLOUD ezoBord Baffle Clouds are a stylish addition to any ceiling, easy to install, SPEC SHEETS and can be customized through the use of wide array of standard ezoBord colors. A new generation of ceiling baffles - sound dampening, f ree-hanging and designed for style. Stylish ezoBord Baffle Clouds are a series of sound absorbing suspended panels that redefine interior open spaces. The Aalto model helps you to bring a designer look into open offices, restaurants and public spaces, that will help reduce noise and reverberation. Adjustable to various heights and angles, and installed from deck, ceilings, drywall, standard T bar suspension systems. STANDARD SHAPE Aalto Luna – Round Luna – Square Vesi Veldi 10


CEILINGS FULL SHEET CLOUD ezoBord Full Sheet Clouds are a stylish addition to any ceiling, easy SPEC SHEETS to install, and can be customized through the use of wide array of standard ezoBord colors. A new generation of ceiling clouds - sound dampening, free-hanging and designed for style. Stylish ezoBord Full Sheet Clouds are a series of sound absorbing suspended panels that redefine interior open spaces. Adjustable to various heights and angles, and installed from deck, ceilings, drywall, standard T bar suspension systems. STANDARD SHAPE Full Cloud – Circle Full Cloud – Orbit Full Cloud – Bamboo Full Cloud – Chevron Full Cloud – Solid 12


CEILINGS GRID CANOPY Suspended ezobord Grid Canopies bring room acoustics to an entirely SPEC SHEETS new level. Control room reverberation in both monotone and duotone color options. A new generation surface material that both absorbs noise and is fully customizable. Ceiling mounted for both sound absorption and aesthetic purposes, ezoBord Grid Canopies reduce echo and unwanted noise in boardrooms, meeting areas, open plan offices or a variety of public spaces. Grid Canopies assemble in just a few minutes, are super light weight and easy to suspend from any ceiling with several suspension hardware options to choose from. STANDARD SHAPES Tapered Grid Canopy Oval Grid Canopy Grid Canopy – Rectangle Tapered Grid Canopy Grid Canopy – Kupi Grid Canopy – Waffle 14


CEILINGS CEILING BAFFLES ezoBord’s Curv baffle system is highly efficient SPEC SHEETS acoustically and adds design and color to any open ceiling environment. The Curv ceiling baffle system represents the perfect balance of form, function and cost effectiveness. A new generation surface material that both absorbs noise and is fully customizable. ezoBord Curv Baffles are easy to suspend f rom the ceiling and are ideal for open plan offices or a wide variety of public spaces - including gymnasiums, arenas, concert halls and indoor swimming areas. Available in double and triple layer offerings allows for multiple colors and 3 dimensional design options to add color, texture and sound absorption to your ceilings. STANDARD SHAPE Wave Perforated Circles Perforated Circles Filleted Rectangle 16


CEILINGS GEO CLOUD ezoBord Geo Clouds provide an elegant addition to any open area, and SPEC SHEETS can be customized through the use of different geometric shapes and a wide array of standard colors. A new generation surface material that both absorbs noise and is fully customizable. Stylish ezoBord Geo Clouds are a series of sound absorbing suspended panels that redefine open interior spaces. Geo Clouds are available in a wide variety of colors, profiles and shapes with custom shapes and prints also available to fully customize to your installation. Geo Clouds are adjustable to various heights and angles and can be installed from deck, ceilings, drywall, standard T bar suspension systems or mounted to walls. STANDARD SHAPE Square Diamond Triangle Trapezoid Circle Hexagon 18


LIGHTING RAIL With Rail we are going beyond illumination for interior spaces. True to our acoustic roots, SPEC SHEETS we incorporate the performance of ezoBord material to LED technology providing a synergistic relation between acoustics and lighting as a solution to high-end noise levels, reverberation and poor lighting issues common to open spaces. Designed in collaboration with Metalumen, Rail comes with a variety of light color temperatures and as a mix with our classic Baffle Systems (“Vesi” and “Veldi”) CONFIGURATION OPTIONS Aligned Corner T-Shape Cross Square Rectangular 20


WALLS EZO ON EZO ezo on ezo gives you style, depth and sound absorption while adding visual appeal, making every office space a better place to work in. Absorb sound and create visual interest all in one simple solution... ezoBord’s ‘ezo on ezo’ product range layers our popular Work Zone Divider patterns on a second layer of contrasting color ezoBord creating a 3 dimensional, colorful appearance while adding significant sound absorption in your open space. SPEC SHEETS STANDARD SHAPE Bamboo Bubble Galaxy Leaf Slotted Staggered Arches Circles Clover Herringbone Hexagon Lattice Lazer Mediterranean Pixelated Pixelated Circles Squares Rectangular Reed Small Triangle Squares Star and Knot String Tilt Trapezoid Undulation 22


WALLS GEO TILES ezoBord Geo wall tiles are available in a wide array of shapes and sizes that can be SPEC SHEETS easily installed in endless patterns while controlling room acoustics. A new generation surface material that both absorbs noise and is fully tackable. ezoBord Geo Tiles allow for endless patterning and are offered in a wide range of colors to be applied in any combination imaginable. Geo Tiles are super light weight and easy to instal with optional pressure sensitive ezoTape on virtually any surface. STANDARD SHAPES STANDARD SHAPE Triangle STANDARD SHAPES Rectangular STANDARD SSHTAANPDESARD SHAPES STANDARD SHAPES Bow Tie Circle STANDARD SHAPES BBooww TTieie Bow Tie Square Circle STANDPAYianRYiDsanlegSHy APES Rectangular STANDSAqRuDaSrHeSATPAENSDARD TSriHanAgPleES TrTiraianngglele Circle Propeller Diamond PART NUMBER WIDTH LENGTH THICKNESS CARTON QTY THICKNESS Circle RD SHAPES PART NUMBER WIDTH LENGTH CSARTTAONN QDTAY RD SHAPES gwt-cir-0606 6\" (152mm) 6\" (152mm) Bow Tie 6\" (152mm) gwt-cir-1212 12\" (305mm) 12\" (305mm) gwt-bow-0606 4.4\" (112mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 16 ⅜\" (9mm) 16 ⅜\" (9mm) 8 gwt-bow-1212 12\" (305mm) 8.8\" (224mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 gwt-cir-2424 24\" (610mm) 24\" (610mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 gwt-bow-2424 24\" (610mm) 17.6\" (447mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 Rectangular* Triangle* Square gwt-rec-0603 51/2\" (140mm) 23/4\" (70mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 16 Square gwt-rec-1206 111/2\" (292mm) Yin Y5a1n/2\"g (140Pmumzz) le ⅜\" (9mm) 8 ⅜\" (9mm) 8 5.2\" (132mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 16 Hexagon Diagwmt-orencd2412 CARTON QTY Propeller Propeller gwt-tri-0606 16 16 8 STANDARD SHAPESRectangular 6\" (152mm) Diamond 231/2\" (597mm) 111/2\" (292mm) Rectangular Propeller Hexagon Diamont PuzzleSTANDARD SHAPESSTPAuzNzlDe ARD SHAPAPRET SNUMgwBtE-Rtri-24P2A4R TWNIUDMTHBER24\" (610mWmLI)D ETTNHrGaTpHez2o0id.78\" (P5A2RL8TEmNNmGUTM)T HHBIECRKNES⅜S\" (W9mIDmTHT) HCICAKRNTOESNSQ8 LTEYNGTEHloCnAgRaTOteNdQRTeYcTHtaICnKgNlEeSS8 gwt-tri-1212 12\" (305mm) 10.39\" (264mm) ⅜\" (9mm) PART NUMBEYRin Yang WIDTH LENGTH THICKNESS CARTON QTY ⅜\" (9mm) Elongated Triangle Circle ⅜\" (9m⅜m\") (9mm) Bow Tie gwt-yin-0606 41/2\" (114mm) 6\" (152mm) Square* Bow Tie Propeller gwt-bow-0606 6\" (152mm) 4.4\" (112mm) gwt-pro-⅜06\"0 (69 mm) 61/3\" (161m16m) 6\" (152mm) ⅜\" (9mm) gwt-cir-0606 gwt-yin-12126 \" (152mm) 9\" (229mm6) \" (152mm12) \" (305mm) gwt-sqr-0g6w06t- bow-06065 1/2\" (140m6\"m (1)5 2mm) 51/2\" (140m4m.4\") (112mm) ⅜\" (9mm⅜) \" (9mm) 16 16 16 gwt-bow-1212 12\" (305mm) 8.8\" (224mm) gwt-pro-⅜121\"2 (9mm) 122/3\" (3228mm) 12\" (305mm) ⅜\" (9mm) gwt8-cir-1212 gwt-yin-242142 \" (305mm1)8 \" (457mm12) \" (305mm24)\" (610mm) ⅜\" (9m⅜m\") (9mm) 8 8 gwt-sqr-12g1w2 t-bow-1212 111/2\" (292m12m\" (3) 05mm)1 11/2\" (292m8.m8\" )( 224mm) ⅜\" (9mm⅜) \" (9mm) 8 8 gwt8-cir-2424 24\" (610mm) 24\" (610mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 in square edge beveled edge. gwt-bow-2424 24\" (610mm) 17.6\" (447mm) gwt-pro-⅜24\"2 4(9 mm) 251/3\" (6483mm) 24\" (610mm) ⅜\" (9mm) * Available or gwt-sqr-2g4w24t- bow-2424 231/2\" (5972m4\"m (6) 10mm2) 31/2\" (5D9i7a1mm7.6om\"n )d( 4*47mm) ⅜\" (9mm⅜) \" (9mm) 8 8 Rectangular* Please note that all dimensions are nominal, supplier reserves the right to adjust sizing without prior Triangle* Triangle* notif ication gwt-dia-0606 6\" (152mm) 3.47\" 88mm) ⅜\" (9mm) gwt16-rec-0603 51/2\" (140mm) 23/4\" (70mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 16 16 Hexagon gwt8-rec-1206 111/2\" (292mm) 51/2\" (140mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 wFwawn.ezoBo Yin Yang gwt-tri-06*0A6v ailablegwints-tq6rui\"- a0(1r65e02em6d mge) or beve6le\" d5(1.25e\"2d m(g13em2. m) m) ⅜\" (9mm) 12\" (30⅜5m\" m(9)m m) 6.93\" (1761m6 m) Hexagon gw5t-.d2\"ia (-1132212m m) gwt-tri-12P12l ease note tha12t\"a (l3l 0d5immemn)s ions are n10o.3m9i\"n (a2l6, 4sumpmpl)i er reserve⅜s\"t (h9emrmigh) t to adjust 8sizing without prior ⅜\" (9mm) notif icatiognwt-tri-1212 Trapezoid Elongated Rectangle Parallelogram Elongated Triangle2124\"2\" (0(36.P071A805m\"Rm (T5mm2N)8)U mMmBE)T RgHrawepx21t0-a0edg..3zi7oa9o8-nP\"2i⅜\"* Ad4 ((W22R5\"6 42T(I49 D8NmmmTUHmmmM)))B ER24\" (61⅜⅜0m\"\"8L mW((E99N)mmI DGmmTTEHH)) lon13g.8a6t\" e(3d5882RmLemEcTN) tHGaEITCnlHoKgnNlegES⅜aSt\"e (9dmRme) ctCaTAHnRIgCTglOKewNNt8-EQrSeTScY2P41a2r alleCloAgRrTaOmN23Q1/T2\"Y (597mmEl)o ngat1e11d/2\" T(2r9iaE2nmlogmnleg) ated Tria⅜n\"g (9lemm) 8 FanPuzzle gwt-tri-2424 THICKNESS NGTH FangCwAtR-t2Tr4iO-\"2N 4(62Q140T mY m) Propeller Yin Yang Square* Square* gwt-hexP-0ro60p6e ller 6\" (152mm) 5.2\"w (1w32wm.emz)o Bord.com⅜\" (9mm) 16 gwt-sqr-0606 51/2\" (140mm) gwt-pro-0606 61/3\" (161mm) 6\" (152mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 16 gwt-yin-0606 41/2\" (114mm) 6\"P (A15R2TmNmU) MBER ⅜\"W (9ImDTmH) 16 LENGTH 51/2\" (140mm) gwt-hexg-⅜1w21\"t2 -( p9rmo-m06) 06 12\" (305m16m61)/ 3\" (161mm10).3 9\" (264m6m\" ()1 52mm) ⅜\" (9mm) ⅜\" (9m8m) 16 52mm) ⅜\" (9mm) g1w6 t-sqr-0606 51/2\" (g14w0tm-prmo-)1 212 51/2\" (141022m/3\"m (3)2 2mm) ⅜\"1 2(9\" m(30m5)m m) 16 ⅜\" (9mm) 8 gwt-yin-1212 9\" (229mm) 12P\" (u3z0z5lemm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 ER WIDTH gwt-sqr-12L1E2N GTH 111/2\" (292TmHmIC)K NESS 111/2\" (292CmARmT)O NgQwTtY-hexg-⅜2w4\"t2 -4(p9 rmo-m121)2 24\" (610m8m122) /3\" (322m2m0.7)8 \" (528m12m\" ()3 05mm)⅜ \" (9mm) ⅜\" (9m8m) 8 305mm) 24⅜\" (9mm) g8wt-sqr-1212 111/2\" (g2w92t-mprmo-)2 424 111/2\" (292521m/3\"m (6)4 3mm) ⅜\"2 (49\"m (6m10)m m) 8 ⅜\" (9mm) 8 gwt-yin-2424 18\" (457mm) 24g\"w (6t1-0pmuzm-1)2 12 ⅜\"1 (19.9m8\"m (3) 04mm) 8 9.83\" (250mm) gwt-sqr-2424 231/2\" (597mm) 231/2\" (597mm) g⅜w\"t -(p9rmo-m24)2 4 8251/3\" (643mm) 24\" (610mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 (610mm) ⅜\" (9mm) g8wt-sqr-2424 231/2\"D (5ia9m7monmd*) * Av2a3il1a/2b\"l e(5i9n7smqumar)e edge or b⅜ev\"e l(e9dmemdg)e . 8 gwt-puz-2424 231/2\" (596mm) 19.69\" (500mm) 11.98\" (304mm) 9.83\" (250mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 Please nDotiaemthoant dal*l dimensions are nominal, supplier reserves the right to adjust sizing*wAivthaoiluatbplerioinr square edge or beveled edge. * Available in square edge or beveled edge. gwt-dia-0606 notif ication6\" (152mm) 3.47\" 88mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 16

Trapezoid THICKNESS CARTON QTY ⅜\" (9mm) 8 25 ⅜\" (9mm) 8

WALLS WORK ZONE DIVIDER SPEC SHEETS ezoBord Work Zone Dividers add privacy, color and style, making every office space a better place to work in. Divide space, absorb sound and create visual privacy all in one simple solution... ezoBord Work Zone Dividers are cut in various shapes and patterns ranging from organic shapes to geometric shapes to cityscapes. A great way to define space quickly and cost effectively. STANDARDSSTAHNADPEASRDSTSAHNADPEASRD SHAPES EASRDSTSAHNADPSEATSRADNSDHAAPREDS SHAPAzEtec Aztec ABzatemcbooSTANBDamARboDoSSTAHNABDPamEABSubRboDboSleTSAHNADPEABSuRbDbleSHAPEBSubble STANDARD SHAPES Aztec Bamboo Bubble Chevron Circles Cube Daire Deco Dokuma Rectangular ADBzaatDiermeccboooSTANBDaDmAecRbCoohDoeSvSTroAHnNABDPaDDmEABeoScubRCkobohuDboemSlveTSaroAHnNADPDEABoSuRCkbhuDbemClveSiarrocHnleAs PDEBoSukbubmCleiarcleLDsaazSiereTr ANCDircCAleuRLDsbaDaeziereSr HAPECuSLDbaaezDiLereracof DLDOeoacrkmofuamna RectaUDnOnogrkudmuluaamrlnaUatniodunlaDtOioorkmnuamna ADzatierec CubeDLeacof PART NUMBER PART NUMBEWRIDPTAHRT NUMBEWR IDTH HEIWGHIDTTH HEIGHT THIHCEKINGEHSTS THICKNESS THICKNESS Aztec Aztec Aztec wzd-azt-4896 wzd-azt-4896471w/2\"z(d12-a0z7tm-4m89)6471/2\" (1207mm95)\"4(2741/123\"m(12m0)7mm95) \" (2413mm)⅜\" 9(95m\" (m24)13mm)⅜\" (9mm) ⅜\" (9mm) Bamboo Bamboo Bamboo wzd-bam-4896 wzd-bam-4894671w/2\"z(d12-b0a7m-m48) 94671/2\" (1207mm95)\"4(2741/123\"m(12m0)7mm95) \" (2413mm)⅜\" 9(95m\" (m24)13mm)⅜\" (9mm) ⅜\" (9mm) Bubble Bubble Bubble Flaline wzd-bubG-4a89la6 xywzd-bub-48K946e7s1w/2ik\"z(d12-b0u7mb-m48)946L71a/2\"z(e12r07mm95)\"4(2741/123\"Lm(e12ma0)7fmm95)\" (2413Ommrm)⅜a\" 9(n95m\" (m24)13mmP)⅜a\"l(m9mm) P⅜ix\" e(9lmamte)d Pixelated Squares CFhlaetvlirnoen CFhlaeCGtvliarrnolcaenlexys CGiarlcalexLysazer CGiarlcCKaleuxLysbiaekzer CKeuLsbaiekzLeeraf CKeusbiekLeaFfPlaatlmineRectLaOenargFmfPluaaltanlmirnUendulaOPtirixFmoePlnalaaGtnltmiaenldaexCyirclOePsirxmeClaaGnitraecldalexCysirclePsiPxeixleaGSltaeqtldKaeuexdCaysiSirrkcqeluseasPreixselatSKeqedusSiakqreusaPriexselatKeedsSikquares Chevron Chevron Chevron 26MBEWRIDPTAHRT NUMBEWR IDTH wzHdE-IcWGhHIeDT-4T8H96 wzHdE-IcGhHeT-489647T1Hw/2\"IzHC(d1EK2-IcN0Gh7EHemST-S4m8)9647T1H/2\"IC(1K2N07EmSPSmA9R5)\"T4(N27T41UH/123M\"ICm(B1K2mEN0R)7EmSPSmA9R5) \"T(N24U13MmBmEWWR)⅜IIDDP\"TTA9(HH9R5m\"T(mN24U)13MmBmEWWR)⅜IIDD\"TT(HH9mm) HEWIWG⅜IHIDDT\"TT(HH9mm) HEIGHT THIHCEKINGEHSTS THICKNESS THICKNESS DAzatierec Circles - StandarCdirCcilrecsle- iSst1a\"n(d25amrCdmirCc)ilredcsilae-miSste1at\"ne(rd25amrdmC)irdcilaemLDisaae1zit\"reee(rr25mm) diamDLaeaztireeerr LDaazireer

Squares 27

WALLS PATTERN V-NOTCH SHEETS Patterned V notching adds visual depth to ezoBord sheets and brings harmony and control to acoustically demanding spaces. STANDARD SHAPE Basket Weave Herringbone Picket Wide Plank Wide Brick Large Diamond Large Hexagon Large Oblique Picket Plank Ribbon Triangle Large Brick Diamond Triangle 28


WALLS PANELS ezoBord Panels are acoustically effective, customizable, decorative and recycled. Easy to install ezoBord panels and our specialized design teams provide top-notch solutions, endless creative possibilities that ensures superior acoustical performance. ezoBord panels can be manufactured with custom dimensions and surface engraving in addition to available standard sizes, edges and v-notched surfaces.Consult to our design team for custom tailored solutions. EDGE OPTIONS SURFACE OPTIONS Straight Edge Beveled Edge Chamfered Edge Plain Surface Vnotch Surface 30


WALLS EZOPRINT ezoPrint adds depth and texture to any wall, improves acoustical comfort in any space, brings practicality and style to any architectural work. You can transform your environment with prints of favorite building materials, abstract designs or your own brand. Add visual interest to any wall, while providing acoustic absorption, tackability and modern style. With design options ranging from materials that imitate architectural choices to more abstract or branded options, you can transform your environment. Do you have your own ideas for printing? STANDARD PSRTINATNSD-ABRRDICPKR&INSTTSO-NBERICK & STONE We want to collaborate with you on your project. Get in touch with us to see what you’d like get printed on ezoBord. STANDARSDTAPNRDINATRSD- PBSRTINACKTNSD&-ASBRTRODICNPKER&INSTTSO-NBERICK & STCOonNcrEete Concrete Large Brick Large Brick Gravel RTSAD-NPBDSRATINACRKTNDSSD&SPT-ATRSABARTINRNNODDITDCNSPASKATERR-ARS&IDPNNTDASATPDTTPSNRAOTRID-RENNIBDARNTECRNRSToPIDSnSSC-RcTPKrIPeNAAtR&eTNTISNTDSETT-CARSOoWRnNN-cDOrSPEeOPtAeDRTTINETRSNC-SLoWanrcgOreeOBterDick Large Brick STANDARD PSRTINATNSD-APRADTTPERRINTSS - PATTERNS LeGdgraevre2lSTANDALeRdDgerP2RINSTlaSte-BWricOk OD LaLregdGegraBevrrei1clk GraLveedlger 1 WncOreOteDChevroCnCoLoannrccgrreeetCBteehrieckvroLnaGLrragareygBPeCLlrhaBeicnedrkvkigcrseokVrSni1nTeALNGaLrreDGagdGyreAgarPaBeRvlvrSaerDei1nlTcVlkkAiPsnNeRPDIaNrGAtriTLcaRLSleveeDeLddB-elVggdoPieengaSrARreFred11TurTINrA2TroTNEwSPRDLaN-eArLGtdPSeiRcgrdAaleDevgrTeBeF2TlPuroEra2RrRrodIwNHeTSrSrSinLlS-PaegFlltadPbauetgsorAetBreneoBTrrerwirT2cickEkRSNHlaSeteCrrPhBPinleralgaivcssrbktotoeennrr e SmaSlSllmaSCtlSaeahtteloeBlvnrSSrieclotaokntnee GrVaiynePlanks Vine SmaGlrl aSylaPtelaSntkosne PART NUMBER PART NWUIMDTBHER WIDTH LENGTH LENGTH THICKNES 21\" × 21\" Tile 21\" × 21\" Tile ezo-pri-2121 ezo-pri2-21\"1 2(51 33mm) 21\" (533mm)2 1\" (533mm) 21\" (533mm⅜) \" (9mm) adrtgicelre1BHooaurPrdaGrltaicPsBlseaLorBFeatduoircgraHdlrreeodrwu2r RGelaHcLslHeesadriemrgrHirneeionrgdPug2blWrbaoGsohntlneDaieterseHosRtesrerRcinLleSPaegWcliladmbalathgsoeCetieinmehtdBreerere2WDivcdrokhotRnistSeelcalSRatmeCiemhBPcaDeellrlHlaaivadDcSsrairkmoltDlkaefntttarseoerdnkSSetmoWRnaeaeSlclvllaSeCaCtsHlhiaehmateeBlvefvVtrSrdroiie4ocontzn2oDnkneo\"en-a×peWrr4kiS-2a4\"mvH2Te4iaals2ell VfltSioVnlnaeineteeWe4Sz2ato\"ov-×nper4sei4-242\"\"2HT 4(i1ol20eF u6VFu7ruirmnGrroemrlaow)sw s FHuHroroouuwrrGGllaa4ss2ss\" (1067mFDmuoD)r trosotws D⅜o\"t (s9mmH) Ledger 1 42\" (1067mm) Reclaimed W4h2i\"t e(1067mm) 42\" × 90\" Tile 42\" × 90\" Tile ezo-pri-4290 42\" (1067mm) SPEC SHEETS ⅜\" (9mm) ezo-pri-4290 90\" (2286mm) 90\" (2286mm) 42\" (1067mm) PART NUMBERPART NUMBEWRIDTH WIDTH LENGTH LENGTH THICKNESS THICKNESS PART NUMBER WIDTH Please note that all dimLeEnNsiGonTsHare nominal, supplier reseTrHveICs KthNeErSigSht to adjust sizing without prior 21\" × 21\" Tile 21\" × 21\" Tile notif ication Please note that all dimensions are nominal, supplier reserves the right to adjust s notif ication 21\" × 21\" Tile ezo-pri-2121 ezo-pri-2121 21\" (533mm) 21\" (533mm) 21\" (533mm) 21\" (533mm) ⅜\" (9mm) ⅜\" (9mm) ezo-pri-2121 21\" (533mm) 21\" (533mm) ⅜\" (9mm) www.ezo clalasitmeredDDiRaamerckolSanHmHidmWaaalelflaltfdotSvonlDeaneDstaeerWiakSmSe4atzm2ovoo\"en-na×speldr4lDi-2S4\"il2aaT4tDimle2ei aSoe4mtnz2oo\"don-×Dnper4dei-2c4\"o2T4il2e 42D\"H e(1o0cu6o47rDm2G\"eml×ac)os4 4s22\"\"WHT (i1ol0eau6v7rymDGLWmelaicn)sao sevys L4in2\"e (s1H06o7umWrDmGao)vl at4yss2Ls\" i(n10e6s7mWDmao)v tys Lin⅜e\" s(9mmH)DalifatDmo⅜on\"ot e(sn9Wmd maHv)easlftonDeiaWmaovensd Deco Deco Halftone Waves Small Slate eSztoo-nprei-4242 42\" (1067mm) 42\" (1067mm) ⅜\" (9mm) Plaster 32 42\" × 90\" Tile 42\" × 90\" Tile 42\" × 90\" Tile ezo-pri-4290 ezo-pri-4290 42\" (1067mm) 42\" (1067mm) 90\" (2286mm) 90\" (2286mm) ⅜\" (9mm) ⅜\" (9mm) PART NUMBER WIDTH ezo-pri-4290 LENGTH42\" (1067mm) THICPKANR9ET0SN\"S U(2M28B6EmRm) WIDTH ⅜\" (9mm) LENGTH

Gravel D Slate Brick Furrow Furrow Particle Board Herringbone SS THICKNESS ) ⅜\" (9mm) Halftone Waves Halftone Waves ) Reclaime⅜d\"D (9amrkm) ) ⅜\" (9mm) sizing without prior Wavy Lines Wavy Lines 33 THICKNESS



SUSPENDED OFFICE There really is no “one size fits all” solution, privacy encompasses SPEC SHEETS many different needs and behaviors, each form of privacy – acoustical, informational or visual, helps people to feel free, to share ideas and to make work visible. Designed in collaboration with B2Lab, Suspended Office is an ecosystem of spaces that re-define the privacy of the work area and shape collaborative work. Featuring Ezobord acoustical surface materials in a variety of CONFIGURATION OPTIONS visually interesting patterns, colors, and configurations that perfectly balance design and functionality SINGLE MODULE DOUBLE MODULE “L” SHAPE OPTIONAL PATTERNS Chevron Rectangular Squares Pixelated Pixelated Undulation Squares Circle 36


HOODY Instantly transform your open plan office space into individually separated, quiet SPEC SHEETS workspaces with ezoBord’s modular Hooded Desk divider system nicknamed “Hoody”. The ‘Hoody’ installs in seconds without the use of any tools and fits onto any new or existing desking/benching system. Compatible with virtually any manufacturer including all major office furniture brands. CONFIGURATIONS WIDTH SIZE 38 Hoody–Tall (48”) Hoody – Grande (60”) Hoody – Venti (72”) SINGLE HOODY ‘Hoody’s’ can be added in seconds to any fixed height or adjustable height desks. LINKED HOODY’S For fixed height workstations, infinitely link ‘Hoody’s’ together on any fixed height bench system MULTIPLE INDEPENDENT HOODY’S For use with height adjustable desking applications. Configurable in rows or back to back creating left/right and vertical social barriers. Add as many ‘Hoody’s’ as you require.


DESK SCREENS ezoBord Desk Screens are a great way to absorb sound, add privacy, SPEC SHEETS color and style in any open plan work space, enhancing speech intelligibility making every office space a better place to work in. A new generation surface material that both absorbs noise and is fully tackable. Not just another desk divider... ezoBord desk screens are a welcome addition to any open plan office and are totally customizable for size, shape, hole pattern and color. They are also available in single or double layer to fit any budget or design. ezoBord desk screens are a great, eco-friendly alternative to fabric-covered desk screens. 40


OBI Obi Mobile office dividers are the perfect way to instantly transform any space SPEC SHEETS into places where people meet collaborate, share and learn. Ruggedly built, totally mobile and ‘nestable’, OBI Office Dividers feature ezoBord acoustical surface materials and are available in a variety of visually interesting patterns. OBI office dividers are also available with magnetic rewriteable surface options and shelf and file storage options making them perfect for mutli task/ meeting environments OPTIONAL PATTERNS Bamboo Slotted Staggered Lattice Pixelated Circle CONFIGURATION OPTIONS 42


EZO ON EZO ezo on ezo gives you style, depth and sound absorption while adding visual appeal, making every office space a better place to work in. Absorb sound and create visual interest all in one simple solution... ezoBord’s ‘ezo on ezo’ product range layers our popular Work Zone Divider patterns on a second layer of contrasting color ezoBord creating a 3 dimensional, colorful appearance while adding significant sound absorption in your open space. SPEC SHEETS STANDARD SHAPE Bamboo Bubble Galaxy Leaf Slotted Staggered Arches Circles Clover Herringbone Hexagon Lattice Lazer Mediterranean Pixelated Pixelated Circles Squares Rectangular Reed Small Triangle Squares Star and Knot String Tilt Trapezoid Undulation 44


GEO TILES ezoBord Geo wall tiles are available in a wide array of shapes and sizes that can be SPEC SHEETS easily installed in endless patterns while controlling room acoustics. A new generation surface material that both absorbs noise and is fully tackable. ezoBord Geo Tiles allow for endless patterning and are offered in a wide range of colors to be applied in any combination imaginable. Geo Tiles are super light weight and easy to instal with optional pressure sensitive ezoTape on virtually any surface. STANDARD SHAPES STANDARD SHAPE Triangle STANDARD SHAPES Rectangular STANDARD SSHTAANPDESARD SHAPES STANDARD SHAPES Bow Tie Circle STANDARD SHAPES BBooww TTieie Bow Tie Square Circle STANDPAYianRYiDsanlegSHy APES Rectangular STANDSAqRuDaSrHeSATPAENSDARD TSriHanAgPleES TrTiraianngglele Circle Propeller Diamond PART NUMBER WIDTH LENGTH THICKNESS CARTON QTY THICKNESS Circle RD SHAPES PART NUMBER WIDTH LENGTH CSARTTAONN QDTAY RD SHAPES gwt-cir-0606 6\" (152mm) 6\" (152mm) Bow Tie 6\" (152mm) gwt-cir-1212 12\" (305mm) 12\" (305mm) gwt-bow-0606 4.4\" (112mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 16 ⅜\" (9mm) 16 ⅜\" (9mm) 8 gwt-bow-1212 12\" (305mm) 8.8\" (224mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 gwt-cir-2424 24\" (610mm) 24\" (610mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 gwt-bow-2424 24\" (610mm) 17.6\" (447mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 Rectangular* Triangle* Square gwt-rec-0603 51/2\" (140mm) 23/4\" (70mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 16 Square gwt-rec-1206 111/2\" (292mm) Yin Y5a1n/2\"g (140Pmumzz) le ⅜\" (9mm) 8 ⅜\" (9mm) 8 5.2\" (132mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 16 Hexagon Diagwmt-orencd2412 CARTON QTY Propeller Propeller gwt-tri-0606 16 16 8 STANDARD SHAPESRectangular 6\" (152mm) Diamond 231/2\" (597mm) 111/2\" (292mm) Rectangular Propeller Hexagon Diamont PuzzleSTANDARD SHAPESSTPAuzNzlDe ARD SHAPAPRET SNUMgwBtE-Rtri-24P2A4R TWNIUDMTHBER24\" (610mWmLI)D ETTNHrGaTpHez2o0id.78\" (P5A2RL8TEmNNmGUTM)T HHBIECRKNES⅜S\" (W9mIDmTHT) HCICAKRNTOESNSQ8 LTEYNGTEHloCnAgRaTOteNdQRTeYcTHtaICnKgNlEeSS8 gwt-tri-1212 12\" (305mm) 10.39\" (264mm) ⅜\" (9mm) PART NUMBEYRin Yang WIDTH LENGTH THICKNESS CARTON QTY ⅜\" (9mm) Elongated Triangle Circle ⅜\" (9m⅜m\") (9mm) Bow Tie gwt-yin-0606 41/2\" (114mm) 6\" (152mm) Square* Bow Tie Propeller gwt-bow-0606 6\" (152mm) 4.4\" (112mm) gwt-pro-⅜06\"0 (69 mm) 61/3\" (161m16m) 6\" (152mm) ⅜\" (9mm) gwt-cir-0606 gwt-yin-12126 \" (152mm) 9\" (229mm6) \" (152mm12) \" (305mm) gwt-sqr-0g6w06t- bow-06065 1/2\" (140m6\"m (1)5 2mm) 51/2\" (140m4m.4\") (112mm) ⅜\" (9mm⅜) \" (9mm) 16 16 16 gwt-bow-1212 12\" (305mm) 8.8\" (224mm) gwt-pro-⅜121\"2 (9mm) 122/3\" (3228mm) 12\" (305mm) ⅜\" (9mm) gwt8-cir-1212 gwt-yin-242142 \" (305mm1)8 \" (457mm12) \" (305mm24)\" (610mm) ⅜\" (9m⅜m\") (9mm) 8 8 gwt-sqr-12g1w2 t-bow-1212 111/2\" (292m12m\" (3) 05mm)1 11/2\" (292m8.m8\" )( 224mm) ⅜\" (9mm⅜) \" (9mm) 8 8 gwt8-cir-2424 24\" (610mm) 24\" (610mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 in square edge beveled edge. gwt-bow-2424 24\" (610mm) 17.6\" (447mm) gwt-pro-⅜24\"2 4(9 mm) 251/3\" (6483mm) 24\" (610mm) ⅜\" (9mm) * Available or gwt-sqr-2g4w24t- bow-2424 231/2\" (5972m4\"m (6) 10mm2) 31/2\" (5D9i7a1mm7.6om\"n )d( 4*47mm) ⅜\" (9mm⅜) \" (9mm) 8 8 Rectangular* Please note that all dimensions are nominal, supplier reserves the right to adjust sizing without prior Triangle* Triangle* notif ication gwt-dia-0606 6\" (152mm) 3.47\" 88mm) ⅜\" (9mm) gwt16-rec-0603 51/2\" (140mm) 23/4\" (70mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 16 16 Hexagon gwt8-rec-1206 111/2\" (292mm) 51/2\" (140mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 wFwawn.ezoBo Yin Yang gwt-tri-06*0A6v ailablegwints-tq6rui\"- a0(1r65e02em6d mge) or beve6le\" d5(1.25e\"2d m(g13em2. m) m) ⅜\" (9mm) 12\" (30⅜5m\" m(9)m m) 6.93\" (1761m6 m) Hexagon gw5t-.d2\"ia (-1132212m m) gwt-tri-12P12l ease note tha12t\"a (l3l 0d5immemn)s ions are n10o.3m9i\"n (a2l6, 4sumpmpl)i er reserve⅜s\"t (h9emrmigh) t to adjust 8sizing without prior ⅜\" (9mm) notif icatiognwt-tri-1212 Trapezoid Elongated Rectangle Parallelogram Elongated Triangle1224\"2\" (0(36.P071A805m\"Rm (T5mm2N)8)U mMmBE)T RgHrawepx21t0-a0edg..3zi7oa9o8-nP\"2i⅜\"* Ad4 ((W22R5\"6 42T(I49 D8NmmmTUHmmmM)))B ER24\" (61⅜⅜0m\"\"8L mW((E99N)mmI DGmmTTEHH)) lon13g.8a6t\" e(3d5882RmLemEcTN) tHGaEITCnlHoKgnNlegES⅜aSt\"e (9dmRme) ctCaTAHnRIgCTglOKewNNt8-EQrSeTScY2P41a2r alleCloAgRrTaOmN23Q1/T2\"Y (597mmEl)o ngat1e11d/2\" T(2r9iaE2nmlogmnleg) ated Tria⅜n\"g (9lemm) 8 FanPuzzle gwt-tri-2424 THICKNESS NGTH FangCwAtR-t2Tr4iO-\"2N 4(62Q140T mY m) Propeller Yin Yang Square* Square* gwt-hexP-0ro60p6e ller 6\" (152mm) 5.2\"w (1w32wm.emz)o Bord.com⅜\" (9mm) 16 gwt-sqr-0606 51/2\" (140mm) gwt-pro-0606 61/3\" (161mm) 6\" (152mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 16 gwt-yin-0606 41/2\" (114mm) 6\"P (A15R2TmNmU) MBER ⅜\"W (9ImDTmH) 16 LENGTH 51/2\" (140mm) gwt-hexg-⅜1w21\"t2 -( p9rmo-m06) 06 12\" (305m16m61)/ 3\" (161mm10).3 9\" (264m6m\" ()1 52mm) ⅜\" (9mm) ⅜\" (9m8m) 16 52mm) ⅜\" (9mm) g1w6 t-sqr-0606 51/2\" (g14w0tm-prmo-)1 212 51/2\" (141022m/3\"m (3)2 2mm) ⅜\"1 2(9\" m(30m5)m m) 16 ⅜\" (9mm) 8 gwt-yin-1212 9\" (229mm) 12P\" (u3z0z5lemm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 ER WIDTH gwt-sqr-12L1E2N GTH 111/2\" (292TmHmIC)K NESS 111/2\" (292CmARmT)O NgQwTtY-hexg-⅜2w4\"t2 -4(p9 rmo-m121)2 24\" (610m8m122) /3\" (322m2m0.7)8 \" (528m12m\" ()3 05mm)⅜ \" (9mm) ⅜\" (9m8m) 8 305mm) 46⅜\" (9mm) g8wt-sqr-1212 111/2\" (g2w92t-mprmo-)2 424 111/2\" (292521m/3\"m (6)4 3mm) ⅜\"2 (49\"m (6m10)m m) 8 ⅜\" (9mm) 8 gwt-yin-2424 18\" (457mm) 24g\"w (6t1-0pmuzm-1)2 12 ⅜\"1 (19.9m8\"m (3) 04mm) 8 9.83\" (250mm) gwt-sqr-2424 231/2\" (597mm) 231/2\" (597mm) g⅜w\"t -(p9rmo-m24)2 4 8251/3\" (643mm) 24\" (610mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 (610mm) ⅜\" (9mm) g8wt-sqr-2424 231/2\"D (5ia9m7monmd*) * Av2a3il1a/2b\"l e(5i9n7smqumar)e edge or b⅜ev\"e l(e9dmemdg)e . 8 gwt-puz-2424 231/2\" (596mm) 19.69\" (500mm) 11.98\" (304mm) 9.83\" (250mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 8 Please nDotiaemthoant dal*l dimensions are nominal, supplier reserves the right to adjust sizing*wAivthaoiluatbplerioinr square edge or beveled edge. * Available in square edge or beveled edge. gwt-dia-0606 notif ication6\" (152mm) 3.47\" 88mm) ⅜\" (9mm) 16

Trapezoid THICKNESS CARTON QTY ⅜\" (9mm) 8 47 ⅜\" (9mm) 8

WORK ZONE DIVIDER SPEC SHEETS ezoBord Work Zone Dividers add privacy, color and style, making every office space a better place to work in. Divide space, absorb sound and create visual privacy all in one simple solution... ezoBord Work Zone Dividers are cut in various shapes and patterns ranging from organic shapes to geometric shapes to cityscapes. A great way to define space quickly and cost effectively. STANDARDSSTAHNADPEASRDSTSAHNADPEASRD SHAPES DPEASRDSTSAHNADPSEATSRADNSDHAAPREDS SHAPAzEtec Aztec ABzatemcbooSTANBDamARboDoSSTAHNABDPamEABSubRboDboSleTSAHNADPEABSuRbDbleSHAPEBSubble STANDARD SHAPES Aztec Bamboo Bubble Chevron Circles Cube Daire Deco Dokuma Rectangular ADBzaatDiermeccboooSTANBDaDmAecRbCoohDoeSvSTroAHnNABDPaDDmEABeoScubRCkobohuDboemSlveTSaroAHnNADPDEABoSuRCkbhuDbemClveSiarrocHnleAs PDEBoSukbubmCleiarcleLDsaazSiereTr ANCDircCAleuRLDsbaDaeziereSr HAPECuSLDbaaezDiLereracof DLDOeoacrkmofuamna RectaUDnOnogrkudmuluaamrlnaUatniodunlaDtOioorkmnuamna ADzatierec CubeDLeacof PART NUMBER PART NUMBEWRIDPTAHRT NUMBEWR IDTH HEIWGHIDTTH HEIGHT THIHCEKINGEHSTS THICKNESS THICKNESS Aztec Aztec Aztec wzd-azt-4896 wzd-azt-4896471w/2\"z(d12-a0z7tm-4m89)6471/2\" (1207mm95)\"4(2741/123\"m(12m0)7mm95) \" (2413mm)⅜\" 9(95m\" (m24)13mm)⅜\" (9mm) ⅜\" (9mm) Bamboo Bamboo Bamboo wzd-bam-4896 wzd-bam-4894671w/2\"z(d12-b0a7m-m48) 94671/2\" (1207mm95)\"4(2741/123\"m(12m0)7mm95) \" (2413mm)⅜\" 9(95m\" (m24)13mm)⅜\" (9mm) ⅜\" (9mm) Bubble Bubble Bubble Flaline wzd-bubG-4a89la6 xywzd-bub-48K946e7s1w/2ik\"z(d12-b0u7mb-m48)946L71a/2\"z(e12r07mm95)\"4(2741/123\"Lm(e12ma0)7fmm95)\" (2413Ommrm)⅜a\" 9(n95m\" (m24)13mmP)⅜a\"l(m9mm) P⅜ix\" e(9lmamte)d Pixelated Squares CFhlaetvlirnoen CFhlaeCGtvliarrnolcaenlexys CGiarlcalexLysazer CGiarlcCKaleuxLysbiaekzer CKeuLsbaiekzLeeraf CKeusbiekLeaFfPlaatlmineRectLaOenargFmfPluaaltanlmirnUendulaOPtirixFmoePlnalaaGtnltmiaenldaexCyirclOePsirxmeClaaGnitraecldalexCysirclePsiPxeixleaGSltaeqtldKaeuexdCaysiSirrkcqeluseasPreixselatSKeqedusSiakqreusaPriexselatKeedsSikquares Chevron Chevron Chevron 48MBEWRIDPTAHRT NUMBEWR IDTH wzHdE-IcWGhHIeDT-4T8H96 wzHdE-IcGhHeT-489647T1Hw/2\"IzHC(d1EK2-IcN0Gh7EHemST-S4m8)9647T1H/2\"IC(1K2N07EmSPSmA9R5)\"T4(N27T41UH/123M\"ICm(B1K2mEN0R)7EmSPSmA9R5) \"T(N24U13MmBmEWWR)⅜IIDDP\"TTA9(HH9R5m\"T(mN24U)13MmBmEWWR)⅜IIDD\"TT(HH9mm) HEWIWG⅜IHIDDT\"TT(HH9mm) HEIGHT THIHCEKINGEHSTS THICKNESS THICKNESS DAzatierec Circles - StandarCdirCcilrecsle- iSst1a\"n(d25amrCdmirCc)ilredcsilae-miSste1at\"ne(rd25amrdmC)irdcilaemDLisaae1zit\"reee(rr25mm) diamDLaeaztireeerr LDaazireer

Squares 49

PATTERN V-NOTCH SHEETS Patterned V notching adds visual depth to ezoBord sheets and brings harmony and control to acoustically demanding spaces. STANDARD SHAPE Basket Weave Herringbone Picket Wide Plank Wide Brick Large Diamond Large Hexagon Large Oblique Picket Plank Ribbon Triangle Large Brick Diamond Triangle 50

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